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Drip irrigation device: operating principle and scope of application. What is drip irrigation or drip irrigation, description, composition, installation

One of the most important conditions successful cultivation vegetables in a greenhouse is timely and sufficient watering. Based on the fact that the conditions closed ground differ from natural ones, it is necessary to provide for the possibility of alternative irrigation. This can be drip irrigation, which will not only save you from daily hard work, but also provide a good final result. This article talks about the advantages, operating principles, and installation features of automatic irrigation systems.

Drip irrigation for greenhouses

A drip irrigation system consists of branched ribbons connected to each other and equipped with droppers that supply water to the plants in small doses in the form of drops (hence the name) from a storage tank. As a result, each plant periodically receives the required amount of moisture. Such droppers can be either adjustable or unregulated, compensatory and non-compensatory. The use of such irrigation will be most effective in the following cases:

  • Difficult terrain (changes in elevation);
  • The need for watering at the root;
  • Low pressure in the system.

Drip irrigation system in a greenhouse: operating principle and advantages

The principle of operation of such an irrigation system is that water flows directly to the roots of plants, promoting its local development. In addition, it manages to warm up sufficiently, since it moves through the system at a low speed. Thus, it is possible to create a specific climate in closed ground conditions, which allows for high yields.

The advantages of drip irrigation include:

  • Saving water resources;
  • Minimal risk of waterlogging, soil leaching and erosion;
  • Preventing sunburn;
  • High level of absorption of nutrients from the soil;
  • Significant reduction in labor costs;
  • Significant increase in yield.

Do-it-yourself drip irrigation in a greenhouse - step-by-step instructions

There are ready-made irrigation systems on sale that just need to be connected to the selected area. In addition, you can install such a system yourself by purchasing hoses, tapes and droppers.

Regardless of the chosen method, you will need certain knowledge to correctly connect the system. Step-by-step instruction This process will be discussed further.

To install and connect the system, you will need special devices: droppers and hoses, pipes for the main line and filters, as well as special plugs and filters for pipes. All this can be purchased in specialized stores. When connecting the system, you should know that it implies stationarity and a certain number of branches. So, to supply water from the storage tank, one main pipe will be enough, from which the drip pipes will depart.

System connection diagram

Therefore, the main pipe is laid first, placing it along the path. Then, on both sides, distributing arteries are attached to it using detachable connections, from which drip irrigation tapes extend. As distribution pipes, you can use ordinary polyethylene irrigation pipes with a diameter of about 4 cm. To do this, a pipe of the required length is plugged on one side, and a tap is installed on the other to connect to the water supply. In addition, holes with a diameter of about 14 mm, necessary for attaching the connector, should be made along the entire perimeter of the pipe. In this case, the distance between the holes must coincide with the intervals between plantings. The dispensing tap is equipped with a sealing gasket, after which a start connector is installed, which ensures regulation of the water supply.

The standard drip irrigation connection diagram includes the following points:

  • Organization of a water intake source equipped with a pumping station;
  • Installation of a check valve;
  • Installation of a coarse filter;
  • Connection of the controller and pressure sensor;
  • Installation of fine filters and a second check valve;
  • Main line connection with shut-off ball valve at the beginning;
  • Installation of a flushing valve at the end of the line;
  • Laying drip tapes in the required directions;
  • Insertion of IVs.

Installation procedure for drip tape

There are several ways to install drip tape. Among them, the simplest is considered to be connecting the tape to the pipe using a clamp.

To set up a temporary water supply system, a drip tape is attached to a pipe using a tee, the two ends of which connect sections of the pipe, and the third connects the drip tape through a clamp. In this case, the far end of the tape is twisted for tightness. With this installation method, it is also recommended to install special filters in front of the drip tape to protect the tape from internal contamination. They are connected to each other with a coupling and screwed on connectors, onto which hoses are put and secured with clamps.

Installation of drip irrigation tapes to the water supply system can also be done using special fittings (with or without a tap). To do this, it is necessary to drill a hole with a diameter of 15 mm in the distribution pipe, into which an elastic band is inserted for mounting the fitting spike. After this, the device is attracted to the pipe using a nut. It is to this that the drip tape is attached.

System care after installation

In order for the automatic watering system to perform its functions most effectively, it is necessary to provide appropriate care for it. First of all, we are talking about droppers, which become clogged very quickly and are the first to fail. Their clogging can be of mechanical, biological, or chemical origin. To prevent the first type of clogging, it is recommended to use mechanical filters, which must be replaced periodically, since particles of sand and dirt collect in them, preventing them from penetrating into the drip tape.

The chlorination procedure will help prevent biological clogging as a result of algal blooms. tap water or complete flushing of a drip irrigation system. In case of liquid fertilizers through a drip system or due to the natural hardness of water, chemical clogging can occur, which can be avoided by adding special substances to the water that regulate its acidity. The first signal that the drippers require replacement or cleaning will be the diameter of the water spot. If it is less than 30 cm, it means the dropper is clogged. If instead of a stain a whole puddle forms, this means that you should check the fastening between the hose and the dropper.

In winter, the system should be dismantled after flushing clean water and separating its elements one by one. It is advisable to store the drip system in a heated room.

Types of automatic greenhouse irrigation

The most common types of automatic watering for greenhouses include sprinkling, drip irrigation and subsurface irrigation.

