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Blood on the compatibility of partners. What you need to know about the compatibility of people by blood type in sexual and family relationships? Blood group: compatibility for transfusion

The compatibility of blood groups for conceiving a child is a very important parameter that determines the normal course of pregnancy and the absence of disturbances in the formation of the fetus. This topic has become relevant along with the development of genetics as a science. Of course, any family should be built on the basis of mutual respect, love and trust, the presence of common views on style, lifestyle and much more. However, the conception, bearing and birth of a healthy and happy baby should be based on the biological and genetic compatibility of future parents.

In any of the centers for family planning, many hours are devoted to this issue. We are talking about blood groups and Rh factors, and that if these characteristics are incompatible in future parents, pregnancy can be difficult for a potential mother, and for a baby, a “blood conflict” threatens the risk of abnormal intrauterine development.

Blood type compatibility - what you need to know

Blood is a unique biological fluid that provides all the vital functions of the body. It is the basis of life, concentrated in small blood cells.

Erythrocytes make up the bulk of the blood and have a complex biochemical composition. Their main function is to transport oxygen to all anatomical structures of the body. At the same time, the composition of blood cells in different people is not the same, it may differ in the presence or absence of certain proteins.

It is the proteins or antigens that make up red blood cells that allow you to divide blood into groups. In addition, each red blood cell carries a certain Rh factor, which makes it possible to divide people not only by blood groups, but also by such status as Rh-negative or Rh-positive factor.

Human blood can belong to one of four groups, each of which is distinguished by a set of specific proteins (antigens) that form the basis of red blood cells. Antigens are commonly referred to as A and B. Blood cells of the 1st blood group do not contain antigens, proteins A are present in the erythrocytes of the 2nd group, proteins B are in the third group, and blood cells of the 4th group contain both antigens (A and B).

Blood types - description

Blood groups were formed in the process of human evolution. Scientists believe that initially, all people had 1 blood type. Then, as a result of mutations, mixed marriages and changes in the living conditions and existence of different peoples, other blood groups began to form.

  • Group 1 is the oldest, over 60,000 years old. This is the blood of hunters and gatherers, whose diet was dominated by meat food. The peculiarity of this group is that erythrocytes do not contain antigen proteins.
  • Group 2 - formed more than 25,000 years ago as a result of a change in diet, in which meat food was replaced by vegetable food. The blood of the 2nd group belonged to the first farmers and was formed during the transition to a sedentary lifestyle associated with the domestication of livestock and the cultivation of cereals. Evolution gradually changed the human digestive and immune systems, forcing them to adapt to the assimilation of plant foods, and the blood type also changed accordingly. As a result of a mutation, a specific protein (antigen) A appears in the blood cells of the 2nd blood group.
  • Group 3 - the blood of nomads and pastoralists. It first appeared as a result of a mutation among representatives of the Mongoloid race, and together with them migrated from the steppe plains to Europe. The erythrocytes of this blood group contain the B antigen.
  • 4 blood group is the youngest and most mysterious, its blood cells contain two antigens at once (A and B). It is believed that it appeared 1500 years ago as a result of mixing the blood of different races. It is this blood type that is considered the most biologically complex, and the rarest is the 4th group with negative Rh.

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Interesting fact: Studies of the Shroud of Turin, in which Jesus Christ was wrapped after the crucifixion, showed that he was the owner of the 4th blood group.

What you need to know before conception?

Pregnancy planning and the birth of a child must be approached competently. Reproductologists advise in advance to find out the blood group and Rh factor of both spouses, this will help to avoid possible complications and will allow you to determine what qualities the child will inherit from both partners.

It is especially important to check for Rh compatibility, which will prevent dangerous consequences, in particular hemolysis during pregnancy. It should be remembered that if a woman has a positive, and a man has a negative Rh factor, an Rh conflict develops, in which the mother's body perceives the fetus as a foreign organism and begins to fight it, producing antibodies. This situation is dangerous not only for the woman, but also for the fetus, since the likelihood of developing a hemolytic disease in a baby increases significantly.

If you determine in advance whether conception will succeed by blood type, you can protect the mother and the future baby as much as possible. And using the Ottenberg rule, a physician can find out in advance what diseases can occur during pregnancy, approximately establish the chromosome combination scheme and the Rh factor of the unborn child, and also determine the color of his eyes, hair, height and other features.

The ratio of blood types of mother and father is an important point, but their incompatibility does not mean the impossibility of getting pregnant, but only indicates that problems may arise in the process of bearing a child. However, today, we can safely say that this thesis is not undeniable. The future genetic characteristics of the planned baby, as well as the very fact of his conception and intrauterine development, depend on a combination of the characteristics of both parents. Two main indicators are taken into account:

  • blood type;
  • Rh factor.

Directly on the possibility of conception, none of these indicators does not affect. The incompatibility of partners is important already when carrying a child, but even in this case, the conflict between the blood of the fetus and the mother does not always develop. Nevertheless, it is necessary to have information about the possible risk, this will allow you to take certain measures in advance and plan a successful pregnancy, taking into account possible pathologies and difficulties.

Blood group compatibility table - 1, 2, 3 and 4

The blood type compatibility table for conceiving a child will help you independently calculate how comfortable the mother will be during the gestation of the fetus and with what blood type the baby will be born.

Father's details Mother's data Probability of incompatibility Traits inherited by the baby
I (O) I (O) - I (O)
I (O) II (A) - II (A) / I (O), in the probability of 50/50
I (O) III (V) - III (B) / I (O), in probability 30/70
I (O) IV (AB) - II (A) / III (B), in the probability of 50/50
II (A) I (O) I (O) / II (A), in probability 60/40
II (A) II (A) - I (O) / II (A), in probability 30/70
II (A) III (V) 70% chance of developing a "blood conflict", complications and pathologies during gestation

50% chance of miscarriage or premature birth

I (O) / II (A) / III (B) / IV (AB), in equal parts of probability
II (A) IV (AB) - I (A) / III (B) / IV (AB), with an equal degree of probability
III (V) I (O) 80% chance of developing a "blood conflict", complications and pathologies during gestation

40% chance of miscarriage or premature birth

I (O) / III (B), in probability 30/70
III (V) II (A) 60% chance of developing a "blood conflict", complications and pathologies during gestation I (O) / II (A) / III (B) / IV (AB), with equal probability
III (V) III (V) - I (O) / III (B), in the probability of 50/50
III (V) IV (AB) - I (O) / III (B) / IV (AB), with an equal degree of probability
IV (AB) I (O) 100% probability of developing a "blood conflict", complications and pathologies during gestation

100% chance of miscarriage or premature birth

100% probability of violations during intrauterine development, insufficiency in the formation of organs and tissues

100% probability of deviations in a child, developmental delay, autism or mental pathology

II (A) / III (B), with equal probability
IV (AB) II (A)
IV (AB) III (V) 40% chance of developing a "blood conflict", complications and pathologies during gestation II (A) / III (B) / IV (AB), with an equal degree of probability
IV (AB) IV (AB) - II (A) / III (B) / IV (AB), with an equal degree of probability

What you need to know about blood incompatibility?

Accordingly, when planning a family, it must be taken into account that 1 positive blood type of the father gives full compatibility for conception and pregnancy with any mother's blood type, but is not predominant in the inheritance of the unborn baby.

The compatibility of the 3rd blood group for conceiving a child in the father is already quite complicated, it goes well only with the 3rd and 4th blood groups in the mother, but the probability of having a baby with the 1st group is quite high. However, the risk of any complications in this variant, although very likely theoretically, is quite rare in practice.

But the compatibility of the 4th group for conceiving a child, if the father has it, is possible only with the same group in the mother. If future mother different blood type, then the risks during pregnancy are very high, not only for the health and condition of the woman, but also for the full development and health of the baby.

With a combination of the 4th group in the father with the 1st group in the mother, the probability of the following pathologies in the unborn child reaches a maximum:

  • downism;
  • autism;
  • general lag in development, including in physiological terms;
  • congenital malformations, including heart disease or anomalies in the structure of the kidneys.

Unfortunately, there is no chance to avoid complications or give birth to a healthy baby with a combination - IV (AB) in the father / I (O) in the mother.

Also, the compatibility of the 2nd group of the father with the 3rd and 1st mothers is unlikely, and gives an almost complete guarantee of a difficult and extremely difficult pregnancy. However, the child is born completely healthy and without any abnormalities.

By Rh factor

The course of pregnancy and the possible development of a “blood conflict” between the expectant mother and the baby are influenced not only by the compatibility of blood groups with a potential father, but also by such a characteristic as the Rh factor. A visual representation of its influence is given by the table:

From the side of such a characteristic as the Rh factor, the development of a “conflict” during pregnancy is possible with a very high degree of probability, but, which is very paradoxical, it is practically quite rare.

Moreover, the complications caused by this characteristic of the blood, more precisely, by the incompatibility of the Rh factors of the parents, mean only severe toxicosis, severe vomiting, swelling and other, of course, difficult moments for the mother. For health and intrauterine development this nuance does not affect the baby in any way.

