Mixer      02/08/2019

Industrial safety training. Who should be certified for industrial safety

The number of accidents at work is increasing year by year. given fact led to changes in the regulatory framework and increased monitoring of compliance with the criteria industrial safety. Industrial safety is the basis for the functioning of every production organization. It is necessary to organize timely and regular training and certification of industrial safety specialists to prevent possible risks in this area.

Timely industrial safety training and personnel certification based on its results make it possible to prevent possible emergency situations at the enterprise. These measures and the presence of certificates of Rostekhnadzor for industrial safety enhance safety at the company's facilities and document that employees are admitted to certain types of work. Timely certification of employees in the field of industrial safety can minimize possible violations in the production cycle and contribute to trouble-free operation at the enterprise. Certification of Rostekhnadzor is carried out within 1 month after hiring a new employee, then in the process of working at the enterprise, they undergo industrial safety certification at least once every five years.

ETsPB LLC offers assistance in obtaining industrial safety protocols and in passing certification in the Federal Service for Technological, Environmental and Nuclear Supervision. We provide services to employees of enterprises in various fields of activity, including those in especially hazardous industries. "Single Business Support Center" will assist your organization in passing the certification of industrial safety for all supervision.

Certification in industrial safety is necessary for specialists of organizations working in the following areas:

Tasks of industrial safety certification:

  • Allows you to determine the readiness of an employee to perform specific types of work;
  • Identifies the level of skills and knowledge of employees, evaluates how it meets the criteria of the training program;
  • Allows you to increase the level of qualification and knowledge of the employees of the organization.

You should choose ECPB if:

  • you work for dangerous objects
  • Required certify managers and specialists in Rostekhnadzor
  • Must pass recertification or renew certificates
  • employee transferred to a new position
  • Term expired identity actions
  • For lack of the necessary certificates, you are prevented from falling asleep huge fines
  • Your organization has a leader who conducted professional or pre-certification training for an employee who suffered as a result of accident or the employee who was to blame for the occurrence accidents
  • Do you have a manager or employees in your organization who are responsible for the safety of work at the facility where fatal accident or accident.

"SINGLE BUSINESS SUPPORT CENTER" created for operational organization distance learning or pre-certification training. We will help you arrange Required documents and you will receive new protocols at the right time!

Our company conducts certification in industrial safety for all supervisions and modules, you can find the list of programs below:

Industrial safety certification
A. General industrial safety requirements
A.1. Basics of industrial safety
No. p / p Program code The name of the program
1 A.1. Basics of industrial safety
B. Special industrial safety requirements
B.1. Industrial safety requirements in the chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industries
2 B.1.1. Operation of chemically hazardous production facilities
3 B.1.2. Operation of oil refining facilities
4 B.1.3. Operation of chemical and petrochemical facilities
5 B.1.4. - Lost power. - Order of Rostekhnadzor dated November 14, 2014 N 512
6 B.1.5. Operation of chlorine facilities
7 B.1.6. Operation of mineral fertilizer production
8 B.1.7. Operation of ammonia refrigeration plants
9 B.1.9. Operation of gas processing plants and industries
10 B.1.10. Operation of petrochemical facilities in the electric power industry
11 B.1.11. Design of chemical industry facilities
12 B.1.12. Design of chemical and petrochemical industry facilities
13 B.1.13. Design of facilities for the oil refining industry
14 B.1.14. Construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, overhaul, conservation and liquidation of chemically hazardous production facilities
15 B.1.15. Construction, reconstruction, overhaul of chemical and petrochemical industry facilities
16 B.1.16. Construction, reconstruction, overhaul of oil refining industry facilities
17 B.1.17. Safe holding repair work at chemical, petrochemical and oil refining hazardous production facilities
18 B.1.19. Organization of safe gas hazardous work
19 B.1.20. - Repealed from September 1, 2014. - Order of Rostekhnadzor dated August 27, 2014 N 392
20 B.1.22. Operation of compressor units with reciprocating compressors operating on explosive and harmful gases
21 B.1.25. Hydrogen production by water electrolysis
B.2. Industrial safety requirements in the oil and gas industry
22 B.2.1. Operation of oil and gas industry facilities
23 B.2.2. Repair of oil and gas wells
24 B.2.3. Design of oil and gas production facilities
25 B.2.4. Repair, installation and commissioning works at hazardous oil and gas production facilities
26 B.2.6. Drilling oil and gas wells
27 B.2.7. Main oil pipelines and oil product pipelines
28 B.2.8. Main gas pipelines
29 B.2.9. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating main pipelines for transporting liquid ammonia
30 B.2.10. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating oilfield pipelines for oil and gas transportation
31 B.2.11. Production, storage and distribution of liquefied natural gas at gas distribution stations MG and CNG filling stations
32 B.2.12. Underground gas storages in porous reservoirs
33 B.2.13. Design, construction, reconstruction and overhaul of oil and gas industry facilities
34 B.2.15. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating compressor units with reciprocating compressors operating on explosive and harmful gases
34 B.2.16. Certification of managers and specialists of organizations operating stationary compressor units, air pipelines and gas pipelines
35 B.2.18. Exploration and development of offshore hydrocarbon deposits
B.3. Industrial safety requirements in the metallurgical industry
36 B.3.1. Foundry production of ferrous and non-ferrous metals
37 B.3.2. Copper-nickel production
38 B.3.3. Coke production
39 B.3.4. Primary aluminum production
40 B.3.5. Production of rare, precious and other non-ferrous metals
41 B.3.6. Steelmaking
42 B.3.7. Ferroalloy production
43 B.3.8. Production with a full metallurgical cycle
44 B.3.9. Design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of metallurgical industry facilities
45 B.3.19. Energy services of metallurgical enterprises
B.4. Industrial safety requirements in the mining industry
46 B.4.1. Mineral enrichment
47 B.4.2. Construction, reconstruction, overhaul of underground structures
48 B.4.3. Open pit mining
49 B.4.4. Development of mineral deposits by underground method
50 B.4.5. Design of hazardous production facilities in the mining industry
51 B.4.6. Construction, reconstruction, overhaul of mining facilities
B.5. Industrial safety requirements in the coal industry
52 B.5.1. Open pit mining
53 B.5.2. Enrichment and briquetting of coal (shale)
54 B.5.3. Underground mining of coal deposits
B.6. Requirements for mine surveying to ensure the safe conduct of mining operations
55 B.6.1. Mine surveying ensuring safe mining operations in the course of work related to the use of subsoil and their design
56 B.6.2. Mine surveyor ensuring safe mining operations in the course of subsoil use for purposes not related to the extraction of minerals, as well as the construction and operation of hydraulic structures
57 B.6.3. Mine Surveying Support for Safe Mining in the Development of Ore and Non-Metal Mineral Deposits
