In a private house      04/19/2019

How and with what to poison bedbugs in an apartment yourself: preparation of the tenant and rules for treating the premises. How you can kill bed bugs in your apartment yourself1 min read

When bed bugs are discovered in an apartment, many property owners first run to the market or hardware store for the already familiar Dichlorvos, Karbofos, Reid... Their calculation is clear: these products have already helped them or their friends or ants once. So, they can also poison bedbugs?..

However, disinsection is carried out using such commonly used means, money, time and effort are wasted, but remain and continue to actively torment the residents. The resistance of these insects and their ability to get used to various poisons is much higher than that of ordinary cockroaches and ants. And therefore we have to deal with them using slightly different methods.

So, let's try to figure out what to poison bedbugs with and how to do it correctly.

What is the best way to poison bedbugs today?

Baiting bedbugs should always be carried out by the most effective and well-known this moment insecticides. Bed bugs are an evolutionarily dynamic species of insect, and when they are frequently exposed to the same substance, populations that are resistant to that particular substance constantly emerge.

Therefore, in order to choose how to poison bedbugs in an apartment, you should take into account the following tips:

  • Call your local SES and find out what they use to poison bedbugs and what products they can recommend. Sometimes it is the sanitary and epidemiological station that works most effectively, and their advice can be useful.
  • Ask friends who have encountered the same problem what insecticides they used and how successful it was.
  • Interview your neighbors, especially those whose apartments are suspected of being the source of a bedbug infestation. Find out what they tried to poison the insects with and buy another product - if the insecticide they indicated does not help, then using it is a waste of time and effort.

Executioner is a German insecticide produced by Russian chemical enterprises under a license from the developer. It is considered by professionals to be one of the most preferred means for baiting bed bugs.

In one apartment it requires approximately 1200-2000 rubles for the product itself, depending on the size of the apartment, and two days to treat the room.

The Executioner is based on the insecticide fenthion, which disrupts nervous system insect and leading to the death of all bedbugs that managed to come into contact with the product.

To ensure that the room is rid of bloodsuckers, it is necessary to carry out the treatment twice with an interval of four to five days. After the first treatment, bedbug eggs may remain in secluded places in the apartment, from which the larvae will hatch within a few days. Repeated baiting of bedbugs will destroy them too.

Victoria, Vologda

When using the Executioner, precautions must be taken: all people and animals should be removed from the apartment being processed, and the handler himself should work in a cotton-gauze bandage and gloves.

Destruction of bedbugs with insecticide

Insecticide is a fairly effective development of Russian scientists, often turning out to be even more effective than most other means. One bottle of Klopomor with a spray bottle will be enough to treat and completely destroy bedbugs in a standard two-room apartment.

The secret of such a powerful effect lies in the complex composition of Klopomor: in addition to cypermethrin, it contains permethrin and piperonyl butoxide. This mixture of highly effective insecticides lasts for a long time in those places that the handler cannot reach when baiting insects, and therefore a single treatment of a room with Bedbug Killer is enough to completely remove bed bugs.

“We bought this thing. Tin, not a drug. Mows down everything that has six legs. We thought we were going to die ourselves. After treating it at home, my husband’s hands were chapped, but then everything went away. Three months after the persecution, they changed the floor in the hall, so behind the baseboards there was a real cemetery for bedbugs.”

Yana, Golma

But you should remember about the high toxicity of Insecticide. Before poisoning bedbugs with this drug, you need to read the instructions and take into account that even its remains in the room can cause allergic reactions in susceptible people.

After treating the apartment with the Insecticide, a thorough cleaning of the entire apartment is required.

Tetrix against bed bugs

Tetrix is ​​famous for its rarity on the market (it can be difficult to obtain), its monstrous smell and amazing effectiveness. It is not for nothing that many private professional pest control services use it.

Tetrix is ​​produced in Holland, and is a solution ready for spraying in an apartment.

