Toilet      03/05/2020

Irrigation bottle fixture. We make drip irrigation with our own hands from plastic bottles. What is drip irrigation and what is its strength

Cucumbers are a moisture-loving crop that must be periodically watered and fed during cultivation in open field. If you water too infrequently, it can affect the growth of bushes and yields. The fruits themselves may also suffer, which will grow tasteless and bitter.

Not all vegetable growers have the opportunity to constantly be in the country to constantly water the cucumbers. In this case, it creates drip irrigation cucumbers in a greenhouse or garden, which will ensure a constant supply of moisture to the plants. For such purposes, do-it-yourself watering is created from plastic bottles.

Advantages and disadvantages

The device for watering with plastic bottles is quite simple. To ensure the supply of moisture to the cucumbers, it is necessary to dig a bottle with small holes for water seepage near each bush. This bottled watering has a number of advantages, which include:

  1. Small cost. This system is practically free, since to create it you only need plastic containers that you can find on the street yourself or purchase at a low price.
  2. Ease of creation. To equip irrigation with plastic bottles, a person does not need any special skills, so everyone can do this job.
  3. Simplified care for cucumbers growing in the garden or in greenhouse conditions. For watering in a greenhouse through plastic bottles, a person does not have to spend much time in his summer cottage. Using this scheme, a person will be able to do their own thing and not worry about the plants.
  4. Protection of cucumbers from burns. Auto-watering the bushes in a drip way protects the leaves on the bushes from burns, since the water will flow immediately under the root.
  5. Autonomy. Most popular systems need a plumbing system. In this case, you only need bottles filled with water.
  6. Liquid temperature. The water with which cucumbers are watered has the same temperature as the air in the greenhouse. This has a positive effect on plant growth.
  7. Easy disassembly and repair. There are times when some element in the system breaks down and has to be completely replaced. To do this, it will be enough to dig out a broken bottle and install a new one in its place.

Despite all its advantages, this irrigation system has some disadvantages:

  • The complexity of organizing irrigation in large areas. Therefore, if it is necessary to ensure the supply of moisture to large areas, it is recommended to use any other irrigation methods.
  • Frequent problems. Often, the holes in the bottles begin to clog with earth, and because of this, the flow of moisture into the soil slows down.
  • Inadequate watering. Such a system is quite primitive and because of this, it cannot completely replace irrigation in the open field. The gardener will sometimes have to independently irrigate the bushes with a watering can. To ensure proper watering, it is recommended to use special tapes connected to the water supply.

Materials used

Before you start drip irrigation after top dressing, you need to decide what materials and tools will be needed to equip the system:

  • roulette;
  • shovel for digging containers into the ground;
  • an awl or nails to create holes;
  • bottles;
  • a lighter with which a needle or nail will be heated.

Particular attention should be paid to the choice of bottles, since they are the main material of the irrigation system. First you need to decide on the volume of containers. In this case, the choice directly depends on the area in which the cucumbers will be grown. If during the day it will keep very heat, then for irrigation you will need large containers that could hold a sufficient amount of water. It must be remembered that in greenhouses the temperature is higher than outside and therefore the plants will need more water.

It is not recommended to use a container of small volume, because of this it will be necessary to add liquid to it too often. Therefore, it is worth abandoning half-liter bottles. The best option would be to use two-liter containers, which will be enough for a week and a half.

However, if the summer is too hot, then you will have to use five-liter eggplants so that the bushes have enough moisture. The possibility of using such a large container should be considered in advance, as it takes up a lot of space.

You should also pay attention to choosing the right fabric. It is needed to protect the openings of the bottles from contamination. To do this, the fabric will have to be wrapped around the outside of the bottle so that the earth cannot get inside. It is recommended to choose not very dense fabric to allow water to pass through freely.

Arrangement methods

There are four main methods by which you can create a bottle irrigation system. Therefore, before starting work, you should familiarize yourself with each of them.

