Mixer      06/17/2019

Technology for creating furniture from cardboard with your own hands, and visual diagrams and patterns. DIY furniture made from cardboard and boxes DIY furniture made from corrugated cardboard

Cardboard furniture is a great alternative if you can’t afford regular furniture! Tables, chairs and sofas can be made from cardboard with your own hands!

Such an ordinary thing as cardboard, which we often throw away without thinking with the rest of the garbage, can turn out to be an excellent material for building good furniture. Of course, you can assume that such interior items will be fragile and will easily bend under the weight of objects placed on it, but this can and should be avoided by properly processing the cardboard.

Such furniture has a lot of positive advantages:

  • Stylish design. You can design any thing for your home, based only on your taste or the preferences of your family;
  • Economy. Spend very little money to buy necessary tools, and you won’t have to spend money on delivery/installation;
  • Mobility. With lightweight, immediately foldable furniture, moving will not be your nightmare - you will only have the joy of packing things for your new life;
  • Ergonomics. There is no need to walk around an endless store in search of “that very thing” that will simultaneously appeal to you, fit into the interior and be comfortable - from now on you can combine these three qualities;
  • Safety. IN cardboard furniture there are absolutely no harmful or dangerous elements - after all, you make furniture from boxes with your own hands, which means you check and see all the components;
  • Environmental friendliness. The furniture has lost its former appearance and attractiveness, or you decide to change the design - just take it apart and put it in a bag. You can throw it away without worrying, or you can use it to light a fire for barbecue - cardboard will not harm the environment in any way!
  • Strength. At correct processing cardboard, furniture made from it will last a very long time.

Despite a large number of advantages, cardboard furniture has one extremely unpleasant feature - when it is in a humid environment, the furniture deteriorates and becomes unsuitable for use.

Take this fact into account and always remove cardboard furniture from the street, otherwise sudden rain may render it unusable.

Tools and materials for manufacturing

What is needed to make cardboard furniture with your own hands? The constant materials will be:

  • Packaging cardboard/cardboard boxes – you can ask for boxes in the store or look for purchased equipment at home;
  • Regular and colored tape, paper tape, double-sided tape;
  • A stationery knife for cutting cardboard (watch the sharpness of the blades and change them as they become dull);
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Dull knife;
  • Roulette/iron ruler;
  • Pencil and eraser;
  • Glue (PVA, hot melt glue, wallpaper glue, liquid “moment” - depending on the situation, but sometimes you can only get by with tape);
  • Sandpaper (you will use it to sand the cardboard sections);
  • Kraft paper (white and dark) and tracing paper.

Types of cardboard

To make cardboard furniture with your own hands, you will need different cardboard, depending on the situation.

Cardboard can be one-, two-, or three-layer, depending on the number of layers, which, in turn, consist of small waves that can be seen on the cut of the cardboard. The more layers of cardboard with waves, the thicker the cardboard. Also, do not forget to determine the sides of the cardboard before starting work:

  • smooth (sometimes with drawings) side - front,
  • rough - purl.

To strengthen the edges of cardboard furniture, use dark-colored kraft paper, gluing all the seams with it, using wallpaper glue. Stick white paper (or tracing paper) on all furniture - it makes decorating the furniture easier.

Remember: craft paper and tracing paper must be torn by hand before gluing, not cut!

How to make cardboard furniture more durable

Depending on the purpose of the item (whether it be a chest for children's toys or a TV stand), cardboard is strengthened in different ways. For a more reliable and durable fastening, you must remember the following:

  • To strengthen the cardboard and protect it from moisture, use parquet varnish, applying it to already finished and decorated parts of furniture;
  • Try to make furniture symmetrical - it is more stable than irregularly shaped furniture;
  • If you make asymmetrical furniture, then add more supports to it for strength;
  • The more your furniture transverse parts, the more stable it is;
  • To give more strength to your structure, use a trick - make two layers of cardboard on all furniture elements. But, pay attention, the layers must be different: one layer must have horizontal waves, the other must have vertical ones;
  • Light cardboard is less durable than dark cardboard;
  • The thicker the cardboard, the stronger it is.