Sprinkling (irrigation with sprinklers)

Using a sprinkler system, plants are watered in closed ground from above using special spray nozzles connected to a hose. Such sprinklers provide uniform watering throughout the greenhouse, but lead to the precipitation of moisture particles on the leaves of plants, which can cause sunburn. In addition, watering in this way requires a lot of water, which is uneconomical.

Subsurface irrigation for perennial plants

Subsurface irrigation is used when growing large perennial plants. In this case, not ordinary, but porous hoses and pipes are used, through which water is supplied directly to the roots of plants at a depth of the arable layer (35-60 cm). The functioning of such a system is based on the action of the suction force of the soil. For this reason, this method of irrigation is not suitable for sandy and sandy loam, as well as pebbly and saline soils. The subsurface irrigation system includes: a water source, a pumping station, a water control unit, pipelines, and subsurface humidifiers.

Types of irrigation: subsoil, above-ground and sprinkling method

This method of irrigation makes it possible to maintain the active layer of soil in a moist state without destroying the soil structure. As a result of subsoil irrigation, a crust does not form on the surface of the substrate, and moisture evaporates less and remains in the soil longer. Automation of the process does not require much labor, and the peculiarities of pipe laying do not create obstacles to use mechanical means in greenhouse conditions.

However, this irrigation method requires large financial investments for the construction of the system itself and preventive work to avoid silting of pipes. In addition, it cannot be used on light and saline soils and leads to deterioration of conditions for seed germination and survival of seedlings. Therefore, the method of subsoil irrigation is relevant when caring for greenhouse perennials.

External drip irrigation

With external drip irrigation, water is supplied from a storage source into pipes (ribbons) equipped with slots. Such “drippers” are laid out either on the surface of the soil in the beds, or dug in shallowly. Thus, you can significantly save water resources while maintaining the required level of soil moisture. Such a system can be additionally equipped with automation to regulate watering.

Automatic drip irrigation device for greenhouse

Get good harvest in closed ground conditions, automation of various processes will help without significant labor costs. Thus, a drip irrigation system will help satisfy the plants’ need for water, which will not only save your energy, but also save water resources. In addition, in conditions of sufficient soil moisture, crops develop well and produce a good harvest.

Even if you don't have access to central water supply, and you have to constantly make sure that storage tank was complete, this process can also be automated. For example, install pumping equipment that will pump water from an accessible source, and an installed automatic controller will regulate the water supply at a certain period of time.

Pros and cons of different watering methods

In addition to external drip irrigation, greenhouses also use a sprinkler system and subsurface irrigation. Each of these methods has both its advantages and disadvantages.

For example, when sprinkling, moisture from sprayers gets onto the stems, leaves and fruits of plants, which is not always acceptable. To use a subsurface irrigation system, you will need large financial costs associated with the purchase and installation special pipes. Therefore, this type of irrigation is used in large industrial-scale greenhouses, where the costs will be justified. The most accessible, and therefore the most popular, method is drip irrigation, in which moisture is used efficiently and rationally, since it goes directly to the root system of the plant in required quantities and at a certain time interval. Among the advantages of sprinkling are the uniformity of irrigation and the ability to irrigate areas with large differences in elevation, as well as maintaining the structure of the soil and improving the microclimate of the irrigated area.

What does the automatic watering system consist of?

An automatic watering system includes both mandatory elements and some components that can be added at will. The main components of the automatic watering system include:

  • Storage tank
  • Pump equipment
  • Pipelines (plastic pipes, fittings, safety valve)
  • Devices for connecting to a water supply source (fittings, taps)
  • Sprinklers (sprinkling devices)
  • Control system (remote control, sensors, cable in an insulating tube, solenoid valves)
  • Equipment for drip irrigation (drippers and other small components).

What types of droppers are there and what are their differences?

Droppers can be either external or built-in. External ones, in turn, are divided into compensated and uncompensated; they can have a different number of outlets and different water flow rates.

Since the droppers are a non-separable element, they cannot be cleaned mechanically. Modern external drippers are equipped with a self-cleaning mechanism, which extends their service life. But a dropper built inside the hose (tape) will last much longer. Its design consists of a filter, a valve and a labyrinth through which water is supplied. And although such tapes are much thinner than conventional hoses, their service life is longer. However, you should know that the cost of such a “tape” is quite high, which distinguishes a hose with a dropper integrated into it from a tape made of glued polyethylene. The latter are equipped with a primitive internal dropper, which is formed from microscopic holes left during gluing inside the seam.

Additional functionality of an automatic irrigation system

In addition to the required components of the irrigation system, there are additional components that expand the functional capabilities of the automatic watering system. One of these elements is a microcontroller, which makes it possible to water on certain days of the week or at the required interval. In addition, the microcontroller can be equipped with photocells that trigger the system depending on the time of day. Remote control allows you to control the system remotely via the Internet.

Flexible hoses and elbows provide connections between sprinklers and fittings. The modules make it possible to expand the territory of the irrigated zone, and pressure regulators make it possible to specifically limit it in a selected area. An automatic meter accurately controls water consumption, allowing you to select the most effective irrigation mode.

Drip irrigation

Machines and installations for drip irrigation create even greater dispersion of the irrigation current, as they allow water to be locally supplied to each plant in the form of individual drops using point micro-water outlets - droppers.