Digging into the ground

The most common way to arrange irrigation in open ground is to bury containers in the ground upside down. To do this, a small hole is made near each bush with a depth of at least 10 cm, into which the container will be placed. Then, with the help of a tape measure at the bottle, 3-5 cm is canceled from the beginning of the bottom and a mark is made. After that, holes in several rows are created in the marked area with the help of a heated needle. You need to make about 10 holes.

The prepared bottle is carefully wrapped with a cloth and placed upside down in the ground. Then it is buried and filled with water. Often debris from the ground gets into the water from above. To solve this problem, you should cover the neck with a nylon or cloth.

Instillation upside down

This method differs from the previous one in that the container will be placed upside down in the ground. Therefore, holes will have to be made in the lid or in the neck. To organize watering in this way, holes for containers are made near each bush. At the same time, they need to be done a little less than last time. Their depth should be equal to the size of the neck of the container.

Having finished with the creation of holes, you can begin to prepare the containers. On the lid or in the neck, using a well-heated nail, you need to make 5-10 holes. If the soil is not very dense, then their number can be reduced.

After that, five centimeters are measured from the bottom of the container and the bottom of the container is cut off with scissors or a knife. Some gardeners do not cut it off completely and leave it to protect it from debris and rapid evaporation of moisture. Then the neck is wrapped with a cloth and it is placed in the ground.


Some do not want to expose the root system of cucumbers and therefore they refuse to dig in containers near the bushes. It is in such situations that it is recommended to use this method. To organize watering in this way, you must first make holes in the bottom of the container. Several holes are also made to pass the wire through which the container will be attached.

After that, a structure is mounted above the bush to secure the container. Its height should not be too high. It is necessary that the distance from the bottle to the ground is about 40 cm.

Application of nozzles

This method is the most expensive, since you will have to purchase special nozzles for bottles. Using them, you do not have to waste your time digging containers into the ground. It will be enough just to fix the nozzle on the neck and deepen it into the ground.


Making drip irrigation from plastic bottles with your own hands for cucumbers is not very hard work that almost anyone can handle. To do this, it is recommended to read the recommendations for creating an irrigation system and watch a video that describes correct system and the process of its creation.

Drip irrigation has long established itself as The best way irrigation of plants. It allows you to give the roots required amount moisture and nutrients, while being the most economical in terms of water consumption. In addition, drip irrigation systems make it possible to organize "delayed irrigation", which is important for summer cottages, which the owners visit only for two or three days a week. It is easy to build a drip irrigation system with your own hands. As the main " construction material» The easiest and cheapest way is to use ordinary plastic bottles. So, we make a drip irrigation system from plastic bottles on our own.


Before proceeding with the description of the technology for manufacturing an irrigation system from plastic bottles, let's see why drip irrigation is considered the best. Compared to other irrigation methods, it has several advantages:

  • Water is supplied directly to the root system. Thus, a “bog” is not created around the plant, the constant presence of which is harmful to some crops;
  • Water consumption during drip irrigation is minimal, since it is used exclusively "for its intended purpose";
  • The absence of excessive moisture in the area avoids the appearance of rot and the development of planting diseases;
  • Drip irrigation is the only way to deliver water to plants in a timely manner when there is no one to look after them;
  • And, finally, the drip irrigation system can be made independently, using only "improvised materials" for this. Thus, it will cost you almost for free.

Well, now, having convinced of the undeniable advantages of drip irrigation, let's proceed directly to the manufacture of the irrigation system.

sponge method

What you need:

  • Plastic bottle;
  • Foam sponge (washcloth).

How to do:

The manufacture of this drip irrigation system is the simplest of all proposed. It is enough to pour water into a bottle, and instead of a cork, stick a piece of a foam rubber sponge of the appropriate size into the neck.

If the water seeps through the sponge too much, try using a larger piece of foam rubber. By experimenting, you can achieve the desired intensity of watering.

