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Yoshta: a plant with delicious fruits. Yoshta - planting, care and reproduction, description of the best varieties

On the one hand, a shrub obtained as a hybrid of currant and gooseberry is considered new by many amateur gardeners of various climatic zones. On the other hand, it has been quietly grown in separate gardens since the middle of the last century. A wealth of experience has already been accumulated in the care, reproduction, and use of this culture obtained in 1959. The name Joshta comes from the merger of the German words for currants, gooseberries. Sometimes it is called Ribelaria.

Appearance of yoshta

Yoshta is a hybrid of currants with gooseberries that has a beautiful appearance, which allows it to be effectively used in techniques landscape design, creating hedge, decorated with delicious, beautiful berries.

The shape of the leaf resembles a gooseberry, but brighter and odorless. Yoshta blooms with large yellow-red flowers. The berries are black in color, purple bloom, large, reminiscent of gooseberries with a strong skin, sour taste. They begin to ripen in July. They don't fall off for a long time. The stems do not have sharp spines. Several varieties of yoshta are known. This is the Krom variety, obtained in Sweden, EMB, the result of English selection, Joshta, a well-known German variety.

Planting, caring for yoshta

Yoshta takes root equally well when choosing a planting time in spring and autumn.

The main thing is to have planting material desired grade and quality. The size of the pit for growing yoshta is determined by the size of the roots of the bush, which should fit freely in it.

When planting, I use compost, humus, superphosphate, ash. A set of fertilizers in the initial period of bush growth consists of 5 kg of organic matter, 30 g of potassium sulfate, 50 g of superphosphate when calculated per one square meter growth area. The soil is trampled, watered, mulched with straw, peat.

Yoshta does not require special pruning. You just need to monitor the sanitary condition of the stems.

The yield of yoshta is determined by the amount of fertilizer applied.

For this, it is advised in early spring add a solution of mullein under the bush, bird droppings.Yoshta loves sunny fertile soils. When buying a new seedling, it is useful to carefully examine the bark of the trunks. A dried seedling has a wrinkled bark, sluggish semi-dry roots. It can take root, but its growth rate will be significantly reduced, the time for fruiting will come much later. The first harvest on the plant appears in the fourth year of growth, and it bears fruit for up to twenty years, practically without being damaged by pests, without getting sick and without freezing.

An obligatory moment during the care of yoshta is mulching under the crown.

Reproduction of yoshta

Propagation by green cuttings. This method is convenient in that it allows you to apply it at any free time, from other things, in the spring, summer, early autumn. From the tops of the side branches of a powerful bush, a green stalk is cut off, which is 15, 20 cm long. Remove all the lower leaves, and save the upper ones, shortening by one third. A small incision is made over each kidney. Four incisions are made at its lower end. This allows you to speed up the process of root growth.

Before planting, the ends of the cuttings must be kept in a growth stimulant solution for about ten hours. washed in cold water cuttings are placed in a cold greenhouse. You can cover them with a large transparent plastic balloon. Usually they are planted obliquely, placing them tightly, to each other. After planting, abundant but careful watering is required.

If you do this work in the spring, summer, then in the fall a strong root system is formed, which allows you to transfer them to a temporary place to form a small bush, consisting of two, three branches.

Next fall, in the spring, the bush is ready for planting in the allotted place. At this time, powerful shoots and roots grow on it. Green cuttings planted in autumn are kept at the planting site until next spring. Formation is carried out during the summer period, transplanting the stalk in the spring. In the process of caring for plantings, one should not forget about regular watering, feeding them with liquid fertilizers.

Reproduction of yoshta by lignified cuttings. They are cut only from adult shoots with mature wood. It is recommended to do this in mid-September. They have time to take root well, gain strength before winter. The size of the cut cuttings is 20 cm. At least six buds must be present along the entire length. The necessary sections are made oblique. The upper cut is directed to the kidney. The lower cut is made under the kidney. Cuttings are planted at an angle. Two kidneys remain above ground level. One of them must be at ground level. The soil is compacted so that voids do not form. It is necessary to constantly water the bed with cuttings. You can dig in chopped cuttings for planting in early spring. During the season, a bush is formed with good roots, strong stems, ready for planting in the intended place.

