Mixer      03/03/2020

Piping of a wall-mounted gas heating boiler. Wiring a solid fuel boiler: the correct diagram with a boiler and a heat accumulator. What pipes are suitable for piping

The tasks and purpose of boilers are clear to everyone. This is literally the “heart” of everything heating system, without which the coolant simply will not warm up to the required temperature and provide comfortable conditions accommodation. But in order for all the component elements of the unit to function fully, the heating boiler must be properly piping with polypropylene, diagrams and photos of which will be presented in this article.

Purpose of the strapping

The initial task for which heating boiler connection diagrams were developed was to protect all components of the heating unit from overheating and, accordingly, from breakdown. This ensures that all key operational characteristics of the heating apparatus are met.

Various circuit examples

The boiler piping, to put it quite simply, is everything that is located between the boiler/stove and the radiators. On how correct and in accordance with technical recommendations it is completed, the functionality of the entire system and the rational use of finances depend. Important! A properly selected and implemented connection diagram for a heating boiler makes even a low-power unit work more efficiently, maximizing its energy resource to the heating main.

But it is even more profitable to wire the heating boiler yourself, because there is no need to resort to the help of specialized companies that provide similar services. Of course, if you do not have certain skills in this area of ​​​​activity and are afraid that you will not be able to cope with the implementation of the task on your own, then it is still better to entrust the connection of the heating boiler. Believe me, sometimes it makes sense to overpay, because not everyone can assemble such a large thermal unit with their own hands without making mistakes, which can subsequently lead to a decrease in the quality of the equipment and its breakdown.

Classic version

Classic strapping pattern

Correctly performed piping of a gas or solid fuel boiler is a guarantee efficient work the entire heating unit. In this process, it is necessary to pay special attention to such a moment as adjustment temperature regime at the input and output of the thermal circuit. Thanks to this, it is possible to reduce the temperature difference to a minimum, which, in turn, results in the use of a minimum amount of fuel, and, as a result, a reduction in financial costs for their purchase.

First, until the water in the system reaches the required temperature, the coolant will be moved along an auxiliary line. After the temperature of the coolant corresponds to the value set by the thermostat, it will go into the main pipeline, through which the room will be heated.

Complete set of strapping diagram

What's included

Almost any boiler piping scheme involves the use of the following structural components:

  • bypass valve;
  • centrifugal pumping unit (circulation pump);
  • valves of various configurations and purposes (drain, ball, etc.);
  • expansion tank;
  • a device for monitoring pressure in the system;
  • pass filter;
  • tees, connections, couplings, clamps;
  • washers, nuts, bolts;
  • valve set;
  • or an automatic valve for bleeding air or a heating circuit.

In addition, you will need another set wrenches And welding machine, which, in the absence of one, can be easily rented at a hardware store.

Using a wall-mounted boiler

Components that are connected to a wall-mounted gas heating boiler must be lined up in a piping diagram. You can connect nodes on your own using three methods:

  • hot water supply;
  • floor hidden heating installation;
  • carrying out heating circuit around the perimeter of the entire house.

If you are planning to equip your home with a single-circuit heating unit, then coping with the task will not be so difficult.

When piping the boiler with your own hands, you must strictly follow the diagram offered by the manufacturer of this device. Otherwise, even minor flaws made during the installation of the heating main can reduce the efficiency of the entire installation as a whole or, even worse, lead to a malfunction of the heating unit!

The piping scheme of a double-circuit heating boiler deserves special attention, since it can be either direct or mixing. The first option is characterized by temperature control via a burner, while in the second option, not only a burner is used for these purposes, but also a mixer with a tracking drive. And if you are far from all these subtleties, then it is better to entrust the process of constructing such a unit to professionals.

VIDEO: Connecting a gas boiler

What are emergency harnesses and what is their purpose?

Regardless of which heating boiler connection option you have chosen to furnish your home, any of them must be supplemented with an emergency circuit. It is thanks to the additional piping that your heating unit and the entire system as a whole will be able to fully function in the event that unexpected problems arise. emergency situations. As a rule, most often boilers stop working due to power outages.

So, today specialists with many years of experience in this field of activity offer 3 effectively working options for arranging emergency circuits.

Feeding the pump from an uninterruptible source

This method of ensuring uninterrupted operation is characterized by the use of battery devices or special uninterruptible power supplies. However, this option cannot always be implemented, since not every owner of such equipment regularly feeds it with electricity. Therefore, if you do not want to get into a difficult situation, do not forget to check the performance of the batteries and charge them from time to time.

