Toilet      04/04/2019

Mimosa is bashful. Shy Mimosa - care for impatiens

Anastasia Barinova

The tropical plant Mimosa pudica continues to pose new questions to scientists. Recently it turned out that it can distinguish living beings from inanimate objects.

This is perennial herbaceous plant 30 to 150 cm high, comes from tropical areas of South America, where it is considered a weed; At the same time, it is cultivated all over the world as a decorative plant. Mimosa blooms from May to September with small purple inflorescences in the form of balls, which are located on long peduncles. Pollination occurs with the help of wind or insects; after flowering, hook-shaped, curved beans are formed.

(I can just hear someone say: “But what kind of meimosa is this: We know mimosa, this is what it is like:

My dears! What appears on sale under the name mimosa on March 8th is actually SILVER ACACIA, which has nothing to do with mimosa.)

A distinctive feature of Mimosa pudica is its reaction to a potential threat. When the roots are damaged, the plant releases a “cocktail” of toxic substances, including methanesulfonic, lactic, pyruvic acids and different connections sulfur; This often leads to poisoning of livestock on pastures.

One more amazing property What gave the plant its name was its ability to curl its leaves in response to touch. The mechanism of this action is known to scientists. There are water membranes at the base of the petioles, and sensory areas on the leaves respond to pressure. When touched, water rushes to the point of contact, and under this weight the leaves curl and fall down.

Recently, Australian scientists discovered that mimosa pudica is capable of self-learning. According to a study published in the journal Oecologia, mimosa “remembers” the characteristics of each contact, and if it does not pose a threat, it will not waste energy on folding its leaves. This behavior is typical of animals: with the help nervous system they not only receive information, but can also use it in the future. The behavioral response of the plant, taking into account the data it has accumulated, was described for the first time using this example.

A new study was conducted by specialists from the State University of New York at Albany. They learned that the bashful mimosa is good at distinguishing its potential enemy. During the experiments, it was established: in those cases when a person touched its roots, the air was filled with a mixture of hydrogen sulfide and other substances, while contact with metal, glass and other objects of the production mechanism “ chemical protection"didn't launch.

As a result, biologists found another conceptual difference between Mimosa pudica and other representatives of the fauna: if most plants that use poison for their protection secrete it from their above-ground parts, then the object of their study does this with the help of its roots, on which tiny nodules are located. Moreover: they not only produce poison, but also analyze chemical composition environment, “making a decision” about a potential hazard.

Mimosa is considered the first harbinger of spring. It was on the eve of the international women's day, all flower counters are painted in yellow. Only few people know that this is not a flower at all, but a shrub from the Legume family. In the botanical description there is another name - silver Acacia or whitened Acacia.

Description and characteristics of the plant

The historical homeland of this plant is considered to be Tasmania and the southeastern coast of Australia. Today, its growth territory has expanded significantly and reached Europe, Africa and the USA.

In France and Montenegro, holidays are held dedicated to this delicate and fragrant flower.

Mimosa bashful- the most common species in cultivation and belongs to the Acacia genus from the Legume family. There are about 300 species. The genus contains different representatives: shrubs, herbaceous and trees. She is called shy for her ability to react sharply to any external stimuli. Immediately the flower folds its leaves and droops. This reaction occurs not only to touch, but also to any natural manifestations: wind, rain, temperature jump, etc.

The flower lives its own separate life, with a certain cycle of wakefulness and rest. According to observations, the interval between these two phases is 22–23 hours. It is this feature that encourages gardeners to grow this plant in their homes. It seems that it is alive.

Silver acacia is an evergreen blossoming tree, reaching a height of 12 m. In the wild, the tree can grow up to 45 meters. The surface of the trunk is covered with thorns, and the foliage has an unusual silver-green color. The shape of the leaves is similar to that of a fern.

Indoor mimosa is a compact shrub no more than 50 cm high. The flowers are small, spherical, fluffy, lilac shade. How mimosa blooms for 8 months can be seen in the photo below. In culture it is considered perennial plant, but often dies in winter conditions.

