Mixer      01/07/2021

Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke. Healing properties of Jerusalem artichoke. The use of Jerusalem artichoke: recipes What plant is called an earthen pear

Useful properties and chemical composition of Jerusalem artichoke. Contraindications for its use and possible harm. Recipes for the most delicious first and second courses, side dishes and drinks with this vegetable.

The content of the article:

Jerusalem artichoke is perennial from the Astrov family, the genus "Sunflower". It is commonly known as "ground pear", "bulba" and "Jerusalem artichoke". It can reach a height of 3-4 m, has a powerful root system. Raw fruits are mainly used for food, outwardly similar to ginger, with a characteristic sweet aftertaste and delicate aroma. Optionally, they can be baked, canned, marinated and fried. This vegetable is native to North America, in a wild and cultivated form, it also grows in the expanses of Europe, where it was brought by the navigator Samuel de Champlain back in the 17th century. Then the "green pear" was used mainly for medical purposes, at that time the use of Jerusalem artichoke in the treatment was discovered. diabetes.

Composition and caloric content of Jerusalem artichoke

The calorie content of Jerusalem artichoke is relatively low, so it can be safely consumed while sitting on various diets.

Calorie content per 100 g of raw Jerusalem artichoke is 61 kcal, of which:

  • Proteins - 2.1 g;
  • Fats - 0.1 g;
  • Carbohydrates - 12.8 g;
  • Organic acids - 0.1 g;
  • Dietary fiber - 4.5 g;
  • Water - 79 g;
  • Ash - 1.4 g.
Vitamins per 100 g:
  • A - 2 μg;
  • Beta-Carotene - 0.012 mg;
  • B1, thiamine - 0.07 mg;
  • B2, riboflavin - 0.06 mg;
  • C, ascorbic acid - 6 mg;
  • E, alpha tocopherol, TE - 0.2 mg;
  • RR, NE - 1.6 mg;
  • Niacin - 1.3 mg.
Macronutrients per 100 g:
  • Potassium, K - 200 mg;
  • Calcium, Ca - 20 mg;
  • Magnesium, Mg - 12 mg;
  • Sodium, Na - 3 mg;
  • Phosphorus, Ph - 78 mg.
Of the microelements in Jerusalem artichoke, 815 μg of aluminum and 0.4 mg of iron fall on 100 g.

Digestible carbohydrates are represented by mono- and disaccharides (3.2 g) and starch with dextrins (9.6 g).

Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke

This vegetable is not very popular, but is sometimes used in medicine, cosmetology, and cooking due to its diverse chemical composition. First of all, its benefits are noticeable in the treatment of patients with diabetes mellitus. Since it contains a high percentage of inulin, glucose levels naturally stabilize. True, this applies mainly to those who suffer from a disease of the second type. In this case, the most useful are the pulp or juice of raw fruits.

Jerusalem artichoke provides:

  1. Elimination of potassium deficiency. Without this macronutrient, the risk of developing neuralgia noticeably increases, the condition of the skin worsens, it becomes somehow pale and dry, and flaky. It is also important for cardiology, normalizing heart rate and blood pressure.
  2. Immunity Boost. This is due to the high content ascorbic acid. As a result, a person is less susceptible to infections and viruses. This is especially noticeable in winter, when the body is sharply weakened.
  3. Mood improvement. Reduced risk of depression and mental disorders the person has more energy.
  4. Normalization of digestion. Jerusalem artichoke effectively fights constipation, cleansing the intestines, inhibits pathogenic microflora in the stomach, and accelerates the outflow of bile. As a result, heartburn, nausea, dysbacteriosis disappear.
  5. Cleansing the body. With regular use, toxins, slags, radionuclides, salts of heavy metals and other debris are removed. As a result, overall well-being improves and excess weight disappears.
  6. weight loss. It is possible due to the presence of methionine in the composition, which cleanses the body of cholesterol and starts the process of natural fat burning.
  7. Strengthening Growth. This is definitely true for children with developmental delays. Arginine, which is part of the composition, helps to achieve this effect.
  8. Strengthening bones. This is easily explained by the fact that Jerusalem artichoke is a rich source of calcium. It is also necessary for the health of teeth, beauty of hair and skin.
  9. Fast satisfaction of hunger. This, again, is useful for diabetics who need to snack every 2-3 hours. This property is no less important for those who want to lose weight. At the same time, due to the low calorie content, the vegetable is considered dietary.
  10. vision improvement. Jerusalem artichoke contains the most important vitamins A and E for the eyes, especially useful for cataracts. This is where fruit juice comes into play.
Quite popular is the fiber of Jerusalem artichoke, which prevents Alzheimer's disease, myocardial infarction, and colitis. The root vegetables themselves maintain muscle tone and prevent hearing impairment, they are necessary for the production of thyroid hormones in order to avoid the appearance of hyperthyroidism and goiter. Regularly including them in the diet, you can alleviate the course of gout, tuberculosis, cystitis, urolithiasis, pancreatitis.

