Well      20.04.2019

Plants that disinfect the air. Houseplants that purify the air

Houseplants bring a little summer mood into the house, which is especially true now, in the midst of winter. Plants not only add comfort and beauty, but also purify the air in the apartment.

As it turns out, some species do this better than others.

As a result of a NASA study, it turned out that individual plants can absorb harmful chemical compounds and bacteria from the air.

We will tell you about 11 plants that purify the air in the apartment.

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe is a succulent medicinal properties which have been known since antiquity: aloe juice is used to increase immunity and fight viral diseases, with burns and ulcers, to improve appetite, as a general tonic. But it turns out that the fact that aloe is just in the room is beneficial. Aloe has the ability to capture formaldehyde from the air, a harmful compound that is released from furniture made from chipboard and MDF.

2 Areca Palm

Areca Catehu or Betel Palm is a large plant that loves sunny, spacious rooms; it will successfully decorate any living room. Areca produces a large amount of oxygen and is able to humidify the air. In addition, this plant takes carbon dioxide and toxins from the air.

3. Peperomia obtuse

Many types of peperomia are known, and even peperomia blunt has subspecies. This is a small plant that grows well indoors. Peperomia does not like bright light and too much dimming, does not tolerate abundant watering. But it is worth paying attention to it, providing proper care: peperomia is able to purify the air from harmful chemical substances including formaldehyde.

4. Bamboo palm, or chamedorea

slow growing indoor palm loves moderate watering and dim lighting. Bamboo palm will not only be a decor item in your apartment, but also an excellent air filter. It cleans the air from benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

5. Nephrolepis

Also known as "fern", nephrolepis grows well at home. He loves shade and good watering. Nefprolepis is very beautiful and looks good in hanging planters. It made our list of air-purifying plants because it can filter toluene and formaldehyde from the air, as well as kill pathogenic microbes.

6. Aglaonema

The name of this plant is literally translated from English as "Chinese evergreen". Aglaonema has a variegated leaf color, blooms and bears fruit at home. Likes good watering, humid air and good lighting, but with shading it will also grow. Aglaonema cleans the air from benzene and is able to kill streptococcal infection.

7. Fragrant dracaena (Massengeana)

One of the largest representatives of dracaena, evergreen tree with a massive trunk and large leaves. The leaf has a bright yellow stripe. Dracaena Massengeana loves bright lighting without direct sunlight, abundant watering and humidified air. This plant captures xylene, toluene, benzene, trichlorethylene and formaldehyde from the air.

8. Date palm

Another palm tree on our list. It has become very popular due to the fact that it can be grown from a seed if desired. Date palm looks exotic and decorative. Likes light, good watering. It successfully filters xylene in the air.

9. Ficus Ali

Ficus Ali is a very beautiful plant with long narrow leaves. It does well in bright light without direct sunlight, regular moderate watering and high humidity. This ficus is able to purify the air from benzene, trichlorethylene and phenol.

10. Gerber Jameson

An ornamental flowering plant on our list. She likes well-lit rooms and abundant watering. Gerbera can capture trichlorethylene and benzene from the air.

11. Chlorophytum

Let's finish the list of "green filters" with a cleaning champion - this is chlorophytum, a familiar and hardy plant that everyone has seen in offices and school classrooms. Chlorophytum is absolutely unpretentious, it grows in the most beginner growers. At the same time, it cleans the air better than special devices.

We hope our list will help you create a pleasant, fumes-free home environment. harmful substances. We wish you to breathe only clean air!

Ecology of life. House: What can be common between your apartment and spaceship? Unfortunately, the correct answer is stale, polluted air. We put our health at great risk by inhaling harmful substances with such air, the excess of which is in an unventilated room.

What can be common between your apartment and a spaceship? Unfortunately, the correct answer is stale, polluted air. We put our health at great risk by inhaling harmful substances with such air, the excess of which is in an unventilated room.

In such rooms, we feel bad, up to nausea, we may also experience dizziness, we may have a headache and inflame the mucous membranes of the eyes and nasopharynx. Luckily for us, scientists are aware of this problem and how to fix it. One of these ways is available to everyone - to breed indoor plants that purify the air.

What is the point?

Given that people spend 90% of their time indoors, the air they breathe in them matters a lot. The varnish on furniture, upholstery, synthetic building materials, and the cleaning products we use at home or in the office can contain many toxic compounds, such as formaldehyde, for example.