Reproduction by vertical layering. This method is convenient to apply when it becomes necessary to transfer the old bush to another place. To this end, in early spring, the old bush is completely cut off, keeping the hemp, 20 cm high. good care, on stumps you can get several young shoots. When their height reaches 15 cm, it is necessary to carefully cover the center of the bush with fertile soil. This will not allow them to get close, will enable each to develop well and will facilitate the process of separation from the main plant in the fall or next spring. This must be done just before boarding. permanent place. In this case, one must not forget to shorten the shoot by two kidneys.

Reproduction of yoshta by horizontal layering. This is one of the easiest propagation methods, producing a large number of strong rooted cuttings. In early spring, biennial branches, annual shoots are bent down and pinned to the ground, slightly pinching the tops. Young shoots appear from buds, a branch sprinkled with earth. When they reach 15 cm in height, they are half sprinkled with good soil with humus. This powder should be repeated twice per season, while producing abundant watering, fertilizing with fertilizers. Young bushes are transferred to a permanent place in the fall or next spring. Usually, with such reproduction, a lot of planting material of good quality is obtained.

The use of yoshta fruits

Thanks to the presence a large number trace elements, sugars, vitamins, yoshta berries are used not only in home food, but also during the treatment of certain diseases of the stomach and intestines. They improve blood circulation, help to release heavy metals and radioactive substances from the body. You can use it in food fresh, as well as harvest all possible methods as well as currants. It is especially nice to see children who are not afraid to prick themselves on thorns, but calmly eat it right from the bush.

When crossing gooseberries and blackcurrants, breeders got yoshtu. It includes everything beneficial features of both berries, while the plant is resistant to diseases and differs high yield.

The calorie content of ripe fruits is only 45 kcal, yoshte contains 0.2 g of fat, 0.7 g of protein and 9.1 g of carbohydrates.

  1. A large amount of vitamin C is good for immunity. Due to this, the berry is useful for the treatment and prevention of colds.
  2. Helps to restore hemoglobin under the condition of complex treatment of anemia in combination with other means.
  3. Normalizes the work of the digestive tract. The use of yoshta for many summer residents allows you to get rid of diarrhea and other stomach disorders.
  4. With hypertension, it will be useful to add berries mixed with honey to the diet.
  5. A large number of phytoncides in the composition of fruits by nature itself is intended to combat colds, microbial infections and foci of inflammation in the body.
  6. Yoshta replenishes the reserves of important trace elements in the body due to its rich mineral composition.
  7. Berry anthocyanins and vitamin P improve blood circulation and strengthen the walls of blood vessels.
  8. A small amount of sugar will be useful for diabetics, as well as people who are losing weight. Yoshtu can be added to the diet during diets, as its fruits speed up metabolic processes and help burn fat reserves.
  9. Stimulates the excretory system to remove radionuclides and toxins from the body.

Harm and contraindications

  1. With individual intolerance, allergies to vitamin C and a tendency to thrombosis, this berry should not be consumed.
  2. Yoshta is also not recommended for stomach problems: colitis, ulcers and other disorders.
  3. Fans of these unusual hybrid fruits should follow the measure, otherwise an allergic reaction may develop. And if you already have a negative reaction to gooseberries or black currants, it is better to refrain from eating yoshta berries.


Mostly jam, compotes are made from berries or frozen for the winter. Fans of strong drinks have adapted to make homemade wine rich in vitamins from yoshta.

Yoshta jam

  1. Grind the berries in a blender until puree. Add 2 times more sugar.
  2. Leave for 2-3 hours to infuse. Stir occasionally so that the sugar dissolves and evenly mixes with the berry.
  3. Distribute the mass into sterilized jars, cover with gauze and close the lids on top of it.

Yoshta jam should be stored in a cold place for no longer than 6 months. With this method of preparation most of useful elements of the sweet product remains.

Yoshta jam

  1. Take berries and sugar in a ratio of 1:2. Mash the fruits or chop in a blender. Then, while stirring, gradually add sugar to the mass.
  2. Stir again and leave until the sugar grains dissolve. Place over low heat and cook until thickened.
  3. Divide jam into jars and close with lids.

Yoshta compote

  1. Wash and dry the berries. Pour into a sterilized jar (up to the middle) and pour 1 liter of boiling water.
  2. Leave to brew for 5 minutes, then drain the water into another container. Add about 250 g of sugar to it and bring to a boil.
  3. Pour the resulting syrup into a jar with berries and close the lid. Turn each jar over, wrap in a warm towel or blanket, and then leave to cool.