Important! With heartburn, vomiting, nausea, chronic constipation associated with colitis and gastritis, Jerusalem artichoke juice, infusions and decoctions are used.

Harm and contraindications to the use of Jerusalem artichoke

Listing the contraindications of Jerusalem artichoke, one cannot but say that it is not recommended to include it in the menu for bloating, severe flatulence, colitis in the acute stage, since it increases gas formation. Raw root crops are unacceptable to use with stomach ulcers and 12 duodenal ulcers, as they contain a lot of dietary fiber that irritates the walls of these organs.

Very carefully, you should introduce an earthen pear into the diet of children under 3 years old due to the fact that they often suffer from allergies. Its use by people with hypersensitivity to substances in the composition and their individual intolerance is not allowed.

But even if everything is in order with this, you should not abuse Jerusalem artichoke, since its juice has a very active effect on the stomach and intestines.

Jerusalem artichoke recipes

Tubers can be used in any form - fried, stewed, cheese, pickled. They practically never lose their beneficial features after heat treatment. They make delicious cold and hot salads, first and second courses, sandwiches. Both the juice and the pulp of the fruit are widely used in the treatment. The main thing is to always wash vegetables thoroughly and peel them before using them.

Here are some of the most delicious recipes:

  • cold salad. First of all, take care of the tubers that need to be peeled and grated on a coarse grater, they will need 2-3 pieces. Then do the same work with carrots (1 pc.) And ginger root (1 pc.). After that, cut half a bunch of dill as small as possible, mix all the ingredients, salt them, season with lemon juice (10-20 drops) and apple cider vinegar(5 drops).
  • hot salad. Rinse 3 sprigs of arugula and 0.5 cups of radicchio, dry them on a towel and pour 0.5 liters of boiling water. Then the same must be done with the mango, which will need 2 pcs. When the fruit has cooled, remove the peel from them and cut into strips. Mix it with chopped arugula and radicchio. Then boil 200 g of squid in salted water and cut into cubes 3 slices of a white loaf. Next, chop the onion, again into strips, combine all the ingredients, add 2-3 tbsp. l. sour cream, pepper and salt to taste. Ready salad can be served both separately and as sandwiches, spread on bread.
  • sandwiches. You will need one medium-sized Sterling white onion, 50 g of homemade heavy cream, 8 thin slices of a white loaf and 2 large Jerusalem artichoke tubers. The latter must be peeled and grated or twisted in a meat grinder. The same must be done with onions, then combine all the vegetables. Then you should smear the slices of loaf with a thin layer of cream and sprinkle them with pre-salted pulp. With gastritis, the mass can be steamed under a lid over low heat.
  • cream soup. Pour boiling water over and clean the roots of the plant, 1-2 pieces will be enough. Cut carrots and onions into 1 dice. and fry in vegetable oil. Then chop one celery fruit, mix it all and pour boiled water (1.5 l). Then put the mixture on low heat and cook for half an hour. 1-2 minutes before turning off, add grated processed cheese. At the end, beat the soup in a blender, turning it into a homogeneous gruel. Before serving, add a few tablespoons of sour cream and a sprig of parsley.
  • Stew. To make 4 servings, you will need to peel and grate the 3rd part of a small pumpkin, chop 1 bell pepper and 2-3 celery stalks. Next, they wash and twist the eggplant through a meat grinder (2-3 pcs.). Then chop one onion and 2 cloves of garlic. After that, the mass is salted to taste, pepper, add a pinch of turmeric and dried basil. The last step - pour into the pan olive oil cold pressed (0.2 l) and pour out all the ingredients. They are fried until golden brown, poured with boiling water (0.4 l) and tomato (5 tablespoons). All this is brought to a boil, transferred to a deep enameled saucepan and simmered over low heat for about 30 minutes. If desired, the finished dish is decorated with chopped dill and parsley right on the plate.
  • Souffle. Grate salted hard cheese (250 g) and whip cream 35% fat (80 ml). Then you need to do the same with 3 yolks and peel 2-3 tubers. Then they must be twisted through a meat grinder or chopped in a blender and fried in oil. After that, all the ingredients are combined, salted and laid out in a baking dish (the cheese comes last), which is put in the oven for 30 minutes. During this time, the soufflé should be well baked and acquire a golden crust. Ready meal you can pour sour cream and sprinkle with chopped dill.
  • Canned Jerusalem artichoke. Wash root vegetables (2-3 pieces) and peel, cut into cubes and transfer to a 3-liter sterilized jar. Next, add 3 cloves of garlic, half a red pepper, 3 bay leaves, an umbrella of dried dill and a small sprig of currant. Then fill the jars with boiling water to the top, pour 1 tbsp. l. salt and roll up. Put them upside down and cover with a blanket, which will need to be removed after 2-3 days.
  • Coffee. Tubers (2 pcs.) are peeled, cut into strips and fried for 2-3 minutes. Then they are poured with boiling water (0.8 l) and left for 20 minutes. After that, the liquid is drained, and the infusion is used as tea leaves - it is diluted by 50% with water.
  • Kvass. It's just a great summer drink! To prepare it, you need to wash the tubers well, cut into slices, add water and leave to ferment for 2-3 days under the lid. After the specified time, the liquid is drained and consumed as desired.

