Toilet      06/12/2019

How to remove polymer stains from doors. How and how to wash interior doors, wooden, plastic, glass, painted, varnished and metal from dirt, grease stains, stains and after repair: methods, tools, recipes, tips

MDF panels, from which modern interior and entrance doors, are often contaminated by the appearance greasy spots. To maintain the ethics and beauty of such doors, many hostesses have to use various improvised means to remove such stains. Moreover, depending on the type of surface coating, use the appropriate cleaning agents. In the presented review, we will take a closer look at how to remove greasy stains from MDF doors, while maintaining a natural look and without damaging the surface layer.

Basically, the localization of greasy spots falls on the area of ​​​​location door handle, since it is to her that we most often touch with our hands. As is known from the course of biology, the skin of our hands tends to allocate sweat-fat segments. When it comes into contact with the surface of the door, those same transparent sweat-and-fat marks remain on it, on which many particles of dust settle over time, and they turn into real dirty spots. Especially often young hostesses with small children and pets face such a problem.

But it is also worth noting that greasy spots on the surface interior doors appear as a result of contact with a variety of biological or chemical liquid substances with a certain percentage of fat content.

Safe Methods for Cleaning Grease Stains from MDF Doors

Every woman strives to keep 100% perfect cleanliness And external beauty all surfaces in the house, so for the most effective removal traces of fat from a wooden surface, it is recommended to first accurately determine the type of coating. Then proceed to the selection of the most effective remedy for cleaning.

Tip: before you start cleaning the door from various contaminants, it is recommended to test the interaction of the door with the selected cleaning agent in an inconspicuous area. If no reaction occurs during the test application of the cleaner, use the selected ingredient to clean the main area of ​​contamination.

Also remember that it is not recommended to remove stubborn dirt by using the following substances:

  • pure alcohol;
  • undiluted acetone;
  • all kinds of solvents;
  • with the help of acids.

Moreover, the use of special metal and hard sponges to remove dirt is also strictly prohibited, since the use of the listed equipment will not only remove the greasy stain, but also the protective surface layer, leaving the solid wood layer unprotected. As a result of such cleaning, you will either have to completely repaint the entire door, or even change it altogether.

Let's take a closer look at how to remove a greasy stain from MDF with a laminated, veneered and painted surface layer.

Cleaning Laminate Doors

First of all, let's look at how to wash laminated MDF panels. First of all, it should be noted that such doors have a special protective coating in the form of the thinnest film, thanks to which it is much easier to care for them:

  • To effectively remove greasy marks from the laminate, you should first prepare an alcohol solution by mixing pure alcohol with water in a ratio of 1: 9, where 9 parts are water and 1 part is alcohol. Next, you need to moisten a small piece of cloth or a napkin in the prepared mixture and, having applied it to the area of ​​contamination, try to fix it for 5-6 minutes, after which wipe the treated area with a clean, dry towel.

It is important to remember that laminated surfaces should not be cleaned using abrasive products, various alkalis and acids.

  • You can wash grease stains from a laminated surface with 72% laundry soap. But first, prepare a strong soapy solution from it. To clean the door, you should first quickly wipe all affected areas with soapy water using a foam sponge or melamine cloth, then wash off all soap stains from the treated areas with clean water and wipe the entire surface of the door dry paper towel. Procedures using soap solution And clean water swipe very quickly so that the door does not have time to absorb a large number of fluid and bloat.
  • You can remove a greasy stain from a laminate with a special pencil, which can be purchased at any store with household chemicals.
  • Also on the shelves of modern supermarkets and household stores there is a huge selection of pasty chemicals designed specifically to remove greasy marks and other types of stubborn stains.

Cleaning the veneered surface of MDF doors

If you have installed new MDF doors with a veneered surface, then in order to prevent the appearance of various abrasions, sweat marks from hands and other stains on it, it is recommended to cover them with polish immediately after installation.

But if such a nuisance happened, and nevertheless greasy traces appeared, then we will take a closer look at how to remove these contaminants in order to preserve the original appearance of the veneered coating.

Our ancestors also used one unique way removing various contaminants from any surface is the use of a potato cut in half. To do this, you will need the following additional ingredients:

  • the potato itself, cut in half;
  • a small amount of baby powder (or body powder)
  • clean cloth or napkins.