According to the table, conflict during conception is possible in the following cases:
  • if a woman has 1 blood group with a negative Rh, an incompatibility reaction may occur on the protein A of the second blood group, on the antigen B of the third group and on the protein with a Rh-positive blood factor;
  • if the future mother has 2 blood group, Rh-negative, then incompatibility with antigens B of the third and fourth blood groups, as well as with blood with a Rh-positive factor, is possible;
  • if a woman has a 3 blood group with a negative Rh, then a conflict arises on protein A of the second and fourth blood groups and Rh is a positive factor.

You should know that the Rh-positive blood of a woman is compatible with any blood of the fetus. With a Rh-negative blood factor, the probability of a conflict is within 50%.

However, compatibility issues are a delicate matter and it concerns not only the process of bearing a child, but also the very possibility of conception. It is not uncommon for a woman's body to start producing so-called antisperm bodies that kill spermatozoa and exclude the possibility of egg fertilization. In this case, they say that in this way the woman's immune system reacts to the invasion of foreign agents carrying a set of incompatible antigen proteins.

To avoid incompatibility by blood type or Rh factor, spouses should clarify all parameters in advance when planning a pregnancy.

What is a "blood conflict" during pregnancy?

The blood itself is a very complex combination of plasma, white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. In addition to "chemistry and biology", blood is also a carrier of genetic information and performs many other functions in the human body. "Blood conflict" during pregnancy develops through the fault of red blood cells. With opposite, incompatible qualities of these cells, they inevitably start mutual "attacks".

The most serious consequence that is possible with such a complication in pregnancy is the development of the process of intrauterine hemolysis in the baby's red blood cells, that is, the destruction of his blood cells by the immunity of the mother's body.

A direct consequence of this pathology is the oxygen starvation of the child inside the womb, dropsy and hemolytic jaundice. All these pathologies significantly affect the well-being of the expectant mother, and entail the birth of an inferior and not entirely healthy baby.

Fortunately, modern possibilities in the field of family planning, they very accurately predict the degree of risk of such pathologies and allow them to be avoided.

How to avoid

However, if for some reason, a conception with a high risk of complications nevertheless occurred, a woman needs to be prepared for the fact that medical care will be focused mainly on the health of the baby and the preservation of pregnancy. The measures taken by doctors, in addition to examinations and analyzes of the condition of the unborn baby, as a rule, include the prevention of possible complications.

For the prevention of possible pathologies, with a period of 27-30 weeks, a woman is sent to a course of immunoglobulin injections. This drug partially blocks, suppresses blood "antibodies", that is, it actually "freezes" the woman's immunity, ensuring the comfortable growth of the unborn child. However, such procedures can adversely affect the condition and well-being of a woman.

The expectant mother needs to take this into account, and especially take care of herself if she had to go through a course of such therapy, because after such injections her body will not be able to cope even with a common cold, and it is not allowed to help herself with medicines during this period.

Blood transfusion

In the most severe cases, doctors resort directly to blood transfusion procedures or the introduction of biomaterial particles directly through the umbilical cord into the placenta in order to restore and normalize the red blood cells of the unborn baby.

The development of a “blood conflict” and the complications that follow it have an extremely negative impact on the health and psychological state of a woman, and can affect the health of the unborn baby, even with constant care from doctors and constant monitoring of the growth and formation of the fetus.

The modern development of science in the field of family planning makes it possible to avoid unwanted complications, you just need to take such a step as pregnancy and the appearance of a new little person with the utmost responsibility, using the achievements of modern science and medicine.

The problems of compatibility of the blood of parents during the conception of a child were first identified after the Second World War, when medicine began to focus on the restoration of human losses and closely study all the processes associated with the conception of a child.

The attention of scientists was attracted by the reports of local and regional doctors that cases have become more frequent when a couple, who are safe in appearance and in health, suddenly lose a child for different stages pregnancy or immediately after childbirth.

They started talking about this when the determination of the Rh factor became mandatory and any blood type began to be marked with the value of positive or negative RF.

The Rh factor is the presence (if positive) and the absence (if negative) in the blood of a special protein located on the surface of red blood cells, to which the immune system of a person with a negative RF reacts and attacks uninvited guests.

Unfortunately, the fetus in the early stages of pregnancy is also an uninvited guest, therefore, in the case when a woman has a negative Rh factor, and a man has a positive one, antibodies are produced in her blood that suppress the fetus. Most often, this ends in a miscarriage, and repeated attempts at conception lead to more unfortunate consequences when conception does not occur at all or the embryo dies in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Checking the compatibility of blood types for conception

This process is tightly integrated into any family planning course and in every clinic is mandatory for families expecting a child for the first time. In cities where family planning is based on more modern algorithms, the Rh factor for blood compatibility is given at the conception planning stage in order to exclude a negative experience for the couple.

In the case when the Rh factors of the couple are the same or the man is negative, the pregnancy will pass without complications caused by this factor.

In the case when a woman has a negative Rh factor, and a positive man, an Rh conflict may occur.

Rh conflict is a process when a protein (Rh factor) in the gene material of a man is taken by the woman's immune system as a foreign body, since the Rh factor is negative in her blood and there is no such protein. The foreign body is attacked by all mechanisms of immunity. As a result, the embryo is faced with complete rejection by the mother's body and in many cases dies despite attempts to suppress the mother's immunity and other methods of support.

The problem of compatibility of blood groups and Rh conflict does not apply to all couples in which, based on the tests, it can occur. A complete list of causes and factors that may affect its manifestation has not yet been established, since it is impossible to conduct experiments in this area.

Many couples, even if the Rh factor is different, do not have any problems. Negative blood compatibility for conception does not exclude conception, successful pregnancy and childbirth. However, the obstetrician leading the family necessarily strengthens the monitoring and control of the course of pregnancy.

Conceiving a healthy child when the Rh factor is different

Partners who decide, despite the incompatibility of blood types, to overcome potential difficulties should consult a doctor long before they conceive.

Repeated, within the framework of the healthy child program, donating blood for the Rh factor, as well as passing an additional examination, will help to significantly increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.

As a result of the examination for conceiving a child, the doctor will make a series of recommendations that can increase the chances of a successful pregnancy and birth without pathologies. Since it is impossible to bring blood compatibility to an ideal formula, approaches to both partners are used for conception.

Male Compatibility

Since it is on the protein in his blood that the reaction of the Rh conflict manifests itself, the drug preparation reduces the level of the protein to a minimum, which increases the chances that at conception the immune system will not notice the invasion and will not activate defense mechanisms.

Woman Compatibility

From this side, blood compatibility is brought to better performance due to the systematic, but accurate suppression of the immune system in various ways. It is impossible to leave the body of a future mother without protection, so you need to act carefully.

Problems when blood group compatibility is negative

With each new conception and pregnancy, a woman's body produces more and more antibodies for a foreign body, which is considered an embryo. The result of several attempts can be:

    A frozen fetus when the immune system suppressed it in the second third trimester of pregnancy;

    Stillbirth, when in the last weeks of pregnancy, hormonal changes in the body overcome the attempts of doctors to save the child;

    Spontaneous abortion, rejection of the embryo in the early stages of pregnancy;

    pathologies in newborns.

    With each new attempt, provided that the compatibility of parental blood types has not changed, the chances of a positive pregnancy outcome fall exponentially. Even for those who have already had their first child, the risk of loss during the second pregnancy is very high.

    This is due to the rejection by the woman's immune system of an organism alien to her. The production of antibodies, which increase with each new pregnancy, worsen the prognosis for the birth of healthy children.

Incredible Facts

By blood type, you can find out not only a predisposition to certain diseases, inclinations to certain professions, but also how a person’s personal life will develop.

In Japan and some other countries, it is believed that people of a certain blood type are united by some similarity in character and other personal characteristics. Moreover, here many choose a partner primarily by blood type.

It is believed that blood type is a more accurate measure of our personality, since it is genetically programmed, that is, we inherit these traits from our ancestors and parents.

Since blood type influences our behavior and choice of life path, it largely determines how you will build relationships and with whom you will find the best mutual understanding.

I blood group

People with the first blood group are romantic by nature, but at the same time they are purposeful and have sufficient strength to withstand any adversity. They are endowed with excellent leadership qualities, used to setting high standards and doing everything possible to achieve them. They do not care about small things, so for other people they often seem selfish.

Nevertheless, representatives of the first blood group are generous and have a good heart. It is not surprising that they are very popular and loved by others. They easily adapt to changes and are emotionally stable even in very difficult situations.

They endow their partners with signs of attention and violent manifestations of emotions, expecting the same in return. And do not even think about an affair on the side, as the representatives of the first group will not hesitate to arrange for you to be shadowed.

In Japan, people with the first blood type are called "Warriors" for their endurance and strength. Honesty comes first for them, and they hate it when someone lies to them or hides the truth.


Most often they have a friendly and optimistic character and are considered one of the best among representatives of all blood groups.

This is not surprising, because the men of the first group are born leaders and athletes, as well as wonderful lovers.

Although they are characterized by some arrogance and self-confidence, these men can be quite sensitive and emotional, although they are not used to openly express their feelings for fear of being rejected.


Women of the first blood group are caring and patient, and often perceive other people's problems as their own, which can sometimes hurt them and cause feelings of loneliness.

