Mixer      08/31/2020

Uncle Vasya VDV who is he. Vasily Filippovich Margelov. Biographical note. In the airborne troops

Author and initiator of creation technical means Airborne Forces and methods of using units and formations of the airborne troops, many of which embody the image of the Airborne Forces of the USSR Armed Forces and the Russian Armed Forces, which currently exists. Among the people related to these troops, it is considered Paratrooper No. 1.


Youth years

VF Markelov (later Margelov) was born on December 27, 1908 (January 9, 1909 according to the new style) in the city of Yekaterinoslav (now Dnepropetrovsk, Ukraine), in a family of immigrants from Belarus. By nationality - Belarusian. Father - Philip Ivanovich Markelov, a metallurgical worker. (The surname Markelov of Vasily Filippovich was subsequently recorded as Margelov due to an error in the party card.)

In 1913, the Margelov family returned to the homeland of Philip Ivanovich - to the town of Kostyukovichi, Klimovichi district (Mogilev province). The mother of V. F. Margelov, Agafya Stepanovna, was from the neighboring Bobruisk district. According to some reports, VF Margelov graduated from the parochial school (TsPSh) in 1921. As a teenager, he worked as a loader and carpenter. In the same year, he entered a leather workshop as an apprentice, and soon became an assistant master. In 1923 he entered the local Hleboprodukt as a laborer. There is information that he graduated from the school of rural youth, and worked as a forwarder for the delivery of postal items on the Kostyukovichi-Khotimsk line.

Since 1924 he worked in Yekaterinoslav at the mine named after. M. I. Kalinin as a laborer, then as a horse-racer.

In 1925 he was sent back to Belarus as a forester in the timber industry. He worked in Kostyukovichi, in 1927 he became chairman of the working committee of the timber industry, was elected to the local Council.

Service start

He was drafted into the Red Army in 1928. Sent to study at the United Belarusian Military School (OBVSh) named after. CEC of the BSSR in Minsk, enrolled in a group of snipers. From the 2nd year - foreman of a machine-gun company. In April 1931 he graduated with honors from the Minsk Military School (former OBVSh).

After graduating from college, he was appointed commander of a machine-gun platoon of the regimental school of the 99th rifle regiment of the 33rd territorial rifle division (Mogilev, Belarus). Since 1933 - a platoon commander at the Minsk Military Infantry School. M. I. Kalinina. In February 1934 he was appointed assistant company commander, in May 1936 - commander of a machine gun company. From October 25, 1938 he commanded the 2nd battalion of the 23rd rifle regiment of the 8th rifle division named after. Dzerzhinsky Belarusian Special Military District. He headed the reconnaissance of the 8th Infantry Division, being the chief of the 2nd branch of the division headquarters.

During the war years

During the years of the Soviet-Finnish war (1939-1940) he commanded a separate reconnaissance ski battalion of the 596th rifle regiment of the 122nd division. During one of the operations he captured officers of the Swedish General Staff.

After the end of the Soviet-Finnish war, he was appointed assistant commander of the 596th regiment for combat units. From October 1940 - commander of the 15th separate disciplinary battalion (15odisb). On June 19, 1941, he was appointed commander of the 3rd Infantry Regiment of the 1st Motorized Rifle Division (the basis of the regiment was the soldiers of 15odisb).

During the Great Patriotic War - commander of the 13th Guards Rifle Regiment, chief of staff and deputy commander of the 3rd Guards Rifle Division. Since 1944 - commander of the 49th Guards Rifle Division of the 28th Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front. He led the division during the crossing of the Dnieper and the liberation of Kherson, for which in March 1944 he was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Under his command, the 49th Guards Rifle Division participated in the liberation of the peoples of Southeastern Europe.

In the airborne troops

After the war in command positions. Since 1948, after graduating from the Military Academy of the General Staff Armed Forces USSR named after K. E. Voroshilov - commander of the 76th Guards Chernigov Red Banner Airborne Division.

In 1950-1954 - commander of the 37th Guards Airborne Svirsky Red Banner Corps ( Far East).

From 1954 to 1959 - Commander of the Airborne Forces. In 1959-1961 he was appointed with a demotion, First Deputy Commander of the Airborne Forces. From 1961 to January 1979 - returned to the post of Commander of the Airborne Forces.