Note! Jerusalem artichoke can be stored outside the refrigerator for more than 2-3 months, the optimal conditions for it are low humidity, lack of natural light and temperatures between 10 and 20 degrees Celsius. For the winter, you can safely freeze a vegetable by cutting it into cubes - all the useful substances are preserved in it.

This vegetable is used not only to treat people, but also to improve the yield in the garden. To do this, it is planted near the beds, after which it begins to actively and independently spread further. Due to the long stems of the plant, it can be safely used as a hedge. Due to the deep roots, it does not allow weeds to grow. Jerusalem artichoke tubers are also useful for chickens, they are used as feed to speed up egg production.

Until the 18th century, these root crops were confused with potatoes, as they are similar in their chemical composition. Its consumption has decreased just the same with the acquisition of popularity by a colleague. In tsarist Russia, he was known not at all as a vegetable, but as medicinal plant who treated heart patients.

In medicine, Jerusalem artichoke serves as a source of inulin, which is necessary for those suffering from diabetes. Fried fruits taste very similar to chips, so in the USA they are often prepared from this product. The Americans have gone even further and are already offering diet coffee based on this root crop.

Studying the cosmetic recipes of Jerusalem artichoke, it is necessary to note medicinal decoctions, masks, infusions and tinctures. To make a facial cleanser, grate 1 vegetable, add 3 tablespoons olive oil, and spread the mixture on your skin. After 15 minutes, remove it and wash with cool water. Repeat the procedure once a week, then apply a moisturizer.

For the treatment of diabetes and other diseases, root juice is used, which can be obtained by twisting them in a meat grinder and squeezing the liquid through gauze.

How to cook Jerusalem artichoke - look at the video:

Considering how rich the composition of Jerusalem artichoke is, choosing it, you definitely will not regret it. The dishes prepared with it are very tender, soft and pleasant in taste. To be honest, it is not entirely clear why they began to ignore it in the vastness of the CIS, massively switching to potatoes.

Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial plant that has adapted well to harsh winters temperate climate. You can not dig it out every year, it winters well in the ground, does not need watering and weeding, it always gives good harvest. Jerusalem artichoke, medicinal properties and whose contraindications are well studied, has no analogues, and deserves special attention.

The carbohydrate that makes up this root vegetable is called inulin. During storage, it turns into fructose, which gives Jerusalem artichoke a sweetish taste after cooking. Inulin is very useful for digestion, it maintains the necessary microflora in the intestines.

Jerusalem artichoke also contains many trace elements - magnesium, chromium, calcium, iron, various vitamins, especially group C. Jerusalem artichoke or ground pear is a unique vegetable that does not accumulate nitrates. It does not form harmful substances during storage.

Jerusalem artichoke is used not only for food, but also for the preparation of nourishing masks. It helps maintain youthfulness and beauty of the skin. To do this, the root crop is washed, peeled, rubbed on a fine grater and a face mask is made from the resulting slurry. Jerusalem artichoke contains fruit acids that cleanse dead cells from the upper keratinized layer of the skin. This procedure helps to restore a healthy color to the face. To improve the cleansing properties of the mask, you can add honey or lemon to it.

Jerusalem artichoke helps to heal many ailments, it is used in dietary nutrition and preventive treatment.

Medicinal properties

Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke are due to its chemical composition and high nutritional value.

Consumption of this root vegetable helps:

  • maintain youth;
  • cleanse the body of toxins and heavy metals;
  • increase immunity;
  • reduce the incidence of acute respiratory infections in children and adults;
  • prevent the development of oncology;
  • treat the heart and blood vessels;
  • improve eyesight;
  • relieve joint pain, etc.