After that, we put the bottle near the plant, so that the neck with the sponge is located near the root of the plant. As the sponge gets wet, excess moisture will drip to the root, providing water to the plant.

The advantage of this "system" is the ease of manufacture. The disadvantages include the inability to accurately adjust the intensity of irrigation, the rapid consumption of water and the need to disassemble the structure for filling.

Bottle with stem

What you need:

  • Plastic bottle;
  • empty rod ballpoint pen or "cocktail" tubule;
  • Knife or scissors;
  • Match or wooden toothpick;
  • Awl;
  • Wooden or metal peg;
  • Wire or tape.

How to do:

There are two ways to make this irrigation system: by fixing the rod at the bottom of the bottle or at its neck. In the first case, the bottle can be placed on the ground without accessories, in the second, the process of topping up a bottle of water is greatly simplified.

In any case, the first step is to prepare the rod. To do this, we wash out the remaining ink from it (in the case of using rods from a ballpoint pen) and close one of its ends with a plug. To do this, you can use a piece of a match or a wooden toothpick. We make a small hole 3-4 millimeters from the closed end with an awl.

Initially, the hole should not exceed 0.3 mm in diameter. In the future, if necessary, it will be possible to expand it, but it will not be possible to reduce it.

Now, 1-2 centimeters from the bottom of our container, we make a hole into which we insert the rod. The word "capacity" is not accidentally used instead of the word "bottle", since the bottom of the container can be both at the bottom of the bottle and at its neck depending on the manufacturing method you have chosen.

Please note that the rod should enter the container as tightly as possible.

If you placed the rod at the neck of the bottle, then it (the neck) must be screwed with a cork. The upper part of the resulting container, and in fact the bottom of the bottle, is cut off with a knife or scissors.

It makes sense, together with the cut off bottom of the bottle, to “capture” 2-3 centimeters of its wall. By making a vertical cut on it, this part of the bottle can be used as a lid to protect the container from debris.

Now we fill the bottle with water and see how quickly the liquid flows out through the hole made at the closed edge of the rod. The optimal speed is 10 drops in 5 minutes. If the water flows out more slowly, it is enough to widen the hole in the rod a little.

The finished system is installed near the plant, and the end of the rod is placed in close proximity to the root system. To do this, a container with a rod is attached to a peg of sufficient length using wire or tape. The free end of the peg is stuck into the ground next to the plant.

Although a bottle with a stem at the base can be placed without additional devices, it is recommended to strengthen it with a peg, as this will prevent the bottle from tipping over by gusts of wind.

Now it remains to fill the bottle with water and the drip irrigation system is ready to go.

If the bottle is upside down, the cork needs to be unscrewed slightly to allow air to enter the bottle to irrigate.

This drip irrigation system is one of the most effective. The advantages are the ability to irrigate several plants from one container (for this, an appropriate number of rods are installed in the bottle), ease of adding water and the ability to fine-tune the rate of its supply. The disadvantages include only a relatively complex manufacturing technology.

What you need:

  • Plastic bottle;
  • Awl;
  • Knife or scissors.

How to do:

Making this drip irrigation system is very simple. The bottom of the bottle is cut off with a small piece of the wall, on which a vertical cut is made. As in the previous case, this part of the bottle will serve as a cap.

Several holes are made near the neck with an awl through which liquid will flow.

The more clay soil you have on the site, the more holes you need for normal watering.

It remains to dig a bottle near the plant so that all the holes are underground. After filling the bottle with water, moisture seeping through the holes will provide the root system with a sufficient flow of water.

Holes can also be made at the base of the bottle, and water can be poured through the neck.

Ease of manufacture and the ability to irrigate several plants at the same time (in this case, the bottle is dug between them, and holes are made around the entire circumference) are the undoubted advantages of this system. The disadvantage is the fact that it is difficult to determine the intensity of watering, because " work zone» The bottles are underground.

