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Aubrieta: description of varieties, cultivation at home and care rules. Aubrieta - perennial beautiful flowering plant

Aubrieta, or aubretia, is a perennial ground cover crop that can fill garden plot, creating a colorful flower corner. Its main advantage is frost resistance and the fact that with the onset of cold weather it does not lose its decorative foliage. Aubrieta enjoys increased attention among flower growers when creating alpine slides, vertical gardening and as a background when filling large flower beds.

The flowering period begins in May and lasts for 5–8 weeks. This creates a large number of small simple flowers consisting of 4 petals, which are collected in inflorescence brushes. During this period, the foliage is completely hidden under the flowers, resulting in the impression of a floral carpet. In the summer, the leaves of aubrieta acquire a characteristic bluish tint, and with the approach of cold weather - a bright green color. The plant can grow in poor soils where other crops die.

Common types and varieties

In total, there are about 12 species of aubrieta in nature, but many of them, such as white aubretia, cloatha, graceful, Kolumka, can rarely be found in flower beds. There are several varieties that are often used by gardeners in the garden.

Deltoid shaving

  1. 1. Aubrieta deltoid, which is often called the lilac bush. It is considered the progenitor of all modern varieties of aubretia. It is a perennial herbaceous plant with stems up to 15 cm high. The foliage is distinguished by the presence of characteristic teeth along the edge of the plate. The flowers reach a diameter of 1 cm and have a purple or lilac hue and form loose inflorescences. Flowering occurs in May, its duration is no more than 4 weeks. One of the varieties of this species - Bougainvillea aubrieta - is distinguished by a bright orange center of flowers against a background of light purple petals, its height is 20 cm.
  1. 2. Aubrieta hybrid, or cultivated, is a separate group of plants that overwinter under the snow. Thanks to the efforts of breeders, it is distinguished by a variety of shades. Some varieties of this species have large double and semi-double flowers. At seed growing retains all species qualities mother plant. The developed cascade varieties of hybrid aubrieta make it possible to use them for hanging planters and balcony boxes. It has a longer flowering period of 50 days.

The most common varieties of this species:

  • Red Cascade is a cascading variety with red flowers that hang on long shoots. Often used to decorate stone walls.
  • Greencourt Purple - distinguished by double flowers of a lilac-purple hue.
  • Côte d'Azur - deep blue flowers stand out against dark green foliage and is a repeat blooming variety.
  • Dr. Mules - distinguished by colors of a rich purple or violet hue.
  • Charming Morocco is one of the lush flowering varieties, distinguished by its large flowers with a diameter of up to 1.5 cm.

Growing from seeds

Aubrieta can be grown by sowing seeds directly into open ground, but then the first flowering will occur only next year, and using the seedling method, which will make it possible to plant fully formed bushes by the beginning of the season. Propagating a flower by seeds allows you to get a large amount planting material and create a unique decorative flower garden.

Sowing in open ground

Aubrieta prefers to grow in open sunny areas, but light shading is also allowed, which will contribute to a longer flowering period.

You can sow seeds directly into open ground only when the soil has warmed up sufficiently and the threat of a return of late frosts has passed. IN middle lane In Russia this occurs in the second ten days of May. It is necessary to prepare the area for planting in advance: dig it up, clear it of weeds and add sand and wood ash. After which it is necessary to level the surface so that there are no depressions or elevations.

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. 1. Pre-moisten the soil and try to distribute the seeds as evenly as possible on its surface.
  2. 2. Sprinkle the seeds with a 0.5–1 cm layer of sand.
  3. 3. The top soil must be moistened with a spray bottle.
  4. 4. Cover the crops non-woven material, which will protect them from possible late frosts and prevent the soil from drying out.

Shoots will appear 10–20 days after sowing. As soon as the bushes grow and become stronger, if necessary, you can transplant them to another place, but without exposing the root system of the seedlings, since the plant does not tolerate transplantation well. The first flowering will occur next year.

Aubrieta prefers to grow on poor soils, but the soil should be loose and freely allow water to pass through. Stagnant moisture can cause the roots of the plant to rot and cause its death, so it is not recommended to plant aubrieta in clay soils.

