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The mascot for the New Year is a dog. Crafts for dogs from different materials. How to behave in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

Red will wave his wing goodbye Fire Rooster and we will again begin to guess what the symbol of the year 2018 will be. The New Year is always the eve of joyful changes, pleasant events, and magical surprises. In a state of mild euphoria, we wait for the upcoming miracle, but it can be created with my own hands, directing thoughts and actions in the right direction. The wise Chinese horoscope says that this time the Earth Dog is descending from heaven to earth. Whether she becomes a friend or bares her teeth angrily depends only on you. Organize a worthy meeting for the totem animal. Surprise with a festive outfit suitable color, a table set to his taste, the right gifts for family and friends. How to do this is to find out in advance about the preferences, habits and character of the future owner or hostess.

In this article:

  • unique features of the symbol;
  • preferred color scheme;
  • how to organize a holiday;
  • what to expect from the near future.

Character of the symbol of the coming year

Yellow is the color of stability, prudence, and unhurried wisdom. The element of Earth makes it possible to stand firmly on your feet, gives you a sober look, common sense, and a philosophical attitude to life. A dog is a faithful friend, protector, cheerful comrade, and reliable companion. Combine three concepts into one - and here it is, the nature of the new symbol.

The Yellow Earth Dog is not as simple as it seems at first glance. She is loyal, but subtly senses falsehood, adores friends, but is wary of strangers, loves to communicate, but can hide and withdraw into herself. Altruism and practicality easily coexist in animals; material things are often brought to the fore, but not to the detriment of morality.

In the year of reign Earth Dogs Family values, the well-being of loved ones and your own become important. This is a good time to stop, come to terms with reality, reconsider or strengthen your life positions. Two stormy fiery years are replaced by a calm period. Get the Dog on your side and everything will work out for you.

Colors of the New Year 2018

A range of earthy shades will bring peace, but not boredom. The main colors of the coming year and its symbol are yellow, sand, shades of beige and brown. Calm palette suitable for home interior, looks great in a casual style.

But many prefer brighter colors, especially for the New Year. There is no reason to worry. The earth is not only sand and clay. There is also:

  • green forests;
  • flowering herbs of meadows;
  • blue sky;
  • turquoise surface of water;
  • gray masses of mountains;
  • silver streams of rain;
  • golden sunlight.

All shades of these colors will be relevant in the coming year. It is better to use them in a slightly muted version or as an addition to the main calm background. Only red is undesirable, symbolizing fire and danger.

How to celebrate the New Year of the Earth Dog correctly

Tell the new owner about your desire to be friends and accept the Earth Dog, as she is, from the first minutes of the coming year, or rather, even the day before. Take into account the character traits of the main guest at the holiday and fulfill all wishes.


Choose a festive outfit in your favorite color scheme symbol of 2018. Set aside frilly styles for another occasion; don’t get carried away with sparkles and other bright tinsel. Practicality and convenience with a touch of elegance are the main requirements.

The simplicity of the look is compensated by spectacular accessories. Acceptable as Jewelry, and costume jewelry. Comfortable shoes, simple hairstyle, light makeup are preferred. Nothing should interfere with feeling on the same wavelength with the spontaneous nature of the hostess of the holiday.


The Earth Dog recommends celebrating the New Year in a noisy company. Gather your friends and relatives, and if you are alone, it’s time to meet your neighbors or call those who have faded into the background in the bustle of everyday life. But for the holiday to be a success, you will have to try.

First, think it through. It should be plentiful and satisfying. The symbol of 2018 prefers meat, which means we cook it in all types:

  • winter salads;
  • slicing;
  • cold snacks;
  • hot dishes.

Poultry and fish are also welcome. Don't forget about greenery. Many dogs enjoy nibbling grass, and among the guests there may be adherents healthy eating. Any drinks are suitable and, of course, still water.

Secondly, set the table, in rustic style or as you like, but without excessive pomp. A good option would be a linen tablecloth, ceramic or wooden utensils, but this is possible. The main decoration of the New Year's table is food pleasing to the Dog.


An active animal shares joy with pleasure. Follow her example and prepare New Year's gifts for the people you care about. The yellow guest is practical and prefers gifts that are tangible, useful, not necessarily expensive, but of good quality.