Previously, it was grown mainly in greenhouses, but now mimosa has migrated to apartment window sills. It is difficult to find a more delicate and fragile flower than the bashful mimosa. Caring for her at home cannot be called easy. For growth and flowering you need to create favorable conditions.

Low shrub. In nature - up to one and a half meters, mimosa in a pot grows only 30-40 cm. The flowers are small, spherical in shape, delicate pink-lilac color. Flowering lasts up to 4 months (from June to September). The leaves are bipinnate, the stem is straight with a small number of spines. The entire plant is completely covered with light short hairs.

In the wild it is considered a perennial. How indoor plant, mimosa dies off by winter or simply loses its decorative effect. Therefore, it is grown as a beautiful annual. Pollinated by insects and wind. The fruit is a pod containing beans.

This is interesting! The mimosa's nickname comes from its ability to fold its leaves. It folds the leaves along the central vein and lowers them along the stem at the slightest touch. The same effect is observed from a draft. If within half an hour the irritant no longer bothers it, it opens its leaves again. She lives according to her own rhythm - she folds leaves every 22 hours, regardless of the time of day.

Rules of care

Caring for mimosa is complicated by the fact that the plant requires conditions close to a tropical microclimate.

  • Lighting. With mimosa they work according to the principle - the more light, the better. Prefers plenty of light and sun. There is no need to shade - despite their tenderness, the leaves do not get sunburned. With a lack of light, it quickly stretches out and loses its decorative effect. It is recommended to avoid drafts, tobacco smoke, and fumes when cooking - frequent rolling of leaves depletes the plant.
  • Temperature. From early spring to late autumn it prefers a stable temperature of 20-24°C. When grown as a perennial, keep it at 16-18°C in winter.
  • Humidity. Maintain at 70%. Dry air is detrimental to a flower. High humidity levels are achieved using special air humidifiers and frequent spraying. A pot with a flower is placed on a tray with wet pebbles or bowls of water are placed next to it. In winter, a wet cloth is hung on the radiators, wetting it as it dries.
  • Watering. To understand whether mimosa needs water, touch it upper layer soil. If it dries out, it indicates the need for watering. On average, at a temperature of 20-24°C, water at intervals of 2 days. Morning watering with soft water is recommended.
  • The soil. The main requirement is loose, well-drained, breathable soil. Simple and good option- a mixture of sand, turf and peat. Expanded clay or large pebbles are used as drainage.
  • Feeding. Every 15 days during the growing season. Use any mineral complexes for flowering potted crops. The concentration is halved.
  • Transfer. The flower is most often grown as an annual crop. Transplantation is performed in rare cases. For example, if a pot was initially used that was too small. When transplanting, they try not to disturb the integrity of the earthen coma.

Advice! Mimosa pudica seeds can be obtained from your plant. It is easily pollinated by transferring pollen from one flower to another with a brush or by gently touching the flowers to each other. After successful pollination, a pod will form with flattened black peas—the seeds of the plant. Store the seeds in a paper bag on the refrigerator door.


Mimosa propagation is practiced in only one way - growing from seeds. Fresh seeds have a high germination rate, young seedlings grow quickly. For the first time, seeds are purchased in a specialized store; in subsequent years they are used planting material from your own plants.

Sowing begins in March. The seeds are pre-soaked in warm water for 30 minutes-1 hour. The soil is watered with phytosporin or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. A box or separate small pots are used as a container for planting. The bottom is filled with expanded clay, soil is poured, and it is moistened. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1 cm. There is no need to compact the soil!

The box or pots are wrapped in polyethylene. Keep at 25-30°C, periodically ventilating the greenhouse. Water by spraying water with a spray bottle. Seeds germinate in 3-4 weeks. The seedlings are moved closer to the light, but protected from the sun. Picking at the stage of 3 true leaves. Replant very carefully, trying not to damage the delicate roots of the mimosa. Grown flowers are gradually accustomed to the care regime for adult plants.

Interesting! It is considered possible to propagate mimosa from cuttings. This is a complex method with low efficiency. Out of 10 cuttings, only one can take root. This method has long been abandoned by both amateurs and professional flower growers. But you can experiment by trying to root the cuttings in water or peat. Using root stimulants will increase the chances of success.

