Mixer      06/29/2020

Woman cancer and alcohol character terrible. Extraordinary cancer woman. Is “good expensive alcohol” so dangerous compared to “bad” alcohol?

Each Zodiac Sign is unique in its own character traits. Aries is a very unusual and impulsive person with a whole range of features.

Fifth fact: Aries hate toothache stronger than anyone else. They are afraid of her, she drives them crazy. They are frustrated that they can't do anything about it.

Fact six: they love to please people, but they do not expect reciprocal actions. They like to watch a person rejoice at their gifts, their company, their smiles and care. Aries are good friends.

Fact seven: Aries don't know how to lose. It is built into them at the genetic level. If they lost in something, they will find a hundred excuses like “yes, my finger hurt”, “I was out of shape” and so on. They just don't have it and that's it. They do not want to piss you off - they are just like that by nature.

Fact eight: representatives of this Zodiac Sign can do without a sexual partner longer than others. They concentrate their attention on business, at work or something else. Of course, they do not give a damn about the lack of a personal life, but they can easily survive long-term abstinence.

Fact nine: something funny constantly happens to these people, which they then tell their friends about and laugh at themselves with everyone. Astrology can't explain this phenomenon, so it's a really interesting fact.

Fact ten: Aries is kind. If you want to find the kindest person in the world, then he will be an Aries, so we have seriously narrowed down your search.

There is no such Aries who would not challenge his innocence with you. Absolutely every person born under this Sign is an ardent fighter for justice. They are born lawyers, activists, politicians or athletes. They do not sit still, although they cannot be called particularly dynamic either.

Finally, it should be added that Aries can be selfish. Earlier we wrote about the most selfish zodiac signs. So, Aries is on the list of the most terrible egoists. Sometimes it goes sideways for them, but often it remains just an imperceptible shortcoming. Be careful with them, don't cross their path. and don't forget to press the buttons and

22.08.2016 05:12

Each person is capable of almost anything, the main thing is to learn how to manage your energy and use the maximum ...

"Aries" (Aries) - the first element of the zodiac sign, which originates in early spring. People born under this sign have the tenacity and ambition to achieve results, even when circumstances are not in their favor.

The endless energy and tirelessness of the Aries have become legendary, as has their tenacity, as well as their complete lack of compliance and compromise. Aries do not yield under any circumstances, which can be detrimental to them, especially at a young age, when there is not yet enough life experience to balance their ardor.

Optimism and faith in a bright future does not allow Aries to give up even in the most critical life situations, but criticism and condemnation from relatives and friends can demotivate them. They just need to be praised and recognized for their accomplishments.

Aries women they have a strong character, and at the same time, there is a natural softness inherent in their gender in their character, but one has only to prevent them from implementing their plans - and the zodiac sign takes its toll. The character of ladies born under this sign is more complicated and much more complicated than that of Aries men, who are not able to objectively evaluate people and accept life as it is.

Aries men they have assertiveness and business acumen, but even despite this, they remain children until old age. They spend their vitality on non-existent problems, but cannot concentrate on a specific goal; ignore sound advice, but are in dire need of support if they suddenly fail.

Sign element

The element of the representatives of the sign Aries - Fire - endows people of this sign with such qualities as: aspiration, straightforwardness, stubbornness.

Throughout the fire element (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), Aries are distinguished by pronounced aggressiveness in everything, whether it is a business area, or a surge of emotions. They have the ability to quickly change the direction of their activities, as well as quickly recuperate after failure.

For inexperienced Aries, Fire is destructive - unable to cope with their own energy, they quickly burn themselves, however, for representatives of the sign who are more adapted to life, the element gives the ability to capture the minds and ideas of others, the thirst for power and the search for adventure.

An interesting fact is that it is Aries who are very often burned, and sometimes very serious. This once again shows that not everyone can cope with the energy that nature has given them.

Work and career

Aries are charged with energy and strength to succeed in many areas, but their excessive directness is more appropriate in power structures (for example: the army) than in politics. Representatives of this sign simply do not have the flexibility and cunning necessary to implement their plans in diplomacy without gaining ill-wishers.

Representatives of this sign are artistic individuals who are able to make an artistic career in the broadest sense of the word; they can be brilliant actors, or talented sculptors. Young and ambitious representatives of this sign are blinded by the desire for power and glory, working in the opposite direction: they dream more of a wonderful future, and do not make efforts to make it come true.

With Aries-subordinates, leaders (bosses) have a rather difficult time: they love freedom, in every possible way shy away from labor discipline, quickly and easily go to work, but just as quickly forget about it. In a critical situation, Aries show themselves on the good side: they become hardworking, determined.

Psychological picture

Aries are active signs, which are also called male. The character traits that the representatives of this sign possess do not allow him to withdraw and live in the limited world of his family: Aries are not just open to the world, they are confident that the world needs them, and therefore they spare no effort or means, in order to change this world.