The leaves and stems of the plant are also healing, decoctions, teas, and bath infusions are made from them. Helps Jerusalem artichoke in the treatment of anemia and hypertension, removes headaches, removes excess water from the body.

What diseases does it help?

Jerusalem artichoke is very useful for people with diabetes, it reduces blood sugar. When used, it significantly reduces the need for drugs.

Jerusalem artichoke is also useful for healthy people, in order to feel the result, you need to eat it regularly for 2-3 months. Eating a root crop is a good prevention not only of diabetes, but also of cardiovascular diseases.

With regular use of Jerusalem artichoke, vision improves, it relieves headaches associated with high blood pressure. For the treatment of hypertension, tea is brewed from the leaves, or a drink is made from dried root vegetables.

Baths of leaves and stems relieve joint pain. Jerusalem artichoke helps to preserve youth due to its unique ability to remove harmful substances from the large intestine.

Rules for taking an earthen pear

When buying Jerusalem artichoke, you need to pay attention to the fact that the tubers are elastic, firm, not wrinkled. Store in a food paper bag in the refrigerator. If the root crop is cut, its shelf life should not exceed 2 days.

Raw vegetables have the most nutrients. It can be added to any vegetable salads. To taste, it resembles a juicy stalk white cabbage or radish, just a little sweeter and softer. There are varieties with large, even-shaped nodules that are easy to clean.

To maintain health, you need to eat 100 g of Jerusalem artichoke per day.

First and second courses are prepared from the root crop, pancakes are baked, kvass is made, jam is made. Dried tubers make a wonderful drink that imitates coffee. You can make it at home. To do this, the grated root crop is dried in a pan, and ground in a coffee grinder, like coffee beans, until finely ground. Then brewed in a coffee maker, getting healing drink Brown color.

Useful properties for weight loss

The use of Jerusalem artichoke in food helps to normalize metabolic processes and cleanse the body of toxins. This helps in the fight against excess weight.

Thanks to inulin and dietary fiber contained in the root crop, digestion is normalized, and the work of the stomach improves. The problem of constipation and poisoning with toxins disappears, appetite returns to normal.

With regular use of the root crop, excess fluid leaves the body, as it has a diuretic effect. It also has a positive effect on health, and contributes to weight loss.

How to use for men's health?

Useful properties of Jerusalem artichoke help men of all ages to maintain the health of the genitourinary system. For the prevention of prostate adenoma, it is necessary to consume 100 g of tubers daily in raw or baked form.

From Jerusalem artichoke, you can cook various salads with the addition of vegetable oil and others healthy vegetables or baked in a pot with meat.

Jerusalem artichoke syrup: benefits and applications

Amber-yellow Jerusalem artichoke syrup has a sweet taste with a slight sourness. The sour taste comes from adding lemon juice to the recipe. The calorie content of the syrup is 267 kcal per 100 g. You can buy it at a pharmacy or cook it yourself at home by evaporating the juice squeezed from the tubers.

Such a syrup perfectly replaces granulated sugar during a diet. It is taken in the morning 1 hour before meals and in the evening before bedtime, 1 tbsp. l., within 14 days.

The health benefits of syrup are manifested in improving overall well-being, strengthening immunity, normalizing metabolism, cleansing the body of toxins, and improving the gastrointestinal tract.

Green pear recipes

Recipes with Jerusalem artichoke are varied, it is fried, stewed, eaten raw, salads are made from it, sweet pastries, drinks and jam. When cooked, the Jerusalem artichoke looks like a sweet potato, but it is a completely different vegetable, and it is not correct to compare it with a potato.

Jerusalem artichoke salad

The root vegetable in the salad does not have much taste, but is very useful. It darkens quickly, so after peeling it, it is advisable to sprinkle it with lemon juice.

For a salad, you can take:

  • green apple;
  • bell pepper;
  • carrot;
  • petiole celery;
  • Beijing or ordinary cabbage;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • Jerusalem artichoke.


  1. For vegetable salad Jerusalem artichoke tubers are grated along with apples and carrots.
  2. Bulgarian pepper is cut into thin strips, several sprigs of greens are crushed.
  3. The grated ingredients are poured with juice from half a lemon.
  4. After mixing, the salad is seasoned with vegetable oil and soy sauce, decorated with a sprig of greens.

in a pot

It is delicious to cook a root crop in a pot. Put in layers: a meat piece of pork or chicken, carrots, Bell pepper and peeled Jerusalem artichoke, cut into slices. Top with grated hard cheese, or sprinkle with mayonnaise. Vegetables and meat must be seasoned with spices. You can use suneli hops, Provence herbs, basil, paprika, black pepper, oregano, coriander. The pot is placed in the oven and stewed until tender.

in a frying pan

Jerusalem artichoke can be fried in a pan. To do this, the tubers are cut thinly, like chips. The skin can not be cleaned, just wash it well with a brush. Fried in vegetable oil, lightly sprinkled with salt.