Possible growing problems

Mimosa is a delicate and capricious flower. Problems often arise during cultivation. Most of them can be easily eliminated by adjusting care and maintenance.

Rolling leavesReaction to smoke, draft, fumes.Find a comfortable place for the flower.
Yellowish tint, lethargy, leaf dropLack of moisture in the soil or air.Normalize the watering regime, spray the plant more often.
The leaves are constantly in a closed positionExcessive soil dampness, heat or cold in the room.Check the condition of the soil. If it is too wet, limit watering for a while. Create favorable temperature conditions flower.
The stems are stretchedLack of light.If it is not possible to provide natural lighting, illumination with phytolamps is provided.
Mimosa doesn't bloomThe most likely cause is low air temperature below 16°C.The flower is moved to a warm place and protected from cold drafts.

Major pests

It is rarely affected by pests. The appearance of insects can quickly destroy a flower. As a preventative measure, it is recommended to periodically treat mimosa with small doses of Fitosporin and insecticides. At the same time, check neighboring indoor plants for pests.

Pest nameHow it manifests itselfWhat to do
AphidSmall insects sucking juices from the tender leaves of a plant. Settle in colonies on back side leaves, shoot tips. The leaves become sticky, the tops curl, and stop growing.Examine the plant. If there are not a lot of aphids, treating the plant will help soap solution. In case of severe damage, the twisted branches are cut off and the flower is sprayed with preparations containing permethrin.
Spider miteThe appearance of light spots on the leaves, cobwebs on the back of the leaf. The plant is withering away.Treat with a soap solution with the addition of alcohol. If this does not help, spray with insecticides.
WhiteflyTranslucent scales appear on the lower surface of the leaf blade. The leaves are covered with a sticky shiny coating. The plant becomes discolored and withers.Wash the plant with soapy water and spray with tobacco infusion. From chemicals Aktara helps a lot.

Before you grow mimosa at home, think about whether you have enough time to care for it. This delicate flower requiring constant attention.

It turns out that the world of plants has its own “princess and the pea” - so tender and fragile that even a slight breath of wind makes her curl up her leaves. The “Pink Princess” from the legume family does not tolerate the effects of external irritants. And anyone who undertakes to care for mimosa pudica at home should refrain from touching its foliage. And also be patient and calm, because this representative of the tropical flora is a capricious and demanding lady.

The native habitat of this shrub is the Brazilian tropics. In nature, mimosa shy grows up to 1.5 m. And on window sills and winter gardens- maximum up to 50 cm. The plant belongs to the mimosa genus and the legume family. Mimosa pudica is a perennial plant. But it does not live long, which is why it is often called an annual. But this shrub never spares seeds. Using them, you can propagate the “Princess and the Pea” without any problems.

Back in the 18th century, French explorer and astronomer Jean-Jacques Dorthou de Meran noticed that mimosa pudica moves its leaves and changes their orientation every 22 hours. In addition, any impact of external stimuli on the shrub responds by twisting the leaf blade. And this feature is another reason why experienced flower growers, despite all the difficulties and ups and downs, they take on the task of growing mimosa pudica at home with great pleasure.

Scientists have proven that this tropical plant lives in accordance with its own biological rhythm, which is very similar to human biorhythms.

Why is the beauty ashamed

Yours unusual name This fragile shrub received thanks to the ability to instantly respond to rain, wind and the touch of living beings - including humans. This is the answer to the question why the leaves of mimosa pudica curl up. It is enough just to lightly touch the plant, and it immediately curls its foliage, as if protecting itself from external influences. After half an hour, the leaf straightens and restores its normal position.

As for the periodic change in the orientation of foliage, during the research it turned out that this phenomenon is in no way connected with the change of day and night. According to botanists, the internal biorhythms of the plant itself are to blame.

The impatiens mimosa does not like to be touched, so you should not touch it often for fun. The protective process depletes the bush and can cause premature wilting. Therefore, at home, the flower is removed away from children.

Caring for mimosa pudica at home

Mimosa shy is a child of the tropics. This fact is the basis for plant care. In order for the shrub to live cozy and comfortable in the apartment, the gardener needs to create conditions reminiscent of a tropical climate. Here are the three pillars on which caring for mimosa pudica during flowering is based:

  • absence of cold and draft;
  • high humidity;
  • minimum external stimuli.