Outwardly, they may seem very strong, but emotionally they are very fragile natures that can lose self-control under severe stress. They have a strong will, but often bring themselves to exhaustion, trying to achieve a lot in life. Their disadvantage is a strong feeling of jealousy.

Best Compatibility:

Both men and women of the first blood group can easily build relationships with representatives of other blood groups. However, the most suitable for them is II blood group.

II blood group

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People of the second blood group are intelligent, sensitive and devoted, patient and peaceful. They are known for their pickiness. They are perfectionists to the marrow of their bones and try to bring any business to perfection. The second-graders strictly follow the rules of etiquette and social standards and do not really like to deviate from the established rules.

Representatives of this group are distinguished by an increased sense of responsibility, so they always weigh the pros and cons before making a decision. In addition, they do not like to do several things at the same time, preferring to take on a specific task in order. People of the second group do not tolerate fuss at all and feel good when everything is in its place.

They are stubborn and easily overwhelmed emotionally. The second blood group loves to live in harmony with others, and quarrels and disputes bring them out of balance.

In relationships, they show their best qualities: Patience and kindness, as well as boundless devotion. People of the second group love stability, but the desire to control everything and the lack of spontaneity can lead to strained relationships.

In case of problems, they always take responsibility and you can rely on them. But representatives of the second group do not like to show their emotions, and share them only with very close people.


Men of the second blood group are friendly and charming, despite the fact that most often they are introverts.

They are always punctual, make every effort in any business, but they have high expectations. At heart, these men are quite sensitive and vulnerable, and therefore they need more time to start trusting or starting a relationship.


Women of the second blood group are proud and quite economical. They prefer to do things their own way, do not easily adapt to a new situation, and their demands can be difficult to meet.

However, these are truly devoted partners who will be with you in sorrow and in joy. If their devotion is neglected, they become terribly jealous and can hold a grudge for a long time.

Best Compatibility:

The best partner for people of the II blood group will be those who were born with III or I blood group. Their reliability guarantees the members of the second group the peace of mind and the sense of security they need.

III blood group

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People with the third blood group are considered the soul of the company, love communication and have pronounced creative abilities. Make decisions quickly, but do not like to follow the instructions of others. When they have a goal, they throw all their strength and are not ready to give it up, even when it is obvious that it is unattainable.

They have a very great desire and assertiveness, but they cannot do several things at the same time and are often neglected. important things focusing only on the present moment.

They make friends easily and are also not very consistent in relationships. People of the second group do not like when they are trying to put them in some kind of framework and can break the rules.

In relationships, they are unpredictable and passionate, but tend to be selfish and often act without thinking about the consequences.


A man of the third blood group has a reputation for heartthrobs. They are smart, witty, the center of attention and popular with the opposite sex.

And although they fall in love easily, they lose interest in the object of their love very quickly. Despite their fickleness, they are able to be loyal and passionate partners for those who are of great importance to them.


Like men, women of the third blood group are distinguished by independence and unbridled disposition. They are spontaneous, it is always fun and interesting with them.

They are also notorious for loving to say whatever is on their mind, no matter how their words may affect other people. At the same time, these young ladies are quite emotional and prone to mood swings, which makes it difficult to communicate with them.

Best Compatibility:

Representatives of the third blood type usually balance thoughtful and sensitive people. I and IV blood groups.

IV blood group

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This is the rarest blood type. Those born with the fourth blood group combine the personality traits of the second and third groups.

Many consider representatives of this group to be complex and ambivalent personalities. They can be sociable, but at the same time quite closed, hiding their true nature from others.

They are often popular, charming and make friends easily. In company with them, it is almost never boring. They do not care about the little things in life, but they do not tolerate stress well.

The fourth blood type has strong empathy, but is always cautious in dealing with others. They always go forward towards their dreams, but do not measure their success traditionally or in money, and are considered the least greedy of the representatives of other blood types.

Often they are driven by a thirst for knowledge, and they have many hobbies. In a relationship, they easily adapt, which is why they fall in love very easily.


Usually the more secretive men of the fourth blood group at first glance seem cold and aloof. In fact, they are one of the most caring, honest, and romantic blood types who are the first to forgive.

Despite the ability to quickly adapt to a new environment, they easily part with people and projects that do not live up to their expectations. Their soul mate has to fight to maintain a relationship with them.


Women of the fourth blood group are caring and attentive and give the impression of quite confident ladies. However, inside they are overcome by many complexes, because of which they build a wall between themselves and other people, including their lovers.

They are always interested in other people's lives and are prone to fits of jealousy.

Best Compatibility:

It is believed that the best compatibility in people of group IV will be with representatives of their own IVblood.

Blood group compatibility

I groupblood(male) + I blood group (female)

Relations between the first two groups are full of idealism, but at the same time stable. The woman of the first group takes on a leading role, trying to manage everything in the house.

If a man understands this, trusts her and gives her some freedom, peace will reign in the couple. Both are very intuitive, which creates a solid foundation for a strong union. The only thing they should be afraid of is excessive vehemence in case of quarrels.

I groupblood type (male) + II blood group (female)

Relations between a man of the first group and a woman of the second group can be either ideal or destructive for both. Both are strong personalities who are strongly attracted to each other.

A woman appreciates a man for his determination and ability to back up words with deeds, while a man is impressed by the prudence of a woman. More soft temper women smoothes sharp corners in a relationship, and a man becomes a reliable support in this union. However, if this balance is disturbed, conflicts and bitter disappointments can arise.

I groupblood

Two idealists get along well with each other, and their relationship gives both vivid emotions and stability in relationships. A woman attracts a man with her many talents, and a man supports her in everything.

In this union, a woman can reach her full potential thanks to the generosity of her partner. However, representatives of the first group themselves need attention, and if a woman cannot offer her support, both will begin to sort things out.

I blood group

This combination largely depends on the personality of the partners. Often a person of the fourth group combines the features of both the second and third groups. If it has more egocentrism of the third blood type, then the relationship will not last long.

It will be difficult for a man and a woman to find understanding at a basic level, which is why alienation most often occurs. If more softness of the second group prevails, the forecast for a successful union is more favorable.

II blood type (male) + I groupblood(woman)

This is one of the best combinations ever. When they are together, they are completely focused on each other and are ready to invest a lot in their union. A woman in these relationships takes on the role of a leader, but it is important for her not to exert strong pressure on her partner and find a way to channel her energy into other areas. In the event that a man takes care of protecting a woman, the balance in the pair will be maintained.

However, if a man of the second group shows a picky character, the relationship may not work out.

II blood type (male) + II blood type (female)

The relationship between a man and a woman of the second blood type is a reliable union, full of love and stability. For a woman of the second group, this is the best option in which she can develop her abilities and feel comfortable.

Both have strong intuition and they have a lot of common ground. Empathy and warmth reign in their relationship, but there is also a weakness of this union - partners are easily annoyed with each other.

II blood group(male) + III blood type (female)

In this pair, the man is looking for constant emotional contact with his partner, and the woman needs freedom of action and has a strong personality. If a man shows patience and understanding, and a woman learns to devote more time and attention to a partner, they have every chance for a very passionate relationship.

Otherwise, the couple will have frequent quarrels and conflicts of interest.

II groupblood(male) + IV blood type (female)

The man of the second group and the woman of the fourth form a loving union. Most often, they first become friends, and only over time the feeling develops into love. A calm and reliable man of the second group will make a good impression on the realist of the fourth blood group.

However, a woman in this pair can sometimes surprise with unexpected reactions. She will want to become a leader in relationships and control her partner, not realizing that this can hit a man's ego. Otherwise, they can develop a very strong love relationship.

III blood group (male) +I blood group (woman)

In this pair, relations develop very rapidly. Both tend to fall in love quickly despite their opposite personalities, as both are very romantic. Despite frequent disputes over trifles and not only, they are able to bypass sharp corners.

Here, very comfortable relationships arise, where each partner communicates freely and openly. However, women of the first blood group often do not understand the frivolity of men of the third blood group.

III blood group (male) + II groupblood(woman)

Relations between partners of the second and third blood groups are built on the principle of attraction of opposites. At the same time, they manage to complement each other well. However, they also have similar character traits - both are quite spiritually developed and kind-hearted. At times, passions will boil in their relationship.

A woman of the second group should be more patient with a man of the third group, and he, in turn, needs to learn to be a reliable partner for her. They both need time to understand that their differences should not serve as a stumbling block, but rather help them grow.

III blood type (male) + III blood type (female)

The relationship between two partners of the third blood type can be called independent, somewhere dramatic, but quite satisfying for both. Both are very sociable, understand each other perfectly, and become not only excellent lovers, but also business partners, if they can give up the desire to do everything alone a little.

Such self-centeredness can cause conflicts if partners do not show their emotional and sensitive side.

III blood type (male) + IV blood type (female)

In general, such a union can be called successful, and often the romance between them develops rapidly. Both love to try new things and are temperamental by nature. They always try to respect the wishes of the partner and value each other's personal space. As long as neither of them interferes with the other's role, they will have a great relationship.

IV blood group (male) +I blood group (woman)

They have the same mindset. However, when they work or are in the same space, there is a strong rivalry between them. There is a strong physical attraction between them. The union promises to be favorable if the man of the fourth group adapts to the character and needs of the woman of the first group.