People born under this sign of fire are subject to emotions throughout their lives, which they do not even try to hide from others. In their feelings and actions, Aries are fickle, even after quarrels and conflicts, they do not have an unpleasant aftertaste in their souls. Bad mood is quickly replaced by cheerfulness and optimism. There is no rancor in them. Aries are extroverts, but they do not care about the problems of those around them: they perceive everything around them rather as a background against which they must show their good side. There is nothing surprising in the fact that, constantly busy with themselves, Aries do not understand people at all, and therefore they can easily become victims of skillful manipulators.

Despite assertiveness and excessive self-confidence, Aries are able to take into account facts and arguments, although they themselves rely on their intuition, which is inherent in their nature.


Aries, accustomed to the strength and endurance of their body, are often guilty of the fact that their health leaves much to be desired. They do not have a normalized rhythm of life: they work hard, sleep little, do not follow a diet, and for sports they do not have enough patience at all.

Almost all Aries are prone to head injuries. Also, they are prone to migraines and eye diseases, while Aries are in no hurry to seek help from doctors, preferring to let everything take its course.

Due to Aries cravings for tasty but unhealthy food, their skin is prone to skin diseases(eg: rash).

Aries will be very lucky if they have a companion next to them who will gently and unobtrusively remind them of the importance of resting, walking, eating regularly and properly.

For some reason, the calculation does not take into account when the date of birth is in the extreme numbers of the sign. In theory, the signs are Aries and Cancer, and a plausible description is obtained when you shift for a couple of days both for fish and a lion.

Pavel, once again for you and other readers I will draw your attention to the fact that the extreme dates by signs have been brought into line with the Western standard of astrology. In general, it seems to me that this eternal dispute about boundary signs will never end. Therefore, here it is better to analyze yourself personally in more depth and take the position that most closely matches reality. I can also say from experience that the approved format is more accurate, because the vast majority of people born in the last decade of their sign tend to display the traits of the next sign. What can we say about people born on the very last day of the sign.

It was very interesting to check compatibility. Everything is very similar to the truth.

It’s difficult for us (or rather for me? I’m a “rabbit”) in a relationship, but we fight, we try to cope with conflicts, but for how long it will last is another question. We are young and reckless - this is our advantage.

My d.b. 09/17/1995, and my "boa constrictor" 03/23/1994.

Shawn, despite any ending to your novel, try to get the maximum experience and wisdom out of it. At your age, this is the most important thing.

I'll tell my story. Somehow, in one of the social networks, I accidentally came across the page of a girl whose photo I really liked, but unfortunately, she was there for the last time a very long time ago. But about a year later, already in other social networks, I met her.

And then an unrestrained correspondence began, after which we met, went to the cinema, walked. She lived then in another city and we did not see each other, but only corresponded. Half a year has not passed since that very first meeting, as on March 8, I ordered a bouquet of flowers for her. Until the last moment I waited, but then I confessed. Her surprise knew no bounds) at some point, I realized that I fell head over heels in love. And fell in love looking into her eyes.

We corresponded for a long time and soon, I decided that I needed to do something like that to conquer her) and did) on NG made a kind of gift in a gift, if anyone remembers the movie “The Oath”, I did about the same. She never called me, but New Year called and congratulated, but there was such a phrase, which at first I didn’t attach any importance to - “I wish you great love” ... After all this, I began to act more decisively and on her birthday, when she was in the city, I bought a huge bouquet of roses. Where exactly she lives, I did not know, I just calculated the time on the road. In general, I didn’t think much that day) but not because I drank, but because I was driving, running to her as if at the call of my heart ... This has never happened to me, even with the one I once met for 5 years.

I got off at the stop where I needed to) moreover, I found that house, quite by accident! I don’t know how to explain it, I just understand now that if a man truly loves, then he will move mountains) her father opened the door, (I practically met her family for all this time, because I never found her at home and handed over gifts through parents. Well, after that, I asked her a specific question and wrote everything that I feel for her (perhaps I did it very quickly, unexpectedly for her), at first she said that she would think, but then an SMS came that she could not be the one I need. I started writing that I don't mind. To become just friends, that we can just meet and drink coffee somewhere. But everything is in vain ... We stopped corresponding for about a month.

And recently she wrote to me herself and that she herself does not even understand why she is writing to me. We began to communicate, recently I could not stand it again and wrote to her that I was experiencing, maybe this is fate, you need to at least try what will come of it, and then how it will be, if we part, we don’t lose anything. I didn’t really believe in horoscopes, but I came across this site and became interested) Here is our result:

Physical 87% - almost match
Emotional 89% - almost match
Intellectual 62% - intersect
Cardiac 42% - not compatible
Creative 41% - not compatible
Intuitive 93% - maximum
Top 94% - maximum

Characters: I am the "golden mean", she is "soft"
Family: I am "passive", she is "spontaneous"
Temperament: I am hot, she is warm, soft))

As you can see, we have incompatibility in love and communication. Everything is like in life ... I don’t know what to do next, but I decided to achieve it at all costs. According to the horoscope, I am a Sagittarius, she is an Aries. Maybe someone will advise something, how can I, despite the stars, be with her? Do not write about rams, I have already studied them up and down) I would like specifics)

Separately, bazer1 sent the dates of birth and while writing, I remembered them, but then I put the letter in a separate folder and ... forgot which one. Therefore, do not be surprised at the appearance of the ages of partners in the course of the commentary.