On a note

Almost no professional bedbug baiting organization tells its clients, without specific request, that they use Tetrix. This drug is quite toxic, but wears off very quickly. After treating an apartment with it, after only three to four hours it ceases to pose a threat, although its smell lingers for a long time. Therefore, after such disinfestation, thorough ventilation and wet cleaning of the room is required.

To use Tetrix independently, you must strictly observe all safety measures, and in addition, vacate the apartment from its inhabitants for at least two days until the persistent smell of the drug disappears.

“They called the service and paid 4,000 rubles for two apartments on the site. The stench after the persecution reached the first floor. Then they washed everything for a week. But it’s true that bedbugs didn’t appear at all after that. Then they asked the guys what kind of remedy they had. They said it was Tetrix."

Lyubov Georgievna, Krasnoyarsk


Which is increasingly being replaced by the more modern Executioner, Bug Killer or Combat. However, it is extremely affordable price and its wide popularity still allow it to remain among the leaders in sales of insecticides against house bugs.

True, before you kill bedbugs with it, you need to become familiar with all the specifics of its use. Its use in general requires a little more effort and time, but is well suited for treating very large rooms. For example - private houses.

The disadvantages of Karbofos are a rather persistent odor, as well as the need to poison bedbugs with it twice: repeated treatment is carried out 3-4 days after the first disinfestation procedure.

Aerosol product Combat

Many people spend a long time choosing what to use to poison house bugs because of the bad smell of most products. Combat is ideal in this case: this Korean product is made with the addition of mint and lemon flavors, and therefore even residues of the product after treating the apartment do not leave unpleasant odor in it.

In addition, Kombat is available in convenient aerosol cans, like air fresheners. Thanks to this, it does not need to be dissolved in anything, which reduces the time it takes to general processing premises.

Mashenka chalk is also effective against bedbugs

No matter how it may seem like a kind of relic of post-perestroika times, it still confidently copes with bedbugs in the most different rooms. Part of its success is due to the fact that the manufacturer constantly strengthens its composition with more and more new insecticides.

Poisoning bedbugs with Mashenka is a little more troublesome and time-consuming than using the same Executioner or Combat, but this allows you to carry out baiting without removing the inhabitants from the apartment.

In addition, Mashenka is the simplest and most effective drug today for preventing bedbugs from entering the house ( a wide line is simply drawn, the intersection of which will be fatal to crawling insects).

The above lists only a part of the means that today effectively poison bedbugs in homes. The following drugs can be used no less successfully:

  • Fufanon
  • Medilis Cyper
  • Mikrofos
  • Pyrethrum
  • Chlorpyrimac
  • Sinuzan.

It is only important to follow the instructions. Proper adherence to the instructions for using these drugs will not only ensure complete removal of bedbugs from the premises, but will also not cause harm to the handler himself and other residents of the apartment.

Before poisoning bedbugs in an apartment, you must carefully read the instructions for using the product used. Many of these products involve diluting the concentrate (Tetrix, Karbofos, Executioner) or dissolving the powder in water (for example, Karbofos in bags).

The resulting solution must be treated greatest number surfaces in the apartment, including furniture and bedding. The handler should wear closed clothing, use a cotton-gauze bandage and rubber gloves. This is especially true when working with Insecticide or Tetrix.

It is advisable to poison bedbugs when closed windows, and after processing the room, leave and close it for several hours. Then thoroughly ventilate, carry out wet cleaning and wash linen and clothes.

When working with powder products, the substance crumbles in places where bedbugs accumulate and move. After treatment, it is advisable to leave the room closed for at least several days.

When treating an apartment with strong-smelling preparations, children and pets should be brought into it only after the smell has subsided.

Baiting bedbugs yourself is not always cheaper than calling special teams. Yes, processing studio apartment in the regions it can cost 1600-1800 rubles when calling the SES, and the purchase of the same Executioner will cost up to 2000 rubles.

It is important to understand that not all services work equally effectively, and if there are negative reviews about a particular company in your region, it is better to do everything yourself.