An excellent solution would be a 12-volt circulation pump, which charges as long as there is electricity without disconnecting from operation, and when the mains is not working, it runs on a battery. It switches automatically, does not require any forced adjustment, is inexpensive, and works for a long time.

Natural circulation

In this case, the main heating main, which operates by artificially pressurizing the pump, is supplemented by another circuit, which operates through the natural circulation of the heat source. This system is connected immediately after the centrifugal pumping apparatus stops working. However, it is worth understanding that the natural method of moving hot water through the system will not be able to fully heat a large room, so install it only in those rooms where there is a need to retain heat.

Design of a special emergency circuit

Bypass for the system

This option is the most optimal, but at the same time the most financially expensive. After all, its device will require another circuit that will work during non-standard situations.

Here, in fact, are all the subtleties of connecting the thermal circuit together with the heating element. We hope our tips will help you create the most comfortable conditions in your home. temperature conditions for accommodation!

VIDEO: Heating a house - boiler piping diagram

The task of the heating system is to create a comfortable microclimate in the house. Competent organization heating determines the uniform distribution of heat around the perimeter of the living area, and protects the elements of the functioning unit from overheating. Boiler piping is the process of connecting equipment to hot water supply and distribution networks in accordance with operating standards.

Boiler piping components

The boiler is the core of the heating circuit and its type affects the choice of piping scheme. The main rule for installing a floor-standing boiler comes down to prohibiting its placement in the upper part of the pipeline distribution A. If the standards are violated, the boiler, which does not have conditions for air exhaust, will begin to create air pockets. The pipe leaving the boiler without an air vent must have clear vertical position.

The pipes located at the bottom of the unit will “tell” about the presence of an automatic air vent necessary for connection to the heating network. They are provided in wall-mounted electrical and gas models. This feature should be taken into account when piping the boiler, since wall-mounted monoblock models can independently cope with the release of air masses.

Boilers are sold both fully equipped and without additional elements. Required Parts must be purchased separately and included in the circuit. Those who have chosen heating with natural circulation will not find them useful.

Diaphragm tank and radiators

A paronite gasket will do. The use of tow, fum tape and rubber components is prohibited. They can catch fire, and the rubber will reduce the diameter of the pipe, which will disrupt the gas supply. Such a pipeline initially claims to be in long service, is able to withstand pressure exceeding 25 bar and a coolant of 95 degrees.

Features of connecting solid fuel boilers

Boilers of this type do not have the function of regulating the heat supply. The combustion of fuel cannot be interrupted, therefore, in the event of a power outage, the pump responsible for the forced movement of the coolant will stop. However, heating will continue and pressure will increase. Evolving process will destroy the entire system. To eliminate such moments, several types of emergency circuits are provided that allow you to dump excess heat. This:

  1. Timely submission cold water.
  2. Connecting batteries to the pump.
  3. Presence of a gravity circuit.
  4. Additional emergency circuit.

For solid fuel boilers, the piping plays important role- a high-quality connection will allow you to create a self-regulating system. Therefore, it is better to trust the subtleties of installation skillful hands specialists.

Gravity heating

It is necessary to pay attention to the principles of coolant circulation through the heating circuit. This - - natural movement coolant and forced circulation circuit. Distinctive feature of these types is the presence or absence of a node that forces hot water to move.

In a natural circulation system, movement in closed system occurs under the influence of the laws of physics. The process is determined by the difference in water density. This type of heating eliminates the consumption of electricity.

Natural circulation system cannot be automatically adjusted, and this will require pipes with large diameter, which will affect the interior of the room and greater cost. If the network is subject to periodic voltage fluctuations, the best option This is exactly how the heating will be organized. The system is reliable in operation and does not require attention. The natural movement pattern is suitable for small area, although now considered "last century".

Advantages of a natural circulation system:

  1. Easy to install.
  2. Independence from electricity supply.
  3. Budget option.
  4. Reliable operation and operation.

Forced heating system

Forced circulation ensures the creation of the necessary pressure and the account of the operation of electric pumps. Contour with forced circulation It is comfortable because it is controlled automatically provided there is a stable power supply. It is permissible to select separate temperature parameters for each room, sensor-controlled systems.

Flaws systems:

  1. Complex strapping scheme.
  2. Inevitable balancing of parts.
  3. Expensive service.
  4. High cost of components.

Any installation system requires a certain number of additional parts. The installation option on primary-secondary rings does not imply a large presence of fastening and connection elements, but instead of them, installation of pumps on heating rings will be required. The ring system together with the floor boiler are complemented combs- heating collectors , evenly distributing the supply of coolant to the heating elements.