Bazer1, great story! Thank you. Will go to the In-Contri gold collection. Men on our site write what is called, rarely, but aptly.

On the one hand, your fiery energy and courage of Sagittarius can be envied, but the fire in your heart and mind caused by the conquest of your beloved is not at all. To put it mildly, this fire made you wind up too much for yourself. “How can I be with her, despite the stars”, “we have incompatibility in love and communication” - how did you even deduce this from the calculation results? That's really true: everyone sees in the calculation only what he wants to see. And now the share of uncertainty, albeit explainable (tell me, who is sure at the time of courting a girl?), subconsciously makes you pay attention to mere trifles, despite the fact that, on the whole, the picture is very, very good.

The pair of signs Sagittarius and Aries represent the same element and they are compatible by default. As in 80% of cases in couples where there is a “senior” sign, the same superiority is duplicated either in age or in character according to Pythagoras in favor of the “senior”. In this case, bazer1, it's in your favor, because you are Sagittarius, who is the "Parent" for the "Child" -Aries. It turns out that you are both older and stronger in character (3 versus 2). Yes, and in terms of temperament, the alignment is ideal: +1 in favor of the man. We will assume that at the level of the foundation and the distribution of roles, everything coincided in the best way.

A detailed analysis shows us as many as 4 maximums (about 90%) on the physical, emotional, intuitive and, which is extremely important for the future, the highest levels. You can envy the second time. Especially knowing that experienced and wise people in relationships, it happens that one strong level is enough to live happily together. You have 4 of them! Because of them, I believe, you had, as you said, a "call of the heart" - a high coincidence of emotions plus intuitive plans. And this should give you a hint why the girl wrote to you again herself. Answer: for her, these same emotions and intuition are, as it were, “native” and work even better. Therefore, this compatibility is absolutely mutual, but ... Here is already a nuance, in which, it seems to me, lies the root of the problem that you are facing today.

You, as a more mature and objectively developed person, having the experience of long-term relationships, and therefore the involuntary disclosure of your emotions, intuition and, possibly, the higher chakra, have already been able to feel in new girl what made the call of the heart awaken. And she, as we see, "she herself does not understand why she writes." However, many women do this, which, I think, is not a secret for you, bazer1, at almost 27 years old. After all, women feel better than logically realize. Men, on the contrary. And these common truths are brilliantly visible on the chakras.

Therefore, bazer1, in order not to mess up unnecessary firewood now and not wait for another time for a reciprocal step on the part of the girl or, even worse, not to frighten away, perhaps, one of the best partners in your life, you should correct the strategy of conquest. Active searches, bouquets of roses, confessions - all this is excellent and very beautiful. And you wouldn't be a Sagittarius if you didn't do that. But we see that the girl clearly lacks his awareness of all these relationships due to the obvious lack of experience. In addition, you are clearly in different "weight categories": you are already almost 27 and you are a truly adult man, hardened by life and relationships. The girl is only 22. It would seem that some 5 years. But these are not at all the 5 years that between partners aged 30 and 35, when it is almost imperceptible. For a girl, 22 is a truly young time. In our society, this is literally yesterday's student, whom her parents did not let go to a night disco, while you, bazer1, can afford a lot for a long time and are a completely independent person.

This, I am almost sure, scared her at the initial stage. Courtship from an interesting, brave, handsome, but still really adult man for her, while she spent her previous years mainly with her peers, is definitely stressful. Understand this, bazer1, cool off your ardor a little, try to just communicate, acting in your natural role of “Parent” and your “Child” girl will be attracted to you over time. After all, I repeat, all compatibility works mutually. It's just that each partner is aware of them in their own way.

And the problems with “incompatibility” in the intellect and in the heart are completely far-fetched. If you have a friend with high intellectual compatibility, and, as a rule, guys have such friends, then you will understand what will not happen in a relationship with a girl. Yes, and, admit it, is it really necessary in a pair of men and women? Heart compatibility is an important conditional female level in relationships, but with a maximum of emotions and intuition, its lack is more than compensated.

Everything else is great. Take action! Consistently and accurately. The account is on your side.

78% - cancer and Aries - excellent compatibility - pure truth - there is no passion in sexual relations - but everything is calm and solid, otherwise - I can’t imagine life without my ram! Close and beloved relative! Grown to each other - do not break! Communication on some highest level… Thank you!

Natalia, although there are a couple of signs and different parity, but the interaction can be positive. And with your 78% in chakras / biorhythms (this is a powerful compatibility!) You can count on good chances. Good luck to you!

