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Fortune telling on cards with interpretation of layouts. Look into your future with playing card fortune telling. A few simple fortune telling wishes

Using a regular deck of 36 playing cards, you can predict events for the near future and find out the answer to your question. It doesn't take much time to learn fortune telling. Eat simple ways, which even a beginner can do. Most girls prefer to predict their future at Christmas and Christmastide, because it is during this period that fortune telling is the most accurate and truthful. The forces of evil and good come to Earth, the line between reality and other dimensions becomes thinner.

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      Simple layouts

      There are many interesting Christmas and Epiphany fortune telling. The simplest layout is on three playing cards. You need to pull them out of the deck (random) and lay them out from left to right: the first card is what happened in the past, the second is real time, third - future events. The values ​​are shown below.

      • Another option for easy fortune telling is a quick spread of 9. You need to mentally formulate any question that may concern both the fortuneteller and another person. Draw any three cards from the deck. Their meaning will be the answer to the question. Come up with two more questions and lay out three more cards. The interpretation of the dropped symbols can be read below.

        Choosing your card

        In order to get the most accurate prediction, you need to choose a suitable card that represents the fortuneteller, as shown in the figure below:

    1. 1. the suit of diamonds is chosen by young people under 25 years old;
    2. 2. worms - if the fortuneteller/fortuneteller is from 25 to 50 years old;
    3. 3. queen and king of clubs - woman and man over 50 years old;
    4. 4. Spades usually represent rivals or enemies.

    Choosing the right card

    For a specific event in the future

    Fortune telling with playing cards for the event:

    1. 1. Thoroughly shuffle the deck of cards and place the card that will represent the fortuneteller in the center of the table.
    2. 2. Make a wish for an event (it could be a wedding, childbirth, a holiday, the arrival of guests, moving to another city, etc.).
    3. 3. You need to remove three cards from the deck, placing them above, below and on your card.
    • 1 - own card;
    • 2, 5, 8 - how the event will take place;
    • 3, 6, 9 - the result, how it will all end;
    • 4, 7, 10 - what will interfere with achieving the goal.

    The interpretation of the cards from the layout is located below.

    For a relationship with your loved one

    Card fortune telling for lovers' relationships:

    1. 1. Choose a card that is suitable for the fortuneteller and place it in the center of the table.
    2. 2. Place under your card the two that are on top of the deck.
    3. 3. Then you should carefully shuffle the card deck and place three cards on top and bottom of your card.

    Layout diagram (order - by numbers).

    • 1 - own card;
    • 2, 3 - what’s on the heart (thoughts);
    • 4, 5, 6 - future (connected with a lover);
    • 7, 8, 9 - causes of events.

    For the present, past and future

    You need to guess after dark - in the evening or at night.


    1. 1. The cards should be shuffled well.
    2. 2. Remove the upper fingers of your left hand.
    3. 3. Lay out the first five cards from the deck from left to right.
    4. 4. Place 5 more cards on top of them, one for each.
    5. 5. Repeat again.
    6. 6. Set aside one card in the sixth pile.

    The result should be five parts of three cards and one piece to the side, as shown in the picture below.

    • 1 - about the fortuneteller herself;
    • 2 - what’s on the heart;
    • 3 - about loved ones and relatives;
    • 4 - past;
    • 5 - future;
    • 6 is the most important card - how the heart will calm down.

    The meaning of the drawn cards can be found below.

    Wish come true

    This method of fortune telling will help you find out whether your secret dream will come true or remain unrealistic. Rules:

    1. 1. You need to lay out the entire deck of 7 pieces into 5 parts, face down.
    2. 2. You should make a wish on the suit of the last card (36th).
    3. 3. Open the first stack. Remove all cards that do not match the chosen suit, then remove pairs (if any).
    4. 4. Similar actions should be done with all parts.
    5. 5. The rest of the card deck should be divided into 4 parts, face down. Discard inappropriate suits and pairs one by one.
    6. 6. Divide the remaining cards first into three, then into two parts. At the very end you need one piece left.
    7. 7. See what cards are left in it - if all are large, then your plan will come true very soon. If there are others, then the wish will not come true soon.

    You should not lay out cards for desire several times in a row; if the end result does not suit the person, they can “lie” subsequent times.

    Schedule for the year

    Scheme of the layout for the bastard.

    “For the coming year” - for this fortune-telling you will need a standard card deck of 36. First you need to select a card that corresponds to the person for whom the fortune-telling is being carried out. Place it face down in the middle of the table and, having thoroughly shuffled the deck, lay out 16 pieces face down in four rows, from left to right and from bottom to top. These cards symbolize the future 6 months. You need to put another card of any kind above the rows - it will mean a certain person (event) who will have an impact in these six months.

    Then you need to lay out 16 cards from the bottom of the queen or king from left to right and from top to bottom - these are symbols that will reveal future events in the remaining six months. Place the last two cards at the very bottom: the first is what will leave the person forever, the second is the cause of all his troubles in the future.

    Deciphering the symbols should begin with the card combination, and then move on to individual meanings.