Suitable household appliances home textiles, dishes, clothes, items for hobbies and interests. Emotional gifts in the form of adventure certificates are not so relevant. But, if someone from your environment has an adventurous streak, please the person. The main thing is to feel the mood and not get away with dust collectors on duty.

Dreams, plans, reality

We celebrated the New Year, made wishes and really want them to come true. The Earth Dog will provide assistance, but only in what it considers really important. So, what will the next 12 months of our life be like and what to ask from the four-legged symbol.

In 2018, single people have a chance to find their soulmate. Marriages will become a stronghold of stability, a source of inspiration and positive emotions. good time It also comes for a successful career, learning new things, and creating a solid foundation for the future.

Only money earned honestly will bring benefit. Hard work will pay off handsomely and open up unprecedented prospects. The rest of the year will be calm, a little slow and lazy. Global changes will have to be postponed, but no losses are expected. In general, everything is for the better.

This is what she is - the Earth Dog, the symbol of 2018. Meet the message from Chinese horoscope with joy and may the coming year be the happiest and most fruitful!

It just so happens that we strive to celebrate the New Year in the company of the animal that represents it. According to Eastern calendar, the coming year 2018 will pass under the sign of the Yellow Earth Dog. These four-legged friends live with some of us all the time and they probably don’t need to figure out how to make a symbol of 2018 with their own hands. Well, those who are deprived of dog society should think about how to make sure that at least New Year's Eve The dog appeared in their house, what moments should be observed in order to harmoniously meet and not anger the symbol of the coming year.

And so, first of all, you need to remember that when preparing for the holiday, you should not focus on pretentiousness - after all, the dog loves simplicity. Avoid dark or overly flashy tones. When choosing, give preference to sand, beige or cream shades. The tablecloth and napkins can also be chosen according to the recommended color scheme, but, given the mischievous nature of the dog, you can dilute it with red and yellow. Create a harmonious atmosphere of calm and sincerity - and a faithful dog will support you throughout the year. Glass and ceramic figurines with a “dog” theme are welcome when setting the table.

One way to better feel the presence of a dog is to complement the pine wreath above the door with a dog figurine and/or kennel.

Show your imagination: make a garland with silhouettes of “bobbies” or place toy dogs in the most visible places in the room.

The glass windows can be decorated with colorful prints of hand-made stencils depicting four-legged friends in Santa Claus outfits.

Or without it. 🙂

And, of course, the Christmas tree “ensemble” should be in yellow and red colors. This will be facilitated by matching toys, golden garlands and “rain”.

If you know the origami technique, then a cute dog can be folded from paper of any shade that accompanies the coming year's color scheme.

Of course, the symbol of 2018 must also be present on the food table, around which the New Year celebration most often revolves. Therefore, dishes should contain as many shades of yellow and brown as possible. Fortunately, the holiday diet allows for this: mushrooms, meat, canned corn, pineapples. Although, as you can see in the photo, even carrots and eggs will do. 🙂

For dessert, you can bake a cake and decorate it in the shape of a dog.

If you don’t have the patience for such complex culinary masterpieces, you can simply paint it in a contrasting color with top layer cake with a substance (cocoa, nuts, powdered sugar or milk chocolate) outline of a four-legged friend. To apply the design, you will have to choose the right stencil.

Another idea is to make shaped cookies depicting the main companion of the expected “guest”.

Housewives who decide to bake this year can decorate them in a style slightly different from the classic one. 🙂

Concluding the article, I would like to give a couple of tips on the New Year's menu 2018. I think that everyone understands that man's faithful friend needs to be fed deliciously so that the coming year will be favorable to you. It is even more clear that, for the most part, they should be meat.

The dog happily eats the pieces given to it. Therefore, in order not to overload her stomach and so that the visiting guest tastes all the dishes you have prepared, it is better to replace capacious vases with dishes with smaller forms. You can fill tartlets with various New Year's salads. - small pies, - small cakes and homemade sweets. In addition, traditional cuts of meat, cheese and sausage are welcome. Do not use too many bread and vegetable products. When creating your menu, focus on fish, poultry and red meat.

As you can see, this time it’s not difficult to prepare for the holiday. Therefore, we will do everything to make the symbol - the Dog - feel comfortable, calm and cheerful in our company. Happy New Year!