How to use cardboard furniture

How to properly use hand-made cardboard furniture

So that your cardboard new thing serves faithfully long term don't forget that:

  • Cardboard furniture is afraid of moisture (varnish will not save you from rain);
  • Use it for its intended purpose: if you have made a table for letters/keys/changes, do not place a bulky flower pot on it;
  • Make sure that there is no open fire near cardboard furniture (be it a fireplace, a fire, or even a cigarette) - you may lose not only a piece of furniture if you allow a fire hazard.

How to make furniture from cardboard with your own hands if only a box comes to mind? ? We are in a hurry to surprise you - you can make a lot of amazing things from cardboard that harmoniously fit into the interior, from the nursery to the hallway, and if you are completely overwhelmed by inspiration, then there are many ideas for the office and country house.

Below you will see how to make cardboard furniture with your own hands using patterns and diagrams. For the first time, choose something that is not too complicated to get comfortable with the manufacturing technique.

Important! When designing furniture, remember that 0.6 cm will take up furniture decoration, and always add these centimeters when measuring dimensions.

Master class No. 1: Cardboard shoe stand

We decided to simplify your task - we put the first master class that anyone can assemble. So, armed with all the necessary items, let's get started.

Step 1

  1. Take sheets of cardboard - approximately 21x24cm - and divide them into three equal strips; Using a dull knife, press the strips thoroughly so that they bend.
  2. Cover the long sides of the sheet with any colored tape.
  3. Then fold the sheets into triangular oblong shapes and secure with the same tape.

Step 2

You can make any number of triangles. To secure the shelves, take whole sheets of cardboard and glue triangles to them double-sided tape or PVA. You can put a sheet of cardboard on the very top and put high boots on it.

Master class No. 2: Cardboard bookshelf

Step 1

Take long, not wide sheets of cardboard - some of the sheets will be used for vertical bases, so they should be a little longer; in general, the size of the sheets can be any size at your discretion. You can look for such sheets in hardware stores - sometimes they throw them away with just such cuts.

If you can’t find it, take solid (without bends!) sheets and measure for the cutting line so that on all sheets they coincide when threaded into each other.

Step 2

If you take thick cardboard sheets, then when you connect them together they will hold tightly and without additional means. Thin sheets you can secure it together with hot glue; it will dry quickly, so you will have to act quickly when joining the sheets. After joining the sheets, you can already use the shelf.

Master class No. 3: Hanging shoe rack

  1. Take a couple of large sheets of cardboard and mark them into equal rectangles based on the size of your shoes. Then cut them out.
  2. Fold each rectangle as shown in the photo, and secure the resulting pockets with tape.
  3. Insert the pockets into each other so that it is easy to secure them with double-sided tape, but still leaves room for shoes.
  4. You can fix the shelf on the door - it will not interfere with you at all and take up a lot of space.

Master class No. 4: DIY laptop stand

Almost each of us has an indispensable tool for work and communication - a laptop. And we have to buy all sorts of peripheral devices for it (mouse, flash drives, removable hard drives, etc.). And so, when there is a desire to put it on a stand for ease of use, we are forced to go to the store and spend extra money. For those who want to avoid unnecessary expenses, but do not want to give up the stand, there is an excellent solution - to make it yourself. And how to do this - you will read in this article.

Materials and tools:

  • Laptop to measure stand size;
  • yardstick;
  • several sheets of paper or newspaper for a stencil;
  • thick cardboard for the stand itself (you can use an unnecessary box);
  • long ruler;
  • marker or pencil;
  • large scissors or a utility knife.

You already understand that we don’t need any special materials - everything listed is probably available in any home. Let's start production.

Step 1.

Take paper or newspaper and spread it on flat surface. It is better to carry out all actions related to measuring the size of the stand and making a stencil according to the “measure seven times, cut once” principle, because at best the stand will be crooked, and at worst it will not hold the laptop.

