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It is easy to sew curtains for a summer residence. Curtains for giving. Sewing curtains in a rustic style with your own hands

Dacha is a place that immediately evokes associations with outdoor recreation, outside the city. Therefore, the design of the premises in country house it is logical to tie on such concepts as "nature", "naturalness", ecology, "village". Let's see how to choose curtains for a summer residence, following this vector.

Let's start with style

Stylistics is the first thing that sets the tone and mood of a living space. To emphasize the isolation of country housing from the hustle and bustle of the city, most often choose styles suitable for this purpose:

What to expect from country curtains?

Making out a country house in such directions, you will select the curtains for the country house according to them. We have already talked about window textiles in these areas in detail in other articles. Today we only highlight General requirements to them:

  • Naturalness of fabrics. The most suitable for such purposes are linen and cotton materials. You should not buy expensive silk or woolen ones: they are more in line with the atmosphere of a city apartment. Moreover, the dacha in most cases is a house of temporary residence. Therefore, his window textiles will please you only from time to time;
  • Practicality. Dacha is a place where we not only relax, but often work for land plot(and this is extra dirt on your hands). The premises are often ventilated to let fresh fresh air(which means dust). And where do children most often feel at ease? Of course, in the country! Dirty curtains for them will not be great work. Therefore, curtains for summer cottages should be chosen from materials that are easy to wash, iron, which will not tear from the slightest draft, do not fade or deform after the first wash;
  • Functionality. Excessive splendor and complexity of the design is definitely not a country story. They will take a lot of time to care for, and you do not come here only to wash and iron the curtains. Here protection from street dust, drafts and the scorching sun is more important. Therefore, choose the most concise and functional models without a lot of draperies, folds and expensive decor. "natural-rustic" styles are prone to gentle naive simplicity;
  • Orientation to the side of the world. If the windows face south, choose thick textiles in cold shades. For the north, the reverse choice is optimal: thin materials in warm colors;
  • Seasonality. For the cold season, the curtains should be more "warm" (you can buy or sew curtains for giving on the lining);

  • Appointment. Curtains in the country can be used not only on windows. Quite often they make out and doorways. This corresponds to the designated styles and creates an atmosphere of special "rustic" comfort.

Preferred Models

Based on the above requirements and stylistic features, the most "dacha" models of window decoration can be called:

  • ordinary straight canvases (to the floor or to the window sill, falling or on the tiebacks);
  • lifting models (blinds, roller blinds, Roman blinds);
  • modest curtains on tiebacks with light lambrequins in the form of a frill;
  • cafe curtains;
  • models "arch";
  • models with simple asymmetry.

Rustic paraphernalia can be widely used as decoration: ropes, cords, braid, lace self made, buttons, elements of patchwork (patchwork technique). Of course, the best option for cornices would be wooden or forged simple shapes.

Fantasizing about a topic

If you are not accustomed to squeezing yourself into a rigid framework of requirements and rules, you will always find an opportunity to show your individuality. And in such a matter as design country windows- especially. After all, all the above rules are just a starting point, starting from which you can create your own exclusive curtains for giving. After all, this is the “very good” place for original experiments.

For example, wooden curtains will successfully fit into the dacha concept. It could be like simple blinds, and models in the form of shutters. And also bamboo curtains: rolled or in the form of threads. Wood is a natural material, so it will be easy to fit it into the interior of a house in the lap of nature.

The most unexpected materials can play the role of window textiles in a country house. For example, burlap, an out-of-fashion gauze scarf or a thin plaid. The kitchen space can be harmoniously complemented by curtains made of napkins, handkerchiefs, tablecloths, towels. For clearance doorways many craftsmen use filament curtains collected from wine corks, colored tubes (from cocktails or children's felt-tip pens), buttons, cords, ropes ... But you never know what else fantasy can tell you!

Fasten with imagination

That's right: the mounting method is another opportunity to show originality in the design of country windows. Hooks, eyelets and clips are, of course, good. But here you can embody any idea. For example, sew curtains with ties from braid, cords or ropes, fasten them to the cornice-string with ordinary clothespins matched to the tone, make fasteners in the form of loops fastened with buttons or Velcro. You can generally refuse a full-fledged eaves. Let its role be played by point hooks fixed directly in the wall, or even a fancy snag. In other words, here you have the widest scope for the implementation of bold ideas. And what kind of curtains you choose for the dacha - it depends on you.