Growing by seedlings

In order for the aubrieta to bloom already in the current season, it is necessary to plant the plant for seedlings at the end of February: this will make it possible to obtain already strong and formed bushes by May. But it is necessary to grow it correctly at home: since the plant forms a long tap root, then later transplantation to permanent place can be detrimental to young seedlings. To avoid stress, aubrieta seeds should be planted in peat tablets or cups - this will help avoid the negative consequences of transplantation.

It is necessary to plant them in a permanent place in open ground at the end of May at a distance of 5–10 cm from each other.

Features of care

Further care of the crop will not cause much trouble. Aubrieta grows better at low elevations, so it can be used as a decoration for an alpine hill. Throughout the season, it is recommended to loosen the soil near the roots and regularly mulch the crops with a 3–5 cm layer of river sand. During particularly hot periods of summer, it is necessary to additionally water the plant using sprinkling. Aubrieta safely tolerates drought, but at the same time loses its decorative effect.

No feeding allowed organic fertilizers, as this negatively affects flowering.

To improve the growth and development of bushes, it is recommended to fertilize mineral fertilizers, this stimulates the growth of buds and lush flowering of the aubrieta. To do this, you can use the drug Kemira Lux. After the flowering period, it is recommended to cut the shoots at the root to stimulate the growth of new lush bushes, which will bloom again in September.

After repeated flowering, it is not recommended to prune the shoots, as this will weaken the plant’s immunity before the upcoming winter. It is better to postpone this procedure until spring. Aubrecia is a frost-resistant crop, but in regions with a more severe climate it is recommended to cover it with dry spruce branches or foliage before frosts.

Aubrieta is unpretentious plant which will help create bright accent in the garden, without requiring special attention. And having mastered the seedling method of growing, you can breed different varieties and species and add variety to the flowerbed at the very beginning of the season.

Aubrieta is a perennial plant of the cruciferous family. It is planted to decorate flower beds, to create a living, beautifully flowering carpet of crimson, pink, purple flowers. A squat herbaceous plant has creeping stems, with small gray-green leaves that are very difficult to see due to the lush head of flowers. Aubrieta, native to southern Europe and Asia Minor, has more than 12 species. The second name of the plant is aubretia.

Types and varieties

All types of aubrieta differ from each other in the size and color of the flower, but one quality unites them - this is the fact that the plant does not shed its leaves for the winter. The leaf blade retains its color even after the arrival of frost. Popular types:

Very often, gardeners plant aubrieta with milkweed, Caucasian rhizome or scarlet soapwort. Plant color compatibility is also the basis for creating a flower bed. For example: all varieties with red flowers will look harmonious against the background of blue perennials. Cascade aubrieta is used to create living flower carpets, in borders and rock gardens, as well as to decorate artificial rocks. The planted flower looks good along the edge of the wall of the house.

Planting and care

Any personal plot aubrieta flowers will decorate it. Planting and caring for a plant is not a difficult process. In order to achieve long-lasting and lush flowering, you need to follow simple rules.

Site selection and watering

Before planting the plant, it is necessary to prepare a sunny place with alkaline, well-drained soil.

The brighter the place, the more abundant the flowering will be. Planting begins after night frosts have subsided. Depending on the region, this time falls in April-May. The bushes are planted at a distance of 5 cm from each other. The landing pattern is arbitrary.

The plant is unpretentious in care, the only watering is carried out when planting the plant in open ground. Further watering depends on weather conditions; in rainy summers the plant is not watered, as excess moisture has a detrimental effect on it. The flowers fall off, and the aubrieta takes on a dejected appearance. To prevent the soil from becoming waterlogged, it is necessary to take care of drainage. The shrub also does not tolerate drought, so the soil must be mulched 1-2 cm twice a season.

Pruning and feeding

In order for the aubrieta to look attractive, wilted flowers must be removed in a timely manner. Since the plant is perennial, it needs pruning. If the plant is pruned after flowering, the bush will bloom a second time in the fall. After autumn flowering, the bushes are not pruned.