  1. First we will make a leg (this is a crossbar between the legs to give the stand more rigidity). We take a tape measure and measure the length of the laptop along the keyboard, from corner to corner.
  2. Mark exactly half of this length with a marker on paper.
  3. We draw a line - this will be half of the base of the pole. It's better not to draw this detail entirely. Make a slight inaccuracy and the laptop will stand crooked.

  • We measure up from the edges of the segment 4 cm and 7 cm. Draw a rectangle.
  • Mentally divide the rectangle into 3 parts: the first third is an almost straight line at a height of 4 cm, the second third is with a pattern or hand making a bend at an angle of 45 degrees to the 7 cm line, the last third is from the right end of the segment we draw a line to the 7 cm line at an angle 45 degrees.
  • All this is simply and clearly shown in the photo (detail 1). At the point where the two curved lines meet, a narrow sleeve is made - at this place there will be a cutout for aligning the parts.

Step 2.

The same photo shows a template for the legs of the stand (detail 2).

You select the angle of the stand based on your personal preferences. This will add up to the height of the right and left sides of the leg. When drawing the template for the leg, pay attention to the tooth that will subsequently keep the laptop from falling.

In height, it should be at least a third of the thickness of the laptop. The slot in the leg for coupling with the leg should not be in the middle, but at a distance of approximately 1/3 from far edge. This also affects the stability of the structure. Curves are at your discretion.

The slots in the legs and leg can be no more than 3-4 cm in height. They can be 3-5 mm in width depending on the thickness of the cardboard, but in both parts they can be the same.

Step 3.

Cut out paper templates. We attach the template of 1 part with the bottom cut to the even edge of the box chosen as the future stand. It is desirable that the stable parts of the stand are perfectly level (the stand will not wobble on the table).

  • Carefully trace the template on one side, then flip it over to the other side and continue tracing. We get one continuous symmetrical part (leg). Apply parts only to smooth parts of the box (pieces of cardboard) where there are no folds.
  • On another cardboard (for example, the bottom of a box) we place the paper template of part 2, i.e. leg. We circle and repeat the same a second time. The legs must be absolutely identical.

Step 4.

We cut out all the details with scissors or a stationery knife. We move them along the slots, as shown in the photo.

If everything is combined correctly, then you can be glad that a simple (like all ingenious), functional, strong stand for your digital friend is ready! Install a laptop on it and attach additional keyboards to it, watch movies on comfortable height, sweep the cookie crumbs under the stand - you are now the happy owner of a homemade laptop stand!

Cardboard table diagram

We also offer a simple photo master cardboard desktop class

(however, this is also a tree). However, few people have heard about the possibility of making furniture from cardboard. Yes, this is true, but we, the authors of this blog, are very skeptical about the very idea of ​​​​making such furniture, because it is fragile and completely short-lived.

BUT she is very interesting, so you can pay attention to her. This is exactly what we will do now.

Sofas and chairs made of cardboard

Let's start with the most important elements - sofas and chairs. Below are unusual models:

This is a flexible sofa that can be “folded out” in any way you like. Its design is simple, accessible to self-production, but the fact is that after a month or two of use, such a sofa will have to be thrown away. This is what it looks like in a different position:

The next cardboard sofa model is more interesting:

Due to the fact that there are soft stylish pillows, it looks good. However, we still don’t like it, even despite the relative visual strength (it seems that the sofa is durable).

Now we definitely saw it. Here is the same chair, but with a person:

By the way, pay attention in the last photo how dented the upper part of this chair is. About the same thing happens with its bottom, so such furniture does not last long, unfortunately.

The further it goes, the more unusual it gets: a snake-bench made of cardboard. You can’t install one like this in a house, but the solution can be implemented in an office. There it will look very unusual and delight customers.

We will again remain silent about the practicality of the bench, but will immediately move on to the next element:

What you see in the photo above is a sofa made of micro wood fiber and cardboard. It has great view, is cheap and unusual. Take note of the idea if you like this.