At independent struggle with bedbugs, focus on highly effective, proven products. It is better to purchase them either directly from the manufacturer’s representatives or from large online stores, since there are many fakes on the market now.

Causing itching, burning, redness and other inflammation skin.

In addition, it has been scientifically proven that a bedbug can carry pathogens of a number of diseases in its body over a very long period of time, including the viral etiology of hepatitis B, plague, and tularemia. Therefore, there are active debates about how to remove bedbugs from an apartment independently, effectively and quickly, and do not lose their acute relevance.

But there is no need to despair - with a comprehensive, thoughtful and step-by-step removal of bedbugs, you can achieve 100% results and get rid of bedbugs forever in your apartment, house, or country house.

  • 100 ml of water + 30 g of soap solution + 10 ml of turpentine + 15 ml of kerosene;
  • 100 ml of turpentine + 100 ml of ethyl alcohol + 5 g of camphor;
  • 100 ml kerosene + 100 ml turpentine + 20 g naphthalene;
  • 40 ml of turpentine + 20 g of phenol + 3 g of salicylic acid;
  • 150 ml + denaturirovannogo ’10 naphthalene.

Each of the above mixtures was able to prove its effectiveness in practice. But some of the components are again quite difficult to find on the open market; in certain cases, the resulting solutions do not have the desired effect due to the previously developed protective reaction of bedbugs.

Review of bedbug extermination products

The most effective and popular types of bedbug treatments include the following:

Insecticidal powders and crayons. Before you remove bedbugs from your apartment yourself using advertised ones, you need to make sure that the preparations contain contact poison and not intestinal poison. The fact is that, unlike cockroaches, bedbugs will not consume powders and crayons due to the fact that they feed exclusively on blood.

To the most popular funds for domestic market The following names include:

But for those who are ready to use all methods for removing bedbugs, we can recommend the following names:

  1. "Primadid";
  2. "Lakterin";
  3. "Insecta Dibro-Fin";
  4. "Aktellik";
  5. “Foxid;
  6. "Foresight";

Each of these products must be accompanied by detailed instructions for use and ensuring protection of the skin, respiratory tract and mucous membranes during use of the drug.

Temperature treatment. Bedbugs live and reproduce only in conditions that are comfortable for them. AND temperature regime plays a significant role.

  • Elevated temperatures. If you manage to find it, you can pour boiling water over it. The disadvantages of this method are the likelihood of causing damage to furniture or its upholstery. If bedbugs and their colony are located, for example, inside a chair or sofa, then it is almost impossible to reach them with boiling water without dismantling the piece of furniture, and in some cases it is completely impossible.

With the help of which they spray the surfaces of the entire room with a heat wave with a temperature reading above +500C. Without special equipment, such temperature treatment cannot be achieved using improvised means.

Rules for personal protection when removing bedbugs

This is especially true if aerosol or liquid treatments will be used.
There must be no children or pets in the room that will be treated.

For personal protection, regardless of the chosen method of eliminating bedbugs, you must purchase:

Instructions for removing bedbugs at home

As a rule, insects choose upholstered furniture, mattresses, cabinets, peeling wallpaper, spaces behind baseboards, in books or between them as a place of refuge.

To get rid of a harmful insect in the sofa, you can use one of the following methods:

You should use extremely carefully such preparations, which contain denatured alcohol and turpentine (most often folk remedies for fighting bedbugs), as they can cause irreparable damage to the upholstery of the sofa.

How to get bedbugs out of a bed?

Methods for removing bedbugs from beds can be divided into the following groups:

How to remove bedbugs from a carpet?

The simplest and most effective way to remove bedbugs from clothes is to thoroughly heat treat them.

In the photo there are male and female bedbugs

  • mattress;
  • bed frame;
  • sofa;
  • space under baseboards;
  • cracks in the walls;
  • places where wallpaper or linoleum does not fit tightly;
  • sockets;
  • cabinets;
  • paintings;
  • carpets;
  • window frames and window sills;
  • soft toys and more. etc.

