Mixer      03/28/2019

The best early ripe varieties of peach. Frost-resistant varieties of peach

The basis of the foundations for obtaining a generous harvest of peaches is a competent choice of a place for a tree, a properly carried out planting process. When choosing peach varieties for planting in the Krasnodar Territory, you need to pay attention to the soil structure of your garden. Thus, if a clonal rootstock is used (in other words, a peach graft on a peach tree), then soil with a carbonate content will not work. If your site has a close occurrence ground water, then planting peach trees will also not bring the desired result.

On sandy soil, as well as on dense loam, this culture will not feel comfortable. The optimal type of soil on which peach varieties successfully grow and bear fruit for the Kuban is structural soil. In the Krasnodar Territory, it is best to grow hardy cultivars. It is preferable to plant young seedlings (one-year-olds) in a calm area, with the onset of autumn or spring, as soon as the snow melts.

let's consider the best varieties peach, which are ideal for growing in our region. The main features of the species will be described below, their a brief description of possible disadvantages. We all strive to get best result from investing your time and energy, so this choice should be taken seriously.

Description of peach varieties

I'll start with the so-called fig varieties, all of which are cultivated. These varieties are bred by breeders and are not found in the wild. Whatever they are called: Chinese turnip, Fergana peach, saucer, Chinese fig. Their fruits are distinguished by low calorie content along with nutritional value, and this applies to all representatives of this culture. To date, fig varieties of peaches have been bred: "New", "Saturn", "Turnip Stepnaya", "Vladimir", "Fig White". They are all distinguished by a characteristic, slightly flattened shape, a rich vitamin composition, and a pronounced sweet taste. However, there is a minus - these fruits are very tender, not prone to long-term storage, quickly deteriorate (rot).


In the Krasnodar Territory, Saturn fig peach is popular, it has a characteristic flat shape, very sweet in taste (without a sour note), average weight fruit - 80-100 g. Very juicy, early-growing, frost-resistant, good-yielding variety. The fruits are yellow, with red barrels, frost-resistant, respond well to transportation. Inside there is a medium-sized bone, which is easily separated from the pulp.

Redhaven (Red Haven)

An excellent option for giving: it ripens early, adapted for cultivation in our region. The fruits are medium and large, by weight they can reach 130-150 g, they are distinguished by high taste qualities - this is one of the most delicious varieties. The color of the fruit is rich yellow, red fragments may be present, the flesh is yellow-orange in color, with a pronounced aroma.

Redhaven peach is an early variety with good immunity to many diseases, colds (frosts). When not proper care can become a target for fungi, requires an individual agrotechnical approach, timely fertilization.

Begins to bear fruit by the third year of life, ripens around mid-summer. From a 10-year-old tree, on average, 40-50 kg of peaches can be removed, which are perfectly transported (the pulp is dense), well stored. He is different feature, very convenient for those who grow crops for sale - an extended ripening period. There is such a thing as technical maturity: a couple of weeks before the final ripening, the fruit acquires appearance already ripe fruit.

Redhaven, photo:


This frost-resistant variety peach, spring and winter cold he does not care. It is distinguished by abundant yields, when harvesting fruits, you need to be vigilant - remove ripened fruits in time so that they do not break branches with their weight. Orange-red peaches do not ripen simultaneously, but in stages (successively), have a pronounced sweet taste with a slight admixture of sourness. This species is a godsend for lovers of large fruits that can reach 150-160 g. The fruit itself can be round or slightly oval in shape, with a fluffy skin that is quite difficult to remove.

Collins, peach varieties, photo:

The pulp of Collins is dense, with a bright characteristic aroma, the stone is small, it is easily separated (subject to the full ripening of the fruit).
This species tolerates transportation well, ripens by the first days of July.

The tree requires care (pruning branches, crown shaping), regular watering and top dressing. From different gardeners you can hear different opinions about Collins: someone has medium-sized, non-one-dimensional fruits, and there are also mentions of cracking.