However, from the last photo it becomes clear that this is a small chest of drawers-table for a laptop that can be used in the house. Because it does not imply large loads on the structure, it should live a long time (theoretically).

In this photo we have a chair that, when unfolded, turns into a bench. Very unusual idea worthy of attention. It could be better if the material of construction was not cardboard, but wood!

And again we return to the sofa. Comments on this photo will be superfluous: everything is clear from the picture.

And finally, a cardboard sofa for a cat:

We know how much they love to sharpen their claws, so let them sharpen them on a cheap, useless cardboard sofa, rather than on skin.

Cardboard beds

Below is a photo of such furniture, and some models look just great. Like this one, for example:

A simple mattress is thrown on top and the bed is ready. True, we are not sure that we will be able to sleep until the morning, especially if a person spins a lot in his sleep.

How do you like this cardboard bed, and even with drawers:

If the cabinets in this photo are even more or less capable of performing their functions, then the bed will last you at most a week or two. Well, this material cannot withstand heavy loads, because... This is simple STURDY PAPER.

This is a “hidden” bed behind a shelf, installed against the wall. We would not recommend placing it directly against the wall, because climbing into it is inconvenient in this case, but the idea itself is not bad, if it were not ordinary paper.

How cute is the next photo: a baby crib.

No matter what we say above, we like this model. What's the point of buying cribs that your baby will quickly outgrow? A simple cardboard playpen is suitable here, where the child will feel comfortable. We support!

What's next for us? Is this a bed? Most likely, this is an ordinary folding bed that can turn into a stool and table. Everything is visible in the photo. The solution is well suited for some kind of outdoor trip, because... When folded, it takes up very little space.

What if it rains while on vacation outdoors?

Well, and another strange folding bed made of cardboard:

Trite, but very simple and practical. Just right for a child. For adults, double beds made from drawers underneath are suitable:

Somewhere in the beginning we considered a similar design, but there was no mattress and bed linen. It’s all there, the model looks very attractive and not disposable.

As for children, we really like furniture for kids. And here is another photo that brings a smile to your face:

A comfortable crib that can easily accommodate two little brothers (or sisters?).

Cardboard cabinets

We have already explained why we don’t like chairs, beds and sofas made of cardboard. Their structures are fragile, so everything quickly deteriorates. However, all this cannot be said about the cabinets, which are not under load almost all the time, and at most support the weight of books or a flower. Cardboard copes with this, and the cabinets do not deteriorate quickly.

Below are photos of cardboard cabinets and shelves, but without any comments - we’re just tired of it.

Did you read to the end? We are very grateful for this. Now we are waiting for comments.

In order to make a sofa out of cardboard with your own hands, the first step is to decide on the size and shape of the structure, because in fact, you can make a wide variety of furniture of the most varied shapes from cardboard. Once you have decided what kind of sofa you want, you can start cutting components designs. To do this, take cardboard boxes (of which you will need a lot) and cut out all the parts of the sofa from them according to a pre-made template (pattern).

After this, we cut out many small rectangles from cardboard and glue them in those places where the greatest loads usually occur during operation, that is, on the back and seat of the future cardboard sofa. You can use regular office glue or PVA glue as glue.

Now we glue all the pieces of cardboard together and leave them for half a day so that the glue dries completely. It is advisable to press down the structure to be glued with something heavy so that after drying, bumps and irregularities do not appear on the surface of the cardboard.

After this, we cover the finished dry structure with paper, foam rubber and cover it with fabric. At each stage we make sure that the glue dries completely. And only then do we proceed to subsequent work.

As a result, we will get this interesting sofa, consisting of two parts. On the back side there are Velcro strips on the upholstery that secure both parts of the sofa to each other. If necessary, the sofa can easily turn into two armchairs.

And here is another sofa made of cardboard, the manufacturing technology of which is similar to that described above. Only in this case, the cardboard was not covered with anything (neither cloth nor paper), but was placed on metal carcass. It’s difficult to say how convenient such a sofa will be to use, but since this model was developed by a well-known design company, I can assume that such a creative cardboard design can become almost the most important decoration of the interior.