With the arrival of cold weather, the perennial aubrieta does not shed its foliage. It is frost-resistant, but in harsh climates the plant may lose its leaves. Many gardeners, to preserve their decorative appearance, cover it with fallen leaves or straw for the winter.

Feeding and fertilizers

Aubrieta does not need constant feeding, so fertilizers are applied only twice a season. It is best to use potassium fertilizers. Fertilizing is added only to grown seedlings at the beginning of flowering and after pruning the bush.

Plant propagation

Aubrieta is easy to propagate. There are several ways:

  • seeds;
  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush.

Cuttings begin after pruning.

The strongest and strongest seedlings are placed in a mixture of sand and peat; a greenhouse effect is created for the plant to quickly take root. At the end of summer, the rooted cuttings are planted in open ground in a prepared place. During this period, they will have time to build up a powerful root system, which will help cope with severe cold weather.

Reproduction by dividing the bush is used extremely rarely, as it causes irreparable harm to the shrub.

You can also propagate aubrieta by growing it from seeds, when planting by cuttings or division is not possible. To grow a healthy plant, you need to consider a number of conditions:

  1. Seeds take a long time to germinate, so they are sown a month before the onset of cold weather.
  2. The seed begins to germinate under film cover at a temperature of 19 degrees.
  3. As soon as the first shoots appear, the covering material is removed and the plants are planted in a permanent place. The time for transplanting seedlings is warm days without night frosts.

Diseases and pests

The plant is immune to viral and fungal diseases. It has only one enemy - overwatering the soil, which leads to rotting of the root system and the formation of gray rot. If not proper care the plant may be susceptible to aphid attack.

If you follow all the rules of care when growing, it will not be afraid of either diseases or insects.

Growing perennial aubrieta is not only simple, but also very interesting. To get a chic flower carpet, you need to give this wonderful flower a little care and attention, and then it will thank its owner with lush and long-lasting flowering.

Flowers aubrieta or aubrieta, popularly known as “windbag”, is a genus of flowering plants. The cruciferous family. Perennial low-growing plant. The flower is named after the French artist Claude Aubriette. Can be found in southern Europe and central Asia. The plant is characterized bright colors buds that bloom in white, pink and purple to blue. The shoots are short and form dense thickets resembling a carpet. The leaves of the plant are small, green, oval in shape with solid and pointed edges. They grow up to 25 centimeters in length.

Flowers on the aubrieta plant can usually be seen in April and June, a flowering period lasting approximately one and a half months. Bears fruit. The fruit is a pod with elongated seeds of a brownish hue.

Growing aubriet flowers from seeds is done exclusively by seedlings, and this requires effort and time. But the result exceeds even the wildest expectations. Look at the photo of obrieta flowers, this is a wonderful illustration of the aesthetic appeal of any cascading variety: obrieta flowers in the photoobrieta_02obrieta flower in the photo

Growing aubrieta from seeds: planting and care rules

It is preferable to grow and bloom in sunny places, so when caring for it, it is advisable to place the plant in the sunny half of your garden or home.

The soil for planting aubrieta should be light, neutral, not necessarily fertile. It is strictly forbidden to plant the plant on soil containing clay or peat.

Before planting aubrieta, the soil for the plant should be loosened with special care.

Excess moisture will not benefit the flower, but will only harm it, especially in winter, so do not neglect the amount of watering. This will cause severe root rot. It is best to plant a flower on rocky hills, hills, or, in the absence of them, on soil with drainage equipment.

Before organizing care for the shaving plant, it is necessary to take into account that if there is a lack of moisture, the plant will lose its attractiveness. However, after you start watering again required quantities and volumes, the plant will come to life again.

Over the course of one season, it is recommended to mulch the soil near the plant a couple of times, preferably with a layer of two to three centimeters.

In spring and autumn, it is advisable to feed the plant with mineral fertilizer.

After the first time the aubrieta fades in spring period It is recommended to cut its stems almost to the very root so that it does not grow, and young shoots appear on it as much as possible.

