Mixer      04/16/2019

How to remove bed bugs yourself. How to remove bedbugs from an apartment on your own quickly and effectively

Few people know how to kill bedbugs in an apartment will be effective and safe, because bed bugs tenacious and resistant to stressful situations. Usually, having searched the Internet for advice on how to kill bedbugs at home, the apartment owner is determined to do away with them forever in one evening, but more often than not, such a struggle drags on for many months.

We have prepared especially for you detailed instructions How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment yourself. Multiply your zeal with our professional experience, and may the force be with you!

Destruction of bedbugs: barrier protection or collective treatment

Many who already have experience fighting bloodsuckers know that a few days after chemical treatment they often appear again. There are several reasons for this.

The first thing you need to do is make sure that neighboring apartments are not infested with bedbugs. These insects easily travel from neighbor to neighbor, while remaining unnoticed.

In one recent study, which was conducted in a large apartment building, it turned out that of all the apartments where bedbugs were found, only in half of them the owners knew about the infestation.

The fact is that many people do not feel their bites, which is why the bugs manage to multiply and spread to their neighbors. Therefore, the following rule applies here: if one apartment is contaminated, then all adjacent sections (left, right, top and bottom) are considered contaminated until a thorough inspection is carried out in them.

Just asking your neighbors if anyone is biting them is not enough - try to convince them to take action. After all, bedbugs in the entrance are like chickenpox in kindergarten- if they are not in one apartment now, then after your treatment they can easily appear - kindly explain this to those who do not understand. By carrying out pest control together (even for preventive purposes), you will not leave the bloodsuckers any escape route.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to come to an agreement with neighbors. In this case, when processing, pay Special attention those areas through which bedbugs can get to you from other apartments (read more about this below). Check whether the cracks in the walls, floor and ceiling where communications pass are hermetically sealed and seal them ventilation holes fine mesh.

What means to kill bedbugs

If you don’t want to waste time, nerves and a lot of money, you have to look at things realistically - don’t look for a miraculous remedy that will easily and without hassle get rid of bedbugs, there is no such remedy.

I’ll briefly tell you what and how you can destroy bedbugs at home yourself. Firstly, you should not try to do this using folk remedies - at best, you will cause them slight confusion with pungent odors, nothing more.

Secondly, do not give preference to aerosols or sprays - they are ineffective against bedbugs. These pests are real guerrillas, they can hide in inaccessible places and sit out for several days, and short-term chemical exposure only makes them more resistant. In addition, more and more new larvae will hatch from the eggs, and treatments will have to be repeated again and again, this is costly and impractical.

It is best to use contact-type insecticides that remain effective for 5-6 weeks after application. The professional products used by bedbug extermination services are not commercially available, but there are similar retail pesticides available to the public.

Among them are drugs from the following groups:

  1. FOS: Averfos, Agran, Dobrokhim FOS, Dobrokhim Micro, Force-Site
  2. Pyrethroids: Biorin, Favorite
  3. Neonicotinoids: Confidant

(The above products are registered in Russia and approved for use by Rospotrebnadzor)

Besides the bedroom, bedbugs can live in any room where people sleep. The living room with soft sofas and armchairs is the next most popular room among bloodsuckers. A typical infestation begins in one room and then gradually spreads to wherever there are sleeping areas. The sooner you find them and take action, the easier it will be to get rid of them. If you wait too long, bedbugs will infest the entire house.

  • Don't rush to throw away furniture. In most cases, there is no need to throw away beds, sofas and bedding. It’s too expensive to change all this, and besides, the bugs remaining in the apartment will quickly populate new furniture. Rather than incur such expenses, it is cheaper to order professional disinfection.
  • Protect your sleeping area. It is fundamentally important not to change your place of rest at night to reduce the risk of bedbugs spreading throughout the house. After all, if you move to sleep in another room, the bedbugs will follow you, and as a result, the fight will become much more difficult. To make your bed a safety zone, follow these steps:

  • Treat the rest of the house. This is the most labor-intensive stage of the work. If you managed to find bedbugs in the first week of their appearance, then disinsection of the bed may be enough, but most likely they have already spread throughout the room. So don’t rely on luck and proceed further according to the instructions:
  • How to destroy bedbug eggs and larvae

    Newly emerged larvae are also very small (1-1.5mm) and colorless, so they are not easy to notice. After each bite, the larvae grow and become increasingly darker in color.