For drip irrigation, there are several ways to supply water:

  • With the help of micro-droppers, water is supplied in the form of individual drops or small streams. Suitable for greenhouses, small plants, bushes.
  • With the help of micro-sprinklers, a larger amount of water is delivered and, accordingly, a larger area is watered, compared to micro-drippers. Suitable for medium to large shrubs, hedges, Not big trees. By using multiple sources, large trees can be watered.
  • Using sprinklers that water by spraying and creating a mist of water. These nozzles are used for large open areas.

The drip irrigation system includes: control and distribution block, main pipeline, distribution pipelines, droppers. The control and distribution unit usually includes a motor, pump, valve, filter, water meter, pressure gauge, mixing tank and injector.

Drip irrigation systems are usually designed with a pressure of 0.07 - 0.28 MPa. Low-pressure systems are considered preferable, since they can use cheaper pipes and drippers larger diameter, which reduces the likelihood of them clogging.
To create the necessary pressure, pumps of low power and productivity, water towers, and sometimes simply a difference in elevation between the water supply source and the irrigated area (gravity flow systems) are used.

The main and distribution pipelines are installed, as a rule, from polyethylene pipes, always black (to prevent the development of aquatic vegetation), the former with a diameter of 38 - 51 mm, the latter with a diameter of 6 - 19 mm.
Pipelines in low-pressure systems are installed without couplings, inserting pipes one into another. The distance between distribution pipelines is from 0.8 m for field crops to 6 m for fruit and berry crops and corresponds to the row spacing.

Droppers made of dark plastic with a flow rate of 1 to 15 l/h.
Their designs are very diverse. The simplest are a microtube made of high-density polyethylene with an internal diameter of 0.3 to 2.0 mm; Flow control is carried out by changing friction losses, i.e. by changing the length of the microtube.

More reliable in terms of preventing clogging of the dropper with the hole large diameter, consisting of a cylinder and a plug screwed into it. The space between the cork cut and internal thread cylinder forms a spiral passage through which water is coming. By screwing the plug in or out, you change the length of the path, and, consequently, the water flow.
Flowing out in drops, the water moistens the soil in the form of an ellipse-shaped zone about 1 m deep and up to 2.6 m wide, reaching the surface at the base of the tree trunk. At the same time, the soil between the rows is kept dry, which creates unfavorable conditions for the growth of weeds.

Reducing the volume of moistened soil saves water and leads to the formation of a less branched root system, which makes it possible to compact plantings and increase productivity. This method provides the highest yield per unit of water and fertilizer spent, as it ensures the optimal water and nutrient regime of the soil and allows for fully automated water supply in accordance with the needs of crops.
In the systems under consideration, however, the initial cost is still high and there is a possibility of clogging of drippers due to natural water contamination.

The quality and reliability of irrigation depend on the design of the drippers. They can be made in the form of polyethylene microtubes with a diameter of 0.3 - 2 mm and threaded plugs, as well as diaphragm, membrane and float plugs.
The most advanced drippers are equipped with several water outlets and equipped with devices for stabilizing flow at variable pressure in the network and self-cleaning microchannels from suspended sediment.

The use of drip irrigation is especially promising in areas with limited water resources, as well as in areas with rugged terrain and steep slopes with large elevation differences (up to 60 m).

Advantages and disadvantages of drip irrigation

Drip irrigation has many advantages over other types of irrigation. Drip irrigation significantly increases water use efficiency and improves the growth conditions of irrigated plants.

The main advantages of drip irrigation

Precise and localized water supply.
Water is supplied to a limited volume of soil where the root system of the plant is located. Regulating water flow not only allows you to significantly save energy and money spent on watering, but also minimizes the loss of nutrients in the root zone.

Minimizing evaporation losses.
Wetting a certain area reduces water loss due to evaporation.

Elimination of water losses along the edges of the irrigation zone.
Using drip irrigation, you don’t have to worry that water will flow outside the irrigated area, as happens when using sprinklers and manual watering. With the help of drippers you can water an area of ​​any size, shape and topography.

Reducing weed infestation.
Limited soil moisture significantly reduces the germination and development of weeds.

Maintaining air-water balance.
With drip irrigation, more air is retained in the soil than with the surface method. This is due to the formation of a crust on the soil surface, which makes it difficult for air to penetrate into the ground.

Simultaneous use of water for irrigation and nutrients for feeding and fertilizing.
The use of nutrients along with irrigation water allows them to be distributed throughout the entire area of ​​water distribution. This reduces fertilizer losses, improves the digestibility of substances and saves not only money, but also time for the application and high-quality distribution of fertilizers.

Standard drip irrigation is semi-automatic, since you need to fill the reservoir with water, wait until it warms up and then open the valve and water the plants.
But there is an opportunity to improve this system by creating automatic drip irrigation. On the remote control you indicate the time of filling the tank and the period and duration of watering.

Adaptability to any topographic conditions and various soils.
Drip irrigation works well on steep slopes, shallow and compacted soils with low water penetration rates, and sandy soils with low water holding capacity.

Drip irrigation does not interfere with other activities.
Partial wetting of the soil surface does not affect other activities such as: spraying, treatment against plant diseases, care and harvesting.

Water distribution is possible in any weather.
Drip irrigation can be used in windy weather. The wind does not interfere with drip irrigation, unlike sprinkling.