This species needs to be prevented from the fungus clusterosporiosis (perforated spotting). Collins also has a tendency to leaf curl, despite good resistance to other diseases.

Memory Semirenko

The peach variety "Pamyat Semirenko" meets all the requirements of consumer qualities. This is a disease-resistant, mid-season (in the Krasnodar Territory ripens by mid-July) high-yielding species with good winter hardiness. Fruits of rich carmine color, rounded, covered with edging, can reach 120 g. The pulp of the fruit is very sweet, fragrant, darkish yellow shade, the density is average, because of which the bone is separated with difficulty. Semirenko's memory has good disease resistance.

Memory Semirenko, photo:


The Veteran peach variety is also a favorite among summer residents and gardeners. Trees of medium size, with a dense crown, do not exceed 4-5 meters in height. The fruits themselves are quite large (130-160 g), saturated yellow with a ruddy coating. The pulp of the fruit has an average density, a pronounced sweet and sour taste, a clear peach aroma. The veteran is resistant to cold weather, bears fruit very well - about 50 kg of crop can be harvested from an adult tree. The peak of the abundance of fruits falls on the second half of August. Fruits are not perishable, tolerate transportation well, are resistant to ashpel ( powdery mildew), clusterosporiosis.

Autumn blush

Peach variety Autumn Blush of medium late ripening can produce fruits up to 200 g in weight. The fruit has a creamy hue with a red blush, medium juicy white flesh with a sweet and sour taste. These peaches are good both fresh and processed (compotes, jams, juices), they tolerate transportation well. The pulp has a cartilaginous structure, the bone is separated poorly.

Autumn Blush, photo:

A bountiful harvest should be expected by the end of summer/beginning of autumn. Autumn Blush tolerates cold or drought well, has strong immunity to the main diseases of this crop.

Through the labors of breeders, his clone was bred - the Velvet Season variety. According to reviews on gardening forums, the high yield of this species can contribute to a break in the branches. To avoid such a situation, ripened fruits should be removed from the tree in a timely manner.

It is Autumn Rumyanets, along with its "twin brother" Velvet Season, that ensures the expansion of the assortment of peaches in the Krasnodar Territory. These varieties give a harvest two weeks later than all the main types of this crop.

Velvet season, photo:

Golden Jubilee

Peach Golden Jubilee - variety description: ripens early enough (by the second half of August), gives bountiful harvest(up to 50 kg from one tree) and large fruits (150-180 g). The fruit itself has an oval shape, slightly flattened laterally, golden color, with a rich carmine blush. This is a self-pollinating species, but for more more harvest experienced gardeners recommend planting the Golden Jubilee in small "families". Trees of the same variety growing side by side will contribute to improved allogamy (cross-pollination).

Due to its adaptability to the climate of the growing region, the Golden Jubilee has become one of the most common, beloved peach varieties. The fruits taken from the tree are different long term storage without loss of presentation (7-10 days), suitable for transportation. Inside the fruit is hidden a small bone, which is easily separated from the pulp.

Golden Jubilee, photo:

It has excellent taste indicators - the taste is moderately sweet, with a slight bitterness. Frost resistance, high resistance to fungi and common diseases are the advantages of this species. The Golden Jubilee ripens by mid-July, but you should pay attention to its salient feature- a tendency to drop fruits, ripe and unripe. It makes excellent compotes, juices, jams.

Early Kuban

If you are wondering which peach variety is better to plant in our region, feel free to choose Early Kuban. This species has oval-shaped fruits, slightly pressed laterally. Despite Not big sizes fruits (80-100 g), juicy tender pulp has a sweet taste and a pronounced aroma. Early Kuban is ideal for making juices and fresh consumption.

The fruits are slightly pubescent, covered with a beautiful golden skin with ruddy barrels, the stone is reluctantly separated, often cracking. This species is characterized by an abundance of crops that ripen by early July. Indicators of winter hardiness, drought resistance, and resistance to diseases are average. Due to the very tender pulp, Early Kuban is not suitable for transportation, long-term storage.