    Bedbugs are prone to migration and settlement already in the adult stage, therefore, to destroy eggs and larvae, it is enough. Although this is quite a difficult task, if you follow these instructions, you will be able to find all the nests with a 95% probability.

    How to monitor the situation after treatment

    Pay attention to whether new bites appear on your body (if, of course, they appear on you). Every 3-4 days, conduct a thorough inspection of the room and furniture according to the scheme described above. Observe whether new insects appear in the traps (which are under the legs of the bed), and periodically clean these traps. Continue monitoring for 2-3 months.

    If after this period you do not find any signs of the presence of bedbugs, then your diligent efforts will be generously rewarded. You can celebrate your victory!

    But if after 3 weeks after treatment the bedbugs have not disappeared, do not despair - this happens not only to you. Gather your strength and carry out the entire procedure again, you may need to do this a third time. Be persistent and remember to alternate insecticides from different groups.

    The appearance of bedbugs in the house often causes irritation and panic among owners. Many cannot understand why insects settled in their home, because the surroundings are clean and orderly.

    Unlike cockroaches, bedbugs bite humans painfully and can easily infect dangerous disease, provoke allergic reactions. The owners are concerned with the question: “How to get rid of bedbugs in the apartment on your own and forever?” It is important to know the causes of its occurrence, methods of control and prevention.

    How to recognize: features of insects

    Not everyone knows what bedbugs look like. Pests often live near humans, but are rarely seen. Dangerous insects are active at night, during the day they hide in the sofa, among bedding, where it is warm and there are many secluded places. It is not uncommon for people to wake up in the morning with itchy red dots from bites, but in most cases the unpleasant symptoms are attributed to mosquitoes.

    Features of structure and vital activity:

    Go to the address and read about first aid for a bee sting and further treatment.

    The bite site should be lubricated with one of the following products:

    • plantain juice or aloe;
    • St. John's wort tincture;
    • vinegar;
    • alcohol;
    • soda solution;
    • with the drug Fenistil-gel.

    To prevent allergies, you will have to take an antihistamine tablet. Suprastin, Cetrin, Tavegil, Diazolin are suitable. Activated carbon will help to collect and remove toxins.

    Prevent intrusion dangerous insects The following measures will help:

    • inspection of furniture, paintings, antiques upon purchase;
    • regular cleaning of the apartment;
    • sealing cracks in the floor and window sill;
    • installation of special grilles with a fine mesh in ventilation areas.

    Useful tips on how to get rid of bedbugs forever in the following video:

    Due to their small size, bed bloodsuckers are very difficult to notice. They do not strive to catch the eye of a person; they often hide in cracks or under sheets, in mattresses and pillows. How to remove bloodsuckers if they are not visible? How to find out who bites at night: a mosquito or a bug? The first difference is the remaining traces: the bite of a winged squeaker is, as a rule, an isolated incident. Bedbug bites line up and appear on the body in the form of tracks.

    If you don’t hear a thin mosquito squeak at night, and in the morning multiple red itchy spots are found on your body, then there are only two options left: allergies and bedbugs. People often refer to an allergic reaction and look for the causative agent when the real problem is the small tenants in the bed.

    The appearance of unpleasant neighbors in an apartment is accompanied by small bloody spots on linen, upholstery of chairs and sofas, or on clothes, depending on the location of the colony. Drops of blood remain after a feast of hungry insects, as does excrement. Black dots, similar to fly guano, are a natural result of living organisms that are hardly noticeable to the eye.

    The Internet is teeming with dozens of tips for destroying different types insects It is recommended to use herbs, a vacuum cleaner, heat treatment, liquids, and sulfur smoke for bedbugs. The authors advise how to get rid of bedbugs without outside help at home.

    Professional means to combat bedbugs

    • Powder
    • Liquid
    • Aerosol
    • Gel-like
    • Special chalk

    A large number of different pest treatments are sold in stores and markets. Among them you can choose products that are highly effective and relatively safe for human health. Thorough treatment of the entire room can lead to a positive result, but requires a mandatory repetition of the procedure. A single intact egg or surviving individual will return the problem, and the owners will rack their brains about how to get rid of bedbugs completely.

    Insecticides must be used with extreme caution: these are strong chemicals, their harmlessness to people is due to the strict observance of all precautions. Minor residues of the substance on the treated surface can lead to an allergic reaction or poisoning. Pets and children are especially at risk; their unprotected bodies react more strongly to the irritant. Cases of death of children and animals have been recorded as a result of negligent use of insecticidal preparations.