The main thing is harmony

Do not think that the dacha is a territory of complete chaos. If you made such a conclusion, then it is fundamentally wrong. Expanding horizons, showing individuality and experimenting does not mean a complete lack of measure and taste. On the contrary, here they are needed even more. The specificity of the listed materials and their purpose require the most careful selection of all interior elements to each other. Not only the style and the concept of "countryside" are important here. Harmony here is achieved by the right combination of textures, sizes, colors of all components of the space: furniture, wallpaper, bedspreads, tablecloths, dishes, floors, decorative items. Having crossed the line in at least one thing, you run the risk of turning the dacha from cozy place rest in the bosom of nature in a colorful circus booth. At a minimum, resting in such an environment will be very uncomfortable.

Finally, we note that in the country there are many more places where space decoration with curtains is required: a terrace, a veranda, a gazebo, a canopy, a pergola, Summer shower, after all... But these are places that require a completely different approach to the selection of materials due to the very specific requirements that they must meet. We have devoted several thematic articles to this topic.

On the eve of warm days and holidays, more and more urban residents are moving to their summer cottages and country houses to be closer to nature. And many of them spend a lot of time not only on the establishment of life in the country, but also on the interior. Today we will talk about curtains for giving, what they are and how you can make them yourself in one style or another for the kitchen and other rooms.

Naturally, the curtains in the country should look beautiful and match the style of the room. But there are a number of additional requirements for country curtains:

Creating a rural atmosphere

Now in textile stores you can buy country curtains in any color scheme, style and from different fabrics. But many housewives want to be original and prefer to sew them with their own hands. The most popular window textile style around the world is rustic. But even it has several types.

Russian village

To embody the Russian country style, you need to take a simple natural fabric, for example:

  • cotton;
  • chintz.

You can take both with a characteristic Russian pattern, and plain fabric with small ornaments. Option - curtains made by patchwork.

In order to sew country curtains from flaps with your own hands, you must first measure the windows, determine the parameters of the curtains and make patterns. It is best to choose large elements so that the curtains are not very heavy due to the large number of seams. Patchwork involves the use geometric shapes- squares or triangles, light and dark details are perfectly combined.

From thick cardboard, it is necessary to cut out parts without seam allowances and number them so as not to get confused when connecting. Attach patterns to the wrong side of the fabric and trace around the contour with chalk or a marker. Each part must be cut, taking into account the seam allowances of the order of 0.5 cm. And in order for the seam to be from the inside, the parts are connected by applying them face to face. Seams are done by hand or on a typewriter, and then be sure to iron. To hide the underside of the curtains, you need a gasket. The edges can be decorated with ribbons, braid or lace.

Russian-style curtains are suitable for windows and doors in the kitchen and even in the bedroom.

French (Provence)

Rustic style in French is also called Provencal after the name of one of the provinces. To create it in the country with the help of curtains, you can take chintz, cambric or linen.

Apart from sewing machine and textiles, you will need:

  • threads and satin ribbons to match the fabric;
  • pattern paper;
  • centimeter tape;
  • crayon;
  • sharp scissors;
  • pins.

In order to take into account possible errors, textiles for work must be bought with a margin of up to 15 percent. Minimum Width fabric should be 3 meters. Before work, you should measure the window and adjust the dimensions based on the measurements.

If there is a desire with your own hands to give in the Provencal style, you will need two parts with a transverse strip. Each half in width should have a length of 80 cm, and along a transverse strip - up to 20 cm.

Work should begin with a pattern:

To keep the curtains open, you need to provide tiebacks, they can be made from pieces of the remaining fabric in the form of flowers, ribbons or cords.

American (country)

American rustic country style is also very popular all over the world. To sew curtains for the kitchen in this style, you need to choose natural textiles in such shades:

  • with a cell;
  • with floral designs;
  • dim.

