Mixer      04/18/2019

Germinating rose seeds at home. Stages of growing a rose from seeds: from a small seed to a fragrant bud

Many gardeners are experimenting with growing various types roses at home. Colorful bushes can be grown from layering or cuttings, which is what experimenters often do.

But is it possible to grow a rose from seeds? Gardeners with extensive experience have been carrying out such manipulations for years and share valuable advice, which will help grow houses on the site.

Growing roses using seeds from China is considered a rather painstaking, effective and profitable task. The benefit is that germination cannot be achieved using cuttings large quantity strong shoots. The interest lies in the very process of growing your own roses; they will delight not only the owners of the house, but also those around them. If you have children, then you can also involve them in this activity; they really like such exciting processes.

To grow roses from seeds, you need to be extremely careful - this is an important factor. It is also important to have great patience, because the first flowering begins only a couple of years after planting flowers at home. Each method of planting flowers has its pros and cons, which you need to know about before you start growing Chinese roses at home.

Seating material from the online store

Unlike cuttings, seeds from China are inexpensive; you can buy much more of them for the same amount. Such sites have a varied assortment, and prices for bud colors are significantly reduced; the price allows everyone to purchase such a product. Also, there is practically no need to spend money on flower delivery.

Naturally, there are many fraudulent online stores that offer defective goods, but don’t be upset. To reduce the risk of fraud, it is recommended to study the site and pay attention to the seller’s rating, look at reviews, only after that you can buy what you want planting material.

It is very difficult to resist the temptation to purchase a huge number of seeds in one package. One package contains about 100 rose seeds, this, in turn, increases the chances of the material germinating. The possibility of flowers sprouting in a different color is acceptable, but one should be pleased with the fact that they have begun to sprout.

Rainbow and black varieties

Speaking of Chinese rainbow roses, in most cases you can buy rose seeds of a different color, but you can also run into weed seeds, and you can also buy a color that does not match the packaging, with some hint of a rainbow rose.

The thing is that rainbow roses do not exist, these are ordinary white roses that have been painted in bright colors. Even this coloring technology requires certain skills, as one inventive gardener from the Netherlands developed it.

However, you can dye roses at home, only cut ones, and coloring is done using food coloring. Flowers must be placed in water. The approximate cost of the rainbow colors is $56.

Seeds from China

After purchasing a package of seeds, you should check and select high-quality and whole seeds for planting. In China, seeds have to be selected manually, so the package may contain some seeds of another plant species. Experienced gardeners offer several options for growing roses from seeds at home. Basic methods:

IN spring period The resulting seedlings are planted. To do this, you need to eliminate possible drafts and ensure daily care of the flowers.

Growing roses from seeds is quite a troublesome task. For a flower to be born, it will take a lot of patience, effort and time. Some knowledge in this area will also be useful. In this article you will learn how to grow a rose from seeds. Various kinds of problems and difficulties may arise in the process.

Therefore, it is necessary to competently and correctly carry out all stages of breeding ornamental plants of this type.

Collection of planting material

Rose seeds are best collected from buds that have just turned a light, fresh blush. It is not recommended to pick completely pink inflorescences. The fact is that the germination rate of sufficiently ripened seeds is very low. To extract grains from a flower, you need to carefully, slowly, cut the fruit into two halves with a sharp knife. Then you should carefully separate the seeds from the pulp without damaging them. Very often the grains come in different colors. There's no need to worry about this, it's just that some of them aren't ripe enough. Such seeds are also suitable for cultivation.

Grain processing

To grow roses from seeds, you must meet a number of requirements. First of all, the collected grains should be placed in a sieve and dipped in a hydrogen peroxide solution for twenty minutes. This is necessary to prevent mold from forming on them during storage. You can treat gauze with a peroxide solution, on which you can then place the seeds, covering them on top with a cloth soaked in the same product. After this, the material prepared for storage should be transferred to a plastic bag and placed in the vegetable section of the refrigerator.

There he will be at his optimal temperature of +5 degrees.