    Determining all the habitats of bedbugs in a house is not easy. Their favorite place to live is the bed, where they have immediate access to food: human blood. However, they can choose more interesting places: upholstered chairs, sofas, carpets, closets with clothes or linens, towels, wooden items and cracks in the floor. An experienced professional can quickly find all sources of infection. The exterminator will inspect the premises and choose the optimal set of methods to solve the problem.

    Why should you hire a pest control company?

    • The specialists have experience in pest control and know it quickly.
    • Professional insect exterminators strictly adhere to all necessary safety measures.
    • The most suitable effective remedy for processing the room.
    • Special equipment allows steam and chemicals penetrate into all crevices.
    • The exterminator will not miss a single nook where bedbugs may be hiding.
    • After completing the procedure, it is necessary to ventilate the room for several hours. A company employee will instruct the owners on further actions and safety precautions.
    • If necessary, a repeat procedure will be scheduled.

    The employees of the ECO-STOLITSA company know how to carry out disinfestation from any room, even in the most neglected situation. You have been suffering from insect bites for a long time or have just noticed their presence - the ECO-CAPITAL team will relieve you of inconvenient roommates quickly and safely. We will eradicate the pests and teach you how to prevent them from appearing in the future. Just one call separates you from a quiet life in cozy home, where only those you let in live.

    How to get rid of bed bugs in an apartment?

    A brief introduction to bedbugs

    The lifespan of a bug is quite long for a blood-sucking insect - 1 year, maximum - 14 months

    The bug has a small body – 3–8.5 mm in length, strongly flattened. Its color can range from gray-yellow to brown: the color of the individual depends on how saturated the insect is with blood. Females are usually larger than males.

    The mouthparts are adapted for piercing skin and sucking blood. At the end of the small head of the bug there is a proboscis with sharp stilettos. The jaws look like sharp bristles connected to each other. They form two channels: one serves for the injection of saliva with substances that prevent blood clotting, and the second for its absorption into the digestive tract of the insect.

    Bedbugs reproduce at a high rate. Males are able to have contact with a female up to 200 times per day. For a female individual, only one meeting with a male individual is enough for her to lay eggs throughout her entire existence. During her life, she manages to put aside about 500 pieces. The eggs are covered with a dense shell that provides protection to the embryos. It is not only difficult to crush them, but also to destroy them with chemicals, because toxic substances do not penetrate the membrane.

    Ideal conditions have been created in a person’s home for bedbugs to feel good and healthy. Suits them temperature regime and air humidity that are maintained in the apartment. Although insects are not able to jump and fly, they move very quickly. The peak of their daily activity occurs at night and early morning, when people are still sleeping. During this period, they begin to intensively feed on his blood.

    Harm caused

    It has not been scientifically proven that these insects are capable of carrying infectious diseases from person to person. But scientists have suspicions that they can transmit dangerous diseases: viral hepatitis, smallpox, typhoid fever, tularemia and others.

    Signs of bedbugs in the house

    The first time after bedbugs appear in the house, it is very difficult to detect them. During the daylight hours, when a person is awake, they hide in secluded and dark corners in furniture, linen and other household items.

    Ways to fight

    Insects love hidden corners, so surface treatment will not be enough. You should carefully go through the entire sleeping area, not forgetting about the cracks in the floor and walls. Bedbugs and their nits can end up behind peeled pieces of wallpaper, between floorboards and parquet boards.

    Before processing

    Having determined the extent of the infestation at home and the approximate scope of work, you can proceed to active action. can’t be called easy, but you can’t do without it:

    1. Remove the used bedding set from the bed and wash it in hot water, the temperature of which should not be lower than 50 °C. After drying, it must be ironed with steam and packaged in a securely closed bag.
    2. The most time-consuming part of treating a room for bedbugs is disinfecting all clothing. With those that can be washed at high temperatures, repeat the same manipulations as with bed linen. It is important not to forget about every item of clothing in your wardrobe and pack all items in sealed bags. If there is a steamer in the house, it will greatly facilitate the work: under the influence of hot steam, both adult individuals and their laid eggs die.
    3. Items whose materials are not intended to be exposed to high temperatures, you need to take it to the dry cleaner.
    4. Another object of work is shoes. It also needs to be folded into plastic bags, pour insecticidal powder inside (for example, boric acid), and tie securely.
    5. The same should be done with household items: pillows, blankets, children's toys.
    6. Furniture is moved away from the walls to gain access to nooks and baseboards.
    7. Dishes and food are also packaged in sealed bags to prevent toxic substances from coming into contact with them.
    It is safer to carry out the treatment in the entire apartment at once. This way you can be sure that bed bugs are not left in any of the rooms, from where they will soon spread throughout the house again.