After you prune the plant, it will bloom again in the fall, of course not so abundantly, but still. Over time it will show its charm.

To maintain the attractiveness of the plant, it is advisable to remove wilted branches and flower stalks in due time.

There is a need to weed and water the plant only for the first time after planting. Later, when the plant grows, it will spread over the ground like a luxurious carpet that will not allow various weeds to crawl out.

Despite the incredible cold resistance to winter frosts, there is a high risk of the plant's leaves falling off, which does not add beauty to it. Most, in order to avoid such troubles, cover the plant with dry foliage for the winter so that at least a little heat is retained.
For planting, it is recommended to plant seeds in the ground in spring or winter. The plant that was planted in a similar way, only produces color the second year after planting, so don't be discouraged if you don't see flowers the first year. The seeds should be given time to dry, then placed in soil that contains loam, sand and clay. Then water and cover with a plastic bag or glass. It is better to ventilate the sprouts periodically, and as soon as they sprout, you can safely transplant them into a larger container. When the sprouts have significantly increased in growth and are cramped, it will be possible to transplant them into open ground. Growing aubrieta with seeds using the seedling method makes it possible to obtain full flowering already in the first year after planting.

Sowing aubrieta seeds should be done in early autumn or late spring. It is necessary to mulch the soil with sand. It is better to sow seeds in beds, otherwise the sprouts will get lost in the weeds. In addition, the flower can be sown at home. To do this, the seeds should be placed with a mineral from the hydromica group two months before the last frost ends, then hidden under plastic film. When you notice the first shoots, immediately remove the polyethylene film and, after the end of the night frosts, transplant them into the soil to a permanent place of growth.

Aubrieta can also be planted immediately in open ground, but it is advisable to do such a procedure in winter, when various weeds will not be able to harm the growing flower in any way.

It is recommended to grow flower seedlings in early February. In this case, it will be possible to observe beautiful flowers on the plant at the end of spring. It is better to plant seedlings in shallow containers. After a week will pass, you should start feeding the plant with mineral fertilizers every ten days and combine this with watering.obrieta_10obrieta_11

Planting a plant in a similar way is carried out as follows: sprouts that have not yet fully matured are separated from the bush, the lower leaves and roots in the sand are removed. Then the future flower is placed in a greenhouse with sand and peat soil. It is recommended to plant cuttings in August, but you need to make sure that roots have already formed on them. When you start planting a flower, be sure to ensure that the distance between the sprouts is 13-15 centimeters. I would like to note that over the years the plant turns into more demanding and weaker, so it is advisable to carry out cuttings annually.

There is also a method of propagation by dividing the bushes, but it is not recommended to do this with this type of plant, due to the fact that such a procedure is painful for the flower and you can accidentally damage it and it will die. You can divide the bush only as a last resort, if you did not have time to cut the cuttings or you need to transplant the flower to a new place. This also requires extensive experience in working with plants.

The main varieties of aubrieta for landscape design and balconies

Aubrieta has a couple of features that serve to become more widespread in our gardens, namely, long-lasting and abundant flowering, as well as the ability to overwinter with leaves.

In the garden, you can use it to decorate slopes and create a low-growing flower border; it looks especially good along the edge of a wall. The main varieties of aubrieta are used in landscape design to decorate flower beds, flower beds and ridges. But there are types for landscaping balconies and loggias, these are the so-called cascade objects.

Among the varieties of obrieta varieties, the following types can be distinguished, a description of which can be found below. obrieta_07obrieta_08obrieta_09

Aubrieta cascade (cascade)

The leaves are evergreen. Flowers of blue and red shades of four petals with a small yellow eye. It produces color in June and also in April-May. It reaches a height of up to 15 centimeters. Prefers sun or partial shade in absolutely any alkaline or acidic soil. Blooms later than any other species.obrieta_04

This is a hybrid variety of aubrieta. The flowers are large in size (diameter - 1.5 centimeters), from blue to red. Flowers can be seen in May-June. obrieta_05