    The meaning of each card and their combinations

    Paired cards:

    • Two aces - you should make an informed decision and not repeat previous mistakes. Three - a high probability of making a fatal mistake. Four is a useless pastime; you should correctly assess your capabilities and set life priorities in order to achieve great success.
    • Two kings - everything planned will become reality. Three - you shouldn’t hesitate, you could miss a fateful chance. Four - stunning success, luck, luck.
    • Two ladies - a person’s naivety and gullibility; these character traits will bring him a lot of problems. Three - female cunning, the deceit of friends, gossip, conspiracies. Four are rivals in love relationships, competitors in business.
    • Two jacks - financial stability. Three - deep disappointment, loss of reputation due to slander of a stranger, betrayal of loved ones. Four - large material losses, serious problems with money.
    • A couple of tens - you need to analyze the information well before making a choice, positive thinking will help you achieve success. Three dozen - large debts, squandering, large losses up to complete ruin. Four - you should seek friendly support and ask your family for advice.
    • Two nines or eights - cold calculation and a reasonable approach will help to implement plans. Three - there is a big risk of making a mistake in professional activities, you need to be more careful. Four - disagreements in the family, clarification of relationships with a loved one, alienation.
    • A pair of sevens is a joyful event, good news. Three sevens - big profit, easy money. Four - a long road, a romantic trip or a business trip abroad.
    • Two sixes - you need to show restraint and patience. Three - the patronage of a very intelligent and influential representative of the opposite sex. Four - hypocrisy, betrayal, deep sadness, loneliness.

    Interpretation of individual cards of different suits with full description combinations of cards.


    • Six - a long trip will not bring the desired result. If there is a seven of diamonds nearby, hard, painstaking work is expected, which will be well paid. The Eight of Hearts is nearby - a favorable period will come soon. The king of clubs promises the patronage of an influential person.
    • Seven - slander and falsehood. If there is an ace of hearts nearby - great joy. Jack of spades - big financial losses. Ten of clubs - there will be huge disappointments and losses in life.
    • Eight - a strong resentment towards a relative or disappointment in a loved one. The ten of hearts is nearby - good news. The King of Spades is a long-awaited retribution for the person who offended. Eight of Clubs - significant losses.
    • Nine - illness, emotional stress, bad feeling, moral decline. The jack of diamonds is nearby - your services will be well paid. Six of hearts - good news from distant relatives.
    • Ten - major troubles in the business sphere. The eight of diamonds next to the ten of spades - you should not go into debt, it will be very difficult to pay them back. Six of hearts - soon the situation will improve significantly. Ten of Clubs - improved health.
    • Jack - bad news, sad events. If the queen of clubs is standing nearby, you should not be frank with strangers in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.
    • The lady is an elderly envious woman. Nearby is the nine of hearts - unrequited feelings, mental torment. The Seven of Spades is a huge scandal, family discord. The King of Clubs is friendly support in a difficult situation.
    • The king is an influential and very rich man. If there is a ten of spades, a seven of clubs or a nine of diamonds nearby - an unsuccessful life period.


    • Six - plans are not destined to come true, broken dreams and vain expectations. A seven of hearts next to a six is ​​a pleasant encounter. Jack of spades - heartfelt feelings, resentment.
    • Seven - successful business negotiations. Next to the nine of diamonds is a very good deal. Six of Hearts - life will soon change for the better. Jack of spades - difficult financial situation.
    • Eight - tears, severe stress, emotional shock. The ace of hearts is nearby - an unpleasant conversation will take place with your lover. The ten of spades is a warning about possible injuries and serious illness.
    • Nine - successful completion of an important task. The ten of diamonds promises the fulfillment of all innermost desires, the jack of spades - ill-wishers will no longer plot intrigues.
    • Ten - creative victory, rapid career growth. Seven of diamonds - financial prosperity, the emergence of a stable source of income. Ten of Hearts - life will be easy and carefree, filled with bright events and unforgettable impressions. Six of clubs - failures at work.
    • Jack - the appearance of a messenger with bad news. Ten of Diamonds - loved ones will always come to the rescue. Ten of Hearts - breakup of a love relationship, betrayal of a loved one. Ten of spades - there is a high probability of an accident.
    • Lady - an unpleasant middle-aged lady spreads gossip about a person; false information can cause great harm. The Ace of Spades next to the Queen is chronic bad luck in love and professional activity. A ten of clubs is useless trouble, a waste of time.
    • King - success in love relationships. Seven of Hearts - luck accompanies a person in all endeavors. Jack of spades - loss of a lover, forced separation. Nine of Clubs - a fun pastime, peace of mind, inner harmony.
    • Ace is a government house. A ten of spades next to an ace is a warning about a lengthy trial.


    • Six - family well-being, a nice gift from a loved one. An ace of diamonds next to a six means receiving a sum of money. Seven of Hearts - a long-awaited date or meeting will take place soon. Ten of Spades - the gala event will end in great disappointment.
    • Seven - a romantic date. The Seven of Spades - a problem that has been tormenting a person for a long time, will soon be resolved. The king of clubs is an unexpected joy.
    • Eight - sincere conversation. The ace of hearts nearby means great and mutual love. Queen of Spades - an unpleasant conversation will take place, which will end in a big scandal.
    • Nine - an imminent wedding or an invitation to a significant event. The Queen of Diamonds promises tears and deep sadness, and the Ace of Spades promises betrayal of a lover. Jack of clubs - pleasant chores, household chores.
    • Ten is an expensive gift. The Queen of Hearts is nearby - a loved one is devoted and honest with his chosen one. The nine of spades portends an imminent separation, and the ten of clubs portends stunning success among members of the opposite sex, love adventures.
    • Jack - the wish will come true soon. Queen of Diamonds - guests are on the doorstep. The ace of hearts is fantastic luck. The cross nine is a profitable financial investment.
    • The lady is a married and very attractive person. Nine of Hearts is a new hobby. The eight of clubs is a series of unpleasant incidents.
    • The king is a handsome young man who is married. A ten of hearts nearby is great luck. Ten of spades - major problems in all areas of life.
    • Ace - stability and harmony are expected in love relationships. Six of Clubs - a very successful business trip is expected, which will help you get a long-awaited promotion.


