Toilet      04/01/2019

Calculation of LED lighting installation. Basic lighting parameters. Lighting calculation methods

Right organized lighting in your home not only helps maintain eye health, but also creates convenience and comfort in everyday life. It is therefore very important to approach your home or apartment responsibly in order to subsequently select the right lamps, chandeliers and lamp power for them.

When assessing lighting Several parameters are used - luminous intensity, brightness, etc., but the main one will be illumination, which means the amount of illumination of the surface over which the luminous flux is distributed.

Used for calculations physical quantity illumination measurements - Lux (lux or international designation - lx). One Lux is equal to the illumination of a surface of 1 m² with an incident luminous flux of radiation equal to 1 Lumen, which is denoted lm or lm and is a unit of measurement of luminous flux.

How to calculate the required level of illumination.

For approximate calculation required power For lamps, I recommend using the formula: P=pS/N, where p is the specific lighting power per square meter. This value will be different for each type of lamp and room; it can be found in the table below.

Value S is the area in square meters for the calculated room, and N is the number of lamps. A toilet or hallway needs less light than, say, a living room. In addition, lamps, depending on the principle of operation, also provide different amounts of light (for example, halogen and fluorescent lamps).

When making calculations it is necessary take into account the distance of the light source from the surface it illuminates. Know that its illumination decreases inversely with the square of the distance.

According to numerous studies and standards in force in the Republic of Belarus, the total illumination of the room should be within about 200 Lux, and the illumination of the area work surface table - about 500 lux.

So, now knowing all the parameters let's move directly to the calculations using the example . For a bedroom with an area of ​​10 square meters, we multiply 10 by the coefficient for this room 10-20 and get 100-200 Watts (incandescent lamp power). But don't forget that this power value will apply to one lamp installed in the center of the ceiling.

It's still simplified the average calculation does not take into account many factors such as the color and tone of the walls, floor, ceiling, which significantly affect a person’s perception of the amount of light in the room. So for rooms with light-colored furniture, walls, ceilings, etc., the value of 200 Lux in calculations can be reduced by more than 2 times.

Determine the required level of illumination Depending on the area of ​​the room, the table below will help you.

Note: The table shows the optimal values ​​for determining the required level of lighting power when installing incandescent lamps as the main light source in the center of the room. When installing fluorescent lamps, the power of the lamps should be reduced by 5-7 times, and LED lamps by 10 times. You can determine more accurately by looking at the packaging for the lamps, on which, as a rule, the manufacturer indicates how many incandescent lamps one energy-saving lamp replaces.

I hope that you have received an approximate idea of ​​​​how to independently make the required calculation parameters for your apartment or house. Keep in mind that bright light is needed for work and reading, and for relaxation you need softer and non-irritating light.

How to determine the light level.

A special device, a lux meter, consisting of a photocell and an indicating device, will help to accurately determine the actual level of illumination for each specific case. The photo sensor converts the energy of the light flux into electrical energy, the magnitude of which will depend on the intensity of the incident light.

The device is quite easy to use:

  1. Turn it on.
  2. We place the lux meter at the point on the surface required for measurement.
  3. If necessary, turn on the required measurement mode.
  4. We set measurement limits.
  5. We take readings.

Unfortunately, prices for lux meters are still quite high. In Minsk, prices start from 70 USD. e.

Similar materials.

Properly organized lighting of residential premises is one of the the most important conditions comfortable environment in a house or apartment. Moreover, it directly affects the health of the people living in the apartment, their emotional state, and visual acuity, which is especially true for children. In a word, it would be a big mistake to let this problem take its course, focusing only on one’s own feelings (they may well be subjectively deceptive), and on issues of saving when purchasing lamps and lamps for them.

By the way, the desire to excessively “fill rooms with light” is also not welcome - this can introduce an irritating factor into the microclimate of the premises, and is not at all beneficial. When selecting fixtures and lamps, it is necessary to find that “golden mean” that would meet all the requirements. And for this it is best to make certain calculations. The algorithm itself is quite heavyweight, requiring the use of tabular data and the use of special formulas. But we hope that the user’s task will be simplified by the calculators for calculating room illumination, which are located below.

In order to correctly carry out the necessary calculations, you first need to understand the principle of their implementation. Therefore, the calculation will be preceded by some necessary explanations.