Folk remedies for bedbugs

Are you and your loved ones constantly getting bitten at night? Do swollen red spots appear on your body after sleep, which are very itchy and itchy? Moreover, they are all located one after another, resembling a path? Well, 99% of them are bedbugs. What to do in this case? And most importantly, how to get rid of “unpleasant roommates”?

Of course, you can turn to the methods of fighting bedbugs that our parents and grandparents practiced. After all, they weren’t as widespread before as they are now. chemicals, getting rid of domestic insects. Therefore, people had no choice but to poison bedbugs with plants. Some people still prefer to use herbs. For example:

  • sagebrush;
  • wild rosemary;
  • tansy;
  • chamomile, etc.

However, if there are a lot of bedbugs, then this method will not help. It is better to use different herbs for preventive purposes.

In addition to all the options listed, many people try to exterminate bedbugs with mustard, valerian tincture, alcohol, mothballs, machine oil, and much more. etc. Moreover, all these substances, according to different recipes, are often mixed and then treated with them in the room and household items.

One can argue for a long time about how effective folk remedies are. Of course, they have a good repellent and preventive effect, but they cannot cope with large numbers of insects. Therefore, you need to know about other ways that will drive away such uninvited guests.

Chemicals against bedbugs

Today there is a huge range of insecticidal preparations, using which you can effectively poison uninvited guests. Moreover, they are all produced in different versions:

  • aerosols;
  • powders;
  • sprays;
  • crayons, etc.

What type of insecticide is best against bedbugs? Everyone has their pros and cons. Let's just talk about each in more detail.

They are distinguished by a convenient shape. Also, using them, you can reach the most inaccessible surfaces and places. In this case, aerosols give quick result. As for the minuses, when spraying most of toxic substances enter the air. This means that there is a high risk that they will penetrate the respiratory system of a person or animal or get on dishes, food, household items, etc. Therefore, when working with aerosols, it is necessary:

  • Before processing the premises, remove all food products, hide clothes and hygiene products where they will not fall toxic substances.
  • Use personal protective equipment. Gloves, goggles and a respirator are a must!
  • Make sure that all household members and pets leave the premises. It is advisable to even keep the aquarium away.
  • Under no circumstances should you spray the poison near an open fire or plugged-in electrical appliances.

What aerosol insecticides are there for bedbugs? There are quite a lot of them:

  1. dichlorvos;
  2. raptor;
  3. battalion commander;
  4. clean house;
  5. raid, etc.

The effect of aerosols is not so long-lasting. Therefore, many people poison bedbugs with insecticides in the form of sprays. They are usually supplied as a concentrated liquid that must be diluted in certain proportions (indicated in the instructions for use).

The line of insecticidal sprays is widely represented. Although baiting bedbugs is most effective using means such as:

  • Karbofos;
  • Executioner;
  • Tetrix;
  • Cucaracha;
  • Mikrofos.

Powders and crayons

The advantage of powdered products is that they remain active for a long time. Up to 2-4 months. In addition, during the process of treating the room with them and after, there is no need to leave the room or ventilate it. However, the following must be taken into account:

  • Surfaces treated with dust and chalk look unaesthetic. The product resembles dirt or dust.
  • Care must be taken to ensure that children or pets do not try the product. Otherwise, trouble cannot be avoided.
  • Dry chemicals that form the basis of powdered and fine insecticides are easily and quickly absorbed by mucous membranes. This is fraught with allergic reactions and intoxication.
  • Powders or crayons must be applied to a perfectly dry surface. After all, if moisture gets on these insecticides, their effectiveness will decrease significantly.

The most popular small preparations against bedbugs are “Mashenka” and “Clean House”. There are more powders. These are Chlorophos, Neopin, Phenaxin, Klopoveron, etc.


Quite effective in the fight against bedbugs. Essentially, they have the same principle of action as powders. But they don’t stain the surface that much. However, the gels differ long term active action. They also last better and do not wash off as quickly as dusts.