On October 28, 1967, he was awarded the military rank of General of the Army. He supervised the actions of the Airborne Forces during the entry of troops into Czechoslovakia (Operation Danube).

Since January 1979 - in the group of general inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense. He went on business trips to the Airborne Forces, was the chairman of the State Examination Commission at the Ryazan Airborne School.

During his service in the Airborne Forces, he made more than 60 jumps. The last of them at the age of 65.

“The one who has never left an airplane in his life, from where cities and villages seem like toys, who has never experienced the joy and fear of a free fall, a whistle in his ears, a stream of wind beating in his chest, he will never understand the honor and pride of a paratrooper…”

Lived and worked in Moscow. Died March 4, 1990. He was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.

Contribution to the formation and development of the Airborne Forces

General Pavel Fedoseevich Pavlenko:

Colonel Nikolai Fedorovich Ivanov:

Margelov's contribution to the formation of the airborne troops in their current form was reflected in the comic interpretation of the abbreviation of the Airborne Forces - "Uncle Vasya's Troops."

Theory of combat use

In military theory, it was believed that in order to immediately use nuclear strikes and maintain a high rate of attack, the widespread use of airborne assault forces was necessary. Under these conditions, the Airborne Forces had to fully comply with the military-strategic goals of the war and meet the military-political goals of the state.

According to Commander Margelov: “In order to fulfill their role in modern operations, it is necessary that our formations and units are highly maneuverable, covered with armor, have sufficient fire efficiency, are well controlled, are able to land at any time of the day and quickly switch to active combat operations after landing. This is, by and large, the ideal to which we should strive.

To achieve the goals set, under the leadership of Margelov, a concept was developed for the role and place of the Airborne Forces in modern strategic operations in various theaters of military operations. Margelov wrote a number of works on this topic, and also successfully defended his Ph. In practical terms, exercises and command meetings of the Airborne Forces were regularly held.


It was necessary to overcome the gap between the theory of the combat use of the Airborne Forces and the established organizational structure of the troops, as well as the capabilities of military transport aviation. Assuming the position of Commander, Margelov received troops consisting mainly of infantry with light weapons and military transport aviation (as an integral part of the Airborne Forces), which was equipped with Li-2, Il-14, Tu-2 and Tu- 4 with significantly limited landing capabilities. In fact, the Airborne Forces were not able to solve major tasks in military operations.

Margelov initiated the creation and mass production at the enterprises of the military-industrial complex of landing equipment, heavy parachute platforms, parachute systems and containers for landing cargo, cargo and human parachutes, parachute devices. “You can’t command technology, so strive to create reliable parachutes in the design bureau, industry, during testing, trouble-free operation of heavy airborne equipment,” Margelov said when setting tasks for his subordinates.

For the paratroopers, modifications of small arms were created to simplify its landing by parachute - less weight, a folding butt.

Especially for the needs of the Airborne Forces in the post-war years, new military equipment was developed and modernized: airborne self-propelled artillery installation ASU-76 (1949), light ASU-57 (1951), floating ASU-57P (1954), self-propelled installation ASU-85, tracked combat vehicle Airborne troops BMD-1 (1969). After the arrival of the first batches of BMD-1 to the troops, a family of weapons was developed on its basis: Nona self-propelled artillery guns, artillery fire control vehicles, R-142 command and staff vehicles, R-141 long-range radio stations, anti-tank systems, reconnaissance vehicle. Anti-aircraft units and subunits were also equipped with armored personnel carriers, which housed crews with portable systems and ammunition.

By the end of the 50s, new An-8 and An-12 aircraft were put into service and entered the army, which had a carrying capacity of up to 10-12 tons and a sufficient flight range, which made landing possible large groups personnel with regular military equipment and weapons. Later, through the efforts of Margelov, the Airborne Forces received new military transport aircraft - An-22 and Il-76.

At the end of the 50s, parachute platforms PP-127 appeared in service with the troops, designed for parachute landing of artillery, vehicles, radio stations, engineering equipment, etc. jet thrust allowed to bring the landing speed of the cargo closer to zero. Such systems made it possible to significantly reduce the cost of landing due to the abandonment of a large number large domes.