Schematic diagram of the strapping

Heating efficiency depends on the accuracy of the connection. The general wiring diagram for boilers of all types, including solid fuel and condensing types, is simple and looks like this:

  1. Radiator.
  2. Nuts " American women» - for attaching the boiler to the heating system.
  3. Ball Valves - to disconnect the boiler from the system.
  4. Filters for cleaning - protect against non-standard water fractions.
  5. Thermal heads, tees, Mayevsky taps
  6. Angles and tees.
  7. Valves: straight through, separating, air and safety.
  8. Expansion tanks.
  9. Pressure gauges, thermometers, hydraulic separators, circulation pump.
  10. Clamps and other fastening parts.

Double-circuit boiler

Now let's look at the difference between the heating scheme country house using a double-circuit boiler.

A unit of this type differs from a single-circuit analogue in its universal purpose: it maintains the temperature regime of the coolant in the heating circuit, and heats water for household needs. Single-circuit generators can also indirectly heat water. The process of heat transfer occurs during the passage of the coolant through the secondary heat exchanger.

The difference between a double-circuit boiler is direct transfer of thermal energy to water. Its peculiarity is that when hot water is consumed, the coolant does not heat up. Parallel operation of two circuits is excluded. Practice has shown that for houses with high-quality thermal insulation, and therefore with thermal inertia, the operating mode of the boiler is not important. And the heating scheme will be the same for any type of heating. Radiators and coolant provide long-term cooling. This result is due to the choice of radiators with large capacity and wide pipe diameter. A large volume of hot water can be obtained by combining a single-circuit design and a heating column. For houses with a large number of sq. m. the operation of the boiler is not of fundamental importance, and the heating schemes of the boilers will be similar.

Connection features

Double-circuit boiler should not be designed in combination with a natural circulation system- after stopping the heating of the coolant, the movement will quickly stop. The reheating process takes a long time, and the heat in the radiator is distributed unevenly. However, most models are equipped with circulation pumps.

Classic version boiler piping with two-pipe circuit looks like that. Hot water rises into a supply pipe that spans the house above. Then the coolant passes through the connected risers with heating devices, which do not completely open the riser. Radiators are equipped with a jumper and a choke, necessary for heat regulation. Needed shut-off valve on the second line of eyeliner. The air vent is mounted in the upper part of the expansion tank circuit.

By bottom connection system, the coolant returns back. The advantage of the scheme is that it can work in natural circulation mode. The accelerator of the collector will be the pipe through which the coolant moves to the upper filling.

Typical connection errors

Safety valves

They are not used when the heating system is open. Valve purpose - protect the boiler from damage in case of a sharp increase in pressure. Usually the valve is forgotten or a model or safety group with different characteristics is installed.

During the valve response, part of the water flows out of the system, which ensures pressure release and protection. You should not insert the drain tube into the sewer, since the reason for the decrease in pressure will not be clear. You can get by with a funnel. By the way, there is no need to throw the septic tank into the coolant.

Air vent. The part must be installed immediately after installing the boiler to avoid “airing”. Often they simply forget to open it. This is also typical for wall options with factory function. By the way, the circulation pump is also ventilated.

The air vent must stand strictly vertically upward. When it starts to leak, there is a shut-off valve in front of it, so replacing it with a new one will take a couple of minutes.

Circulation pump. The pump will operate properly only when the axis is in a horizontal position, and this position will significantly extend the “life” of the bearings.

It is advisable to protect the mechanism from dirt and debris from the outside. Strainers sold separately

Radiators. Disadvantages when connecting a panel radiator to the coolant. The radiator design involves connecting the supply pipe to the internal pipe, located almost in the center, and to the outermost one - in the return pipe. The reverse connection order will reduce the heat transfer of the radiator by half. By the way, decorative screens disrupt heat exchange by 10-20%.

Proper installation and correct power calculations will help create maximum comfort for living in country house in any season.

The topic of this article is the heating system of a private house. In it I am going to talk about what elements, in addition to the boiler and radiators, the heating circuit should include, how to select them and install them correctly. So, let's go.

Heating schemes

I'll start with a small lyrical digression.

Heating systems with water as a coolant are divided into:

  • Open and closed;
  • With forced circulation and gravity.

What does this division mean?

Open and closed

An open expansion tank is installed at the top point of the open circuit.