Typically, insecticidal gels are available in syringes with a sharp dispensing tip. Due to this, the product is easily applied even in the most hard to reach places– cracks in walls, joints, space under skirting boards, etc.

  1. The gel package should be opened only immediately before use.
  2. It must be applied with a dotted line. The distance between the points is 10-20 cm (for more details, see the instructions for the specific drug).
  3. You can first apply the gel to small pieces of paper or newspaper, and then spread them throughout the room.
  4. It is best to use gel-type insecticides against bedbugs in combination with aerosols or sprays. Just make sure that all products have different active ingredients. It's much more efficient. In addition, this eliminates the possibility that bedbugs will develop resistance to chemicals.

Do you want to know what the best anti-bedbug gels are? These are Foxy, Absolute, Globall, Blockbuster and Forsythe.

The most effective remedies for bedbugs

Based on many customer reviews and ordinary people, as well as the opinions of experts, several of the most effective drugs can be identified.

For reference! Some people try to poison bedbugs using a fumigator. However, they forget that this device only works well against flying insects (midges, mosquitoes, etc.). After all, toxic substances spread through the air. And bedbugs hide securely in their hiding places. Therefore, fumigators are useless against them.

How to properly and safely poison bedbugs?

You now know what kind of poison there is for bedbugs and that these “reptiles” can be removed from the apartment not only with karbofos. All that remains is to understand exactly how to use insecticides so that it is not only effective, but also safe. After all, most often people try to “drive out” insects with the help of chemicals - sprays and aerosols, which contain many toxic substances.

  1. Do everything step by step. First, be sure to get personal protective equipment. This includes a respirator, goggles, rubber gloves, and long sleeves. However, do not try to protect your nose with a towel or any cloth. After all, this is pointless and dangerous. Insecticide particles will easily penetrate the respiratory tract. Only a high-quality respirator will help!
  2. If, after poisoning the bedbugs, you feel dizzy, weak, or feel unwell, then get out into the fresh air as soon as possible. Then wash your face and hands with soap. Then take 10 tablets of activated carbon.
  3. After poisoning the bedbugs, ventilate the room well. Open all windows and doors. A draft and fresh air will eliminate insecticide particles. In this case, you need to ventilate for at least 2-3 hours.
  4. You can do wet cleaning after treating the room for bedbugs. For example, with the addition of soda and detergent in water. But do not forget that you should wash only the surface with which you come into contact - tables, chairs, doors or cabinet handles, etc. In other places, the product should be left for further exposure.

Temperature treatment against bedbugs

In many regions it is much colder in winter. So if it’s 20 degrees below zero outside, you can simply turn off the heating and open all the windows for 4-6 hours. The entire insect population will be destroyed!

Extreme heat also kills bedbugs. True, the temperature environment should be about 50 °C. This is more like a bathhouse or sauna. How then? There are several options:

Another interesting method of fighting bedbugs is quartz treatment. Is it effective? Yes, ultraviolet radiation can destroy these insects (more precisely, blind them forever!). However, the entire surface must be treated! For example, bedbugs infested the sofa. Then you need to completely disassemble it, remove the upholstery, turn out the bed linen or pillows. Then place quartz lamps above all this.

However, it is worth remembering that ultraviolet light only blinds the bug forever. But it doesn't kill. At the same time, the insect is able to continue to live and bite, focusing on the smell. Therefore, quartz treatment should be considered as a preventive or auxiliary means of combating such household pests.

For reference!If you just can’t cope with house bugs on your own, then be sure to seek help from professionals! Today, in almost every city there are a dozen organizations involved in the extermination of insects and pests. Specialists from such companies will save you not only from bedbugs, but also from cockroaches, ants, fleas, moths, etc.