There is one more suggestion! Or a question. I have absolutely no relationship with scorpio women. Starting from school and now, with colleagues. As I wrote in a previous review - the date of birth is 03/27/87. Aries, am I crazy or is there really some kind of stellar beginning under this? And here it is a proposal or a question - is it possible to check the compatibility of not only partners, but also just girlfriends, bosses, colleagues, that is, of different sexes.

Nastya, for some reason it turned out that all negative things according to the horoscope, whether it be incompatibility or antagonism of certain qualities in some pairs of signs, “work” in life much better than positive ones. Maybe because negative factors are much more noticeable for us? So it turned out that the statistics of the “Boa and Rabbit” pair (Scorpio and Aries in your case) once again found a clear confirmation. Therefore, after all, you are not crazy, but simply, like many, after analyzing the accumulated life experience, you understand this pattern.

With one of my acquaintances, an absolute skeptic regarding horoscopes and other esotericism, there were several cases of an unsuccessful outcome for him with business partners or customers who were "Boas" for his sign. Naturally, this remark was made for him. At present, he, as before, is skeptical about horoscopes ... but he avoids his "Boas". By the way, he also has good compatibility with his wife, only the compatibility calculation, of course, does not recognize.

Regarding your question-suggestion: of course, this calculation is not limited to date pairs of a man and a woman. Only a few wordings, as already mentioned, are specially tailored for a pink female date and a blue male date. Therefore, do not look at them and boldly analyze everyone in a row. So much better understanding of the calculation comes.

Hello! An interesting analysis of psychological and emotional compatibility on this site prompted me to apply. Realizing all the positive and negative aspects of living together with a spouse for more than 12 years, one single question haunts: why build relationships and develop them if it is known in advance that there is complete incompatibility in views, interests, temperament. Me 05/01/72, wife 03/21/75


Alexander, it seems to me that your calculation with your wife does not at all give serious grounds for asserting about “complete incompatibility”. This is far from true:

Date of Birth 01.05.1972 21.03.1975
Physical 1%
Emotional 84%
Intellectual 56%
Cordial 62%
Creative 44%
Intuitive 51%
Higher 55%
Zodiac signs Taurus - Earth Aries - Fire
Square of Pythagoras
Character 2 3
family 6 5
Temperament 6 3

As we can see, apart from the physical chakra, there are no other significant dissonances. There is good compatibility on the 2nd “female” levels, the key in relationships is in emotions and in the heart. And all other levels are neutral. Quite a normal lineup. But intelligence, Alexander, you need more in your work. In family relationships, this is no longer the most important point. If we talk about the temperament that you have more - “overheated” 6, and at the same time take into account the “male” physical dissonance, then here more problem on your side. For a woman, the issue of temperament is, first of all, emotional compatibility.

There is still a problem in the inconsistency of the signs "Best friend and best enemy" (Aries goes before Taurus, which means he is the "Best Enemy"), but this is not the worst option for a couple in the Zodiac. Moreover, it is also statistically the most popular option. Although the relationship between successive signs is not smoothly built, something always attracts them and this connection has such a peculiar “neighborly” character. There is also a place for friendship based on the fact that the signs "live" side by side, like neighbors. However, there is a place for rivalry, and envy, and gloating, such as “a neighbor bought a car” - grief, and “a neighbor’s cow died” - joy. This is, of course, an exaggerated example.

In general, if you look at a couple, it seems that the woman was the initiator of these relationships, and is still the leader. It can be seen that she has chosen for herself the compatibility of all the “female” levels, that she has both a character of 3 and a maximum family of 5 points. By the way, the difference in characters between 3 and 2 is greater than, for example, between 2 and 1. Thus, 3 is already a pronounced strong character. Therefore, Alexander, if your spouse, as a leading link, is satisfied with everything and if you don’t have any particular problems supporting these family relationships, and you have learned to resolve conflicts, then there is nothing to worry about in your couple. Moreover, the connection of two strong family men is usually durable. And if we take some average ratios for comparison, then you can say that they are even higher than the average for the totality of all calculation indicators.

Hello, dear creators of this wonderful site. So I have chosen for myself according to your method the ideal partner. His date of birth is April 3, 1968. Please advise me where I can find this person. I thank you for your understanding and for your response. My date of birth is 06/05/1976

Alena, for starters, I would like to say that in fact there are quite a few “ideal” partners for each person, so maybe you shouldn’t get hung up on a single date. But that's up to you, of course.

Where to look ... A good question. I understand that I cannot advise you on the easiest way for the current generation - this is Vkontakte, because. The audience is at least a generation younger. Maybe Odnoklassniki? Although, for sure, you already know this social network without me too. But in it, at least, the active audience is still older than VKontakte.

I can also seriously recommend paid dating services. I can't write the names because I'm not an active user of them. However, more than once I heard very positive reviews about such services. The reason for them, of course, is a more adequate audience than different mambas, etc. In them, people pay for communication with the same adults, adequate and serious-minded people, for the absence of perverts and outcasts, well, and for various additional bonuses that are not available in mass services.

