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How to maintain cleanliness and order in the apartment. How to restore perfect order in an apartment or house? How to keep order in the apartment the rules of success

A clean apartment is the key to a strong family. It is nice to invite friends to such an apartment. In addition, when all things are in their places, all thoughts are also sorted in the head. Returning to a clean apartment after a hard day's work is a real pleasure. Only when everything is in its place, you can find peace and comfort.

Cleaning an apartment is not a pleasant occupation., but no one wants to live in the mud. There are rules that can facilitate this procedure:

  1. Notice the dust. No one knows where it comes from, but its appearance is inevitable. To combat dust, a vacuum cleaner was invented, but without wet cleaning it is impossible to completely get rid of it. Only after the dust is removed, you can move things to continue cleaning. It is known that dust, particles of which contain a large number of bacteria are harmful to human health. That is why it is recommended to air the apartment twice a day for at least 10 minutes. When cleaning, it is important not to forget to remove the dust that collects on any surface, even vertical ones, for example, on wallpaper. The corners of the ceiling should also be fanned periodically so that cobwebs do not appear.
  2. Putting the apartment in order before the guests appear, follows. This is the first thing that catches your eye as soon as you cross the threshold of the apartment. That is why cleaning should start from the floor. If you have carpets, they should be thoroughly cleaned, then sweep the floor and start washing it with a damp cloth. The room where the greatest accumulation of dirt is located is the hallway and living room. However, do not forget that in places under the bed, closet, chest of drawers, you should also walk with a damp cloth.
  3. How less area apartments, the more often you take out the trash. The thing is that the bin in a small apartment is quite easy to catch the eye, besides, the smell it emits negatively affects the functioning of the liver.
  4. Don't hoard unnecessary things. After you have put the living room and corridor in order, move on to the objects that surround you. For order is rational use home space. When there is chaos and disorder in the house, you can find many things that we forgot about the existence, since we rarely use them. Perhaps you will not raise your hand to throw them away right away. To do this, put things in a separate box. This is a simple test to see if you really don't need this item: ask yourself how long have you been using it? If the thing was not in demand for a month or more, it can be safely placed in a box. Then seal it with tape and write the date. Remove the box to the balcony, garage, or mezzanine. If after a whole year you did not need any of the things, then the box can be safely thrown away.
  5. Keep things that you use often handy. Have you ever noticed that you get the items you need from the bowels of cabinets, upper shelves and other hard-to-reach places? At a time when completely unnecessary things are at hand. If this is true, you should change the set of objects around you. Since the items in demand should lie in a conspicuous place and be available on demand. As soon as you change the order of things, you will notice that the mess in the apartment appears much less often due to the absence of unnecessary items that clutter up the space.
  6. The apartment is cleaned, the rubbish is dismantled, we are approaching the ideal order. Now to hide unnecessary items from the eyes of the guests. A variety of people visit your apartment from time to time: neighbors, repairmen, colleagues or friends. Each person understands the order in his own way, but the order, according to the rules of good manners, is hiding personal life from prying eyes. Based on this fact, distribute things so that the guests who unexpectedly drop in will not feel awkward. The rules are: personal belongings out of sight. It can be money, documents, bedding or even underwear. Put personal items in a chest of drawers, such as glasses, watches, bracelets and similar small things. When changing clothes, put dirty clothes in the basket, and put things in the closet.
  7. Cleanliness in the kitchen. A good hostess is noticeable immediately, looking at the state of the kitchen, which should be well-groomed and clean. It is here that guests gather for a cup of tea and the most intimate conversations are held. Here are a few rules that will help you quickly clean up the kitchen: do not keep dirty dishes in the sink, but wash immediately after eating. Keep your refrigerator clean, both inside and out. Thanks to large sizes, it is he who attracts the main attention of guests. Periodically check the expiration date of products, get rid of expired or unsuitable for food. Wipe the handles of cabinets and objects frequently household appliances. It is advisable to ventilate the room once a day so that the smell of freshness and cleanliness reigns in the kitchen.
  8. Don't forget the bathroom. Just like the whole apartment, the bathroom should shine with frequency. Mirror, tiles and plumbing items must be clean without smudges. The room should have a pleasant smell, the floor should be clean and the towels should be fresh.
  9. Bedroom. This is a sacred place for the owners of the apartment. To feel coziness, it is not enough to arrange all the items on the shelves or change the bed linen. Small garbage, a dump of magazines or books should not be collected on the dressing table. The room must be ventilated. The mirrors are clean and the shelves are free of cosmetics.
  10. Photo in perfect order. To make it easier for you to navigate during the general cleaning, take a photo of the order that satisfied you. This will remind you, if necessary, of some undone things.