Early Kuban, photo:


Considering the early varieties of peach, you should definitely pay attention to the Springold variety. This is a very early species that allows you to taste sweet juicy fruits already in the first half of summer (mid / end of June). Fruits have a slightly elongated shape, a pronounced golden-red hue, on average weigh 120-160 g. The fleshy core of the fruit pleases the eye with a bright yellow color and strong aroma, the stone is separated with difficulty.

According to numerous reviews of gardeners, this is one of the most delicious peach varieties among the early ripening representatives of this crop. Tree growth is slightly above average, high yields and excellent disease resistance make Springold a clear favorite. For long-term transportation, this type is not designed, but for short-term it is quite suitable.

Springold, photo:

Favorite Morettini

Another representative of an early ripe species, bearing fruit by the end of June. The fruits of Favorita Morettini are medium in size, oval in shape, weighing on average 80-100 g. The ripened fruit is dark yellow in color (with a red blush and dash-like blotches), moderate edging, dense to the touch, but not too hard. Peach pulp is also yellow, juicy, sweet, with a pronounced aroma. The medium-sized stone is separated from the pulp with difficulty, often cracking. Morettini's favorite is characterized by high taste and commodity indicators, very early dates harvest ripening.

Favorite Morettini, photo:

The trees of this species are of medium size - this factor significantly optimizes the process of harvesting fruits, facilitates the care of plantations. Favorite Morettini begins to bear fruit in the second year of life, harvests are usually generous and regular. The species itself is quite frost-resistant, the fruits after removal from the tree do not deteriorate for three to four days. It has a weak immunity against fungi, is prone to moniliasis.

Summarizing all of the above, I would like to single out the peach varieties that are the earliest, these are: "Early Kuban", "Favorite Morettini", "Collins", "Redhaven". Choose the highest quality, healthiest seedlings, provide a tree necessary care. If you follow all agrotechnical requirements planting this crop, a bountiful harvest will not be long in coming.

Peach Curl Resistant Varieties

The causative agent of this disease is a fungus that infects foliage with the advent of summer. As a result, the cuttings, internodes and shoots are deformed, the foliage is twisted, changes color, the quality of the fruit is lost. In the advanced stage of the disease, leaves fall from the tree, branches die. The fight against the disease consists in irrigating the crown with fungicides, which contain copper in their composition.

If you are thinking about planting young trees in your area, then pay attention to peach varieties that are resistant to curl. Good immunity against this scourge is possessed by: Redhaven, Sunhaven, Springtime, Nectared 4, Stark Red Gold, Earlired, peach Saturn. According to reviews of gardeners on thematic forums, Early Kuban, Bagrinovsky, Madeleine Pouille are also very resistant to curl.

Leaf curl, photo:

I also want to mention a couple of methods that are very effective, again, according to the recommendations of experienced gardeners. The first "life hack" is the initial formation of a peach in the form of a bush, but not a tree. The second trick is to plant several tomato bushes under the tree (close to the trunk). You are unlikely to wait for the harvest of tomatoes, but there will be no curly hair - it has been tested repeatedly.

Summing up, it is worth mentioning that it is better to choose sunny and, if possible, calm places for planting peach trees. As an early flowering crop, it is preferable to plant them on the south side of the site. If you already have mature tall trees growing in your dacha, place peaches away from them (so that they do not shade young trees). Low-lying or swampy areas with wet soil are not suitable for this crop. To avoid infection of young seedlings with verticillosis, 4 years before planting peaches, do not plant watermelons, melons, pumpkins, strawberries, as well as alfalfa or clover in this place.

Before growing peach varieties in the Krasnodar Territory, prepare the soil properly: 12 months before planting, fertilize it with organic matter, mineral supplements. Don't forget good drainage for planting holes. Let after all the efforts, this beloved by many, fragrant, sweet fruit will delight you with a bountiful harvest.

