Shower      03/05/2020

How to fix a shelf in the bathroom. Bathroom corner shelf. How and which bar is better to choose

It is difficult to do without a shelf in the bathroom, because you need to put a soap dish, hygiene products and other accessories that may come in handy during washing somewhere. Since the bathroom usually has a very modest size, many prefer corner shelves that occupy a minimum of usable space. The range of such products is wide, but not every option will harmoniously fit into your bathroom.

So that the purchase does not become a subject of disappointment, when choosing, you need to take into account the main factors - the material of manufacture, the shape and color of the shelf, and, of course, the method of attachment.

For the manufacture of shelves, plastic, glass, wood and metal with an anti-corrosion coating are most often used. There are combined models in which one material is complemented by another for a more aesthetic appearance and increased strength.

Type of corner shelvesMain characteristicsFlaws
PVC corner shelves are the most budget option. They are very light, absolutely moisture resistant, quite diverse in shape and size. There are colored products and completely transparent, plain and with a pattern. They are easy to care for, installation also does not require much effort. If the shelf is made of high-quality plastic, it serves for quite a long time without losing its original appearance.

Plastic models are divided into stationary and adjustable (telescopic). The former have a standard distance between tiers and do not always allow you to conveniently place everything you need. When installing such shelves, it is necessary to determine in advance the maximum comfortable height so you don't have to reset it. On adjustable models, the shelves can be moved up and down the rack by selecting optimal height, and so that they do not move, clamps are used. Most often, such designs are combined (plastic-metal)

Plastic is easily scratched and scuffed, so do not use abrasives when cleaning. If the plastic is too thin, the shelves may sag under the weight of shampoo bottles and other detergents. And finally, PVC products look, although attractive, but not stylish enough, in which they are noticeably inferior to glass and chrome structures.
For the manufacture of shelves, not ordinary glass is used, but special glass, which is difficult to break with a random movement. Such structures are not afraid of temperature changes and exposure to steam, they are not affected by water, soap and alkaline solutions, and mold does not develop on glass either. The main advantage of glass shelves is their spectacular and stylish look, thanks to which they harmoniously fit into any interiors.The disadvantages include the high price and relatively large weight of the products. During installation, care should be taken to avoid sharp blows and strong pressure on the glass. These products are easy to care for, but abrasive cleaners should not be used, as they cause small scratches on a surface
Wooden elements make the interior warmer and more comfortable, give the bathroom a special flavor and blend well with ceramic finish. The cost of wooden shelves is low, in addition, they are easy to make yourself. The material is not afraid of shocks, loads, if it accidentally falls to the floor, nothing will happen to itThe main disadvantage of wood is its low resistance to moisture, so the shelves must be treated with water-repellent compounds. Periodically, this treatment should be repeated and try to avoid the use of abrasive and caustic cleaning agents. It is also undesirable to hang wooden shelf above the bath itself, where most of the steam and splashes. With proper care, these products will last a very long time.
Shelves made of metal are valued primarily for their durability. They cannot be broken upon impact, it is difficult to scratch or bend, they can withstand large and prolonged loads. There are very elegant models, coated with gold, bronze or brass, there are simple chrome-plated shelves with a different number of tiers, and there are completely exclusive Forged Products. Thanks to this assortment, a metal shelf can be matched to absolutely any interior - from classic to ultra-modern.The main disadvantages of such structures include high price and susceptibility to corrosion. If protective covering too thin or of poor quality, very soon the shelf will begin to rust, stains and streaks will appear at the junction with the wall. By weight hardware larger than plastic or wood, and a loose shelf can seriously damage the tub if it falls

bathroom corner shelf

Mounting methods

Depending on the design of the shelf, there are several ways of fastening - from gluing to installation on special brackets. Consider each option in more detail to determine for yourself the most optimal of them.