By the way, one of my acquaintances, an accomplished and very self-confident woman with the character of 1111, found her third husband through one of these paid services. True, she absolutely does not trust all kinds of astrology and calculations due to the pragmatism of her mind, calling those similar to this site complete nonsense. Which, by the way, did not prevent her from marrying a “Rabbit” man for the third time in a row :)))

So try it - the Internet now provides plenty of opportunities for this. It is important to simply find your audience. But, nevertheless, I would recommend that you look at all the men who are interested there and check them here. Objectively, it is not easy to find exactly 46 years old by the ready date of birth of a free person, suitable for all parameters.

Good afternoon I looked at several couples, including my past relationships, and saw such a pattern - often in couples where there is an emotional dissonance in the vampire-donor relationship ... That is, someone in a couple has a lot of energy, and someone lacks it ... It turns out that in some couples attraction comes precisely due to emotional dissonance? Or maybe I'm wrong ... My relationship has become a vivid example for me. I - 06/18/1986, partner 03/24/1976 - there is practically no compatibility. I don’t understand what the attraction is due to, if it’s not a donor-vampire relationship, where I’m just a vampire, throwing tantrums at a man and trying to bring him to emotions. If the explanation is correct, then I understand my reasons for falling in love, but why does he return? And the relationship of my friends: partner 06/18/1985, girl-February 11, 85, also emotional dissonance, but then the man throws tantrums and tries to bring his wife to emotions.

In-contri: Nadezhda, you probably noticed that I, too, sometimes, when necessary, look in a relationship who is a vampire and who is a donor. It happens that this helps to understand the essence of problematic relationships, especially with inconsistencies in the horoscope. However, more and more questions come in connection with the distribution of roles in a couple: who gives energy and who takes it. Therefore, I will write it down for myself in the list of site upgrades and will add it to the calculation in the near future. The indicator is still important.

If we talk about your observation that emotional dissonance is accompanied by a pronounced vampire-donor relationship (and vampirism on the female side, if I understand correctly), then, I confess, I did not make such notes for myself, but now I will definitely do it. An interesting hypothesis that needs to be tested. Regarding specifically your relationship, here, it is obvious that no less a role than energy vampirism was also played specifically by your type of interaction between the signs of Gemini (you) and Aries (men). This is the most explosive union of Air and Fire. Only now it's better when it's an explosion of passion and emotions, and not scandals and tears. And to the question of why he returns to you, the explanation is as follows: the first is that without your Air, his Fire is just a spark, it is the signs of your element that give his sign the most opportunities to open up, and the second is that, oddly enough, energy the donor needs to transfer excess energy no less than the vampire needs to receive it. And, if you remember, it has been said more than once that energy vampirism by quickly and easily receiving negative energy is akin to drug addiction. Many couples get hooked on this very seriously. But the consequences of such energy addiction are no better than those of the real one: more and more is required each time. Until the psyche of one of the partners bursts.

Hello, Alexander! Thank you so much for your comments and for your site! It's great that now all the incomprehensible and controversial points can be explained based on scientific knowledge! Your work deserves great respect! I hope this direction will continue to develop.
I wrote to you about the compatibility of an Aries woman and a Taurus man (03/22/1988 and 05/10/1986, respectively). In this regard, I had such a question, the lack of intellectual compatibility makes relationships uncomfortable for a man, as well as emotional incompatibility for a woman. But it happens that in other respects everything is fine, are there ways to overcome these crisis moments? It would be great to read in more detail about the influence of some biorhythms on others, their various combinations and how they manifest themselves in real life. After all, you want to achieve harmony and complete understanding with your partner, you want to improve and increase what you have, and not spend your life searching for the ideal (this is my subjective opinion). So it would be great to know more about it. And I also noticed that the calculation for the same dates leads to a 100% indicator, which is understandable from the point of view of mathematical calculation, but in practice this does not happen. In addition, there is a contradiction about the same signs, the type of relationship “I and my mirror” will sooner or later get bored and such relationships are more interesting in youth. How to explain this paradox?

In-contri: Ksenia, you are probably one of the luckiest authors, whose letter (even if not the first) I answer literally a few hours after receiving it :) Despite the fact that several hundred most interesting life stories are still intact in the box. And I answer you for one simple reason: I wanted to say that I am not Alexander :))) I am just an admin and as passionate about compatibility theory as most of the users of this site. And Alexander is the key person, thanks to whom I was able to streamline my knowledge in the field of compatibility prediction. In a nutshell: Alexander helped to discard all unnecessary and leave only the most necessary and most effective. That's why I call him the Author. Although, of course, horoscopes, biorhythms with chakras and the square of Pythagoras were invented long before him. He just learned how to use them and passed on some of the experience to me.

Let's finally get to your questions. But first, according to your compatibility. In this regard, it is worth raising your first question:

Is there a future for this couple?
she 03/22/1988, he 05/10/1986
Incompatible signs, intellectual and intuitive dissonances.
But the feeling that I met a kindred spirit does not leave. Relationships aren't easy, that's why I'm asking. I am hot and open, he is cold and withdrawn. Sometimes I don’t even know how to behave and how to regard his attitude towards me. Unfortunately, I can't read minds. But I can't say it's bad either.
Maybe he should work on these relationships, maybe it's not worth it?