While most people associate peaches with hotter US states like Florida, the peach first appeared in China. However, you do not need to travel to China or any other country in the world to see the most unusual and rare peaches, because we have collected them in this article.

10 - Grade Harrow Diamond (Harrow Diamond)

This hardy, widespread peach is one of the most popular early varieties. Thanks to its juicy yellow flesh, it has an excellent taste and is excellent for consumption in any weather.

9 - Chinese pearl peach (China Pearl)

This variety is often considered the hardest in the world. These firm, great-tasting white peaches can even withstand sub-zero temperatures!

8 - Variety Tropi-Berta (Tropi-berta)

Peaches of this species are usually very large with firm, juicy flesh and excellent taste. The trees that grow these peaches also require more space and care than other peach varieties, as they grow much faster and have more lush vegetation.

7 - Variety White Lady (White Lady)

Peaches of this variety have white pulp, which contains little acid and a lot of sugar. According to rumors, these peaches also have a simply divine aroma.

6 - Variety Flamin' Fury

The little peach next to the big one is the usual peach, and the big peach is Flameen Fury. The Guinness Book of Records officially recognized this type of peach as the largest in the world.

5 - Grade Desert Gold (Desert Gold)

Desert Gold peach trees are among the few capable of self-pollination. The tree will grow to about 9 meters and is also considered one of the fastest growing. The fruits themselves are notable for their shape, resembling a heart.

4 - Dwarf Peaches

These peaches are the smallest species that can be grown. A whole tree will never grow above 2 meters! However, most of the trees of this grow only up to a meter.

3 - Variety Airlum (Heirloom Peaches)

This variety of peach is actually different in that it has been cultivated for the last 50 years. Pretty old variety.

2 - Red Fleshed Peaches

These peaches are sometimes also called blood peaches or Peche de Vigne. The pulp of these fruits is colored dark red and has one of the most pleasant tastes in the world.

1 - Peaches Donuts (Donut)

Most people would rather eat donuts than regular fruit, right? So why not combine the best of both worlds and eat peach donuts. Unfortunately, they only look like everyone's favorite dessert.

Hello dear friends!

Any gardener in his garden wants more than anyone else, and that they do not freeze out in the cold winter or frost in the spring. Some of the most winter-hardy and delicious peaches are described below. These frost-resistant peach varieties are suitable for harvesting for future use and for delicacy right from the tree.

Variety Harbinger

Early and hardy. Ripens in June. Fruits are juicy, tasty up to 110 grams, oval, red-orange color. The tree is spreading and large.

Mayflower or Mayflower

It is considered a very early variety of peach. Fruits in July. Fruits reach 130 grams, juicy, almost without edging, green with a ruddy side. The yield is small, but stable from the third year of planting. The trees are small and hardy.


An early variety, has fruits up to 90 grams of a creamy shade, the edge is small, tasty, fragrant, with sourness. Winter hardy and high yielding. Minus is a poorly separated bone.


The variety is early, frost-resistant, with large 150 grams, juicy and bright yellow-red fruits. The pubescence is small, but they taste very tasty. Yields are good and annual.

Variety Harrow Diamond

Early and winter hardy. The tree is tall. The fruits are juicy, with sourness, average 110 grams, oval, white-yellow color with a marble sheen. Ripens at the end of July. A small minus is the obligatory thinning of the fruit.


This is a medium ripe peach variety, high-yielding and winter-hardy. It is not susceptible to diseases and bears fruit annually from the fourth year of planting. The fruits are medium 80 grams, juicy, the color has a creamy velvety tint and the fruits are characterized unusual shape with side dents. This variety of peach is excellent for grafting other varieties.

Variety Inca

Winter-hardy, with large fruits 150 grams, beautiful and bright. The stone separates easily, and the pulp is juicy and oily and fragrant. Ripens in August. The tree is tall and lush.

August persistent

Derived from the Manevsky variety. The best of winter hardiness. Not susceptible to disease. Fruits with sourness, small 70 grams, strongly pubescent and has a whitish-green color. The yield is small, but the plus of these peaches is a good separation of the stone from the fruit.