In addition to cleanliness and freshness, it is very important to keep the technical condition of household appliances under control. . Computers, TVs, remotes, sockets- everything should work efficiently, sockets should fit snugly against the wall to avoid problems with electricity.

In order to speed up should adhere to the following guidelines:

Cinderella Secrets

These tips will help make the apartment more comfortable:

How to keep order in the house

Tips for the laziest:

  • Do not be afraid of daily cleaning. The illusion that it takes a long time is deceptive. Get out of the apartment "like". For example, while you are waiting for the kettle to boil, there is enough time to wipe the stove and rinse the mugs.
  • During the telephone conversation, put your clothes in their places. And suddenly, unexpectedly for yourself, you will see that most of the housework has been completed, while only 15-20 minutes have been spent. Turn on an interesting educational program on the TV and put the little things lying on horizontal surfaces in their places. Get yourself into the good habit of cleaning up in passing, this will always help maintain order and will be your little secret.
  • By adhering to these simple rules, you will no longer have questions about how to keep your house clean and tidy, because by developing these good habits for yourself, you will have a clean and well-groomed apartment.

Tidying frequency

Working women resort to large-scale cleaning about a couple of times a month. It's all to blame for their constant workload, as well as fatigue, which tends to accumulate and turns into depression. What to do in such a case?

Organize your tasks. The reluctance to get out comes from a state of fatigue, when the body turns on defense mechanisms to avoid overload. Sorting in my head a lot of things for the weekend - often hands down from their huge number. In order not to despair and complete the tasks without loss, start a notebook and enter lists of important things into it, focusing on priorities. Do the most important things first, the less important the next day. By checking the box after completing a particular task, you will be able to assess your strength to determine the ability to complete the amount of work.

Attention, only TODAY!

But in the modern world, this stereotype is no longer relevant. Many women do not want to do household chores and hire a cleaner. But there are also people who financial situation does not allow to do this, or they just do not want to let a stranger into the house.

Many people always have unpleasant sensations and associations with the word cleaning - routine, fatigue and hard thankless work. But in fact, with the help of home cleaning tips, you can not only improve, but also facilitate the cleaning process, while it is very important to change the internal attitude towards the process itself.

Very often, the lack of motives for maintaining cleanliness causes a negative attitude towards cleaning. In most cases, only one person cleans the apartment., and create a mess of all family members. In addition, no matter how much time a person spends on cleaning, the next day will also need to be cleaned. Disorder, unlike order, is self-created.

First you need to figure out how to properly clean and tidy, what are the cleaning rules, how to make the process faster, more enjoyable and easier.

It is difficult to achieve cleanliness in a house in which more than three people live. The constant use of the bathroom, toilet and kitchen, especially if there are small children, leads to daily pollution of the house. But you can make your life easier if you clean more than once a month, but clean regularly, and teach all family members to clean up after themselves. It will become much easier to achieve cleanliness and comfort in the house.

It is no less effective to clean in places where cleaning has recently been carried out. For example, if you recently cleaned the kitchen, washed the tiles, stove and sink, cleaning will take much less time.

Exist different kinds cleaning - urgent, forced and quick cleaning.

Urgent cleaning

This type of cleaning does not provide an opportunity for a small and insignificant mess to grow into a rather serious problem. For example, after you cooked dinner, the stove got a little dirty. greasy spots, they are not yet visible. If these contaminants are removed immediately, the stove will be clean. But if you leave the stove without cleaning, after three days this will lead to a multi-layer burnt crust, which will already require a lot of time, effort and cleaning products.