Flowers can be pink, purple, red or white. Blooms in spring. It grows up to 10 centimeters in length and up to 50-60 centimeters in width.obrieta_06

Varietal varieties of hybrid aubrieta:

  • "Royal Cascade" Stems hang down, up to 25 centimeters long. The flowers are soft pink.
  • “Red Cascade” Carmine-colored flowers.
  • “Fruit Assortment” This is a bright variety mixture. Flowers in various shades of pink and red.
  • "Lizzie" Reaches up to 15 centimeters in height. The flowers are up to one centimeter in diameter, bright red.
  • "Campbell" Flowers are large, bright of blue color.
  • "Deborah" Red flowers. It reaches a height of up to 20 centimeters.
  • Alix Brett Flowers are raspberry-colored, slightly double.
  • Astolat Leaves are variegated. The flowers are purple.
  • Bressingham Pink Double flowers, pink.

Aubrieta - evergreen from the Kapus family, which originally appeared in Southern Europe, Latin America, and Malaysia. This abundantly flowering, perennial plant grows mainly at the mouth of a river or on rocky slopes. If an amateur gardener decides to start breeding aubrieta, then caring for it will not be difficult. a lot of work.

The main and basic condition (all amateur gardeners must adhere to it) is that this care is regular. Aubrieta goes well with other crops in the flowerbed, for example, iris, phlox or spurge.

Bright, fragrant, blooming living carpet

If you look at a photo of aubrieta, you can see a carpet of bright color, and if you also see this plant live, you can enjoy a pleasant, unforgettable aroma.

IN Lately this flower has become one of the most popular perennial plants, it is often used by landscape designers to decorate flower beds and garden plots. What did he do to deserve such close attention to himself?

Varieties of aubrieta as a garden flower

There are a total of 12 types of this beautiful flower. The color scheme is replete with variety - from white to purple or blue. There are hybrid or cultivated aubrieta and deltoid beauty. Now detailed story about each of these types.

The deltoid or deltoid aubrieta is popularly called the “lilac bush”; due to its purple color, from a distance it resembles a lilac twig. The homeland of this variety is South-Eastern Europe, only there you can find this plant in natural conditions. This variety of this plant, with proper care, reaches a height of 15 cm.

The second common type of this flower is the cultural (hybrid) aubrieta, which is early variety. It is a subshrub Green colour, which reaches a height of up to 20 cm.

Breeders have developed hundreds of varieties of this species: the bright blue Blue King, the spherical Red King, the sky-blue Cote d'Azur and other plants of indescribable beauty.

Planting and caring for the plant

Seedlings of this plant can be planted in open ground in early May only after the frosts have subsided. It is necessary to take care in advance about the place where the flower will live: it should be well lit (then the aubrieta flowers will not be faded) and well ventilated.

The soil should not be clayey and well fertilized (for example, it is best to carry gravel into it if the soil is clayey and slaked lime, if the future habitat is acidic).

The ideal soil should not be too fertile, but should have the presence of lime and chalk.

The plant does not like fatty soils - in peat and clay it will either take a long time to take root or die altogether. Many gardeners plant the flower close to the walls, because... When the plant blooms, this place will be visible to everyone.

It is necessary to strictly observe the distance between planting bushes - it should be equal to 5-10 cm. After planting a flower, it needs moderate watering: it does not tolerate too much moisture and stagnation - it dies. It is best to do this more often, but in smaller quantities. After the bush has been planted, it is watered abundantly and mulched with sand.

Planting an aubrieta is not difficult, but during this process you need to take into account several nuances that were presented in the article above.

Caring for the flower is also not difficult. There is no need to flood the flower, because from an excess of moisture it will become sluggish and lifeless. Rainwater will be enough for it (if the summer is not dry).

Fertilizers are contraindicated for young bushes, but for adults, on the contrary, they need sodium humanate or another mineral substance. Due to an excess of nutrients, the plant will not bloom profusely, only more greenery will appear.

