Shower      03/08/2020

DIY wooden ladle. How to make a wooden sauna ladle with your own hands. How to prepare a bath broom

Even the smallest details are important in a bathhouse. Often in a steam room you need ladles for water. Their size and shape usually depend on the size of the steam room and personal preferences, but there are general recommendations according to their choice.

Bathhouse and ladle

  • 1 Material for a ladle in a bath
    • 1.1 Wooden buckets
    • 1.2 Metal
    • 1.3 Plastic
  • 2 What kind of ladles are needed in a bathhouse
  • 3 How to make a ladle with your own hands: video tutorials
Material for a ladle in a bath

When choosing any accessories and items for the bath, you need to proceed from several criteria. You need to take into account safety, practicality, durability, and aesthetic components. Well, there’s no escape from the material side either: in many cases, the decisive factor in the choice is the price.

Wooden buckets

Wood is the most traditional of all possible materials for bath accessories. Typically, linden, aspen, cedar or oak wood is used for bath ladles. In order to extend their service life, wooden ladles are coated with a layer of wax or impregnated with linseed oil. But even in this option, they have a short service life: they darken or crack, and may simply lose their aesthetic appearance.

Wooden bath ladles also come in several types:


Metal sauna ladles are more practical, but in order not to get burned, the handle of such an accessory must be made of wood or heat-resistant plastic. The materials used for production are copper, brass or stainless steel.

A brass or copper sauna ladle is not a cheap pleasure, but it also has a significant service life. The stainless steel ladle is the cheapest in this group, but by no means the worst: its performance characteristics are no worse, and perhaps even better. Brass and copper ladle will oxidize and darken over time. Periodically they need to be rubbed to restore a decent appearance. Not everyone will like this procedure: sit and sand the surface with a soft cloth. No problems with stainless steel. They are like a Christmas tree: in winter and summer they are the same color. In the sense that they do not change at all.

From a safety point of view, bath ladles and metal scoops are not the best the best choice: They may become hot and burn. In a Russian steam room with its not very high temperatures, you will get a full-fledged burn if the ladle lies near the stove, but in saunas they heat up even from the air. In dry air vents, temperatures of 90-100° C are not the limit. And you can easily get burned with metal at this temperature. SO it’s better not to take metal buckets into saunas.

Metal sauna ladles must have a wooden handle

There are also hybrid buckets: a metal container is inserted inside a wooden bucket. This bucket is convenient, durable and practical. It is difficult for them to get burned; it will not allow water to pass through, even if the wood dries out. The cost is, however, decent.

A metal container is inserted inside a wooden ladle


Most a budget option– ladle made of heat-resistant plastic. Relevant modern materials You can safely dip it into boiling water. The only issue is the issue of aesthetics, which is compensated by the low price and a decent margin of safety.

Each of these options has its own advantages and disadvantages, but any of them is suitable for use in a bathhouse, but there should be no glass accessories in the steam room (and even in the bathhouse).

What kind of ladles are needed in a bathhouse?

If your stove has a remote water tank, or there is a faucet in the mounted/built-in tank, then you can collect water in a basin or bucket. If a tap is not provided, you will need to draw water from above, through a special hole in the tank lid. You will need a fairly large ladle with a long vertical handle. They are also called scoops because they scoop up water.

The length of the handle depends on the configuration and size of the tank: the greater the depth, the longer the handle must be in order to be able to get water from the bottom. It is convenient to have several of these scoops: if more than two people usually steam, then one scoop is clearly not enough.

Sauna ladle with vertical handle

You also need a special ladle for watering the heater in the bathhouse. These buckets have a long horizontal handle. Even a small portion of water falling on hot stones causes the release of heated steam. If your hand is in the “affected zone,” you can get a noticeable burn, which is very difficult to treat. Some models of buckets have holes. Such scoops help to distribute water evenly over the surface of the stones if an open heater is used. How convenient it is to use them is a moot point.

Ladle for watering the heater

You also need a ladle for dousing in the bathhouse. It is inconvenient to do this using a container with a long handle. The volume of the ladle for pouring is at least 0.4-0.5 liters. It’s also convenient to have several of them, depending on the number of steamers. This is much more convenient than waiting for your turn... If children will be steaming in the bathhouse, you can purchase several pieces of a smaller volume so that the children can comfortably enjoy the procedure.