What you need:

  • Plastic bottle;
  • Awl;
  • Wire or rope.

How to do:

This drip irrigation system is suitable for those who have supports next to the plants. Although if they are not there, it is not a problem to install stakes between plants.

As in the previous two cases, we cut off the bottom of the bottle, making a cap out of it.

At a distance of 1-2 centimeters from the cut off bottom, we make two holes on opposite sides of the bottle. We pass a wire or rope through them, with which the bottle can be hung on stretch marks stretched between the supports. Make a small hole in the cork of the bottle. If the flow rate seems too slow to you, the hole can be enlarged.

You can not make a hole in the lid, but simply unscrew it a little, allowing the water to flow out at the right speed.

Now you need to hang the bottles over the plants, after which the work on the manufacture of the "irrigation system" can be considered completed.

No need to go after work every day to the country to water cucumbers or peppers. After all, there is a very simple solution that requires free plastic bottles.

This method is known, but there are tricks that will provide water to the plants for a week before your arrival.
AT 5 liter bottle we make punctures in the lower part with a thin needle. A little water will seep into the small hole. The owner made 4 holes - one for each plant, which will be located just from the side of the holes pierced by the needle.
We lift the bottle of water and it is clear that the drops very rarely drip. This is what you need!

In this case, the lid is closed to the limit. If you open it, the water will run in a stream. Well, you already know that. We do not need this in drip irrigation. Therefore, the lid must be fully screwed on.

So, with the cap screwed on, we put the bottle in the hole and bury it. We observe small very rare air bubbles that rise from the bottom - air enters the holes from the needle when it creates a slight vacuum after the drop of water comes out. Therefore, air is sucked into the bottle through the hole. To prevent the holes from clogging, do not drop the bottle heavily.

See a further description of the method and its nuances on the video of the Dacha for Dummies channel, and you will ensure that your plants can be left without watering for a week.

Watering bottles of tomatoes - SUCH A TRICK!

Every year I plant a dozen tomato bushes. Water them for a very long time. The water dries quickly and the tomatoes need in large numbers. From now on the problem is solved! Plastic bottles are useful.
I noticed this idea on the Internet and decided to give it a try. The execution is very simple! I used one bottle for one tomato bush. Bottled watering is such a trick!

Bottle preparation

I cut out the bottom of the bottle (about 10 cm from the bottom).
In the upper part, I made scissors with several holes through which water will go.
When planting tomatoes, I made large holes, the size of which would fit into the bottle and tomato seedlings
The hole was deep enough to let out a 10cm bottle.
I put the bottle with the neck and next to the seedlings.
During the next watering, I pour water into a bottle.
After each watering, I water all the water, after a while the water soaks into the ground and the excess remains in the bottle.
Now I use much less water for irrigation than in previous years!

What you should know about watering tomatoes?

Tomatoes do not like it when water flies on their leaves. Fungi are much easier to catch this way, resulting in leaf spots and lower yields.
Watering is important for these vegetables because tomatoes have fleshy fruits that contain a lot of water. To ensure they grow enough to avoid dry rot, they need consistently moist soil. When we overdry them too much, and then water them abundantly, they begin to crack.
When they get too dry, there will be dry rot. They have other requirements, but in any case, it is worth taking care of them. As a result, we have delicious, healthy, flavorful tomatoes. None chemical substances, without spraying.
Do you grow tomatoes too? What options do you like the most?

Root watering with plastic bottles

To conserve water and to water more efficiently, many of the older gardeners use what is known as underground irrigation. Thus, water is coming straight to the roots. The method is a suitable greenhouse because the soil surface remains dry (especially if it is mulched). The less evaporation, the less disease.

Very suitable for root vegetables - tomatoes. The method can be used for cucumbers, eggplants, peppers, pumpkins and others. Watering with plastic bottles is good decision if you can not visit the villa every day and water. Note that this method does not apply to sandy soils because the water will run out of the bottle very quickly.