05/06/2017 08/17/2017 by Detki-malavki

In order to gain trust and attract the attention of the patron of 2017, the Yellow Earth Dog, you need to make a symbol of the coming year with your own hands at home on the eve of the New Year. To do this, you can use all kinds of techniques, available tools and means.

Among the most popular craft options: satin stitch and cross stitch embroidery on pillowcases, towels and towels, beading and macrame art, paper origami, crafts made from bottles and plaster, appliques on colored paper cardboard.

A dog is a devoted friend who can never give or forget its owner. However, in order to tame her and gain her trust, you need not only to feed her tasty and satisfying food, but also to pay constant attention to her, love her with all your heart, and at least sometimes pamper her. Like most pets, she is playful, but at the same time loving homely atmosphere comfort and peace. Therefore, when making the symbol of 2018 - a dog, you need to include in the idea not only your imagination and the ideas proposed in today's master class, but also assume the character of the animal itself. And it doesn’t matter whether the dog is playful or calm, playing or sleeping - what’s most important is the effort spent on creating the author’s work and Christmas mood.

The master classes in the photo below will help you make the symbol of 2018 with your own hands not only for adult women and men, but also for children studying at school or kindergarten. And most importantly, an interesting hobby will bring everyone at home together, feel the magic of the New Year and bring good luck into the house.

First master class - embroidery on a pillowcase or pillow

The most striking solution in the decor of a living room or bedroom will be satin stitch or cross stitch. To do this, just choose a small-sized pillow (pillowcase), the room in which the festive decor will be located, decide on color scheme future embroidery, and of course, prepare everything you need.

So, to embroider a dog on a pillow, it is enough to prepare the following tools: a needle, floss threads of different colors, a hoop, scissors (to cut the threads), a hoop and a pencil (the simplest one will do) and a diagram with step by step instructions or as it is also called - a pattern.

In the photo below are offered interesting schemes, which can be printed using a printer and used as a pattern for modern or Russian folk embroidery. You can also look at finished works embroidered by needlewomen and housewives.

Yorkshire Terrier photo
Husky photo

Second master class - a dog in the form of a Christmas tree toy

To decorate christmas tree To be truly festive, it is not enough to buy store-bought toys that the factory produces. Better and more interesting option will make crafts “Dog” from cardboard or felt or thick fabric, which can be stuffed. Such a symbol of the year will become a real talisman and may even last for decades. The main thing is to use not only a pattern (see photo below) in creating the symbol of the year, but also the main material, cotton wool, scissors, a needle, and threads for sewing seams.

Third master class - a pot holder in the shape of a dog

A potholder can please not only the needlewoman herself, but also become a gift self made for a close friend, sister or mother. That's why the best solution There will be sewing of not one, but several attributes for the kitchen in the form of a symbol of 2018. To make the potholder look stylish and appeal to the patron of the coming year, it is better to choose its colors: yellow, brown, gold, white and orange.

Knitted dog potholder with bow photo

Fourth master class - a dog made of buttons

Simple, but at the same time very interesting craft based on white cardboard and buttons will be a real educational quest for children school age and their parents. Only at first glance it seems that repeating the work in the master class is as easy as shelling pears, but if you believe the reviews of people who have already tried it, then choosing buttons by color and size is not very easy! Therefore, for beginners and children preschool age better to prefer simple work from large buttons, and for needlewomen - complex ones.

Dachshund photo Decorative poodle photo

Fifth master class - paper origami patterns

The ancient Chinese art of folding paper figures - origami - will help lure children into the world of the New Year. It's easy to do if you stick to it step by step photo instructions.

Sixth master class - dog made of beads, diagrams

Beading is a beautiful but complex art that allows you to reproduce masterpieces from beads different sizes. To make a dog or puppy from beads, you will need one of step-by-step schemes, beads, fishing line or thin wire.

Poodle made of cotton wool and cotton balls

To make a poodle, just make tampons out of cotton wool and glue them together so that you get the outline of a dog. Markers or beads with glue will help you draw the features of the face. The same can be repeated with applique on paper or thick cardboard.