On January 5, 1973, for the first time in world practice in the USSR, landing was carried out on parachute-platform means in the Centaur complex from the An-12B military transport aircraft of the BMD-1 tracked armored combat vehicle with two crew members on board. The crew commander was the son of Vasily Filippovich, Senior Lieutenant Margelov Alexander Vasilyevich, and the driver was Lieutenant Colonel Zuev Leonid Gavrilovich.

January 23, 1976, also for the first time in world practice, landed from the same type of aircraft, produced soft landing BMD-1 on a parachute-reactive system in the Reaktavr complex, also with two crew members on board - Major Margelov Alexander Vasilievich and Lieutenant Colonel Shcherbakov Leonid Ivanovich. The landing was carried out at a huge risk to life, without personal means of salvation. Twenty years later, for the feat of the seventies, both were awarded the title of Hero of Russia.


  • Father - Philip Ivanovich Markelov - a metallurgical worker, in the First World War he became a knight of two St. George's crosses.
  • Mother - Agafya Stepanovna, was from the Bobruisk district.
  • Two brothers - Ivan (older), Nikolai (younger) and sister Maria.

V. F. Margelov was married three times:

  • The first wife, Maria, left her husband and son (Gennady).
  • The second wife is Feodosia Efremovna Selitskaya (mother of Anatoly and Vitaly).
  • The last wife is Anna Alexandrovna Kurakina, a doctor. He met Anna Alexandrovna during the Great Patriotic War.

Five sons:

  • Gennady Vasilievich (born 1931) - Major General.
  • Anatoly Vasilyevich (1938-2008) - Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, author of more than 100 patents and inventions in the military-industrial complex.
  • Vitaly Vasilievich (born 1941) - a professional intelligence officer, an employee of the KGB of the USSR and the Foreign Intelligence Service of Russia, later - a public and political figure; colonel general, deputy of the State Duma.
  • Vasily Vasilyevich (1943-2010) - reserve major; First Deputy Director of the Directorate of International Relations of the Russian State Broadcasting Company "Voice of Russia" (RGRK "Voice of Russia")
  • Alexander Vasilyevich (born 1943) - officer of the Airborne Forces. On August 29, 1996, "for the courage and heroism shown in testing, fine-tuning and mastering special equipment" (landing inside the BMD-1 on a parachute-rocket system in the Reaktavr complex, carried out for the first time in world practice in 1976) was awarded the title of Hero Russian Federation. After retiring, he worked in the structures of Rosoboronexport.

Vasily Vasilyevich and Alexander Vasilyevich are twin brothers. In 2003, they co-authored a book about their father - "Paratrooper No. 1 Army General Margelov."

Awards and titles

USSR awards

  • Medal "Gold Star" No. 3414 of the Hero of the Soviet Union (03/19/1944)
  • four Orders of Lenin (03/21/1944, 11/3/1953, 12/26/1968, 12/26/1978)
  • Order of the October Revolution (4.05.1972)
  • two Orders of the Red Banner (3.02.1943, 20.06.1949)
  • Order of Suvorov, 2nd class (1944)
  • two Orders of the Patriotic War, 1st class (01/25/1943, 03/11/1985)
  • Order of the Red Star (3.11.1944)
  • two Orders "For Service to the Homeland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" 2nd (12/14/1988) and 3rd degree (04/30/1975)
  • medals

He was awarded twelve Gratitudes of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief (03/13/1944, 03/28/1944, 04/10/1944, 11/4/1944, 12/24/1944, 02/13/1945, 03/25/1945, 04/3/1945, 04/05/1945, 1905. May 8, 1945).

Awards of foreign countries

  • order " People's Republic Bulgaria" 2nd degree (20.09.1969)
  • four commemorative medals of Bulgaria (1974, 1978, 1982, 1985)

Hungarian People's Republic:

  • star and badge of the Order of the People's Republic of Hungary, 3rd class (04/04/1950)
  • medal "Brotherhood in Arms" gold degree (09/29/1985)
  • order "Star of Friendship of Peoples" in silver (23.02.1978)
  • medal "Arthur Becker" in gold (23.05.1980)
  • medal "Sino-Soviet friendship" (23.02.1955)
  • two anniversary medals (1978, 1986)