Low energy requirements.
Due to the low operating pressure, the energy consumption of drip irrigation is significantly lower than that of other pressure irrigation technologies. For example, mechanical irrigation systems.

Reduction of fungal diseases of leaves and various diseases fruits
Drip irrigation does not wet the top part of the plant, which reduces damage to leaves and fruits by fungal diseases.

Helps avoid leaf burns.
Droplets of water that fall on the leaves turn into microlenses. This is very dangerous in sunny weather, as leaf burns are possible. When using drip irrigation, water does not splash and neither it nor the dissolved fertilizers contained in it fall on the leaves.

Disadvantages of drip irrigation

Due to the limited volume of soil moisture, narrow water passages in the emitters and the large amount of equipment required for this method of irrigation, drip irrigation has some disadvantages, namely:

Possibility of clogged passages.
Narrow passages in drippers are susceptible to clogging with solid particles of organic and chemical substances. Clogging can also occur by sucking particles and roots from the soil into the dripper itself. Belts and hands are the most susceptible to clogging.

Higher cost of equipment.
Due to the large number of outlets and emitters, the drip irrigation system is not mobile and has a higher cost compared to mechanically irrigation.

Vulnerability of tapes.
Thin-walled tapes and tiny droppers can be damaged by rodents, rats, moles and wild pigs. Underground channels can also be damaged by rodents.

Minor impact on the microclimate (for industrial plantings).
Irrigation is sometimes used to improve local climatic conditions - reducing temperatures when they are high or increasing when there is frost. Sprinklers and sprayers create small drops and mist, which evaporate and cool the plants, and condense and release heat. This does not happen with drip irrigation, so this type of irrigation cannot be used to protect crops from frost.

Limited watering volume.
Frequent application of water to limited soil can result in the development of a small but very dense root system. As a result, the yield depends on frequent use water and plants become more sensitive to water stress during very hot weather. For large trees with a shallow root system, strong winds become dangerous.

Pulse sprinkler systems

The pulse irrigation method differs from conventional methods in that irrigation is carried out in the mode of intermittent (pulse) water supply to the irrigated field surface.
The main elements of such a system: pressure-forming unit ( pumping station), main, distribution and irrigation pipelines, pulse sprinklers.
A pulse sprinkler (“sprinkler gun”) differs from a conventional one in that its operating cycle consists of two continuously alternating periods: the period of accumulation of water in the device, the period of its splashing (ejection) under the influence of compressed air.

There are two types of pulse sprinklers:

  • self-oscillatory action;
  • forced action.

Self-oscillating sprinklers are able to provide only such an operating mode in which the accumulation period is only 5 - 10 times longer than the period of water release, as a result of which the water flow cannot be less than 0.5 - 1 l / s.

Forced sprinklers provide an operating mode in which the accumulation period is 50 - 200 times greater than the release period, as a result of which the supplied water flow can be reduced to 0.1 l/s or less, and the average rain intensity can be in the range of 0.01 - 0.002 mm/ min.

The most widely used are forced-action sprinklers that operate in “standby mode” based on signals of a decrease in pressure in the pipeline network.

A sprinkler system with forced action devices, in addition to the main elements listed above, also includes a command pulse generator operating in automatic mode.
Since the diameter of the water supply pipelines is 12 - 30 mm, it is possible to use plastic pipes with trenchless installation.
A sharp decrease in rain intensity allows the use of pulsed sprinkler systems for irrigating slopes with soils of low permeability and eliminates erosion; Since the soil is not waterlogged, a soil crust does not form and there is no need for post-irrigation tillage.

Often, dry, hot summers become a real test for gardeners. Most vegetable crops do not survive the lack of rain well, so to replenish moisture loss, you have to water them every day with a hose or carry buckets of water. Things are even worse at the dacha, where it is almost impossible to carry out regular necessary watering, unless, of course, you are there every day. Autonomous irrigation systems that are installed on beds and spray water in all directions seem to be a good solution. However, they will not help you if the water is summer cottage turns on only a couple of times a week - the hot sun can destroy your plantings in just a couple of days. There are more effective method, which will help plants drink water even during your absence. We are talking about drip irrigation, in which water is constantly released in small quantities (drop by drop). In the store you can purchase a ready-made automatic drip irrigation system, which you just need to assemble and connect to a water source. Such devices are not cheap, so most gardeners who have discovered the advantages of this method create drip irrigation with their own hands.

A drip irrigation device will allow you to get a lot of benefits and free yourself from some of the gardening hassle. So, the main advantages of this method of moisturizing are:

1. Economical water consumption

Watering plants with a hose, watering can, or automatic sprinkler is a waste of water. Most of it simply spreads over the area without falling directly on the roots of agricultural plants. During this, something goes to the weeds, which are just waiting to spread throughout the surrounding area. Some of the water evaporates or forms puddles in the depressions of the paths. When using drip irrigation, all the water goes to its destination, that is, directly to the root system zone. On average, drip irrigation uses 2-3 times less water than other methods.

Homemade drip irrigation involves economical consumption water and point direction - the plants are not burned

2. Minimal effort when watering

You will be freed from the need to carry hoses or buckets filled with water around the site. To water, you only need to open the tap.

3. Watering without your presence

Drip irrigation at your dacha will allow you, while in the city during the working week, not to worry about the safety of your plantings.

