Toilet      06/12/2019

DIY Greek wreath made of paper. DIY laurel wreath. Master class with step-by-step photos

The sweet taste of victory, deafening applause, world fame and enthusiastic exclamations of admirers in honor of conquered peaks and new open horizons... All this is inextricably linked in our minds with such stable expressions as “to win the palm”, “to be kissed by Fortune” and “ put a laurel wreath on your head." All this has become so familiar and ordinary for us that few people even think about the meaning of the words listed, much less delve into the history of their appearance. Nevertheless, it is the awareness of the simplest truths that often turns out to be one of the most difficult tasks, and therefore it is sometimes very important to understand the essence of them.

Appeal to flora

Like many other realities of our modern life, such a concept as a “laurel wreath” originates in Ancient Greece, at the very origins of our cultural traditions, beliefs and views on art and the world in general. You don’t need to be an expert in biology to understand what this expression actually means.

Name of this subject quite obviously related to one of the ancient symbols, borrowed from the world of flora, - the laurel tree, common in the Mediterranean. However, the history of the emergence of this symbol is much more complex and romantic. In order to understand the essence of the meaning, one should turn to Greek mythology.

Connection with the golden-haired god

For a person who understands Antiquity, a laurel wreath is inextricably linked with the name of Apollo - the son of the powerful Zeus and the goddess Leto. Traditionally, this representative of the Greek pantheon is depicted as a beautiful young man with a bow in his hand and a harp behind his back. Thanks to amazing beauty, grace and masculinity, he is considered a kind of ideal of male stature and appearance in general. And Apollo’s head is decorated with the famous laurel wreath, the appearance of which is associated with a romantic but tragic love story.

Arrow of Eros

According to myths, the beautiful son of Zeus, in addition to a keen eye and the gift of foresight, also had an excessively large conceit, for which he later had to pay. Eros, who decided to teach Apollo a lesson, pierced his heart with a magic arrow of love, and the young man was inflamed with love for the daughter of the river god Peneus, the nymph Daphne.

Fate was not favorable to the beautiful god, and the girl did not share his feelings. Obeying the torment of his heart, Apollo rushed in pursuit of Daphne, but was never able to catch up with her - exhausted, the nymph called out to her father, asking him for help and salvation. Peneus answered the plea of ​​his beloved daughter in a very unique way - Daphne’s thin frame was covered with bark, her hands turned into branches stretched to the sky, and her hair was replaced by green laurel leaves.

Realizing that he was not destined to be with his beloved, the son of Zeus wove a wreath in memory of his unrequited feelings for the beautiful nymph, which later became his symbol and permanent attribute.

First sign of victory

Nevertheless, the ending of this rather sad story turned out to be not so gloomy. Everyone knows that a laurel wreath is a symbol of victory in the modern world. This is precisely the meaning that the ancient Greeks put into it, rewarding the best participants in the Pythian Games, which were organized to honor the god of beauty and sunlight Apollo. Since then, the world has made it a tradition to crown the head of the winner with a wreath of this evergreen plant with a sad history.

Laurus and other peoples

Had deep meaning and power this tree not only for the Greeks and Romans who inherited their traditions. The laurel wreath also had another meaning. For example, residents ancient China he symbolized eternal life and revival.

In the Christian tradition, this tree is almost inextricably linked with the funeral ceremony, since laurel wreaths were used, as a rule, at funerals.

Becoming a symbol of victory

Few people know, but the modern understanding of this unique decoration appeared largely thanks to the Great French bourgeois revolution. It was then that the laurel wreath - a symbol of victory - became such, entering heraldry. In the 18th century, the branches of this plant decorated the coat of arms of the French Republic, and then the banners of other countries.

Value conversion

It is no secret that the ancient Greeks and then the Romans paid great attention to sports, organizing numerous games and grandiose competitions. Decorating the head with a laurel wreath as a reward was in those days only available to outstanding wrestlers or, for example, spear throwers.

Nevertheless, times change, and traditions change along with them - in the modern world, not only athletes, but also outstanding figures of culture, art, science and even journalism are every now and then awarded the privilege of crowning their heads with a wreath of laurel leaves.