In-contri: here it is worth making a reservation that the signs Aries and Taurus (Fire and Earth, “Best friend and Best enemy”) are conditionally “incompatible” according to the dry theory of horoscopes. And, if not for the chakras and the square of Pythagoras, then one could read such a result, in the end get upset and disperse. But we will dig deeper. Firstly, I have already noticed from the reviews that a pair of consecutive signs is the most popular. I don't know why, but still. You can't fool the statistics. So people somehow live with each other, solve problems together, build relationships, and such a pair of signs, apparently, is not a sentence at all. You just need to adapt to the difference in the "temperaments" of the elements and to some slowness (or even "slowness") of your Taurus. Secondly, the most interesting thing in your pair is next. In the chakras:

Physical 58% - intersect
Emotional 98% - maximum

Cardiac 99% - maximum
Creative 99% - maximum

Top 83% - almost match

As you can see: three maximums (emotions, heart, creativity) and almost a maximum in the higher chakras. Everything is great here. Except for the intellectual dissonance you mentioned. And the main danger here is that you, having so many advantages in a relationship with this guy, are fixated specifically on two shortcomings: the difference in the elements (you are hot - he is cold, you are open - he is closed) and the difference in thinking (you are trying to "understand" him , "read minds"). This is just not worth doing in your case. And it is worth transferring relations from the plane of thinking-understanding to the plane of emotions-feelings. Specifically: if you want to hug him - hug him, do not try to think and "understand" at this moment, rejoice and be sad with him, watch your favorite films together and listen to your favorite music - you will have the same emotions from them (only expressed differently) And this is another unifying reason. I advise you this, because I myself am of the opinion that emotional compatibility prevails in relationships, and not intellectual. Intellectual union is needed in work. And also because I went through it myself and I know that a man does not expect an intellectual union from a woman in the first place. However, if this dissonance is put in the first place, then, of course, it will become the cause of discord.

About creative compatibility. Let me remind you that this, like intelligence, is also his “male” level. In this case, if he undertook something, then support him - and he will definitely be lucky. And men really appreciate those women, next to whom they are “rushing”. If he is not passionate about anything yet, then inspire him - your energy will push him to things that he did not dare to do or that he never even thought about. That's the power of creative compatibility. But, I repeat, men feel it more. Just like you are cordial with your boyfriend - "feeling like you met a kindred spirit."

Well, about the highest compatibility has already been said more than once - these are common ideals. However, before its manifestation it is necessary to live still. And at the end of the calculation, Pythagoras puts his verdict: a meeting of two "golden" characters, two "impulsive" temperaments and family-oriented people (5 and 4).

In general, there are much more pluses than minuses in your pair. Yes, and the cons are essentially not critical, but quite even surmountable. I really want to wish you, Ksenia, to rethink your relationship, stop “thinking” too much and just be yourself paired with your Taurus.

Finally, about 100% chakra compatibility of people born on the same day, and the type of relationship between two identical signs “Me and my mirror”. The peculiarity here is the following: compatibility in chakras really takes place, only the same signs overlap all the pluses. In youth, such people are found, because still young inexperienced creatures are looking for a mate similar to themselves. Those. identify best as a potential partner of another young person on the principle of "he is like me." It is not for nothing, by the way, that so-called “subcultures” appear among young people all the time, in which guys are united according to the principle of similarity or belonging to something the same (style of clothing, music, etc.). And with age, on the contrary, people who have already become personalities are looking for partners for someone who will interest them with their special features, who could well complement their personality (in their opinion, of course). Therefore, the compatibility of two identical signs is considered youthful.

Hello! I am writing probably already for the 10th time)))) As requested, I am writing in more detail, I hope now you will pay attention to my review)
My situation is this - I met a person purely by chance, through business correspondence. Immediately there was a feeling of some invisible connection between us and a very strong attraction, strange as it may seem, through the lines of business letters. As a result, we met in person and passion immediately arose ... But, unfortunately, we met at a very inopportune time for both. But the feeling of affection is very strong, some kind of mythical, I would even say, remains and does not let go ... It feels like I met a loved one. True, on the part of a man, the behavior is not unambiguous, some kind of silent and mysterious) I really don’t want to part with this person, I just want to be there, at least as a friend, support and care for him) The question is, is friendship possible in this situation, on what you should pay attention to and how best to behave in this situation. She dates 03/22/1988, he - 05/10/1986. Thank you in advance!