Reproduction of aubrieta

This flower is propagated in the hot season using cuttings that are formed from shoots after pruning, then it must be placed in a mixture of peat and sand and placed in a cool place. At the end of summer, by dividing the bush, it can be propagated. You can also grow aubrieta with seeds, but this is a labor-intensive process and not always progressive.

It should be noted that young cultures do not have the characteristic properties that are inherent in mother plants. Aubrieta seeds germinate 20-30 days after they are planted in a greenhouse.

The greenhouse with seeds should be watered moderately, whenever possible, because... the flower does not like excess moisture.

Pests and diseases of flowers

The main diseases of this plant are powdery mildew and aphids. From these diseases, the flower becomes less attractive and its growth slows down, some of its parts die off.

If the disease is not noticed and stopped in time, the plant may die.

In order to rid a plant of aphids, it is enough to prepare a nettle infusion and spray the plant. It is strictly contraindicated to use chemicals in the fight against this disease.

If the leaves of the flower turn brown and curl, this is the very first sign of powdery mildew. To combat this scourge, a solution of colloidal sulfur is used.

If this procedure does not save the crop, then it is necessary to immediately cut off all damaged branches (or even bushes), burn them and weed them out.

Photo of aubrieta

Aubrieta is evergreen herbaceous plant. It blooms very profusely and can decorate any garden plot. One of its advantages is frost resistance, which is important for the Russian climate. With the onset of cold weather, they do not lose their color and do not shed their leaves. So, while other plants are waking up from winter sleep to delight you with their flowering, aubrieta, the cultivation of which from seeds requires certain skills, is already blooming its lush bushes.

Later, beautiful crimson and purple, violet, blue and pink flowers begin to bloom on the trailing stems.

Features of the plant

This plant was first grown in Central Asia and Southern Europe. But in those places it received a rather disparaging name - windbag. But gardeners from all over the world love the beautiful aubrieta. For vertical gardening, creating alpine slides, and decorating large flower beds, aubrieta is used, photos of which can be found on websites landscape design. Aubrieta forms lush carpet, which can transform any area. Aubrieta is distinguished by beautiful flowering. Many small flowers with four petals, which are collected in small brushes, hide the leaves of the plant. The foliage has a bluish tint in summer, and becomes bright green in winter. Aubrieta begins to bloom in May. The flowering period lasts 4-7 weeks. Thanks to its unpretentiousness, it feels great even on infertile soils, where others ornamental plants may die.

Aubrieta can be grown in two ways:

  • cuttings
  • seeds

But growing this plant by dividing the bush is not allowed. Such attempts to propagate aubrieta do not end well, even if you separate the bush along with the rhizome. You should only use this method when extreme cases, for example, when you did not have time to cut the cuttings. It is problematic to grow aubrieta purchased as seedlings. Seedlings are sensitive to picking. But it is still possible to grow aubrieta in this way, if you take into account some features. Plant seeds need to be sown in separate containers, namely peat pots. Then there will be no negative consequences when transplanting into the soil.

Beautiful waterfall of Aubrieta

Types and varieties

There are a variety of species of this plant, the most common of which include:

Deltoid shaving - hybrid variety. The most common variety of plant. It has diamond-shaped or spatulate leaves of gray-green color. The flowers of deltoid aubrieta are pink or purple. All hybrid and varietal varieties of the plant originate from the deltoid aubrieta. These include varieties:
Novalis-Bla - blue flowers,
Doctor-Mules - dark blue-violet flowers,
Borshize-White - large flowers white,
Terjdike - dark purple flowers,
Trinkort Perple - purple-blue flowers,
Barker's Double - double pink flowers,
Triumphant - blue flowers,
Argenteovariegata - bright red flowers,
Crimson Bedder - crimson flowers,
Vanda - red double flowers,
Royal Cascade is a soft pink shade of flowers.

Aubrieta graceful - is the most beautiful variety plants. Reaches 10 cm. It has weak stems, narrow-lanceolate leaves and small flowers.
Croatian aubrieta - has rhombic-maple or obovate leaves. Peduncles are no larger than leaves.
Aubrieta Columna - has a height of 12 cm, scattered pubescent leaves, large flowers up to 4-5 cm in diameter, pale purple.