General concepts about carrying out illumination calculations

Many people, in the old-fashioned way, believe that the ability of lamps to produce the required amount of light is measured in watts. It is clear that this is a consequence of that ingrained habit developed during the period of uncontested dominance of incandescent lamps. Each owner roughly imagined in his mind, for example, that his living room needed two 100-watt light bulbs, and one sixty-watt light bulb was enough for the hallway.

However, a watt is a unit of energy measurement, and it only refers to the consumption of electricity per unit of time. A “logical bridge” just formed - the more watts, the brighter the light. But today, with great variety modern lamps, characterized by very low power consumption, but with high luminous efficiency, this approach is completely inapplicable.

In such matters, they operate with other quantities. Surface illumination is measured in lux (Lx), and the luminous flux created by a light source is measured in lumens (Lm). These characteristics are closely interrelated.

A light source with a luminous flux of 1 lumen, with a uniform distribution of this flux, provides an illumination of 1 lux over an area of ​​1 square meter.

Thus, it becomes clear that lux is a characteristic of the illumination of a room (what we want to achieve), and lumen characterizes the light source, that is, it is necessary to select lamps and lamps based on this criterion.

The standards for illumination of premises in an apartment are not taken “from the ceiling” - there are recommendations regulated by the current SNiP 05/23/95:

Type of premises of a residential buildingNorms of illumination of working surfaces in the premises of a residential building, Lux
(according to the recommendations of SNiP 23-05-95)
Living rooms: living rooms, bedrooms, dining rooms150
Offices or workshops where activities involving increased visual strain are expected: carrying out delicate technological operations, working with documents, books, etc.200 ÷ 250
Corridors, hallways150
Bathrooms, restrooms, combined bathrooms150
Entrance lobbies30
Flights of stairs and landings in entrances20
Common corridors and areas on the floors of apartment buildings20

Working formula for calculations:

Fl = (En × Sp × k × q) / (Nc × n × η)

In the formula, the following quantities are indicated by letter symbols:

In the numerator:

Fl – required value: luminous flux indicator (Lumen) that each lamp installed in the luminaire must have.

Yong – standard illumination of working surfaces for of this premises(Lux). These standards are shown in the table above.

Sp – the area of ​​the room in which it is necessary to achieve the required level of illumination. If the goal is to create a special working area(for example, in a workshop or office in the area of ​​a workbench or desktop) due to the installation of a local lamp, then we can proceed from the area of ​​​​this selected area.

k– correction factor called safety factor. Its value depends on the type of lamps installed (the possible loss of brightness by them over time is taken into account) and on the characteristics of the room - the degree of dust in the air or high concentration of vapors. For residential premises where cleaning is constantly carried out and large dust levels are not expected, the safety factor takes following values:

— gas-discharge lamps – 1.2;

— halogen lamps and incandescent lamps – 1.1;

— LED lamps – 1.0.

q– coefficient of luminescence unevenness, taking into account the characteristics of luminescence various types lamps

— gas-discharge mercury lamps and incandescent lamps – 1.15;

— LED lamps and compact base lamps fluorescent lamps(which are often called energy-saving in everyday life) – 1.1.

In the denominator:

Nc– the total number of lamps that are supposed to be installed in the room in accordance with the interior design project.

n– the number of lamps installed in each of the selected luminaires

In a word, the work Nc ×n should show the total number of lamps used to illuminate the room. In this matter, sometimes you have to show a certain flexibility. For example, it is planned to install a whole ensemble in the room, which will include a three-arm chandelier in the center and four lamps on the periphery. This means that the total number of lamps is 7 pieces, and you can indicate in the calculator either one lamp with seven arms, or seven single-arm lamps.

η – this value is called the luminous flux utilization factor, and it makes significant adjustments to the calculation, taking into account the characteristics of the room, the type of lamps used and the location of their installation.

The utilization coefficient must be found separately, using first the calculation and then special tables.

Determination of luminous flux utilization factor

This is the calculated value entered into the tables for different types lamps. But in order to “enter” the table, you first need to find one more parameter - the so-called room coefficient i.