White poodle photo

Tilde dog, pattern

The tilde technique is now widely used in the creation of decorative toys. So the symbol of the year 2018 in the form of a dog, sewn according to one of the photo patterns, will become a real must-have for your home interior and New Year’s decor in general.

Yarn puppies step by step

In order to repeat the master class from yarn, it is enough to cut out four circles that differ in circumference (two smaller, two larger) reminiscent of bagels and connect them together. Then wrap them with woolen threads, cut along the side line, fluff them up and turn them over so that you get a fluffy ball. Wrap the translucent hole with thread, and glue the finished balls together. For ears, tail, eyes and paws, cut out templates from cardboard and stick with glue.

Dog and dog house made of polymer clay, plasticine, plastic bottles photo

How to make a dog from a sausage ball, video

Symbol of 2018 Dog, ideas for decorating your home, apartment and office

To decorate a room with the symbol of the year, it is enough to make several dog toys for the New Year tree or a garland that will decorate the wall of any room, a chandelier or even a window.

The ideas in the photo below should help in reproducing any idea and color scheme.

The Year of the Yellow Dog is coming. Why is it called that? We will provide answers to popular questions about the symbol of the year in this article.

The Year of the Dog begins on February 16

Each year gets its name according to Chinese astrology, which uses the Lunar calendar. The New Year there falls on the second new moon after the winter solstice (December 21 is the shortest day of the year), which means it will begin not on February 1, but on February 16 and will last until February 5, 2018.

Why is 2018 called the Year of the Yellow Earth Dog?

The name “Yellow Earth Dog” consists of three words, just as the Lunar calendar consists of 3 elements:

1. 12 animal symbols with a special character.Each year corresponds to a specific animal. After 12 years, the cycle repeats. The dog is the 11th animal in the cycle. People born under this sign are loyal, trusting and kind.

2. Types of cosmic energy: Yin water and Yang fire. This year Lunar calendar carries Yang energy, which symbolizes activity, positivity, logic.

3. Generation of Yin and Yang - the primary elements. According to Chinese philosophy, there are 5 basic natural elements: Metal, Wood, Water, Fire, Earth. Each primary element is correlated with a certain color, sound, smell, etc. 2018 corresponds to Earth, so the color of the Dog is yellow.

Dog character

The best qualities of a dog are friendliness, loyalty, devotion, courage, readiness to protect and come to the rescue. Try to show them more often in the New Year, and fate will certainly smile on you.

Dog in Chinese mythology

IN Ancient China dogs were valued primarily for their ability to drive out demons.

In Southern and Western China, the dog is considered the creature that discovered agriculture for humans: it brought rice and millet to people. The Yao people in China consider the dog to be their ancestor; they have it as a sacred animal.

Celebrating the Year of the Yellow Dog

Very often, the character of the animal - the symbol of the year - is correlated with different areas of life, describing what the Yellow Dog will like or not like in the new year: what food to serve, what gifts can be given and what cannot. Do not treat such recommendations as strict guidelines, but take note interesting ideas. You can throw an unforgettable themed party!


Since the dog is yellow, you will need golden garlands, rain and Christmas tree decorations. You can decorate your house for a party in honor of the Year of the Dog with paper garlands in the shape of bones. If you have stuffed toy dogs in the house, place them in a visible place.


To the dishes yellow color(corn, bananas, pineapples, pumpkin, potatoes) add your dog’s favorite treat - meat. The choice is rich: ham and boiled pork (you can make canapés with them), steaks, chops, cutlets, aspic, shish kebab. For dessert, bake a cake in the shape of a bone or a dog's face. You can also make a salad.


Postcards, souvenirs and useful items with images of dogs and puppies - best gifts for a theme party. A live puppy should only be given as a gift if agreed upon in advance.

Celebrate the holiday surrounded by true friends. We wish that in the coming year the Yellow Dog will help fulfill your cherished dreams!

The time of the most favorite holiday of the year is quickly approaching - New Year. What will he be like, what will he bring with him, how to greet New Year?

New Year 2018 will be held under the symbol of the Yellow Dog according to the Eastern or Chinese horoscope. The time of the Chinese New Year is February 16, 2018. The Eastern or Chinese horoscope has existed for more than 2000 years and is based on the same 12 cycles as the Zodiac, but it is counted not by months, but by years. Each year of the Chinese horoscope has its own totem animal, and accordingly, has the character of this animal.