This winter-hardy variety, with a tall and lush tree. Fruits weigh 100 grams, flattened, bright and juicy. Disease free and high yielding.


It is a winter-hardy, late variety. Not susceptible to disease. The fruits weigh 210 grams, are red in color, juicy and tasty. It bears fruit very abundantly in September. The tree is small.

Variety Fury

Winter hardy and high yielding. Does not require careful maintenance. Fruits up to 290 grams, bright orange with a blush. Very tasty and juicy, with an easily detachable bone. Fruits in September. The tree is not susceptible to disease.

Also many frost-resistant varieties of peach well retain their appearance during transportation. This delicious fruits not sick various diseases and most importantly, these peaches do not drop the ovary after frost. They will delight any gardener and his guests with their fruits. Read more about. See you, friends!


The variety was bred by A.P. Rodionov at the University of Horticulture. It has an average maturity.

Bohun has good stability in field conditions to some diseases, for example, to curly hair. The crown of the tree is dense, growing in the form of a ball.

Yellow fruits grow up to 150 g in weight, have a rounded shape, slight pubescence. Inside the pulp is also yellow, which has a pleasant fresh taste. The pulp with the stone is practically inseparable.

The yield is average. Even if the tree winters very well, it will still not give more than 12 kilograms. The fruits become ripe in the third decade of August.


The variety was bred in the USA. The tree grows to a medium-large size, resistant to leaf curl and powdery mildew. It bears fruit in the third year after planting, giving regularly high yields. At the variety plot in Genichesk, Kherson region, 15.1 tons of fruits are usually harvested from one hectare.

The fruit has a mass of about 100 g, a round shape, an average amount of pubescence. The color of the fruit is yellow, there is a bright red blush. The color of the pulp is yellow. It is fibrous, has an average density, the taste is sweet, juicy, maybe sour. The bone cannot be separated. The fruits are ready for harvest at the end of July.

The variety is grown in the Crimea, Moldova, Kherson region of Ukraine. The creation of gardens of this variety in Mykolaiv and other southern regions of Ukraine is being considered. It is also suitable for growing in private gardens.


The variety was bred in Yalta, in the Nikitsky Botanical Garden, by crossing varieties Arp and Lovely from Georgia. The tree has a medium size, round crown shape. The variety is more resistant to winter and drought than many varieties grown in the south of Ukraine. Not susceptible to clasterosporiasis. Fruits begin to bear three years after planting. The yield is high. On the variety plot from Dzhankoy, it is possible to collect 12.6 tons per hectare.

The fruit of the tree gives a larger mass than the average - about 120 g. Their shape is broadly oval, has an average pubescence, orange-yellow color. There is a carmine blush on the side. The pulp of the fruit is also yellow, the taste is sweet, with sourness, the structure is cartilaginous. The bone cannot be separated. The variety is well transported, it is often preserved. Grown in the Crimea and Odessa region. In the future, they will expand to other southern regions.

Hybrid No. 13

hybrid with special form. Differs in good resistance to winter, gives early fruits, is not susceptible to curl of leaves. Has a pleasant taste. Was withdrawn in 1999.

The tree has a broad pyramidal crown and dark green leaves.

If the tree has a normal number of fruits, then the weight of one can reach from 100 to 120 grams, but if there are too many of them, then their weight decreases to 70-80 g.

The fruits have a yellow color, a bright little blush. The pulp is also yellow, pleasant in taste, contains a lot of juice. It is very difficult to separate the bone. In the third decade of July, the tree is already yielding.

Donetsk yellow

This peach variety was bred in Ukraine in order to give high yields and survive the winter well in this region. The variety gives a harvest at the end of August. If a tree is damaged in winter, it recovers well.

Variety Donetsk yellow gives large trees. The fruits are also large, have a mass of 130-150 g, round in shape, slightly flattened at the poles. There is a large seam on the abdomen of the fetus.