But the use of synthetic fabrics that mimic natural ones is also allowed. They are good in the country because they do not fade, do not fade, do not wrinkle and do not shrink.

To calculate the material, make all measurements. To determine the length of the curtains, you need to measure the distance from the cornice to the window sill or the bottom of the battery. To the resulting figure, add 6 cm from the bottom for a hem and 3 cm from the top for a turn. To determine the width, double the length of the cornice.

The most simple pattern- in the form of rectangular canvases. You should cut the fabric, and in order not to use pins, you can set the long stitch mode on the machine to mark the folds. Sew a braid to the folded edge at the top, then process the seams on the sides. Put the edges of the braid into the seam, and leave the ends of the cords. If you pull on them, you can adjust the degree of drapery of the product. Now process the bottom of them on the ledge. It will be great solution for country kitchen.

Mediterranean style curtains

In addition to the rural appropriate style For country houses can be called mediterranean. Its distinguishing features:

To embody this style in sewing curtains for country house you need to prepare:

  • textile;
  • scissors;
  • tape measure or measuring tape;
  • needles and pins;
  • threads;
  • sewing machine.

In order to sew curtains in this style for a country kitchen, you need to make preliminary measurements. The basis is a model based on two canvases with pickups.

Attach a cloth to the window, check the location of the pattern and evaluate appearance against the backdrop of the interior. Then measure the window in width, and add the same amount for the fabric. If the window width is 2 meters, then the material will need 4 meters.

Determine the length by measuring from the attachment point of the upper edge of the curtain to the level desired length. When calculating fabric parameters, add about 20 cm for seams, hemlines, and the part of the fabric that will be attached to the cornice. It is better to cut the fabric on the floor or big table. If the curtains are made from two canvases, then the fabric is taken twice as wide and carefully divided in two.

On all sides (with the exception of the upper edge), make folds and fix with pins. Sew all the bastings so that the canvas has a neat look. Bend the upper edge to the wrong side, fix it and stitch it too, and from the outside the seams can be closed with braid. Top hem is used for fastening. Then make pickups from improvised materials.

Other interior solutions for summer cottages

With the help of the arch-curtains, you can decorate the window opening in the kitchen and in other areas of the house. It will look very attractive. You can make such an arch from a single piece of fabric. It should be large enough so that its ends hang down to the windowsill or below.

There are two ways to create an arc shape:

  • Cut an arc at the bottom of the canvas. The edge of the arch is finished with an oblique trim and can be decorated with a ruffle. At the top, the arch is laid in opposite folds;
  • Cut two arcs at once. Stretch one along the cut, sew a ribbon to it for attaching to the eaves. And the fabric that will be cut along the oblique will hang down in the form of soft folds. The edge of the arch will run along the arc below, it should be sheathed and can also be decorated with a frill.

If in the country house, in addition to the kitchen, there is a bedroom, a living room or other rooms, then you can hang it there too. long curtains with pickups in rustic style. Additional decor can be:

  • cords;
  • beads;
  • buttons;
  • satin ribbons;
  • fabric or lace frills.

There is nothing difficult in sewing curtains for a country house. You just need to choose the right fabric, taking into account all the features of the room and its style, and then it will turn out to make it even more comfortable and attractive.

An apartment decorated in a similar style will look more like a cottage in one of the provinces of Great Britain or France, or even a Russian hut. The design of the room will radiate the flavor of the village and thus become more comfortable and warm.

Quite often, people who live in megacities for a long time give preference to the rustic style, and strive to at least immerse themselves in the amazing atmosphere of the village, thus getting closer to nature itself.

Often, the kitchen is decorated in this style, because it is in this room that all the inhabitants of the house often gather. Rustic curtains are, of course, the centerpiece of the style.

Design styles

Depending on which direction you prefer, curtains, like any other textile, can differ in color, finish or cut.

If you prefer dark colors like red or brown, then it is best to design in English style, because it is he who has such saturated colors. If you have not yet decided on the choice of curtains, we suggest visiting the site mirshtory.ru here you will find an overview of curtains for every taste, all styles and colors are presented. Unusual Options design in the interior and combination with decorative elements.