It combines three functions:

  1. Allows you to add water, compensating for its leakage and evaporation;
  2. Accommodates excess water during its expansion accompanying heating;
  3. Serves to remove air pockets.

For the air vent to work through an open tank, the bottling must be laid with a constant slope from the tank to the boiler heat exchanger.

A closed system does not communicate with the atmosphere and operates with excess pressure. Its main problem is that when heated, the coolant increases in volume and may well rupture pipes and heating devices.

Gravitational and forced

The operation of a heating system with forced circulation is ensured by a circulation pump - a low-power device with a screw or centrifugal impeller, sitting on the shaft of the electric motor. It provides a sufficiently high flow rate in the pipes and, accordingly, fast and uniform heating of heating devices.

The Achilles heel of forced circulation is the energy dependence of the pump. In conditions of short-term outages, the situation can be saved by a source uninterruptible power supply, but at long absence electricity, the heating will cease to perform its functions.

A system with natural circulation, which is ensured by the difference in the density of cold and hot water, does not have this drawback.

The principle of its operation is extremely simple:

  • Water heated in the heat exchanger of a heating boiler (usually solid fuel) is displaced through the accelerating manifold into the upper part of the circuit by colder coolant masses;
  • From there it moves by gravity along the circuit, gradually releasing heat through the radiators;
  • The cooled water is returned to the heat exchanger, and after it is heated, the cycle repeats.

Introduction to the theory is completed. Let's move on to practice.

Gravity open system


In gravitational open system The piping of a pellet heating boiler or other solid fuel heat source includes:

  • Acceleration manifold. In essence, it is just a short vertical bottling section immediately after the kettle;
  • Open expansion tank. As a rule, its volume is taken approximately equal to 10% of the coolant volume in the circuit.

The easiest way to find out the capacity of the circuit is by filling the heating system with water and draining it into a bucket of known volume or any other measuring container.

In addition, shut-off valves are installed at the inlet and outlet of the boiler. They allow you to turn off the heat exchanger for repairs or maintenance without dumping the entire volume of coolant.

Such taps are installed in any system, regardless of its type and heat source.


It is extremely simple: the expansion tank is mounted at the top filling point after the accelerating manifold. Optionally, it is equipped with a tap for filling the circuit with water. A tap is installed at the lowest point of the system to completely drain the coolant: it will be useful if the house is left without heating in cold weather.

The boiler is installed at the lowest point of the circuit (usually in a basement or pit). The height difference between its heat exchanger and the radiators, in fact, ensures stable circulation: thanks to this difference, the cooled water continues to move by gravity.

Open system with forced circulation


For obvious reasons, an accelerating collector is not needed in this case. Its functions are performed by a circulation pump.

When choosing a pump, you should pay attention to its performance. It is selected depending on the thermal load on the circuit (read: boiler power) according to the following table:

You can ignore the pressure created by the pump when choosing it; its minimum values ​​are quite sufficient for a private house of any reasonable size. For reference: heating system apartment building causes a pressure of only 2 meters to circulate (which corresponds to excess pressure at 0.2 kgf/cm2).


The circulation pump is installed, as a rule, in front of the boiler in the direction of the coolant flow: in this section of the circuit the coolant temperature is minimal.

A slight change in the configuration of the circuit will allow it to work with both forced and natural circulation:

  • The pump does not cut into the filling gap, but parallel to its section;
  • Placed between the inserts ball valve or check valve with minimal hydraulic resistance (usually ball).

When the pump is running, the bypass between the taps is closed. When the power supply is interrupted, the tap or check valve opens and the heating system continues to operate as a gravity system.

Closed system


Piping a boiler room in a private house with closed system heating includes:

  • Diaphragm expansion tank. It is a container divided by a rubber membrane into compartments for air and coolant. Unlike liquids, air compresses perfectly and compensates for the increase in volume of water or antifreeze;

The volume of the tank in this case is taken equal to approximately 10% of the volume of the coolant. That, in turn, in a balanced system is approximately equal to 15 liters per kilowatt of boiler power.

  • Safety valve. The valve releases the coolant when the upper limit of the permissible pressure is reached;

Constant triggering safety valve indicates insufficient volume of the expansion tank.

  • Automatic air vent. It helps get rid of air pockets that impede circulation;

  • Pressure gauge for visual pressure monitoring.

In the case of a forced circulation circuit, the boiler piping circuit predictably includes a circulation pump.


Both the safety group (air vent, pressure gauge and valve) and the expansion tank, in theory, can be mounted at any point in a closed circuit. In practice, when installing a heating system with your own hands, the tank is usually placed in front of the boiler, at a distance of at least 8 filling diameters after the pump or at least two filling diameters in front of the pump.