4. Keeps leaves and stems dry

This is very important if you need to water on a hot afternoon. If you water the plants in any other way during this period, some of the water will inevitably remain on the leaves. And this will lead to their burn. If you decide to water in the evening, then wet leaves and stems can cause fungal diseases and decay. Using a drip irrigation system, you can forget about all these restrictions and water your plants at any time of the day or night.

5. The soil in the beds is not compacted

After it is poured under the plant a large number of water from a bucket or hose, a hole forms on the soil, which becomes covered with cracks and a dense crust after drying. Drip irrigation does not compact the soil, so you will have to loosen it less often.

Drip irrigation system from drippers

Now that we have decided on the main advantages of drip irrigation, we can move on to practice and assemble a simple system consisting of supply hoses and medical droppers.

Materials for the system design

So, to install a drip irrigation system we will need:

  • drip irrigation hoses
  • IVs
  • tees, plugs, connections

First, let's think about where water will come from into our system. It’s great if there is a water supply on the site, then the supply hose can be connected directly to it. Otherwise, you will have to adapt a large container, for example, a barrel, for these purposes. It must be installed at a height (2-2.5 m above ground level) so that water flows by gravity into the system. Plastic hoses can be used as supply hoses. water pipes or rubber hoses, even used ones.

Stages of installing a drip irrigation system

1. Lay out the supply pipes along the beds. If you have more than one bed and you need to make wiring, use tees and connect several parts of pipes into a single system.

Remember! You should always plan the pipe routing first because sometimes many branches are required

2. Install plugs at the ends of the hoses. 3. We make holes along the entire length of the hose, opposite each plant. To do this, you can use an awl or screw a self-tapping screw into the plastic (which, of course, is then removed). 3. Insert the plastic end of the dropper into each resulting hole. The dropper wheel is movable and allows you to regulate the amount of water flowing to the plant.

Drip watering of cucumbers, for greater efficiency, must be carried out constantly, but the system is adjusted so that water flows in minimal portions. But for high-quality cultivation of tomatoes, it is better to use more intensive watering, but less extended in time.

Your DIY drip irrigation system is ready!

A DIY drip irrigation system will be more effective if you mulch the ground around the plant with a layer of straw or peat mulch. In this case, the evaporation of water from the soil surface is reduced and all the resulting moisture is completely distributed to the roots.

Caring for such a system

With prolonged use, such an irrigation system can become dirty, and then its effectiveness decreases. If you notice a decrease in the amount of water coming from the droppers, disassemble the system and wash its components. In order to prevent such a nuisance, you can install a high-quality filter at the beginning of the system.

An even simpler homemade drip irrigation, which does not require any investment at all, can be made from a plastic bottle. This method may not be able to replace full watering, but it is quite suitable for maintaining the normal development of moisture-loving crops (cucumbers, peppers, cabbage) during the heat or your absence.

Operating principle of drip irrigation plastic bottles

As you already understood, an ordinary plastic bottle will be used as the main material. The larger its volume, the more moisture your plants will receive. We pierce many holes in the walls of the bottle with an awl. Then we bury it near the plant, leaving only the neck on the surface through which we pour water. Thus, water, gradually seeping through the holes, will moisten the space near the roots.

From bottles you can build another device for drip irrigation, which is also very simple. To do this, heat a nail over a fire and make holes d=2mm in the bottle cap. The number of holes may vary depending on the soil type. For permeable sandy soil, two holes will be enough, and for dense clay soil, at least four are needed. After this, we cut off the bottom of the bottle and dig it upside down near the plant at a distance of about 15-20cm. Now you can start watering: pour water into the bottle and it, seeping through the holes in the lid, moisturizes the roots of the plant.

Drip irrigation: video instructions with examples

Of course, it’s better to see once than to hear a hundred times, so for clarity, we suggest you familiarize yourself with educational video, which shows a drip irrigation system in action.

For plants on personal plot moisture is needed. It will be better if it is supplied to the roots constantly and in measured quantities. For this purpose there is a drip irrigation device. Difficulties with installing the system in the future eliminate heavy and ineffective physical labor. This can be judged by numerous reviews from gardeners. Many are satisfied with such liberation from heavy manual labor. In addition to watering, there are many other things to do at the dacha. It is tempting to replace difficult and painstaking work with relaxation.

There are many types of devices and irrigation systems. They can be made or assembled with your own hands, or you can involve specialists.

Pros and cons of drip irrigation

Drip water supply has many advantages.

  1. The flow of water directly under the stem, which allows fertilizer to be applied simultaneously with moisture.
  2. Saving working time and physical strength summer resident Having installed the system once, you can avoid manual watering throughout the entire season.
  3. Eliminating the possibility of soil drying out. Its humidity is always sufficient for the necessary plant growth.
  4. The system can be used for any plant because it is universal.
  5. Possibility of choice optimal option irrigation of beds.

Among the disadvantages, we can note the costs of the component parts of the drip irrigation device: fittings, hoses, tapes, dosing water pump, filter, etc. The system must be constantly monitored, dirt must be periodically removed, water flow checked, valve operation, etc. The installation is volatile and requires constant availability of electricity.

Drip irrigation: structure and principle of operation

The drip irrigation system delivers moisture directly to the roots, which saves water and prevents damage to the above-ground parts of the plants. Water flows slowly at certain periods or continuously, which allows maintaining a given level of soil moisture, which has a beneficial effect on garden crops.