Composition, calories

In terms of chemical composition, Jerusalem artichoke resembles potatoes, but is much more nutritious than it.

100 g of the product contains:

  • ash - 1.1 g;
  • proteins - 3 g;
  • water - 81 g;
  • pectins - 0.1 g;
  • fiber - 0.8 g;
  • carbohydrates - 15 g.

Calorie content is 73 kcal.

In addition, the root crop is rich in minerals and vitamins:

  • ascorbic acid - 20 g;
  • thiamine - 0.24 g;
  • riboflavin - 0.5 g;
  • folic acid - 1 mcg;
  • niacin - 0.3 mcg;
  • pyridoxine - 0.03 mcg;
  • pantothenic acid - 0.1 g;
  • potassium - 280 g;
  • sodium - 3.4 mg;
  • magnesium - 6 mg;
  • iron - 180 mg;
  • calcium - 16 mg.

The composition of the root crop also contains organic acids - malic, malonic, fumaric and succinic.

Contraindications and possible harm

The benefits of the root crop far outweigh the disadvantages. Caution should be used by those who are still unfamiliar with this vegetable in order to check the reaction of the body.

In people who are prone to flatulence, consumption of the root vegetable may cause a slight increase in gas formation in the intestines. You should also be careful with kidney or gallstones.

Taking syrup or eating dishes from Jerusalem artichoke is very useful, especially when not yet obvious signs some disease. Such a diet will be a good prevention of various ailments.

The word "Jerusalem artichoke" for many people sounds unfamiliar. It is unfortunate that such a wonderful root crop has an undeservedly low popularity. We invite you to study Jerusalem artichoke together, the beneficial properties and contraindications of this product, as well as some recipes for preparing delicious and nutritious dishes.

Origin story

The root crop got its unusual name from the name of the tribe of North American Indians - Jerusalem artichoke. In the American Great Lakes regions unique plant began to grow two thousand years ago. Jerusalem artichoke came to Europe before potatoes. This happened in the 16th century with the assistance of French settlers who were saved from famine in 1610 thanks to unknown tubers. In France, Jerusalem artichoke really liked, and they began to grow it as cultivated plant. It was soon replaced by potatoes, which showed higher yields and had a neutral taste. Gradually, Jerusalem artichoke moved into the category of delicacy plants and began to receive undeservedly little attention from people.

The vegetable became widespread in Russia only in the thirties of the last century. This was largely facilitated by the All-Union Conference on the study of this culture organized by Academician N.I. Vavilov. On it, an outstanding breeder gave a detailed description of the plant and called for the cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke everywhere. Useful properties and treatment of various diseases by the root crop began to be actively used in folk medicine.

biological portrait

Its other name - earthen pear - the plant received because of its external resemblance to sweet fruits. The Jerusalem artichoke has many more various "nicknames": sun root, Jerusalem artichoke, tuberous sunflower, sweet or schnapps potatoes. Various names have been assigned to the root crop over the years, all thanks to its remarkable properties and extraordinary usefulness.

Experienced gardeners speak of Jerusalem artichoke as an unpretentious vegetable crop that does not require special attention and special care. A perennial herbaceous plant capable of growing up to three meters in height in a season. But the main value is in its tubers, which safely winter in the ground. Their shape is varied and may resemble a pear, an apple or a spindle. Under the thin skin lies a white elastic pulp, which has a slight aftertaste of sunflower oil. Tubers in the soil are able to withstand severe frosts, reaching -30 o C.

Unique Features

The healing properties of Jerusalem artichoke are based on the most valuable quality - the almost complete absence of heavy metals in it. The root crop has an amazing ability - not to absorb any artificial fertilizers and harmful substances. Moreover, Jerusalem artichoke grows well on lands affected by radiation, while remaining absolutely clean.

The unusual taste and dense structure allow you to eat a vegetable in any form: raw, fried, boiled. From it you can cook sweet dishes, compotes, jam, mashed potatoes and much more. Any food will be extremely healthy if the preparation is based on Jerusalem artichoke. Medicinal properties (photos of the plant are presented in the article) are based on a rich chemical composition root crop.

Benefits of ground pear

If you list all the components that make up the root crop, you get a very long list, which will include a large part of the elements of the periodic table of Mendeleev. Iron, potassium, silicon, magnesium, zinc, various vitamins, carbohydrates - this is just a small list of the most important substances that Jerusalem artichoke contains.

Useful properties and treatment of various diseases are based on the remarkable property of the plant to remove toxins from the human body. The action of a root crop can be compared to the work of a brush, which thoroughly cleans everything around it. The removal of toxic substances is facilitated by the presence of pectin, which contains Jerusalem artichoke in excess.

Useful properties and contraindications to the use of this vegetable are of interest to many. Note that there are much more of the former:

  • A rich set of trace elements, similar in composition to the pharmacy potassium-magnesium complex, improves cardiac activity, cleanses the walls of blood vessels and stabilizes blood pressure.
  • The high content of iron quickly cures the body of anemia.
  • Jerusalem artichoke improves the intestinal microflora in dysbacteriosis, allows you to cope with such a problem as constipation.
  • A high anti-inflammatory effect is observed in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases: ulcers, colitis, gastritis.
  • Vegetable perfectly neutralizes heartburn.
  • It has a choleretic property.
  • Recommended in cosmetology for rejuvenating procedures and improving tone skin.

All men should be aware that the medicinal properties of Jerusalem artichoke have a positive effect on the sexual sphere, helping to maintain potency until the most advanced years. Also earthen pear reliably prevents the development of prostate adenoma. Regular eating useful plant forever relieve men of unpleasant ailments.

The healing properties of Jerusalem artichoke also apply to children. Delicious dishes from ground pear improve appetite, increase the level of hemoglobin in the blood and promote general strengthening immunity. Thus, Jerusalem artichoke can be considered a family product.

Inulin - the basis of the healing properties of Jerusalem artichoke

The content of solids in the ground pear reaches 20%. Of them most of(about 80%) falls on the carbohydrate inulin. It is a natural analogue of insulin, almost entirely composed of fructose. Once in the body, inulin partially breaks down into individual molecules and enters the bloodstream. The remaining unsplit part actively binds and removes from the body a large number of harmful and ballast substances, including: fatty acids, toxic compounds, heavy metals, pathogenic microbes. Strengthening the contraction of the intestinal walls, inulin helps to release the body from toxins and undigested food. In the blood vessels, the molecules of this carbohydrate perform a similar job, cleaning them from harmful metabolic products and chemical components that have entered the bloodstream with medications.

The healing properties of Jerusalem artichoke are manifested in the body's stable resistance to various infections, intestinal bacteria and viral diseases. Inulin also has a lot of positive effects, including the improvement of the intestinal microflora, the activation of the gastrointestinal tract, the stimulation of the gallbladder and the protective functions of the liver. A high antitumor effect of carbohydrate was also noted.

The polysaccharide inulin is an ideal sugar substitute, its presence allows the vegetable to be actively used in dietary nutrition. Jerusalem artichoke is an indispensable tool for the treatment and prevention of diabetes. Doctors recommend regularly eating several tubers a day, and the blood sugar will always be normal.

Be careful when using

No matter how useful the product is, there is always a considerable number of people who do not tolerate Jerusalem artichoke. Medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of this culture should be known to everyone who wants to replenish the menu with an interesting vegetable. In any case, you need to introduce a new product into your diet gradually, checking the body's reaction to it.

It is imperative to take into account the fact that some substances in the composition of Jerusalem artichoke contribute to increased gas formation in the intestines. People suffering from flatulence, it is better to avoid eating earthen pear dishes. Even if your body will readily accept a delicious root crop, you should never abuse it.

Leaves and stems: benefit

Of great importance are not only tubers, but also the ground parts of the Jerusalem artichoke plant. Medicinal properties, recipes for the preparation of medicinal tinctures and tea will be useful to know for those people who suffer from various diseases joints. The easiest way to prepare a decoction of dried leaves and stems. A tablespoon of the crushed mass is poured into a glass of boiling water and infused for half an hour. The resulting drink can be drunk evenly throughout the day in small portions.

An additional effect will have a bath, for which Jerusalem artichoke leaves are brewed. Medicinal properties allow the use of such procedures to alleviate the condition with arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, osteochondrosis. Baths are also good in the complex of therapeutic measures after injuries of the musculoskeletal system. To prepare a decoction, 100 g of dry or fresh chopped leaves should be poured with five liters of water and boiled a little over moderate heat. After forty minutes, the resulting mixture should be filtered and added to the bath. The procedure should not take more than 15 minutes.

People suffering from vascular disorders also benefit from a bath that uses the stems and leaves of Jerusalem artichoke. The beneficial properties of the plant determine the positive effect of such procedures on the walls of blood vessels. The recommended course of treatment is at least ten baths. You can repeat the therapy after a monthly break. Green decoction is also used as a homemade lotion, rubbing it daily on the skin of the face and neck. natural remedy remarkably cleanses and tones the epithelium, also eliminating dermatitis, diathesis and acne.

In the treatment of many diseases ethnoscience recommends taking tea from Jerusalem artichoke. The beneficial properties of the drink are varied and multifaceted. But you should not prescribe it yourself, it is better to first consult with your doctor.

For those who want to replace the use white sugar useful natural substitutes, will serve as an excellent alternative to Jerusalem artichoke syrup. Its beneficial properties are based on the rich content of fructose, which can completely replace the usual sugar sweetness. By appearance and the taste of the syrup resembles flower honey, which is distinguished by a transparent amber hue. It can be added to taste in hot drinks, compotes, confectionery and chocolate.

Jerusalem artichoke in cooking

The medicinal properties of Jerusalem artichoke can be used in the organization of a healthy diet. In addition, ground pear-based dishes can significantly diversify the daily menu.

  • Salad. Adding raw chopped Jerusalem artichoke tubers to the seasonal vegetable mixture will significantly enrich it with flavors and increase nutritional value. Carrots, apples, beets, go well with earthen pears, sauerkraut. It is desirable to season vegetables with vegetable oil - sunflower or olive. You can also prepare a salad from a boiled root vegetable. For 3-4 medium-sized tubers, add boiled eggs (2 pcs.) And canned young corn (1 can). Cut all products (except the last one) into medium cubes and season with mayonnaise. The end result is a nutritious meal.

How to choose the right root crops

When buying Jerusalem artichoke in a store, you first need to look at the condition of its skin. wrinkled look and dark spots they talk about the low quality of the product and the violation of the rules for its storage. The tuber should be firm to the touch, with no visible damage or soft spots. The normal surface of Jerusalem artichoke looks slightly rough and uneven in places.

Storage rules

The thin skin of Jerusalem artichoke is easily damaged during transportation and storage. Keep the tubers in the refrigerator by placing them in a paper bag. At home, Jerusalem artichoke can normally be stored for no longer than a month. Therefore, do not store it in large quantities. Freezing will greatly extend the shelf life.

For those people who grow their own vegetables on garden plots, it is recommended to leave part of the crop in the ground without digging until spring. So all the useful properties of the plant are preserved. The stock of sugars and vitamins during the cold period will not only be preserved, but also multiplied.

Other uses of Jerusalem artichoke

Ground pear is useful not only in nutrition and treatment. There are some plant varieties that are also used as ornamental crops. As you can see, Jerusalem artichoke has a multiple purpose: it benefits nutrition, decorates the territory of the garden and reliably protects other plantings in the garden with tall and strong stems.

In beekeeping, the use of earth pear as a late honey crop is also noted. The green mass of Jerusalem artichoke serves as an excellent food for pets.

Jerusalem artichoke received its name from one of the tribes of the Indians of Chile, namely, "Jerusalem artichoke". In addition, there are other names, some people call it "earthen pear", "solar root", "Jerusalem artichoke". Each of them has its own history, and was formed over many hundreds of years.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers. © net_efekt Content:

Jerusalem artichoke value

Jerusalem artichoke differs from other root crops in its great nutritional value. It looks like a potato, but nutritional properties much richer. In addition, Jerusalem artichoke is much more unpretentious than potatoes, it is practically not afraid of pests, the type of soil and its humidity are not important to it, and its growth is not dependent on the illumination of the site. Jerusalem artichoke is a perennial plant, and even if you absolutely do not devote time to it, it will bear fruit perfectly. And the main difference between the “ground pear” and the potato is that it contains many more vitamins and various substances useful for the human body.

More specifically, let's focus on vitamins and useful substances, which are contained in Jerusalem artichoke:

  • copper, zinc, vitamin C, sulfur, carotenoids, silicon - substances that provide the production of collagen in the human body, which can increase skin elasticity and firmness;
  • zinc - is responsible for anti-inflammatory processes in the human body, in addition, it normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands, thereby reducing the likelihood of acne on problem areas of the skin;
  • iron, vitamins B1 and B5, phosphorus and potassium are necessary for the human body.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers in a section. © Alpha

Cosmetic properties of Jerusalem artichoke

Knowing the beneficial properties of trace elements contained in Jerusalem artichoke, cosmetologists widely use it to reduce skin flabbiness and wrinkles, as well as to relieve inflammation of the skin. Not many people know that using Jerusalem artichoke masks you can fight seborrhea.