You should select products in the patterns of which there are more stripes or cells. It is also acceptable to use curtains with small ornaments.

Country style is suitable for those who want their home to look more like a small hunting lodge. Making such a design, experts prefer products from natural stone and an array of wood.

Textile products should have restrained colors and shades. Quite often, patchwork technique is used, which creates a special atmosphere.

The Scandinavian style is suitable for people who like the cold style of the North. Rustic curtains for the kitchen in this style should be sewn from textiles in lighter shades, with a small pattern.

It is also possible to finish the curtains with ruffles. But at the same time, it is worth remembering that everything must be in moderation, you do not need to be too zealous with ruffles, otherwise you risk adding too much theatricality and drama to the room.

For apartment owners who want the design to be more refined, luxurious, delicate and even somewhat feminine, the French style is ideal. Designers recommend using as many textiles in pastel colors as possible.

When decorating the French style, you get a unique opportunity to experiment with shades. Opt for mint, lavender, or sandy tones.

It will look especially good with this design. small room, because in it due to the large number light colors and the shade will add light, which will visually expand the space.

The Russian rustic style will evoke memories of a small warm house in the countryside, where each table is decorated with luxurious hand-sewn lace tablecloths.

At your request, you can decorate furniture with similar tablecloths or add curtains with lace and embroidery. Drawing can be both simple and quite complex. It all depends entirely on your preferences.

What fabrics do you prefer?

If you decide to decorate the room in a rustic style, then you need to use natural fabrics. Rustic curtains are best purchased with materials such as linen, cotton or chintz. However, when choosing a fabric, one should also take into account such a nuance as the location of the curtains.

If you are going to use them in the kitchen, then synthetic fabrics will be the most acceptable option for you. This is due to the fact that in the kitchen the curtains are subject to gradual pollution and the accumulation of various odors.

And since natural materials absorb dirt and odors too well, it is not advisable to use them. Please note that the rustic curtains of which the photo is presented below are made of synthetics, but at the same time they look quite natural.

But if you still want to use natural fabrics, then you should make sure that they are impregnated with a special repellent impregnation that will prevent dirt from penetrating into the texture of the fabric.

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Rustic style curtain design photo

Rustic curtains are a step towards timeless tradition, allowing you to take a break from the constant pursuit of popular destinations.

Simple curtains made of natural materials create the atmosphere of the desired idyll in the room, even if the apartment is located in the very center of a bustling city.

Rural themed curtains are designed to give their wearers a sense of home comfort and comfort.

This is an easy way to look at modern life from a different angle and enjoy folk traditions that are passed down from generation to generation.

Textile performs important role: it is thanks to him that a holistic and harmonious interior in a rustic style is created.

Such curtains can hardly be called curtains in the usual sense of the word. They are airy and often decorated with bright, expressive ornaments.

Curtains in a rustic style attract with their conciseness and naturalness. From them breathes wonderful landscapes, where the warm rays of the sun touch the lush grass. The feeling of unity with nature fills the rooms with a special positive energy.

Short curtains combined with tulle

Nowadays, you can still see windows half-curtained in some places. The open top lets caresses into the house Sun rays, and the lower one hides the room from prying eyes.

Stretch a line or wire across the window. A slightly assembled curtain is placed on it.

Rustic short curtains look harmonious with light tulle and lace stripes at the top of the window opening.

In the old days, curtains were decorated with my own hands with embroidery and knitted details. Such decorations coped with their task, making the room much more comfortable. Short curtains look great in the interior of the kitchen or veranda.

Short curtains combined with a pelmet

Connoisseurs of rustic style often choose practical curtains up to the windowsill. In the upper part, they must necessarily contain a simple or tie lambrequin.

To replace the luxury and austerity characteristic of the curtains of many modern styles, in this case comes airiness and natural simplicity.

Lush lambrequins, which seem weightless, give the curtains a note of charming carelessness. A similar design of rustic curtains can be used in the kitchen.

long curtains

Long country-style curtains are not as common as their short "relatives", but they have a right to exist. Usually they are used to decorate windows in the hall or nursery. On hot summers they bring coolness into the room, and on windy days they bring warmth.

