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Juniper horizontal “Blue Chip. Landscape design of the area Juniper horizontal

The horizontal juniper plant is a type of evergreen creeping plant. Its subspecies - chip - is a dense shrub with branches that are raised upward.

general characteristics

This is a juniper whose growth rate is low. Blue chip needles have a scaly texture, silver-blue in summer. In winter, this juniper changes its color and becomes purple, brown or lilac. Upon reaching 10 years of age, its height becomes about 20 cm and its diameter is 150 cm.

Its natural habitat extends from Canada to the Atlantic region of the United States. Like all junipers, it belongs to the cypress family and is quite close to the Cossack juniper.

The fruits of the plant are spherical cone-shaped berries, 5-6 mm in size, almost black. The main difference between the Blue chip variety is that it perfectly tolerates gas and smoke in the atmosphere, which makes it suitable and, most importantly, profitable for planting in a modern city. In addition, it itself generates excellent fresh air and cleans everything around from various kinds of microbes at a distance of up to 10 m.

Planting shrubs

The Blue Chip variety is not very demanding on soil, but for planting in open ground mulching is necessary. It takes root well on sandy and slightly acidic loamy soils, but does not like stagnant moisture. At the same time, it tolerates frost and heat well, which is important for regions with constant changes in temperature conditions.

This juniper is recommended to be planted in sunny places or where there is partial shade. After removing the plant from the container, it should be thoroughly watered before the actual planting process. The planting hole should be twice as large as the root system. To achieve good survival, the soil must be replaced with a nutrient mixture. The latter consists of equal parts of sand, peat and turf soil. A ready-made soil mixture for coniferous trees is also suitable, which should be mixed in equal parts with the soil for planting. This is not surprising, because the natural habitat of juniper is the sandy shores of bodies of water, for example, large lakes.

It would not be superfluous to add a comprehensive mineral fertilizer. This transition layer will allow the roots to better grow into the soil. Heavy soils and availability groundwater require drainage measures. Suitable for organizing drainage broken brick or gravel. The layer height should be about 20 cm. During planting, the root collar of Blue Chip juniper should be level with the ground.

There is no need to create a shelter as such, but in early spring, when the sun begins to shine brighter, a young juniper may get a burn on its needles. To prevent this from happening, it needs to be shaded with agrofibre or spruce branches.

How does the shrub reproduce? Varietal forms are propagated using spring cuttings, which should be taken from short side shoots. The shoots must have a so-called heel, and they are taken before the buds have awakened or at the very beginning of their awakening. The rooting process begins at a temperature of 15-18 °C, and then it rises to 20-23 °C. Half of the winter cuttings take root.

The plant can also be propagated by layering, The rooting process in this case takes place throughout the year. However, in this case, it will not be possible to maintain the usual shape of the crown.

Juniper Blue Chip: features of the variety (video)

Watering and fertilizing

During the first year of planting, juniper should be watered frequently. This is necessary because the root system is still relatively small and compact, and is incapable of complete and independent consumption of moisture and necessary substances from the soil.

Then the watering process is carried out 1-2 times a week. This is especially true for dry periods of the year and is primarily necessary for still young plants. We should not forget about this, because it is quite easy to lose a plant at such a time.

To prevent the process of moisture evaporation from occurring so quickly, you can mulch with wood chips or pine bark in a layer of 5-7 cm. In this case, you can water the plant much less often - only when it dries out. upper layer soil.

Spring feeding in the period from April to May it is produced with nitroammophoska or with the help of complex mineral fertilizers.

In October, potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied. If the juniper is affected by fungal diseases, it should be treated with fungicides:

  • Foundationazole;
  • Topsin.

Prevention of bush diseases

Even if the plant is healthy, periodically show and preventive measures. These include treatment with Bordeaux mixture 1%.

If the juniper has become the target of pest aggression, for example, aphids or caterpillars, it should be treated with insecticides. Drugs like Aktara or Confidor are quite effective. The treatment is carried out twice, the interval between such actions should not exceed a week or 10 days. Otherwise, negative processes may become irreversible.

There is no need to specifically prune this juniper. Only sanitary pruning may be required, which includes getting rid of dry, diseased or abnormally growing branches. It is produced in early spring.

How to plant juniper (video)

Scope of application

The plant perfectly decorates borders and walls. Can be used as a living carpet, great for rock gardens. In addition, a good and powerful root system allows this juniper to be used to strengthen various slopes and slopes. It can also be planted on rocky retaining walls. It is well suited for decorative molding, and in urban environments it is also an excellent container crop.

IN Lately It has become very fashionable to create healthy beauty in your homes. Beauty, which is not only all year round It pleases the eye, but also has a positive effect on the health of the human body.

And since essential oils, which juniper exudes into the air, has bactericidal properties, this gives it great advantages over other plant options for interior design and decoration.

Most often used in landscape design horizontal juniper. (By the way, read about the features of using junipers in landscape design).


Its maximum height can be twenty-five centimeters, and the length of the spreading crown can be up to 1.5 meters in diameter.