    • Six - a short-term business trip. The seven of hearts is nearby - a magnificent wedding ceremony is just around the corner. The Seven of Spades is a warning about an unpleasant incident that may happen during a trip. Ten of clubs - a young lady will soon receive an invitation to a romantic date.
    • Seven - financial problems, big waste. Seven of Hearts - you should be more careful and use your finances more rationally so as not to become bankrupt. Queen of Spades - monetary obligations to the state, a large loan. Ten of clubs - a brilliant offer will soon arrive that will bring huge profits.
    • Eight - neglect of family values ​​for the sake of material wealth. Ace of diamonds - valuable loss, material problems. The six of clubs is a dubious event, an unjustified risk.
    • Nine - easy money, receiving an inheritance. The King of Hearts is nearby - a loved one will give an expensive gift, this could be vehicle or real estate. Jack of clubs - to get a large sum of money, you need to be patient.
    • Ten - job change or rapid career growth, salary increase. The Seven of Spades nearby means temporary material problems. Ten of clubs - material prosperity, abundance.
    • Jack is a troublesome event, fuss over money. Nine of Spades - a major quarrel with a lover is planned over money. Seven of clubs - failure in business, love failures.
    • The lady is a young girl with blond hair. The Ace of Diamonds is nearby - engagement, marriage proposal. The Seven of Spades is melancholy, causeless sadness. Seven of clubs - what you started will not be crowned with success.
    • The king is a single and handsome man. The seven of diamonds is nearby - the man is very rich and generous. Eight of Hearts - a young man will give a real fairy tale and make a young lady’s cherished dream come true.
    • Ace - big money, an unexpected gift. Ten of Clubs - you need to be more careful to avoid making mistakes when preparing a financial report. Eight of Spades - an unfavorable period, financial losses, family quarrels and misunderstandings.

Man has always tried to lift the veil of the unknown, to find out what awaits him in the future, and what secrets the past hides. For such knowledge they go to the world of magic and the supernatural.

Fortune telling with cards is a great way to find out what awaits you. Let someone not believe in it at all, but once you try to decipher the designation of cards during fortune telling, you will certainly return to it again. All because of the wisdom that lies within a deck with ordinary 36 playing cards.

Each card in the deck plays its own role and has its own meaning.

Each card in it plays its own role and has its own meaning. Their interpretation also depends on which card is nearby. There are many ways to tell fortunes with 36 playing cards. You can also tell fortunes using a full deck of 54 cards.

Prohibitions when telling fortunes with 36 playing cards

Like any magical ritual, fortune telling with 36 cards has its own rules and restrictions. Different ways Fortune telling with playing cards has different rules and its own nuances.

By adhering to them completely, you will be able to get the most correct result, and also protect the fortuneteller from troubles. This is what is prohibited in fortune telling:

  1. Fortune telling more than once a day per person for a loved one or husband. This not only depletes spiritual and physical strength, but can also bring disaster to the fortuneteller.
  2. If the result, the layout of the cards, does not suit you, then it is better to make a clarification than to do everything again, because in this way the chances of fulfilling your plans are reduced to a minimum. The fortune-telling scheme cannot be changed.
  3. You need to guess as little as possible, because cards don’t like to be disturbed, they need rest.
  4. Making card spreads just out of boredom. In this case, the cards simply will not serve you, and you will not serve them.
  5. Perform a ritual without the necessary mood for this. No matter how hard you try, the result of the fortune telling process will be inaccurate.

It is not advisable to guess at night, especially for beginners in this matter. The risk is due to the action of dark otherworldly forces at this time of day. It is strictly forbidden to carry out any fortune-telling on church holidays, as well as on the waning moon. If the interpretations are not clear, then it’s better to tell your fortune another time.

The meaning of suits in fortune telling with playing cards

There are four suits of playing cards: spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts. Each of them symbolizes a different hypostasis in our lives:

  • peaks – intuition, bad events, negative emotions;
  • clubs (crosses) - power, working relationships, career;
  • diamonds - material well-being, money, plans associated with them;
  • hearts (worms) – emotions, love relationships, favorable environment.

Each suit of playing cards symbolizes a different aspect in our lives.

Also, each suit has its own natural element:

  • peaks – water;
  • clubs - fire;
  • tambourines – earth;
  • hearts - air.

Now let’s find out what the decoding of the cards is. How a card is interpreted depends on what lands next to it. With the combination of certain cards, their meaning can completely change. So, if a seven means troubles and small work, then if it falls next to another seven, then this already means serious problems in the family.


Six is ​​the youngest of the 36 cards, representing a journey or a long journey. The path will lead to favorable consequences and will have a positive result. Predictions say that at the end of the road a person will find something new: knowledge, experience, friends, a soulmate, etc.

Six of Spades is a bad road or a trip that was not worth the time spent. In combination with:

  • any tambourine card, then the trip will be related to solving financial issues;
  • a card of hearts promises a new meeting;
  • suit of spades, then there is no need to worry, everything will go like clockwork;
  • 10 clubs and six spades means a bad outcome.