Why is this so?

  • The minimum coolant temperature increases the service life of the tank membrane;
  • The absence of turbulence from the pump impeller also has a beneficial effect on the service life of the membrane.

The safety group is most often installed at the boiler outlet.

Optional elements

What other elements can be included in the piping of a floor-standing or wall-mounted boiler?

Thermal accumulator

This is the name of a metal or polymer tank with thermally insulated walls. As the name suggests, it serves to store thermal energy.

This is useful in two cases:

  1. When using a solid fuel boiler. Heat accumulation allows you to increase the period of time between lighting and operate the boiler at rated power (and, accordingly, with maximum efficiency);
  2. When heating the house with an electric boiler and having a two-tariff meter. At night, when the price of a kilowatt-hour of electricity is minimal, the boiler heats water in the heat storage tank, and during the day the accumulated heat is used to heat the home.

The use of a heat accumulator implies the presence of two circuits, at least one of which operates with forced circulation. The first ring connects the boiler heat exchanger and the tank, the second - the heat accumulator and heating devices.


In essence, it is just a thick pipe with several inlets and outlets. Hydraulic switch function - synchronization of the operation of several circuits with different temperatures(for example, radiators and heated floors).

The water temperature in the heated floor pipes is no more than 40 degrees.

Each circuit is equipped with its own pump and (in the case of a low-temperature circuit) a three-way valve that recirculates the coolant.

In some cases, the function of a hydraulic arrow is performed by a heat accumulator.

How is this possible?

Inside the tank, slowly circulating water is divided by temperature: the hottest (and least dense) coolant collects in the upper part of the tank, the coldest in the lower part.

By drawing water from pipes located at different heights, you can obtain any temperature in the range from boiler supply temperature to room temperature.

The photo shows the connection of the heat accumulator to multi-temperature hot water systems and heated floors.


One of the problems with connecting heating devices in series is the temperature variation between them. The supply radiators are always hotter than the return radiators, which leads to uneven heating of the rooms in the house.

The collector allows you to connect several convectors, radiators or circuits in parallel. Each collector outlet is equipped with its own tap or throttle, allowing independent shutdown and adjustment of devices.

Indirect heating boiler

Usually for DHW heating It is practiced to use a double-circuit boiler with a flow-through heat exchanger.

However, this solution has a couple of unpleasant drawbacks:

  • Simultaneous operation of heating and instantaneous water heater requires a large power reserve. If you have an electric boiler and a power of 10 kW is allocated to your house, you will have to choose between warm rooms and a hot shower;
  • Most of flow heaters does not allow precise adjustment of the outlet water temperature. Trying to take a shower or wash the dishes becomes a constant battle with the taps.

Indirect heating boiler - typical storage water heater devoid of both problems. It connects to the heating circuit and takes some of the heat from the coolant.

In summer, circulation occurs in a small circle - between the boiler and the boiler.


Of course, in a short article we have not considered all possible schemes for connecting boilers and their piping. The video in this article will help you learn more about the design of boiler rooms. I look forward to your additions and comments. Good luck, comrades!

An autonomous heating system allows you to make a country house livable even in winter. Of course, to preserve heat, you still need to lay insulation and install reliable windows with a high degree of sealing. But without a good boiler, all this will be useless.

In order for the system to work at full capacity, it is necessary to properly piping the heating boiler. Otherwise, its functioning will be in great doubt. Incorrect piping especially affects the performance of the system.

Attention ! Essentially, piping is connecting the boiler to the heating pipes. But to do it correctly, you need to take into account many factors.

Eat whole line rules and regulations that will make the strapping as efficient as possible. It is very important to connect everything correctly. This will optimize performance.

The importance of proper heating boiler piping

Before piping the boiler with your own hands, it wouldn’t hurt to find out in more detail why you should do this. Firstly, whether the system elements will not overheat depends on how correctly this operation is performed. Secondly, the optimal design allows you to increase the service life of the system.

Attention ! If you want to make a heating system that will serve you for many years without repairs or replacement of parts, proper piping of the boiler is simply necessary.

If you piping the heating boiler correctly, this will help distribute thermal load with maximum efficiency. Optimal distribution of thermal fluid throughout the entire circuit will make it possible to speed up heating.

The piping scheme is of particular importance for solid fuel heating boilers. The fact is that the automation of the device works quite poorly, and to ensure it maximum efficiency you need to make a good harness. The result of your work will be a self-regulating structure.