It grows five to eight centimeters per year. Juniper Lime Glow is a completely poisonous plant. His palette never ceases to pleasantly surprise. Throughout the year, the crown of the Limeglow variety varies from yellow color to orange-bronze.

Specialist's note: It is not recommended to prune Lime Glow juniper to avoid causing unwanted diseases.

Juniper Prince of Wales. Horizontal juniper Prince of Wales fully lives up to its name; in the garden it looks majestic and noble.

The shrub has a green color with a barely noticeable bluish tint. Compared to other varieties of juniper, it grows very quickly.

The length of the branches can reach 1.5 meters. On alpine roller coaster, rockeries or other cascade landing, it will look like a real “prince surrounded by his retinue.”

Juniper Akari. Juniper Akari is not inferior in its beauty to other varieties of horizontal juniper.

The color of its leaves is golden in summer and bronze in winter. Its bright palette will please the eye both in warm summer and cold winter.

A ground cover, slow-growing shrub that will be a real highlight of any garden.

Sargent's juniper. No less unique in its kind is the Sargent juniper variety. This species was listed in the Red Book of Russia.

The height of the bush can reach one meter, and the diameter of its crown can be up to three meters.

Due to the fact that its native habitat is rocky terrain or the coast, it tolerates Russian frosts well. And he doesn’t care about the hot rays of the sun. At the same time, do not forget to water the juniper.

Horizontal juniper is a fairly unpretentious plant. But, like any other plant, it has certain requirements: it loves moderate moisture and light.

At the same time, in a semi-shaded place it can also feel very good. During dry periods of the year, juniper needs sprinkling of its crown - this helps the bush maintain its color and thereby protects the branches from drying out.

In winter, of course, it is advisable to cover it with an awning so that the discharged winter sun does not burn the leaves, and the frost does not completely destroy the bush. When planting juniper, it is necessary to take into account its origin and the requirements of each species. Also, do not forget, like any shrub, juniper needs treatment from any pests.

Watch the video in which a specialist explains the features of growing horizontal juniper variety Blue Chip:

Seed propagation in the garden strawberries we are used to, unfortunately, leads to the appearance of less productive plants and weaker bushes. But another type of these sweet berries, alpine strawberries, can be successfully grown from seeds. Let's learn about the main advantages and disadvantages of this crop, consider the main varieties and features of agricultural technology. The information presented in this article will help you decide whether it is worth allocating a place for it in the berry garden.

Often at the sight beautiful flower we instinctively lean in to smell its fragrance. All fragrant flowers can be divided into two large groups: nocturnal (pollinated by moths) and diurnal, whose pollinators are mainly bees. Both groups of plants are important for the florist and designer, because we often walk around the garden during the day and relax in our favorite corners when evening comes. We are never overwhelmed by the scent of our favorite fragrant flowers.

Many gardeners consider pumpkin to be the queen of garden beds. And not only because of its size, variety of shapes and colors, but also for its excellent taste, useful qualities and a rich harvest. Pumpkin contains a large amount of carotene, iron, various vitamins and minerals. Thanks to the possibility of long-term storage, this vegetable supports our health all year round. If you decide to plant a pumpkin on your plot, you will be interested in learning how to get the largest possible harvest.

Scotch eggs - incredibly delicious! Try to prepare this dish at home, there is nothing difficult in preparation. Scotch eggs are a hard-boiled egg wrapped in chopped meat, breaded in flour, egg and breadcrumbs and deep fried. For frying, you will need a frying pan with a high side, and if you have a deep fryer, then that’s just great - even less hassle. You will also need oil for frying so as not to smoke in the kitchen. Choose farm eggs for this recipe.

One of the most amazing large-flowered tubs of Dominican Cubanola fully justifies its status as a tropical miracle. Warm-loving, slow-growing, with huge and in many ways unique bells of flowers, Cubanola is a fragrant star with a complex character. She demands special conditions contents in the rooms. But for those who are looking for exclusive plants for their interior, a better (and more chocolatey) candidate for the role of indoor giant cannot be found.

Chickpea curry with meat is a hearty hot dish for lunch or dinner, inspired by Indian cuisine. This curry is quick to prepare but requires some prep. The chickpeas must first be soaked in large quantities cold water for several hours, preferably overnight, the water can be changed several times. It is also better to leave the meat in the marinade overnight so that it turns out juicy and tender. Then you should boil the chickpeas until tender and then prepare the curry according to the recipe.

Rhubarb cannot be found in every garden plot. It's a pity. This plant is a storehouse of vitamins and can be widely used in cooking. What is not prepared from rhubarb: soups and cabbage soup, salads, delicious jam, kvass, compotes and juices, candied fruits and marmalade, and even wine. But that's not all! The large green or red rosette of leaves of the plant, reminiscent of burdock, acts as a beautiful background for annuals. It is not surprising that rhubarb can also be seen in flower beds.

Today, the trend is to experiment with unusual combinations and non-standard colors in the garden. For example, plants with black inflorescences have become very fashionable. All black flowers are original and specific, and it is important for them to be able to select suitable partners and location. Therefore, this article will not only introduce you to the assortment of plants with slate-black inflorescences, but will also teach you the intricacies of using such mystical plants in garden design.