Making drip irrigation with your own hands: where to start?

First, the drip irrigation scheme is drawn on paper, where all watering points, the location of the water source and containers are indicated. The spacing between rows of plantings is measured. Based on the finished dimensions, you can easily calculate the number of communications.

If a pump is installed, its location can be anywhere, but when watering by gravity, the container is installed closer to the plants.

Drip hoses or tapes are laid on the beds. They have built-in special droppers for supplying water to the plants.

Before assembling a drip irrigation system, it is necessary to have all the components for irrigation. If you have experience, it is advisable to choose them yourself, since watering kits are more expensive.

  1. A container of water - a barrel or tank.
  2. The main distribution manifold for water supply, from which it is supplied to the branches.
  3. Drip hose or tape.
  4. Valves connecting drip tapes to the collector.

Drip hoses

Hoses are sold in coils. Their feature is the supply of the same amount of water throughout the entire bed, even if the terrain is uneven. The maximum irrigation length is selected so that the unevenness at the beginning and end of the hose does not exceed 10-15%. For one season, it is enough to use tapes with a wall thickness of 0.1 to 0.3 mm for drip irrigation of the garden. They are laid only on top.

Thick-walled (up to 0.8 mm) will last 3-4 seasons. They can also be used for underground installation. The diameter of the tapes is 12-22 mm (common size is 16 mm). Hard tubes last up to 10 seasons. Their diameter is 14-25 mm.

Through one dropper the water consumption is:

  • hose - 0.6-8 l/h;
  • thin-walled tape - 0.25-2.9 l/h;
  • thick-walled tape - 2-8 l/h.

To regulate the flow, a tap for drip irrigation is connected to the hose or drip tape.

On average, you need to take 1 liter of water per day per plant, 5 liters per bush, 10 liters per tree. The data is indicative, but is suitable for determining the total consumption. To be more precise, when drip irrigation is performed, 1 tomato bush requires 1.5 liters, cucumbers - 2 liters, potatoes and cabbage - 2.5 liters. 20-25% of the reserve is added to the result obtained and the required tank volume is determined.

The distance between the drippers depends on the frequency of planting and can be from 10 to 100 cm. Each of them has one or two outlets. The consumption may remain the same, but in the latter case the depth decreases and the irrigation area increases. Dropper spiders are installed on a bed in 4 rows with the distribution of up to 4 plants.


Droppers can be installed on plastic pipes. They are produced in several types:

  • with fixed water flow;
  • adjustable - with manual adjustment of irrigation intensity;
  • uncompensated - the intensity of water supply decreases towards the end of the bed;
  • compensated - with a membrane and special valve, creating a constant pressure when pressure fluctuates in the water supply;
  • "spider" type - with distribution to several plants.

External droppers are inserted into plastic pipe, in which holes are pierced with an awl.


The treatment of irrigation water is Special attention. First, coarse filtration is performed, and then fine filtration. Dirty water IVs clog quickly.

Purpose of fittings

The system can be simply assembled using special fittings for drip irrigation.

  1. Start connectors for connecting drip tape to plastic water pipes. They are made with a rubber seal or a clamping nut. Holes are drilled in the HDPE pipe using a wood drill with a centering spike and start connectors are tightly inserted with or without taps. Regulation of water consumption is required if certain zones consume it less than others or for alternate watering of different areas.
  2. Fittings for drip irrigation, angled or in the form of tees, are used to connect the tape to a flexible garden hose. They are also used for branching or turning. Seating fittings are made in the form of ruffs, which ensures tight fastening of the tubes.
  3. The repair fitting is used in case of a break or to extend the drip tape. With its help, its ends are connected.
  4. The plug is installed at the ends of the drip tape.

Installation from thin-walled tapes

Distribution pipes are connected to the garden water supply polyethylene pipes with a diameter of 4 cm. This diameter is best suited for installing a start connector - a special tap for drip irrigation that is used to connect a perforated drip tape to a pipe.

It is manufactured with a small thickness and assembled using reinforcement. The holes are made at equal intervals. The drip tape is put on the tap with tension, and then additionally secured with a plastic nut. The ends of the sleeves are closed with plugs, sealed or tucked.

The disadvantage is the low strength of the tape material, which is easily damaged by rodents and insects. In terms of other indicators, the system shows itself only on the positive side.

Installation of a system with tubes and built-in droppers

The system is highly durable and significantly longer lasting. It consists of a hose in which cylindrical droppers are built at regular intervals. The tube can be placed on the soil surface, mounted on stands, suspended on a wire, or buried in the ground.

Water under pressure disperses from the container throughout the system and is smoothly distributed, coming from small holes. It is important that the tank is located at a height of 1-1.5 m from the ground surface. The gardener is only required to fill it in a timely manner, after which the liquid flows to the plants under the influence of gravity.

How to water cucumbers?

IN industrial systems Drip irrigation of cucumbers is carried out with a water supply to each plant. The depth of the roots is 15-20 cm and tensiometers are installed there to control humidity. For gardeners, improvised means made from plastic bottles are suitable. They are installed on the bottom or with a closed plug in the ground. The top should be open to fill with water.