Wooden ladles for baths

An expensive ladle is hardly necessary in a bathhouse, but for those for whom the aesthetic component is very important, we can advise you to select a bucket and a ladle at the same time. If you purchased both a bucket and composite buckets - cooperage ones, it would be logical to order buckets of the same type.

For those who have both wood and metal in their bathhouse design, it is worth thinking about metal ladles with wooden handles– they will “fit” perfectly into this design option. If resources are limited, you can choose very good plastic accessories that will look good in the bathhouse, but when adding water to the heater with such a ladle, you need to be careful not to touch very hot elements with it. For a heater, it is better to use a metal or wooden ladle.

How to make a ladle with your own hands: video tutorials

For those who like to do everything with their own hands, there was a video on how to make a carved ladle. A special cutter with different attachments is used here, but if desired, everything can be done hand tools. It will undoubtedly take more time, but it’s hardly worth buying equipment just for a couple of buckets.

The second video is about how to make a carved ladle for a bath. Here the master works exclusively with hand tools. His dexterity is enviable.

Bathhouse is one of the favorite hobbies of Russian people. Taking a steam bath in a Russian bath is a tradition, a necessary procedure and a healthy treatment for the entire body. The owners of the baths try to create coziness and convenience in the interior spaces.

The ladle is an indispensable attribute in the bathhouse

There are few attributes required to visit the steam room. One of the important ones is the bath ladle or scoop. It should be easy to grip, strong in material, and able to withstand hot temperatures of water and air. The scoop cannot be taken lightly. A simple item is an important part of the entire procedure of visiting a hot Russian steam room.

Distinctive features of the bucket and scoop

Despite the similarity in shape, the ladle and scoop have their own distinctive features. The sauna ladle performs several tasks:

  • pour cold and hot water into bath containers;
  • contrast body wash.

The most important requirement when choosing is the material. The best approach is natural wood. This product does not lose its shape and does not allow liquid to pass through. A special difference between the material is the aroma of wood. Natural raw materials emit a charming smell that relaxes the body and purifies the air.

It is possible to buy a plastic bucket. But it should be remembered that from hot temperature The plastic mass is deformed and may simply melt at high temperatures or in contact with hot objects.

Another option is metal. They are dangerous to use in a bathhouse: you can easily get burned from the heated metal.

In the photo - a metal scoop for a bath

Among modern trade offers there are combination options. You can find a metal ladle with a wooden frame and a solid wood handle. Such an item for a steam room will be very convenient. Metal, even if cracks appear on the wood, will not allow hot liquid to spill out. You can take it by the handle and not be afraid of burns.

A sauna scoop performs slightly different tasks: it waters the stove stones and adds heat to the steam room. The freshness and amount of steam depends on the scoop. Fans of the Russian refreshing procedure are advised to opt for wooden attributes. An oak and linden sauna ladle will create an amazing microclimate of clean and fresh air.

Types and forms of wooden products

Wood is the traditional and most popular material for making ladles. Most often they choose linden, oak, aspen, cedar, and mulberry. Their wood is not afraid of moisture and can withstand high temperature. Finished products are coated with liquid wax or a layer of mala flax.


They are made from a single piece of wood. They look in the style of antique utensils and will be ideal for creating coziness and comfortable conditions.


They are made from separate planks pressed tightly against each other. The technology is close to the creation of barrels. The planks hold their shape for a long time; if they dry out, cracks and cracks may appear. But it is not difficult to return to the desired shape. The ladle is soaked in water. The tree swells and the cracks disappear.

Carved ladle for bath

You can make a scoop with your own hands. For this, wood and a carpenter's set of tools are prepared. You need to draw on paper appearance future product, a simple sketch. Then decide on the dimensions and complete the drawing. It is better to first consider the remaining actions in the video lesson of the masters. Then start working on your own according to the steps described below.

  1. Draw contours according to the dimensions on the tree.
  2. Rough processing is being carried out.
  3. A handle and container are formed.
  4. Then the interior sides of the bowl container and the handle are finished.
  5. If skillful, it can be decorated with patterns or decorative carvings.

Rules for choosing bath assistants

In the washing room and steam room it is better to have both products: a ladle and a ladle. They must be in convenient location, on special hooks and holders. There should be no obstacles to pick them up, take them out or remove them. Choose an open and accessible place. The choice should be based on the area of ​​the entire building, the internal distribution of areas, and the material used.