3 delicious sandwiches - a cucumber sandwich, a chicken sandwich, a cabbage and meat sandwich - a great idea for a quick snack or for an outdoor picnic. Just fresh vegetables, juicy chicken and cream cheese and a little seasoning. There are no onions in these sandwiches; if you wish, you can add onions marinated in balsamic vinegar to any of the sandwiches; this will not spoil the taste. Having quickly prepared snacks, all that remains is to pack a picnic basket and head to the nearest green lawn.

Depending on the varietal group, the age of seedlings suitable for planting in open ground is: for early tomatoes - 45-50 days, average ripening periods - 55-60 and late ones - at least 70 days. When planting tomato seedlings at a younger age, the period of its adaptation to new conditions is significantly extended. But success in obtaining a high-quality tomato harvest also depends on carefully following the basic rules for planting seedlings in open ground.

Unpretentious plants“background” sansevieria does not seem boring to those who value minimalism. They are better suited than other indoor decorative foliage stars for collections that require minimal care. Stable decorativeness and extreme hardiness in only one species of sansevieria are also combined with compactness and very rapid growth - rosette sansevieria Hana. The squat rosettes of their tough leaves create striking clusters and patterns.

One of the brightest months garden calendar pleasantly surprises with the balanced distribution of days favorable and unfavorable for working with plants lunar calendar. Vegetable gardening in June can be done throughout the entire month, while the unfavorable periods are very short and still allow you to do useful work. There will be optimal days for sowing and planting, for pruning, for a pond, and even for construction work.

Meat with mushrooms in a frying pan is an inexpensive hot dish that is suitable for a regular lunch and for a holiday menu. Pork will cook quickly, veal and chicken too, so this is the preferred meat for the recipe. Mushrooms - fresh champignons, in my opinion, are the best choice for homemade stew. Forest gold - boletus mushrooms, boletus and other delicacies is best prepared for the winter. Boiled rice or mashed potatoes are ideal as a side dish.

I love ornamental shrubs, especially unpretentious ones and with interesting, non-trivial foliage colors. I have various Japanese spirea, Thunberg barberries, black elderberry... And there is one special shrub, which I will talk about in this article - viburnum leaf. To fulfill my dream of a low-maintenance garden, it is perhaps ideal. At the same time, it is capable of greatly diversifying the picture in the garden, from spring to autumn.

Juniper horizontal, or prostrate- Juniperus horizontalis Moench.

Description: grows naturally in the Atlantic region of North America. It grows in the USA and Canada (from Newfoundland to British Columbia and south to Massachusetts and Montana), where it is found on sandy banks of rivers and lakes, hillsides and mountains.

Juniper horizontal
Photo by Anetta Popova

Close to the Cossack juniper, a creeping shrub pressed to the ground up to 1 m high. with long branches densely covered with bluish-green tetrahedral shoots. The needles are green or gray and turn brown in winter. On reproductive shoots, the leaves are often needle-shaped, elongated-lanceolate, sharp, spiny, somewhat spaced from the shoot, 3-5 mm long, 0.8-1 mm wide, saber-shaped, rounded on the back. Scale-like leaves are 1.5-2.2 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide, oblong-ovate, briefly pointed at the apex and pressed to the shoots, with a small resinous gland. Shish berries are 5-8 (-9) mm in diameter, bluish-black, with a bluish coating, with 3-4 ovoid seeds.

Introduced into cultivation in 1840, it is currently widespread in botanical gardens and arboretums; it is rare among amateur gardeners, but deserves wider distribution.

In GBS since 1960, 3 samples (22 copies) were grown from seeds sent from Toronto, Morden (Canada), there are samples of GBS reproduction. Shrub, at 15 years height 0.5 m, crown diameter 160 cm. Vegetation from 12.V ± 7. Grows very slowly. The annual growth is 0.5 cm at a young age, after 10 years the growth of the main shoots is up to 20 cm. Does not generate dust. Winter hardiness is high. 72% of winter cuttings take root without treatment.

Agricultural technology: suffers from dry air, has little demand for soil richness. It grows slowly, especially in the first years of life. It is better to replant in the spring with the obligatory preservation of the earthen coma. Grows well in city conditions. Winter-hardy. Propagated by seeds and cuttings. In its decorativeness it is in no way inferior to other creeping species of this genus.

Juniperus horizontalis "Glomerata"
Photo by Konstantin Korzhavin

Promising for covering slopes and rocks. For rock gardens and garden plots. It is especially beautiful in spring, when the bluish or steel color of the needles becomes more pronounced. It is good to plant against the lighter green color of low-growing forms of common juniper. It has been known in culture since 1840. In St. Petersburg, I. R. Schroeder was the first to test it (1861). Currently grown in the collection of the VIN Botanical Garden. One of best views as a ground cover juniper.

Bred in American nurseries whole line cultural forms of this species that were found growing wild and then propagated. The differences are very limited and are only visible when the plants are side by side, such as at Morton's Arboretum in Lisle, Illinois, USA.