And another interesting cardboard sofa, made of cardboard boxes, inside of which there is some kind of dense material. The author of the idea forgot to mention what exactly is inside this structure, so that it would not collapse under the weight of an adult, but I think you can come up with some of your own options, based on what materials that can withstand loads are at hand.

We continue the “Handicraft” section and the “” subsection with the article. Where we will talk a little about cardboard furniture in general and look at examples of its production on video in particular. Following in the footsteps of the article “Handicraft and Reuse” - we reuse cardboard.

Cardboard furniture: patterns and videos - the article is intended to show that there is an alternative modern furniture at inflated prices. Thus, we have previously published articles “Inexpensive do-it-yourself shelf” and “Home design using boxes and drawers,” where we talked about how you can save a lot on shelves. Now it's time for cardboard.

Cardboard (French carton, from Italian cartone, from “ card"paper) is the thickest paper, thicker than sugar and wrapping paper. Cardboard is a material consisting primarily of plant fibers, differing from paper in its greater thickness and weight. square meter. Most experts consider paper with a thickness of more than 0.2 mm or any multi-layer paper to be cardboard.

Well, as we all know, paper is made from cellulose. Consequently, cardboard (as well as furniture made of cardboard) is the same wood. Just less dense.

It is precisely in connection with the density of cardboard that the objection often arises: “Furniture made of cardboard is children's furniture... It is impossible to sit on it... It gets wet...” and so on.

Regarding getting wet, this is not even an objection, it’s just a property of cardboard furniture. Just as a polished cabinet should not be scratched with nails, cardboard furniture should not be wet. So “it gets wet” is just an excuse :) Moreover, if the finished furniture is coated with simple furniture varnish, then no amount of water is scary.

Glued cardboard blanks can be processed no worse than wood or chipboard, so you can create furniture of the most bizarre shapes. And if you paint furniture made of cardboard, and inlay it with some kind of decor, and cover it acrylic varnish, no one will ever guess what it is made of.

Now about the strength of cardboard furniture. In fact, cardboard furniture is specially designed so that you can sit on it. For this, a very simple principle is used, which has been used in architecture for a long time: a thin and not very strong partition, placed on its edge, is much stronger than if it were placed on its wide side.

You can verify this yourself: take an A4 sheet, fold it like an accordion and bend it in half along the wide part. It is very easy. And then bend it across the short rib. This is several times more difficult than the first option (depending on how tightly you twisted the accordion).

In the manufacture of cardboard furniture, packaging cardboard is used, which can be found in furniture stores, electrical and household appliances, in car garages. The thickness of the cardboard, which is measured in layers, plays an important role. The cardboard layer is the little waves that make it up. As a rule, the more such layers, the stronger the cardboard. Depending on the type of furniture and/or part of the model, one-, two- and three-layer cardboard is used in the manufacture of furniture.

By the way, do you know who was the first to think of making furniture out of cardboard? Theater decorators, and after them, toy manufacturers. Then making such furniture became something of a hobby for creative people. And in the 21st century, cardboard furniture is already seriously considered as an alternative to traditional interior items.

Single-layer cardboard is most often used to fill the inner walls of models with rounded, curved shapes; To fill the inner walls of models with straight lines, it is preferable to use two- or three-layer cardboard. Also, darker-colored cardboard is usually more durable than light-colored cardboard. Front side The cardboard is smoother, on which you can find inscriptions, the backside is less smooth.

The technology for creating furniture from cardboard is very simple.

So, all you need to do is glue sheets of cardboard or blanks cut from it, one pattern at a time, together until you get the part required thickness. Can be used for gluing parts

  • PVA construction adhesive,
  • wallpaper glue,
  • glue "Moment"
  • hot glue gun,
  • double sided tape
  • wood glue,
  • glue for Dragon tiles (more information about this glue and gluing features can be found in the article “Ceiling tiles: how to glue optimally?”).