The biggest difference is that today it has become more of a common figurative expression than an actual material embodiment of the victory won. Nevertheless, medals, cups and certificates decorated with this floral ornament cannot be called a rarity at all today. The symbol of victory, which arose in the distant times of Antiquity, has survived to this day, transformed over time, but without losing its greatness.

A wreath is a beautiful headdress that came into our fashion from ancient times. Only earlier wreaths had a magical meaning, so they were woven only on holidays. Today we use wreaths as hair decorations even in Everyday life. In this article we will tell you how you can make an original wreath from natural and decorative materials with your own hands.

For our ancestors, wreaths were a real amulet. They paid Special attention plants that were used for weaving, because each of them had its own sacred designation, suitable for a certain event in life.

  • The ancient Romans wove wreaths of laurel leaves on the heads of their emperors to emphasize their power and glory.
  • They placed wreaths woven from oak leaves on the heads of great warriors, symbolizing courage and fearlessness.
  • Before the feast, Roman men wore wreaths of myrtle, which, according to beliefs in the Roman Empire, was considered a plant that relieves intoxication.
  • But crowns of thorns were used to cover the heads of Romans who were sentenced to death. Approximately the same rituals with wreaths existed among the ancient Greeks.

The peoples of Asia also had several interesting traditions associated with weaving wreaths. For example, brides on their wedding day had to decorate their heads with a wreath of orange flowers, which symbolized fertility. And outstanding writers, poets and playwrights were awarded olive wreaths, which symbolized popular recognition and admiration.

For the Slavic peoples, the wreath was an integral part of their life. With their help, they demonstrated their status to society, Family status, illnesses and important events:

  • Orphan girls wore wreaths with blue ribbons. People who met such girls on the street always tried to feed them and give them something.
  • A woman who had just become a mother wore a wreath of fresh roses and green leaves.
  • A cornflower blue wreath on a girl’s head meant that she was awaiting a marriage proposal from her beloved.
  • A primrose wreath symbolized the loneliness of a beauty abandoned by a young man.
  • Periwinkle wreaths were worn by engaged girls.

You could list the types of Slavic wreaths for a very long time, but the essence of each of them is the same - they were a reflection of what was happening in life, and of course, they played the role of decoration.

Modern girls decorate their heads with fashionable wreaths without even thinking about their meaning. They buy beautiful ones in the markets finished goods made from artificial flowers and worn every day to complement your colorful look. In view of this, we have prepared several interesting master classes with the help of which any girl will be able to make wreaths from different materials with her own hands.

DIY wreath base

One of the most difficult steps in creating any wreath is preparing the base. After all, it should be strong, soft and at the same time practical. From many existing options We have chosen the three most optimal ones.

Branches base

The best natural material for creating the base of a wreath is young long coniferous or birch branches. Dried ones will not work because they are no longer elastic and will break the first time you try to bend them. Therefore, we recommend working with freshly cut branches. They need to be prepared as much as possible.

Make a basis for You can also make a DIY wreath from a grapevine.

Now let's move on to the sequence of actions that must be followed when creating a base from branches:

  • Clean the branches from knots and needles, and then sort them by length.
  • Decide on the diameter of the future wreath and select it for work required amount twigs. To create a small wreath, a couple of branches will be enough for you; if you are planning a large product, then you will need about 5 branches.
  • Connect all the branches together using linen rope. You will get a thin frame, which you will gradually compact by wrapping the remaining branches to it.

  • As a result, you should get a fairly dense rim. It needs to be placed under some kind of press so that it lies under it overnight. This way we will achieve the ideal evenness of the base for the future wreath.

Paper base

To make the paper base for the wreath, you will need a lot of newspaper or magazine sheets. You need to twist them into tight tubes, which are then glued together with tape. You will have to make a lot of tubes, because they must be layered on top of each other. As a result, you should have something like this:

You can add density to the paper circle using old nylon tights. Just wrap them around paper base, securing the ends of the nylon with tape:

It will be very easy to attach any decorations to such a blank. By the way, if you don’t like nylon as a covering for paper, you can use any fabric.