"Admirabilis". The form is fast-growing, but squat, flat, 20 - 25 cm high. The shoots are short and directed forward, bluish-green, slightly raised. Found in the Rocky Mountains; introduced into culture at the Plumfield nursery.

"Adpressa". The form is dense, whip-like, up to 10 - 15 cm high, very fast growing. The needles are green, at the end - white-green. Grows quickly. Winter-hardy. Propagated by cuttings (67%). Introduced into culture at the Plumfield nursery (USA). Recommended for landscaping terraces and roofs. When grown in containers, you can plant rock gardens in rock gardens and create groups on lawns

"Alpina". The trunk is at first almost straight, then more inclined, but with raised or almost straight branches, up to 75 cm in height. The leaves are often needle-shaped, 3 - 4 mm long, more or less bluish-green, purple in autumn.

"Аudorra"- J. horizontalis "Plumosa". In 1962, discovered and propagated in the Andorra nursery, Chestnut Hill, Philadelphia, USA.

"Argentea". The shape is whip-like, very dense, 15 - 20 cm tall. The foliage is bluish-silver. Plumfield Nursery.

"Var. Harbor" . The shape is dense, creeping. The branches are very thin, less than 1.5 mm thick; the main branches are recumbent along the entire length and at the ends; lateral branches rise obliquely and differ from each other; young shoots are orange-brown, purple at the ends. The leaves are very small, appressed, covered with a gray-green coating, and have a purple tint in autumn. The first description is given by Hornibrok, it is too general and does not make it possible to identify the plant; besides this, there are many types in America, and few can say for sure what the original type is.

"Blue moon". The whip lies on the ground. The shoots are very tender, beautiful, bluish-green, brown in winter. 1976, Minier.

"Douglasii". The shape is whip-like, creeping. The shoots are long, reaching 2-3 m in length with age, intersected in the center by branches 30-40 cm long; the ends of the shoots are long and straight. The branches are 5 - 8 cm long, raised and directed forward. Leaves are scale- or needle-shaped. The scaly leaves are very dense, appressed, gray-green, as if covered with blue frost, with a slight purple bloom in late autumn and winter. The needle-like leaves are numerous and located on the branches. (- J. horizontalis douglassii, J. glauca major). Named for a place in the nursery area of ​​Waukegan, Illinois. Until 1961. Well-known variety.

"Emerald spreader". The shape is very flat, spreading along the ground. The branches are dense with delicate, emerald green, fan-shaped shoots. 1967, Monrovia Nursery. Plant. Pat. No. 2752.

"Emerson"(female). Fast growing ornamental shrub, flatly covering the ground, 3 - 5 m wide. The leaves are scale- and needle-shaped, equally bluish-green throughout the year (- J. horizontalis “Marshall”, J. hor. “B1ask Hill`s Creer”). Discovered in 1915 in the Black Hills, South Dakota, propagated by G. Marshall Nursery, Arlington, Nebraska, by Professor Emerson, University of Nebraska.

"Eilicina"(female). The form is slow-growing and highly branched, densely covering the ground. The branches are short, delicate, fern-like, with short shoots directed obliquely forward. The bark is light brown. The needles are green, with a purple tinge in winter. In 1936, propagated at the Plumfield Nursery.

Juniperus horizontalis "Glauca"
Photo by Andrey Kopysov

"Glauca". Appearance whip-like, sloping; the main branches are straight, at first they lie tightly on the ground, later in the center the branch is layered on top of each other, reaching 30 cm in length; The branches are numerous, 2 mm thick, directed forward; due to the tightly adjacent leaves, they appear thread-like, bluish-steel in color; they do not color in winter. The leaves are subulate, located mainly in the center of the plant, on weaker shoots, four-rowed, tightly adjacent to each other. In winter, the color does not change. Grows slowly, prefers fresh, well-drained, poor soil. Moisture-loving. Photophilous. Suffers from dry air and high temperature. Does not tolerate transplantation well. Valuable ground cover plant. Propagated by cuttings (80%). seeds, layerings. It appeared in culture in 1939, in Arnold Arboretum (USA) as a result of selection. Recommended for greening roofs, can be displayed in containers on the streets and in the interiors of buildings, suitable for rocky areas and road slopes.

"Glenmore"(female). One of the shortest and slowest growing forms of the species in question. The branches are creeping; shoots are almost erect, thin, matte light brown. The leaves are dark green, with brown tips in winter. Discovered growing wild in 1832 by Robert Moore in Wyoming; propagated by Marshall Nursery, Denver, Colorado.

Juniperus horizontalis "Ice Blue"

"Icee Blue" (= "Monber"). Sport from the "Wiltonii" variety. Dwarf form with average growth rate. Height up to 15 cm, width up to 2.4 m. Evergreen shrub with very flexible and long creeping shoots, forming a bluish-green dense carpet. Small cones with a bluish coating, 5-7 mm in diameter. The needles are scaly, bluish-green, and in winter they acquire a purple-plum hue. Photophilous. Prefers fairly moist, sandy loam soils, does not grow well in heavy soils. Winter-hardy, resistant to heat, drought, undemanding to soil pH. Easily tolerates transplantation and adapts.