Indoor air can also be polluted by pollen, bacteria, mold, and exhaust fumes that get inside from outside. Inhale all this, being, for example, in an apartment with a tight closed windows, dangerous for health.

But, fortunately, there is an easy and affordable way cope with the presence of harmful substances in the air we breathe, and this is the way nature gives us. As you know, plants purify the air by reducing the content of harmful particles in it. By placing several plant pots in the room, you will improve the situation (although here it must be borne in mind that some flowering plants can cause allergies and only aggravate the situation).

But how do plants purify the air? They absorb particles from the air along with carbon dioxide, which is then converted into oxygen during photosynthesis. And that's not all - microorganisms associated with plants and present in the soil also help purify the air.

But it's not just the cleansing effect. Plants have a beneficial effect on people, lowering blood pressure and relieving stress. Together with this, they allow people to feel energetic and able-bodied.

Action plan

For those who have hooked hands and think that this will be a burden of additional responsibilities, the thought of breeding houseplants may be intimidating, but these fears are completely unfounded, because in reality these plants are very unpretentious. Here we will tell you about the 9 best (according to research) plants that you can easily breed in your home or office.

These amazing plants worth it so that you take the time to find out how much sunlight they need and how many times to water them. Remember to also repot the plants in larger pots as they grow, and loosen the soil around the plants to keep it from hardening. That, perhaps, is all. Then just enjoy the clean air in your home.

garden chrysanthemum

This plant is an air purifying champion, it absorbs ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and xylene. A flower can be bought at any store at an affordable price. After it blooms at home in a pot, it can be transplanted in spring or summer to a flower bed in the yard or garden.


One of the simplest and unpretentious plants, which does not require special care. Ideal for beginner growers and those who keep forgetting to water their flowers. Likes bright but not direct sunlight. It produces sprouts with flowers, which gradually turn into new sprouts again.

Absorbs formaldehyde and xylene.


There are more than 40 species of this plant in the world, so you will surely choose the most suitable one for your home or office. Dracaena has long broad leaves, often with multicolored lines. True, this plant is toxic to cats and dogs, so it is better for animal lovers to choose and breed another flower.

Dracaena removes benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and xylene from the air.


Although ficus is a tree in its homeland in Southeast Asia, at home it usually does not exceed 60 - 120 cm in height. Place this hardy mini-tree in a well-lit area and do not water it often. At the end of spring, the plant can be taken out into the yard, and with the onset of autumn, brought back into the room, where it will do a great service by cleaning the air in it.

Absorbs benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.


This herb is relatively small compared to the others on our list, but the benefits are just as great. Unpretentious, blooms most often in summer. It should be borne in mind that its flowers (as well as all flowers) smell, and pollen gets into the air, so you should not plant this flower in in large numbers. The plant prefers shady places and moist but not damp soil.

Purifies the air from ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene.

fern nephrolepis

This plant prefers cool places with high humidity and indirect sunlight. It is relatively easy to grow but needs to be watered frequently. Do not let your "rescuer" dry out and at least once a month give him a good bath so that he is all wet. The fern will surely thank you and remove formaldehyde and xylene from the air.

Sansevieria \ Mother-in-law tongue

These plants require almost no maintenance. They prefer dry conditions and need to be watered very infrequently. And they need very little sunlight.

They absorb benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and xylene from the air.

bamboo palm

This is the world's best formaldehyde air cleaner. Put the palm tree on the windowsill where it will bathe in sunlight. The plant can develop into a fairly tall tree, but this will only increase the cleansing effect. It will miraculously fit into your interior, besides it is absolutely safe for your pets.

Absorbs benzene, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene.

This will be of interest to you:

Aloe vera

In addition to the fact that this plant is easy to care for, because. it does not require frequent watering, aloe also heals. The leaves of the plant contain a clear liquid that contains many vitamins, enzymes, amino acids and other substances that have wound healing, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. Aloe can also help (and certainly won't hurt) skin conditions such as psoriasis.

Remove formaldehyde from the room. published

Translation: Svetlana Bodrik

Today I will list indoor plants that can help us clean the air of our homes.

Indoor plants, in themselves, are beautiful and decorate our house with this, often giving the house an exotic look.

But what do you say that houseplants can also improve the quality of the air we breathe and limit household pollution?

And yet it is so!

By the end of the 80s, scientists were conducting research on the ability of indoor plants to purify the air.