IV blood type (male) + II blood type (female)

A man of the fourth group can become a reliable partner for a woman of the second group, being always ready to help her with advice and support. They can develop a very strong love relationship. The passion between them, as a rule, is very strong, but there is a place for quarrels. As long as there are feelings, both will get an unforgettable experience, but as soon as the hurricane of emotions subsides, the union can fall apart very quickly.

IV blood type (male) + III blood type (female)

Such an alliance is easily formed from the very beginning. In the initial phase, the relationship is full of passion, but over time, partners need more understanding in order to build a successful union.

A woman is attracted to the easily adaptable and changeable nature of a man, and a man is drawn to a sociable and cheerful partner. Such an alliance can be very successful if the partners are creative professions. The only thing that can disturb the harmony in their relationship is the carelessness and desire for independence of one of the partners.

The compatibility of blood groups for conceiving a child is a very important parameter that determines the normal course of pregnancy and the absence of disturbances in the formation of the fetus. This topic has become relevant along with the development of genetics as a science.

Of course, any family should be built on the basis of mutual respect, love and trust, the presence of common views on style, lifestyle and much more. However, the conception, bearing and birth of a healthy and happy baby should be based on the biological and genetic compatibility of future parents.

In any of the centers for family planning, many hours are devoted to this issue. We are talking about blood groups and Rh factors, and that if these characteristics are incompatible in future parents, pregnancy can be difficult for a potential mother, and for the baby, the “blood conflict” threatens the risk of abnormal intrauterine development.

Blood type compatibility - what you need to know

Blood is a unique biological fluid providing all the vital functions of the body. It is the basis of life, concentrated in small blood cells.

Erythrocytes make up the bulk of the blood and have a complex biochemical composition. Their main function is to transport oxygen to all anatomical structures of the body. At the same time, the composition of blood cells in different people is not the same, it may differ in the presence or absence of certain proteins.

It is the proteins or antigens that make up red blood cells that allow you to divide blood into groups. In addition, each red blood cell carries a certain Rh factor, which makes it possible to divide people not only by blood groups, but also by such status as Rh-negative or Rh-positive factor.

Human blood can belong to one of four groups, each of which is distinguished by a set of specific proteins (antigens) that form the basis of red blood cells. Antigens are commonly referred to as A and B. Blood cells of the 1st blood group do not contain antigens, proteins A are present in the erythrocytes of the 2nd group, proteins B are in the third group, and blood cells of the 4th group contain both antigens (A and B).

Blood types - description

Blood groups were formed in the process of human evolution. Scientists believe that initially, all people had 1 blood type. Then, as a result of mutations, mixed marriages and changes in the living conditions and existence of different peoples, other blood groups began to form.

  • Group 1 is the oldest, over 60,000 years old. This is the blood of hunters and gatherers, whose diet was dominated by meat food. The peculiarity of this group is that erythrocytes do not contain antigen proteins.
  • Group 2 - formed over 25,000 years ago as a result of a change in the diet, in which meat food was replaced by vegetable food. The blood of the 2nd group belonged to the first farmers and was formed during the transition to a sedentary lifestyle associated with the domestication of livestock and the cultivation of cereals. Evolution gradually changed the human digestive and immune systems, forcing them to adapt to the assimilation of plant foods, and the blood type also changed accordingly. As a result of a mutation, a specific protein (antigen) A appears in the blood cells of the 2nd blood group.
  • Group 3 - the blood of nomads and pastoralists. It first appeared as a result of a mutation among representatives of the Mongoloid race, and together with them migrated from the steppe plains to Europe. The erythrocytes of this blood group contain the B antigen.
  • 4 blood group - the youngest and most mysterious, her blood cells contain two antigens at once (A and B). It is believed that it appeared 1500 years ago as a result of mixing the blood of different races. It is this blood type that is considered the most biologically complex, and the rarest is the 4th group with negative Rh.

What you need to know before conception?

Pregnancy planning and the birth of a child must be approached competently. Reproductologists advise in advance to find out the blood group and Rh factor of both spouses, this will help to avoid possible complications and will allow you to determine what qualities the child will inherit from both partners.

Checking for Rh compatibility is especially important, which will prevent dangerous consequences, in particular hemolysis during pregnancy. It should be remembered that if a woman has a positive, and a man has a negative Rh factor, an Rh conflict develops, in which the mother's body perceives the fetus as a foreign organism and begins to fight it, producing antibodies. This situation is dangerous not only for the woman, but also for the fetus, since the likelihood of developing a hemolytic disease in a baby increases significantly.

If you determine in advance whether conception will succeed by blood type, you can protect the mother and the future baby as much as possible. And using the Ottenberg rule, a physician can find out in advance what diseases can occur during pregnancy, approximately establish the chromosome combination scheme and the Rh factor of the unborn child, and also determine the color of his eyes, hair, height and other features.

The ratio of blood types of mother and father is an important point, but their incompatibility does not mean the impossibility of getting pregnant, but only indicates that problems may arise in the process of bearing a child. However, today, we can safely say that this thesis is not undeniable. The future genetic characteristics of the planned baby, as well as the very fact of his conception and intrauterine development, depend on a combination of the characteristics of both parents. Two main indicators are taken into account:

  • blood type;
  • Rh factor.

Directly on the possibility of conception, none of these indicators does not affect. The incompatibility of partners is important already when carrying a child, but even in this case, the conflict between the blood of the fetus and the mother does not always develop. Nevertheless, it is necessary to have information about the possible risk, this will allow you to take certain measures in advance and plan a successful pregnancy, taking into account possible pathologies and difficulties.

Blood group compatibility table - 1, 2, 3 and 4

The blood type compatibility table for conceiving a child will help you independently calculate how comfortable the mother will be during the gestation of the fetus and with what blood type the baby will be born.

What you need to know about blood incompatibility?

Accordingly, when planning a family, it must be taken into account that 1 positive blood type of the father gives full compatibility for conception and pregnancy with any mother's blood type, but is not predominant in the inheritance of the unborn baby.

The compatibility of the 3rd blood group for conceiving a child in the father is already quite complicated, it goes well only with the 3rd and 4th blood groups in the mother, but the probability of having a baby with the 1st group is quite high. However, the risk of any complications in this variant, although very likely theoretically, is quite rare in practice.

But the compatibility of the 4th group for conceiving a child, if the father has it, is possible only with the same group in the mother. If the expectant mother has a different blood type, then the risks during pregnancy are very high, not only for the health and condition of the woman, but also for the full development and health of the baby.

With a combination of the 4th group in the father with the 1st group in the mother, the probability of the following pathologies in the unborn child reaches a maximum:

  • downism;
  • autism;
  • general lag in development, including in physiological terms;
  • congenital malformations, including heart disease or anomalies in the structure of the kidneys.

Unfortunately, there is no chance to avoid complications or give birth to a healthy baby with a combination - IV (AB) in the father / I (O) in the mother.

Also, the compatibility of the 2nd group of the father with the 3rd and 1st mothers is unlikely, and gives an almost complete guarantee of a difficult and extremely difficult pregnancy. However, the child is born completely healthy and without any abnormalities.

By Rh factor

The course of pregnancy and the possible development of a “blood conflict” between the expectant mother and the baby are influenced not only by the compatibility of blood groups with a potential father, but also by such a characteristic as the Rh factor. A visual representation of its influence is given by the table:

From the side of such a characteristic as the Rh factor, the development of a “conflict” during pregnancy is possible with a very high degree of probability, but, which is very paradoxical, it is practically quite rare.

Moreover, the complications caused by this characteristic of the blood, more precisely, by the incompatibility of the Rh factors of the parents, mean only severe toxicosis, severe vomiting, swelling and other, of course, difficult moments for the mother. This nuance does not affect the health and intrauterine development of the baby.

According to the table, conflict during conception is possible in the following cases:
  • if a woman has 1 blood group with a negative Rh, an incompatibility reaction may occur on the protein A of the second blood group, on the antigen B of the third group and on the protein with a Rh-positive blood factor;
  • if the future mother has 2 blood group, Rh-negative, then incompatibility with antigens B of the third and fourth blood groups, as well as with blood with a Rh-positive factor, is possible;
  • if a woman has a 3 blood group with a negative Rh, then a conflict arises on protein A of the second and fourth blood groups and Rh is a positive factor.

You should know that the Rh-positive blood of a woman is compatible with any blood of the fetus. With a Rh-negative blood factor, the probability of a conflict is within 50%.

However, compatibility issues are a delicate matter and it concerns not only the process of bearing a child, but also the very possibility of conception. It is not uncommon for a woman's body to start producing so-called antisperm bodies that kill spermatozoa and exclude the possibility of egg fertilization. In this case, they say that in this way the woman's immune system reacts to the invasion of foreign agents carrying a set of incompatible antigen proteins.

To avoid incompatibility by blood type or Rh factor, spouses should clarify all parameters in advance when planning a pregnancy.

What is a "blood conflict" during pregnancy?

The blood itself is a very complex combination of plasma, white blood cells, red blood cells and platelets. In addition to "chemistry and biology", blood is also a carrier of genetic information and performs many other functions in the human body. "Blood conflict" during pregnancy develops through the fault of red blood cells. With opposite, incompatible qualities of these cells, they inevitably start mutual "attacks".