Juniperus horizontalis "Limeglow"
The photo on the right shows winter coloring.
Photo by Epictetus Vladimir

"Limeglow". Sport variety "Youngstown". Translated as "glowing yellow". A wide, dense shrub, vase-shaped and reaching 0.4 m in height and 1.2 m in diameter. It grows up to 8 cm per year. The needles have an intense golden-yellow color in summer and brown-yellow in winter. The needles are not sensitive to spring burns. In dry and hot weather in summer it can be damaged by the sun. Grows well in any soil; in sunny places it has a more intense yellow color. Recommended for rocky gardens, heather and home gardens and color compositions.

"Livida". Clone found in the Rocky Mountains. The shape is dense and flat, 10 - 15 cm high. The shoots are short, raised and directed forward, bluish-green. Plumfield.

"Marcellus". All shoots are creeping, gray-blue, purple in winter. Selected in the USA until 1960; in Holland in culture.

"Petrea". The shape is dense and flat, 18 - 25 cm high. The foliage is matte silver-green; the same color remains in winter. Plumfield.

"Planifolia". Very fast-growing horizontal form, 20 - 25 cm tall, with long powerful branches that are covered with short feather-like shoots; silver-blue leaves, excellent ornamental plant. Plumfield.

"Prostrata". Lies tightly on the ground, creeping far, up to 4 m wide and 0.3 m high. The branches are long, thick, the ends are slightly raised. The branches are numerous, densely standing; the branches are bluish-gray with purple ends. The needles at the ends of the shoots are scaly, gray-blue. KHN 89 (- J. sabina prostrata). A long-known form.

"Pulchella". The form is particularly slow-growing, flat, whip-like, 10 - 15 cm tall. The leaves are needle-shaped, gray-green, the ends of the shoots are blue. In 1935, propagated in the Plumfield nursery.

"Sea Spray". American selection. Bred by Frank F. Serpa at Hines Hulsale Nursery, Santa Ana, California. Y. S. Plant. Pat. 6 3140.

"Turquoise spreader". The shape is dense and whip-like, highly branched with soft, thread-like, spreading shoots, and does not form a “hill” in the center. The needles are turquoise-green. From nurseries, 1967 Y. S. Plant. Pat. No. 2773.

Juniperus horizontalis "Wiltonii"
Photo on the left of Anetta Popova
Photo on the right is EDSR.

"Wiltonii". The form is carpet-like, very slowly growing, up to 10 cm high, densely branched. The needles are often awl-shaped, very small, silver-blue (- J. horizontalis "Blue wiltonii", J. horizontalis "Wilton carpet", J. hor "Blue rug"). Around 1914, discovered by J. van Heyningen, southern Wilton, Connecticut on Vinal Naven Island, Maine. Due to its small growth and beautiful coloring, it is considered an excellent garden plant. Propagated by cuttings (87 - 91%). Due to its low growth and short coloring of the needles, it is a very ornamental plant. Recommended for landscaping roofs, for growing in containers, for rocky gardens, where planting in large groups is preferable.

"Wangstoun". The only selection "Plumosa compacta", but lower, lies on the ground, light green. Plumfield.

"Uukon Belle". The shape is whip-like, widely spreading. The leaves are silver-gray. Known as "Solid as Steel"

Juniper is a common ornamental plant, often found in landscape design. Its spreading “paws” spreading along the ground, or neat candle-shaped trees, can enhance any garden or park. Man has long noticed the beauty of the plant - in the poet’s verses Ancient Greece Virgil contains lines that mention this shrub.

Botanical information about juniper

Any description of juniper contains information that it belongs to the genus of coniferous evergreen shrubs, and its tree-like varieties belong to the Cypress family. Over its long history, it has acquired several more names: veres and archa. It is found almost everywhere in countries in the Northern Hemisphere. Some species are native to eastern Africa.

The plant can take the form of a large shrub, tree or small creeping bushes. Most of The genus likes to grow in well-lit areas, is easy to care for, does not have any special requirements for the soil, and tolerates long-term drought well. As for resistance to cold, it all depends on the species: some of them come from northern regions, so they can easily tolerate significant drops in temperature. But there are also species that live in the subtropics; hypothermia is contraindicated for them. Look at the article about horizontal juniper Andorra Variegata.

Juniper - “first aid” for many ailments

This coniferous shrub is characterized not only by the beauty and grace of its shoots; the beneficial properties of juniper have made it a widely used medicinal crop. Its property of purifying the air from microorganisms that cause various diseases has long been a known truth.

One hectare of land planted with juniper can “disinfect” the air of one large city. This happens thanks to active substances - phytoncides, which in the course of evolution have become real fighters against microscopic fungi and bacteria that cause serious health problems.

Juniper berries and medicine

One of the most useful parts of the plant is its berries, which look like microscopic cones. It is for this similarity that they are also called cone berries. The extensive use of juniper berries to treat many ailments indicates the high medicinal properties of these shrubs and trees. They are able to cure ailments associated with disorders of the bladder and kidneys. Skin diseases such as eczema and dermatitis can be overcome with the help of berry cones.