Features of the classic harness

Of course, in order to make a high-quality heating boiler piping, it is best to use existing schemes that have been able to prove their effectiveness more than once.

At the same time, in order to do everything as it should, you need to connect everything correctly. It also wouldn't hurt to install regulators at the input and output. Similar devices allow with much greater efficiency perform supervisory functions.

Attention ! Temperature control sensors at the outlet and inlet help avoid temperature changes.

By classic scheme You will need to wire the heating boiler taking into account the presence of two system circuits: small and large. This scheme works as follows: first the small circuit is heated, but as soon as the boiler enters operating mode, the liquid flowing through the pipes will be redirected to the large one.

Attention ! The result of the effective interaction of the small and large circuit is the heating of the entire building.

From the information presented above, we can draw a logical conclusion - the more contours, the more better heating Houses. This allows for much more precise process control.

To wire a heating boiler you will need the following elements:

  • check valves,
  • safety valves,
  • brackets,
  • filters,
  • shut-off valves,
  • pressure gauge,
  • pump,
  • expansion tank,
  • thermometer.

Having all these elements, you can make a high-quality heating boiler piping. Moreover, the costs will be minimal.

Strapping schemes

To make it easier for you to choose a heating boiler piping scheme that is ideal for your home, you first need to classify them all. Classification is possible according to the following characteristics:

  • circulation method
  • wiring method,
  • using the collector wiring method.

Even the heating boiler piping circuit itself can have several serious modifications, which largely determine its functionality:

  • with heated floor,
  • classic heating structure,
  • with connection to the hot water supply circuit.

The very presence of a double-circuit boiler provides for a direct and mixing heating connection scheme. Therefore, it is at the design selection stage that you must make a decision on which all further operation of the system depends.

Connecting a double-circuit heating boiler is more difficult than connecting a single-circuit heating boiler, but the design possibilities are worth it. Little of, correct connection allows for high thermal efficiency.

Attention ! Connecting a double-circuit heating system to a hot water supply is quite complicated.

Each heating boiler is unique, so to make the correct piping, the first thing you need to do is study the instructions. This will help take into account all the nuances of the device and make right choice in favor of one system or another.

Single-circuit boilers are much less simple designs. For example, they are equipped with only one burner. With its help it is impossible to exercise such precise control as with a dual-circuit analogue.

That is why, in order to make a high-quality boiler piping, it is better to use double-circuit designs. They have two burners and are controlled by a special servo drive equipped with a mixer. This control circuit is much more convenient to use.

It is more difficult to wire a double-circuit boiler than a single-circuit boiler, but the work done is fully justified. Nevertheless, you must remain extremely careful and attentive, because if the strapping is incorrect, the consequences will be more than significant.

Additional schemes

As you can see, the basic piping schemes for a heating boiler can be quite varied. But general work the system depends not only on them. Auxiliary systems are of great importance, which include:

  • Additional water storage. Quite often, when there is a power outage, water also disappears. To avoid this, you need to install a special tank, which will become part of the heating boiler piping circuit. It will allow you to not feel the discomfort of being disconnected for some time.
  • Pump with battery. At first glance, this option is ideal during a power outage. But it's not that simple: you must constantly monitor the condition of the battery. Moreover, such a working scheme is not particularly reliable. Because of this, automatic operation may be intermittent.
  • Gravity circuit. The main advantage of such a circuit is the reduction in load on the structure. It allows you to heat only certain places, which makes the temperature maintenance device more economical. The element starts working when the pump turns off. Therefore, its power is not enough to heat an entire house.
  • Emergency circuit. This option allows you to immediately use the gravitational and forced circuits. When the power disappears, only the gravitational component remains active.

All these elements allow you to feel warm and comfortable even under force majeure circumstances. If we talk specifically about power outages, then they are simply irreplaceable if you have an electric heating boiler.

Features of the boiler piping

Of course - this is the most important device throughout the heating structure. That is why it needs to be positioned correctly depending on the type. The best place to start is with floor equipment. It should not be located at the highest point of the wiring.

If you neglect this advice and place the device at the top of the pipeline, then air pockets are guaranteed to appear. The only thing that can save you from this is the presence of an air vent device.

The main pipe plays a special role. If you do not have an air exhaust device, then it should exit the heating device strictly vertically. Through the pipes below, a connection to the general network is made.

We are piping an open type system with natural circulation

This system is the least difficult to install. The point is that here minimal amount devices that will connect to it. Moreover, it is completely independent of power supply.