Research has shown very interesting results: not only are plants capable of absorbing carbon dioxide and releasing oxygen through photosynthesis, but many of them are able to neutralize volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in our homes, thanks to methylotrofi enzymes.

Let's take a closer look at plants for purifying the air in our home.

1) Sansevieria("Laurentii" Sansevieria trifasciata) or, as the people call it, mother-in-law's tongue.

This houseplant is one of the most effective air purifiers.

It is able to filter and render harmless the formaldehydes found in many household cleaners.

Indoor plants that purify the air in the house - Azalea.

7) Azalea(Rhododendron simsii)

This large flowering shrub is ideal for combating formaldehyde found in plywood and foam.

Its filtering ability even increases if the bush is placed in a cooler place, as long as this place is well lit.

More about it beautiful plant in my article on . Please, please follow the link.

11) Philodendron(Philodendron oxycardium)

Indoor plants that purify the air in the house - philodendron

On the other hand, philodendron has a very strong filtering capacity for pollutants, in particular formaldehyde.

12)Bamboo palms(Chamaedorea sefritzii)

Indoor plants that purify the air in the house - bamboo palm.

This small palm grows well in shady areas and often produces flowers and small fruits.

This palm tree is one of the best natural filters against benzene and trichlorethylene, but it is also able to neutralize formaldehyde.

13) Spathiphyllum(Spathiphyllum Mauna Loa)

Indoor plants that purify the air in the house - spathiphyllum.

Spathiphyllum is unbeatable in the fight against the most common volatile organic compounds such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichlorethylene, but is also effective with toluenes and xylenes.

This lily can grow in dim light and with regular watering: once a week. This is enough to constantly bloom with white unusual flowers.

Indoor flowers are needed not only for beauty, they can also be natural filters to purify the air in your homes and apartments. What exactly are we being saved from? From formaldehyde - emitted from carpets, curtains, paint, glue, pressed wood from which furniture is made; benzene - hides in plastic, detergents, rubber; trichlorethylene - found in paint removers, carpet cleaners, adhesives, and more. Here are 10 plants that can reduce the concentration of harmful substances indoors. By the way, some of these "green rescuers" were recommended by NASA in 1980 for air detoxification on space stations.

  1. absorbs formaldehyde, ammonia, acetone, benzene and carbon dioxide. One mature plant can completely destroy microbes in an area of ​​2 square meters. m. And chlorophytum can accumulate moisture, so people suffering from pulmonary diseases will be useful to get themselves this unpretentious room tenant.
  2. Indispensable for asthma and allergies ivy(hedera helix). This plant is a real vacuum cleaner, because it remarkably cleans the air of unwanted compounds. And its leaves have antiseptic properties. But remember that ivy.
  3. Eliminates benzene, ammonia, formaldehyde, xylene, toluene and other substances harmful to humans from the air, which can be released from various synthetic coatings, linoleum and chipboard. They say that her presence in the room will help to avoid complications after diseases of the intestines and abdominal cavity.
  4. Perfectly moisturizes and purifies the air. According to NASA recommendations, this plant absorbs formaldehyde and many other harmful components from the air envelope of the apartment. And don't believe it!
  5. absorbs carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, trichlorethylene and other air pollutants. And also (housewives, prick up your ears) purify the air of dust. But it is better not to put a ficus in the bedroom, since at night it absorbs oxygen, and works on its production during the day.
  6. declares war on harmful compounds such as benzene, formaldehyde, toluene, xylene acetone and phenol. Arm yourself with them in the fight against mold!
  7. - your protector gas stove. Why protect yourself from the stove? The fact is that it also emits formaldehyde. It is also spread by cigarette smoke and some aerosols. Kalanchoe also has an antiviral effect.
  8. Probably everyone experienced torture in childhood. With a runny nose, its juice was instilled into the nose, and the cut stem was applied to the sore, the result of asphalt disease, on the knee. But besides this, aloe still absorbs up to 90% of formaldehyde and produces oxygen.
  9. Nephrolepis or indoor fern - an assistant in cleaning and moisturizing. It eliminates formaldehyde, benzene, xylene and carbon monoxide. Experienced flower growers It is advised to put the fern on the TV, since one of the useful properties of this plant is the ability to absorb radiation.
  10. - opening of the year! I have this flower at work, it is absolutely unpretentious and easy to care for, but it beneficial features- just a miracle. It removes carbon monoxide, formaldehyde, benzene and kills strep infection.