Wire base

Wire is a very convenient material for creating the base of a wreath, but it is very hard, so it can injure the scalp. To avoid injury, the wire is wrapped in a thick layer of hemp or linen thread. You can show your imagination and use any other material - ribbons, foam rubber, and so on.

Base from old wiring

This material is softer than wire, but just as flexible. Therefore, by placing it on your head to measure the diameter of the future wreath, you will only need to cut it to the required length and that’s it. You will not have to perform any other manipulations.

Alternatives include using an old hoop, vacuum cleaner hose, or embroidery hoop for the wreath base.

DIY wreaths made from natural materials

For making wreaths from natural materials you need to collect as many different leaves, acorns, cones, twigs, dried flowers and berries as possible, since they will be the main decoration of the future headdress.

Since we have already described the options for bases for wreaths, we will not dwell on the stage of preparing them. You can use any of the blanks to attach natural materials to it, which will be discussed below.

DIY wreath on the theme “Autumn”

Going out to the park on an autumn day, you can find a huge amount of beautiful bright leaves and other natural materials from which you can weave a themed autumn wreath. It may come in handy for a photo shoot or your child's autumn party. kindergarten or at school. We will consider three options for wreaths:

To make this product, you need to collect various fallen leaves so that they are predominantly red and yellow flowers. In this article we offer a manufacturing option DIY maple wreath.

  1. Each leaf will need to be preserved in paraffin so that they retain their appearance and do not crumble over time.
  2. To do this, grate an ordinary candle, melt the shavings and dip each leaf into the resulting liquid.
  3. Instead of paraffin, you can use glycerin, but you will have to spend a little money on it.
  4. When all the leaves are ready, they can be attached to the base. For this wreath, we recommend using a paper base wrapped in nylon so that you can glue the leaves without bending them.

Handmade maple wreath You can not only put it on your head, you can also decorate your home interior with it.

Rowan wreaths were woven in ancient times. People considered the berries of this tree to be a strong amulet against evil and damage. That is why rowan wreaths were placed on the heads of newlyweds and men leaving to fight.

The beauty of rowan wreaths is unique. The scarlet color of the berries and their tart autumn aroma add sophistication to the accessory. At the same time, absolutely anyone can create a rowan wreath. It can be done in two ways:

  • Winding rowan bunches one by one with strong threads to a wire base (you can also weave DIY and laurel wreath);
  • Stringing each berry on a thread like beads. You should end up with a long garland, which you will need to roll into several layers along the diameter of your head and tie them together with a strong red thread.

  • DIY wreaths made from rowan leaves
  1. To create such a wreath, you will first need to prepare bunches of rowan berry clusters with leaves.
  2. If you collected twigs from beautiful leaves, then first preserve them in paraffin or glycerin, and then use wire to tie them to a grapevine base.
  3. If the bunches of rowan berries are separated from the leaves, then you will have to tie these leaves to the bunches using linen thread.

DIY New Year's wreath

To make a New Year's wreath you will need the following natural materials - Christmas tree branches and pine cones. They need to be tied to a base (preferably wire) according to the already known scheme. The cones can be glued using a glue gun.

If you want to dilute natural paints, you can additionally use gouache. You can paint Christmas tree needles with white gouache to create an imitation of snow. Alternative option The decoration is to varnish the wreath and sprinkle it with sparkles, which will also create a certain snowy appearance of the wreath.

Wreaths made from fresh flowers by hand

A wreath of fresh flowers is a head decoration for summer, spring and autumn celebrations - weddings, birthdays, engagements. You can use absolutely any flowers that grow in your front garden. In this article we will give an example of how to make a magnificently beautiful wreath for the bride.

Prepare required material and tools:

  • Flowers
  • Wire for base
  • Secateurs
  • Floral ribbon

Having prepared all the materials and tools, proceed to creating a wreath:

  • Make the base for the wreath - wrap the wire with tape in several layers.