Before removing a greasy trace from a veneered surface, you should:

  1. Depending on the amount of dirt on the surface of the door, take one or two halves of a cut potato and place them on the marks themselves with a small effort, carefully rub the entire area of ​​contamination until potato juice appears.
  2. The whole thing should be left in this form for 10-12 minutes, until all the juice is completely dry.
  3. After thorough drying, white starch should remain on the surface of the door, which should be removed with a clean, dry cloth or napkins.
  4. If, after removing the starch, white marks remain on the veneer, then taking a clean towel or napkin, apply a small amount of baby powder on it and carefully wipe the remaining stains.

Tip: after the cleaning procedure, the veneer should be carefully polished with a thin layer.

Cleaning the painted surface of MDF

Almost all painted wooden surfaces have another unique property - it is a lacquer coating that creates additional protection paint and gives a beautiful sheen. Therefore, in the process of caring for such a door, it is not recommended to use abrasive cleaners that can break the protective layer, lead to tarnishing of the treated area and the disappearance of the previous shine. Let's take a closer look at how to wash painted doors in order to preserve all the beauty of their appearance:

  1. The first thing that is recommended to use is a solution baking soda, which should be prepared from the same proportions of baking soda and mouthwash. In the prepared mixture, moisten a clean cloth and treat all places with dirt, then wipe everything dry with a clean towel.
  2. It is also possible to clean the painted door with a strong soap solution prepared on the basis of liquid 72% soap, after which the entire treated surface of the door should be thoroughly rinsed with clean water and wiped dry with a towel.

How can interior doors with a polished surface be washed from greasy stains?

Now consider how to clean a wooden door with a polished surface from grease stains. To do this, it is recommended to use body powder or baby powder. After applying one of the products to a clean napkin, all contaminated areas of the door surface should be treated and left for 20-25 minutes. After the time has elapsed, the remnants of talc or powder should be removed using a white sheet of paper or a napkin.

How to clean grease stains from MDF and chipboard panels?

There are four ways to remove grease stains with chipboard surfaces, MDF and chipboard:

  1. Solvent use: Soak a foam sponge in this product, gently rub this substance into the grease stains for 4-5 minutes. After that, the treated area should be thoroughly wiped with a dry towel.
  2. Usage natural remedy in the form of citric acid, which in the amount of two tablespoons should be diluted in 200 ml of water and, using a cotton pad, wash the affected areas of the door surface for 3-4 minutes.
  3. The use of baking soda: dilute 3 tablespoons of this product in a glass of water and a cloth moistened with the resulting mixture to remove all dirt, then wipe dry all treated areas.
  4. To use detergent: Dissolve 3 tablespoons of dishwashing detergent in half a glass of water and lather thoroughly. Then apply the resulting foam on greasy spots, and leave it all for 4-5 minutes. Then rinse the panel with a cloth with clean water and dry with a dry towel.

And how to clean doors made of PVC panels, see the following video:

Dear visitor! If you know other methods for removing stains, please leave your experience in the comments.

Laminated interior doors removing oil stains how to remove grease stains from doors

For any product, in order to increase its service life, it is necessary to properly care for it. And interior doors require special care. Care products for interior doors depend on the material from which they are made. Laminated doors basically have a plywood board or chipboard, a pattern is applied on top, usually on paper basis, and laminated with a special film. The main rule in care is the safety of the upper, laminated layer. But even on such doors stains of various origins can form, which spoil the view and which are best removed.

To remove stains from a laminated door, you will need (and it is best to always have on hand):

  • Several soft tissues, or a small sponge
  • Solutions of household solvents (ammonia, acetone)
  • Alcohol
  • Vinegar or lemon essence
  • Laundry soap

Stains on the laminated surface can be removed in the following ways:

  1. First of all, it is necessary to determine the origin of the stain.
  2. Before proceeding with the removal, remove dust from the surface of the door leaf (you can use a damp cloth).
  3. With the help of a cloth moistened with a mild detergent, stains from juice, wine, chocolate can be removed. The napkin is applied for three to five minutes on top of the stain, and then wiped with a soft, dry cloth.
  4. Household solvents remove stains from nail polish, cigarettes, lipstick, marker, felt-tip pens or pencils. A sponge moistened with any solvent (acetone, "white spirit", etc.) is kept on the stain for a short time, and then wiped with a soft, dry cloth.
  5. If coffee stains appear on the surface of the laminated door, they can be removed with alcohol or an ammonia solution. If the coffee stain was not removed immediately, and it has already dried up, then you can prepare a special solution (three teaspoons of baking soda per two hundred grams of water). Gently wipe the stain with a sponge or cloth soaked in the solution, dry with a hair dryer, and wipe with a soft, dry cloth.
  6. The most easily removed stains left by wax or chewing gum. The place of contamination is thoroughly dried and cleaned with a small scraper. The operation to remove such stains must be carried out with extreme care so as not to damage the surface.
  7. If acid stains appear on the surface of the laminated door, they can be removed with a cloth soaked in a solution of vinegar or lemon essence. Similarly, a napkin is applied to the stain, and after three to five minutes it is thoroughly wiped with a soft, dry cloth.
  8. Difficult stains formed by paint or shoe polish can be removed with special means intended for this purpose. These funds can be purchased at any hardware store.

Stain remover for laminated interior doors

When removing stains of any origin from a laminated door, it should be remembered that a damp cloth should not be kept on the surface of the door for more than five minutes, and then immediately wiped with a soft cloth and after one to two minutes wiped with a damp sponge (soaked in plain water). This will avoid possible deformation of the upper laminated surface. But if, nevertheless, the stain cannot be removed, you should not immediately think about replacing the entire door. Currently, there are special pencils for masking stains on a laminated surface. Such a pencil can be purchased at a hardware store and match the color and tone in accordance with the color of the door. You can also seal the stain with a special, color-matched film. It is not recommended to clean stains on a laminated door with abrasive cleaners as this may damage the surface.

How much does it cost to call a measurement and change the glass in an interior door reviews

Instructions on how to care for laminated doors, tips on how to remove stains from laminated doors than to clean grease stains on the door

Sooner or later, any housewife is faced with various stains on the doors and furniture doors, including greasy ones. Especially often they appear in the kitchen in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe handles and the bottom, which gives an overall untidy look. Therefore, knowing how to wash greasy stains on the door is simply an urgent need.

Where to begin?

First, determine what material the door is made of. Today's range of furniture products in this regard is incredibly diverse. The most common options are:

  • wooden;
  • metal;
  • laminated;
  • glass.

The next step is the origin of pollution. As soon as we have coped with this task, we prepare in advance the means that are best suited for cleaning. You will need one of the following options:

  • acetone;
  • White Spirit;
  • dishwashing liquid;
  • table vinegar;
  • ammonia;
  • lemon essence;
  • clay;
  • talc;
  • raw potatoes;
  • several soft napkins;
  • sponge and cotton.

How to wash grease stains on a painted door?

If the problem is on a painted surface, you will need table vinegar:

  1. Soak a cotton ball or washcloth in vinegar.
  2. Treat the stained area until the vinegar is completely absorbed.
  3. Finally, wipe the surface dry with a clean, damp cloth or cloth.

Important! If it's freshspot, then forcleaningOn a painted surface, replace the vinegar with warm water and liquid soap or dishwashing liquid.

How to remove grease stains from unpainted doors?

If the surface of the canvas is not painted, and a greasy stain has appeared on it, this solution and cleaning technology will help you:

  1. Mix table vinegar and clay in equal proportions until a homogeneous liquid paste appears.
  2. Apply the prepared mixture directly to the blot and leave until dry.
  3. Rinse the dried vinegar-clay mixture from the surface with warm water.

How to wash wooden doors from greasy stains?

Such unsightly dirt can also appear on a polished wooden door. In this case, the following options are suitable as cleansers:

  1. Careful talcum treatment:
    1. Apply a small amount to a sponge.
    2. Wipe the area with powder.
    3. Remove with a dry cloth.
    4. Make sure the grease is gone.
  2. Raw potatoes do this well:
    1. Wash and cut the fruit into 2 parts.
    2. Wipe the stained area with one half.
    3. Leave the surface to be treated for some time.
    4. Wipe the surface with a damp cloth.

Important! There may be streaks on the surface of the canvas. To remove them, apply a small amount of flour and polish the surface with a soft cloth.

How to remove grease stains from laminated doors?

Laminated products are basically plywood or chipboard, and even plastic. A paper-based drawing is applied on top and laminated with a special film. Grease stains can also form on such doors, which must be removed.