Juniper berries and cooking

Except medical use The fruits are often used as a seasoning for culinary purposes. After grinding, they are added to meat dishes, especially game. Many other recipes also cannot do without this ingredient: sauces, soups, terrines, marinades for meat. Drinks such as jelly, kvass, beer, gin are also made with the addition of an exotic seasoning that gives off a light pine aroma and gives dishes a tart-sweet aftertaste.

The use of juniper does not end with berries. Other parts of the plant are also used in human life. For example, from its fragrant branches they make an equally aromatic oil that has a lot of useful properties. It is valued for what it is in an effective way against radiculitis, polyarthritis and rheumatism. With its help you can also cure some unpleasant problems associated with nervous system, for example, neuralgia.

By preparing a decoction of the branches, it is easy to get rid of allergies, and a decoction of the rhizomes treats diseases of the respiratory system, such as bronchitis and tuberculosis. In addition, root decoction is quite effective in solving some skin problems.

The wood obtained from the plant is widely used for making various products, such as pencils and wooden utensils. By the way, in Ancient Rus' Milk was poured into a juniper vessel for long-term storage: it did not sour for a long time in an antibacterial container.

Blue Chip - American-Canadian variety

Many varieties of this plant have been bred today, but the most popular and widespread is the Blue Chip juniper, which appeared thanks to the joint work of American and Canadian breeding scientists. Received many names: flat, groundcover, prostrate. Refers to low shrubs growing in a horizontal direction.

Origin of the name Blue Chip

The origin of its name is interesting. Blue Chip translated from in English means "prime security". The fact is that in America finance company with this name has been considered reliable and authoritative, worthy of trust, for many years. The literal translation is “blue chip,” but for Americans Blue Chip has become synonymous with the words “prestigious, top quality.”

Description and characteristics of the variety

The first thing to start with when describing Blue Chip juniper is its beautiful appearance, thanks to which he received in 2004 in Poland the highest award from connoisseurs of decorative garden plants all over the world.

Common juniper Blue Chip belongs to the perennial, evergreen, low-growing, coniferous shrubs compact dimensions. In breadth it will grow no more than 1-1.2 m in diameter. And its height is generally small - about 30-40 cm.

This variety is valued for the beauty of its shaggy branches. In summer they are colored greenish-blue with a slight gray tint, and closer to autumn they change their color to burgundy-lilac tones. Its stems are heavily fluffy, thick, collected into a horizontal, lush bush, raised above the ground, growing along the soil. The branches are completely covered with dense green needles with a bluish tint.

Horizontal juniper Blue Chip rarely produces fruits on shoots: they are small, spherical and the same color as pine needles.

Features of plant care

As a rule, Blue Chip horizontal juniper prefers areas well lit by the sun. But it can also grow in slight shade. Requires moderate watering, but does not like waterlogged soil. The best soil for this variety – nutritious, slightly acidic, drained. Sandy loam soils are perfect for the plant. It is unpretentious in care and can withstand cold weather quite well.

Blue Chip is an excellent choice for landscape design

Definitely extraordinary beautiful variety Blue Chip will enhance any garden. Blue Chip juniper is most often used in landscape design to create a variety of decorative ensembles. It is used for planting around small garden ponds, often as part of mixborders composed of coniferous representatives. In addition, it fits perfectly into almost any rock garden. In flower beds it can become a wonderful background, not only highlighting the beauty of flowers, but also adding sophistication and nobility. Having planted such evergreen shrub, you can not only effectively decorate your garden, but also clean it of many harmful bacteria.

Landing - basic rules

After purchasing the plant, Blue Chip juniper is planted and cared for, which includes several simple rules. Most bushes are sold in pots or containers.
They must be carefully removed from the container and carefully watered with water. Then select appropriate place for planting (it is better if it is a sunny area or partial shade) and prepare holes for planting. Their dimensions should be 1.5-2 times the size of the root.

You can improve the survival rate of the bush and give it greater beauty by adding nutritious soil to the planting holes. High-quality planting of Blue Chip juniper in soil rich in all necessary substances will give the plant strength not only to survive the stress of replanting, but will also further nourish the root system, which cannot but affect the decorative appearance of the plant. The soil mixture is prepared on the basis of three components: turf, sand, peat, taken in equal proportions. Mineral fertilizers for conifers can be mixed into this soil, which can significantly help the plant take root faster. If the soil is compressed, not loose and poorly drained, then a 20 cm layer of gravel should be added to provide air access to the roots.

The technology used to plant Blue Chip horizontal juniper is simple. The prepared pits are well moistened, then bushes are planted in them. You cannot plant a plant with the root neck buried below the ground; this part of the bush should be at the same level with it.

Features of culture breeding

Evergreen shrubs are easy to propagate using several methods: cuttings, layering, seeds.

The most common of them is cuttings, but it is not suitable for creeping varieties. These species reproduce using layering.