Mongolian People's Republic:

  • Order of the Battle Red Banner (06/07/1971)
  • seven anniversary medals (1968, 1971, 1974, 1975, 1979, 1982)
  • medal "For Odra, Nisa and Baltic" (05/07/1985)
  • medal "Brotherhood in Arms" (10/12/1988)
  • Officer of the Order of the Rebirth of Poland (6.11.1973)

SR Romania:

  • Order of Tudor Vladimirescu 2nd (10/1/1974) and 3rd (10/24/1969) degree
  • two commemorative medals (1969, 1974)
  • order "Legion of Honor" degree of commander (05/10/1945)
  • medal "Bronze Star" (05/10/1945)


  • Order of Klement Gottwald (1969)
  • medal "For Strengthening Friendship in Arms" 1st class (1970)
  • two anniversary medals

honorary titles

  • Hero of the Soviet Union (1944)
  • Laureate of the State Prize of the USSR (1975)
  • Honorary Citizen of Kherson
  • Honorary soldier of the military unit of the Airborne Forces


  • Margelov VF Airborne troops. - M.: Knowledge, 1977. - 64 p.
  • Margelov VF Soviet Airborne. - 2nd ed. - M.: Military publishing house, 1986. - 64 p.


  • By order of the Minister of Defense of the USSR of April 20, 1985, V.F. Margelov was enlisted as an Honorary Soldier in the lists of the 76th Pskov Airborne Division.
  • Monuments to V. F. Margelov were erected in Tyumen, Krivoy Rog (Ukraine), Kherson, Dnepropetrovsk (Ukraine), Chisinau (Moldova), Kostyukovichi (Belarus), Ryazan and Seltsy (training center of the Airborne Forces Institute), Omsk, Tula, St. Petersburg , Ulyanovsk. Every year, officers and paratroopers, veterans of the Airborne Forces come to the monument to their commander at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow to pay tribute to his memory.
  • Margelov's name is given to the Ryazan Military Institute of the Airborne Forces, the Department of the Airborne Forces of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Nizhny Novgorod Cadet Boarding School (NKSHI).
  • A square in Ryazan, streets in Vitebsk (Belarus), Omsk, Pskov, Tula and Zapadnaya Litsa are named after Margelov.
  • During the Great Patriotic War, a song was composed in the division of V. Margelov, one verse from it:
  • By order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation No. 182 dated May 6, 2005, the departmental medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "General of the Army Margelov" was established. In the same year, a memorial plaque was installed on a house in Moscow, in Sivtsev Vrazhek lane, where Margelov lived for the last 20 years of his life.
  • In honor of the centenary of the birth of the Commander, 2008 was declared the year of V. Margelov in the Airborne Forces.
  • In 2009, the television series "Dad" was released, telling about the life of V. Margelov.
  • On February 21, 2010, a bust of Vasily Margelov was erected in Kherson. The bust of the general is located in the city center near the Youth Palace on Perekopskaya Street.
  • On June 5, 2010, a monument to the founder of the Airborne Forces (VDV) was unveiled in Chisinau, the capital of Moldova. The monument was built at the expense of former paratroopers living in Moldova.
  • On June 25, 2010, the memory of the legendary commander was immortalized in the Republic of Belarus (Vitebsk). The Vitebsk City Executive Committee, headed by Chairman V.P. Nikolaykin, in the spring of 2010 approved a petition from veterans of the Airborne Forces of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation to name the street connecting Chkalova Street and Pobeda Avenue General Margelov Street. On the eve of the City Day on General Margelov Street was put into operation new house on which a memorial plaque is installed, the right to open which was granted to the sons of Vasily Filippovich.
  • Monument to Vasily Filippovich, a sketch of which was made from a well-known photograph in the divisional newspaper, in which he, being appointed commander of the 76th Guards. airborne division, preparing for the first jump, - installed in front of the headquarters of the 95th separate airmobile brigade (Ukraine).
  • The ensemble "Blue Berets" recorded a song dedicated to V. F. Margelov, assessing the current state of the Airborne Forces, after his departure from the post of commander, which is called "Forgive us, Vasily Filippovich!".

In September 1928, he was drafted into the Red Army and, on a Komsomol ticket, was sent to study as a red commander at the United Belarusian Military School (OBVSh) named after the Central Executive Committee of the BSSR in Minsk.