To solve this problem, the following set is suitable:

  • alcohol;
  • acetone;
  • vinegar or lemon essence;
  • a few soft wipes

Important! Atatspot removalwith laminateddoorsit must be remembered that a napkin soaked in a solution on the surface of the canvas should in no case be kept for more than 5 minutes. After 1-2 minutes after treatment, you only need to wipe it with a damp cloth.

How to remove grease stains from a metal door?

To solve the problem on metal surface white spirit or acetone works best. It's up to you to choose - everyone knows the smell of acetone, but white spirit has practically no smell, + it cleans very effectively.

How do you get stains off a glass door?

The most delicate and problematic is the removal of grease stains from the surface of sandblasted glass, which is increasingly used in interior decoration. But, if such a problem overtook you, use the following means:

  • mix ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:10, and gently wash all dirt with this solution;
  • apply baking soda not a sponge and rub stains on the glass door;
  • you can also wash the canvas with alcohol or special alcohol-containing products for glass.
  • use ammonia or soap based products.

Important! Forglass stain removaluse special wipes for glasses and mirrors, foam rubber sponges or soft toothbrushes. And do not press too hard with a napkin or sponge on the canvas, as it can be easily damaged.


Any product must be properly cared for in order to preserve its primary attractive appearance for as long as possible. appearance. To do this, wipe the doors from dust more often, remove fresh stains as quickly as possible and prevent them from being absorbed and dried, and also eat and store it in specially designated places. Additional personal hygiene, in particular, the cleanliness of hands, will not be superfluous. Be attentive to yourself and your home to live in a beautiful and cozy room!

Interior doors are an aesthetic and functional part of our home. Despite all attempts to keep them clean and properly looked after, stains of a different nature appear on interior doors from time to time. There is a need to clear the canvas of them. The surface may be greasy or have various contaminants, all this must be removed as soon as possible so that cleanliness and comfort reign in the house again.

Attention! Many people use the first detergent that caught their eye. This is an extremely wrong decision. It can damage or scratch the surface of the canvas. The choice of detergent should be approached correctly. It is chosen based on the material of the canvas.

Interroom structures in the interior of the room

PVC models: work algorithm

If interior design Made of PVC, the operation process will be simple. Detergent is selected first. Better to make it yourself. For this use special agent for plumbing, as well as ordinary soap in liquid form. Also arm yourself with soft-textured washcloths or take an ordinary cloth.

  1. The selected product and soap are mixed together in equal parts.
  2. The solution is applied to the area of ​​the stain.
  3. The agent is rubbed with a sponge. However, be careful not to scratch the surface.
  4. After that, leave the solution on the canvas for 5-7 minutes.
  5. As a result, the product is washed off using a large amount of water.
  6. The surface is wiped dry.

Such an algorithm and a do-it-yourself tool will help you quickly wash the surface of any contaminants. As needed, the algorithm simply repeats itself, keeping the door clean.

Doors from laminated chipboard: we care about cleanliness

The construction of chipboard is a fairly popular option today. Often people complain about the appearance of greasy spots on the surface. It is not easy to wash them, because the top layer of the material is based on paper, which gets wet when it comes into contact with moisture. It is best to use cotton pads and isopropyl alcohol, which wipes stains.

If the chipboard door is of high quality, you can use a household solvent, for example, acetone or even ammonia. The algorithm of work involves wetting the sponge in the solution, applying it to the stain and wiping it dry after 3-5 minutes. Acids - citric or acetic - will also help get rid of contaminants. Beverage and coffee traces are removed with 3 tablespoons of baking soda and a glass of water. Traces of chewing gum or wax are washed as follows: the surface is dried and removed with a scraper. The only stains that you should not try to wash yourself are stains from paintwork materials. It is better to invite an experienced specialist for this.

Cleaning MDF doors

If the structures are made of MDF, and you find that the surface is greasy, you should not purchase expensive solutions. Arm yourself with raw potatoes. The work algorithm will be as follows:

  1. The vegetable is cut into halves.
  2. One part carefully rub all the stains.
  3. Leave the surface for a while until the vegetable juice dries.
  4. The place of cleaning is carefully wiped dry with a cloth.

Possible stains can be easily removed with powder or talcum powder. Fresh grease stains from the canvas are removed with dishwashing detergent and warm water. Wipe the greasy surface of the structure with this solution, cleaning it.