Where to put the pot

The domesticated tropical shrub is not at all afraid of the sun. On the contrary, I am ready to absorb Sun rays every cell of its leaves. He loves abundant and bright lighting. If you don’t know how to care for mimosa pudica after purchase, first select a location for it, guided by the information from the table.

Table - Determining the location of mimosa in the apartment

A southern windowsill in a subtropical climate is an acceptable location for shrubs. But in this case, the flower needs to be provided with shade for at least two to three hours a day.

Optimal temperature

Optimal temperature for growing shy mimosa differs depending on the time of year. In summer, the thermometer should show about 22-23°C. In winter - fluctuate around 15-17°C. By the way, during the period when there are squeaky frosts outside the window, it is better to move the blooming beauty to the southern windowsill.

The shrub should be protected from excessive heat and too dry air. During the heating season, a household humidifier must be running in the apartment, otherwise the plant can be ruined.


The delicate beauty mimosa happily breathes air, the humidity of which varies from 75 to 85%. There are three ways to achieve the desired humidity level.

  1. Aquarium. If there is an aquarium in the house, the pot can be placed next door. The air humidity near the water container will be quite sufficient for the plant to develop quietly.
  2. Tray with water. A pot of mimosa can be placed next to a wide tray or tray of water. Near, but not into it! However, in the interior this bulky structure does not always look aesthetically pleasing.
  3. Spraying. Periodic spray irrigation of the room in which mimosa pudica lives is another option for solving the problem. It is important to ensure that drops of water do not fall on the plant itself.

Pets that enjoy eating the foliage of houseplants should stay away from mimosa plants. This plant can be poisonous to cats, dogs and birds.

How to water

When mimosa blooms (and this happens from mid-March to the end of October), watering should be moderate but frequent. On average, it is enough to water mimosa pudica once every two days, using clean, settled water for watering. If you notice that the top layer of soil in the pot is completely dry, moisten the substrate.

In winter, the substrate should not be allowed to dry out. The soil in the pot should always be slightly moist.

Do I need to replant?

The question of how to transplant mimosa pudica into another pot and whether it is necessary is especially relevant. Professionals believe that the plant is perennial. But this opinion is criticized, and the modest mimosa is sometimes classified as an annual - according to this logic, it does not need replanting... As a result, if desired and at their discretion, flower growers simply carefully remove the “pink princess” from the pot along with the turf, preventing it from scattering , and are actually “rearranged” into another container. This method is also called transshipment. There is no need to change the substrate or supplement it with anything.

The shy bush doesn't like tobacco smoke. Passive smoking of the plant results from damage to the foliage and its shrinkage under the influence of tobacco tar.

How and with what to fertilize

Mimosa pudica needs fertilizer only during the growing season. That is, when the plant is actively developing in a pot and blooming. You need to fertilize mimosa twice a month: at the beginning and at the end. Preparing fertilizing is not difficult at all. We dilute universal fertilizer for indoor flowers in a 1:1 ratio and use the resulting solution when watering.

Secrets of the reproduction of the “pink princess”

We figured out how to care for mimosa pudica. But how to grow this quivering bush with inflorescences that look like pink fluffy pompoms made from thin synthetic threads?


A gardener who wants to get “offspring” from a shy plant will have to work a little as a bee. There are two ways to pollinate mimosa. Each of them can be easily used in an apartment or house.

  1. Direct contact. Carefully take two inflorescences of the bush and barely touch them to each other. We carry out the action as carefully as possible so that the plant does not experience stress.
  2. Using a brush. We “arm ourselves” with the smallest brush for painting. With its help, we take pollen from one inflorescence and transfer it to another.

Preparing and planting seeds

Theoretically, the shy plant can be propagated in two more ways - by cuttings or by planting seeds. However, cuttings are an ineffective method. But growing mimosa pudica from seeds is much easier. Seeds for planting can be bought or taken from a dried pod - the mimosa fruit. “Harvest” occurs in mid-autumn. Therefore, after removing the seeds, they must be placed in the refrigerator. They will be needed no earlier than March. This spring month is considered the optimal time for sowing.