  1. First way. The dropper is made from a used rod from ballpoint pen. It is washed with a solvent to remove any remaining paste and plugged at the end with a match. A puncture is made at the end half the thickness of the rod. A homemade dropper is inserted into a puncture made from the bottom of the bottle at a height of 15-20 cm. Then the containers are filled with water and placed near the bushes so that the moisture gets to the root.
  2. Second way. Holes are made in the bottle along the entire height, departing 3-5 cm from the bottom. Then it is buried bottom down to a depth of 20 cm. The cork is unscrewed and the container is filled with water through the top. The bottle can be buried upside down, having previously cut off the bottom, through which it is convenient to fill it with water in the future. To prevent the holes from becoming clogged with soil, the outside of the bottles is wrapped with needle-punched fabric, which is used as a covering material for greenhouses.
  3. Third way. Bottles filled with water can be suspended above the ground by punching holes in the lid.

Bottle drip irrigation of cucumbers is convenient due to its cost-effectiveness, since there is no need to spend money on materials. The disadvantage is the difficulty of installation over large areas. The process of filling with water is troublesome, and the holes are often clogged with soil. Despite this, you can be convinced of the advantages of the drip method. Reviews say that in small greenhouses it is quite effective.

It is more convenient to fully water cucumbers in large greenhouses through centralized system with branded droppers.

Drip irrigation devices: automatic

Automatic watering requires funds for equipment, but as a result, a lot of time will be saved and the harvest will compensate for the costs. The most important component of the system is the controller or timer, which does not require human intervention. The latter sets only the frequency and duration, which can be electromechanical or electrical. The controller can set an irrigation program, which takes into account the pressure in the system, sets daily watering cycles and takes into account humidity and temperature.

For simple systems the drip irrigation scheme provides for the presence of a single-channel device, and in complex scheme more channels may be required. Judging by the reviews, experienced gardeners prefer to use several simple timers working on separate programs.

In order not to depend on the energy source, it is advisable to purchase devices that run on several AA batteries.

Automatic drip irrigation from a water supply often requires a pump. Its power must correspond to consumption. The mechanism should be simple, not very noisy and resistant to chemical compounds, which are often used in the system as fertilizers.


Despite the fact that surface irrigation is the most common, the lack of sometimes favorable conditions for it, water shortages and energy savings lead to the need to use one or another drip irrigation device. The choice depends on the climate, landscape, types of crops cultivated and other factors.

It is important to properly design and install a drip irrigation system to reduce the likelihood of failures and avoid wasting time on repair and maintenance work.

In order for the garden and vegetable garden to produce a good harvest, regular and timely watering is important. Especially in the summer. Of course, you can saturate the soil with moisture using a special watering hose, but today there is more modern version- drip irrigation. What this system is, the principle of its operation, how much it costs and how to do drip irrigation correctly, you can find out by reading the article.

A drip system is designed for irrigation of plants that are planted using the row method. Ground or underground drip irrigation is used to care for crops, grapes, flowers and trees. This perfect option and for watering greenhouses. But drip irrigation is not suitable for moistening lawns. Because it is impossible to water a large area using pipes. In this case, sprinklers are used.

But for a small garden, berry garden, vegetable garden, the drip system is an excellent way. Many summer residents install from droppers, considering this the most economical and rational method of caring for plants.

Pros of the system

Drip irrigation prevents the root system from experiencing nutrient deficiency and drying out, and prevents the formation of a hard crust on the soil surface and the erosion of the fertile layer. Drip irrigation was first used in Israel. The effectiveness of the method is obvious. After all, today Israel is a leading exporter of products Agriculture. Summer resident from use drip system receives a lot of benefits.

The drip irrigation device gives the following results:

  1. Plant fertility increases by approximately 40%.
  2. Labor costs are significantly reduced. There is no need to carry heavy buckets or drag a hose. All you have to do is open the tap.
  3. There are much fewer weeds growing. Because they lack moisture. This reduces the number of weedings.
  4. Eliminates the possibility of soil erosion.
  5. The likelihood of fungal diseases occurring is reduced.
  6. Leaf burns are excluded. After all, drip tubes supply water specifically to the roots of plants.
  7. Water savings are approximately 70%. Moisture does not spread throughout the entire area, but only enters the root zone of the plants.
  8. The system operates at low pressure.
  9. The presence of a gardener and total control of watering are not required. Automated system will supply water at the right time.

Design and principle of operation

The operating principle of drip irrigation is as follows: water is supplied directly to the root system of plants. Depending on the equipment used, moisture can be supplied to the soil surface or deep into the fertile layer. In the first case, the system is equipped with a drip tape or hose, in the second - with a dropper.

Based on the type of water supply, there are gravitational and coercive system. In the first option, the flow of water occurs due to an inclined container of water and the action of gravity. In the second option, drip irrigation is carried out from a water supply or a pump connected to a well. In this case, the system must be equipped with a gearbox. From water supply network or the tank water moves through main pipes, which have branches, and are supplied to the desired watering location.

Drip irrigation is divided according to functionality into:

  • manual;
  • auto;
  • semi-automatic.

The summer resident needs to turn the manual system on and off independently. The water container is also filled manually using a hose or buckets. Automatic devices operate completely under the control of the system. The semi-automatic device starts and turns off watering independently. But the gardener needs to replenish the water tank on his own. The semi-automatic machine can be programmed and the intensity and time of watering can be set. In terms of cost, automatic models are the most expensive.

System elements

Installation of drip irrigation does not present any great difficulties. Special knowledge and skills this work does not require.