Unpainted wood canvases are washed with a solution of white clay and vinegar. After receiving the gruel, it is applied to the stains, allowed to dry and washed off with water. If the surface of the doors is varnished, you should act differently. You can get rid of greasy stains by re-treatment with varnish. Of course, you will have to remove the door from the hinges and re-coat. Experts recommend using one of the following methods: washing, mechanical or heat treatment

Maintaining a clean door is easy. Now you know how to wash any interior doors from stains. As a result, cleanliness and comfort will reign in the house.

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Returning the doors to their original cleanliness and neatness is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. If greasy spots appear, then it is not necessary to change the canvases. We will figure out how to remove dirt from interior doors.

PVC doors

If a material such as PVC is contaminated, then the following will help to remove greasy stains:

  • liquid soap;
  • cleaner for toilet bowls, bathtubs and sinks;
  • sponges and rags.
  1. Mix equal proportions of liquid soap and sanitary ware.
  2. Apply the solution to the stained area. While carefully rubbing it with a sponge.
  3. Leave to stand for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Wash off with plenty of water.
  5. Wipe dry.

In this way, you can remove all traces of stains without spending a lot of time.

Doors from chipboard

This material is considered the most accessible. Hence, many people have many problems as soon as the first greasy spots become noticeable. It is difficult to wash off the dirt in this case. It is worth remembering that the material cannot be rubbed strongly, as upper layer- paper.

Try this method on an inconspicuous area first. Look at the reaction of the material to alcohol. If everything is fine, then feel free to proceed with the cleansing.

Better quality laminated sheets can be cleaned with a household solvent such as ammonia or acetone. To do this, you can carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Wet the sponge with the solution.
  2. Apply to stain.
  3. Keep for 3-5 minutes.
  4. We wipe this place with a dry soft cloth.

Remember that when removing stains, you can not keep a damp cloth on the door for a long time. The waiting time should not exceed 5 minutes.

If dirt appears, then acetic or lemon acid. Coffee and various beverage marks can be cleaned with the following working solution:

  • 3 art. l. baking soda.
  • 200 ml of water.

Prepare the solution and gently wipe the stains with it. Dry thoroughly with a hair dryer.

If there are traces of wax or chewing gum on the doors, then washing them is not difficult. To do this, do the following:

  1. Dry the contaminated area.
  2. Remove wax or chewing gum with a special scraper.

Such manipulations should be carried out carefully so as not to damage decorative coating doors.

Remove paint stains folk methods not worth it. To do this, it is better to purchase professional tools.

MDF doors

If old greasy stains are found on the MDF door leaf, then do not rush to spend your money on expensive substances. Every home has raw potatoes. And then everything is simple:

  1. Cut the vegetable into two halves.
  2. Use the cut side to wipe stained areas.
  3. Wait for the potato juice to dry completely.
  4. Wipe the area with a dry cloth.

If there are small stains on the MDF doors, then prepare talc or powder. Apply the product to the fabric and gently work the fabric.

Fresh grease stains from MDF doors can be washed with a solution that is prepared as follows:

  • a little dishwashing detergent is poured into the bucket;
  • some warm water is added;
  • the product is thoroughly foamed with a sponge.

The solution wipes all greasy stains. Afterwards, we recommend rinsing the door with clean water and wiping it dry.

If door leaf had a glossy surface, then after washing, treat it with a polish.

Unpainted wooden doors

If contamination is found, then they can be washed off using a special paste, which is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • White clay;
  • vinegar.

The solution is diluted to the consistency of a thick slurry and applied to the stained area. Be sure to let the mixture dry completely. Next, remove it and rinse thoroughly with water.

Lacquered wooden doors

If you notice greasy spots, then a new varnish treatment will help to give the product its original appearance. To do this, you will have to remove the door and remove the old coating. You can do this in three ways:

  • flush;
  • heat treatment;
  • mechanical method.

At home, it is better to use the first method. To do this, you need to take several steps:

  1. The wash, which you need to buy in the store, must be applied to the entire surface of the door. Each stroke should be applied in the same direction.
  2. canvas wrap plastic wrap. We stand for about 4 hours.
  3. Remove the varnish with a spatula or sandpaper.
  4. Rinse the rest of the product with vinegar diluted with water.

After that, you can apply a new layer of varnish.

The considered methods will help remove greasy stains on the doors and give them their former beauty.