Particular attention should be paid to the location of the heater. The best option is to have several different buckets and scoops. The reason for this is that most often they wash not one at a time, but together or in a group. Several assistants will not delay the procedure for receiving pleasure. You won't have to wait for the bath ladle to become empty.

The scoop is selected according to the length of the handle. If the stones are nearby and closed with special flaps, the handle may be small. If the stones are open, close to the tank, you need to take a long handle. It is dangerous to throw steam with a short handle; you can get burned by the steam.

To choose a bucket or scoop, you need to know their features

The shape of the handle is made to fit the curve of the palm, for gripping with the hand. Its thickness matters. Therefore, one ladle is made for women, another for men. Small ladles for children. Splashing and steaming with your own ladle will not only be pleasant, it will become a kind of education for the child and preparation for understanding the whole essence of visiting a Russian bathhouse, a step towards adulthood.

Other handle sizes:

  • The water scoop should have a long handle, this will be convenient for collecting water from a distance;
  • The product is of medium length for pouring; it is convenient to pour while standing, sitting and lying down.

This lesson was provided to us by a MASTER from the city of Syzran. It tells in detail (and shows - so far the largest master class on the site - more than 30 photos) how to make a beautiful ladle-mug from a log.

So, first we take a log and cut it into ridges of the required length. This can be done conveniently using a gas or electric saw.

We split it into two “equal cotyledons”.
We draw out the working plane with a hatchet, if this is necessary, of course. We draw the contours of the future vessel on it and begin to remove excess material with it, first roughly.

You can (and should) in some places, for example, at the ends, use a hacksaw, a jigsaw, or better yet band saw(if there is, we don’t have it yet)

We file the handle, leaving an allowance, and chop it off with an ax. Dangerous moment! If the fibers don’t go straight, you can even chip off half the scoop!

Finer removal of material is done using semicircular chisels.

On the resulting side profile we draw the contours of the handle and scoop.

And one more shot illustrating both projections.

Let's move on to processing the handle. Using the same chisels, we roughly remove the material, adjusting it to the contour.

select a hole using cranberries

What is not convenient to cut with a chisel is removed with a knife

Now you need to connect the contours on the bottom and body. To do this, draw another contour of the narrowing of the bottom.

I did it with an axe, you could use a knife or a chisel, it doesn’t matter

Using a sharp knife, we remove all irregularities, angularities, etc., rounding off the shapes.

We do this until it looks like this.

Let's move on to choosing a bowl. To speed up the process, we’ll use 35 mm. The main thing here is not to drill through.

Next, using a power chisel and mallet, we chop off the main mass inside. The chisel, like many of my tools, is homemade. I forged it from a spring, hardened it, and that’s how I use it. Fully working

Gradually remove the material from the scoop.

We take a narrower chisel and continue working.

Using cranberry we go deeper into the bottom, cutting off the flat part formed by the cutter.

We evenly select the material until it reaches this state: the walls are slightly translucent, the thickness should be left approximately 5-6 mm with an allowance for further polishing

Here general form intermediate product.

We turn the ladle over and select a recess on the bottom so that it does not rock on the table.

We remove everything unnecessary and this is what we have at the end of the first part. We URGENTLY wrap it in newspapers and a bag, otherwise it will crack!!! Let it dry. Then there will be sanding.

That's it, drying is complete. Let's start sanding

Let's start grinding inner part with this homemade device.

This is how it happened after 7-10 minutes of work, during the process I changed the sanding wheel twice. But you still need to work with your hands!

Now let's sand the outside. Tape Grinder makes life a lot easier!

We run the bucket from all accessible sides, with a belt up to 80.

after processing with 80th tape it turns out like this.

Now with your hands! Using sandpaper of the same grit, we smooth out the remains and then clean it with a finer one until smooth.

Then we wet it with water. Raise the pile and sand again, gradually reducing the grain size.

It’s convenient to use this sponge for this. I repeated the process 4 times, the result was satisfactory. You can do more, you won’t ruin the ladle with sandpaper!

Now the impregnation. I use regular flaxseed from the pharmacy. Some recommend special bleached linseed oil, I haven't tried it yet. First we pour it inside.

Oil appears at the ends literally before our eyes! Next, I thickly lubricate the entire surface and leave it in the sun until absorbed, then repeat the process.