But before installation, you should decide what you need to buy for drip irrigation, and which manufacturer to give preference to.

In fact, the range for drip irrigation is very wide and presented various parts from different manufacturers. When choosing, you should not chase the low price. Because the quality of cheap products cannot be high. It is better to adhere to the optimal ratio of cost and quality. It should also be noted that today well-equipped drip irrigation kits are available for sale. This saves the summer resident from the need to select individual parts. Below are the materials needed to set up a drip irrigation system.

Dropper: its types and functions

There can be two types: drip tapes and single devices. Drip tape is a hose with a large number of holes. There are special systems inside that regulate the water output. Depending on the principle of operation, there are three types: labyrinth, slot, emitter. Each of the varieties has its positive and negative sides. Most summer residents prefer emitter tapes. Because they are more technologically advanced and durable.

But before you buy an emitter tape for drip irrigation, you need to remember that it is most convenient to lay out the tapes on beds with vegetable crops. But single devices or drippers are more suitable for watering free-standing perennial crops, bushes, trees. These units are also divided into two types: without pressure compensation and with compensation. Drippers can be used, for example, for watering currant bushes. In addition to watering, you can read in detail about high-quality and timely care of currants.

The main difference between a drip tube and a tape is the thickness of the walls and more long term operation. The tube can serve properly for 3 years or more. Also, the tube, unlike the tape, can be buried in the ground. This does not change its functionality. Therefore, many people decide to buy a drip tube for irrigation, because it has excellent performance characteristics.

Many novice summer residents are wondering where to get drippers for drip irrigation and how much they cost. You can purchase these system elements at any specialized store or order them on the Internet.

To extend the life of the tube, it is advisable to install a filter. Otherwise, the dropper may quickly become clogged and stop performing its task. The cost of the dropper is low. But if you purchase a drip irrigation tube in bulk, many companies make a discount and in the end the product comes out even cheaper.

Tee - an important detail

Without this part, productive operation of the system is impossible. Using a tee, you can organize watering in several areas simultaneously. Therefore, a tee for drip irrigation is an important element and it is advisable to install it immediately.

Soft watering hose or ready-made hose

If you use a soft watering hose on one side, it will need to be plugged. The cost of this part is low. You can buy a drip irrigation hose at any specialty store.

Controller: types and applications

It is the main part of any automatic irrigation system. It determines the operating time of the valve and ensures regular watering. It looks like a small box with a display and several switches. The controller receives information from wind, humidity, and temperature sensors. Most models work from the network. True, there are also devices with a battery. They are more convenient to use.

If you buy an automatic controller for drip irrigation, the efficiency of the entire system will increase significantly. Semiconductor and hybrid controllers are available for sale. Semiconductor devices are installed indoors. Used to control irrigation in small areas. Most often for irrigating lawns and lawns near houses.

Hybrid models are more reliable and modern. Allows you to save energy and water. Equipped with a microprocessor that controls the valves one by one. Such units are mainly used to organize watering of large areas and greenhouses.

Drip irrigation injector

This element allows you to increase productivity, reduce the labor intensity of watering, and eliminate pollution. groundwater and soil, allows water to instantly mineral fertilizers reach the roots of crops. But you need to know how to choose the right injector for drip irrigation, since it costs a lot. You should choose a device based on your specific situation, after consulting with a specialist.

Other system elements

Also, to install a drip irrigation system you will need a pump, fitting, taps, adapters and plugs. Most often, difficulties when choosing parts for organizing drip irrigation arise with hoses. Because they may be different types. And many summer residents do not know which supply hoses for drip irrigation are best to use.

When choosing, you should be guided by where the system will be located: on the surface or under the ground. On sale you can find a oozing hose. It is used for laying underground. Made of PVC, has a microporous structure. Performs the function of moistening the soil around the crop. Ideal for caring for tomatoes, which do not like moisture getting on their leaves.

The sprinkler is used for watering flower beds, beds, and lawns. The maximum hose length is 22 m. But if necessary, the length can be increased. The unit is equipped with fittings for more efficient irrigation. Tape hose is the most expensive. Its advantage is that it can be used in conjunction with electrical engineering.

Knowing how to install drip irrigation, you can organize an effective irrigation system for crops.

Installation is simple. First, the pipework is laid. After this, install the filter and pump. Then the controller and, if necessary, a unit for applying fertilizers are installed. Next, drip tapes are laid out under the trees and in the beds. The tapes are connected to the main pipes.

Cost and popular models

Many novice gardeners and summer residents are interested in how much drip irrigation costs and which models are more popular. As for the cost of equipment, it depends on the type of system chosen, as well as on the model, quality and manufacturer. For example, the semi-automatic drip irrigation system Aquadusya will cost a summer resident about 1,700 rubles, and the automatic model will cost 2,100 rubles.

In addition to Aquadus, models such as Rodnichok and Zhuk are also widely used. Semi-automatic devices are most often chosen. They are cheaper and, moreover, the automatic float for filling the water tank can be purchased and installed separately. Installing a control system yourself allows you to save some money. Some craftsmen are trying to organize underground drip irrigation with their own hands, and they are doing quite well.

Thus, drip irrigation is currently the most modern and effective method irrigation of plants. It allows you to increase productivity and save water. The drip irrigation device is quite simple. This allows you to easily install the system yourself.