It is determined by the formula shown below:

i = Sp/ ((a + b) × h)

i– required room coefficient;

Sp– room area, m²;

a andb– linear dimensions (length and width) of the room, m;

h– the height of the lamp above the floor level. This should not be confused with the ceiling height - for example, if the lamp has a suspension length of 0.7 m and the ceiling height is 2.7 m, then h = 2.0

The following calculator will help you do the calculation:

Calculator for calculating the room index


Room length, meters

Width of the room, meters

Lamp height above floor level, meters

The resulting value is adjusted to the nearest side to the following values: 0.5; 0.6; 0.7; 0.8; 0.9; 1.0; 1.1, 1.25; 1.5; 1.75; 2.0; 2.25; 2.5; 3.0; 3.5; 4.0; 5.0. It is these indexes that will be used to enter the tables.

To work with tables, in addition, it is necessary to correctly evaluate the decoration of the room. It's all about the reflectivity of various shades used to decorate the ceiling, walls, and floor.

Thus, you should evaluate the colors of the existing or proposed compartment, separately the ceiling, walls and floor. With pure white, everything is clear. Pure black is practically not used for continuous finishing of surfaces in residential premises. This means that you will have to correlate the shades in just three gradations. For example, delicate pastel colors such as beige, pink, and blue can be more likely to be mistaken for light. Deeper colors are classified as medium. Dark purple, brown, burgundy are dark shades.

Now you can go to the tables. There are five of them - for different types of lamps.

Tables of luminous flux utilization coefficient values

Table No. 1.

The lamp is installed on the ceiling surface.

Table No. 2.

A pendant or wall lamp, with a lampshade that provides preferential downward distribution of light.

Table No. 3.

A lamp with a shade that provides uniform distribution of light in all directions.

Table No. 4.

A lamp with a predominant direction of light upwards, for its reflection from the ceiling surface

Table No. 5.

A lamp with deep shades giving a narrowly directed stream of light.

The order of using tables is shown in the example:

  • Let’s say we are calculating the illumination of a room in which the following decoration is available or planned:

— ceiling – pure white (70%);

— walls – soft blue shades of wallpaper (50%);

— dark brown laminate on the floor (10%).

  • The calculation of the room index, after rounding, gave a value equal to 1.5.
  • In the far right column we find the room index value - this sets the line (underlined with a red horizontal line).
  • The next step is to select a column that fully corresponds to the finishing parameters, that is, ceiling - 70%, walls - 50%, floor - 10%. (The selected column is highlighted with a vertical red line.)

The intersection of the selected column and row will show the same required coefficient of luminous flux utilization, which is necessary for further calculation.

You can move on to calculating the luminous flux of lamps. There is a special calculator for this purpose.

Calculator for calculating the required luminous flux of lamps for lamps

Enter the requested values ​​and click “CALCULATE THE REQUIRED LUMINUM FLUX OF THE LAMP”

Calculate using:









Please note that the calculator allows you to calculate both from the known area of ​​the room (by default) and from its linear dimensions (when you select this path, additional value entry fields will open).

The resulting value of the luminous flux of one lamp should serve as the main criterion when purchasing the desired model. This parameter in Lately must be indicated in the product passport (if there is one) or on the packaging. An exception may be incandescent lamps, in which, in the old fashioned way, they are often limited to only indicating the power consumption.

For a preliminary assessment, we offer several more tables with the characteristics of some widely used lamp models for household lamps. It is clear that they will not cover all the modern variety of options, but they will still help you navigate the direction of further choice.

Tables of approximate parameters of various types of lamps

Incandescent lamps

Luminous Flux (Lm)Luminous efficacy (Lm/W)
10 50 5,0
25 220 8,8
40 415 10,4
60 710 11,8
75 935 12,5
95 1300 13,6
100 1340 13,4
Lamp with a transparent glass bulb, warm glow (color temperature 2750 °K).
Estimated service life is up to 1000 hours.

Lamp power consumption (W)Luminous Flux (Lm)Luminous efficacy (Lm/W)
40 384 9.6
60 594 9.9
75 788 10.5
95 1290 13.5
Incandescent lamp with a matte bulb, warm glow (color temperature 2700 ° K).
Estimated service life is up to 1000 hours.
Energy efficiency class - E.

Halogen lamps

Lamp power consumption (W)Luminous Flux (Lm)Luminous efficacy (Lm/W)
10 13 150 15
20 26 300 15
35 46 525 15
50 65 750 15
75 75 1125 15
100 130 1500 15
150 150 2250 15
Halogen lamps, warm glow (color temperature 3000 ° K).
Estimated service life is up to 2000 hours.
Energy efficiency class - B.