58 B.6.4. Mine Surveying Support for Safe Mining Operations in the Development of In-Situ Mineral Deposits
59 B.6.5. Mine Surveying Support for Safe Mining Operations in the Development of Hydrocarbon and Hydro-Mineral Resource Deposits
B.7. Industrial safety requirements at gas distribution and gas consumption facilities
60 B.7.1. Operation of gas distribution and gas consumption systems
61 B.7.2. Operation of facilities using liquefied hydrocarbon gases
62 B.7.6. Design of gas distribution and gas consumption networks
63 B.7.8. Technical supervision, construction, reconstruction, overhaul of gas distribution and gas consumption facilities
64 B.7.9. Operation of NGV filling stations
B.8. Industrial safety requirements for pressure equipment
65 B.8.21. Operation of boilers (steam, hot water, with organic and inorganic heat carriers) at hazardous production facilities
66 B.8.22. Operation of steam pipelines and hot water at hazardous production facilities
67 B.8.23. Operation of pressure vessels at hazardous production facilities
68 B.8.24. Operation of medical and diving pressure chambers at hazardous production facilities
69 B.8.25. Filling, technical examination and repair of cylinders for storage and transportation of compressed, liquefied and dissolved under pressure gases used at hazardous production facilities
70 B.8.26. Activities related to the design, construction, reconstruction, overhaul and technical re-equipment of hazardous production facilities, installation (dismantling), adjustment, maintenance and repair (reconstruction) of equipment operating under overpressure used at hazardous production facilities
B.9. Industrial safety requirements for lifting structures
71 B.9.22. Certification of specialists of organizations for supervision of the safe operation of escalators in subways
72 B.9.23. Certification of members of certification commissions of organizations operating escalators in subways
73 B.9.31. Operation of hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures designed to lift and move goods
74 B.9.32. Operation of hazardous production facilities that use lifting structures designed to lift and transport people
75 B.9.33. Installation, adjustment, repair, reconstruction or modernization of lifting structures during the operation of hazardous production facilities
76 B.9.34. Operation of hazardous production facilities that use passenger cable cars and funiculars
77 B.9.35. Installation, adjustment, repair, reconstruction or modernization of passenger ropeways and funiculars during the operation of hazardous production facilities
78 B.9.36. Activities in the field of industrial safety at hazardous production facilities that use cargo aerial ropeways
B.10. Industrial safety requirements for the transportation of hazardous substances
79 B.10.1. Transportation of hazardous substances by rail
80 B.10.2. Transportation of hazardous substances by road
B.11. Industrial safety requirements at storage and processing facilities of plant raw materials
81 B.11.1. Construction, operation, conservation and liquidation of objects for storage and processing of plant raw materials
82 B.11.2. Development of design, engineering and other documentation for hazardous objects of storage and processing of plant raw materials
83 B.11.3. Manufacturing, installation, adjustment, repair, technical examination, reconstruction and operation technical devices(machinery and equipment) used at the storage and processing of plant raw materials
B.12. Industrial safety requirements related to blasting
84 B.12.1. Explosive work in underground workings and on the surface of mines (objects of mining and non-metallic industry), coal and shale mines, dangerous (not dangerous) in terms of gas or dust, and special blasting
85 B.12.2. Explosive work in open pit mining and special blasting
D. Energy security
D.1. Requirements for the order of work in electrical installations of consumers
86 D 1.1. Operation of electrical installations
D.2. Requirements for the order of work at thermal power plants and thermal networks
87 D.2.1. Operation of thermal power plants and heating networks
D.3. Requirements for the operation of power plants and networks
88 D.3.1. Operation of thermal power plants
89 D.3.2. Operation of electrical networks
90 D.3.3. Operation of hydroelectric power plants
E. Requirements for the safety of hydraulic structures
D.1. Hydraulic structures of industrial facilities
91 D.1.1. Hydraulic structures of industrial facilities
D 2. Hydraulic structures of energy facilities
92 D.2.1. Hydraulic structures of power engineering facilities
D.3. Hydraulic structures of water management facilities
93 E.3.1. Hydraulic structures of water management facilities
D.4. Examination of declarations of safety of hydraulic structures
94 E.4.1. Examination of declarations of safety of hydraulic structures