To cut cardboard, instead of a stationery knife, you can use a jigsaw (the most simple model with blades for cutting metal). Its use saves time and results in clearer shapes, since several layers of cardboard can be cut at a time, having previously secured them with paper tape. Using a jigsaw, do not try to cut out the shape in one go, it is better to bring the line to the corner, move the jigsaw and continue cutting, taking it a little further from the corner. Then trim the remaining corners with a cutting knife.

Important nuance: in the event that you need to bend some part without cutting it, IT’S BETTER NOT to bend it just like that, in real life. It will be much more accurate and easier to bend the cardboard if you use a ruler and a knife to make an incision on the side from which the fold will go.

After gluing, it is advisable to keep multi-layer parts under pressure for several hours, or even better, for 24 hours. Then you won’t have to complain about the lack of strength in finished products.

It is very important to take into account the direction of the “waves” of the cardboard; the strength of the furniture depends on this. Usually, when duplicating the walls of a piece of furniture (consists of two identical parts glued together), the first is “cut out” on cardboard, where the layers (waves) are directed vertically, the second, on the contrary, where the layers are horizontal.

The second way to attach parts to each other is using grooves. In this case, you don't even need glue. Needed:

  • stationery knife for cutting paper (change blades regularly to ensure clean cutting quality)
  • metal ruler 50-100 m cm, where the “zero” line is equal to the beginning of the ruler (if the ruler is wooden, then the stationery knife will cut it and bend it)
  • pencil, eraser, brushes (for glue, if he uses)
  • sandpaper for sanding cuts
  • protective tape, paper for gluing the “ribs” and a damp sponge
  • parquet varnish to make furniture waterproof

Well, a proven pattern for future furniture. By the way, if you are planning to make furniture from your own pattern (or are simply planning to make cardboard furniture for the first time), then you can first make a mini-layout to check what will fit together. And then move on to the real size.

The most simple furniture made of cardboard is solid furniture where there are no gaps between sheets of cardboard; the sheets are glued to each other. The procedure for making such “monolithic” furniture is very simple:

  1. Take a piece of cardboard and draw a template of furniture (such as chairs and footstools). The forms can be absolutely any.
  2. Cut out the templates using a utility knife. You will need about 50 of these pieces for the chair and a little less for the footrest. The number of parts depends on the width of the chair you want.
  3. Glue the cut out parts together with PVA glue and assemble into blocks of 5 pieces. When ten blocks are ready, start gluing them together. Do the same with the footrest.
  4. To improve the adhesion of surfaces, press the entire structure with something heavy and leave to dry for a day.
  5. When the glue has dried, drape the chair and stand with fabric and secure the fabric furniture stapler or buttons.

The big advantage of solid cardboard furniture is that it can be of absolutely any shape. Paper will endure anything :)

The second option is cardboard furniture, which saves a lot of effort and time (because cutting and gluing 50 pieces of cardboard is not a one-day job). This typesetting way. Due to the nuance here, this method is not so easy to apply. So, in this case it is necessary to have a calculated and tested pattern.

As an example, let’s look at the technology for creating a chair from cardboard using this method. Lesson - on video:


As you can see, everything is simple, easy and relatively fast.

In the next video you can clearly see patterns for cardboard furniture:


If you noticed, this video uses very thick cardboard. Which can be a challenge to find. But it’s not a problem to glue such cardboard together - component parts can be glued together, and no one forbade this :)

Now we offer you a more complex model of cardboard furniture: a video on how to make a small corner table for a TV:


You may have noticed that this table did not remain so rough and cardboard in color. He became beautiful and red :) And this means that the last operation was performed on him, which is preferably carried out with furniture made of cardboard.

So, a little more about what can be done with the surface of finished cardboard furniture. There is a lot that can be done. Almost everything that we came across in the “Handicraft” section can be used to decorate finished cardboard furniture.

So, this is decoupage of furniture, and, and, and - whatever your heart desires. However, it is recommended to take one step first - apply primer to cardboard. That is, paint ready product the most ordinary acrylic paint. In this case, the color of the cardboard will not show through the decor layer. So, there are many techniques that allow you to give cardboard furniture the most attractive look.