For suction cups and glue

Plastic shelves small size very often they come with silicone suction cups, which are quite suitable for holding several light objects. Fixing such a shelf is a matter of minutes, and if necessary, the product can just as easily be moved to another place. True, these mounts cannot be called reliable, since the suction cups can fall off if the load is accidentally increased. Waterproof adhesive based on silicone or acrylic will help to avoid this.

Mounting on glue is very simple: the area where the shelf will be placed is thoroughly washed and dried, suction cups with inside smeared with glue, firmly pressed to the surface of the walls and held for several seconds. After the glue dries, the shelf remains securely fixed and does not fall even if moisture regularly gets on the suction cups.

Lungs metal shelves often attached with vacuum suction cups. They are many times more reliable than simple silicone ones, so you don’t need glue for safety net. How the installation is carried out: the surface of the walls is well cleaned and wiped dry, the suction cups are fixed on the back of the shelf, the structure is applied to the wall and, pressing the suction cup body with one hand, turn the lever with the other until it clicks. The base under the suction cup must be perfectly even and smooth, otherwise a reliable fixation will not work.

Fastening by surprise

Telescopic corner shelves have a spacer bar with a built-in spring, thanks to which reliable fixation is ensured. One end of the rack rests against the side of the bath, the other against the ceiling, and its height is adjustable from 1.35 to 2.6 meters. There are models that are not installed on the bath, but directly on the floor and occupy the entire corner.

Assembly and installation is quite simple. The rack consists of several hollow tubes that are inserted one into the other, and a spring. Fixing rings and shelves are put on the tubes, then the upper and lower tips, after which the structure is placed in a corner and fixed by springing the upper part. Many models are supplied with special elements with double-sided tape for additional fixation of the rack to the wall.

Video - Instructions for assembling a telescopic shelf

For dowels and screws

This option is the most common. It is suitable for shelves of all shapes and sizes, does not take much time and provides a secure fixation for many years. As a rule, the shelves have ready-made holes or mounting loops for self-tapping screws; for many models, hardware is included in the kit. The only drawback of this fastening is the holes in the wall, which remain in sight if the shelf needs to be moved.

Required for work bubble level, marker, drill and dowels with self-tapping screws. If the walls are tiled, the drill must be taken with a victorious soldering and must be sharpened sharply.

It is very important to immediately determine the optimal location of the shelf so that you do not have to make extra holes and mask defects.

Step 1. Attach the shelf to the walls in the corner and select the most convenient height.

Loops or holes for self-tapping screws should not fall on the seams between the tiles. To avoid distortions, a level is applied to the shelf, you can also navigate along the tile seams. Carefully mark the drilling points through the holes in the uprights with a pencil or marker.

Step 2 The shelf is set aside, after which the enamel is scratched at the marked points with something sharp, for example, with the same self-tapping screw. This will prevent the drill from slipping and will greatly facilitate the work.

Step 3 A drill with a victorious tip is inserted into the drill and drilling is started in the marked places. The drilling speed should be low so that the tile does not accidentally crack. Having passed through the layer of tiles through, they turn on the impact mode on the drill and go deep into the wall itself. The depth of the hole should be slightly more than the length of the dowel.

Step 4 Dust is blown out of the holes and the dowels are hammered to the stop. Next, the shelf is applied again, combining the mounting holes with the holes in the wall, and screws are screwed in.

For special holders and brackets

Corner glass shelves fixed with decorative holders look very impressive in the bathroom. They are quite diverse in shape and size, the most popular are console mounts of the "pelican" type. To install them yourself, special skills are not required.

Step 1. Determine the desired height of the shelf in the corner and mark the attachment points on both walls. The marks should be located in the same horizontal plane and at an equal distance from the angle line.

Step 2 Drill holes of the required depth, clean them of dust, insert the dowels all the way.

Step 3 Attach the mounting plate of the holder to the wall and screw the self-tapping screw through the upper oval hole. It is not necessary to tighten it strongly, as long as we bait the fasteners. Attach the holder on the other side in the same way. Check the location of the elements horizontally, if necessary, correct the plate by moving it up or down. After that, tighten the screws until they stop.