  • If you don’t know the exact diameter of the bride’s head, you can make small loops along the edges of the wire, thread a ribbon through them, with which the bride herself will fix the decoration.

  • Make bunches of flowers and greenery. Wrap each element together using floral tape;

  • Attach each bundle to the base using decorative wires. As a result, you should end up with a beautiful product like this:

DIY decorative wreaths

The only difference between decorative wreaths and similar products made from natural materials is that you need to use artificial dummies leaves, fruits, berries and flowers. They look very nice, but they cost money. We advise you to use them only if you will be wearing a wreath made of decorative elements often.

This is relevant for dance groups that create images for choreographic productions, theater studios, whose costume department is constantly replenished.

Below we present photographs of wreaths from artificial materials. It is not advisable to describe the manufacturing technique, because it is no different from the one that we recommended using to create wreaths from natural materials.

DIY artificial flower wreath

DIY autumn wreath made from decorative materials

DIY ribbon wreath

DIY Greek wreath made from decorative materials

    To make a laurel wreath from paper you need: a thin hairband, wire, thick gold-colored paper, a whole Bay leaf, corrugated paper, glue and scissors.

    Place the bay leaf on golden paper and trace it with a pencil. Then we cut out the leaves and screw them to the rim one by one with wire.

    Cut corrugated paper into strips 1 centimeter thick (spread with PVA glue, when it dries it becomes transparent), wrap it around the rim, covering the wire and rim completely. Let the glue dry well.

    A paper laurel wreath can be prepared in this way: you need to take several laurel leaves and cut templates from golden or silver paper.

    Then, using a stapler, we connect the natural leaves with the artificial ones.

    Secure each pair of leaves with thin wire.

    We take a thick wire and make a rim from it. If you don’t need a wreath for too much head space, you can use a hair hoop for the headband.

    It turns out to be a completely natural laurel wreath.

    You can make a wreath using just golden leaves this way.

    There is such an idea laurel wreath, with your own hands. For this, we need corrugated paper, gold color

    to begin with, we will wrap our wire with corrugated, gold paper

    now, let's make double leaves and glue the wire in the middle

    put beads on wire

    this is what we got

    All that's left is to take a thick wire and make a wreath shape

    and we’ll make a decoration for our wreath so that it becomes a laurel

    there you go.

    There is nothing difficult about making a laurel wreath.

    1. For the leaves themselves, use crepe paper. The leaves should be 5-7 cm.
    2. Wrap regular wire in gold paper using glue.
    3. Moisten a square piece of paper with glue, then place the wire on it and glue the two pieces together.
    4. Make the base of the wreath from wire.
    5. Afterwards, glue three leaves on both sides to the wire.
    6. Add extra decoration to the wreath.
  • If I needed to quickly make a laurel wreath out of paper, I would take the wire and bend it into a rim, but not entirely, but with a tie or clasp. Then I would take colored paper of golden or green color, cut out the leaves (2 halves per 1 sheet), glued them together, and passed a thin wire inside, which I used to tie the leaves to the base. It is best to cut the leaves with special scissors so that the edge is carved - in a zigzag. It is better to wrap the base - the headband at the end - with golden-colored yarn, with the addition of glue, so that the winding does not get lost.

    The laurel wreath is ready, and you can at least award it to the winner, or even wear it with a carnival costume!

    To make a laurel wreath with your own hands, you need to take crepe or corrugated paper of the color you need. It is needed to make the laurel leaves themselves and their size can range from five to six centimeters. And this will be the most successful solution.

    Then you need to take a regular bendable braided wire and wrap it in gold-colored paper, carefully winding it in a circle; you can use glue for this purpose. Or adhesive tape.

    And this will be the main basis for your wreath. Then you need to glue the prepared leaves and decorate the wreath at your discretion. and your wreath will be ready; it will take a little time to make it.

    A laurel wreath is best made from gold or green crepe paper. You will also need wire or a thin rim, cardboard, PVA glue and scissors.