Compact base fluorescent lamps

Lamp power consumption (W)Incandescent lamp power equivalent (W)Luminous Flux (Lm)Luminous efficacy (Lm/W)
9 45 450 50
11 55 535 48
13 56 665 51
15 75 800 53
20 100 1170 58
26 125 1525 58
30 150 1900 63
35 175 2285 65
45 225 3080 68
55 275 3800 69
85 425 6700 78
105 525 6900 65
Compact fluorescent lamps, warm glow (color temperature 2700 ° K).
The estimated service life is from 8,000 to 10,000 hours.

LED lamps

Lamp power consumption (W)Incandescent lamp power equivalent (W)Luminous Flux (Lm)Luminous efficacy (Lm/W)
3 40 250 83
4 40 280 70
5 40 340 68
6 50 440 73
7 60 520 74
8 65 550 68
10 75 850 85
12 95 1170 97
16 150 1600 100
20 200 2100 105
Notes: LED base lamps with uniform light distribution and a “classic” spherical bulb, warm glow (color temperature 3000 ° K).
The estimated service life is from 30,000 to 40,000 hours.
Energy efficiency class - A.

The tables are provided as an example only due to the variety modern models different manufacturers may well give some “scatter” of parameters, however, within very limited limits.

If calculations show that lamps with a luminous flux that is not provided by commercially available lamps are required, then the problem may lie in insufficient lighting points. That is, it is necessary either to increase the number of lamps, or to purchase lighting fixtures with a larger number of horns. The calculator will allow you to determine this in just a few minutes.

One more nuance. The luminaire may have restrictions on total power consumption. This is usually due to the fact that a considerable part of the consumed electricity is converted into heat, which is especially typical for incandescent and halogen lamps. It is important that we are talking specifically about power consumption, and not the equivalent in terms of brightness. That is, if, for example, you purchase five LED lamps for a lamp that has an upper power threshold of 75 watts, then you should immediately estimate: the power of one lamp is, say, 8 W, 8 × 5 = 40 W, that is, less than 75 W - You can safely purchase and install. If it’s “off scale”, then either consider other lamp options, or purchase a different lamp model.

For bathrooms or saunas - specific lamps!

When choosing lighting fixtures for rooms with high humidity, one more important parameter should be taken into account - the security class of the device housing. You can read more about this in a special publication on our portal dedicated to.

Lighting in the house is an important component of a comfortable stay in it. In our world, natural lighting cannot satisfy all people’s needs, and an apartment simply cannot do without artificial light sources.

However, not everyone knows that there are special standards for calculating the level of illumination for each room. Using them, you should calculate the number of light bulbs that should be installed for each specific room. Our article will tell you how to do this and why this is necessary at all.

Illuminance value

Incorrect lighting is the enemy of vision

The role of light in Everyday life it is difficult to overestimate, because without lighting the comfort of our home will be greatly reduced. Light affects not only the safety of our movement around the apartment, but also health indicators. If the room is illuminated by insufficient lamps, the following health problems may arise:

  • significant drop in visual acuity. In the worst case, you may need glasses and a consultation with an ophthalmologist;
  • decline general health household members;
  • the appearance of excessive irritability;
  • a decrease in immunity and an increase in the incidence of colds;

Note! Incorrect room lighting has a particularly negative impact on the health of children.

  • decreased work productivity;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • decrease in the emotional background of household members.

As you can see, for each room it is necessary to calculate the required number of light bulbs, with the help of which sufficient lighting will be created in the room.

As we found out, lighting in the house plays a huge role. Lamps should provide as much light as needed for a particular room.
In an apartment or private house, each room has its own purpose and operating features (kitchen, bedroom, living room, corridor, etc.). Special attention In this matter, it is necessary to pay attention to the children's room, since for children, even a slight deviation of the light flux from the norm can lead to a negative effect on the body. Each room should have its own indicator of the number of light bulbs and fixtures.
The number of lamps you will need for a particular room should be calculated using special formulas. Ideally, illumination should be taken into account at the design stage of buildings and rooms. At proper planning the lamps will provide enough light for a person to stay comfortably in a particular room.