The most serious consequence that is possible with such a complication in pregnancy is the development of the process of intrauterine hemolysis in the baby's red blood cells, that is, the destruction of his blood cells by the immunity of the mother's body.

A direct consequence of this pathology is the oxygen starvation of the child inside the womb, dropsy and hemolytic jaundice. All these pathologies significantly affect the well-being of the expectant mother, and entail the birth of an inferior and not entirely healthy baby.

Fortunately, modern possibilities in the field of family planning very accurately predict the degree of risk of such pathologies and allow them to be avoided.

How to avoid

However, if for some reason, a conception with a high risk of complications nevertheless occurred, a woman needs to be prepared for the fact that medical care will be focused mainly on the health of the baby and the preservation of pregnancy. The measures taken by doctors, in addition to examinations and analyzes of the condition of the unborn baby, as a rule, include the prevention of possible complications.

For the prevention of possible pathologies, with a period of 27-30 weeks, a woman is sent to a course of immunoglobulin injections. This drug partially blocks, suppresses blood "antibodies", that is, it actually "freezes" the woman's immunity, ensuring the comfortable growth of the unborn child. However, such procedures can adversely affect the condition and well-being of a woman.

The expectant mother needs to take this into account, and especially take care of herself if she had to go through a course of such therapy, because after such injections her body will not be able to cope even with a common cold, and it is not allowed to help herself with medicines during this period.

Blood transfusion

In the most severe cases, doctors resort directly to blood transfusion procedures or the introduction of biomaterial particles directly through the umbilical cord into the placenta in order to restore and normalize the red blood cells of the unborn baby.

The development of a “blood conflict” and the complications that follow it have an extremely negative impact on the health and psychological state of a woman, and can affect the health of the unborn baby, even with constant care from doctors and constant monitoring of the growth and formation of the fetus.

The modern development of science in the field of family planning makes it possible to avoid unwanted complications, you just need to take such a step as pregnancy and the appearance of a new little person with the utmost responsibility, using the achievements of modern science and medicine.

The topic, as it turns out, is quite interesting.


I think it's no secret to anyone that the Japanese are obsessed with horoscopes by ... blood type. And just like some of us calculate the compatibility of people by zodiac sign, the Japanese do it by blood type. This hobby is so popular that for many jobs only representatives of one or another group are taken.
Having climbed the expanses of the Internet, I found several articles and copied them here. Sorry, I don't know the source, so no copyright.

Little prehistory

Men with the first blood type behave like males. They are used to getting everything at once. If the lady does not express readiness to immediately jump into bed with the first-grader, he begins the “hunt” and will not calm down until he “drives the game”. But a timid “yes”, on the contrary, can greatly cool the ardor. And you definitely shouldn’t exclaim “I’m yours forever!” He leaves and doesn't even look back. They say that thoughts about sex come to such men at least six times a minute.

The second blood group makes people patient, calm, but when they remain eye to eye with "great love", second groupers are shy. A man with the second blood type will endlessly take his chosen one to the cinema, fulfill any whim of his beloved, secretly slip sweets into her, lightly touch her knees in the cinema. Young virgins consider gentlemen with "second-rate" blood to be boring, but older women like them.

A third-grader man does not conquer anyone, he just likes to please, make dates, chat at ease. He knows how to have fun and "hang out". Sex for him is a kind of pleasant leisure, not binding to anything. He also endures refusal easily: no, no, let's chat about the weather. Attention ladies! Almost 40% of American millionaires are the owners of the third.

Men with the fourth blood group constantly suffer from mental disorders, doubts and indecision. They have the talent to enchant until they lose consciousness, without making any effort. But as soon as a fourth-grader falls in love himself, he has a hard time. Passions boil, logic is discarded. A strong feeling for such people is a means to get rid of contradictions and become whole, to find their true nature.

Compiled by Japanese scientist Poshitake Nomi and American naturopath Peter D'Adamo

Blood type

0 (I) "Hunter"; 40 to 50% of all people have it


The oldest and most common, appeared 40,000 years ago. Ancestors led a life of hunters and gatherers. They took what nature gave them today and did not care about the future. Defending their interests, they were able to crush anyone, regardless of who he was - friend or foe. The immune system is strong and resistant.

Qualities of character

These people have a strong character. They are determined and confident. Their motto is: "Fight and seek, find and never give up." Excessively mobile, unbalanced and excitable. Painfully tolerate any, even the most fair criticism. They want others to understand them perfectly and instantly carry out their orders.

MEN are very skillful in love. Most of all they are excited by inaccessible women.

WOMEN are greedy for sex, but very jealous.

Try to get rid of narcissism and arrogance: this can seriously interfere with the achievement of goals. Stop fussing and rushing things. Remember that a person who strives to achieve what he has planned at any cost, indomitably striving for power, dooms himself to loneliness.

Blood type

A (II) "Farmer"; 30 - 40% have it


Generated by the first forced migrations of the population, it appeared when it became necessary to switch to food from agriculture and, accordingly, change the way of life. Appeared between 25,000 and 15,000 BC. Each individual was required to be able to get along, get along, cooperate with others within a densely populated community.

Qualities of character

They are very sociable, easily adaptable to any environment, so events such as a change of place of residence or work are not stressful for them. But sometimes they show stubbornness and an inability to relax. Very vulnerable, hard to endure resentment and grief.

MEN are shy. Romantics in the soul, they express their love with a look. They love to feel maternal care, and therefore they often choose women older than themselves.

WOMEN are also shy. They make excellent wives - loving and devoted.

Don't aspire to leadership positions. But try to get like-minded people to support your interests. Do not relieve stress with alcohol, otherwise you will be overcome by addiction. And don't eat a lot of fatty foods, especially at night.

Blood type

In (III) "Nomad"; 10 - 20% have it


Appeared as a result of the merger of populations and adaptation to new climatic conditions more than 10,000 years ago. It represents the desire of nature to strike a balance between increased mental activity and the demands of the immune system.

Qualities of character

They are open and optimistic. Comfort does not appeal to them, and everything familiar and ordinary brings boredom. They are drawn to adventure, and therefore they will never miss an opportunity to change something in their lives. Ascetics by nature. They prefer not to depend on anyone. They do not tolerate an unfair attitude towards themselves: if the boss yells, they will immediately leave work.

MEN are true don Juans: they know how to beautifully look after women and seduce.

WOMEN are very extravagant. They can quickly win a man's heart, but they are afraid to marry them, not believing that they are capable of a reverent attitude to the family hearth. And absolutely in vain! Over time, they become good housewives and faithful wives.

Think about it: maybe your weakness lies in individualism? If there are no people close to you in spirit around you, then this is the result of your independence. Behind the reputation of a "womanizer" or "libertine" only the fear of love is masked. The wives of such people have to get used to cheating, because otherwise they are good family men.

Blood type

AB (IV) "The Riddle"; only 5% of people have it


It appeared unexpectedly about a thousand years ago, not as a result of adaptation to changing living conditions, like other blood groups, but as a result of mixing Indo-Europeans and Mongoloids.

Qualities of character

People of this type like to boast that the blood of the AB group was in Jesus Christ. The proof, they say, is a blood test found on the Shroud of Turin. Whether this is so has not yet been proven. But, in any case, people with the fourth blood group are quite rare. They have a soft and meek disposition. Always ready to listen and understand others. They can be called spiritualized natures and multifaceted personalities.

MEN attract with their intelligence and eccentricity. Very sexy. But their desire to make love day and night does not mean at all that they are filled with deep feelings.

WOMEN also have sexual attraction, but they are very demanding in their choice of men. And her chosen one will not be easy, because she requires a lot of attention.

You have a significant flaw: you are very indecisive. Maybe this is partly the reason for your lack of conflict: you are afraid to ruin your relationship with someone. But you are in constant internal conflict with yourself, and your self-esteem suffers greatly from this.

And another article. The most interesting ^__^
Japanese scientist Masahito Naomi argues that the blood type also affects the character and abilities of a person.

For example, he claims:
"If you have
The first blood type means that you are a leader and an enthusiast in your soul.
The second - you will pay attention to trifles, hardworking and diligent.
Third - expect creativity and not stereotyped actions.
Fourth - a good organizer with imaginative thinking "

According to Nomi's theory, depending on the blood type, a person has the following main character traits:
1st group (or "O").
These are strong, purposeful individuals. At heart are leaders, enthusiasts, optimists, successful business people in all areas.
2nd group (or "A").
Integral, perfect people who love order and organization, paying attention to little things and details, hardworking and diligent, calm and tidy, idealistic in many ways.
3rd group (or "B").
People with this blood type are characterized by flexibility, but also ardor and unbridledness, creativity and creativity, a high ability to concentrate, and unconventional actions.
4th group (or "AB").
These are natural leaders and good organizers, diplomatic in relations, rational in actions, have a figurative rich imagination.

Consider some characteristics for different blood types.

Group - First - (0).

The first group is the rise of man to the top of the food chain, the beginning of the history of development and the emergence of other groups.