Thanks to urgent cleaning, you can immediately get rid of the dirt, but if this is not done, the dirt will accumulate and cause a huge mess. It is better to clean immediately, as a result, you will reduce the time for cleaning the apartment when general cleaning.

It is not necessary to clean up every day, you can make a plan, assign certain days for cleaning the sink, stove, cleaning the bathroom and toilet. With regular cleaning, the apartment will become clean and comfortable.

10 rules for effective cleaning (Irina Sokovykh)

Forced cleaning

Forced cleaning is done after a long neglect of order and cleanliness. A striking example of this is that the refrigerator needs to be washed once a month, and defrosted once every six months, and not when it has accumulated a huge amount of dirt and ice that it hardly freezes. Forced cleaning can be avoided if routine house cleaning work is done regularly.

In some cases, neglect of cleaning leads to the fact that things and property deteriorate. Old and stubborn dirt is not always washed off.

Cleaning the house

Quick cleaning is done daily, things are put in their place. In the morning, you need to clean the bedroom, make the bed, put books on the shelves, if you find any object on your way, you need to put it in a place specially designated for it. Dirty linen put in a basket, take the dishes to the sink. You should also ventilate the room daily. These procedures will take quite a bit of time, and the house will immediately become cleaner, and your mood will also improve.

There are various simple tips which can be used to alleviate homework. To facilitate household work and keep the apartment in order and cleanliness, you need to be able to properly organize cleaning. Eat different variants for house cleaning. In most cases, it is necessary to carry out the main ruffle once a week, during the week to carry out intermediate, dry and wet cleaning, and once a month to do a general cleaning.

Another cleaning option is cleaning a certain area every day, or general cleaning of the apartment once a week. To do this, you need to distribute the apartment into zones, and during the day clean in one zone, it will take about 15 minutes. This method is effective in dealing with clutter in the apartment.

Each thing and object in the apartment should have its own place. All family members must, after using any item, put it in its place.

All family members should be involved in cleaning the apartment, because if there is always one person doing the cleaning, the rest make a mess, dirt and garbage, while knowing that it will be removed anyway. Respect and maintenance of order should be the responsibility of each member of the family.

Children from childhood should be involved in cleaning, starting with simple tasks, you need to gradually increase the level of work of the child. At the same time, do not forget that the child needs to be motivated and encouraged. By the way, encouragement is a great way to turn cleaning into an interesting activity not only for children, but also for adults.

All family members should clean up, but everyone should also take into account the employment and free time of each.

The child must keep his room in order, put away toys, and wash dishes after eating. If there are pets, the child can not only take care of them, but also walk them. This will help develop accuracy, cleanliness, diligence and a sense of responsibility in the child. If a child is taught to do housework in childhood, over time it will become a habit for him.

Important when cleaning is the mood of a person, his attitude. To feel better and more energetic, you can turn on the music, so things will move faster.

Another important tip– emotional mood during cleaning. Energetic music is best for this, things will go much faster. Also assistants in cleaning the apartment are household appliances and various chemicals and fixtures.

Also, you don’t need to throw it away, because everyone knows such a phrase that it’s clean not where they clean it, but where they don’t litter. This statement is absolutely correct.

Cleanliness principles

  • after you have done something, put it back. Woke up in the morning - make the bed, milk escaped and polluted the stove - immediately wipe off the dirt, ate - wash the dishes, etc .;
  • you need to find time and wipe the dust daily, it takes no more than ten minutes, but after wiping the dust, the apartment will look more well-groomed. You can put a small trash basket on your work or desk;
  • to keep the floors clean long time, it is necessary to wash the floor near front door, in the hallway and also in the kitchen. From these places, dirt spreads throughout the apartment.

It doesn't take much effort to keep your house clean. To do this, it is enough to fold the bed, quickly wipe the toilet with a brush, wash the sink and bathroom with detergent. After eating, wash dishes and wipe the table, sink and stove. Also, do not forget to put things in their places and take out the trash from the house. The main condition is to do it every day. And of course, we must not forget about general cleaning as the apartment gets dirty.