Cold fog against bedbugs

What's the point? It's quite simple:

  • When treating with cold fog, a special mobile device is used, into which an insecticide is added.
  • Then this device sprays it with small particles, the size of which does not exceed 80 microns.
  • As a result, droplets of poison mix with the air. A fog appears in the room (hence the name), which does not settle for a long time and does not disappear.
  • It turns out that the toxic substance evenly penetrates into a variety of places.
  • Despite the name “cold fog,” the insecticide is not exposed to low temperatures. In this case, the toxic substance does not heat up. Its temperature corresponds to that of the air in the room.

Few people know how to kill bedbugs in an apartment will be effective and safe, because bed bugs tenacious and resistant to stressful situations. Usually, having searched the Internet for advice on how to kill bedbugs at home, the apartment owner is determined to do away with them forever in one evening, but more often than not, such a struggle drags on for many months.

We have prepared especially for you detailed instructions How to destroy bedbugs in an apartment yourself. Multiply your zeal with our professional experience, and may the force be with you!

Destruction of bedbugs: barrier protection or collective treatment

Many who already have experience fighting bloodsuckers know that a few days after chemical treatment they often reappear. There are several reasons for this.

The first thing you need to do is make sure that neighboring apartments are not infested with bedbugs. These insects easily travel from neighbor to neighbor, while remaining unnoticed.

In one recent study, which was conducted in a large apartment building, it turned out that of all the apartments where bedbugs were found, only in half of them the owners knew about the infestation.

The fact is that many people do not feel their bites, which is why the bugs manage to multiply and spread to their neighbors. Therefore, the following rule applies here: if one apartment is contaminated, then all adjacent sections (left, right, top and bottom) are considered contaminated until a thorough inspection is carried out in them.

Just asking your neighbors if anyone is biting them is not enough - try to convince them to take action. After all, bedbugs in the entrance are like chickenpox in kindergarten- if they are not in one apartment now, then after your treatment they can easily appear - kindly explain this to those who do not understand. By carrying out pest control together (even for preventive purposes), you will not leave the bloodsuckers any escape route.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to come to an agreement with neighbors. In this case, when processing, pay Special attention those areas through which bedbugs can get to you from other apartments (read more about this below). Check whether the cracks in the walls, floor and ceiling where communications pass are hermetically sealed and seal them ventilation holes fine mesh.

What means to kill bedbugs

If you don’t want to waste time, nerves and a lot of money, you have to look at things realistically - don’t look for a miraculous remedy that will easily and without hassle get rid of bedbugs, there is no such remedy.

I’ll briefly tell you what and how you can destroy bedbugs at home yourself. First of all, don't try to do this. folk remedies- in the best case, you will cause them slight confusion with pungent odors, nothing more.

Secondly, do not give preference to aerosols or sprays - they are ineffective against bedbugs. These pests are real guerrillas, they can hide in inaccessible places and sit out for several days, and short-term chemical exposure only makes them more resistant. In addition, more and more new larvae will hatch from the eggs, and treatments will have to be repeated again and again, this is costly and impractical.

It is best to use contact-type insecticides that remain effective for 5-6 weeks after application. The professional products used by bedbug extermination services are not commercially available, but there are similar retail pesticides available to the public.

Among them are drugs from the following groups:

  1. FOS: Averfos, Agran, Dobrokhim FOS, Dobrokhim Micro, Force-Site
  2. Pyrethroids: Biorin, Favorit
  3. Neonicotinoids: Confidant

(The above products are registered in Russia and approved for use by Rospotrebnadzor)

Besides the bedroom, bedbugs can live in any room where people sleep. The living room with soft sofas and armchairs is the next most popular room among bloodsuckers. A typical infestation begins in one room and then gradually spreads to wherever there are sleeping areas. The sooner you find them and take action, the easier it will be to get rid of them. If you wait too long, bedbugs will infest the entire house.