So, for example, the carriers of the first group are the embodiment of purposefulness, assertiveness and have a pronounced instinct for self-preservation. And this is good, otherwise humanity would not have gone through such a difficult path of its development. And therefore, feeding people with the first blood group with foods high in protein provides them with endurance and strength. And in the absence of them, this person loses heart, becomes lethargic and gains weight, he is haunted by stress.
Leader, strong, self-confident. If this person sets a goal for himself, he will fight for it until he succeeds. Able to choose the direction to move forward. He believes in himself, is not devoid of emotionality. Enough self-confident and assertive, can give everything for achieving the goal. However, there are also failures: some narcissism, arrogance can interfere both in communication and in adaptation in a new team. Resistant to neuroses, quickly restore strength.
He also has weaknesses: he is very jealous and fussy, and, in addition, painfully ambitious and can hardly endure even fair criticism. All this, however, does not prevent him from being a good friend.
The carriers of the first group, since they are purposeful, then they strive for power and become informal leaders. The motto of the first blood type: "Fight and seek, find and not give up." People of this type are not devoid of emotionality and faith in own forces. Their weakness is poor adaptation to new nutritional conditions and environmental changes. The immune system can become overactive and attack its own body.

There is a predisposition to such diseases:
? stomach ulcer;
? Inflammatory diseases - arthritis, colitis;
? Ulcer duodenum gastritis, severe forms of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
? In infants, purulent-septic infections develop more often;
? blood clotting disorders;
? thyroid dysfunction,
? Allergic disorders.

Sexual Traits:

Nature has provided the people of this group with everything necessary for their marriage to be successful and interesting. They are sociable, love fun, they like to communicate with interesting people and do unusual things.
They always try to maintain a warm and friendly relationship with a partner, even when problems arise. Their strongest trait is their adaptability. By the time other couples are just starting to get used to living together, they have long felt at ease.
Living together with such people is devoid of routine. They are spontaneous, they may decide that they need to go to the theater ten minutes before the start of the performance or think of a small trip for the weekend only on Friday evening. But it can also oppress a partner with an inappropriate blood type.
Routine oppresses such people, and this is especially evident in sex. They need surprises - sex in unexpected places, at unusual times.

In love games - he is a talent! What he loves most about a woman is when she makes him wait, plays with him a little. But when he nevertheless achieves his goal, his chosen one will not be disappointed: he is the most wonderful lover.
In a man with the first blood type, the “basic instinct” manifests itself in a passionate desire for new adventures. Such a man often strives to have a collection of pornographic photographs and films, and at a party will be the first teller of indecent jokes and ambiguous stories. And he really excels the rest: a man with the first blood type is the most active and competitive lover. His thoughts go to having sex every nine seconds throughout his life!
Fly in the ointment: this man does not always think about the needs of his partner. Therefore, passive women will be the best mistresses for aggressive and violent men with the first blood group.

She needs a man who can hold her tightly in his arms! Attractive and jealous, she cannot stand it when her companion throws even fleeting glances at a random passerby.
Her greed for sex will drive anyone to exhaustion, and possibly make her partner very happy. The Japanese say that if a man wants violent sex, he must opt ​​for a woman with the first blood group. Her passion knows no taboo.
A man who marries a woman with the first blood type will never be deprived of sensual caresses. She is one of those wives who make their husbands late in the morning for work. This woman is an ideal lover: she always lives up to her partner's expectations.
It is not difficult to arouse passion in her, but she is able to control her libido with her strong will. Therefore, it is difficult to seduce her, which means that the sexual temperament of such a woman is often intended for her beloved and is known only to him, but not always this is her husband.

Intensive physical exercises are shown: aerobics, martial arts, contact sports, running.

Group - Second - (A).

The second group is the transition from a hunting-gathering way of getting food to a more developed agrarian way. From the very beginning, people with this blood type adapted to living in areas with a high population density and to the stresses inherent in urban life, on the one hand, it would seem, more calm (“sedentary”), but, on the other hand, richer in various events. In the organisms of these people, who had to put up with the demands of an environment crowded with people, peculiar physiological features and character traits inevitably developed.
Probably the most important quality of a person placed in such conditions is the ability to live in society, in plain sight. The then "carrier" of the blood of this group had to be neat, tidy, modest, decent, disciplined, law-abiding and self-controlled. A society cannot exist if there is no respectful attitude of its members to each other and to other people's property. Loners (individualists or misanthropes) do not get along well or feel unsettled in large crowds of people.
If the characters of people with the first blood group remained unchanged, did not evolve towards the development of tolerance for life in agrarian communities, then the result would be general chaos, and, ultimately, the death of mankind. It is thanks to the fact that the second blood type was formed that our ancestors survived.
The early "carriers" of blood of this type had to show intelligence and ingenuity, cunning and resourcefulness, passion and ardor, and also have a subtle instinct when meeting with problems that were enough in a more complicated life. However, all these qualities were prescribed by fate to exist and develop within certain limits within a certain system. This, perhaps, is the reason why people with the second blood type even today tend to have closer relationships, to more tightly “linked” structures.
They hide their anxieties, worries and fears, but when they break through, beware! The antidote to such terrible internal stresses is hatha yoga and tai chi chuan, calming, contemplative, relaxation exercises.

It may seem that these people are poorly adapted to the stormy, troublesome and stressful life of a leader, which is so easy to master for the "carrier" of the first blood group.
But it cannot be argued that they cannot become leaders if they instinctively reject the principle of modern leaders "man is a wolf to man."
Representatives of group "A" are conscientious, shy people who carefully perform their duties. They can safely be called the embodiment of perfection.
Usually they quickly move up the corporate ladder, and everything else is considered secondary. If he takes on any business, then they definitely do it well.
Their “yes” means reliability, you can always rely on them. They are loyal to friends, family and loved ones. They have sufficient, although not too high temperament.

Once at the very top, they tend to show patience and a desire to "unravel the knots" in search of the right (peaceful) way out of any unpleasant situation. Or weave intrigues and strive to take over everything, not considering it necessary to turn to someone for advice. This is how a reaction to stressful situations manifests itself for people in this blood type.
They love harmony, tranquility and order. Work well with other people. In addition, sensitive, patient and friendly. Among their weaknesses are stubbornness and inability to relax, immersed in themselves. The weak point of this group may be a tendency to alcoholic drinks and plentiful food.

People with the second blood group feel great in subordinate positions, the main thing is that there are like-minded people nearby. They love comfort, sincere and domestic, they hate conflicts. At heart they are romantics, but sometimes they are stubborn and irritable.

? rheumatic diseases,
? type 1 diabetes,
? Ischemic disease hearts,
? Bronchial asthma,
? allergies,
? leukemia,
? Cholecystitis,
? Cholelithiasis,
? Cancer.

Sexual Traits:

Married people of this group prefer to understand everything with the help of frank conversations. During a family crisis, they try to identify the cause of its occurrence and try to come to a reasonable agreement. In general, they have an analytical approach.
Of course, they can get their spouse with memories of many years ago and questions about why the partner acted that way then, and what was behind it.
However, such tactics are still better than simply silencing the conflict. People of the second blood group are very sensitive, they are very easy to offend. At first, it can be difficult for them to adapt to life in marriage, because they are difficult to transform. In general, their credo in marriage can be defined as follows: deep feelings are not enough, a rational approach to problems and their creative solution are needed.
"Workaholics" are not too sexy, although they are ready to regularly diligently perform marital duties. But sometimes sex with them smacks of routine, boredom. Either they are completely devoted to work, and they do not have time for creativity, or they are just boring conservatives.
If your partner has this blood type, take the initiative and become an engine of progress - a source of diversity in your sex life. The partner diligently realizes all your ideas.

He is very shy, he expresses his love with a glance, a light touch of his hand, but if he decides to reveal himself, he does it rather abruptly. In family life, the partner must constantly prove that she loves him. He loves to feel maternal care on himself, so he often chooses women older than himself. A man with the second blood type is shy and indecisive, he always equates sex with love. Usually this is a very delicate and attentive lover, able to fulfill the slightest whim of his partner. Ideal sex with a man of the second blood type involves a combination of deep emotional contact with close physical communication.
Such a man has an unusually rich sexual fantasy, but in real life he is more than restrained, and therefore often alternates between excessive demands on his sexual partners and self-sacrifice, up to ignoring his own desires. A special sign: a strong dope for him is alcohol.

She is shy, and besides, she is suspicious - even having fallen in love, she will never give the first sight. But if the relationship is determined, she is an excellent wife: loving, devoted. And is able to soon become very sensual. Most of the women who have a reputation for being "businesslike" and "non-sexy" are women with the second blood type. It is almost impossible to seduce such a lady: sex rarely occupies her thoughts.
She is the most passive of all women, and can often have sex even if she doesn't really feel like it. Since she usually behaves very reasonably, it is difficult to persuade her to sexual experiments, however, as well as to connections on the side. But if the latter succeeds, the incredible will happen - for a passionate woman with a second blood type, all barriers disappear.
But do not think that giving her pleasure is worth nothing. A man who has achieved this may well claim the title of a sex hero.

The mode of physical activity should provide calmness and concentration: hatha yoga, tai chi chuan.

The third blood type is B.

The third group - developed from the merger and migration of races from the African continent to Europe, Asia, North and South America.

The course of human history called for the first "carriers" of the third blood group to populate new lands, adapt to previously unfamiliar climatic features, face problems that arise when mixing different races, and therefore these people had to show ingenuity (creative, creative abilities) and flexibility in order to survive (cunning).