Long curtains are ideal for those cases when there are flower pots or vases.

What fabric is best?

Rustic curtains are best sewn from natural fabrics. Which of them is better to choose?

  • Linen curtains for small rustic windows incredibly practical and beautiful. Their only drawback is the high price.
  • Durable and easy to use, chintz curtains are easy to wash, but may lose their brightness from prolonged exposure to the sun. Products made from this material should not be washed in too hot water because they tend to get shorter. Inexpensive chintz is preferred by lovers of bright colors and colorful patterns.
  • Satin is a fabric made from twisted cotton threads that looks like silk. Dense and slightly shiny material has a significant advantage - it almost does not wrinkle.
  • Taffeta curtains are no less beautiful. Delicate, thin fabric white color makes the curtains really elegant and light.

Coloring and ornament

If the material for curtains can be varied, then the motifs of the drawings are not so simple. The photo of rustic curtains is dominated by ornaments depicting plants and animals, chickens, village houses and garden fruits. Checkered and striped curtains are very popular.

Allowed to combine bright colors, among which preference is given to yellow, red, green and blue tones. White and cream curtains should be decorated with patterns. A tablecloth or napkins made of the same material will harmoniously complement the overall picture.

The play of colors on the window improves mood and provides positive emotions. From bright curtains with a motley pattern, it breathes with sincere rustic fun, which is often lacking in modern man.

Patchwork in the design of curtains

Complex styles are not used in the manufacture of rustic curtains. You should also forget about catchy accessories.

In this case, the emphasis on the curtains can be made more original way using the current patchwork technique, that is, the creation of curtains from multi-colored pieces of fabric.

Such a mosaic will effectively highlight rustic curtains in the interior.

Country style: popular destinations

Rural style is quite a multifaceted phenomenon. A lot of directions are united by similarity with a village dwelling. Which one exactly? It can be either a Russian hut or an American ranch. Everyone chooses the style that is closest to him.

American country style involves the use of striped and checkered curtains. In the southwestern "branch" the use of Indian motifs and patchwork is allowed.

Off-white, sometimes patterned, curtains are common in English rustic style.

In french style the emphasis is on light fabrics and pastel colors.

Scandinavian allows the use of light curtains decorated with ruffles. The priority is soft tones, a small pattern is possible.

Curtains in a traditional rustic style are a great opportunity to hide from the bustle of the city in your own cozy corner and relax your soul. Rural curtains are the comfort, lightness and simplicity necessary for every person.

Photo of rustic curtains

Modern dachas today are cozy, comfortable, decent country houses. We come here to spend a weekend or a vacation with the whole family. country houses now they have noticeably changed, and no longer look like small sheds in which household equipment is stored. Their design is carefully thought out and carefully executed, because a place to relax should be cozy and pleasant. An important role in the design of suburban country houses play and curtains. They create style and give a fresh and residential look to rooms.

A cozy home now is a room in which the interior looks elegant, complete and harmonious. Curtains on the windows play an important role in the design cozy interior. How nice to see a window decorated with curtains made of airy light tulle that develops from the breath of the wind. A well-chosen cornice is the final link in the whole composition.

Curtains for giving, photos of which are presented in this article, can be of different styles and directions, textures, colors and price categories.

The color range of fabrics that can be used in country houses for curtains is diverse, but there is still one distinguishing feature, which is desirable for the design of this type window structures- warm, cozy tones of textiles. The color palette is usually applied in accordance with the style of the room.

Styles suitable for curtains in country houses:

  • Country;
  • Provence;
  • Country style;
  • Russian hut;
  • Scandinavian;
  • Italian.

Perfect for decorating a country house and the Mediterranean style, which includes a huge number of accessories inherent in the vast Mediterranean coast. Combined with him original curtains, you will succeed great composition conducive to rest and relaxation in nature.

Curtains for giving: material selection options

In accordance with the fact that the windows of the house overlook the sunny or north side, they select a dense or transparent material for curtains. If it enters the room a large number of bright daylight, then to ensure coolness on a hot sultry afternoon, it is recommended to cover the windows thick curtains. The windows, which are shaded by trees, are hung with tulle curtains, allowing warm air into the house from the street and do not block the light.