The skin of the fruit has a slight pubescence, it has a yellow color and a barely noticeable red blush. The pulp of the fruit has a high density. Its color is orange, the taste is sweet, there is a slight sourness. It has a lot of juice and a wonderful aroma. A large bone can not be separated from the pulp.

But trees of the Donetsk yellow variety have a serious drawback - in Ukraine they are prone to leaf curl. In May, their twisting and death are observed.

As a result of the disease, the fruits decrease in size, ripen later, and the tree weakens. To grow this variety, you need to constantly monitor and protect peach from this disease in time.

Kyiv Early

A variety that produces medium-sized trees, which are practically not characterized by diseases such as powdery mildew and clasterosporium.

The crown grows in the form of a ball, slightly spreading. The variety tolerates winter well and yields in large quantities - 7.3-17.4 tons per hectare.

The fruits have a mass of 100 g. They have a light yellow color with a striped bright blush. The pulp of the fruit has a green-white color, good taste, a lot of juice and a delicate structure.

Peach contains about 9.4% sugar and 0.9% various acids. This is one of the best ratios of sweet and sour components.

The stone has a long shape, well separated.

The fruits ripen early, in the Kyiv region - in the second decade of July. In Russia, they give a harvest in the first decade of August.

The fruits are consumed fresh, they are also used to make jams and compotes.


A variety of nectarine, bred in America. It has good resistance to various climatic conditions, as well as good taste, due to which it is becoming more and more popular in Western Europe.

Nectarine blooms in early May, so spring frosts are practically not terrible for him. During flowering, the tree is very beautiful, as the nectarine flowers have a dark cherry color.

Subsequently, large fruits grow, weighing up to 160 g. Their shape is oval, the color is bright cherry, there is no pubescence. The taste of the fruit is dessert, the stone can be separated.

Redgold yields in the third decade of August.

Not as susceptible to rot as other nectarines. The buds responsible for flowering survive in frosts down to -25 C.

Harow Diamond

A peach variety that originated in Canada and has an early harvest. Ukrainians are interested, since the buds responsible for flowering survive at -26-28 C.

The tree has a large, spreading crown, prone to thickening, and therefore requires pruning.

It gives fruits weighing 100-150 g. They have an oval shape, light yellow color, there is a blush. The fruit pulp has Orange color and sweet and sour taste.

Harvested in the third decade of July.

Perhaps you will be interested :

peach is fruit tree the pink family. The ancestor of the peach is the almond. During the flowering period, the tree is covered with beautiful pink flowers, which appear earlier than the leaves. The plant originated in China. China is the largest exporter of peaches to Russia and other countries.

This is a very thermophilic and light-loving tree, therefore it prefers to grow in the southern part of Russia, Transcaucasia, Ukraine, America, Italy, China, etc.

But, with proper care, peach can be grown in regions with cold winters. Currently, varieties have been bred that have good winter hardiness. When buying seedlings, you need to pay attention to the resistance of the variety to frost and frost.

Peach blossom begins in mid-April and lasts an average of 10 days.

Fruit ripening, depending on the variety, begins after 3 - 4.5 months. Fruits on early varieties of trees are ready for use after 3 months, on medium-early varieties - after 3-4 months. Late varieties ripen in 4.5 months.

Peach fruits differ in shape, taste, roughness depending on the varieties. Average duration fruiting peach tree -15 years.

The most popular early varieties include:

Ripening - beginning of July

Italian variety with fruits weighing 70-90 grams. Fruiting begins in the second or third year after planting. The fruits are yellow with a red blush, the skin is rough with a pronounced seam in the middle, the taste is juicy, sweet. The shelf life of fruits is 3-4 days, and therefore this variety is extremely inconvenient for transportation. It has an average winter hardiness.