To a lesser extent than the settled owners of the second blood group, they needed a penchant for social harmony, accommodating in society, a willingness to obey the established orders, but they also needed the hunter's purposefulness, which is characteristic of organisms with the first group, to a lesser extent.
All this is true to this day. They are more flexible and less prone to many common diseases.
People with the third blood group often have all the best that is given to man. They are characterized by mental activity and increased sensitivity.
I dare to say: these people are more tolerant, more contact in relations with others, because by their genetic nature they are better balanced and, therefore, less prone to defiant behavior, to confrontation, are able to understand a different point of view, they know how to sympathize, empathize.
The following statistics are interesting: only 9% of the total US population have blood of the third group, but 30-40% of millionaires have the third group!

The composition of the Chinese, Japanese and many other nations of Asia includes a significant number of people with the third blood group. Chinese medicine ancient, natural, complex Special attention gives the right combination of physiological and emotional status of the body. The boundless pleasure, unbridled joy, unbridled joy that is so characteristic of the culture of the West, are considered by Chinese healers as dangerous to the balanced work of the heart. Balance and harmony with these words is the place on the banner of medicine created by people of the third blood group.
In Jewish populations that adhere to traditions, the third blood type is dominant, regardless of where they live. The Jewish religion and culture are an amalgamation of rationality, sincerity and efficiency. In Jewish traditions, education, spirituality and peacefulness coexist side by side with a powerful will, physical strength and readiness for battle, which often seems contradictory. But in fact, this is the harmonic energy of people of the third blood group in action.
Open, optimistic, with a craving for adventure, most of them are ascetics and philosophers. The third blood group is distinguished by individualism. People in this group always do what they think is right. However, they have poor contact with other groups, are laconic and often suffer from depression.
Easily adapt to everything, flexible, do not suffer from a lack of imagination. However, the desire to be independent can sometimes be redundant and turn into weakness and insecurity.

What diseases are predisposed to:
? Pneumonia;
? Development of infections after surgery;
? In women - purulent mastitis, sepsis after childbirth;
? Radiculitis, osteochondrosis, diseases of the joints;
? chronic fatigue syndrome;
? autoimmune disorders;
? Multiple, multiple sclerosis.

Sexual Traits:

These are sensual natures, subtle, gifted people, reliable colleagues and friends. Both in work and in sex, they make high demands on themselves, and on subordinates, and on friends. A sensitive, vulnerable soul is kept behind external calmness and equanimity. They may seem cold, but when it comes to love, their feelings can erupt violently and uncontrollably!
Representatives of the "AB" group are natures who are accustomed to surrender to the will of the senses. At least two "souls" coexist in them, harmonizing with each other. They are driven by strong passions. Sometimes this serves as a source of mental discord, painful doubts and torments. They most often experience all this storm of feelings alone, not trusting their secrets to anyone.
However, the desire for solitude does not at all interfere with the good, high-quality, passionate sex that these people are capable of.
Despite the fact that experts estimate the possibilities of this group in the field of close relationships quite low, they have qualities that can make them the most ideal spouses - determination and optimism.
They always show their feelings as openly and unambiguously as possible, and if a partner feels the same, then they are ready to legitimize the relationship immediately.

In marriage, such mundane aspects as organizing finances, maintaining a home, joint decision-making come to the fore, and this requires perseverance, stability, logic and the ability to plan - with all this they always full order. They perceive marriage as a project that needs to be constantly worked on. They distribute household duties in such a way that it suits both partners.
The most important quality for marriage is their sense of self-responsibility for everything. In case of trouble, they will not blame everyone in a row, from fate to their spouse, for what happened, but they will say: “I have to fix this.”

Everyone takes him for a Don Juan, although he himself knows perfectly well that this is not so.
He is a lover of seduction, but only because he is afraid of love!
He will be a good husband, from time to time committing adultery, but you can always rely on him.
For a man with a third blood group, sex is entertainment, completely unrelated to such deep concepts as love and marriage. He easily indulges himself in casual relationships and likes to date women who are just as free about sex.

On the other hand, such a man is less than others occupied with thoughts about sex. This occupation is very ordinary for him - "so what to think about him?" It is this attitude to sex that leads a man with a third blood group to the fact that he can tell anyone in detail about his adventures - even his wife.

She hides loyalty behind some extravagance, but she will be faithful as a wife. In love, she needs to take the initiative into her own hands if her chosen one has a third blood type. Yes, sex is not the most important thing for him. She will have to turn into some kind of vampire - and literally suck his sexuality out of him!
This woman is the least interested in sex. However, she is the easiest to relate to him. She feels very well that sexuality and a truly theatrical ability to perform her role is an important part of her attractiveness.
A woman with the third blood group is uninhibited and free in all spheres of life and is far from attaching special importance to sex. She is not easy to please, and a man who wants to prove otherwise is often offended by the ease and casualness with which his partner treats his efforts.
The same lightness is to blame for the fact that such a woman does not have to change her partner when he has just managed to fall in love.

Moderate physical activity combined with mental balancing: cycling, tennis, swimming.

Modern mixing of different groups - gave rise to the emergence of the fourth group - AB.

The fourth blood group is perhaps the most balanced.

People with the fourth blood group appeared as a result of the merger of the irritable, sensitive natures of the second group with more balanced, concentrated, stable people with the third blood group.
The result is a spiritualized, multifaceted, but sometimes scattered personality, which strives to embrace the immensity.
They are calm and balanced, usually people love them and feel good with them. They know how to entertain, at the same time they are tactful and fair in relation to others. But sometimes they are very sharp, and, in addition, they hesitate for a long time and make decisions with difficulty.
People from the fourth blood group are easy to get along with. These people are distinguished by softness, goodwill. They are kind and calm. People with any other blood type will feel great around these people. They know how to entertain, at the same time tactful and honest.
A significant drawback is that they are extremely indecisive, cannot make decisions and are afraid of everything new. Weakness in constant internal conflicts, sometimes reducing self-esteem. It is from them that reflective intellectuals grow.

What diseases are predisposed to:
? SARS, influenza and other infections,
? Angina, sinusitis,
? heart disease,
? Cancer,
? Anemia.

Sexual Traits:

People with the fourth blood group are able to tune in to the feelings of a partner and understand them in some supernatural way. Thanks to this, they become a strong support for a successful marriage.
Psychologists believe that the most outstanding qualities of these people are altruism and empathy. In cases where a partner needs help, they are ready to sacrifice everything. Their temperament makes life with them unpredictable. On the one hand, they strive to ensure that everything is calm and smooth at home.
But at the same time, they believe that freedom and some time away from the family can significantly expand and refresh relationships. What can cause family conflict. Especially when they are too fond of some hobby or spend disproportionately more time in the company of friends than in the family.

He has a great ability to charm women, he loves their company very much. His feelings are shallow, and he can make love almost constantly. And woe to the one who says to him: “Not today, dear!” She won't see him again. Men with the fourth blood type find it difficult to control their passion, but, on the other hand, it was they who turned seduction and sex into art.
This man will not seek adventure - adventure will find him. Simply because he arranged his life in such a way as to be accessible to anyone who wants it. In addition, he has a strong magnetism that literally drives women crazy. Poor ladies fall into the arms of men with the fourth blood group, even when they know that they risk getting burned!
But - the most surprising - in marriage, a man with the fourth blood group is very restrained. He will never marry for sex and will not demand from his wife the fulfillment of marital duty.

She is also able to attract the attention of a man, but at the same time strict and demanding. As soon as she lets someone "take her by the reins", she will feel an indefinable desire to live on the condition that she will be given as much attention as she wants. She will overwhelm her lover so much that, be sure, he will not sit at home for a long time.
A woman with the fourth blood group is very sensual and easily achieves orgasm. She is the most versatile and adaptable sex partner. Such a woman can enjoy almost every man. She will equally enjoy tender sex and eccentric rough sex - depending on what her partner prefers.
A man who has been in the bed of a woman with the fourth blood group will never forget this. About such a strong libido, like hers, it is just right to dream of many. She is a born sex doctor, and any man who has sexual problems, having met a woman with the fourth blood type, can dramatically change his life.

Soothing physical activity: yoga, tai chi chuan. All this combined with moderate physical activity: walking, cycling, tennis.

Mankind is developing and trying to adapt to the environment. And the current pollution, the influence of migration processes, all this will give impetus to the formation of a new blood type.
And people with this blood type will be able to produce antibodies to fight back any hostile antigen known to any mutant that might arise.

In an overpopulated, polluted world with a meager remnant of natural resources, a new group will rise to a dominant position in all human communities. Well, the former types of blood will begin to die out, as people with the first blood group died out during plague, cholera epidemics in medieval cities.

After all, the fourth has only a 1000-year history.

Sexual compatibility.
(Not complete characteristic, not taking into account the blood type of your parents and subgroups)

Everyone knows that sexuality (not to be confused with sex appeal, that is, sexual attractiveness!) Is determined by the presence (composition and quantity) of sex hormones in the human blood. Studies of hematologists (specialists who study blood) and psychologists have revealed an amazing dependence of love temperament also on blood type.
There are four main blood groups in humans. All over the world they are designated by numerical and alphabetic characters: A (II), B (III), AB (IV) and O (I).