Take a plastic bottle (1.5 - 2.5 liters) and cut off the bottom (you will use it later for the latch to reduce water evaporation). From the side, make several holes near the neck of the bottle.

At a distance of 15-20 cm from a tomato or other plant, you are going to water, dig a hole without worrying about the roots. At the bottom of the hole, apply a putty knife, dry grass, or anything else that will keep the hole from getting stuck.

Place the bottle with the neck down at a 30-40 degree angle. Take it so you can pour water through the bottom bottom. Once the bottle is full, the water will slowly flow towards the roots of the plants.

The number of holes should be determined by sampling, given that the plant needs an average of 250 ml per day.

If you want, you can't cut out the bottom of the bottle, but drill through it and climb up with your throat. Thus, your garden will look more aesthetic, and the water will evaporate less. In this case, however, it will be more difficult to fill the bottles.

Similarly, you can also feed the plants with liquid fertilizers.

When growing any crop, it is necessary to properly organize watering, because even weeds die without water. Summer residents come up with various ways to make your work easier and at the same time give enough moisture to the plants for growth and development. One of these are plastic bottles, with which you can make drip irrigation or bury a container near each bush so that the water flows evenly and gradually. We will tell you in detail how to water the garden using plastic bottles.


Drip irrigation of beds using plastic bottles, as well as any spot irrigation system, has a number of significant advantages:

  • water leaves 3-4 times less than with conventional watering from a hose or watering can;
  • the targeted effect of water on the root system of the plant “de-energizes” the weeds, they dry out and are easier to pull out;
  • when competently organized system plants can be left for several days, and during this time watering will be complete and uniform;
  • water does not fall on the leaves, respectively, there is no risk of burning them.

It should be noted that with abundant watering and intense sun, the land is often taken as a so-called. a crust through which air does not enter the roots. Drip irrigation avoids this problem - in the place where water is collected, the earth is always moist and quite loose.

A drip irrigation system, if it is not made by hand from improvised materials, is a rather expensive purchase. On average, a set of 10 beds of 10 meters will cost 9-12 thousand rubles, depending on the configuration.

You can assemble such devices yourself using drip tape, fittings and connectors. So its cost will turn out to be less (about 6,000 rubles), which also cannot be called a cheap pleasure.

As an alternative, assemble it from separate sections of pipes, droppers and fittings, we talked about this in the article "". And you can organize watering with plastic bottles. This is the simplest and, most importantly, the cheapest device, especially since in the country almost everyone has N-th number of empty water bottles. And it will take an hour to assemble the entire structure.

It should be noted that plastic bottles - universal option from which you can do amazing things.

VIDEO: 56 plastic bottle ideas

What tools and materials will be needed

Even a set of tools through which drip irrigation will be done, and every self-respecting summer resident has one:

  • sharp knife for cutting the bottle;
  • an awl or nail with which holes will be made;
  • a piece of clean rag, if there are nylon tights or stockings, they will also work;
  • used refill from a ballpoint pen;
  • plastic bottles by the number of bushes - up to 2 liters, if for several bushes - 5-liter ones will do plastic bottles or canisters.

Option number 1 - Neck down

To implement this method, cut off the bottom of the bottle at a distance of 5-10-15 cm, depending on the volume of the container and the depth of the plant root, if you plan to drop it, and not hang it over the garden.

In order for the cut to be even, the neck of the bottle is closed with a lid.

Make several holes in the roof or neck - the throughput will depend on their diameter and number. If you make holes with a hot nail or awl, they will turn out to be large and with rounded edges, the water will flow out faster. You can pierce with a cold awl, and then the liquid will seep out gradually.

The rate of watering will depend on the number and diameter of the holes in the lid.

A hole is dug near the bush, into which the bottle is inserted upside down, then a lump of nylon or cotton fabric is placed inside, on which grains of sand, dirt and other particles that can clog holes will settle.