Planting roses with seeds is a very labor-intensive process. Regularly, every ten to fifteen days, you need to check the condition of the grains. At the first sign of mold, they should be soaked in hydrogen peroxide again. After this, the seeds must be wrapped in a new cotton or gauze swab, placed in a clean bag and placed in the refrigerator. One and a half to two months after planting, as a rule, the first shoots appear.


How to grow a rose from seeds? The most important and responsible stage has been completed. Now you need to plant the seedlings in personal pots or peat tablets. To prevent the formation of the so-called black leg, you should mulch the surface of the earth with a layer of perlite. Some gardeners recommend treating the material with growth stimulants before planting. This will speed up the appearance of the first shoots and the entire growth process.


The most favorable temperature for seed germination is considered to be +10-14 degrees. It is highly recommended not to expose flowers to direct sunlight.

Therefore, the place where the roses are located should be shaded. For full growth, plants need ten hours. Therefore, it is very important to provide them with additional lighting.

The soil needs to be watered as it dries. You should periodically ventilate the room in which the flowers are located. With the appearance of the first shoots, it is necessary to move the flowerpots with plants to a bright, cool place. However, direct sunlight is extremely undesirable for young roses.


So we practically figured out the question of how to grow a rose from seeds. All that remains is to select the best, strongest and most even seedlings and plant them in a separate pot. Crooked, unsightly or weak sprouts should be discarded immediately. In the first year of flowering, roses may be inconspicuous. And this is not surprising.

After all, maximum growth and development of the plant occurs in the second or third year after planting.

The first bud can begin within two months after cultivation. After three weeks, as a rule, they form. Now all that remains is to monitor their development, feed them with small doses of fertilizers (soluble) and water them. In spring, young bushes can be planted in the garden.

Wings of Angels

This Chinese variety is unpretentious. The flower can grow well on both open ground, and in room conditions. There is no need to stratify the grains of this plant. How to grow a rose from seeds? Place the planting material in small pots filled with moist, loose substrate. Lightly compact and moisten the soil, and cover the pot with a plastic bag. For comfortable growth, the flower requires a temperature of at least 16 degrees. As a rule, flowering occurs ten weeks after planting the grains in the ground. In April-May, the bushes can be transplanted into open ground.

Rose polyanthus

Growing from seeds requires mandatory stratification. But more on that a little later. So, the polyanthus rose, despite its small size(about 50 centimeters), is considered a winter-hardy plant. It is one of the leaders in the abundance of flowering.

In the summer, quite small double buds, collected in racemose or corymbose inflorescences. Up to 100 flowers can form on an adult plant.

The polyanthus rose feels best in open ground. However, some gardeners grow this plant as a potted crop (seedling method). Rose seeds need stratification. The grains should be placed in a moist substrate, sprinkled with moist soil and compacted the soil. In this case, the box with the plant must be tightly covered with a plastic bag. Crops should be periodically sprayed with water from a spray bottle.

First, it is recommended to leave the plant in the room for two weeks, and then move it to a cooler place (+7 degrees). Usually stratification lasts about two months. Planting in the ground should be done in winter so that the ornamental crop has time to strengthen and grow well. When the first seedlings appear, the flower should be placed in a larger pot. Plants of this species prefer drained fertile soils and open sunny places. From time to time the flower should be fed complex fertilizers, water regularly. In the fall, the rose needs to be pruned. It should be noted that this crop, grown from seeds, can bloom only in the second year. Subsequently, she will delight her owners with amazingly beautiful buds from June until frost.

Absolutely similar specimens can be grown from the seeds of most plants, but achieving this goal will require a lot of knowledge and effort. This article will look at the rose and how it can be grown at home. You can get its seeds from different sources, for example, it can be a personal plot, a city park, a summer house, a botanical garden and many other places. Or even just buy them, which will even simplify the process of preparing for growing.

Extracting seeds from roses is the main part before planting. If you use dry and slightly rotten ones, then most likely nothing will grow from them. First of all, you need to inspect the seeds; for this you will need to carefully cut the boxes into two parts. After execution of this action, you can separate healthy and suitable ones from unnecessary options, and then free the first ones completely from the pulp.