You also need to remember about regular maintenance of order, which means that you need to immediately hang clothes on a hanger, do not put extraneous things on the table. Books should be kept on the shelves, clothes in the closet, and dishes in the kitchen. You should not regret throwing away unnecessary things that create a mess.

By following these tips, you can easily learn how to keep your house clean and tidy.

The dining room is more than a room where people just eat: here people communicate, exchange news. It doesn’t matter if you can allocate a full-fledged room for it or have dinner at a small table in the kitchen - there should be order in this area. Often in the dining room they work at a computer, do their homework - they use it as a full-fledged workplace. Therefore, meals become more like a quick snack in the company of a laptop or TV.

When you start cleaning this area, write down a list of things you do here: school lessons, office work, needlework. Allocate a box for each activity: put extra things in them and put them out of sight - let nothing distract you while eating.

“You will have to look at rooms not just as a place for furniture, but as an outward manifestation of emotional and spiritual life. For each room, choose at least three symbol words that describe the atmosphere you want to create there.

Many are interested in the question of how to maintain cleanliness and order in the apartment when there is not enough time, effort and desire for cleaning. Even with regular general cleaning after two days, there is no trace of the order. In this article, we offer recommendations on how to learn how to maintain order at home.

1. Clean for ten to twenty minutes every day in places where dust and debris accumulate the most (for example, in the hallway);

2. Consistency is the main factor in keeping the house clean and tidy. Here it is important to complete the list of daily and weekly tasks in a timely manner, in no case do not miss it! Then cleaning will become a habit and will not become a burden. It has been found that a habit takes 21 days to form. For some, this will take more time, but, most importantly, do not deviate from what was planned, complete the planned tasks on time and bring them to the end. Then you will form a useful habit, and the house will be clean, comfortable and cozy;

3. For each thing - its place. Items must be put away immediately. And this applies not only to clothes. We put the read book back on the shelf, put the used laptop on the table or in the closet, put the writing instruments in the organizer or drawer, and so on. In other words, where we took it, we put it there. Even in a hurry, follow these simple rules, and then order will reign at home;

4. After the end of the season, sort out clothes, shoes and other things. Something that you haven't worn or used for more than a year can be safely given away. Broken, damaged and unusable things are boldly carried to the trash. We get rid of everything superfluous and do not store trash;

5. Do not clutter up the apartment with a lot of furniture, tall cabinets, souvenirs and small items. They accumulate a lot of dust, so you will have to clean more often and longer. In addition, a large number of small trinkets litter the apartment and make housing tasteless;

6. Designers recommend using spot or diffused light and completely abandoning chandeliers. Desk lamp, floor lamps, sconces and other lamps are easier to clean than a chandelier hanging from the ceiling. In addition, they will make the room brighter, warmer, more comfortable and homely;

7. Ventilate your apartment regularly. But do not keep the windows and the balcony constantly open, as a lot of dirt and dust from the street will get inside, which will complicate cleaning;

8. Involve and teach household members to clean and order. Have them clean up after themselves. Also, divide household chores. Come up with a reward for yourself and your family, and the cleaning itself can be turned into an exciting quest or game. Then it will be easier and more fun to clean up. How to teach children to order and clean, read.

How to organize cleaning

For general or major cleaning, prioritize and make a list of what needs to be done first. Distribute tasks over several days, it is not necessary to do everything at once. By the way, experts advise cleaning a room a day. For example, clean the living room today, clean the kitchen tomorrow, and so on.

During the cleaning process, everything you need should already be at hand: detergent, rags, etc. Prepare these things ahead of time so you don't get distracted by distractions like your smartphone or TV. After all, for many of us it is already difficult.

You have to go from top to bottom. First, wipe the dust from the cabinets and hailstones, then from the windowsill tables, and only then wash the floor. This will avoid double work, because dust will not fall on a clean floor.