Six of clubs - fruitless attempts to start something and finish it. The reason for failure may be your own ambitions or outside obstacles. Together with:

  • ace speaks of a romantic date;
  • a peak card for changing your social circle.

Six of tambourines - fulfillment of outlined plans and fulfillment of dreams. This may require some effort, but the result will be worth it. If the six is ​​next to:

  • nine of spades, then bad news;
  • ten spades to the death of a relative;
  • 9 diamonds, then material profit is not far off.

Six of Hearts - obstacles and difficulties in achieving harmony in the family. Harmonious relationships between family members can be disrupted due to many factors. Take a closer look at those around you; perhaps the person who is “muddying the waters” is very close by. If the six of hearts comes up with:

  • nine of hearts, then a very frank conversation awaits you;
  • ten of hearts, then success with the opposite sex.

The six of hearts combined with the ten of hearts means success for the fortuneteller with the opposite sex


The seven in the deck symbolizes a fortune-telling card associated with some kind of troubles, working on oneself and building healthy relationships with others. In addition to everything, 7 also speaks of outside support. This could be financial support or just good advice.

Seven of Spades – tears, quarrels with relatives, conflict situations.

If you take a close look, it will become clear that you yourself are the initiator of the scandals that are happening and you need to start improving the relationship with yourself, otherwise separation cannot be avoided. If you lay down next to each other:

  • Queen of Diamonds, then pregnancy is possible;
  • jack, then someone around you wishes you harm and even death.

Seven of Clubs – improvement of relations, good deal. You will realize harmony within yourself and, as a result, in your relationships with friends and relatives. Together with:

  • the jack of hearts seven promises a new addition to the family;
  • an ace to win in a dispute or court;
  • The 10th peak speaks of possible betrayal.

Seven of diamonds - pleasant chores, successful manipulations with money. Your financial situation is slowly but surely creeping up. The troubles will be related mainly to the family and arrangement of the family hearth. Near:

  • The 10th peak speaks of lucrative offers and a chance that should not be missed;
  • any card of worms promises good luck in your endeavor.

Seven of Hearts – change, relaxation, fun. Life is in full swing and gives many chances for have a nice rest. Don't throw yourself into work, but live a little for yourself. Together with:

  • kings for conversation or intimate conversation;
  • ten of the same suit for a date in a pleasant environment;
  • the seven of spades for a marriage proposal.


This mysterious card foreshadows small household problems, with which there is a lot of hassle, but little use. Your days will pass in hustle and bustle, but everything will eventually resolve itself.

Eight of Spades – boredom, tears, illness. The fortuneteller needs to take a break from the hustle and bustle and think about his health. In tandem with:

  • king for a holiday with friends;
  • 9 peak to vile betrayal, treason;
  • jack of hearts to bad news, illness.

The Eight of Spades in combination with the Jack of Hearts prophesies the appearance of a disease

Eight of clubs - increasing status in society, meeting influential people. If you believe the cards, fateful meetings await you and you should not miss them. If there is a card nearby:

  • queen of clubs - support for relatives;
  • jack of spades - a profitable business or transaction that will bring significant profit;
  • ace of hearts - receiving cash gifts, rewards, inheritance;
  • ace of clubs - good luck in your endeavor.

Eight of Diamonds - buying an apartment or renovation, improving living conditions. If they fell nearby:

  • king of spades - deception by a stranger;
  • ten of diamonds - unexpected profit;
  • 9 peak – deterioration of financial situation, lack of stability.

Eight of Hearts – entertaining conversations, changes in relationships. Changes may affect you and your other half, and it is not a fact that they will be for the better. If dropped with:

  • ten of hearts, sex is foreseen;
  • the nine of hearts promises a meeting for a productive conversation;
  • a lady of any stripe for gossip.


Nine is a card that promises money, but you shouldn’t rely on “maybe”, because only thoughtful and balanced decisions can improve your material base.

Nine of spades - quarrels and possible breakup, losses, bad news. In duet with:

  • ace of diamonds to betrayal in the family circle;
  • ace of clubs promises harm from lifestyle;
  • the ace of spades speaks of an imminent illness;
  • an ace of hearts to a change of sexual partner;
  • queen of spades for love.

Nine of clubs - short-term romance, marriage of convenience, receiving someone else's profit. Together with:

  • diamond suit - excessive waste;
  • suit of hearts – love, mutual feelings;
  • with the jack of hearts - to a long journey;
  • ten of spades - troubles, problems.

Nine of diamonds - fateful meetings, necessary acquaintances. You need to keep your eyes open so as not to miss anything. Near:

  • the suit of hearts for success and money;
  • spades and clubs suit to problems and losses.

Nine of Hearts - a happy union, good news, moving to a new house/apartment. If nearby:

  • kings or queen of hearts, then expect to meet your soulmate;
  • ten hearts for the wedding;
  • six - a pleasant meeting that was not expected at all;
  • Eight of hearts romantic date.

Nine of Hearts combined with Eight of Hearts - a romantic date


Ten indicates love, a sudden breakthrough in career, favor from superiors.

Ten of peaks – problems in the personal sphere and at work, illness. If they fell nearby:

  • ace of spades - unexpected cash replenishment;
  • king or queen - bad news, failures;
  • ten of clubs - cure for illness.

Ten of clubs - success in endeavors and a successful outcome of difficult situations, changes for the better. Paired with: ten of hearts - mutual feelings, love;

  • six of clubs for a long journey;
  • a card of the spades suit for physical labor and financial expenses.