    • We wrap the rim with paper and secure it.
    • Cut out bay leaves from cardboard and cover them with paper.
    • After drying, attach the leaves to the rim.
    • Decorate the resulting wreath with sparkles, rhinestones or beads.
  • To make a laurel wreath out of paper you need to show a little imagination and put a little effort into making it. Of course, there are many ways and methods, primos if you like, for producing a paper wreath. To speed up the process, I suggest you follow this link to YouTube and quickly familiarize yourself with the technology. Good luck!

    Does it have to be made from paper? You cut out several shapes in the form of a tree leaf. Then you take a long strip thick paper(diameter of head circumference) and stick them 3 in a fan on different sides. step by step, when the workpiece is ready, wipe it with a slightly damp cloth, spray it with hairspray and after half a minute, wrap the end of each sheet in a tube. It should turn out something similar. In general, in childhood, such wreaths were made from fallen autumn leaves. it turned out beautifully. How many emotions did it evoke? remember your childhood?

    Make a bay leaf out of paper? couldn't be easier...

    for this we need: green (two shades) and white paper, as well as tape! or glue and scissors. Cut out leaves from green paper. Next, make a strip of white paper the diameter of the head and glue our leaves onto this white paper, alternating so that they do not merge. We connect the edges and place it on the winner’s head.

A creative outfit that has always stood out at any festival suitable for wearing costumes is the costume of a Greek goddess. It is easy to make, and a person wearing such a costume always attracts a lot of attention and generous praise. This costume is universal - you can make it as erotic or chaste as you want. Your date will probably love to become a Greek god, so the two of you will definitely stand out at the party. Even more interesting - if you are looking for group costumes for yourself and your friends, your group will look great in the form of a picturesque group of the most popular goddesses of the Greek pantheon: Aphrodite, Demeter, Rhea, Athena, Artemis, Persephone and others. Here are instructions for creating an adorable Greek goddess costume.

Difficulty: moderately easy.

You will need:
- white cloth or sheet;
- purple fabric (optional);
- decorative pins (or brooches);
- hair clips/decorations similar to brooches (or at least combined with them);
- a bandage made of gold braid;
- artificial grapevine with or without flowers;
- shoes with long straps to braid your legs to mid-calf.

1. Measure your toga fabric. You will need 2 rectangles of white lightweight fabric 50% wider than you are and as long as you are tall. For example, if you are 170 cm tall and the girth of your widest part of the body is 100 cm, the rectangles of fabric should be 170x75 cm. That’s right, exactly 75 cm, because girth is full size, you need to divide it by 2 to get the width, then add 50% of it to it. That is, 100\2=50, 50% of 50 is 25. Full height needed because the goddess’s tunic must lie on the floor, plus some centimeters will be spent on hemming the fabric. Accordingly, if you decide to give preference to a short tunic, measure the length from the neck to the desired length and add about 20 cm - when the fabric gathers at the waist, it will still rise. If you want to add purple fabric, choose a narrow piece of equally light fabric, from 270 to 360 cm for a long outfit.

2. Assemble your toga. Two rectangles of white fabric are sewn together on the sides - along the length - leaving holes for the arms from the very top and down - a free section of fabric of about 35 cm. For an erotic version of the costume, you can also not sew the rectangles at the bottom - by 30-70 cm, depending on the length of the tunic - this way you will get something like 2 slits on the sides. Sew the top part of the rectangles (widthwise) from edge to edge, leaving a hole for the head, it should be wide enough - the neckline will be shaped like a boat. See the diagram. The purple fabric can be draped over the shoulders or can be cut off desired length- to about mid-thigh (this is especially suitable for Athena or any short tunic) or to the floor, and sew it to the shoulders (sew into the seam holding the two rectangles together at the top - this is such a characteristic style), like a cape.

If you have time and want to make the costume more sexually attractive, you can not sew the top - the shoulders - but “plant” them on 3-4 gold ribbons on the right and left, which will be tied or sewn to the top of the front and back rectangles . This way your shoulders will remain half open.

3. Make a wreath on your head from an artificial vine (by the way, it can be gold). If the vine is flat, 1 ring will be enough. If you want to make a voluminous version, make a ring from one vine and wrap the second one around it. A wreath is not a mandatory part, but desirable.