Step 4 The holder body is inserted into the grooves under the mounting plate, a screw is inserted into the hole and lightly baited. The second holder is attached in the same way. Insert plastic pads into the case, then carefully insert the shelf itself and tighten the screws until they stop.

Cantilever mounts are available in a variety of colors and sizes. They are designed to fix shelves with a thickness of 5 to 40 mm, not only glass, but also from any other material. The installation of decorative brackets is carried out a little differently, although the basic principle is the same: holes are drilled according to the marks on the wall, brackets are applied and screws are screwed in. Then the shelves are screwed to the brackets themselves.

Do-it-yourself corner shelf

You can make a corner shelf yourself, if you have a desire, free time and materials. For the manufacture of shelves, waterproof drywall and plywood, plexiglass and strained glass, polycarbonate, but the easiest way to use wood. This option is the least expensive, in addition, the tree is easy to process.

For work you will need:

Materials must be prepared in advance

Boards to choose good quality, not raw, if you want the shelf to serve for a long time and not lose its aesthetic appearance. Having prepared everything you need, you should take measurements and draw a sketch in order to more accurately determine the dimensions of the shelf and the number of tiers.

Step 1. Cut lines are marked on the board at an angle of 45 degrees so that the result is a trapezoid-shaped workpiece, the base of which is equal to the width of the shelf. There should be 4 such blanks.

Step 3 All blanks are carefully sanded with fine-grained sandpaper, dust is removed and treated with protective impregnation. If the tree absorbs the composition very quickly, the processing is done twice, special attention should be paid to the ends. After that, the blanks are laid out to dry.

Step 4 On each shelf, on the sides, the points of attachment of the racks are marked with a pencil. 4 racks will be attached to the lower and upper shelves, 2 racks between intermediate tiers. The distance between the racks is 20-30 mm.

Step 5 Holes for fasteners are drilled at the marked points (the diameter of the drill should be one size smaller than the diameter of the screw). Next, the racks are applied one at a time to the shelf and screwed with self-tapping screws, having previously smeared the ends with glue.

Joining shelves and racks with self-tapping screws and glue

At will, the shelf can be decorated with figured sides made of semicircular slats or carved wooden elements. You can paint or open with varnish to emphasize the natural texture of wood, paste over with shells - there are a lot of options, it all depends only on your imagination.

Shelf decoration

Video - Bathroom corner shelf

Video - Installation of a corner shelf on vacuum suction cups

Video - Making a corner shelf with your own hands

All photos from the article

A room in which every thing has its purpose is a pleasure if harmony reigns in it. This also applies to the bathroom, where any thing, including a corner bathroom rod, plays a significant role in the interior.

In this article, we will consider what a curtain rod should be in order to provide the necessary practicality, as well as maintain harmony in the room.

Bathroom rod

How and which bar is better to choose

Modern bathtubs are produced in a variety of geometric shapes: rounded, angular, etc. Depending on this, a curtain rod is chosen.

Many years ago, the most popular was to attach a bathroom screen to a so-called string. special choice, what to fasten and how to fasten the industry did not provide, not like now. However, such a method of fastening as a string is also currently used.

On the shelves of shops there are the most different kinds and modifications of string fixtures. However, with string fastening desired shape you can’t attach a curtain under the bath, and besides, over time, it sags, which is also unpleasant. This is the disadvantage of such fasteners for curtains.

Rules for choosing a rod for the bathroom:

It will not be superfluous to pay attention to the rings for attaching the curtains. They are made of plastic, metal or metal with plastic coated. Ordinary metal rings do not slide well along the eaves, which, when constantly opening or closing curtains, causes damage to them.

Plastic models are short-lived and break quickly. Most the best choice will be metal rings coated with plastic.

In addition to the rings and the cornice, it is necessary to harmoniously match the curtain to the overall interior of the bathroom. It carries the main functional task.