For example, one more nuance: craftsmen came to the conclusion that before priming the finished product must first be covered with Kraft paper - this is the name of the wrapping material, the raw material for which is long-fiber sulfate cellulose. Kraft paper is traditionally colored light brown, but for making home furniture white is preferable. You can use paper tape to secure the paper and trim the edges of the cardboard.

By the way, if you continue to be concerned about the strength of cardboard furniture, you can use the same patterns to make furniture from fiberboard, chipboard, plastic, and basically anything. True, it will be a little more expensive...

As you have seen, furniture made from cardboard is very simple, and there are tons of videos and patterns for making it.

Based on materials from http://www.liveinternet.ru/users/irma2/post159417854/

50 ideas and description of work for a house and furniture made of cardboard.

By playing with dolls, children learn to communicate with their peers and adults. They project the world they see around them onto the world of their toys. If a little girl played with dolls and took care of them as a child, then as an adult she will be able to skillfully cope with the responsibilities of the mother of her children and the keeper of the family hearth.

Of course, you can buy a house for dolls, but if you make it together with your child, it will not only be more interesting and more beautiful, but also more functional because the size and style of such a house can be made absolutely arbitrary. There can be several of them at once, if dolls live separately in each house.

The simplest houses made from cardboard are made by folding a sheet of cardboard and adding a roof. The walls of such a house look cozy by covering them with soft fabric.

Closing houses with four walls can be one-story.

They can also be two-story.

Making such a house is easy if you use a rectangular cardboard box. Its width becomes the base of the house, and the second floor is glued inside the cardboard box. And also two-story and even apartment house it turns out if cardboard boxes are placed on top of each other and glued together.

For the manufacture of a one-story house with gable roof You will need a simple pattern and colored paper to decorate the walls of the house.

The size of such a house and the shape of windows and doors depends on the wishes of the child. A boring house made of gray cardboard can be transformed by covering it with colored paper. To simplify pasting the walls of the house, they can be pasted disassembled, and only then assembled.

Houses for toy dogs in the form of a doghouse have a round window and a semicircular door. The dogs near the kennel are also made of cardboard.

How to make a cardboard bed for dolls

To make a crib for dolls, use a cut cardboard box.

The box is cut to the height of the crib. The headboards are glued to the head of the bed.

Apply paper masking tape along the edge of the crib to cover any unsightly cuts.

Now the crib can be painted any color you like. It is better to take opaque gouache paints for this.

You can put a mattress and other doll bedding on the bottom of the crib. And this is what the same crib might look like if you don’t paint it, but put a fabric cover on it.

Ruffles are sewn along the edge of the crib, and the back is decorated with lace.

The crib can be double and the child can put two dolls in it at once.

A bed for dolls can be made from cardboard using a simplified version. It is glued together from two cardboard boxes. One of them serves as a bed frame, and the other as a headrest.

To prevent such a bed from sagging, you can put a curved strip of cardboard inside it.

Cardboard strip inside the bed

Cardboard sofa for dolls

For a sofa made of cardboard, you will need a cut corner of a cardboard box and cardboard covered with fabric. The seat of the sofa and its side parts are pasted over and inserted into such a corner.

The sofa seat and its sides are glued into the box.

Cover six sofa cushions with fabric.

The sofa with pillows is assembled and the glue is allowed to dry.

A cardboard chair for dolls can be made according to the pattern for assembling a sofa, but in this case the cardboard corner should be smaller and assembled from two pillows. And for making soft chair, cut out a seat in a cardboard box and cover it with a sheet of cardboard. Empty places under the armrests and seat are filled with foam rubber or other material.

The chair is covered with a fabric cover. To add volume, you can glue pieces of padding polyester onto the cardboard. Corner from small sofa and a square ottoman is made in the same way.