At the bottom of the container, there must be an impromptu filter - a piece of fabric in 2 layers, one straightened, the second lump

If the bed is straight or long, a much more convenient way would be to simply hang the bottles upside down as well. In this case, you can do without a "filter", since the earth cannot get inside the container.

For convenient fastening, you can drive stakes or sticks in several places right along the beds. Tightly pull and tie a string to them or place another stick on top as a crossbar, for which the bottles will be attached.

If the container hangs over the bed, it is much more convenient to water and control the rest of the water.

Option #2: Holes in the bottom

This is the most elementary option that you can think of for watering with plastic bottles in a greenhouse or garden. To do this, make 2-3 holes 3-4 cm from the bottom of the container. They dig a hole near the plant, insert a bottle there, sprinkle rubble or stones around the edges so that the earth does not clog the holes, and pour water.

This method of watering, despite the fact that the easiest, but not the most reliable. Gradually, the earth clogs the holes, and the water stops leaving in the right amount. Carefully monitor the condition of the bushes. When it is clear that there is not enough water, the bottle is dug up and replaced with another.

In such a container, you do not need fabric or nylon, just add water and close the neck with a lid

To fill the water it is worth using a watering can with a long "nose". Since the bottle itself is not visible, water is added regularly.

If the bushes are located on the plot in islands, you can bury a canister or a 5-liter bottle, but make holes only from the side of the bushes. This is very convenient and allows you to water a small area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe garden at once, and not each bush separately.

There is a more advanced way to avoid contamination. At a height of 10-15 cm from the bottom, a hole is made, a rod from the handle is inserted into it (it is cleaned with alcohol) or a rigid tube, fixed in the hole with plasticine and directed under the root of the plant. The bottle itself is lightly sprinkled with stones or dropped into the ground so that it does not fall from a gust of wind.

A cocktail tube is inserted into the bottle, fixed and directed to the root zone.

Option number 3: For the laziest

Garden stores sell special tips for plastic bottles of any size. They are convenient to use and they do not get clogged with clods of dirt. In order to fill in water, take out the container together with the nozzle, pour new water(at the same time, you can rinse the tip) and put it in the ground again.

Special nozzle for the bottle - easy to insert and does not clog with earth

This is just a short list of how you can adapt ordinary plastic water bottles, which, as you know, are just a mountain in the country, for watering plants.

You can, at your discretion, complicate the irrigation system by inserting a hose and making holes in it so that water flows to several bushes at the same time. In this case, the container should be more capacious, but the essence of this remains unchanged.

For the convenience of caring for plants, you can add to the water liquid fertilizers, and then, simultaneously with watering, the plants will receive the necessary elements.

VIDEO: Drip watering with bottles - everything is ingenious and simple!

Drip irrigation is an irrigation method that delivers water to the roots of plants. Use this method of irrigation in order to achieve best results irrigation of plants minimal cost liquids. Having made drip irrigation with his own hands, the gardener increases the rate of crop ripening and improves its quality, but at the same time saves cash.

Experienced gardeners know how important it is to fertilize the root system of vegetation. More economical option it is considered the manufacture of drip irrigation from plastic bottles and do-it-yourself for the garden and greenhouse.

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation in a greenhouse

Drip irrigation in a greenhouse is ideal for vegetables. For this reason, most gardeners organize drip irrigation in the greenhouse with their own hands and thus save money. It can be automatic or manual.

Drip irrigation contains central water supply, which is connected to a splitter, and drip tubes are already connected to it, providing plants with moisture.


You will need some tools to install.

  • Electric drill;
  • Punch or hole punch;
  • pliers;
  • Puncher;
  • Pipe cutter or scissors for pipes made of plastic;
  • Open-end wrench set;
  • Shovel.

Design features.

Now you can choose the type of construction, but for this you need to find out what they are. Do-it-yourself drip irrigation systems in greenhouses have different pros and cons.