Ten of diamonds - relaxation in pleasant company, dates, financial investments. If dropped with:

  • the ace of spades, then a scandal over money or debt is inevitable;
  • jack of clubs, then success at work awaits you;
  • six of tambourines to make wishes come true.

Ten of hearts - happiness, joy, delight in everyday little things. If there is one nearby:

  • king - devotion;
  • eight hearts - date;
  • ten diamonds - profit.

A ten of hearts dropped with a ten of diamonds indicates an imminent profit.


This card is not favorable, because the meaning of the jack comes down to the fact that there is a certain person who wishes bad things for you.

Jack of spades - illness of loved ones, meanness and betrayal. Together with:

  • queen of spades - scandal, fight;
  • cards of the diamond suit - a drunken brawl.

Jack of clubs - live communication, protection from a man. In combination with:

  • by a lady - treason;
  • 8 peak and 9 peak – danger from an ill-wisher;
  • jack - troubled life, experiences.

The jack of diamonds promises prosperity and good news. If you fell with it:

  • king - to deception on the part of a man;
  • Queen of Diamonds - aggression, enmity;
  • Queen of clubs - trouble.

Jack of hearts – love, boyfriends, news. Availability in the schedule:

  • other cards of the heart suit promise success;
  • king - guests in the house;
  • nine of clubs - trip.


The meaning of the queen card in a card layout indicates that there is a woman in your environment who is jealous of you or plotting intrigues.

Queen of Spades - gossip, condemnation, slander. Someone is saying bad things about you behind your back. Together with:

  • The 8th peak speaks of impending happiness;
  • card of the diamond suit - harm from a woman;
  • card of the spades suit - an adult woman with good intentions.

The Queen of Clubs is leadership in the family, at work and among friends. Scheduled with:

  • the queen of spades warns of serious problems in the family;
  • seven of clubs - help from relatives.

Queen of Diamonds - minor troubles that will cause a lot of trouble. Together with:

  • jack to the evil guest;
  • ten of hearts - theft.

The queen of diamonds in tandem with the ten of hearts indicates that you may soon be robbed

The Queen of Hearts brings family happiness to the fortuneteller and a good relationship with relatives. When nearby:

  • 8 peak, then a friendly meeting awaits you;
  • card of the heart suit for reciprocity.


When fortune telling using playing cards, the king can be interpreted as cooperation, success, support from influential people.

King of Spades – competition, danger. Near:

King of Clubs - help at the most needed moment from a person associated with military affairs. Combination with:

  • a club card for joy;
  • 8 peak to the road to a new place.

King of Diamonds - stability in the family, fateful significance. Near:

  • the worms card - liberation from the shackles of the past, awareness of one’s mistakes;
  • the ten of diamonds to improve family relationships.

King of Hearts - strong love ties, romance, signs of attention from the outside. If you lay down next to each other:

  • spades cards for problems and troubles;
  • tambourine cards for a pleasant find;
  • Queen of Hearts - meeting with a married man.


Ace is the highest card in a playing deck of 36 cards and means news, news that will play important role in your life.

Ace of spades - loss, fear, bad news. Together with:

  • ace of clubs - panicky fear of change;
  • 8 peak – sudden income.

Ace of clubs - changing your life for the better. Changes will affect many areas of life. Near:

  • 8 spades for a profitable deal;
  • king - flirting and fleeting infatuation;
  • seven of clubs to win.

Ace of diamonds - the beginning of a new successful business or career, promotion. If in the scenario you get:

  • cards of a black suit, problems and troubles with people await you;
  • cards are worms, then wait for a love letter;
  • cards of diamonds - to sudden profit.

The Ace of Diamonds, dropped with diamond cards, predicts sudden profit

Ace of hearts - the beginning of a new relationship, a wedding, a new addition to the family. When nearby:

  • ace of diamonds, then you will receive good news;
  • ten of spades, then bad news awaits you soon.

If a deck of playing cards is used for fortune telling, it is important to pay attention to its appearance, a very old deck will not tell the truth, it has a lot of alien energy.

You should carefully study the meaning of each card individually, as well as the interpretation of their combination. And only after that you can make the arrangement.

Interpretation of cards by suit

Whatever layout you choose, the suit plays the most important role in the interpretation process. So, let's look at what each of them means separately:

  1. Worms symbolize feelings, all areas of human relationships and everything connected with them;
  2. Peaks usually indicate possible problems, loss, lies and betrayal;
  3. Tambourines characterize all spheres of human life: his work, study, education;
  4. Clubs symbolize everything related to the financial situation.

The meaning of the cards of the spades suit

Having made a layout on playing cards, when interpreting the ace of spades, you should take into account whether the tip is up or down. If down means serious trouble, up means fun or a government house.

The king can symbolize both a rival in all areas of life, and simply a cruel, selfish man with whom you are about to meet. The Queen of Spades means an evil woman, most often in old age. Jack is a person who does not bring anything good with her for the fortuneteller. The peak ten means unfulfilled expectations, the nine means separation, loss, mourning, the eight means disappointment in love or an illness that can be avoided by taking certain measures, the seven means groundless worry, the six means an extremely unsuccessful trip.

The meaning of the cards of the club suit

The decoding of club cards is as follows. Ace will bring you success in any endeavor and positive changes in life. The king promises a meeting with a dark-haired man who can help you solve your problems. The lady predicts an acquaintance with an influential woman, and the jack predicts a meeting with an energetic young man.