Lighting design

The degree of illumination is standardized by certain legal acts that are part of SNiP (building codes and regulations), as well as SanPiN ( sanitary standards and rules). These documents at the regional level are supplemented by various acts and industry documentation.
The documents for private houses and apartments provide recommended and minimum standards regarding illumination. They are indicated in Lux per m2.
Note! In this documentation, 1 Lux is taken to be the lighting that is available in the tropics during a full moon. At the same time, 100 Watt incandescent lamps provide an illumination of 1350 Lux.
Calculate required amount According to regulatory documentation, light bulbs for each room are required minor adjustments, since only the minimum values ​​are given here.

Types of lighting

Before you start calculating the required number of light bulbs, you need to understand what kind of lighting is available. So, as you might guess, it can be of two types:

  • natural;
  • artificial, which is created by lamps. It is for this type of lighting that calculations will be made based on the number of light bulbs.

Artificial lighting

In turn, artificial lighting can be created by the following types of light bulbs:

  • incandescent lamps;
  • LED bulbs. These are the so-called LED lamps. In this context, it is necessary to consider separately LED lamps and LED strips, which operate on the same principle;
  • fluorescent lamps;
  • halogen lamps. Separately, it is worth noting that among the halogen types of light sources, there are some other subtypes. This must also be taken into account when making calculations;
  • neon lamps.

Luminous flux of lamps

Each of the above types of light bulbs creates illumination in a certain range in Lux. Therefore, when making calculations, it is necessary to take into account the type of lamp that will create light in the room.
It should not be forgotten that artificial light sources can create the following lighting:

  • general. In this case, the room is illuminated using a centrally located lighting fixture. Often this role is played by a chandelier;
  • combined. Distinctive feature Such illumination of the room is that local lighting is formed here - zoning of the room is organized with the help of lighting fixtures. Moreover, each zone may differ in the degree of light brightness.

Lighting calculation

Lighting calculation is a complex process of determining the required number of light sources for each individual room. It is carried out using several methods and requires taking into account all the parameters of the room, its technical and physical characteristics, as well as an assessment of the type of light bulbs used.
Note! Accuracy in calculating the required number of lamps for rooms in apartments and houses does not require such precision. It is enough to fall within the permissible range to prevent Negative influence on the human body.
But here you need to take into account some caveats:

  • luminous flux that lamps create. They can be of different types. Particular emphasis should be placed on halogen and LED lamps, since they have another gradation in luminous flux;
  • ceiling height (in rare cases, the distance from the floor to wall lamp). This indicator may be different, since all the buildings of the last century, of which the vast majority in our country, were built according to different architectural ideas. This parameter can be varied by choosing, for example, low-hanging chandeliers with high ceilings;

Ceiling height is important

  • purpose of the room itself. The kitchen and children's room require more luminous flux than the corridor or bedroom.

In all other respects, during the calculations it is necessary to rely only on the individual indicators of the lamps. In this case, the main indicator of calculations will be the specific power of the lamp. It is determined by the amount consumed by the product electrical power(not to be confused with light) per 1 m2 of room. This indicator is indicated on all light bulbs in the form of markings.
Electrical power for each room has the following indicators:

  • living room and office - 22 W per square meter;
  • bedroom - 15 W per 1 m2;
  • kitchen - 26 W per 1 m2;
  • children's room - 60 W per 1 m2;
  • bathroom - 20 W per 1 m2;
  • corridor - 12 W per 1 m2.

The above parameters are considered relevant for halogen and conventional lamps. In a situation where fluorescent light sources will be used, the above standards must be reduced by 2.5-3 times. For LED lamps - reduce by 10 times.

Lamp power

In addition, this indicator will also be based on the type of lighting fixture (chandelier, spotlights, etc.).

How do we calculate?

To calculate the number of lamps required for a room, you must follow the principle of rounding fractions up. This means that when getting, for example, a value of 36 W for a small corridor, it is better to use two 25 W bulbs than one 40 W.
Note! In this matter it is also necessary to evaluate color scheme premises. If there are dark tones in the design, preference should be given to brighter light sources.
To obtain specific numbers, you must use the formula for calculating spots. Here, to calculate the optimal level of required lighting, the following formula is used:
N = (S * W) / P, where these indicators denote the following values:

  • N is the number of lamps available in the room. Measured in pieces;
  • S – area of ​​available premises. Measured in sq.m;
  • W is the specific power of the luminous flux emitted by the bulbs. The parameter indicates the level that is required to create optimal lighting. This indicator is different for each lamp. Measured in W/sq.m;
  • P – power for one lamp. Measured in Watts.