Reviews from experienced flower growers indicate that before planting the seeds in the substrate, they need to be soaked in water for half an hour. A resident of the Brazilian tropics, who migrated to our windowsills, appreciates light soil. There is nothing complicated about preparing the ideal substrate. Take one part each of turf, peat soil and sand - you're done. Don't forget to provide good drainage and plant with confidence, following these four-step instructions.

  1. We plant the seeds. Sprinkle them with a small layer of earth and cover them with polyethylene to create a greenhouse effect.
  2. We are waiting for the shoots. By periodically ventilating the “flower bed” and spraying the substrate, after a month we see the first, fragile results of our work.
  3. We remove the film. As soon as the sprouts hatch, remove the film from the pot.
  4. We are seating. After at least three leaves appear on the mimosa, we separate the future beauty from her sisters into a separate container.

Causes of diseases

It cannot be said that the capricious southerner gets sick more often than other indoor flora representatives. However, misfortunes happen from time to time. Symptoms of some diseases appear on the foliage when mimosa pudica turns yellow. Other diseases prevent the plant from blooming or modify the stems of the bush. The following table will help you recognize the signs and causes of deterioration in the plant’s condition.

Table - Common problems when growing mimosa and their causes

Pests and ways to combat them

The most common pests that prevent the “pink princess” from living and blooming normally are spider mites and aphids.

Defeating aphids

Algorithm of actions

  1. We eliminate parts of mimosa pudica affected by aphids (break off the leaves).
  2. We use spraying with products containing “Permethrin” - an insecticide and acaricide.
  3. If the aphids are completely infested, we repeat the “chemical attack” after three to four days.

Getting rid of spider mites

Peculiarities. If damage by this pest is detected at the initial stage, you can do without treatment. chemicals. The risk of spider mite infestation of shrubs is highest in the summer. These insects love high temperature and feel like a fish in water in hot, dry rooms.

Algorithm of actions

  1. By spraying with a soap solution, we treat the leaves and stems affected by the pest.
  2. Spray the affected areas with a solution of any insecticide.

Growing mimosa pudica at home is very exciting process, especially for novice gardeners. Recent research in the field of botany proves a fact that has long been in the air: the “shy beauty” has intelligence! It turns out that the tropical bush easily distinguishes living beings from inanimate objects and remembers the properties of those with whom it comes into contact. If a phenomenon, object or living creature does not pose a threat to the flower, then next time the mimosa will not expend energy on curling a leaf.

Reviews: “Tender and vulnerable lady”

My daughter and I have been growing Mimosa pudica for several years now, it’s just a beauty and not a plant, I bought it for my child because Anyuta wanted to grow something, the store clerk recommended Mimosa, and what a miracle, the seeds came out right away, 10 were planted, 10 came out, and then There are no problems, when the daughter remembers then and waters, for the winter we cut off the regrown stems and after a few days new shoots appear on them, and the mimosa grows and makes us happy for another year. And what pleasure it gives a child to touch it and watch how the leaves close and open; we even timed how long it took for it to close and open.


This is a seemingly inconspicuous plant, but when you touch its petals, you understand the opposite, it is so interesting and funny. When you touch it, it gets offended! And he folds his leaves. To grow it, I bought seeds in a regular flower shop, for only 15 rubles!!! I scalded the seeds with boiling water (recommendation on the package) and planted them in a hole in a peat tablet. After 4 days, shoots already appeared :) Over time, the bush grew and I decided to transplant it into a pot with soil.
When replanting, I was surprised that it has a very small root system, and it could easily exist in a tablet for probably half a year :) I recommend that you do not overdry or overwater the plant, because the leaves immediately fall off. I grow it in regular soil mixed with peat tablet. No drainage. At night the bush closes its leaves. In the morning he opens it and reaches for the sun. If you buy seeds once, then when growing, you will never need to buy seeds again because when flowering it produces a lot of seeds. I consider the plant to be an annual plant. It is better to plant it every year, in February, and it will delight you with fresh leaves until January :)