Yoshta wine

  1. Take 4 kg of berries, crush them and pour them into a container designed for 10 liters.
  2. Add 2 kg of sugar and fill almost to the very top with warm boiled water.
  3. Put on a rubber medical glove on top of the bottle and leave to infuse.
  4. After a month, you need to strain the wine, squeeze the berries and throw them away.
  5. Leave for a day to let the wine settle, then add a kilogram of sugar.
  6. Wait another month and pour half a kilogram of sugar into the container, and a month later - the same amount. After that, the wine will be ready.

Yoshta for weight loss

Due to its low calorie content and low fat content, it is often added to the diet of those who lose weight - berry anthocyanins speed up metabolism and help break down fats in the body.

Together, these beneficial properties help to lose weight faster without harm to health.

For weight loss, add about 500-700 g of fruits to your diet for 2 weeks. At the same time, it is worth abandoning high-calorie foods.

Or you can stick to the next diet program for 7-10 days, alternating the first and second menus. During this time, you will lose about 3 kg.

  1. First option:
    • Breakfast: yoshta (100 g), a slice of whole grain bread with a slice of low-fat cheese;
    • For lunch, eat fruits and low-fat cottage cheese (200 g each);
    • For an afternoon snack, have a snack of 200 g of berries;
    • Dinner: 2 glasses of low-percentage kefir.
  2. Second option:
    • Breakfast: oatmeal and yoshta compote;
    • Lunch: a piece of boiled chicken breast and berry (200 g);
    • For an afternoon snack, have a snack of 200 g of fruit;
    • Dinner: 200 g of cottage cheese and a glass of yoshta compote.

It is forbidden to drink tea and coffee - only plain water. Yoshta will not only help to throw off excess weight, but also due to its beneficial properties - to improve immunity.

Bred 30 years ago, the hybrid continues to win the hearts of gardeners. In yoshte there is something from gooseberries, but rather, it looks like currants. The hybrid almost does not give in to any fungal diseases and pests do not care for it. Unlike currants, it can grow even in arid regions.

An excellent advantage of yoshta is that its berries ripen unevenly, and when harvesting, you are unlikely to find rotten fruits.

There are several ways to cultivate a plant. Cuttings, layering or seeds, each method has its own recommendations and rules.

Planting such an interesting shrub in your area will not be a difficult task. We will share the secrets of how to propagate yoshtu and how to plant it correctly in this article.

Did you know? For better growth yoshty, plant a bush of gooseberries or currants next to it.

By dividing the yoshta bush

Reproduction of yoshta by dividing the bush is very popular among gardeners. This method is used exclusively in the fall, when it becomes necessary to propagate the bush. Do not take long time after extracting the roots.

First you need to carefully dig out the shrub, without damaging its rhizomes. Next, clean the roots from the earthy coma, separate them with a sharp knife. When dividing, it is necessary to leave two or three strong branches. The roots should be large, developed, not damaged.

The sections on the cuts must be wiped with crushed coal, after which they are ready for planting. Take care of the new landing site in advance. Holes for seedlings are dug to a depth of half a meter and about 50 cm in diameter. A third of the hole is filled with a mixture humus, superphosphate and wood ash.

Then half the holes are sprinkled with earth and watered abundantly. After the water is absorbed, we plant yoshta in the center of the hole and bury the hole completely. The name Yoshta comes from two German words: yohannisBeere - currant and stachelBeere - gooseberry, Yo-Sta.

Did you know? With proper care, you can collect more than 8 kg of berries from one bush!

Reproduction of yoshta by layering

One of the most simple ways reproduction of yoshta - with the help of layering. It can be propagated by horizontal, vertical or arcuate layering. The difference between the methods is not big, but almost all of them give a 100% germination result.

Horizontal and arcuate layering

The difference between these two methods of reproduction of yoshta is small. First, let's figure out how to plant yoshtu horizontal layer. In the spring, as soon as the ground becomes warm, the first step is to dig up the soil near the plant.

It is advisable to remove all weeds and add compost or another to the soil. organic fertilizer. Also, the ground must be carefully leveled around the bush.

After we make shallow grooves opposite the shoots you have chosen. The sprouts should be one-year or two-year-old, with well-developed growths. Gently bending the branch, lay it in the groove, secure and lightly sprinkle with earth. An ordinary slingshot will help to keep the branch painlessly on the ground.

When the shoots reach a height of about 10-15 cm, they are sprinkled with wet earth or humus to the middle of the sprout. It is best to separate the parent branch and replant new layers in the spring of next year, despite the fact that the first roots already appear in a month.

When propagating a bush arcuate method a similar method is used. Only the branch does not completely fit into the ground, forming an arc. The middle part of the branch is buried to a depth of about 15 cm, leaving only the top outside. Using this method, it is also worth separating the branch and replanting the shoots only after a year.

When grown in horizontal and arcuate layering, after separation from the mother branch, they grow much faster. After planting such shoots, you can get a bountiful harvest already in the third year.

Did you know?Sometimes yoshtu is used only to decorate the garden.

If you decide to propagate a shrub vertical layer, then you need to start this in early spring. Cut the mother shrub short, leaving shoots no higher than 15 cm. With careful care and watering, you will get abundant growth and many young shoots in the near future. Regular watering and organic fertilizing will help you with this.

For the first time, shoots should be spudded when they grow to about 15 cm. The bush must be spudded in the center with moist earth or compost. To prevent the branches from approaching, the earth embankment must be dense. After three weeks, the procedure should be repeated. It is best to carry out hilling after rain.

When you spud yoshta for the second time, water the earth abundantly. Layers are cut for planting only the next year in early spring or autumn.

Propagation of yoshta by cuttings

Another way to propagate yoshta is cuttings. There are two types of vegetation cuttings: woody and green. The methods of harvesting shoots are different from each other. How to propagate yoshtu cuttings is described below.

woody cuttings

For propagation of yoshta by lignified cuttings, it is recommended to choose matured shoots of two to three years old branches. It is best to harvest at the end of September, because the cuttings planted during this period have time to take root perfectly and will endure the winter period without any problems. On the day of cutting, the yoshta shoots should be divided into cuttings up to 20 cm long, leaving 5-6 buds on each. The upper part of the shoot is made oblique to the kidney.

Planting cuttings should be carried out on the day of harvesting. The soil for yoshta must be deeply dug up, cleared of weeds, and most importantly, well leveled. Plant cuttings in beds at a distance of 15 cm from each other. The distance between the beds should be at least 60 cm.

Cuttings are planted at an angle of 45 degrees. Moreover, two kidneys should remain on the surface, and one - at ground level. The soil around the seedlings is pressed tightly to avoid the formation of voids. After that, the beds should be watered abundantly and sprinkled with peat.

Important! If for some reason you are postponing planting, then the cuttings can be stored in the cellar by burying them in wet sand. But in the spring it is better not to delay the landing. As soon as the weather permits, plant the cuttings in the beds!

Green cuttings

Reproduction by green cuttings is considered one of the most quick ways receive YOSHTA SEEDLES. For harvesting, choose tall, healthy bushes. From overgrown mother plant You can cut the cuttings several times during the summer. The first time in early June from the upper branches, the second - after regrowth and better from the side branches, the third time - in early September.

The length of the cut cuttings should be no more than 15 cm. After you have cut the cuttings, you need to free them from the leaves, leaving a couple on top. Before planting in prepared greenhouses, cuttings can be kept in any growth stimulator.

It is recommended to plant yoshtu in a permanent place in early spring, before the plant awakens from winter dormancy or in early autumn. Moreover, the spring procedure is considered more favorable: by the onset of cold weather, the plant will have time to adapt and get stronger.

Selection of seedlings

When buying planting material, you must carefully examine the copy you like. The roots of the seedling should be strong, resilient and well developed. The bark of a healthy plant, green from the inside, should not have damage and extraneous spots, the brown color of the "wrong side" indicates a low viability of the plant. In the bushes acquired in the fall, it is necessary to cut off all the leaves without hitting the kidneys. Healthy roots of seedlings are slightly shortened, rotten and dry are removed. If the root system has dried out and weathered during transportation, it is advisable to put the plant in water for a day before planting.

Seating preparation

The berry grower will be most comfortable in a sunny area located on loose fertile soils. Experienced gardeners recommend planting yoshtu near currants or gooseberries: it is believed that the culture will bear fruit only in this case.

Landing pits have been prepared since autumn. It is necessary to maintain a distance of about 1.5–2 m between the bushes, but if yoshta is planned to be grown as a hedge, then 40–50 cm is enough. preparatory work is:

  • A pit measuring 0.5 x 0.5 x 0.5 m is dug at the selected site.
  • 5–6 kg of humus or garden compost are poured into each pit, 2–3 handfuls of wood ash, 100 g of granulated superphosphate are added, and a little earth is poured from the lower poor layer. The pit should be about a third filled with the resulting mixture.
  • The contents of the pit are well mixed, after which the nutrient soil of the upper layer is poured up to half the volume.
  • 10–12 liters of water are poured into the pit and left to shrink.

In the event that the planting of yoshta is scheduled for autumn, it is recommended to prepare a hole for it 2-3 weeks in advance so that the soil has time to settle.

Landing technology

Before starting work, the bottom and walls of the pit are loosened with a pitchfork, after which they proceed to planting:

  • The seedling is placed in the center of the hole and the roots are straightened.
  • The pit is filled with fertile soil. In order to avoid the formation of voids in the soil, the plant should be gently shaken periodically.
  • Upon completion of planting, the surface of the area around the seedling is rammed and 10 liters of water are poured under it.
  • When moisture is absorbed trunk circle mulch with a peat or humus layer 7–10 cm thick.

Upon completion of the work, the bush is cut off, leaving no more than 2-3 buds on each branch.

Watering mode

The shrub reacts to moisture deficiency with growth retardation and poor development, so watering yoshta should be systematic and balanced. To supply water around each bush at a distance of 35–40 cm from the crown projection, a groove is dug about 10–12 cm deep and limited to an earthen roller at least 15 cm high. At one approach, 2–3 water is poured into the groove under an adult plant. The frequency of watering is regulated taking into account the water permeability of the soil and weather conditions. The main thing is that the soil under the yoshta remains slightly moist throughout the growing season.

The next day after watering, the soil under the bushes is loosened to a depth of 5-6 cm, and in the aisles - by 8-10 cm. The procedure is carried out every 2-3 days, weeding in parallel. At the same time, it should be taken into account that if the site is pre-mulched, then the need for irrigation, weeding and mechanical tillage is significantly reduced.

top dressing

Possessing a picky disposition, yoshta does not need frequent feeding. It is enough to fertilize twice a season:

  • In the spring, before budding, the soil under young bushes is filled with superphosphate (35–40 g) and potassium sulfate (20 g). For plants that are 4 years old, the rate of phosphorus fertilizers is reduced by 25 g, replacing them with the same amount of potassium supplements.
  • At the end of autumn, yoshtas are scattered under plantings wood ash, spending on each bush about 0.5 kg.

In addition, organic matter used as mulch serves as a source of additional nutrition for the berry plant, which additionally protects the soil from rapid drying out and overgrowing with weeds. When mulching the near-stem circle, at least 2 buckets of peat or humus are brought under the yoshtu during the season.

Diseases and pests

Like parent crops, yoshta is susceptible to numerous fungal diseases, including anthracnose, septoria, rust (goblet and columnar), cercosporosis, powdery mildew. All of them are on early stages are successfully treated with fungicidal drugs, such as Fundazol, Skor, Topaz, Maxim, Bayleton. The situation is much more complicated with viral infections, of which most often yoshtu is affected by terry or mosaic. effective means there is no fight against them yet, and therefore diseased plants are subject to immediate destruction.

And yet the best measure of protection against diseases and pests is the timely preventive treatment of bushes. It is carried out twice a year - before the beginning of the spring sap flow and after the autumn leaf fall. For spraying plantings, it is recommended to use a 1% solution of Bordeaux mixture or blue vitriol. Of the industrial fungicides, the Nitrafen preparation has proven itself well.


Forming a yoshte bush is not required, therefore its pruning is an easy sanitary procedure, during which all broken, diseased, dry and thickening shoots are removed. They do this during the traditional spring and autumn garden work. Preparing the plant for winter, healthy branches are shortened by a third. In order to rejuvenate shoots that have reached the age of 7–8 years, they are cut radically - above the 5–6th bud.

Promising crop varieties

Yoshta can hardly surprise with a variety of varieties, since it is itself a hybrid. The most popular are Rext, Krona, EMB, Yohini, Moro. Some of them are closer in characteristics to gooseberries, others have inherited the qualities of currants to a greater extent, therefore, choosing suitable grade for landing, you should carefully read its description.


Yoshta begins to bear fruit at the age of two. Brushes of large berries are removed from the bush when they acquire a characteristic black and purple color. From the collected fruits, jam, compotes and jelly are cooked, and they also make excellent homemade wine. In addition, yoshta berries are an extremely useful product, indicated for violations of the digestive system, overweight, hypertension, diabetes. The systematic use of them in food helps to normalize blood circulation and increase immunity. Moreover, the beneficial properties of berries are preserved after freezing and drying. Subject to agricultural technology, the yoshta bush will supply its owner with valuable fruits for a long time, since average duration the life of a culture is 20–30 years.