In April 1931 he graduated with honors from the Minsk Military School. Appointed commander of a machine-gun platoon of the regimental school of the 99th rifle regiment of the 33rd rifle division (Mogilev, Belarus).

In 1933 he was appointed to the post of platoon commander at the Minsk Military Infantry School. M.I. Kalinina.

In February 1934, Vasily Margelov was appointed assistant company commander, in May 1936 - commander of a machine gun company.

From October 25, 1938, Captain Margelov commanded the 2nd Battalion of the 23rd Infantry Regiment of the 8th Infantry Division. Dzerzhinsky Belarusian Special Military District. He headed the reconnaissance of the 8th Infantry Division, being the chief of the 2nd division of the division headquarters.

During the years of the Soviet-Finnish war (1939-1940), Margelov commanded the Separate reconnaissance ski battalion of the 596th rifle regiment of the 122nd division. During one of the operations, he captured officers of the Swedish General Staff.

After the end of the Soviet-Finnish war, Margelov was appointed to the post of assistant commander of the 596th regiment for combat.

Since October 1940, Vasily Margelov has been the commander of the 15th Separate Disciplinary Battalion (ODB).

    - [born 14(27).12.1908, Yekaterinoslav, now Dnepropetrovsk], Soviet military leader, general of the army (1967), Hero of the Soviet Union (21.3.1944). Member of the CPSU since 1929. In the Soviet Army since 1928. He graduated from the United Belarusian Military School named after the Central Executive Committee ... ...

    December 27, 1908 (19081227) March 4, 1990 Commander of the 49th Guards Rifle Division of the 28th Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, Guard Colonel V. F. Margelov ... Wikipedia

    Vasily Filippovich Margelov December 27, 1908 (19081227) March 4, 1990 Commander of the 49th Guards Rifle Division of the 28th Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, Guard Colonel V. F. Margelov ... Wikipedia

    Vasily Filippovich Margelov December 27, 1908 (19081227) March 4, 1990 Commander of the 49th Guards Rifle Division of the 28th Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, Guard Colonel V. F. Margelov ... Wikipedia

    Vasily Filippovich Margelov December 27, 1908 (19081227) March 4, 1990 Commander of the 49th Guards Rifle Division of the 28th Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, Guard Colonel V. F. Margelov ... Wikipedia

    Vasily Filippovich Margelov December 27, 1908 (19081227) March 4, 1990 Commander of the 49th Guards Rifle Division of the 28th Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, Guard Colonel V. F. Margelov ... Wikipedia

    Margelov, Mikhail- Chairman of the International Affairs Committee of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation Senator, representative of the administration of the Pskov region in the Federation Council of the Russian Federation since 2000, chairman of the international affairs committee of the upper house of parliament. Special… … Encyclopedia of newsmakers

    Margelov surname. Known carriers: Margelov, Alexander Vasilyevich (born 1945), son of V. F. Margelov, Hero of the Russian Federation, retired colonel. Margelov, Vasily Filippovich (1908 1990) Army General, Hero of the Soviet ... ... Wikipedia

    Vasily Filippovich [born December 14(27), 1908, Yekaterinoslav, now Dnepropetrovsk], Soviet military commander, army general (1967), Hero of the Soviet Union (3/21/1944). Member of the CPSU since 1929. In the Soviet Army since 1928. Graduated from the United ... ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

Margelov Vasily Filippovich was born on December 27, 1908 in Dnepropetrovsk, died at the age of 82 on March 4, 1990 in Moscow. The legendary commando, who turned the USSR Airborne Forces from "penalty boxers" into the elite of the USSR Armed Forces, long-term commander of the airborne troops (1954-1979), army general, Hero of the Soviet Union.

The feat of Vasily Margelov.