In-contri: Xenia, I understood your situation almost immediately. Let's start, perhaps, with the main thing: where does the silence and riddles come from. I think there are two reasons. The first is the type of compatibility of Aries and Taurus, two signs following each other, called "Best friend and best enemy." In the case of your couple, the "Best Friend" is Taurus, but the "Best Enemy" for him is your sign, Xenia, the sign of Aries. And the “Best Friend”, as a rule, with a sixth sense, feels distrust of the sign behind. And all the problems of the psychology of relationships in this pair very often come down to this distrust. However, at the same time, this type of compatibility does not prevent two adjacent signs from finding mutual language and be pretty good friends. The second reason for the mystery is the specificity of the earth sign Taurus in its some not only slowness, but at times outright slowness. While the fiery Aries is already rushing forward, he wants everything here and now.

But for the chakras, the result cannot but rejoice - 4 maximums:
Physical 58% - intersect
Emotional 98% - maximum
Intellectual 13% - dissonance
Cardiac 99% - maximum
Creative 99% - maximum
Intuitive 21% - not compatible
Top 83% - almost match

According to Pythagoras, there are also characters 3-3, families 5-4 and temperaments 3-3. No, Ksenia, you need to take this Taurus by the horns unambiguously :) But the strategy is the following (you named it yourself and I also consider it correct): do not run ahead of the engine, be just a friend for now, be around more time - and let it get used. Perfect option: wait for such conditions, where he himself at least showed a little initiative, and you supported him with all your fiery passion.

Aries - Aries. March 21 - April 20. First symbolizing active manifestation in the world. The symbol of the sign is the head of a ram. It is a symbol of offensive power, the desire for manifestation, for life, initiative and courage. Fire sign, cardinal, dry, mobile, choleric.

A typical representative of the sign Aries

Passionate and ardent person, incendiary leader, honest and straightforward, open to everything and everyone, self-affirming, pioneer of actions and new solutions, demonstrative and stage character, lover to seize the initiative, pioneer; a person who gives fiery energy, an inspirer; breaks through what others cannot, a victim of higher powers, new decisions or circumstances.

advantage in character- speed of action, the ability to command and manage, a tendency to subjugate everything that surrounds, the desire for primacy of power and victory. Enthusiasm, enterprise, the ability to ignite and ignite are inherent. Interest in renewal, thirst for superiority.

characteristic- cordiality, charity. Aries tends to lead (elevation at the expense of the other). This is the ego, the posture. The sun also gives exaltation, but at the expense of kindness and charity.

Negative traits with severe damage to the Sun: independence becomes excessive. Love of freedom goes against common sense, in contradiction with others (a person makes "another for evil"). Oversized frankness, sharing details that are not expected of them. Irritability, dominance.

Self-centeredness, unbridled passions, rudeness and dictate, a tendency to forceful methods of solving problems, irascibility, ambition, unhealthy ambition, a tendency to sensationalism and exaggeration, extravagance, recklessness and haste, a tendency to go to extremes.

Weak side(vulnerability)- Aries is always in a state of "ego" protection. The world for Aries is an aggressive environment, and he reacts to it with aggression. This is the fear of not being noticed, of dissolving in society. Hence the mood for the need to constantly prove their strength.

According to Eastern philosophy, Ariesis a sacrifice. His impulse is like the last flash before the end. Having won, he loses interest. He is only interested in the victim, in order to protect and show his strength.

The sun is a sex planet for women(born from sunrise to sunset). Getting into Aries, it does not acquire an increased sexual need, but there is only temperament.

Planets in the zodiac sign Aries

In your may be the following planets:

Aries Ascendant (ascending sign)

Others see you as a strong individual, confident, sometimes arrogant, even brash and assertive. You always speak loudly, quickly, abruptly, seize the initiative in conversation and lead the company. Perhaps as a child you were a bully, a fidget, walked in bruises. Your energy needs some kind of outlet. Characterized by excessive frankness and straightforwardness, say what you think, even when you are not asked. You see the world as an attachment to yourself. With other people trusting and simple-minded. You quickly forget the offense, but in no case should you be deceived: you will consider this a betrayal. Do not endure pain, you are terribly afraid of dentists.

Ruler planet Pluto

In the physical world, Pluto corresponds - the creative power of vacuum, creating particles from nothing, virtual particles, the smallest quantum of space, Pluto - a planet that gives energy to a person.

  • Ruler of the day of the week- Tuesday.
  • Numbers 0 and giving a total of 10. For example, 19, 28, 37, 46, 55, 64, 73, 82, 91, 100, 118
  • Substances- plutonium, plastic, strong steel, iron.
  • Interaction and combinations of objects with bright scarlet, with fiery red, with steel or iron, plastic. Nanotechnologies.

Pluto- this is the primary and invisible light, the hidden creator, the creative power of the Absolute, a powerful source of spiritual and transcendental power, the energy of Shambhala (responsible for Buddhism), the lord, leader, commander, leader, idol and star.