If, when making a layout, you pulled out a ten of clubs, this promises you many pleasant moments. This card is one of the most favorable. The nine of clubs speaks of opportunity, the eight promises positive changes in business, the seven promises peace and tranquility in family affairs. The dropped six of clubs warns that all your endeavors will not bring the desired result.

The meaning of the cards of the diamond suit

The value of the Ace of Diamonds in any scenario means good luck in financial sector, new perspectives. The king symbolizes a reliable man, the queen symbolizes a sympathetic blonde woman, the jack promises both success and a meeting with a young military man.

The ten of diamonds promises fulfillment of desires, the nine - useful acquaintances, the eight - improvement of material and living conditions, the seven - good luck, both in business and in love, the six means a possible trip, which is better to cancel or postpone to another, more favorable time.

The meaning of cards of the heart suit

Among playing cards, it is the suits of hearts that mainly speak of love. The Ace of Hearts symbolizes the beginning of a new relationship, the emergence of sympathy, but it may not always be mutual. The king predicts a meeting with an older man who will influence your life, the lady predicts a meeting with an influential, married woman, the jack for a young woman can mean the appearance of a new, fair-haired admirer.

A dropped ten of hearts guarantees the fulfillment of a cherished desire, a nine promises successful completion business relations, and for lovers - a happy family life, eight - significant negative or positive changes will occur in your love relationships, seven - advises listening to your intuition to find solutions, six - complete harmony and calm will reign in all areas of your life.

When making a layout on playing cards, in addition to the suit, you should also pay attention to the combinations of different cards. The interpretation of such combinations takes quite a lot of time, but as a result the prediction will be more accurate.

Combinations of cards of the same rank

The nine-card wish spread is one of the most popular prediction options. In this case, not only the meaning of each individual card is taken into account, but also their combination.

Four aces always mean stunning success in any business, kings signify unprecedented glory, queens symbolize gossip and intrigue, jacks bring quarrels and unpleasant troubles. Four tens signify success, and for lovers - a quick marriage, nines - quick changes for the better, eights - troubles in family life, sevens - troubles in love that will quickly pass, sixes - a long trip.

Fortune telling by name and its decoding

The easiest way to find out how a certain person treats you is to make a spread in his name using simple playing cards.

The interpretation of this layout is quite easy - only the combination of figures of the same value is taken into account, without taking into account their suit. The meaning of the cards in the layout for the name is as follows:

  • Two aces mean love, four mean passion;
  • Kings - friendship;
  • Ladies - has feelings, but not for you;
  • Jacks - often thinks of you;
  • Tens – is interested;
  • Nines - sympathy;
  • Eights - conversation;
  • Sevens - a quick meeting;
  • Sixes - a joint trip or trip is possible.

After you have made the layout and studied the meaning of each figure separately, you should pay attention to the combinations of figures.

Spades suit combination

The combination of the king of spades with any spades figure means the fulfillment of the plan. The same king next to diamonds promises a fun trip or financial troubles, with crosses - intrigues on the part of some influential person, with queen of spades and jack - the assistance of an influential person.

The combination of the queen of spades with other cards has the following meaning: with a suit of spades of any value - an elderly, kind woman; with clubs and diamonds - an angry young woman; with a heart - a kind patroness. A jack of spades with a club card means a lying gossip, with a diamond - an accomplice, with a heart - an old friend, with a spades - a faithful ally.

A layout in which the ten of spades is next to its nine or ace promises a large income; with a suit of clubs - a streak of bad luck, with a suit of hearts - problems in the family; with a tambourine - troubles at work. The meaning of the combination of nine of spades with other cards is interpreted as follows: with an ace of spades - illness, with an ace of clubs - betrayal, with diamonds - a trial, with hearts - a meeting with friends. The eight of spades in combination with its suit foreshadows quarrels in the family; with a queen, clubs warn of betrayal; with diamonds - losses.

Club suit combination

The layout in which the ace of clubs is next to the six means a joyful event, with the king of clubs - empty experiences. A king with any eight means unfulfilled hopes, with another club card means great happiness. The queen of clubs with the ten of spades is an uninvited guest.
A jack with a nine of hearts symbolizes an envious acquaintance, while a jack with a ten of diamonds symbolizes financial success.

If the alignment starts with the jack of clubs, the fortune telling value will be as accurate as possible. Ten clubs with a red suit means a change in life. The combination of nine clubs with a red suit foretells fun. An eight of clubs next to a jack of hearts is a disappointment, with a jack of clubs it’s good news. A seven of clubs next to the same eight is sad news.

Combination of hearts suit

The Ace of Hearts with the Six of Clubs promises a useful meeting, and with the Ace of Spades - a quarrel with loved ones. The king of hearts in combination with the hearts suit symbolizes great success, with clubs - troubles. The Queen of Hearts, located between two kings, foreshadows a meeting with influential patrons. A jack of hearts surrounded by four sevens foretells a new addition to the family.

Ten of hearts with any king or queen means mutual feelings. The nine of hearts next to the same ten symbolizes all-consuming passion, and with the queen of spades - good luck. An eight of hearts next to the same jack foreshadows a date. A seven next to four kings promises fun. The six of hearts with the suit of hearts promises travel.

Diamond suit combination

The meaning of the combination of diamond cards is as follows. An ace of diamonds next to a card of its own suit without a figure foreshadows the receipt of an inheritance. The King of Diamonds, together with the same six, symbolizes change for the better. The Queen of Diamonds next to her suit means great success in your endeavors. The Jack of Diamonds with the Seven of Diamonds foretells a meeting with scammers.