Vasily Margelov became a legend during his lifetime

Years of the Soviet-Finnish war (1939-1940), commanding the Separate reconnaissance ski battalion of the 122nd division, made several daring raids behind enemy lines, during one of which he captured officers of the German General Staff - officially at that time allies of the USSR;

- in 1941, his "ground commander" was put at the head of the Marine Corps regiment of the Baltic Fleet. Contrary to the prejudices that "it will not take root", Margelov became "one of his own", and the Marines called him, a major, "captain of the 3rd rank", emphasizing their respect for the commander. The regiment was considered "the personal guard of the fleet commander of Admiral Tributs", which he sent in besieged Leningrad to where even the penal battalion could not send. For example, during the German assault on the Pulkovo Heights, Margelov's regiment was landed behind enemy lines on the coast of Ladoga in the direction of Lipka - Shlisselburg, and Field Marshal von Leeb, commander of the North group of troops, was forced to stop the assault on Pulkovo, transferring units to liquidate the landing. Margelov was seriously wounded and miraculously survived;

Since 1943, Margelov, a division commander, took the Saur-mogila by storm, liberated Kherson (awarded the Star of the Hero), and in 1945 the Germans called Margelov "Soviet Skorzeny" after the divisions of the SS tank corps "Dead Head" and "Grossdeutschland" personally surrendered to him without a fight;

On May 2, 1945, Margelov was given the task of capturing or destroying the remnants of the 2 most famous SS units that were rushing into the zone of responsibility of the Americans. Then Vasily Margelov dared to take a decisive step. He, along with a group of officers who were armed with grenades and machine guns, accompanied by a battery of 57-mm cannons, arrived at the headquarters of the group, after which he ordered the battalion commander to install direct fire guns at the enemy headquarters and open fire if he did not return in ten minutes.

Margelov went to headquarters and presented the Germans with an ultimatum: either they surrender and save their lives, or they will be completely destroyed using all the means available to the division: “By 4:00 in the morning, the front to the east. Light weapons: machine guns, machine guns, rifles - in piles, ammunition - nearby. The second line - military equipment, guns and mortars - vents down. Soldiers and officers - we are building to the west, ”Vasily Margelov later wrote in his book. He gave little time for reflection: "while his cigarette burns out." And the Germans capitulated. The exact count of trophies showed the following figures: 2 generals, 806 officers, 31,258 non-commissioned officers, 77 tanks and self-propelled guns, 5847 trucks, 493 trucks, 46 mortars, 120 guns, 16 locomotives, 397 wagons.

Vasily Margelov - "Father of the Airborne Forces." In 1950, the airborne troops were considered something like a penal battalion, and were never appreciated. They were compared with fines, and the abbreviation itself was deciphered: "it is unlikely that you will return home." However, soon after the arrival of a new commander - Vasily Margelov - the Airborne Forces turned into truly elite troops.

Just a few years later, primitive equipment was replenished with a Kalashnikov assault rifle with a special folding butt so that it does not interfere with the opening of a parachute, lightweight aluminum armor, an RPG-16 anti-tank grenade launcher, and Centaur platforms for landing people in combat vehicles. The guardsmen of the Airborne Forces received official permission from the USSR Ministry of Defense to wear blue berets and vests, which were first shown during the 1969 military parade on Red Square. In 1973, the world's first landing on the BMD-1 parachute system took place near Tula. The crew commander was Alexander Margelov's son. The competition for the Ryazan Airborne School overlapped the numbers of MGIMO, Moscow State University and VGIK. The comically fatalistic name of the Airborne Forces was replaced in the 70s with "Uncle Vasya's Troops." This is exactly what the soldiers of the Airborne Forces themselves called themselves, thereby emphasizing the special warmth of feelings for their legendary commander.

During the training of the paratroopers, Margelov paid special attention skydiving. He himself first appeared under the dome only in 1948, already in the rank of general: “Until the age of 40, I vaguely imagined what a parachute was, I never even dreamed of jumping. It turned out on its own, or rather, as it should be in the army, by order. I am a military man, if necessary, ready to go to hell. And so it was necessary, already being a general, to make the first parachute jump. The impression, I tell you, is incomparable.”

Vasily Margelov himself once said: “He who has never left an airplane in his life, from where cities and villages seem like toys, who has never experienced the joy and fear of free fall, a whistle in his ears, a stream of wind beating in his chest, he never will understand the honor and pride of a paratrooper." Subsequently, despite his middle age, he himself made about 60 jumps, the last at the age of 65.