For their manufacture, polyethylene with printed patterns is used. But such curtains will not last long, because over time the pattern is erased, and polyethylene fails due to fragility. Therefore, you will need to buy a new curtain.

How to fix the bar in the bathroom

Telescopic rod model

One of the factors in choosing a cornice model is the type of its fastening. There are a lot of fastening methods, and they all depend on the shape and other features of the cornice, as well as the shape of the bathroom itself. In any case, the telescopic form of the cornice is considered the most convenient.

The whole installation of the rod consists in choosing the required length and its rigid fastening to the walls. In the case of using a telescopic model, the fasteners act on the principle of spacers, however, it is applicable only for a rectangular bathroom.

Rod fastening is usually carried out according to the following rules:

  1. Usually The standard kit already contains everything you need for installation., but often, depending on the quality of the wall and its coating, additional fastening equipment is necessary.
  2. Markup in progress for future holes under fasteners.
  3. In places where walls are drilled, it is necessary check the absence of water pipes, electric wires.

At correct installation rods, the attachment point looks quite aesthetically pleasing

When drilling tiles use drills with special feather tips.

  1. IN brick wall holes are made using a perforator type drill. For a concrete wall, a perforator with a drill of the desired diameter is used.
  2. The rod is fastened with self-tapping screws and expansion dowels. For installation, a Phillips screwdriver brand RN is used.
  3. If drywall was used as the material for the walls, then, depending on the load, butterfly dowels or Mollu screws are used.

Properly chosen rod for the bathroom is the key to its long and reliable service life, the normal functioning of the bathroom screen and, of course, the attractiveness of the overall interior of the room.

I, like any normal girl (woman), like to litter the space around me with all sorts of necessary (and, as it turns out later, not very necessary) jars, flasks, tubes and boxes ... And I periodically have a question, where is all this innumerable to set up wealth!

We recently moved! And, of course, this question arose sharply! Especially in the bathroom!

Well, where do you want to put all these shampoos, gels, scrubs, balms, foams, soaps, machines and washcloths?!

Right! Need a shelf!

That's just the shelf I needed NOT SIMPLE A GOLD so that the walls do not drill!

You can call it my whim, but no extra holes in the walls, I don’t like to do, in principle, but here we have plastic panels.... all the more, I wanted to somehow do without a drill and a drill, without a hammer and a nail ... Well, I think you understand me ?!

What to do? Well, do not attach to the glue!

And so, take it and catch my eye this shelf!

I won’t say that she immediately inspired me with confidence, but I liked the very idea of ​​\u200b\u200bmounting shelves on a telescopic pipe!

And I bought it! It cost me something like 500 rubles.

Well, I guess I'll give it a try! Give her a chance! And what? But what if?! And suddenly, withstand the load!

Now, closer to the topic!

Shelf made in Turkey. If anyone is interested in this information!

In the box I found a set of pipes, two plastic clamps, four corner shelves, two soap dishes and a bunch of some small parts in a bag!

I think it makes no sense to dwell on these details in detail.

Completeness can be seen on the box! Everything is detailed there.

The assembly scheme is also clearly reflected on the box.

In short, the assembly looks like this:

Two special clamps are glued to the wall, which, as I understand it, are necessary for additional fixation of the pipe!

According to the instructions, a spring is inserted in the right place and that's it!

Put the pipe with shelves on the corner of the bath! It rests against the ceiling and, for reliability, is fixed with the same clamps to the wall!

VOILA! Shelf installed!

You can be proud of yourself! Made such a complex installation ourselves! Without the help of a husband! No hammer, no drill, no glue, no nerves after all! YOU ARE WELL DONE!

Yes, I forgot to say, you may even have extra details left! Don't be surprised, we have for PROFESSIONALS - this is a common thing!

I have left!

Self-tapping screws with dowels!

Do not know why going in the kit!