The combination of a dozen diamonds with a six of spades foreshadows a long journey. The nine of diamonds next to the king or queen of diamonds is mutual love. An eight of diamonds next to any jack symbolizes intense hatred. The seven of diamonds next to any figure promises joy and fun. The six of diamonds next to the nine or ten of spades portends illness.

Without knowing all these subtleties, you should not begin a serious ritual. An incorrect interpretation of the alignment can lead to the fact that you yourself will attract troubles to yourself, or you will refuse a relationship with a person who has sincere feelings for you.

Pay attention to all the little things, but don’t get too carried away with predictions. Frequent rituals can disturb your aura and scare away possible happiness. There must be moderation in everything.

When an important question arises in life or you don’t know what to do in a given situation, you can try to get a hint through fortune telling. Many fortune telling on playing cards - layouts and meanings are simple. This makes fortune telling rituals accessible even to beginners.

The layout of cards for fortune telling can be used to solve a wide variety of problems. For fortune telling to be truthful, you need to focus on those issues that interest you. It is imperative to shuffle the cards for several minutes before the layout. In this way, an energetic connection is created with a deck of cards, which helps to obtain truthful information.

Fortune telling to yourself “What was, what will be...”

This method of fortune telling is very popular and in demand. Our great-grandmothers used it, but in the modern world the interpretation of cards has changed. This fortune telling allows you to predict events of the past and future. In addition, it is very important that this layout of cards during fortune telling can give a hint on how to do the right thing in a certain situation.

You need to lay out the cards in the dark, but always before midnight. In the fortune-telling ritual, a regular deck consisting of 36 cards is used.

First, you should carefully shuffle the cards, and then carry out the following steps:

  • Remove the cards with your left hand towards you.
  • Place the first five cards in front of you on the table.
  • Again, remove the cards with your left hand towards you.
  • Place the next five cards on top of the previous ones.
  • A similar action is repeated again.
  • Place one card separately.

The layout consists of five columns of three cards, in addition, one card lies to the side.

The order of interpretation is as follows:

  • The cards in the first pile tell you about your character traits.
  • The cards in the second pile will indicate the problems that are most troubling you at the present time.
  • The cards in the third pile describe your home and immediate surroundings.
  • The cards in the fourth pile describe what happened.
  • The cards in the fifth pile will predict future events.

For a wide variety of layouts, the classic interpretation of cards is often used, namely:

  • Ace: hearts - family well-being, as well as advice on the need to love and take care of loved ones; diamond - a warning that you need to follow the news so as not to miss something important; club - wait interesting information in a letter; peak - bad news.
  • King: heart - stranger; tambourine - a secret admirer or just a friend; club - married man; peak - enemy or foe.
  • Lady: heart - stranger; tambourine - a familiar woman; club - married woman; peak - an envious person who weaves intrigues and spreads gossip.
  • Jack: heart - friend or friend; diamond - a warning that someone is trying to deceive you; club - pleasant chores; peak - empty household chores.
  • Ten: heart - making a profit soon; diamond - emphasis on the fact that everything will turn out well in life; club - an expensive purchase; peak - you can commit an act that can alienate a loved one.
  • Nine: hearts - evidence that there are good and reliable people in your environment; diamonds - evidence that the work started will end successfully; club - positive changes are planned in life; peak - pay attention to your own health.
  • Eight: hearts - you need to reassess your life preferences; diamond - an indication that one should not doubt the sincerity of a person; club - you need to expect a gift from a loved one; peak - tears and disappointments caused by betrayal.
  • Seven: hearts - you should not be afraid to take risks, this will lead to success; diamond - there is a faithful friend nearby, relationships with whom should be valued and protected; club - a period of luck has arrived and you need to take advantage of it; peak - an unexpected, but very unpleasant turn of events may occur.
  • Six: hearts - a fluke or unexpected luck; diamond - all wishes will come true; club - it is important to listen to the opinions of other people; peak - forced separation.

Fortune telling with playing cards, the layouts of which can be very diverse, should also be carried out taking into account the combination of various cards that fell out in the immediate vicinity.

In addition, when interpreting, one should take into account repeating cards in the immediate vicinity:

  • Two sixes indicate that kindness will contribute to the fulfillment of your deepest desires; you need to be patient and just get through difficult times.
  • Three sixes foretell unnecessary troubles, and the life situation will develop in such a way that the help of an influential patron will be needed.
  • Four sixes predict a pleasant and successful journey, but you should expect conversations behind your back and envy.
  • Two sevens foretell bright life emotions and events.
  • Three sevens emphasize that you cannot deviate from the chosen course, otherwise serious problems will arise.
  • Four sevens indicate that soon it will be necessary to clarify the relationship with your chosen one or chosen one, in addition, they may be a harbinger of a business trip.
  • Two eights or nines indicate that you need to act without doubting anything, only in this case everything will work out.
  • Three eights or nines foretell troubles in the near future; it is very important during this period of life to be responsible at work.
  • Four eights foretell the onset of life chaos.
  • Four nines predict great joy ahead, so you should not be upset over trifles.
  • Two dozen foreshadow serious problems, but at the same time friends will support you in difficult times.
  • Three tens indicate that you should prepare for serious life changes.
  • Four tens foretell that good luck will accompany you in all endeavors.
  • Two Jacks warns of gossip and intrigue.
  • Three jacks predict a conversation with a person who will have an impact on your life.
  • Four jacks foretell a fun time with friends.
  • Two ladies point out that in the current situation life situation It is imperative to find a compromise, otherwise you can lose a lot.
  • Three ladies warn that you need to be careful around women.
  • Four ladies warn that you will find yourself at the center of gossip.
  • Two Kings need to be careful to avoid problems.
  • Three kings foreshadow a business meeting.
  • Four kings symbolize meeting an important person.
  • Two Aces recommend helping a loved one; in addition, it should be remembered that haste during this period of life can cause great harm.
  • Three aces - luck will accompany you in everything.
  • Four aces predict the implementation of all plans.