For wet cleaning and mopping, it is more convenient to use a washing vacuum cleaner, rather than a broom and a rag. By the way, be sure to moisten the broom in cool water, otherwise it will only spread the dust, turning it into a dusty ball. As a result, she will again settle on pieces of furniture. To clean the bathroom, be sure to use disinfectants that kill harmful bacteria and germs.

cleaning schedule

Experts advise dividing cases by season. Make a schedule of what needs to be done quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily. Once every three or four months we wash curtains and curtains, and windows, dismantle cabinets and sort through things, get rid of unnecessary things, wash ceilings and baseboards. To be an incentive, such cleaning can be timed to coincide with a holiday or date, for example, New Year, Easter, and so on.

A little less often, once every five to six months, it is recommended to clean pillows, blankets and mattresses, wash the oven and beat out carpets. Don't forget to rinse hard-to-reach places behind the refrigerator, cabinet, stove and so on. Divide tasks into several days and complete throughout the week.

The list of things to do each month includes washing the doors and tiled walls, refrigerator and microwave oven, kitchen set and extracts. This also adds a thorough processing of pots, pans and other kitchen utensils. We also clean rugs in the hallway, bathroom and toilet. But, if there are animals in the house, cleaning is recommended to be done every week.

Every week I wash mirrors and plumbing, the door of the refrigerator and microwave oven, the sunroof washing machine. Thoroughly wash floors, including under and behind furniture. Twice a week we perform a light wet cleaning of the floors and vacuum the carpets. In the presence of children and animals, we do this every other day.

Every day we devote 15-20 minutes to cleaning. Here we wash the dishes and put things in the closet or send them to the laundry, ventilate the apartment and sweep, rinse kitchen table, sink and work surface in the kitchen. Every two or three days I wash the shower or bath and wipe the dust in the house. This schedule will help keep perfect cleanliness in the kitchen, bathrooms and rooms.

Where to store things to keep things in order

Store things in baskets or drawers. They will save the situation when you need to fold and put away things in a short time. In such baskets it is convenient to store children's toys, clothes, dirty linen. It is important that they are somehow combined to make up uniform style. You can choose products of different shapes, but the same color.

To store things in the bathroom, it is not necessary to use classic hooks. Today, coil batteries are popular, where it is functional to dry things and towels. Arrange or hang plastic or wicker baskets in the bathroom. And on the hooks you can hang compact drawers. Functionally store in drawers and baskets household chemicals, cosmetical tools or towels.

Such storage looks aesthetically pleasing and orderly. Be sure to use the place under the sink where you can hide the same drawers or baskets. This bathroom always looks tidy and clean. And neatly hung or laid out snow-white towels will give freshness and style to the room.

We hang clothes in a closet or lay them out on shelves, put underwear in chest of drawers. We store shoes in boxes or containers, which we put on the bottom shelf in the closet or on the mezzanine. If you have little space in the apartment, use the space under the bed. But the boxes should not be visible! For seasonal shoes that you wear regularly, use the shelves and racks in the hallway. Wash and dry your pair after every wear!

Although strict Soviet housewives assured their daughters that the mess in the house is solely the result of laziness and personal lack of discipline, psychologists have long debunked this myth: people are divided into several types, and different types Individuals organize the space around them differently.


There are those for whom structure and keeping order are easy, they are uncomfortable in a mess, and cleanliness is an important part of their character.

There are those who are more comfortable in order, but among the personality traits there is no ability to adhere to routine operations - it is more difficult for such people to maintain order, therefore, in their house, most often the disorder is gaining a critical mass (each has its own mass), after which cleaning is carried out, but the result takes a long time does not hold, and the circle repeats.

There are also those who, in principle, are not able to maintain cleanliness in the space around them and do not worry about this at all.

However, if you still don’t like the mess, but you are not naturally clean, you can try to deceive your character and instill habits in yourself, say the activists of the Fly Lady movement. Only 10 habits will allow you to painlessly maintain order in the house.

Habit #1: Always make your bed

It was not in vain that my mother always demanded that the bed be tidied up before school - nothing adds to the feeling of a mess like crumpled linen on an unmade bed does. Making your bed is a matter of 10 seconds, it is the simplest and easiest habit of all!