Leftover pieces of pipe. Well, here, everything is clear! You adjust to the height of your ceiling! We have it low, so we even had to cut off one lower tube to install the pipe by surprise!

A shelf in the bathroom is an important functional accessory. It is on it that all kinds of shampoos and shower gels, deodorants and other such necessary bottles for hygiene, shaving accessories are placed. Therefore, such a shelf should be quite roomy and, of course, have an attractive appearance.

Modern building markets offer many different bathroom shelves, however good options are worth a lot of money. The author proposes to handmade bathroom shelf using a minimum of inexpensive raw materials. By the way, they can easily be among home stocks, then there will be no need to buy such materials at all.

The simplest and most optimal shelf for the bathroom - angular. Its author proposes to make. Such a shelf will save space, especially in a small bathroom, visually smooth out the corners.

Let's start making bathroom shelves. From the materials for this we take:
- chipboard, MDF boards, wooden planks- optional;
- corners, dowels, screws, hinged loops;
- paint for woodworking or self-adhesive film.
From improvised tools you will need:
- jigsaw and screwdriver (options - saw and screwdriver);
- drill;
- level with a ruler;
- brushes for painting, sandpaper;
- twine, pencil.

The author chose wooden boards to create the shelves. You will need wide for tiers and narrow for the frame. They must first be prepared - dried and planed. Do not worry that the wooden shelf will rot due to high humidity premises. It will be necessary to cover it with a special paint or paste over with a self-adhesive film. You also do not need to place it in the corner where the bath or shower is located. The shelf will have four tiers.

We carry out the marking of the future shelf. The required dimensions are determined as follows: you need to measure the depth of the lower part from the corner along the bathroom wall, then multiply the result by two and add five centimeters for trimming. Next, you will need a simple pencil and twine. We put the blanks on flat surface, fasten one end of the twine to their center, tie a pencil to the other. We stretch the pencil and draw a circle, divide it into 4 identical sectors using a ruler or a level with a ruler.

With help electric jigsaw strictly along the lines we cut out the marked circle, cut it into sectors.

We clean the edges, especially rounded ones, with the help of sandpaper very carefully. Now you need four rectangular boards for the shelf frame. Three of them are the same, one is a little wider, with a gap the size of the thickness of the board. We determine the length of the boards ourselves. It will depend on what distance between the four shelves you need. The width is small. Two planks - with and without a gap - are folded perpendicular to each other. This corner mount. The remaining two will connect the tiers of bathroom shelves on the sides.

Drill holes for screws. We adjust the corners of the structure with the help of a level, assemble it, screw the screws. Corners are screwed under each tier for reliability. The assembled shelf must be painted with moisture-resistant paint, allowed to dry well, or pasted over with “self-adhesive”, as the author did. Here's a snippet.

When choosing a bathroom shelf, you can consider many options, but it is the corner bathroom shelf that has special advantages. And, above all, it is the possibility of using useless space. Agree, the corners of the bathroom are almost always empty, and such models fit perfectly there. And today we will consider all possible variations of corner shelves.

What are the corner shelves for the bathroom

glass shelves

The glass shelf is a huge success and at the same time it is quite practical. Glass is one of those materials that do not deform and do not collapse, they perfectly tolerate sudden changes in temperature and humidity (which is very typical for a bathroom).

It's very easy to put it in order. To do this, it is enough to treat the glass with an ordinary window cleaner and wipe soft cloth. And the shelf will again acquire a presentable appearance.

Glass corner shelves for the bathroom have one drawback. An accessory becomes a dangerous item if the manufacturer has chosen low-quality materials. Such a shelf may not support the weight or simply break from an accidental blow. Therefore, when choosing such products, pay attention to the quality of the glass and the manufacturer of the products.

But at the same time, glass shelves are very easy to install and fit perfectly into any interior. They do not take up much space and can even visually expand the space if complemented by mirrors or shiny metal surfaces.

metal shelves

An interesting bathroom accessory. The durability and strength of the metal makes it possible for the product to take on quite a lot of weight, if necessary, thanks to a strong mount. It will harmonize perfectly with common style bathroom, if, of course, chosen correctly.