In 1968, after the occupation of Czechoslovakia, Margelov managed to convince the Minister of Defense Marshal Grechko that the winged guards should have vests and berets. Even before that, he emphasized that the airborne troops should adopt the traditions of their "big brother" - the marines, and continue them with honor. “For this, I introduced vests to the paratroopers. Only the stripes on them to match the color of the sky are blue.

Vasily Margelov and social networks.

Posted on Youtube video hosting documentary"Vasily Margelov and the Airborne Forces":

Vasily Margelov awards.

December 14, 1988 and April 30, 1975 - two Orders "For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR" of the second and third degrees, respectively.

Biography of Vasily Margelov.

1921 - graduated from a parochial school, entered a leather workshop as an apprentice, soon became an assistant master;

1923 - entered the local "Khleboprodukt" as a laborer;

Since 1924, he worked in Yekaterinoslavl (now Dnepropetrovsk) at the mine. M. I. Kalinin as a laborer, then as a horse-racer (driver of horses carrying trolleys);

1925 - sent to the BSSR as a forester in the timber industry;

1927 - Chairman of the working committee of the timber industry, elected to the local Council;

1928 - drafted into the Red Army;

April 1931 - graduated from the Order of the Red Banner of Labor of the United Belarusian Military School. Central Executive Committee of the BSSR with honors. Appointed commander of a machine gun platoon of the regimental school of the 99th rifle regiment of the 33rd rifle division (Mogilev, Belarus);

Since 1933 - platoon commander in the Order of the Red Banner of Labor OBVSh them. CEC of the BSSR;

Since 1937 - platoon commander of the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, Minsk Military Infantry School. M. I. Kalinina;

February 1934 - appointed assistant company commander;

May 1936 - commander of a machine gun company;

October 25, 1938 - commanded the 2nd battalion of the 23rd Infantry Regiment of the 8th Infantry Division. Dzerzhinsky Belarusian Special Military District;

1939-1940 - commanded the Separate reconnaissance ski battalion of the 596th rifle regiment of the 122nd division;

From October 1940 - commander of the 15th separate disciplinary battalion of the Leningrad Military District;

July 1941 - commander of the 3rd Guards Rifle Regiment of the 1st Guards Division of the People's Militia of the Leningrad Front;

Since 1944 - commander of the 49th Guards Rifle Division of the 28th Army of the 3rd Ukrainian Front;

At the Victory Parade in Moscow, Major General Margelov commanded a battalion in the combined regiment of the 2nd Ukrainian Front;

1950-1954 - commander of the 37th Guards Airborne Svir Red Banner Corps;

1954-1959 - Commander of the Airborne Troops;

January 1979 - in the group of general inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense. He went on business trips to the Airborne Forces, was the chairman of the State Examination Commission at the Ryazan Airborne School;

March 4, 1990 - Vasily Filippovich Margelov died in Moscow. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery.

Perpetuation of the memory of Vasily Margelov.

On May 6, 2005, the departmental medal of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation "General of the Army Margelov" was established;

2005 - a memorial plaque was installed on a house in Moscow in Sivtsev Vrazhek lane, where Margelov lived for the last 20 years of his life.

Monuments to Vasily Margelov were erected in:





as well as in many other towns.

Margelov is named after the Ryazan Higher Airborne Command School, the Department of the Airborne Forces of the Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, the Nizhny Novgorod Cadet Corps (NKSHI);

A square in St. Petersburg, in the city of Belogorsk, the Amur Region, a square in Ryazan, streets in Moscow, Vitebsk (Belarus), Omsk, Pskov, Taganrog, Tula and Zapadnaya Litsa, in Buryatia: in Ulan-Ude and the border village Naushki, avenue and park in the Zavolzhsky district of Ulyanovsk.

How often do Yandex users from Ukraine search for information about Vasily Margelov in a search engine?

As can be seen from the photo, users of the Yandex search engine in October 2015 were interested in the query "Vasily Margelov" 241 times.

And according to this chart, you can see how the interest of Yandex users in the query "Vasily Margelov" has changed over the past two years:

The highest interest in this request was recorded in August 2015 (about 1.2 thousand requests);

How do Ukrainians evaluate the merits of Vasily Margelov?


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Biography, life story of Margelov Vasily Filippovich

Margelov Vasily Filippovich - Soviet military leader, Hero of the Soviet Union.