Male O(I) blood types and female O(I) blood types

They need constant physical contact to be happy. Usually they have an absolutely harmonious sex life. In such a marriage, both partners love to go out, meet new people and have fun. This suits both, since all that is needed for such a combination is the freedom to do what is interesting. They are perfect for each other and sexually. Both love experiments and innovations in bed.
Problems can arise due to the incredible ability to adapt and not question if there are problems. If there is some misunderstanding between the spouses of this group, they may decide that it is better to reorganize than to solve the problem directly. Such tactics can lead to complete misunderstanding.

Man O (I) blood types and woman A (II) blood types

A very suitable couple for sex. He is active, she is passive. With caresses and persuasion, he will be able to bring her to various levels of sexual activity, the main thing is not to act hastily.
O and A make good but difficult partners. "A" are introverts by nature, "O" - quite the opposite. "A" prefers stability, "O" loves adventure. "A" tries to avoid open demonstration of feelings, and "O" indulges in this with great pleasure. However, opposites attract, and it is because of this that the marriage between "A" and "O" can work out. The weakness of one partner is the strength of the other. "A" consider "O" interesting and unusual, admire their free, sociable nature. "O" in turn are intrigued by the depth of "A".
The main problem in such a marriage is usually the incompatibility of the partners' views on everyday life. "A" considers it a blessing, "O" can not stand it. The same thing happens in their sex life - "A" is a follower of the ritual, "O" needs constant novelty.

A man is O (I) blood types and a woman is B (III) blood types.

He is very active, she is moderately passive, but this is exactly what they like. They can enjoy sex anywhere and anytime. Both of these groups are classified as active specialists. However, they are active in different ways - "B" is more pragmatic and organized, and "O" is more easy-going.
And their temperaments are completely opposite. "B" - introverts, "O" - vice versa. "B" loves a narrow family circle. "O" loves meeting other people. However, as is often the case with opposites, they complement each other. "B" appreciates the sociable and open nature of "O", and "O" admires the purposefulness of "B". Their approaches to sex are diametrically opposed, but the resourcefulness of the "B" and the adaptability of the "O" are perfectly combined with each other.

Male O (I) blood types and female AB (IV) blood types

His behavior is decisive in the relationship of this couple. If he is patient, a gentle and harmonious intimate life is guaranteed. If he is demanding and selfish, sexual life is fraught with strife.
"O" and AB "are similar in many ways - sociable, easy-going, and their approach to marriage is almost the same. There are other interesting aspects to this union. So, although "O" is energetic and always ready to start new projects, he lacks the desire of "AB" to make everything perfect at all costs. "AB" brings an element of practicality and thoroughness to the home.
Both partners are able to easily adapt to changes, which allows such a couple to successfully cope with both the daily routine and possible problems. However, there is also a potential zone of conflict: the desire of "AB" to have inviolable space. For "O" such a craving can be completely incomprehensible. But "O" and "AB" are perfectly combined sexually - both love novelty.

Man and woman A (II) blood types

Of all the possible combinations, this is the most suitable for a woman with the second blood type. It is with this partner that she can experience the greatest pleasure: he understands her at a glance.
A marriage in which both partners are "A" will be very organized and reserved. However, "A" is very sensitive, they are very easy to offend. Therefore, most conflicts will arise precisely because one of the partners will feel offended. Then the calm will disappear, and the contractions can be quite hot. "A" - creatures of habit. They feel great when days float after days, and months after months without any changes. Since both partners prefer predictability, sex is likely to turn into a kind of ritual in which time, positions and duration will be unchanged. However, "A" is exactly what you need.

Man A (II) blood types and woman O (I) blood types

They will spend more time in bed than anyone else: both need sex. It is important to remember: this couple especially needs intimate foreplay. And a woman can quickly learn how to get an orgasm from an attentive and thorough partner.
A man is very lucky if he has a sexual partner of the first group. And marriage will be able to hold on to sexual relations, although clashes are possible in everyday life. But for the sake of sex with such a wife, the husband is ready and able to make concessions. And the wife will be able to help realize the advantages of her partner in society. In this case, the marriage must be successful.

Man A (II) blood types and woman B (III) blood types.

In this couple, at the beginning of their life, sex will not play the first role. They spend more time talking about sex than actually doing it. The variety of sex positions is disappointing. Both are timid and not sensual enough towards each other, which is a pity - they could experience great pleasure.
The man in this couple is looking for deep emotional contact with his partner. A woman feels very well that sexuality is an important part of their relationship. And if she can show perseverance and patience, she will be truly rewarded. A delicate and attentive lover will wake up in a partner.
Each of the partners in such a marriage is gifted in its own way: "A" - creatively, "B" - technically. Together they function as a well-coordinated team. Both do an excellent job of keeping the marriage mechanism in working order.
They are also great sexually. For "B" it is very important to please the partner. "A"s can be quite resourceful, despite the fact that they like consistency.
It is worth adjusting the system of sexual relations, and "A-B" will be able to become a happy couple. Problems in such an alliance mainly arise because both partners are too reasonable. But when a conflict arises, they are able to look at the problem objectively and try to solve it.

Man A (II) blood types and woman AB (IV) blood types

In such a marriage, "A" restrains the violent nature of "AB". The complex temperament of "AB" makes their marriage very explosive. "A" - always ready to meet his wife halfway when a problem arises. But "AB" do not let their partners get bored.
Sexually, "A" and "AB" are perfectly combined with some patience and respect for the interests of the other. AB's approach to sex is very inventive, but that's despite the fact that she doesn't mind 'A''s craving for routine - in fact, she even enjoys it, which is quite rare. And if "AB" feels safe next to reasonable "A", then the relationship can develop. But the upbringing of "AB" has a large share in this.
But still, this couple often does not have a sexual life at all. They treat each other like brother and sister. Oral sex is non-negotiable, and the traditional version is always the same. However, they rarely do it either.

A man is B (III) blood types and a woman is O (I) blood types.

They love to teach each other new sex techniques. She is the leader in their relationship, but his sexual talents cannot go unappreciated.
But in their relationship in everyday life, friction and misunderstanding are possible. This union is strongly influenced by upbringing and family traditions.

A man is B (III) blood types and a woman is A (II) blood types.

She likes it when they have unconventional sex. In addition, in this pair, partners are equally active, which gives them a special range of sensations.

Man and woman B (III) blood types

Their sex and satisfaction from it is mediocre, as partners must improve their sexual technique.
In such a marriage, partners achieve unexpected results when each of them retains a lot of personal freedom for himself, and at this time they are truly close.
The marriage between "B" and "B" is very productive - in the sense that partners help each other develop. However, problems also arise, especially when the spirit of competition flares up in them. Then the house gets hot. "B" has a tendency to defend his views to the last.
Therefore, such a marriage has a danger of turning into a family where partners love each other, but they cannot live together at all. Often in Jewish families, where such a combination is frequent, only the traditions and foundations of the family help to save the marriage.
A secret sexual relationship on the side contributes to the preservation of this marriage.

A man of B (III) blood groups and a woman of AB (IV) blood groups are a temperamental couple.

They are passionate experimenters and are able to try a huge number of variations in sex. The greatest degree of sexual compatibility is when a man is younger. He greatly appreciates the originality and adaptability of a woman, and women are attracted by the strict order and perseverance of her husband.
Both the one and the other type admire in a partner those qualities that he himself lacks. The couple together make up a powerful team. Despite the difference in temperaments, both "B" and "AB" from the very first days of marriage try to talk about everything sincerely and openly.
Men with their subjectivity and dogmatism have a tendency to authoritarianism, and only "AB" will be able to withstand it. The attitude of "AB" to sex in general is much more complicated - they want something new and unpredictable, and "B" prefer to plan ahead. However, the strength of the "AB" is that they adapt perfectly to any circumstances and are happy to compromise.

Male AB (IV) blood types and female O (I) blood types

Sex brings them together. They will become a happy couple, but only if the man is able to adapt to the temperament and needs of his partner.

A man is AB (IV) blood types and a woman is A (II) blood types.

He is a passionate partner, so they have sex quite often. But their connection is hopeless if at least a small fraction of feelings is not present in it.

Male AB (IV) blood types and female B (III) blood types

They have sex less frequently than other couples. However, they are completely satisfied with each other. Perhaps because they are not familiar with rigidity and disrespect for a partner.

Man and woman AB (IV) blood types

The possibilities for this couple are endless. They are one of those who can either achieve absolute harmony, or turn out to be complete antipodes in their addictions.
But if both approach sex creatively, there should be no problems. Marriage between two "AB" is the most energetic and stormy phenomenon. The meeting of two "difficult" temperaments promises amazing results.
Predicting the actions of "AB" is almost impossible. And thanks to this element of unpredictability, such marriages become like an exciting game of chess. Since the ABs have incredible energy reserves, the couple will constantly support and inspire each other.
But they have trouble controlling their "difficult" temperament, and this can lead to significant tension. Since "AB" go to extremes in any of its manifestations - both in harmony and in discord - their sexual relations will either be frequent and passionate, or rare and indifferent. At its core, a marriage between two ABs has everything but stability.