The fruits look like rose hips, don't they?

The seeds selected for planting cannot be dried; all that is required is to wash them for approximately 30 minutes in a special solution - hydrogen peroxide, and this must be done using a sieve.

Flushing is important stage , it is carried out to disinfect and further protect the plant primordia from the appearance of mold on them.

Seeds obtained and processed in this way are suitable for further planting at home and in the garden.

How to grow a rose from seeds at home?

First of all, you will need a lot of patience to carry out such an undertaking, as well as maximum care when working with rose seeds. The most important thing you need is knowledge of the natural conditions in which these flowers grow. This is necessary in order to create a similar environment for them.

Seed planting process:

You will need a material that is capable of sufficient long time retain moisture. An example of this could be: paper towels, cotton pads, cloth napkins. From the selected material, you will need to prepare a substrate for the seeds, then moisten it with a solution of hydrogen peroxide and place them on its surface in one layer. Next, a second substrate of a similar substance is prepared to cover the first.

To complete the next step, you will need a container in which the structure you made will subsequently be located. A plastic bowl or plastic bag. Next, you should place it in that part of the refrigerator where the temperature stays between 4 and 7 degrees. The most suitable section is its lower part. Performing these actions is necessary to accelerate seed germination at a certain temperature conditions. The duration of stratification should be about 60 days under constant monitoring. And also with careful control of the contents of the container. If necessary, the substrate can be moistened.

After completing the stratification process, the sprouted rose seeds must be placed in special seedling pots, and the temperature in the room must be maintained at 20 degrees for normal plant growth. He will also need good lighting for 10-12 hours to prevent the occurrence of fungus on the stem cuttings.

Homemade mini-greenhouse for roses

Grow a rose at home from purchased seeds for planting

If you do not have the opportunity to obtain rose seeds yourself, or you do not want to carry them out preliminary preparation, in this case, the modern market can offer you many different ready-made varieties. China is one of the regular suppliers. After purchasing such seeds, stratification must be carried out, because this is necessary process due to the fact that the period of long-term presence of seeds outside the fruit is not known.

On the Aliexpress website you can buy rose seeds of any variety.

The process of planting purchased seeds:

First of all, rose seeds must be soaked in water for a couple of hours, provided that a growth stimulator is added to it. This should be done to maximize seed energy and speed up the germination process.

Next, you will need a seedling pot or a special box in which to place the purchased seeds. In this case, it is necessary to use only moist soil. After completing the necessary steps, you will need to sprinkle the surface with a damp layer of sand, which will be no more than 0.5 centimeters. After which you will need to spray it with a spray bottle, and then simply put the pot in a plastic bag with air. In this state, the seeds should be kept in a room at a maximum temperature of 20 degrees for about 14 days. After which the seedling pot is placed in the refrigerator and placed on a shelf, where the temperature should not exceed 7 degrees.

Stratification should last approximately 60 days and when sprouts first appear, the pot should be placed in a bright and cool place. To prevent fungal disease The seedlings are additionally illuminated.

The rose is, without a doubt, one of the most beautiful flowers. It can delight us every year with its bright buds and emit a pleasant aroma. Traditionally, this flower can be grown in several ways, but what should those who want to experiment and, for example, grow a rose from seeds at home and order them from abroad, do? Is this option possible? Let's figure it out and find out how to grow a rose from seeds from China?

In the twenty-first century, on the Internet you can find a lot of different interesting varieties of plants and roses are no exception. Growing roses from seeds from China is quite possible and not difficult, the main thing is that you have an account on one of these sites and the opportunity to buy. So what are we, ordinary buyers, offered to buy? Starting from rose seeds of unnatural black color and ending with rainbow shades. As you understand, the color range is very wide. Is it possible to grow something? The issue is controversial, but let's delve into it in a little more detail.

Growing difficulties

Of course, this is more of a plus than a minus in terms of the fact that we can order seeds various plants via the Internet straight from China. But, of course, there are certain nuances in such deliveries. In most cases, customers are simply dissatisfied because the variety they ordered did not arrive at all or another one arrived. Before placing an order, the seller will communicate with you and often, if you do not ask him in advance for instructions on growing the plant, then only seeds will come to you.