Next is the hair. As a rule, Greek goddesses are depicted with slightly or very curly hair, so task number one is curls. Next, take a closer look at the usual image of the selected specific goddess (for example, on Wikipedia). Look, Athena, for example, usually has her hair pulled back a little, like a robin's hairstyle; Aphrodite appears with a voluminous hairstyle, when the hair is laid up, but a small curled strand falls from it. Either way, the hair is usually curled and either pulled up or down, either in a bun or a high ponytail. Remember, you want to create a simple yet noble look.
A wreath can be replaced by a solid hoop or brooch decorations in the hair.

4. Wear the tunic like a regular dress. Take the sling and wrap it around your waist, starting at the back at underbust level and working down to form an X at the front and then wrapping it around your waist again. Place the wreath on your head.

5. Makeup of your choice - whatever goddesses were depicted in various sources.

Some little things that can make your costume more authentic: pins-brooches are pinned high - just below the shoulder and somewhere in the middle; Artemis “wore” a shorter toga and a golden tiara on her head, and she also had a bow and arrows; Demeter was also depicted holding certain objects - so do a little research beforehand.

What do you remember about such a symbol as Laurel wreath? Immediately comes to mind: victory, Olympians, antiquity, Ancient Greece. If you think about it further, the name of the Greek sun god Apollo comes to mind. And the laurel was also credited with a prophetic gift, and there were priests who ate laurel to prophecy and interpret the future. That's what they were called - laurel eaters! And in general, laurel was not only a sign of triumph and a companion to victory, in ancient times they were convinced that it saved from lightning.

All in all, Laurel wreath associated only with the positive, personifies success, and even a talisman! Well, how can you not wish such a miracle home! Moreover, this miracle can be done with your own hands and the financial costs are minimal.

The author of the idea and master class is Jeffrey Rudell ( It was he who was enlightened by the idea of ​​such original gift, because he did not want, as most people do, to give wine and sweets. Sometimes it’s amazing how some people can “see”! Amazing in a good way. They know how to see the extraordinary in ordinary things. And even more - they can make something truly beautiful, amazing and original out of simple and ordinary things. What is especially pleasant is the fact that if you have the desire, you can bring this project to life yourself.

And so, what do we need for work:

  1. the circle on which we will glue (here the diameter of the circle is 23 cm);
  2. bay leaves;
  3. glue ( glue gun, glue moment or any other similar glue).

You can take a circle cut out of thick cardboard. If its color is white or very different from your bay leaves, I suggest painting the circle first acrylic paint, so that it doesn’t stand out too much and doesn’t spoil the look of the finished product.

It is better not to buy laurel leaves in opaque packaging. A bay leaf on a branch is perfect for us, so you can check the integrity of the leaves and their color.

Moreover, you need to start with selecting and sorting leaves. There is no need to discard them for the slightest flaw. Small flaws will make your wreath more “alive” and interesting.

Start gluing along the outer edge of our circle. Pay attention to the density of the glued leaves! Try not to glue too often and not too rarely. Then paste over inner edge. We do not change the direction of the leaves.

The photo above shows how to alternately lay the middle row. You only need to glue the tip so that the leaves deviate slightly, creating a shape and volume. As the author said, “you get wonderful shadows and textural depth.”

This is what we should get. If we look closely, we will see that some leaves have flaws, but this in no way worsens the result! And the leaves were specially glued at random front side up, then down. This technique also works for texture. If you decide to varnish the product, choose a matte one so that the product does not have a plastic sheen or, even worse, a sticky feeling. Try the varnish on a separate leaf first. and then decide whether you need to use varnish here, whether it will ruin your work.

It's nice to look at such an amazing result! It turned out very beautiful!!! You can add a ribbon here and hang it on the wall. You can also decorate the table by placing a wreath in the center of the table and placing a large candle in the middle. And also this one Laurel wreath can become a chic frame for a mirror, so that a triumphant person would look at you from this mirror every day!

Have fun creating!