Types suitable for greenhouses:

  • Working in automatic mode. This type is equipped with separate droppers that fit each plant, branching off from a central node. The processing radius is small. The main components include small tubes through which water enters the root system of the plant. To install such irrigation, you need to use special valves, splitters and racks for fixing microtubes.
  • Drip tape system. A similar species is used for processing garden vegetation. This system assumes parallel placement of drip tubes. But such systems have a shorter service life, compared with automatic devices. In order for drip tapes to work in automatic mode, each must have connectors through which liquid flows. Thus, one edge is placed near the tank, and plugs are installed on the other. Thanks to the ribbons, each plant is watered.

Benefits of drip irrigation

An organized drip system in a greenhouse has its advantages:

  • Improving the quality and yield of crops;
  • Since water is distributed at a certain rate, fluid consumption is considered economical;
  • Possibility of design automatic system drip irrigation;
  • The soil layer is practically not eroded;
  • In plants, the index of resistance to various natural influences increases;
  • Possibility of watering a large area, even in case of low pressure in system;
  • Ease of system management.

These are not all the advantages of the system.

Assembly and installation of the system

To design drip irrigation with your own hands, you will need to purchase an automatic controller. It can be placed on the system and programmed to water at specific times of the day when needed.

Install this device right after the filter. When designing, you need to choose the right filter, for open areas, systems with a gravel-sand base, which are designed for rough cleaning, are more relevant.

If you take a filter with a disc base, then it is more suitable for fine cleaning. If your water for irrigation is in the well, then it is better to take a mesh one. And so is everything necessary tools, now you can start designing drip irrigation.

The manufacturing process is carried out in the following order:

  • Drawing up a diagram. To correctly draw up a diagram, you need to measure the length of the beds with vegetation using a tape measure, and, observing the scale, transfer all the data to paper. The diagram should indicate the location of the main source of water.
  • Determining the number of pipes. After that, you need to buy material. It is recommended to install the system in a greenhouse, purchase PVC pipes with a diameter of at least 3.2 cm.
  • Next connects main pipe To storage tank. To do this, you can use a regular garden hose. A filter is connected to it, but it is important not to confuse the direction, it indicates the direction in the form of a drawn arrow. And after that, we mark the place where the drip tape is installed on the pipeline with a marker.
  • Further electric drill holes are drilled that fit in diameter with sealing rubber bands. But it would be better if they enter the hole with effort. And set the connector to the start position.
  • We muffle one end of the tape, and connect the opposite to the water supply. And we start the system.

Properly made drip irrigation with your own hands will last several seasons. At the end of the season, it can be removed, but first you need to clean it well. If it is no longer needed, then it is better to throw it away or send it for recycling.

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation for summer cottages from plastic bottles

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation from plastic bottles is ideal for suburban areas. Such a system does not need to be connected to water and is much cheaper compared to purchased models. To make drip irrigation with their own hands, people use old plastic containers. Of course, the installation, which is not automatic and periodically, will require adding liquid.


Manufacturing does not require a large list of tools, and every summer resident has all of them. The difference of this system is only in a small cost, and the efficiency is the same with purchased options.

The following tools are required for the design process:

  • Plastic container. the volume depends entirely on the size of the plant and on the period of filling with moisture of the root system. But experts do not recommend taking half-liter bottles, better liter or 2 liter. It is this container that remains after drinks, so you do not need to purchase new ones.
  • Device for creating connectors. As such a tool, you can use a small carnation or a thin needle.
  • fabric material. It would be better if there is a piece of cotton material, you can use nylon tights. But we note that the wear resistance of nylon fabric is much higher, and it is stronger.


Do-it-yourself drip irrigation from plastic bottles has many advantages. Such a system is needed to provide nutrient fluid to the roots of plants. This saves money, energy and time. This design is quite interesting to most gardeners. After all, it can be left unattended, as it works offline. Due to which the summer resident does not need to stand with a hose and water the plants for half an evening to harvest more crops or even carry heavy buckets of water.