    Chemical insecticides

    If bedbugs significantly bother household members or are in the house in large quantities, then you can’t do without using chemical insecticides. When the substances in their composition enter the body of an insect, they lead to paralysis. nervous system and death.

    A convenient form of insecticides are aerosols and sprays, for example:

    • "Microfos";

    They are sprayed in places where insects live: on the mattress, bed and adjacent area of ​​the room. Thanks to a special nozzle, you can reach the farthest corners and process all the cracks.

    Aerosols can leave liquid marks on the mattress.

    Along with aerosols, concentrates that need to be diluted in water demonstrate excellent effectiveness. The working composition is used to treat the furniture frame, walls and floor with baseboards.

    Precautionary measures

    All chemical insecticides contain toxic substances. Therefore, when working with them, you must strictly follow the rules of personal safety:

    • Before starting the procedure, put on a respirator and gloves;
    • instead of a protective suit, you can use a raincoat;
    • Avoid contact of substances with skin and mucous membranes.

    When processing, there should be no other people or pets in the room. Although manufacturers claim that their products are safe for human and animal health, it is better not to neglect taking care of their condition.

    After the treatment, you need to close all doors and windows in the room. The influx of fresh air will reduce the concentration of active substances, and the result will be minimal. All people and animals must leave the house for several hours.

    Within 5 days after disinfestation, you should not carry out wet cleaning so that the insecticides act on all individuals. You can wash only those items that are used by household members.

    Most products are designed only for, and they cannot be used to destroy shell-protected eggs. Therefore, re-treatment is carried out after 10 days, when new bugs hatch from them.

    Traditional methods

    Traditional methods will help if there are few bed bugs in the house or if the owner for some reason does not want to use toxic compounds in his residential area. For example:

    1. Home remedies for bedbugs include plants and essential oils, which have a strong odor that repels insects. Therefore, branches of fresh or dried wormwood, tansy and wild rosemary, growing in peat bogs, are laid out around the sleeping area.
    2. The most popular among non-traditional remedies against bedbugs is table vinegar with a concentration of 9%. It is diluted in equal parts with water, and all necessary surfaces are treated with this solution. The main disadvantage of this method is the pungent odor, which is thoroughly absorbed into wooden surfaces and fabrics. To get rid of it, you will need to ventilate the room multiple times.
    3. An effective but dangerous way is to use flammable materials. Mix 20 g of kerosene and turpentine in 200 ml of water, adding a teaspoon to the solution liquid soap. This composition is used to wipe furniture, floors and baseboards. Today this method is practically not used: the composition is strong and bad smell, besides, the surface treated with it can flare up from one spark.
    4. Bedbugs do not tolerate strong drops and increases in temperature, so their presence in the house is combated by freezing and heating the room. This method is quite labor-intensive and was usually used in the old days when there was no other alternative. But even today it does not lose its effectiveness. In winter, when the thermometer drops to -15 °C, you need to take all personal belongings outside, and open all windows indoors for half a day. Both adult bedbugs and their nits die. The same thing happens when the air temperature rises to 48 °C.

    Folk remedies can be successfully combined with the use of chemical insecticides. For example, treat the room with an aerosol, and take the mattress, on which it is undesirable to spray toxic substances, out into the cold.

    Preventive measures are the basis for protecting your home from bedbugs

    1. Once a month in all areas of the house it is necessary to carry out general cleaning: including radical cleaning of sleeping areas and moving furniture away to eliminate contaminants in remote areas.
    2. Bed linen should be changed regularly. Ironing with hot steam will kill bedbugs and nits when they appear.
    3. Before buying furniture (not only used, but also new), you need to make sure that it is not infested with insects.
    4. After new or already used furniture has entered the house, it should be thoroughly washed, treated with an insecticidal preparation or wiped with a solution of table vinegar in water.
    5. During repairs, it is necessary to tightly seal all cracks and holes with high-quality sealant.
    6. When traveling to visit or go on vacation, you need to pay attention to a new sleeping place. If there are bedbugs, they will most likely end up in your luggage.
    7. When sending your child to kindergarten, you should ask the teachers about the infectious state of the premises.