It is very important to consider any playing card layout as a whole. It is important not only to use the meanings of a particular card, but also to listen to your own intuition.

At all times, people have sought to look into their future, so throughout history there have been those who have been engaged in fortune telling and predictions. This desire has not dulled in our time; fortune telling with cards is still popular, because it is believed that cards are endowed with magical powers and can open the door to the secrets of our future. Today, there are a huge number of methods of fortune telling on 36 cards and their interpretations, but we will give the most common ones. It should be noted that the combination of cards is of great importance, so before moving on to the interpretation, you should carefully look at the layout.

Meaning of 36 playing cards


Cards of this suit symbolize the element of Earth and characterize any active human activity. These are work, travel, education, etc.

Six- As a rule, it promises a short pleasant trip that can have a beneficial effect on the course of your affairs.
Seven- It says that one of your friends will be able to provide you with some financial assistance.
Eight- Warns of minor troubles and everyday troubles. He advises not to be nervous and stop fussing - everything will work out on its own.
Nine- Card of luck. But to achieve the greatest success, you need to clearly understand your real capabilities.
Ten- Very good map. An unexpected rise in your career awaits you. Perhaps your superiors have finally appreciated your merits.
Jack- Warns that you may become a victim of deception or some kind of financial fraud. Be extremely attentive and careful.
Lady- Usually symbolizes a woman with a difficult character. You can expect any trouble from her.
King- Indicates a person in authority on whom you greatly depend. Behave wisely and you will receive strong support from him.
Ace- Indicates that you will soon receive very important news concerning your loved one, finances, and perhaps both.


This suit symbolizes the element of Water. Tells about the emotional side of a person’s life, his feelings and experiences.

Six- A romantic date awaits you, however, the true feelings and thoughts of the object of your feelings have not yet been clarified.
Seven- Perhaps among your friends there is a person who has feelings for you. It is quite possible that he will decide to invite you to a romantic dinner.
Eight- Indicates that you will soon receive a love letter from a person whom you never considered as a potential partner.
Nine- An unpleasant showdown with your partner awaits you, and if you are not prudent enough, the conversation may turn into a big scandal.
Ten- A pleasant journey awaits you with your lover, but beware of making big plans for your future life, this may scare away your luck.
Jack- There is a secret ill-wisher among your circle. Try to behave as correctly as possible, otherwise the revenge of the offended person will be very noticeable.
Lady- Symbolizes a woman. Perhaps this is your close friend, a good friend, but perhaps also your spouse’s mistress.
King- Indicates married man. If there are cards of the spades suit nearby in the layout, then this person is in danger of trouble.
Ace- A symbol of your home and family. If there are spades nearby, your hearth is in danger, if there are clubs, beware of quarrels, and if there are diamonds, your financial condition will improve.


Characterizes a person's social status and his financial well-being. Symbolizes the element of Fire.

Six- Promises a business trip or business trip, on which your entire future career may depend.
Seven- Business conversations, often not very pleasant. Perhaps you will be called “on the carpet” to the authorities.
Eight- Expect a tempting business offer. There may be an opportunity to change jobs.
Nine- Get ready for major changes in life. If there are spades nearby, they will not be very favorable, diamonds - perhaps some major acquisition, worms - changes in your personal life.
Ten- A very favorable card. Large financial profits await you. This could be winning the lottery, a salary increase, a bonus, an inheritance, etc.
Jack- This card promises trouble. Probably, one of your relatives or friends will soon need your help.
Lady- The card means something unpleasant associated with a woman. This could be a quarrel with a neighbor, a conflict with a work colleague, or a showdown with the husband’s mistress.
King- Symbolizes the authorities, and for non-working people - just an elderly person.
Ace- Indicates your place of work and your business connections. It can also talk about some important news, after which your life will change dramatically for the better.


Symbolizes the element of Air. In fortune telling they mean everything that is associated with the negative - problems, failures, deception, lies, injustice.

Six- Talks about the need to travel to solve some unpleasant problems.
Seven- A card meaning all kinds of feuds, quarrels and scandals. If there are heart cards nearby - troubles in your personal life, diamonds - at work, clubs - with relatives.
Eight- Warns of health problems. It would be best to get examined by a doctor immediately.
Nine- It symbolizes illness, but it does not mean that you will be the one who gets sick. If there is a heart card nearby - take care of the health of your children and spouse, a club card - one of your relatives may get sick, a diamond card - someone’s illness at work can significantly complicate your life.
Ten- Promises the collapse of all plans and hopes.
Jack- Beware of deception. The scammer may be the last person you would think of.
Lady- This card traditionally symbolizes everything related to black magic. Perhaps someone has cast a spell on you or you have become a victim of a family curse.
King- Means troubles associated with people in power.
Ace- This card can be interpreted in two ways. If the spade symbol on the map falls point down, get ready for big trouble, and if it points up, then only some kind of celebration with copious amounts of drinking awaits you.