Soaked it three times. Then I melt the wax in a water bath and apply it with a brush. Then I warm up the mug (without fanaticism!!!) to absorb the wax, wipe it with a dry cloth and that’s it. (stormy applause turning into standing ovation)

Bath accessories are accessories without which the steam room cannot be called fully equipped and comfortable. Thanks to stylish and comfortable items, it becomes possible to create a special cozy atmosphere. These include hats, brooms and much more. Anyone can make bath accessories with their own hands.

The production of accessories for equipping a bathhouse has now reached a new level. The variety of products offered by a large number of firms and companies can surprise even the most demanding buyer. However, most people prefer accessories that are made by hand. And this is not surprising, because they look beautiful and are practical to use.

Make your own wooden bucket

What is a bathhouse without a wooden bucket with cool or warm water? It is impossible to imagine a steam room without this important device. To make it yourself, you first need to decide on the type of wood. It is known that the strongest and highest quality species is oak, but if due to certain reasons it cannot be used, then you can use ash or mulberry. Do-it-yourself bathhouse accessories are often made from them.

The boards used to make buckets are called staves. When selecting them, it is recommended to ensure that there is a distance between the ears of exactly half the perimeter. Then the product will be convenient to use. The ears should be as long as possible. This eliminates the possibility of the temples splitting. An incorrectly worn wire shackle can cut your hand, so to make the accessory safe, you need to put a handle made of wood on the shackle.

The bucket handle is made of steel wire, the thickness of which is more than 7 mm. A bail taken from an old bucket will work perfectly. However, before you start using it, you need to carefully remove all traces of rust from it.


DIY bath bucket, instructions:

  1. After selecting and processing the material, it is necessary to determine the volume of the product. It can be anything, but not less than ten liters;
  2. Now you need to calculate approximately how many rivets will be required for the selected size of the future bucket;
  3. Then you need to process the rivets and give them the desired shape. Since ancient times, these boards have been made wider at the ends than in the central part. This simple tip will make assembling the accessory much easier;
  4. To make a bucket you will definitely need hoops. They can be made from wood, which look impressive, or from metal, which is superior to the previous material in terms of strength;
  5. The next step is to decide on the diameter of the hoops and decide how many of them will be needed. Minimal amount there are two rings, one at the bottom, the other at the top;
  6. Now you can start assembling. To the hoop with the smallest diameter, three rivets must be attached at equal distances using clamps. Then you need to carefully fill all the remaining space between them with other boards;
  7. Particular care must be taken when inserting the last element. If he doesn’t have enough free space, then there’s nothing wrong with that. It is enough just to trim it a little, then insert it;
  8. To attach the bottom of the bucket, the wood must first be steamed in hot water. To do this, place the circle in boiling water for thirty minutes;
  9. Next, the almost finished bucket needs to be turned over, and a rope needs to be thrown over the loose edge of the product. It is recommended to tie its ends to a hook, which must be installed in any safe place. After this, a piece of metal needs to be inserted between the bundles and begin to pull it towards you;
  10. After tightening, you can fasten the remaining hoops;
  11. When installing the bottom, you need to use metal clamps.

To prevent self-made buckets from deteriorating over time, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the following tips:

  • Wood is the main production material. It can crack and develop plaque and mold over time. To prevent such troubles from happening to your products, you need to steam them every time. hot water, then the buckets need to be selected dry and removed further from the fire. This is not very difficult, but it will protect the products from damage;
  • If you have not used containers made of wood for a long time, they will gradually lose their tightness. Therefore, before starting bath procedures, you need to pour cold water and leave in this state for the next three to four hours. Because of this, the material will swell and small cracks will disappear on their own. When finished, the water should be poured out and the bucket itself should be scalded with boiling water for disinfection purposes.

To supply water in the bathhouse, you need to use a special wooden ladle. Only this will help you carefully pour water onto the heater in small portions and not burn your hands. To ensure that the bucket not only copes with its tasks, but also looks attractive, you can make this accessory yourself. It won’t take much time, but you will significantly decorate your bathhouse and make it several times more functional.

The first step is to decide on the wood from which the bucket will be made. It could be:

  • Oak is the most popular and sought-after type of wood, famous for its strength characteristics. This one differs from other types of wood in its rich color and attractive appearance;
  • Ash - wood light color with a pleasant aroma. It is perfect for making a ladle, since it is not afraid of temperature changes that are constantly present in the steam room;
  • Mulberries are the last type of wood that is recommended to be used for making bath accessories. She doesn’t care about exposure to moisture or humid air, so she can maintain her beautiful appearance for a long time.