The metal shelf in the bathroom is angular, if it is really made of quality material, will last a very long time. When choosing, preference should be given to chrome-plated products, and combining it with other accessories of the same shade will allow you to place the necessary original accents.

Plastic shelves

Plastic shelves are the most popular because they are very, very inexpensive. After all, it makes absolutely no sense to purchase expensive glass when you can choose a quite decent plastic counterpart.

Bathroom corner shelves made of plastic are completely immune to temperature changes and sudden changes in air humidity, which occur quite often in the bathroom.

Such a shelf can withstand considerable weight. It cannot break if accidentally hit or dropped. And even if it breaks, it will take a relatively small amount to buy a new one. The only “but”: plastic models rarely differ in exclusive forms, and in order to pick up something interesting, you will need to wander around the shops.

Telescopic shelves

telescopic corner shelf- a fairly simple, but this does not lose functionality, design. And before the options already considered, it has one significant advantage - moving shelves.

Visually, it is a base (), which is attached to any corner of the bathroom. At the same time, shelves made of durable plastic can move freely both up and down. You get the ability to adjust the height of the space between them, which is very convenient.

Telescopic shelves will harmoniously complement modern design bathroom, of course, if it is not an exclusive antique style. And for a standard bathroom - it's just a great solution.

When purchasing a telescopic model, be sure to test the movement of the shelves along the base. Ideally, the shelves themselves should have latches that will not allow them to sink under the weight of the load.

wooden shelves

Wood is beautiful natural material, which is perfect for a stylized bathroom space, because here the shelf will not be simple stylish accessory. The corner wooden shelf for the bathroom will become part of the overall image of the room, harmoniously complementing it.

Of course, wooden shelves are not very durable and will require a more careful and attentive attitude.

When buying, pay attention to the wood finish. It must be processed by special means capable of withstanding high humidity.

We hang a corner shelf in the bathroom on our own

Corner shelves in the bathroom, regardless of appearance and materials, hang your own will not be too difficult. So, let's begin.

  1. And the first thing that needs to be done is to determine the location of the shelf in the bathroom. They hang the shelf so that it is convenient for all family members to use it, that is, you can reach it quite simply, but at the same time it does not interfere with anyone.
  2. It is also necessary to hang the shelf evenly. The easiest way to solve this problem is to focus on the edge of the tile with which the walls are lined.
  3. Quite often, corner shelves are equipped with suction cups. But, as you know, fasteners of this type are very unreliable. Silicone mount and the weight of the product withstands with great difficulty. To ensure high-quality adhesion of silicone and the wall surface, you can use the following trick: smear the surface of the suction cup with Moment universal glue. Simple, practical, and most importantly, strong. The shelf will be firmly fixed in 15 minutes. The only drawback of this option is that the glue will be visible on the surface if you decide to remove the shelf.
  4. If there is a need for drilling tiled walls, then this must be done in two stages. First, a hole is drilled in the tile itself, and only then it deepens. A ready-made dowel is driven into the hole and a self-tapping screw is already attached to it. The next step is hanging the shelf itself.

Some nuances

Professionals have their own tricks, which we share with you:

  • If foam concrete or gas blocks were used as the main material of the wall, then you can deepen the hole with a drill or a screwdriver. brick and concrete walls can only take a perforator. Alternatively, you can use an impact drill, after turning off the "impact" mode.
  • It is preferable to use victorious drill. Then the hole turns out to be small, and the tile itself will remain without any damage.
  • Miniature bathroom shelves do not need additional reinforcement. Short screws will suffice. But in general, you should take into account the total weight of items that are planned to be placed on the surface of the shelf.

That's basically all that we wanted to tell you about the corner shelves for the bathroom. Now, knowing the features of each model, you can choose the most suitable option.