Blue cascade

Purple Cascade

Red cascade

Growing from seeds

The best way to grow the beautiful aubrieta is by planting seeds. This way you can get a lot of lush shrubs. Seeds are sold in stores and garden centers. Today you can find a varied number of varieties of this plant. Seeds are usually planted immediately in open ground in May or September-October.

First you need to choose a place where the plant will be planted in the future. As mentioned above, the aubriet will look best in the first rows of flower beds or on alpine slide. At the same time, the place should be in the sun, and the soil should be alkaline and nutritious. Aubrieta should not be planted on heavy clay soils. It is best if it is sandy or rocky soil. Before planting seeds, you need to clear the soil of weeds and dig to a depth of 15 cm. You can add a little calcium to the soil in the form of chalk, eggshells or lime.

Plant seeds Brown, flat and small. You should not sow them too thickly so that after germination they cannot interfere with neighboring seedlings. Growing aubrieta from seeds must be done in the following order.

The soil should be moistened.
Sprinkle the seeds on the desired area of ​​soil.
A few centimeters of soil should be mulched with sand.
Carefully water from a watering can.
In order to achieve decorative effect, seeds can be sown between rock crevices. The flowering of the plant will be very spectacular, and the cascade going down from the wall will look impressive.

If aubrieta is planted in the spring, then seedlings can be expected in about 20 days. If the seeds were sown in the fall, they will sprout only in the spring. The place where the aubrieta seeds are sown must be cleared of weeds, watered frequently and loosened regularly.

You can plant aubrieta at home. To do this, you need to sow the seeds in vermiculite a couple of months before the last frost. The seedlings are placed under a polyethylene film. After germination, the film is removed and the seedlings are planted in the soil, where they will constantly grow. This is done after the night frosts have ended.
Aubrieta will begin to bloom only the next year after you plant it. She will become original decoration your site for several years. In winter, it also does not shed its leaves. This way she will maintain her decorative look whole year. A couple of years after growing aubrieta with seeds, you can switch to growing using cuttings. This way it will be possible to renew the bushes every two to three years. Another advantage of aubrieta is that it can bloom a second time, closer to autumn. To do this, you need to trim the shoots, shortening them by half. With quality care, the aubrieta will please the eye for a long time and will not let you regret the time spent growing it.

Plant care

Aubrieta, which requires a lot of free time to plant and care for, does not require intensive watering. It is required exclusively during dry seasons. Young seedlings are more demanding than adult plants. It should be borne in mind that excess moisture affects shaving more painfully than its lack.

Aubrieta in landscape design

Without sunlight not a single representative of the flora is spared. For the aubrieta the sun's rays play decisive role. Any partial shade can deprive it of flowering. Therefore, it is extremely important to ensure that it receives as much sunlight as possible. It is advisable to plant the aubrieta on slightly raised horizontal planes. It will look great on borders, walls and steps.

In winter, frosts are not scary for shaving, but it is still worth covering the plants during this period with a cover of fallen leaves; this will definitely not make things worse. After winter, you need to carefully inspect the bush, remove damaged areas and give it the desired design. In autumn you should not prune the shoots; it is better to do this immediately after the first flowering.
Boiled and raw aubrieta leaves turn out to be quite edible. Some gardeners add them to food. But this needs to be done in reasonable quantities.

As for the diseases that affect this plant, powdery mildew occurs most often. It is very important to start fighting it in a timely manner. To do this, you can use a solution of colloidal sulfur. If the plant is affected too much, it will need to be removed completely.

Rich color of aubrieta

If you want your aubrieta to bloom especially luxuriantly, watering should not be excessive. It is best to water the plant only in dry times, and the rest of the time to use the so-called rain watering method.
Excessive fertilization of the soil where aubrieta is grown leads to negative consequences.
You should avoid excessive watering, otherwise flowering will be sparse and the foliage will be too dense.
In order for the aubrieta to feel comfortable and delight you with its flowering, you need to choose the right place for planting it. This place should not be shaded by anything. Weeds must be removed.

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