    Whatever product is chosen, it is important to use it correctly and carry out extensive treatment. If even just a few individuals remain alive, they are capable of giving birth to offspring, and then all the work will be in vain. Maintaining cleanliness in the house and the appropriate use of chemicals or folk remedies– the key to getting rid of bedbugs forever.

    Many people who are faced with the problem of bedbug infestation in their apartment prefer to immediately contact pest control services. Meanwhile, this expensive event may not provide the quick and long-term effect that residents are counting on.

    At the same time, there are a great many ways to get rid of bedbugs on your own, and today everyone can literally take measures within a day that will completely disappear from the premises.

    Today, the market is flooded with household insecticides that make it easy and inexpensive to carry out pest control yourself. The effectiveness of these products proves that independent destruction of bedbugs is quite possible.

    Using aerosol insecticides for bedbugs

    Aerosol products are best used locally - spray them over bedbug nests or places where they accumulate, because after application to the surface the drug does not retain its effectiveness for long.

    Aerosols have one significant drawback: after spraying, a significant part of the poison enters the air and can penetrate the respiratory tract of a person or animal. Therefore, when working with sprays, it is important to strictly follow the instructions:

    • Before use, remove food and hide personal items
    • remove animals and children from the room, close the aquariums tightly and turn off the air intakes
    • wear personal protective equipment: mask or respirator, goggles, gloves, maybe a robe
    • open the windows wide
    • The can must be shaken thoroughly to mix the components of the product
    • spray areas where insects accumulate and secluded areas of the room, holding the can at arm's length. The distance to the spray object is approximately 20 cm. Do not use aerosols near switched-on electrical appliances or open fire. Try to spray so that you get a continuous line.
    • After treatment, you need to leave the windows open and leave the room for at least half an hour.

    Before you remove bedbugs yourself using sprays, you need to ensure that you have personal protective equipment: gloves, a cotton-gauze bandage or a respirator, glasses. They will reduce the likelihood of the insecticide getting on the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract and ensure proper safety during work.

    Application of insecticidal powders and crayons

    When people think about how to poison bedbugs themselves, they often rely on the advice of salespeople in a store or market. Many of them offer products in powder or chalk form that are supposedly very effective.

    In fact, this form of release of the product does not always have an effect against bedbugs, because these insects will not eat the poisonous powder (as, for example, a cockroach could do) - bedbugs feed exclusively on blood. Therefore, only those powder insecticides that contain contact poison, and not just intestinal poison, can really work. The fight against such powders is quite effective, but takes time.

    Self-extermination of bedbugs usually involves the use of the following insecticidal powders:

    Destruction of bedbugs by heat treatment

    House bugs, like all living beings, have their own temperature limits for existence. Therefore, when exterminating bedbugs yourself, you can use the old proven trick: in winter, take the infested sofa outside and leave it there for several hours.

    If you have the opportunity to move out for a couple of days, you can “freeze out” the entire apartment, however, this is dangerous for plumbing (heating pipes may burst).

    See also our experiments on bedbugs:

    We catch bedbugs and test for them different means- see the results...

    House bugs cannot tolerate temperatures of minus 22 degrees and below, and if the apartment is located in a region where such frosts occur, then such a method as freezing the room is worth taking note.

    Folk remedies against bedbugs

    There are also variants of mixtures that kill insects upon direct contact with them. Unfortunately, they do not have a prolonged action. There is no point in applying them throughout the apartment; you can only treat discovered nests of bed bugs:

    • a mixture of vinegar, naphthalene and 90% alcohol in equal parts;
    • pure denatured alcohol;
    • aviation kerosene.

    It is worth remembering that independent cleaning only makes sense if the number of insects in the house is small. In addition, the use of toxic chemical substances requires strict safety precautions: the use of gloves, masks and goggles.

    Denatured alcohol, alcohol and aviation fluid are highly flammable and should not be used near a fire source. In addition, these products are toxic to animals.

    So, as you can see, exterminating bedbugs on your own in an apartment is not such an impossible task if you approach it wisely. It is possible to completely get rid of the bed bug population in a fairly short time, but there is always a risk of their re-infiltration, for example, from neighbors. Therefore, it is useful to act together with other residents of the house.

    If it is not possible to come to an agreement with your neighbors, then you need to carry out constant preventive measures and protect your apartment from new penetration of bedbugs.

    5 effective ways to destroy bed bugs in an apartment