Making a request for information on the training program.

For information about the order of training and the price, you need make a free request.
All programs have different prices depending on the duration and number of students.
Fill the form we will contact you and we will answer your questions.

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NIGHT "ODPO "PROFTSENTR" offers training for industrial safety specialists in Moscow on favorable terms. You can study full-time or remotely, and it is also possible to visit your office. PROFTSENTR takes over the organization of passing exams in Rostekhnadzor. All necessary applications will be processed by our staff.

Who is the training for?

Industrial safety training is provided for persons carrying out the following types of activities at facilities controlled by Rostechnadzor:

  • construction, operation, conservation or liquidation of the facility;
  • transportation of hazardous substances; various activities related to the equipment used at the facilities;
  • development different kind documentation related to the operation of the facility;
  • safety expertise; construction control.

The list of facilities controlled by Rostechnadzor includes production facilities recognized as hazardous, energy facilities and facilities where the following equipment is used:

  • various types of cranes;
  • gas facilities;
  • steam boilers and units for heating water;
  • vessels that work under pressure;
  • steam and hot water pipelines;
  • industrial pipes, which can be ventilation and smoke;
  • hydraulic structures;
  • some other equipment according to certification areas.

Based on the results of certification at the MTU Rostekhnadzor, the following is issued:

Minutes of the meeting of the attestation commission of Rostekhnadzor indicating the areas of attestation for industrial safety.

Photos of classrooms

NIGHT" ODPO "PROFTSENTR»has all the necessary equipment for a visual demonstration of the learning process.

Employees of organizations registered in Moscow or operating in Moscow and having a Moscow checkpoint can study with us.

Upon completion of the training, the NOCHU “ODPO “PROFTSENTR” can organize attestation of students in the commission of Rostekhnadzor. Our specialists will help you prepare a set of documents and submit them to the Rostekhnadzor commission, as well as inform you about the date, time and place of the certification. The date of the exam is set when submitting a set of applications to the MTU Rostekhnadzor.

Please note that certification in areas of special industrial safety requirements (B, D, E) implies that you have a valid document on general requirements industrial safety (area A1).

Learning Format

The process of training in the areas of industrial safety fully complies with the Regulations on the certification of managers and specialists in accordance with Rostekhnadzor Order No. 37. The training program includes the basics of industrial safety, as well as a set of topics specific to a particular area in accordance with the requirements of regulations governing production safety issues.

Submission of material is carried out internally or remotely. In the distance learning format, the material on industrial safety is studied by the student independently.

At the end of the training, students pass certification in the commission of Rostekhnadzor. The date of the exam is set when submitting a set of applications to the MTU Rostekhnadzor.

What does the listener get?

Upon completion, you receive a protocol of the attestation commission that corresponds to the established sample. This document is stamped by the territorial branch of Rostekhnadzor, in which the certification took place.

We guarantee customers affordable prices and the opportunity to pick convenient option learning.

Training Center "Prombezopasnost" offers its services for pre-certification training of managers and specialists, as well as training of maintenance personnel for hazardous production facilities supervised by the Interregional Technological Directorate (former Moscow Directorate) and the Central Directorate of the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision:

  • lifting facilities
  • pressure equipment
  • gas distribution and gas supply system
  • transportation of dangerous goods by rail
  • safe operation of chemical, petrochemical and oil refining industry facilities

The Prombezopasnost Training Center has been present on the educational services market for more than fifteen years - our customers are enterprises in Moscow and the Moscow Region, as well as organizations of OAO Russian railways”, OJSC “Mosmetrostroy”, LLC “LIBHERR”.

The Prombezopasnost Training Center carries out activities to train managers and specialists, as well as maintenance personnel of hazardous production facilities, in accordance with the permissions of Rostekhnadzor of Russia and the Federal Service for Supervision of Railway Transport for the right to train and educate engineering and technical workers and maintenance personnel of hazardous production facilities.

Pre-certification training of managers and specialists

The Training Center "Prombezopasnost" organizes pre-certification training in industrial safety for managers and specialists of hazardous production facilities in a wide range of areas. Certification of employees in industrial safety takes place after training according to training programs developed taking into account standard programs approved by the Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision.

Training of operating personnel of hazardous production facilities

Training Center "Prombezopasnost" conducts training of maintenance personnel of hazardous production facilities: crane operators various types cranes, operators of boilers and pressure vessels, operators and installers of gas distribution networks and gas boilers, service personnel of chemical and oil refining industries, and other specialties.

Prices for pre-certification training of specialists and managers

Training Center "Prombezopasnost" has a staff of highly qualified certified teachers and technical facilities that allow to provide the widest range of educational services: pre-certification training, certification, re-certification, training, retraining, advanced training.

Training Center "Prombezopasnost" offers its clients various forms training: course, group, individual. Classes are organized taking into account the wishes of the customer and can be held both in permanently equipped classrooms of the training center, and with the departure of the teacher to the customer's enterprises.

The high level of services provided is confirmed by the accreditation of the Training Center "Prombezopasnost" in the system of training and education in the field of industrial safety and supervision of hazardous production facilities (Certificate of accreditation and compliance with the international quality standard ISO / IEC 17024 No. NAMTs-0252 dated 05.07.2011).