Before propagating Blue Chip juniper, you need to select the healthiest, youngest and most beautiful shoots. Then the soil is prepared for the future site where the cuttings will take root: it is carefully dug up, after which peat and coarse sand are added. Everything is carefully mixed and loosened.

After this, the selected stem is tilted to the ground and pinned using a staple made of ordinary wire. In the place where the “pin” was fixed, the soil must be regularly watered and loosened.

The cuttings take root over a fairly long period of time: six months to a year. A well-rooted seedling is transplanted to " permanent place residence", using the technology indicated above. A lot of useful information in the article: How to grow rosemary from seeds and cuttings at home?

Among ground cover varieties, Blue Chip juniper is considered the best. Its shaggy shoots, with a slightly raised core and ends, spread evenly and densely across the ground, forming a green carpet. The needles are short and dense, needle-shaped and prickly. The needles change color depending on the time of year: in summer the needles are a rich silver-blue hue, in spring young bright blue branches appear, in autumn they fill with brown and lilac colors, and in winter their tone becomes almost lilac.

Juniper horizontal Blue Chip presents great option for rocky compositions, rockeries and rock gardens, it looks harmonious in combination with other coniferous and deciduous trees and shrubs. Juniper is a natural healer; it effectively purifies and disinfects the surrounding air within a radius of 10 meters.

Description of juniper horizontal Blue Chip

The Blue Chip juniper is native to Canada and America; its name means blue chip. The plant grows horizontally; it is perfectly adapted throughout Russia, from the southern borders to the northern latitudes. Its growth is small - the height of an adult shrub is from 20 to 30 cm, and the crown in diameter can reach 1.5 meters. This beautiful dwarf representative with interesting needles and a slow growth rate is able to decorate any landscape design.

Description of Juniper Blue Chip:

  1. Appearance. It belongs to the dwarf creeping evergreen varieties of juniper, characterized by its small size and compact shape, with a raised center and high decorative characteristics, has small needle-like needles. The seeds are spherical cone-berries, black in color with a coating, reaching 5-6 mm in diameter.
  2. Requirements. Loves light and good soil moisture, is resistant to frost and drought, tolerates urban gas and air pollution, does not tolerate excess moisture and excessive salinization of the soil.
  3. Where used. It is often planted as a support for rocky slopes and walls, to strengthen slopes and borders. The perfect solution for landscape design of rock gardens and heather gardens, looks good in a container with the need for decorative molding of the crown.

Beautiful, thick and fragrant horizontal juniper Blue Chip, with long creeping shoots and bright unusual colors, is used by gardeners to create living coniferous carpets.

Juniper Blue Chip - planting

Young seedlings are planted in planting pits 50-70 cm deep with a sufficient drainage layer in sunny or slightly shaded areas. The shrub prefers nutritious, moderately dry soil, predominantly with an alkaline or acidic environment. The crop does not withstand stagnant moisture and soil salinity; to achieve the best decorative results, regular shallow loosening is required.
The optimal distance between neighboring plants is 1-2 meters. For the winter, the conifer is sprinkled with a layer of peat up to 10 cm; during heavy snowfalls, temporary protection is built around it.

Agrotechnical features of Blue Chip juniper include abundant watering after planting, mandatory mulching to preserve moisture, and regular sanitary mowing.

Juniper Blue Chip - propagation and care

Blue Chip bush is propagated by layering. The gardener selects healthy and high-quality shoots, prepares the soil for rooting - digs it, loosens it with peat and sand, fertilizes and moisturizes it. Using a staple, the selected branch is fixed to the ground, and the cutting takes root within six months to a year.

Planting and caring for Blue Chip juniper includes the following activities:

  1. Fertilizing after planting is carried out three times per season: in the spring with nitrogen fertilizers, in the summer with phosphorus-containing compounds and in the fall with mixtures for coniferous species with potassium. The plant responds gratefully to the application of organic fertilizers around the trunk.
  2. Watering is regular, but not excessive. For best moisture retention near tree trunk circles Mulch from wood chips or sawdust is generously poured.
  3. Pruning is carried out in spring period– dry and broken shoots are removed, old and frozen branches are cut off.
  4. Weeding and loosening are carried out as necessary; excess weeds harm the decorative characteristics of the plant.
  5. Diseases and pests. Coniferous crops can suffer from root fungus and rot, and are often infected with mites and scale insects. For preventive purposes, juniper thickets, in the spring and once a month throughout warm season, treated with fungicides and insecticides.

Juniper Blue Chip is picturesque at any time of the year; it is used to create colorful corners near stones and near ponds, and it is used to effectively decorate flower beds and flower beds. An additional advantage is that the plant creates a microclimate around itself that is beneficial for people.

Photo of Blue Chip juniper in landscape design

Introducing Blue Chip juniper - video

Horizontal juniper is one of the favorite plants for those gardeners who are designing their site. Conifers will perfectly decorate the landscape and add a touch of wild nature.

All horizontal junipers are evergreen creeping dwarf bushes with a height of ten to seventy centimeters, the crown width varies from a meter to three.

general description

Junipers grow slowly . The main shoots are extended to the sides, usually covered with younger branches. The needles of junipers are either needle-shaped or scaly, the length is approximately three millimeters. The color of the needles varies from green to yellow and silver. In winter, needles of all varieties acquire a brownish or purple color.

Description of the fruits. The fruits of junipers are spherical cones of blue color, covered with a blue coating. Junipers tolerate drought, frost and drafts well. Natural habitat - Canada and North America. There are more than a hundred varieties of this shrub, and one of the popular ones is Blue Chip.

Plant has an attractive appearance, and is even awarded highest award at the 2004 exhibition in Poland.

Blue Chip is classified as a perennial dwarf shrub; it is about one and a half meters wide and thirty centimeters high. The color of the needles in summer is green with a blue tint, in winter it is burgundy. The stems are thick and fluffy, growing along the ground, the branches are densely covered with needles. This variety produces fruits quite rarely, they small size, the color is the same as the needles.

Conditions and reproduction

Like all junipers, horizontal Blue Chip grows well in any soil, however, you should know that it does not like too much moisture and salty soils. When planting, it would be good to mulch in order to maintain correct mode soil moisture. As the juniper grows, it will independently protect the roots.

This variety of shrub reproduces using layering. A healthy shoot is selected and the ground under it is prepared. It should be dug up, add fertilizer and sand, dig everything up again. Next, the shoot must be bent to the ground and pinned with a wire staple. In the place where the bracket is placed, it is necessary to water and loosen the soil. The cuttings take about a year to take root. After rooting, the young plant can be planted in a permanent place.

Juniper on the site

First, the landing site is determined. It is good for optimal growth to choose a bright place, or in partial shade. Next, planting holes are prepared, dug to a depth of approximately eighty centimeters. You can place compost or ready-made nutrient soil at the bottom.

To speed up the rooting of the plant, mineral fertilizer must be added to the soil. If the soil is too compacted, it is necessary to fill in a layer of drainage (for example, fine gravel).

After preparing the pits, they should be moistened and the plant should be carefully placed there along with the soil located on the root ball, then the soil should be sprinkled and compacted.

Landing and further care This variety is practically no different from any other conifers.

Make the first watering in a volume of no more than two watering cans. The distance between bushes should not be less than one meter. In winter, juniper is sprinkled with sawdust.

Within a week after planting, the bush should be watered with a root stimulator, and the branches should be treated with Epin. Treatment is necessary in abundance; the preparation should even flow from the branches.

In the period from February to the beginning of May of the first year of growth, it is worth covering the plant loosely with a soft, fine-mesh net (can be purchased at hardware store). This is done to avoid burns from ultraviolet rays. spring sun. In horizontal junipers, year-round evaporation occurs from the needles, and in the spring the roots have not yet thawed, but the sun gets hot, as a result the needles dry out. Therefore, in the spring you need to thaw the soil around the bush, then it will be better able to absorb moisture. Thus, it is advisable to start watering the juniper in mid-March, at the same time you need to remove snow from the soil near the bush.

Caring for shrubs is quite simple, you just need to follow some general rules:

In general, junipers are quite disease resistant., but you still need to know the dangers threatening the bush.

In addition to the fact that Blue Chip looks beautiful on the site, the plant also has useful properties. The most useful part of the bush is its fruits. IN folk medicine they are famous as a remedy for kidney and bladder diseases, as well as skin diseases(eg eczema). A decoction is prepared from the branches to help relieve an allergy attack, and a decoction from the roots treats bronchitis and other diseases of the lungs and respiratory tract.

Juniper fruits are also used in cooking. They are added as a seasoning to fish and meat dishes, and when ground - into sauces and marinades.

From juniper wood they make pencils and even dishes. Products in juniper containers do not spoil for a long time, since the wood has an antimicrobial effect.

The ability of conifers to “clean” the air from fungi and other pathogens is also known. The immunity of a person who has juniper on his plot is quite high.


Juniper Blue Chip is beautiful both in winter and in summer, with its help you can create various landscape compositions. Looks great in rock gardens, near artificial ponds and when decorating a flower bed, where it will highlight the beauty of the planted flowers. Can be used as a living carpet on any section of the site or near a stone slide.


An unusual and very beautiful horizontal juniper of the Blue Chip variety will decorate and ennoble garden plot, a country courtyard and a city flower garden. Additional plus - juniper, like all conifers, perfectly cleans the air of gases and microorganisms harmful to health. Caring for it is simple. That is why it is worth making a choice in favor of such a spectacular and useful plant.

Juniper blue chip

Juniper Blue Chip is a dwarf representative of coniferous species. It grows in southern and northern latitudes and adapts well to harsh climates. In landscape design it is used for the design of rock gardens, rockeries, and decoration of deciduous plantings.

Description of the plant

Blue chip - this is how the name of the plant is translated from Canadian. It's evergreen perennial with creeping stem. The needles are dense, gray-gray in color. The color of the needles changes with the seasons of the year. In spring, young shoots are gray-green, in summer they are bluish, and in winter they acquire purple hues.