Attention ! The main disadvantage this option is the impossibility of controlling the coolant at the outlet.

To install such a structure you will need to follow these rules:

  1. The heating boiler is installed below the radiators. This helps create natural circulation. The minimum difference in height between them is half a meter.
  2. All pipes are installed at a slope. Moreover, the slope should be made in the same direction where the coolant is moving.
  3. The diameter of the pipes must be large. This will reduce the hydraulic resistance.
  4. The expansion tank must be installed in the high place. Quite often it is installed on the roof of a building. This allows you to achieve a sufficient level of pressure in the pipes.
  5. Try not to abuse shut-off valves.
  6. A large number of regulators makes the flow area smaller. So don't install too many of them.

Using these simple rules, you can make high-quality piping for your home and ensure warmth in your rooms at any time of the year. At the same time, you will minimize your dependence on any external factors.


As you can see, there are many ways to piping a heating boiler. You can choose the one that best suits your purposes. Special attention you need to pay attention to equipment and additional elements.

Heating boiler piping call the process of connecting equipment to hot water supply, as well as to distribution networks in accordance with operating standards.

Boiler is the main core of the heating circuit, its type affects choice of strapping scheme. The basic rule for installing a floor-standing boiler is to strictly prohibit its placement in the upper part of the pipeline distribution. If this rule is violated, the boiler, for which air exhaust conditions have not been created, will begin to air the system. The pipe that leaves the boiler without an air vent must be located only vertically. The pipes, which are located at the bottom of the unit, can be designed in such a way that an automatic air vent can be connected to them. Air vents are provided in wall-mounted electric and gas models and are required for connection to the heating network.

To calculate home heating systems, you can use the calculator for calculating heating and home heat loss.

This feature must be taken into account when piping the boiler, for the reason that wall-mounted monoblock models are able to independently ventilate the system.

Varieties of schemes, features of boiler piping.

One of the most important elements of the boiler piping is membrane expansion tank, which allows you to protect the system from water hammer. It is designed in such a way that two cavities, which are separated by a membrane, control pressure differences: the coolant moves through one, and the second is filled with air. For piping heating boilers, it is best to use polypropylene pipes or metal pipes. Piping a boiler using polypropylene pipes has many advantages, the main ones being ease of installation and low cost. Also, plaque does not form on the walls, and due to simple tools piping installation processes are easy to carry out, as is the connection of pipes using polyvinyl chlorides.

Tying gas boilers with polypropylene performed by soldering, this method will completely eliminate leaks that may appear due to poorly installed fittings. The advantage of working with a polypropylene pipeline is the ability to form any circuit. Should also be avoided large quantity connections using polypropylene pipes, you also shouldn’t neglect the possibility of smooth transitions.

For supplying gas to the boiler, the main condition will be rigid connection. For these purposes it is used metal pipe and connection to the unit through an “American” or drive. Gaskets that are used to seal gas boiler connections and gas pipe can only be used from paronite; the use of tow, fum tape and rubber components is prohibited. A properly installed pipeline can last long time and is able to withstand pressure exceeding 25 bar and a coolant temperature of 95 degrees.

Boilers of this type do not have the option of regulating the heat supply. Fuel combustion occurs continuously, so in the event of a power outage, the pump, which is responsible for the forced movement of the coolant, will turn off. But the heating will continue and the pressure will increase, eventually this process will damage the entire system.

To prevent such situations, several types of emergency schemes are provided that allow you to dump excess heat:

  • Emergency supply of cold water;
  • Connecting the pump to batteries or generator;
  • Presence of a gravity circuit;
  • Additional emergency circuit.

It is worth paying attention to the principles of coolant circulation through the heating circuit. This principle is called gravitational, that is, the movement of liquids in the coolant occurs naturally, and the circuit will operate on the principle of forced circulation. In a natural circulation system, movement in a closed system occurs under the influence of the laws of physics; this process is determined by the difference in water density. This type of heating eliminates the consumption of electricity. Natural circulation system, has no special features automatic adjustment. A pattern with natural movement is best suited for a small area.

Advantages of a natural circulation system:

  • Easy to install;
  • Independence from power supply;
  • Low cost;
  • Reliability of operation.

Forced circulation can ensure the creation of the necessary pressure due to the operation of electric pumps. The forced circulation circuit is very convenient to use, as it is controlled automatically provided there is a stable power supply. When using a forced-type scheme, you will be able to select separate temperature parameters for each room, which will be controlled by system sensors.