After choosing the material, you need to prepare it. To do this, you need to dry the bars and give them the required shape.

Manufacturing process

DIY sauna ladle:

  1. After choosing the material, you need to decide on the dimensions of the future bucket. It should not be large, otherwise the water will be inconvenient and difficult to transfer. However, you should not make it too small;
  2. The next step is to find cardboard, draw three templates on it (for the sides, bottom and top of the accessory), cut them out;
  3. Then, using them, you need to mark the outline of the end on the wood. After this, carry out rough cutting of the product;
  4. Next, you need to do the same thing, but only for the top and sides. Try to give the resulting workpiece the shape characteristic of a ladle;
  5. The next step is to process the workpiece using a round chisel. This stage includes removing excess wood, forming a handle;
  6. Afterwards, you need to process the inside of the product using an adze. Once again work out its walls with a large chisel;
  7. Next, you need to shape the handle and the entire product with a special knife, cut out parts to decorate the tail and head of the accessory. Process using cranberry inner surface;
  8. Now you can start sanding the product. First, sand the outer side of the product, and then proceed to the inner part. There is no need to grind the surface on which you plan to make the carving;
  9. Using small chisels you can cut out a finishing pattern;
  10. The last step of the job is to cover the surface with a layer of wax, which acts as protection.

It is worth noting that traditionally, ladles for use in Russian baths were carved only from wood. Several varieties of products stood out: Moscow, Novgorod, Suzdal. They all differed from each other in design and general design. For example, Moscow ones have always been made only from burl, which has a beautiful texture. Tver men made ladles from tree roots.

It is not difficult to make accessories for a bathhouse with your own hands. Despite this, they will look beautiful, please the eye, attract attention and amaze with their functionality and convenience.

Carrying out health treatments It is impossible to go to the steam room without bath accessories. In particular, to perform douches or create steam, you must have a ladle. This accessory can be purchased at a special store or made independently.

Types and material of sauna ladles

There are models different sizes and forms. Buckets are classified according to the type of holder:
  • With vertical handle. Suitable for scooping water from a boiler.
  • With horizontal handle. Used for dousing. In the absence of a ladle, such a ladle can be used to supply water or a decoction of herbs to the heater.
Usually the bucket holders are long. This is necessary for ease of dousing, and also to avoid getting burned by the steam if you have to pour water onto hot stones.

According to the type of container, buckets are:

  1. Carved. They are cut from logs. Such models look aesthetically pleasing, but require special care. In particular, a wooden sauna ladle should not be left in a dry room, otherwise it will quickly begin to crack. To extend its life, it is recommended to fill it with water between uses and keep it wet.
  2. Composite. The capacity of such a ladle is a small “barrel” and differs original design. This model does not crack, but it must be stored in the same way as the previous one - in water. Otherwise the ladle will dry out.
Traditionally, these accessories are made using:
  • Tree. According to its performance characteristics, this material is optimally suited for use in a steam room. It is environmentally friendly and safe. However, the product requires careful care to long term services.
  • Stainless steel or copper. Practical and convenient metal buckets can be used and stored in any conditions. Their only drawback is that they get very hot. Metal products can cause burns. Therefore, most often, for safety reasons, such buckets are equipped with a wooden handle.
  • Plastic. It is highly undesirable to use such models in a steam room. If the ladle is made of low-quality plastic, it may suddenly become deformed upon contact with hot water. Although polycarbonate products have high heat resistance.
You can purchase a ready-made production model or make a sauna ladle with your own hands.

Features of choosing a bath ladle

Buy ready product You can buy it in a specialty store or order it online.

It is advisable to have several ladles in the bathhouse for different purposes:

  1. In the steam room and washing department Several people can be present at the same time. It will be convenient if a bucket is provided for each vacationer.
  2. There should be a separate model with a long horizontal handle for supplying water to the stones.
  3. It is more convenient to draw water from the boiler with a ladle with a long vertical handle.
  4. For dousing in the wash compartment, a product with a medium-length handle is optimal.
It is recommended to give preference to safe wooden accessories. They will not be cheap, especially the models made by folk craftsmen. But you can be sure that they will not burn you when heated.

Technology for making a wooden ladle for a bathhouse

To make a sauna ladle yourself, you must initially decide on its size, length and position of the handle, material of manufacture, and type of container. Having chosen a model, it is advisable to initially make blanks from thick cardboard.