Habit number 2: clean soap smudges from the walls of the shower or bathtub after each shower

Took a shower - rinse the walls with water to remove soap smudges, and wipe them with a special roller for showers. It takes 5 seconds and keeps the bathroom fresh - a very healthy habit that would be good to instill in all family members.

Habit #3: Wipe down the bathroom sink every night

I brushed my teeth - tidy up the sink so that soap smudges and traces of toothpaste do not freeze on it. It's easiest to keep the tile cleaner and sponge right in the bathroom so you can quickly apply, rinse and leave the bathroom in in perfect order. The whole procedure takes 30 seconds at most.

Habit number 4: leave the kitchen clean in the evening

Fly Lady community activists claim that cleanliness in an apartment starts with a clean kitchen. Like, the kitchen gets dirty in the first place, and you need to start a war on clutter right here. The procedure for Fly Lady is as follows:

  • wash dishes or load them into dishwasher(never leave dirty dishes overnight - the rule of cleanliness)
  • apply the cleaner on the sink in a thick layer, leave to act
  • wipe all surfaces with a damp sponge
  • Rinse the cleaning agent from the surface of the sink, wipe it dry
  • take out a fresh kitchen towel, send it to the laundry

With proper skill and consistency, the whole procedure takes from 5 to 15 minutes, depending on the volume of dirty dishes.

Habit #5: Wash dishes while cooking

All people are divided into two groups - someone cooks and multiplies dirty utensils around him, someone washes everything in the process of cooking. Chistyuli - from the second. The rule "used - washed" allows you to choke the mess at the stage of inception.

Habit #6: "Evening rounds"

All the same Fly Lady activists advise you to make it a habit to spend every evening “five minutes of cleanliness” - before you go to bed, you need to go around the apartment and sort out the fresh rubble. Send scattered things to their place, fold magazines and CDs, park children's toys. Just 5 minutes every night will help keep your house clean for right level until the next general cleaning.

Habit number 7: do not produce clothes outside the closets

Dirty - in the wash, wearable - back in the closet. This rule allows you to wean yourself and loved ones to produce mountains of clothes on chairs and armchairs that fit so harmoniously into the overall atmosphere of the mess. This routine takes about 5 seconds of time - just in the process of exposing yourself, control yourself and send the things being filmed not to the chair, but to the right place.

Habit number 8: ventilate the room

One of the unpleasant properties of bardach apartments is a musty smell. The apartment can be relatively tidy, but this smell will betray the slut faster than scattered things. Make it a rule to ventilate the apartment every day for 10-15 minutes, this is good for health and to maintain an overall feeling of cleanliness.

Habit #9: Dusting extremely dusty surfaces every day

Every home has surfaces that attract dust faster than others - plasma panels, monitors, glass (including a mirror), etc. Special rag with antistatic impregnation + 2-3 minutes a day to get around all the "dusty" places and brushing off accumulated during the day will allow you to maintain the overall feeling of cleanliness for a long time.

Habit #10: Involve everyone in the household to keep things organized and invest in technology that makes life easier

No need to suddenly become clean, it's bad for the psyche, say Fly Lady. Sometimes you really just don’t have the strength to sort out a fresh blockage or brush off the dust - it’s not scary, it will wait until tomorrow. The main thing is to make the above steps your habit, for which it is enough to force yourself to follow the routine for three weeks.

After 21 days, making evening rounds and wiping down the bathroom sink will become second nature, activists say.

And one more thing: one should not try to repeat the feat of Hercules and clean the Augean stables alone, one should try to instill the habits of cleanliness in all households (although what exactly is the feat of Hercules - cleaning or instilling such habits in husband and children - this, of course, is a question).

Buying good appliances that cut down on the time and effort to keep clean is not a waste of money. For example, investing in a good steam cleaner (a device that cleans different surfaces hot steam) will help you cut down hours of time that you would otherwise spend scrubbing tiles, plumbing, etc.

We do not live in the 19th century, and it is foolish not to use everything that is designed to make our lives easier.

And so that work on your habits does not stop, and laziness does not take over, FLY LADY advises you to make something like a cleaning schedule, where you list the main routine and the frequency of various manipulations for yourself. It is enough to stick to this schedule for a month to get used to the new routine.