Cardboard cabinet for dolls

A wardrobe for doll dresses can be made with doors, or you can do without them. Inside such a closet, a crossbar for hangers with dresses is inserted into a slot in the cardboard. And below you can put drawers for small items.

Cardboard chest of drawers for dolls

The chest of drawers is assembled by placing small boxes in two or three rows in one large box. Such boxes can be decorated with paper of different colors and handles can be made from bottle caps.

Cardboard computer for dolls

A child can make a computer out of cardboard himself; to do this, he will need to bend a sheet of cardboard in half and glue squares to it on one side, which will symbolize the keyboard, and on the other, a picture that will symbolize the monitor.

If covered with black paper cardboard boxes glue a piece of paper with a keyboard drawn on it, and a picture to the lid of the box, you get a doll computer.

To make a TV from cardboard, just draw the handles of the sound and channel switches on a cardboard box and cut out a rectangle in it symbolizing the screen and insert pictures into this place. If the box is large enough, children can perform and speak in it themselves.

Kitchen made of cardboard for dolls

A cardboard kitchen for dolls can include a stove, refrigerator, kitchen tables and chairs. Such furniture does not have to be modeled from scratch. Use ready-made cardboard boxes for this. These boxes are painted under household appliances or pasted over with colored paper.

To make a refrigerator you will need a rectangular box. Shelves for food are glued inside it. The door is cut to size back wall refrigerator and glue it to the box. A handle is glued to the refrigerator door.

To make a stove from cardboard, you can use ready-made cardboard boxes. Burners for the stove can be unnecessary computer disks, and handles colorful caps from plastic bottles. To attach such a handle, cut plastic bottle a few centimeters below the lid and insert into the holes in the cardboard.

Cardboard food for dolls

Food for dolls is cut out from picture books, or you can draw it on paper and stick it on cardboard so that the images do not wrinkle or get lost.

Cardboard dishes for dolls

Plates for doll kitchens are cut out of cardboard and paper images of plates are glued onto them, which can be printed on a printer.

Pots and cups are made of two parts. One of them is the bottom, and the second side wall dishes. The lid for the pan is cut out several times larger diameter than the bottom of the pan.

Such dishes are decorated with applique or drawings.

Cardboard table for dolls

If you connect three rectangular boxes you will get a fairly stable table for dolls. From large boxes you can make not only a small doll table, but also a table for a child to play in the kitchen.

A sheet of cardboard is glued to the top, and you can decorate such furniture by gluing colored paper or sheets of wallpaper to the surface.

From matchboxes can be done small table With drawers. Matchbox cases are glued to the walls of the table, and boxes are inserted into them. These drawers slide out using handles.

Cardboard chairs for dolls

Using the same assembly pattern as for a three-box table, you can make chairs in the form of stools. Very small chairs for dolls are made from cardboard matchboxes. The boxes are glued together with glue, and for strength they can be connected with paper masking tape. If you glue a circle of cardboard covered with a piece of fabric on top and put a piece of padding polyester under the fabric, the chair will turn out soft. More complex design near a cardboard chair with a back. In this model, the backrest is inserted into slots in the sides of the chair.

Boxes connected to each other make an excellent labyrinth with obstacles.

Cardboard hanger for dolls

To make clothes hangers for dolls, just measure the width of the doll's dresses along the shoulder line and cut out hangers of the same size from cardboard. You can strengthen the hangers from possible bends and glue such parts two at a time together. And if you stick paper on cardboard hangers and paint them with flowers, they will not only be functional, but also beautiful.

A cardboard phone for dolls can be either a mobile phone or a rotary phone.

A cardboard cradle is made by wrapping a deep cardboard box with beautiful fabric outside and inside.

Or paint the cardboard with paints, then bend and glue it on four sides to form a cradle.

Stroller for dolls made of cardboard

To make a stroller for dolls from cardboard, just wrap a small box in beautiful fabric or paper and attach a handle. The handle is inserted into a flat cardboard box smaller than the stroller. The box with a handle is glued to the cradle of the stroller.

VIDEO: How to make a toy house from fabric and cardboard?