Remember that the figures obtained during the calculations may fluctuate slightly, but they will still be as close as possible to the real single parameters.
To make it clear, we give an example of calculations. Let's select the following parameters:

  • room type - living room;
  • type of lighting - basic;
  • type of lamps - LED;
  • spot power (average) – 5 W;
  • room area – 20 m2.

The specific power indicator is taken from the table or calculated approximately as indicated above. For LED lamp it is W = 3 W/sq.m. We insert all the indicators into the formula and get N = (20 * 3) / 5 = 12 pcs.
You can also use another formula to determine illumination:

Living room lighting

P=pS/N, where the indicators are deciphered as follows:

  • P – illumination;
  • p – specific lighting power. For incandescent lamps, the average value p = 20 W/m2, for halogen lamps - 30 W/m2, for fluorescent lamps -10 W/m2, for LED lamps -3 W/m2. Measured in W/m2.;
  • S – area of ​​a specific room in m2;
  • N – number of available lamps.

Using the above formulas, you can easily calculate the required number of light bulbs for each room in your house or apartment.

Some nuances

The given calculation formulas give average indicators, so they can be slightly reduced. For example, if a room is rarely visited (pantry, corridor), then the number of light bulbs can be slightly reduced, but for frequently used ones (children's room, living room, kitchen), a slight excess of the calculated norm is allowed. In addition, you can use combined lighting, which allows you to additionally illuminate a certain area of ​​the room.
As you can see, the calculations are not so complicated, but they are necessary for your health and comfortable time at home.

Making an original bio-fireplace on your own

The fact that everything is good in moderation is an unshakable truth. The same applies to room lighting. Its deficiency leads to rapid fatigue, loss of performance, and so on. Excess increases excitability and makes it difficult to concentrate. And this is just a small list of what is a consequence of non-compliance with standards.

Therefore, calculating the level of illumination in a living room or office is necessary not only for comfort, but also for the health of people who are forced to stay in confined space, which, in essence, is any room, no matter what it is intended for.

Knowledge of the rules for calculating natural lighting of buildings will be useful to those who are just planning to build own house. The author recommends that such readers familiarize themselves with the set of rules (SP) No. 23-102 of 2003. This document will help you determine the size and geometry window openings depending on their location relative to the cardinal points and a number of other parameters.

Why do you need to calculate illumination? The main task is to bring the organized (artificial) as close as possible to the natural (natural).

What is taken into account when calculating

Specifics of installing the lighting fixture

  • Place. As a rule, this is the ceiling or walls. Often, lamps are laid along baseboards, but this is more of a backlight than a lighting of the room.
  • Direction of the light flux. The lamp can be installed in such a way (especially if it is in a lampshade) that the light spreads only in a certain direction - up, side or down.
  • The height of the lighting fixture.

Lamp design feature

  • Presence/absence of lampshades.
  • The degree of their transparency.

Lamp type

Similar products are produced according to different technologies and are classified into fluorescent, halogen, filament and a number of others. What is important?

  • Power (W - watt).
  • Luminous flux (lm – lumen).

  • Color rendition (0K). By this parameter All products are divided into cold or warm light lamps.

All these characteristics are indicated in the documentation for each sample.

Features of decoration and furnishing of the premises

It is common knowledge that bright hues They reflect light, and dark ones, on the contrary, absorb it. It is this factor that many people miss when calculating illumination. And the color of the wallpaper (panels, decorative plaster) and furniture should definitely be taken into account.

Illumination standards

Without knowing this, there is no point in talking about any calculations. The standards are set out in detail in SNiP No. 23-05 of 1995. But since then, certain provisions of the rules have undergone changes. There is a later document - SP No. 52.13330 of 2011 - which is an updated version of the above. This is what you should be guided by. In particular, the table indicates the basic requirements for lighting (natural and artificial) in residential and public buildings.

What is illumination? This is the amount (intensity) of luminous flux per 1 “square” of a room (lm/m²). The unit of measurement is lux (lux). The standards for the main types of premises are given in the tables:

Calculation example

Let's take 2 typical rooms. The calculation procedure for the rest is the same.