Hi all. Recently I came across mimosa seeds, and I decided to buy them, because I know that Mimosa is very interesting plant. Out of 14 seeds (2 packages), only 8 mimosas sprouted. Mimosa is a very delicate plant; if you touch it a little or the wind blows, it begins to fold its leaves and seems to hide. It blooms in lush circles; it will be very interesting for a child to watch this flower. Mimosa also grows well in several pieces in a pot; you should not touch it as often, otherwise it may die. Mimosa has already been transplanted into a larger pot, we can say that it is also resistant to transplantation, but once again It’s better not to transplant her, she’s still very tender and vulnerable. If you want to interest your child in flowers, I think you should start with Mimosa pudica.



lat. name - Mimosa pudica

Mimosa pudica belongs to the legume family (Fabaceae), formerly classified as mimosa (Mimosaceae). This indoor plant can be considered both a flowering plant and an ornamental foliage plant, native to the humid tropics of Brazil.

Mimosa is a plant of medium difficulty to grow. It is cultivated in all countries of the world both as an annual and as a perennial.

In favor of the annual plant is the fact that by autumn mimosa becomes very elongated and loses its splendor and decorativeness. Therefore, it is often recommended to renew it with seeds, with which it reproduces without problems.

1. Appearance

Decorative shrub up to 60 cm in height with spiny stems. The leaves are pinnate with small oblong leaves, up to 30 cm in length, light green in color, with sensitive hairs.

The inflorescences are in the form of spherical fluffy inflorescences that resemble a pompom made of threads, light purple in color, about 2 cm in diameter. Blooms from June to September. The fruits are flat, single-seeded pods that open when ripe.

2. Why is mimosa shy?

A peculiarity of the plant is its great sensitivity to mechanical influences. When touched, the leaves fold and the branches fall down. After about 20-30 minutes they straighten again.

The same thing happens with the change of time of day - at night the leaves fold, and in the morning they are “in working order” again.

You should not often experiment with the plant and often irritate its sensitive hairs. As a result, it quickly depletes.

3. Mimosa care

Mimosa shy prefers southern windows - moderately warm rooms with intense lighting. The optimal growing temperature is 20-22°C during the growth period and 15°C during the dormant period (winter). Does not tolerate hot and dry air well.

From spring to autumn, mimosa pudica needs regular moderate watering. In winter, watering is reduced to a minimum, to about once a week. The water should not be very hard.

Because mimosa loves high humidity air (75-85%), it is advisable to regularly spray the air around the plant. It is better not to spray the mimosa itself and not to disturb it again.

Do not forget to regularly loosen the soil in the plant pot and prevent the formation of a crust on the surface.

4. Fertilizer

Mimosa needs regular feeding during active growth and during the flowering period, from spring to late summer, approximately once every 10-14 days. You can use ready-made liquid fertilizer for beautiful flowering plants.

5. Transplantation and soil

Any soil is suitable for planting and replanting. beautiful flowering plants. The main thing is that it is loose and nutritious.

The composition of the soil mixture for those who want to prepare it for planting mimosa on their own: peat (1 part), clay-turf soil (2 parts), deciduous soil (1 part), sand (0.5 parts).

Replanting the plant is necessary only in case of disease or rotting of the soil. Also, at the beginning of spring, replanting is necessary for the plant that you left for the winter and grow as a perennial.

6. Propagation of mimosa

Mimosa pudica is propagated by shifts, which are sown in February-April. You can use universal soil mixtures for seedlings or, as mentioned above, soil for beautiful flowering plants.

When the seedlings reach 2-3 months of age (in May-June), they are transplanted to permanent place and try not to bother you anymore, because... Mimosa does not tolerate transplantation well.

You can grow several plants in one pot at once. This way they look more decorative. As they grow and if necessary, the mimosa stems are tied to supports.

7. Growing features, pests and diseases

Pests of mimosa pudica: aphids, spider mites.

If the leaves wither and turn yellow...

Possible reasons: lack of moisture.

Solution to the problem: mimosa needs regular watering and moist air around; try to adhere to the required maintenance regime.

8. Mimosa bashful: video

This short video clearly shows how mimosa leaves react to touch.

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