The Chinese horoscope can be used to understand which animal year is coming, what astrological trends of the year will prevail, what it will bring to us, what to expect from the new year, and what to fear. If you know in advance the characteristics of the upcoming Year of the Dog, its symbols and the character of the animal, the color of 2018, then you can already plan gifts, dishes for the New Year's table, and also find out in advance your horoscope for the new 2018 Year of the Dog!

2018 Year of the Yellow Dog. Characteristics of the year: what awaits us and what to prepare for

2018 will pass under the sign of the yellow or earthen Dog. The dog is a symbol of fidelity, honesty and justice. This sign is distinguished by a commitment to tradition and a love of having fun. The dog is characterized by a desire for justice: it will not tolerate dishonest behavior and wrong actions, and fearlessly rushes to the defense of those who have been offended. In addition, it is a sign of family warmth, peace and prosperity.

The dog is quite sociable, she has many friends and knows how to be the life of the party. Being among friends fuels her with energy, but loneliness, on the contrary, makes her withdrawn and gloomy. She has a great sense of humor, which helps not only to find mutual language with other people, but also to successfully cope with life’s adversities.

Positive traits of Dogs also include hard work and perseverance. To achieve her goal, she is ready to work hard, improve and patiently wait for an opportunity to reveal her talents. At the same time, the Dog is always on the alert and ready to fight any difficulties.

However, this sign also has negative sides. Thus, the Dog can be overly self-confident and straightforward: it can sharply criticize someone’s work, say many unpleasant things to the interlocutor in the heat of an argument, and even deliberately create a conflict. She can also be prone to excessive cynicism and can become despondent, viewing the world only in gray tones.

This sign is also very stubborn and is often too confident in his own rightness: if he thinks that he has taken the right position, then it is extremely difficult to convince him, even if the facts say that he is wrong. The dog is a somewhat contradictory sign, because in it friendliness and honesty coexist next to quarrelsomeness and cynicism. In order for the year under his auspices to be as successful as possible, you should devote more time to your family, pay attention to Special attention on relationships with loved ones and avoid conflicts. During this period there will be a very strong desire to advance in career ladder and improve your financial condition, but you should be careful not to allow others to suffer because of the desire to earn more money.

Horoscope 2018 Year of the Dog

Symbols of 2018: color, stone, material

The main symbol of 2018 will be the element of Earth, which is part of the five-year cycle of elements - Fire, Water, Air, Wood, Metal. The color of the Earth is gold or yellow - in Chinese astrology it is associated with power and prosperity.

The main colors of 2018 will be all associated with the earth - yellow, gold, brown, black, sand, olive, coffee, khaki, white, cream, beige, milky and all kinds of shades of these colors are also suitable.

The 2018 talisman stones are also painted in all shades of yellow and golden colors - amber, agates, tiger's eye, obsidian, carnelian, citrine, jasper. Blue and red stones should not be worn.

Due to the fact that the ruling element in the coming year will be the Earth, the Dog calls for following established stereotypes, established rules and canons, as well as honoring any traditions, including family ones. The year will be extremely stable, balanced, and calm. Such influence of the elements and color of the year will affect literally everything: politics, economics, behavior and character of people, personal life and even natural phenomena.

How to properly celebrate 2018 Year of the Yellow Dog

To celebrate the New Year of the Dog 2018, choose clothes natural shades and from natural materials. Fabrics are preferable to soft, natural, well-draped or light flowing fabrics. The Yellow Earth Dog likes shades that are as close to natural as possible. color palette and evoking associations with nature. A combination of gold and black shades will be classic.

The best way to celebrate the New Year itself is at home. The dog symbolizes family values, home warmth and fidelity, so it is best to celebrate the New Year 2018 with your family and your closest people.

What to cook for New Year's table per year of the Dog

The most important dishes of the New Year's Eve to welcome 2018 of the Dog will be its favorite treats - everything meat dishes. For a sweet treat, make a sausage-shaped treat.

What to give for 2018 of the Yellow Dog

The most important condition for choosing a gift for the Year of the Dog is practicality, that is, your gift should not only please, but should also find practical application in the life of the person you will congratulate on the Year of the Dog.