Cabinet (office space)

Initial data:

  • S – general “quadrature” (a x b).
  • φ – room index. Determined by the formula: S/(h1 – h2) x (a + b). It is taken into account in a number of tables.
  • E – illumination according to the standard. If we are talking about zonal (sectoral) lighting, then, for example, for a table top located at a level of 80 cm from the floor, the illumination value is 400 lux.

The number of lighting fixtures (N) is determined by the formula: 100 x E x S x k/U x n x Fl,

  • n – light bulbs (pieces) in the lamp;
  • FL – luminous flux (lm) of each lamp;
  • k – safety factor (it is taken = 1.2 – 1.3; in some cases it is neglected);
  • U (Ci) – table value (efficiency of using a specific device).


In most houses it is no more than 9 m² - we proceed from this.

  • The general level of illumination is determined. The norm for 1 “square” of a given room (Table 2, lower) is 250 lux. It turns out that it is necessary to provide illumination at a level of 2250 lm (250 lux x 9 m2).
  • The number and type of lamps are selected. There is table 1 for this. What happens? If you use products with filament (“Ilyich light bulbs”), you will need about 4 with a power of 65 W. For example, a chandelier with 4 shades. Or a couple of “hundreds” in sconces.

Things to consider:

  • Lamp type. If it is matte, then the lamp power should be increased by about 1.5.
  • Color rendition. For incandescent lamps this does not matter. This characteristic is unchanged - 2,750 0K. But when using new (energy-saving) appliances, you need to pay attention to whether the temperature is warm or cold light the sample emits.

On a note

Not everyone pays attention to the design of sockets in factory-made lamps. And often this is fraught with the fact that its body either cracks or melts. Before you start bringing the room lighting back to normal, it’s worth looking at what power the cartridge is designed for. If it’s 60 W, then it’s hardly worth screwing a 100 W lamp into it.

Regardless of the type of lamps, the number of lamps and their location, the illumination standards are standard values. That is, the values ​​are tabular, according to SNiP. In this case, the ratio of horizontal and vertical illumination should not exceed 2.

The author draws attention to the fact that independent calculation of illumination is not only about creating comfort and favorable conditions for household members, but also an element of saving the family budget. I think there is no need to explain that the more powerful the light bulb, the faster the counter “winds up”.

In addition, it is not for nothing that the article contains references to a number of regulatory documents. It is impossible to provide everything, so the material is somewhat general and informational in nature. One way or another, calculations will have to be done individually for each room. And it's better to do it yourself. Of course, you can invite a professional. But his visit (just for crossing the threshold) will cost 200 - 250 rubles; “quadrature” measurements, assessment of the specifics of the room and direct calculations – from 1,500.

If you decide to make lighting in your house using spots, one of the main steps that you need to do correctly is to calculate their exact number for the ceiling. There are several basic calculation methods - according to the formula, through or based on optimal value. Next, we will tell readers of the site how to calculate the number of spotlights in a room.

Method No. 1 – Generally Accepted Standard

There has long been a so-called optimal lighting level for one square meter rooms. According to the generally accepted standard, 20 W of power must be calculated per 1 m2. This method cannot be called the most accurate and recommended, but still, if you are too lazy to carry out calculations using formulas, you can simply rely on these numbers.

For example, if you have a 3*4 living room (12 squares), then you need to collect so many spotlights so that their total power is at least 240 W.

Method No. 2 – Formula

You can also find out how many spots are required by calculating the area of ​​the room. The calculation formula is as follows:


  • N – required number of spots;
  • S – room area, m2;
  • W – specific power of the luminous flux, (W/m2);
  • P – power of one spotlight.

The first question that will arise is “where can I get the value of W?” This is a tabular value that helps us choose the appropriate illumination for the room. To calculate the number of spotlights, use this table:

If you decide to install LED bulbs, then use the following values:

Please note that this formula is only suitable for rough household calculations because it does not take into account the height of the ceiling, its material (suspended, suspended or slatted), type of lighting (main or additional), decoration and color of the walls and other important factors. You can also accept your wattage density by choosing brighter or dimmer light bulbs in your kitchen, bathroom or living room!

N = (10*1)/5= 2 pieces;

As you can see, according to the calculation, we need 2 spots for normal