Selection of material for a sauna ladle

First of all, choose the type of wood you will use.

Optimal options for these purposes:

  • Linden. Practical wood with a pleasant aroma and original texture. Ideal for making all bath accessories. Does not rot or crack. Suitable for processing.
  • Oak. Strong and durable material. It has an interesting rich shade.
  • Ash. Light and fragrant wood. Withstands large temperature changes.
  • Mulberry. It is moisture resistant and durable.

To make a wooden sauna ladle with your own hands, it is recommended to use dry wood.

DIY carved sauna ladle

This method of making a bucket is considered simple, but it will require certain carpenter skills and a set of tools. Decide on the type of wood and start processing.

Let's look at how to make a carved ladle for a bathhouse:

  1. On thick cardboard we draw templates for the bottom of the bucket, its top and side walls. It should not be too large, as it will be difficult to carry when filled with water. However, if it is too small, you will have to draw water more often. Optimal size- up to two liters.
  2. We cut out the blanks and mark the edge contour lines on the wood with a pencil.
  3. We perform rough cutting.
  4. We mark the outline of the sides and top and make a cut according to the approximate outline of the bucket.
  5. We process the resulting workpiece with a round chisel and remove excess layers of wood.
  6. We form the handle of the product using a chisel.
  7. We process with an adze internal sides and once again we go through it with a large chisel.
  8. Using a wood knife, cut out the handle the desired shape and the entire product. If you have artistic skills, you can make original patterns as decoration.
  9. The inside of the product is treated with cranberry.
  10. Sanding with coarse-grained paper outer surface and move on to the inner one.
  11. Use chisels to cut out decorative patterns if desired.

How to make a composite ladle for a bathhouse

You can make such a model without any special cooperage skills. To do this you will need a board, a handle, a base and a metal rim.

We adhere to the following instructions during the process:

  • Cut out a plank measuring 1 x 2.1 cm.
  • We grind the sides at an angle of 12 degrees.
  • We trim 15 parts, 8 cm each.
  • We mill a groove along the bottom of all planks; its depth should be 0.4 cm and width 0.8 cm.
  • We round off the sharp corners of the end sides. These will be the boards for the product.
  • Let's prepare the handle. To do this, we use a planed board, the dimensions of which are 1.5x7.5x38 cm.
  • We cut out the part into a convenient shape and round off the sharp corners.
  • We drill a hole at the end with a diameter of 0.8-1 cm and thread a loop of rope into it.
  • From a planed board 1x9 cm we cut out the base and grind the circumference to 0.6 cm, and to the radius - to 0.8 cm.
  • We drill two holes in the main board through holes with a diameter of 0.4 cm. They will be used for fastening with sharp self-tapping screws with a pressed washer (0.4x2.5 cm).
  • We assemble all the individual planks around the base, driving the bottom into the lower pre-made grooves.
  • We compress the structure using twine.
  • We prepare two hoops. To do this, we choose cold-rolled low-carbon, soft, steel packaging tape, measuring 0.4x0.2 cm.
  • We make three holes in the prepared hoops with a diameter of 0.16 cm for construction nails 0.16x2.5 cm.
  • We fill the first hoop from below at a height of 0.5 cm.
  • We shorten the nails from 2.5 cm to 0.8 cm and attach the top hoop at a distance of 1 cm from the top edge.
  • We fix the handle using self-tapping screws with a pressed washer.
  • We lower the ladle into the water for a while.

After the wood swells, all the cracks will disappear. Such a product must be stored in water to prevent drying out.

Caring for a ladle in a bathhouse

A copper bath ladle can be operated under large temperature changes and stored in any conditions. And here wooden models require more serious care.

Compliance with these simple rules will significantly extend the service life of accessories and help keep them in their original form:

  1. Before using it for the first time, the wooden ladle should be soaked for an hour.
  2. It should be stored full of water away from the sun or heating devices.
  3. Clean wooden product chemical detergents Absolutely forbidden. It is better to use for these purposes mustard powder and soda.
What a sauna ladle looks like - look at the video:

Our recommendations and discussed features of each type of bucket will help you, if necessary, choose the appropriate production model. Although a multifunctional and original wooden ladle for a bathhouse is not difficult to make and design with your own hands, if you take into account all the nuances of the selection of materials and the work process.