Childhood, family

Vasily was born on December 27 (December 14, according to a new style) in 1908 in Yekaterinoslav (now this city is called Dnepropetrovsk) in the family of Philip Ivanovich Markelov, just a metallurgist, and Agafya Stepanovna, a loving wife and caring mother. In addition to Vasily, three more children were born in the family - Ivan (older than Vasily), Nikolai ( younger son) and the girl Maria. Initially, Vasily bore the surname Markelov, but later, due to an error in the party ticket, he became known under the surname Margelov.

In 1923, Vasily's family moved from Yekaterinoslav to the small town of Kostyukovichi (Mogilev province). The father of the family once lived here.

Education, labor activity

In 1921, Vasily Margelov graduated from a parochial school, and there is also evidence that he attended classes at a school for rural youth. As a teenager, Vasily already tried to help his family, moonlighting either as a loader or as a carpenter. After school, Vasily became a master's apprentice in a leather workshop, and soon became his assistant. For some time he worked as a laborer at the Khlebprodukt plant, was a forwarder for the delivery of postal shipments on the Kostyukovichi-Khotimsk line.

In 1924, Vasily became a laborer at the mine named after Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin, and a little later he received the position of a konogon (a man who drives horses).

In 1925, Margelov became a forester at a timber industry enterprise. Within a couple of years, he gained the respect and trust of his associates and became chairman of the working committee of the timber industry.

Military service

In 1928, Vasily Filippovich was called up for service in the Red Army. To begin with, he was sent to Minsk to study at the United Belarusian Military School. The young man was enrolled in a group of snipers. Already in the second year of study, Margelov became a foreman of a machine-gun company. In the spring of 1931, Vasily successfully completed his studies at a military school and was appointed commander of a machine gun platoon. In the winter of 1934, he became assistant company commander, and in the spring of 1936 he himself became commander of a machine-gun company. In 1938 he became commander of a battalion of a rifle regiment, was commander of the intelligence of a rifle division and chief of staff.


In the period from 1939 to 1940, Margelov was the commander of a separate reconnaissance ski battalion. During one of the military operations, Vasily Filippovich captured several officers of the Swedish General Staff. After the Soviet-Finnish war was over, Margelov became an assistant regiment commander for combat units.

In July 1941, when the Great Patriotic War, Margelov was appointed to the post of commander of the Guards Rifle Regiment of the People's Militia of the Leningrad Front.

In November 1941, Vasily Margelov became the commander of the sailors' ski regiment. Vasily found very quickly mutual language with the Marines, although many doubted that the team would accept him as their own. Vasily Filippovich, marveling at the strength of the Marines, ensured that the paratroopers also wore vests.

During the war, Vasily Margelov accomplished many feats: in 1943, under his leadership, soldiers broke through two lines of enemy defense, under his command Kherson and some territories of South-Eastern Europe were liberated. For his valor and courage in March 1944 he was awarded the honorary title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

After the end of the war, Vasily Filippovich worked mainly in command positions in the Airborne Forces. In 1959, he was demoted to deputy commander of the Airborne Forces due to an outrageous incident in his regiment (the rape of civilian women), but after a couple of years he again rose to the commander.

In October 1967, Margelov was awarded the honorary military rank of "Army General".

In early 1979, Vasily Filippovich became a member of the General Inspectors of the USSR Ministry of Defense.

During his entire military career as part of the Airborne Forces, Margelov made more than sixty jumps, with the last time he jumped at the age of sixty-five.


Vasily Filippovich Margelov died on March 4, 1990 due to natural causes. The body of the commander was buried in Moscow (it was in this city that Margelov lived and worked last years of his life) at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

Personal life

Vasily Margelov was married three times. The first wife's name was Mary. She left her husband, leaving him in the care of his son Gennady (born in 1931). The name of the second wife is Feodosia Efremovna Selitskaya. She gave birth to Vasily two sons - Anatoly (born in 1938) and Vitaly (born in 1941). Margelov's third wife, Anna Alexandrovna Kurakina, was a doctor. In the marriage of Vasily and Anna, twin boys Alexander and Vasily were born (born in 1945).

Awards and prizes

Vasily Margelov at one time was awarded a great many honorary awards. So, he received as many as four orders