Curtains for giving need to be selected wisely. Both the appearance of the house and the condition inside it largely depend on them. Using this element of decor, you can perfectly decorate the room and decorate it the way you want.

Dacha, a place not suitable for using curtains with lambrequins and others decorative elements. Simplicity is valued here. Often country houses equipped with a veranda or gazebo. Curtains can also be used in such rooms, but they are unlikely to be able to perform the same functions on the veranda as curtains inside the house. In each of the individual cases, it is necessary to correctly refer to the choice of material for curtains, or finished products.

The main parameters for choosing curtains for a summer residence:

  • The practicality of curtains;
  • The functionality of the canvas;
  • Easy to use and maintain;
  • material density;
  • Ease of fastening.

Ordinary curtains in the country are best sewn from natural material. It does not accumulate a lot of dust and is also very easy to clean. In addition to this, the curtains must pass air well, which is very important during the hot months. The best option, are cotton, chintz, linen, products or linens combined with synthetics.

Choosing curtains for a country house: the nuances of window openings

In a country house, in which the owners really want to take a break from the noise of a huge city, classic curtains with soft lines and calm colors, made of natural materials, are perfect.

Curtains for a country house must be chosen taking into account that the owners in this room it was comfortable and cosy. You should not burden the products with unnecessary decorative elements on the curtains, let them be simple curtains made of chintz, other cotton fabric or tulle curtains.

When you choose textiles for windows in Vacation home It is necessary to take into account some nuances that will help to cope with the task more easily.

The nuances of the design of window openings:

  • Are there trees and shrubs outside the window that create natural shading;
  • Windows that need to be decorated face the courtyard or the street;
  • How to design curtains: do you want to sew them yourself, or do you buy ready product, for self-tailoring it is better to take a simpler fabric.
  • Will your curtains be decorated with embroidery or other decoration; Today, organza chamaleon curtains are perfectly used for country houses, you may be interested in this direction;
  • In a country house for fastening curtains, it is advisable to use simple cornices with clothespins or rings.

Eyelets should not be used to fasten curtains. These are complex mounts that are not suitable for giving.

Do-it-yourself rustic style in the country: photos of the best interiors

Creation interesting interior where you need to relax and unwind, the task is not so difficult. Moreover, the style emerges on its own due to the fact that we usually take to the dacha everything that we don’t need in an apartment or other place of permanent residence.

Do-it-yourself rustic style in the country, the photo of which is brought to your attention, is one of the most good options. In this case, the curtains on the windows are the element of decor that links together the functional purpose of the room and the interior items that we bring into the country house.

Thanks to this style, you can experiment, fantasize, combine various objects, add or remove design elements. Interior design in a suburban wooden house in a rustic style allows the combination of objects of both antiquity and modernity, which is good for those who are used to living in comfort and cannot do long even in the country without a phone, TV, laptop and other equipment.

Features of rustic curtains inside a country house:

  • The fabrics from which the curtains are made should reflect the culture and traditions of the native people;
  • The quality and structure of the fabric should not go against the unity with nature and history; The presence of rough finishes and short curtains is welcome;
  • In the interior of the kitchen, an image is appropriate, or at least the location of a number of antiques, or hand-made wood products;
  • If you prefer roller blinds, then wooden roller shutters are suitable for this style;
  • Accommodation in the house is simple, but multifunctional furniture.

Rustic style does not tolerate unnecessary items. Elements of furniture or decor that go against the idea of ​​​​style bring chaos and discomfort into the interior.

How to choose curtains for a summer residence (video)

Today, city dwellers enjoy spending time in the country. That is why interior design plays a very important role. If you think well about both the view and the interior of the cottage, then you may want to come here not only on weekends in the summer, but also all year round. After all, a country house is a place of rest, and good opportunity get in touch with nature, take a break from the bustle of the city and feel better. And the fresh air of the countryside will benefit all family members, and especially children who love to frolic in the open under the warm rays of the sun, or in huge snowdrifts.

Do-it-yourself curtain design for a summer residence (photo in the interior)