Kyiv early

Ripening - mid-July

This is an industrial grade. The trees are of medium height and have a spherical crown. Fruiting Kyiv early begins in the third year of planting. It is quite winter-hardy, withstands temperatures down to -25 degrees. By mid-July, the fruits ripen. High-yielding variety - up to 50-70 kg of peaches per tree. The average fruit weight is 90-150 grams.


Variety "Collins"

Ripening - end of July

The tree is quite tall, can reach 6 meters. Sufficiently resistant to frost, powdery mildew and curl. The fruits appear in the second year of planting. The average yield is 30 kg per tree. The average fruit weight is 110 grams. Peach color is yellow-red.

Variety "Greensboro"

Ripening - early August

The tree has an extensive crown and high growth. This variety is often found in the Crimea, the North Caucasus, Moldova, Georgia, and southern Russia. Fruits - weighing up to 120 grams. The skin is pubescent, thick, dense, rough, the fruits have a sweet and sour, juicy taste. Fruits abundantly. Not suitable for cold winters, where frosts exceed -20. Disease resistant. Poorly tolerates transportation and storage.

Variety "Redhaven"

Redhaven is one of the most popular and delicious varieties. It has large and juicy fruits (Redhaven in translation means "Red Paradise"). Abundantly bears fruit - up to 100 kg from one tree. The average fruit weight is 200 grams. Good transportability. Resistant to frost, curl. Susceptible to diseases of powdery mildew and klesterosporiosis. We self-pollinate, but for better yields, peach trees of other varieties can be planted in the neighborhood.

Redhaven prefers medium-acid soil. Requires frequent fertilizing after planting.


Variety "Juicy"

Ripening - first half of August

Tall trees with an extensive crown. The variety is self-pollinating, early-growing, has a high yield. Fruit weight - up to 120 grams. The skin is thick, with a dense roughness. This variety is very winter-hardy, but has a low fruit shelf life and low transportability. It is prone to powdery mildew disease.

Medium-early varieties include:

White Swan

Variety "White Swan"

This is a dessert variety of peach, it has a high sugar content. Very good for making compotes, jams, desserts, wine. A tree in an extensive crown, up to 6 meters high, has high yield, excellent frost resistance - up to -25. This variety is resistant to dry weather and diseases. The fruit weighs up to 250 grams. Peach color is yellow with a pink tint. Fruits tolerate moving and long-term storage well.

golden anniversary

Variety "Golden Jubilee"

Ripening - second half of August

The fruits of this variety are transportable, have excellent taste qualities. The average weight is 150 grams. The skin is edging, dense, with a golden yellow tint and a dark red blush. Shelf life - up to 8 days. "Golden Anniversary" has good winter hardiness and high yields - up to 50 kg per tree. Begins to bear fruit at three summer age.

Variety "Forest-steppe early"

Ripening - second half of August

The variety has increased resistance to cold winters and early frosts. Tree of medium height with a wide crown, medium density. Fruiting begins in the fourth year after planting. Good resistance to powdery mildew. The average fruit weight is 110 grams. Peach color cream, with a pink blush, rough. The taste is sweet and sour, juicy, very pleasant. Storage - 5-8 days from the date of harvest.

Of the late varieties of peach, I would like to highlight:


Variety "Veteran"

Ripening - end of August

High self-pollination. Fruiting begins at 3 years of age. High winter hardiness. The weight of the fetus reaches 130 grams. The fruits have medium pubescence, light yellow peel, juicy pulp. The grade has high winter hardiness, high resistance to diseases, it is well transported.

Variety "Sunny Jaminat"

Ripening: first half of September

The trees of this variety are not very tall, the crown is spherical and not dense. The variety gives a high yield, large fruits, the average fruit weight is 160-200 grams. Peach color is bright yellow with red patches. The taste is very juicy, sweet, with a slight sourness.

Fruiting variety begins in the third year after planting. Trees like a warm climate, do not tolerate frost very well. It is necessary to protect plants from diseases and pests, as they are prone to curl and clasterosporia.

The fruits of this variety are highly transportable. Perfectly retain their appearance and taste for up to two weeks from the moment of collection.