This system also has its Disadvantages:

  • The complexity of the strapping scheme.
  • Mandatory balancing of parts.
  • Maintenance costs are high.
  • Component parts are expensive.

If heating boiler installation will be performed on primary-secondary rings, then the presence of a large number of fastening and connection elements is not required, but instead they will require the installation of pumps on heating rings. The system, which will consist of rings, together with the floor-standing boiler, will need to be supplemented with combs - heating manifolds, to evenly distribute the coolant supply to the heating elements.

Single-circuit and double-circuit heating boiler.

It has a fairly simple operating principle. During installation, it is connected to the chimney. For the normal functioning of the system, the presence of normal natural draft is sufficient.

Often install single-circuit boilers, which in their design have an open combustion chamber, which requires the creation of certain conditions in the room.

During its operation, the boiler uses air from the room. That is why it should be installed in a separate room. It is worth noting that when a single-circuit boiler operates, substances and gases harmful to the human body accumulate, this is the main reason for the need to equip a room with a boiler with a chimney or hood. If all the above conditions are created, the risk of explosion will be eliminated and will also ensure safe use equipment.

differs from its single-circuit analogue in its universal purpose: it maintains the coolant temperature in the heating circuit and heats water for domestic needs. Single-circuit generators can also indirectly heat water. The heat transfer process is carried out during the passage of the coolant through the secondary heat exchanger.

The main difference between a double-circuit boiler and a single-circuit boiler is the direct transfer of thermal energy to water. The main feature is that when hot water is consumed, the coolant is not subject to heating, and parallel operation of two circuits is excluded. Practice shows that the operating mode of the boiler is not important for houses with high-quality thermal insulation, it follows that with thermal inertia, the heating circuit will be the same for any type of heating. An impressive volume of hot water can be obtained by combining a single-circuit design and heating columns.

Double-circuit boiler It should not be designed in combination with a natural circulation system, since after the heating of the coolant stops, the movement of the liquid quickly stops. The secondary heating process takes quite a long time, and the heat in the radiator is distributed unevenly.

The main advantage of the scheme is the ability to work in natural circulation mode. The booster of the collector in this case is a pipe through which the coolant moves to the upper filling.

Schematic diagram of heating boiler piping.

It is important to understand that heating efficiency will directly depend on the accuracy of the connection. General wiring diagram for heating boilers various types, including solid fuel and condensation types, is quite simple, and looks like this:

  • Boiler;
  • Radiator;
  • “American” nuts - for connecting the boiler to the heating system;
  • Ball valves - to disconnect the boiler from the system;
  • Filters for cleaning - will protect against non-standard water fractions;
  • Thermal heads, tees, Mayevsky taps Angles and tees;
  • Valves: straight through, separating, air and safety;
  • Expansion tanks;
  • Heat meter;
  • Pressure gauge, thermometer, hydraulic separator, circulation pump;
  • Clamps and other fastening parts.

Everyone knows that when heated, the density of water changes and it expands. In this case, pressure begins to increase, which can lead to an explosion. If there is an expansion tank, excess coolant goes into it.

The size of the tank also matters, keep in mind that expansion tanks differ in purpose and color (a red tank is used for the heating system). When connecting a heating system, it is necessary to create in the tank required pressure- factory parameters usually do not correspond to the norm.

Safety valves, air vent and circulation pump.

Not used with an open heating system. The main purpose of the valve is to protect the boiler from damage in the event of a sudden pressure surge in the system. As a rule, the valve is forgotten or a model or safety group with other characteristics is installed. As the valve responds, some water will naturally be released from the system, providing pressure relief and protection.

It must be installed immediately after installing the boiler, this is necessary to avoid “airing the system”. The air vent must stand strictly vertically upward. If the air vent begins to leak, a shut-off valve is installed in front of it for ease of replacement with a new one.

It will work properly only when the axis is in a horizontal position, and this position will significantly extend the “life” of the bearings. The pump mechanism should be protected from external dirt and debris.

Errors when piping heating boilers.

Attention: An incorrectly calculated boiler power will not be able to provide the required level of heating. The power must exceed the heat transfer parameters according to the formula 1 kW x 10 m 2, since in cold weather heat quickly disappears through windows and doors. A large boiler will be able to heat the system faster and, naturally, will consume more resources, but will turn on less often. You should also not forget about the flow of fresh air into the room in which the boiler operates; this is necessary for the combustion process and especially applies to a small area.

Conclusion: Competent installation and accurate calculations of the heating boiler power will help create maximum comfort for living in a country house at any time of the year.