  • Don't rush to throw away furniture. In most cases, there is no need to throw away beds, sofas and bedding. It’s too expensive to change all this, and besides, the bugs remaining in the apartment will quickly populate new furniture. Rather than incur such expenses, it is cheaper to order professional disinfection.
  • Protect your sleeping space. It is fundamentally important not to change your place of rest at night to reduce the risk of bedbugs spreading throughout the house. After all, if you move to sleep in another room, the bedbugs will follow you, and as a result, the fight will become much more difficult. To make your bed a safety zone, follow these steps:

  • Treat the rest of the house. This is the most labor-intensive stage of the work. If you managed to find bedbugs in the first week of their appearance, then disinsection of the bed may be enough, but most likely they have already spread throughout the room. So don’t rely on luck and proceed further according to the instructions:
  • How to destroy bedbug eggs and larvae

    Newly emerged larvae are also very small (1-1.5mm) and colorless, so they are not easy to notice. After each bite, the larvae grow and become increasingly darker in color.

    Bedbugs are prone to migration and settlement already in the adult stage, therefore, to destroy eggs and larvae, it is enough. Although this is quite a difficult task, if you follow these instructions, you will be able to find all the nests with a 95% probability.

    How to monitor the situation after treatment

    Pay attention to whether new bites appear on your body (if, of course, they appear on you). Every 3-4 days, conduct a thorough inspection of the room and furniture according to the scheme described above. Observe whether new insects appear in the traps (which are under the legs of the bed), and periodically clean these traps. Continue monitoring for 2-3 months.

    If after this period you do not find any signs of the presence of bedbugs, then your diligent efforts will be generously rewarded. You can celebrate your victory!

    But if after 3 weeks after treatment the bedbugs have not disappeared, do not despair - this happens not only to you. Gather your strength and carry out the entire procedure again, you may need to do this a third time. Be persistent and remember to alternate insecticides from different groups.

    In one of the previous articles we looked in detail at step by step instructions about how to kill bedbugs in an apartment yourself. What precautions need to be taken, what sequence of actions to follow, and so on. In this material we will briefly recall the basics of this event and list the most effective means that are available to a wide range of consumers. But first, we’ll tell you why you shouldn’t poison bedbugs in your apartment yourself.

    Reasons not to remove bedbugs yourself

    In most cases, poisoning house bugs yourself is the most best idea, and sometimes it's a terrible plan and here's why:

    As practice shows, the most correct way to poison bedbugs in an apartment is only by resorting to those who exterminate insects in residential premises. And there are several logical explanations for this:

    • Specialists have access to such chemical substances, which a common person will not be able to buy it at a nearby store.
    • Long practical experience allows a specialist to very quickly assess the situation in the room and carry out targeted treatment without exposing everything to chemicals.
    • The amount spent on calling a specialist will always be less than the total for all the means with which the owner tried to work independently.
    • When ordering work, an agreement is drawn up, on the basis of which the company undertakes to carry out re-treatment free of charge for the customer if bedbugs reappear in the residential premises during the warranty period.


    Bedbugs are very afraid of temperature changes. The death threshold for them is +50 and -30 degrees Celsius. Accordingly, you can use washing in a very hot water or by freezing in a regular freezer, or outside, if the temperature outside the window reaches the specified limits in winter. Of course, only small items made from materials that can withstand such temperature loads are suitable for such processing.

    Very effective for large fabric surfaces - mattresses, upholstery upholstered furniture, sofa cushions and so on. For this purpose, you can purchase special steam generators in the store. However, steaming can lead to mold growth, so subsequent drying is necessary.

    Pesticides and insecticides can be used as a topical treatment on rough surfaces of floors, walls, etc. For maximum efficiency It is recommended to pre-vacuum the areas treated with chemicals. It must be emphasized that those chemicals that are openly sold in retail outlets are not as effective as those used by exterminators. However, in any case, you must strictly follow all processing rules in accordance with the instructions for the product.

    The general rule for any chemistry is that it cannot be used for bed linen, as well as the sleeping surface of the mattress.

    As for insecticidal products, you can use whatever is on the shelves, the quality and effectiveness will be approximately the same, despite the different names. However, those that include pyrethroids are considered the best. These are high quality insect repellents obtained from chrysanthemum flowers. Good luck fighting bed bugs!