  • Electronic industry, arms industry, space communications, astronautics. New technologies and achievements, energy, special heating when using modern technology, super-powerful computers, microchips, digital cameras, everything related to image and video perception, the worldwide global network (Internet).
  • Television, chi-energy, laser, a source of new opportunities, a guide to a second wind (new forces). Military and sports sciences, space forces, politics, TV industry.
  • Show business, responsible for crowds and large demonstrations, mass and carnival performances, pop culture, industry and metallurgy, extraction of underground wealth, exploration of the depths, space exploration.
  • Martial arts, boxing, various races, integral yoga.
  • International mafia and clans, groups, special forces, KGB, charismatic people, surgeons, hypnotists, plutocrats. Banking clans, Internet money and instant transfer of large amounts of money, the biggest winnings are wealth.

The manifestation of Pluto in the horoscope

The highest planet - Pluto takes a person beyond the limits of consciousness. It gives superconsciousness and superpowers.

Pluto function- Higher collective will.

Quality of Pluto- the principle of unity of will, the collective sweeps aside the individual.

Finding Pluto in the sign of the Zodiac makes secret deeds and hidden processes obvious. He bestows psychic magical abilities. Levitation, healing, telekinesis and teleportation.

Pluto in the houses of the horoscope gives a person strength and a desire for renewal. A person may manifest early latent abilities. There is always the opportunity to start over in the sphere carved by Pluto.

First - Ι house

Vita. Life. Horoscope. Sunrise.

Planets in the First House

The first house is identical to the sign of Aries and the planet Pluto.

First house in the horoscope predetermines success and life achievements, temperament and character, behavior and motivated impulses, penetrating power, external and physical data, consciousness and self-awareness, revealing hidden opportunities.

First house determines such personal qualities of a person as natural charm, striving and gaining popularity, independence, new beginnings, the ability to self-development and innate talents. He is responsible for the physical and mental state of a person, a model of behavior, the potential of will and energy, and life prospects.

Unfavorable 1st house: aggressive model of behavior, inflated self-esteem, inability to properly distribute their energy potential, diktat. insensitivity, insensitivity environment, inability to see, hear, understand others because of the intemperance of one's character. Problems with the head, rude expression of good feelings, inferiority complex, rudeness, rudeness, pressure on others (unbridled hypnosis), powerful defense programs, difficult childhood, difficulty in self-expression, inferiority complex, pronounced flaws in character, problems with the body.

The material used the concept

Events in predictive methods: aura (human), ethereal body, initiator of action, higher education of a child, son-in-law's children, maternal grandfather, paternal grandmother, career cousin, mind of querent, residence of employer or government person, residence of paternal cousin (sister), thoughts of querent, inheritance of employee or employee, or paternal aunt (uncle), father of employer or government person, great-great-grandchildren, life expectancy, nickname nickname, nephew (ts), distant travels of the child, employer of the cousin (sister) on the father's side, religion of the child, mother-in-law (mother-in-law) of the employer, death of an employee or employee, death of the aunt (uncle) on the father's side, neighbors of the pupil or daughter-in-law, mother-in-law (mother-in-law) of a government person , the physical condition of the querent, physical body, surgery (operation) of an employee, employee, or aunt (paternal uncle).

Astrologers Anna Ungar and Lillian Huber. Horary astrology.

Synthetic sign Aries

You are driven forward with intense energy and primordial strength. Your determination helps to carry out any intention without wasting time. You are full of enthusiasm, a desire to excel in everything you do, and you have many-sided social chances for success. You are independent and do not depend on public opinion and support, at least to the same extent as other people. Love originality and don't be afraid to be alone. You prefer to be either a leader or a loner. It is much better for you to try and fail than not to try at all. Inspired by an idea, you feel such impatience and excitement that you often boldly strive to implement it immediately, but at the same time, thoughtlessly, in an untested way. You will never admit defeat.

Your weaknesses: You scorn the weakness and passivity of other people, as well as their desire to imitate others and follow others. You may not feel very well in a team, and it is difficult to interact, cooperate with others. Characterized by excessive impatience, haste and impulsiveness. You lack patience and care.

Allegory for Aries

And there was a morning when God stood before his twelve children and in each of them put the seed of human life. One by one, each child stepped forward to receive their assigned gift.

"To you, Aries, I give my seed first, so that you may have the honor of planting it. Every seed you plant will be multiplied many times in your hand. You will not have time to see the seed grow, since everything you plant "will create more to be planted. You will be the first to infiltrate the soil of people's minds with My Idea. But it is not your job to nourish the Idea or explore it. Your life is an action, and the only action I attribute to you is is to start making people aware of My Creation. Good work I will give you a sense of Self Dignity."

And Oven quietly stepped back to his place.

Martin Shulman from Karmic Astrology.

Keywords in the horoscope for Aries - Pluto - First House:

"I", mine, about me, ego, physical training, self-improvement, change in appearance, behavior style, physical appearance. Demonstrativeness, thirst for superiority, records, victory. The main owner of the horoscope and patron of fate. Royal combination - cardinal and fiery interaction.

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Tags: Aries zodiac sign, Sun in Aries, Astrology Aries, 2015, zodiac sign, Aries stone, patron and talisman, keywords, Pluto in the horoscope, first house, allegory for Aries, function and quality