Seeing what a variety of plants can be found on the Internet, many are chasing the most exotic of them, without realizing how difficult it will be for a plant to take root in your home or on summer cottage and how difficult it will be to care for seeds from China. As a rule, it is precisely from this that certain difficulties arise in growing flowers, which could be prevented simply by reading about the right plant separately on the Internet.

Seed selection and stratification

First you need to understand what stratification is? This process artificially creates winter conditions (i.e. cold and humidity). It is thanks to him that accelerated seed germination occurs and their germination capacity increases significantly. Beginners who don't know how to plant rose seeds may forget about this important point, as stratification, as a result of which it simply will not sprout.

So how does this process happen? If the bud has already shown its color, you need to select the seeds correctly. You should not choose fully ripe buds, germination will be poor. A well-sharpened knife will help you remove them. Carefully taking the bud, you need to cut it and remove the grains. Since they are in the pulp, you need to be extremely careful. Often the seeds come in different colors, but don't worry about this. This is due to the fact that they do not always ripen at the same time, but nevertheless, they are quite suitable for growing roses from seeds at home.

All seeds that have been selected should be cleaned and placed in hydrogen peroxide for fifteen to twenty minutes. This procedure will protect the flower from mold in the future. After the allotted time, they should be taken out and placed on gauze, previously soaked in peroxide. The seeds should be covered with a napkin and carefully placed in a plastic bag. Then put it in the refrigerator, but not in freezer, but in the compartment where vegetables and fruits are often stored.

Don't forget to check them for mold. If it appears, they need to be placed again in hydrogen peroxide for a certain time (see above), change the napkin with gauze and the bag. Storing seeds is a very labor-intensive process, but if everything is done correctly, then perhaps within a month or a month and a half the first shoots will appear.


Roses need to be planted carefully. If the seeds are planted correctly and the first shoots have appeared, they are ready for planting. The rose may become susceptible to a disease called blackleg (the flower stem becomes soft and rots). To avoid this, add perlite to the soil. Experts who know what it is to grow roses from seeds recommend treating the seeds with a growth stimulant before planting. This product will help the sprouts sprout.

The temperature for comfortable growing of Chinese roses in the sprouting stage is ten to fifteen degrees Celsius. Most beginners who do not know how to grow a rose from seeds from China assume that the flower will do much better if the sun's rays shine directly on it. This is one of the biggest mistakes you can make. Rose absolutely does not like direct hits. sunlight. Its leaves may turn yellow and the plant will wither.

Seedling care

Seedlings require careful care. A prerequisite is lighting, watering and good room. The rose is whimsical, so a slightly shaded place is required. The photoperiod should last up to approximately twelve hours. If there is not enough light, then you need to provide it with artificial lighting. As soon as sprouts appear, the plant should be taken to a cool room with good lighting. Also, a prerequisite is careful observation of how the seedlings grow and whether a fungus or other disease appears on it.

Rose seeds are found in the fruits of the bush. They are harvested at the end of summer and until mid-autumn. You need to choose slightly browned fruits. The seeds themselves should be a little damp - they sprout faster. But you also need to take into account the fact that some roses still have green fruits.

The seeds are obtained as follows: the fruit is cut in half, after which the seeds are separated from the pulp.

Reference! The seeds themselves are small and brownish in color.

Pros and cons of such cultivation

The advantages of seed propagation include the following circumstances::

Cons of growing indoor rose seeds:

  • Seeds take a long time to germinate.
  • Flowering will appear only after 2-3 years.
  • This breeding method requires a lot of patience.

Where and how can I buy seed material?

There are a lot of sites on the Internet that offer to buy rose seeds. Not all of them are trusted. The most popular website for selling Chinese seeds is Aliexpress.

There are also An easy way to purchase rose seeds is to visit flower shop . If these flowers grow in your local area, you can collect the seeds yourself.

How to get it yourself?