Jerusalem artichoke flowers. © Charlotte Wasteson

Healing properties of Jerusalem artichoke

Jerusalem artichoke root, once in the colon, is able to absorb a huge amount of harmful bacteria, thereby reducing the likelihood of cancerous tumors in the intestine. Jerusalem artichoke is also used in the fight against constipation, gastritis and colitis.

Many doctors recommend that diabetics take Jerusalem artichoke to reduce sugar and cholesterol levels in the body. It is also known that Jerusalem artichoke is able to increase blood flow to the walls of the stomach, which will significantly improve the functioning of the vascular system. In addition to all of the above, it should be noted that the root crop has a very positive effect on the functioning of the pancreas, which produces digestive hormones and enzymes that affect the state of the whole organism as a whole.

Jerusalem artichoke, or earthen pear (Jerusalem artichoke), is a perennial compound plant, widely known for its beneficial properties, which appeared in Russia about half a century ago. Its tubers are a nutritious product with an optimal ratio of nutrients.

The properties of Jerusalem artichoke are not fully understood, but herbalists recommend it for people suffering from one of the following ailments:

  • chronic and acute infections gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the bone department;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • colds and viruses;
  • gastritis, peptic ulcer, hepatitis;
  • diabetes mellitus (inulin lowers blood sugar levels and minimizes the likelihood of complications).

It is also an excellent prophylactic for heart risks due to its high potassium content.

For bone and muscle health

It is enough to take 50-100 g of Jerusalem artichoke root per day, and you will never know what it is. strong pain in back. Silicon in the Jerusalem artichoke directly affects the bones and cartilages of the spine, improving its condition, and also prevents premature weakening of the muscular corset.

Purifying properties

Being a kind of absorbent, the plant cleanses the body, neutralizing harmful substances (heavy metals and poisons) that enter the body along with poorly washed low-quality food or components environment(exhaust gases, etc.). For residents of megacities - just what the doctor ordered.

Juice from tuberculosis

With tuberculosis, 2-3 glasses of juice drunk on an empty stomach will ease the course of the disease and speed up recovery.

Application in oncology

The number 1 reason why you should pay attention to the beneficial properties of the Jerusalem artichoke is the prevention of malignant tumors. Take 1 teaspoon Jerusalem artichoke powder every morning on an empty stomach to reduce the risk.

For men's health

This miracle plant helps to restore male power. It has been proven that patients who have become accustomed to eating tubers as part of salads do not complain about a decrease in potency. Ground pear allows you to cope with the most common problem among men of middle and old age - prostate adenoma.

Harm and side effects

Everyone can eat the root crop, since no acute contraindications have been identified, but doctors advise caution for people suffering from flatulence (the product promotes gas formation and bloating).

nutritional value

There are no more than 61 kcal per 100 g of the product, which is suitable for people on a diet, and the percentage of basic nutrients will please the most picky nutritionist: 2.1% protein, 0.1% fat and 12.8% carbohydrates. Dietary fiber and sodium make up 4.5% and 3%, respectively.

Jerusalem artichoke is superior in nutritional value to many vegetable crops. It can completely replace starchy root vegetables such as potatoes.

No other vegetable contains so many amino acids (arginine, histidine, leucine and methionine), high concentrations of vitamins C and B, trace elements (sodium, calcium and potassium, zinc, silicon and iron) and organic acids (fumaric, citric and malic acids). ).


To fully enjoy the taste of Jerusalem artichoke and get the most out of its medicinal properties, cook something delicious according to one of the recipes below.


Fry the tubers peeled and chopped in a blender over medium heat in a small amount of oil. Add beaten eggs, seasoning (salt, pepper) and bake in the oven until cooked. Green onion stalks will decorate the dish, which is always served hot.

An excellent charge of complex carbohydrates will help you keep your energy and good mood for a long time!


Beat 2 eggs and 0.5 l of curdled milk. Add some salt and 4 tbsp. l. any vegetable oil. Mix with 400-500 g of grated root vegetables and bake. Don't forget to add some baking soda for splendor.

Jerusalem artichoke syrup is perfect as a dressing. You can cook it yourself or buy it in the supermarket.

Set the table and serve your guests!

Tea from leaves and tubers

On a hot summer day, such a drink will help the body with thermoregulation, and in winter time support immunity. Brew dried leaves and chopped tubers on a fine grater, add a little ground or dried ginger and sugar to taste.

Storage methods and secrets of blanks

The key properties of Jerusalem artichoke are not lost during its heat treatment.

As for storage, it is enough to remove the root crops in a dark, cool room (pantry, cellar) or use sterilized jars (an earthen pear in its own juice is a great alternative to jam).

Harvested in autumn, the fresh crop is stored for no longer than 2 months. To extend the shelf life, sprinkle the tubers with moist soil.