By installing this, watering you will not waste time caring for the site. At this time, the gardener may well be doing other things.

Main advantages:

Such an irrigation design is ideal for owners of suburban areas who come to the site according to their capabilities, for example, once a week. Arriving at the weekend, it is enough to fill the bottles with water before leaving. The collected container is quite enough to feed the root system for a week.

Manufacturing methods

Build a drip irrigation system plastic containers, can be done in many ways. To determine the options, you need to choose the appropriate and best option, taking into account their capabilities and conditions on the site. It is equally important to choose appropriate place for the installation of watering cans and the intensity of the spread of water.

Using different schemes structures, it must be borne in mind that they are suitable for a certain variety of plants and their location. The most optimal and easiest option is to pierce the holes in the bottle with a needle or a thin carnation. Using this method, there is no need to have any special skills and tools.

But it is necessary to take into account some nuances:

  • All holes should be of small diameter, only in this way can water be regularly and slowly spent, compared to large holes through which it will quickly leave;
  • If there are a little more holes, then in this way it turns out to create more moist soil;
  • The location of the container should be at a minimum distance from the stem, so that water will directly enter the root system of the plant, and not moisten the environment;
  • It is recommended to deepen the water bottles a little in the ground, due to which the water will not go in vain;
  • The container can be placed above the seedlings, unless of course this irrigation technology does not harm the plant;
  • If a container with a large displacement is used as a container, then it will last for a whole week and the plant will be provided with constant moisture.

The irrigation process itself takes place according to the most usual scheme, that is, due to direct contact of the liquid with the soil. Having installed the container, the liquid will slowly flow out through the holes made, and when the soil gains moisture, it closes the holes and the liquid does not flow. After drying, it again begins the process of seepage, since the dry earth does not block the holes. In this way, the drip irrigation system is considered autonomous and fluid is saved. When the bottle becomes empty, water is added to it, and the process of providing liquid to the root system is getting better.

Note that this system is not suitable for irrigation whimsical plants, which have a thin root system.

Like other models, the system is made on the basis of plastic containers, has its drawbacks and positive aspects.

Among the advantages are the following:

  • Ease of manufacture. Even an inexperienced gardener is capable of building a drip type of soil irrigation from a plastic bottle. After all, for designing it is not necessary to have special skills and abilities.
  • Thrift. The creation of such irrigation does not require large expenditures. This is justified by the fact that this type uses material that is in almost every home, bottles often remain after buying and drinking drinks.
  • Use of technology. By installing a similar design, excessive water consumption is practically eliminated. This factor is especially important for suburban areas where there is no central water supply system, and water has to be stored.
  • Distribution uniformity. Since such a system only supplies water to the root system, water flows evenly into the plant and less is consumed.
  • Rapid heating of water. The upper part is on the surface almost always in open areas. Thus, the sun constantly falls on it and quickly warms up a small volume of liquid. A warm water for some plants is considered necessary.
  • Easy replacement. If some container has become unsuitable for further use, it can be replaced and it will take about 5 minutes.

Used frequently drip irrigation during the cultivation of tomatoes, cucumbers, but not an exception in this case, grapes, strawberries and fruit trees.

This technology has some disadvantages, which include:

  • For large areas, irrigation drip type, which is made from a plastic bottle, is not suitable, it is not able to provide enough moisture to the plant;
  • The system is not capable of replacing the standard version of irrigation from a hose, because it is used only to maintain moisture for a certain period;
  • If this technology apply on soils of heavy and loamy type, it will clog very quickly and cease to fulfill its function.

According to experts, a drip irrigation system made from plastic containers is mainly an alternative, but in some cases it can completely replace the standard irrigation option. It is very easy to organize such watering for your garden or greenhouse, since almost any person has material and tools for this. At the same time, you can save finances, time and effort that you would spend on watering with a hose or buckets.