The second half of summer is chosen to collect seeds. Fruits for pruning should be slightly unripe so that their base is soft. These are the grains that will germinate the best.

After cutting the fruit with a knife, the seeds are separated from the pulp. Then they are washed and disinfected either with 3% hydrogen peroxide for 20 minutes, or in a solution of potassium permanganate.

Choosing a breeding season

Seeds are usually planted at the end of summer., or in early autumn. But since the seeds are planted at home, the time of year does not really matter. The main thing is that the seeds must receive enough lighting. If it is winter, then the lighting should be artificial.

Step-by-step instructions on how to plant

Necessary equipment

To plant seeds you will need the following necessary things:


It has already been said about what time and from what fruits to collect seeds. Dry and rotten fruits should be left in the same place. They are not suitable for planting.

After removing the seeds from the fruits, they should be washed thoroughly in running water. After which the washing is carried out for 20 minutes using hydrogen peroxide and a sieve. This way the seeds will be disinfected and protected from mold.

You need to carefully examine the seeds. You can often notice that their shape and color are different, but this is not a defect. At correct landing they will all sprout.

How to plant in the ground?

Planting seeds in the ground is a long and labor-intensive process. If we talk about natural growth conditions, then seeds, once in the ground, undergo a stratification process there throughout the winter. Therefore, the gardener’s goal is to create similar conditions at home.

  1. You need to prepare a seed bed from any material that retains moisture. These can be paper napkins, cotton pads or paper towels.
  2. One substrate should be moistened with hydrogen peroxide, the seeds should be placed on it, the second substrate should be moistened and the seeds should be covered on top.
  3. The resulting structure must be placed in a plastic bag or other suitable container and placed in the refrigerator, in the department where vegetables are usually stored, and the temperature should be within +5-7 degrees.
  4. This stratification continues under constant supervision for 2 months.
  5. During this time, you need to periodically ventilate the bag and moisten the substrate.

If mold is noticed on the seeds, the seed preparation process is repeated again. First, they are washed in hydrogen peroxide, then they are laid on a new substrate and placed in a plastic bag.

We offer you to watch a visual video about planting rose seeds:

How to root?

As mentioned above, as soon as the seeds sprout, they are replanted in small peat pots. At proper care After wintering the seeds, by spring you can already see the first shoots.

Planting into the ground is carried out after the hardening process. Periodically, pots with seedlings are taken out into the open space. But at the same time they must be protected from direct sunlight. The time spent by plants in the fresh air should gradually be increased.

Planting in a large pot occurs in May. Prepare loose soil in advance where the seedlings will be planted.

Primary plant care

In order for the seeds to take root well, they need to be looked after for a long time. Follow the rules of watering and application liquid fertilizers. If the apartment is hot, the plants are moistened and covered with covering material. This will retain moisture in top layer. Then the cover is removed.

Problems and solutions

In the first year, the plant will not produce good flowering; it will be weak and lethargic. Therefore, it is better not to allow the bush to bloom at this time. The established buds should be removed before August and about two inflorescences should be left per shoot.

Feeding is also important. It is carried out in May, July and October; nitrogen fertilizers are added the first two times. In autumn, potassium supplements will be more useful..

If cow dung is added to the soil, this will also help good growth plants. It is diluted in water at a rate of 1 to 3, infused for about 10 days, and before direct watering, diluted again with water at a rate of 1:10.

Roses are often susceptible to diseases and pests. Therefore, treatment with special preparations purchased at a flower shop is also important.

In the future, if the following care procedures are carried out, the rose will quickly begin to grow and will produce good flowering by the second year:

  1. Proper watering of seedlings.
  2. Loose soil.
  3. Mulching the soil.
  4. Fertilizer application according to schedule.
  5. Destruction of pests.
  6. Some varieties of roses require pruning.

Roses grown from seeds are almost no different from their relatives. They are just as beautiful and, with proper care, healthy as other bushes.

The advantage of seed propagation at home is the ability to plant a whole rose garden at home without extra costs.

Useful video

We offer you to watch an informative video about the process of growing roses from seeds: