Toilet      06/15/2019

Household gas analyzer: types, characteristics, purpose. How to choose a household gas analyzer: reviews of manufacturers Household gas analyzer


All units of the device are mounted separately and interconnected by wires, according to the electrical diagram.
The power supply is mounted using fasteners near electrical outlet(220V.) according to the rules of TB and PUE. The power supply has a power cable with a plug at the end, which is plugged into an outlet. The gas analyzer unit is mounted using a mount in the room where gas-using equipment is installed (gas stove, fireplace, gas boiler).

  • The recommended distance from the gas stove is 1 m. in any direction
  • For a gas analyzer liquefied gas recommended mounting distance is 0.2m. from the floor
  • For a gas analyzer for natural gas, the recommended distance is 0.2m. from the ceiling

The actuator unit is mounted using fasteners directly on the gas pipeline in the place where the valve for turning on the gas supply is installed. Installation is carried out in such a way that the lever of the actuator captures the handle of the crane, and the rotary axis of the lever visually coincides with the rotary axis of the crane.

A household electronic gas analyzer with a gas shut-off mechanism, in a mounted and connected state, works as follows:

  1. When plugged into a 220V socket. power supply cable, the LED on the power supply lights up, indicating that the device is in working condition
  2. When an increased gas concentration is detected on the gas analyzer unit, an audible notification occurs, the LED indicator lights up and a command is sent to the actuator
  3. Upon receipt of the switch-on command, the actuator, by turning the lever, closes the gas supply valve
  4. The sound and light signal continues until the gas concentration reaches the norm, or a manual unblocking is performed
  5. The actuator to its original state (i.e. opening the gas supply valve) is driven manually by pressing the button in the upper part of the actuator and turning the valve lever handle to the “open” position.

Supply voltage: ~220V, 50Hz.
Power consumption: 10W
Temperature range from: -20 o C to +40 o C
Gas detection method-: catalytic
Response time: 15 sec
LEL response threshold (concentration): 20%
Light indication: LED
Sound indication: sound emitter 70 dB
Actuator lever force is 75 kg/cm²
Detected gas: propane, butane, natural gas
Guaranteed continuous standby period: 12 months
Mean time between failures of the actuator unit - 1000 shutdowns
Verification period: 7 years
Working period:14 years
This device is not a source of ion radiation

In an apartment or house, many appliances run on gas. It is for this purpose that a gas alarm is installed in the room. The principle of its work is simple. When a problem is detected, it lets you know about it with a specific signal. For greater safety, it is recommended to install a shut-off valve.

The gas content sensor monitors the level of combustible gases in the air. When the indicators exceed the norm, the gas detector lets you know about it with special sound and light signals. Such analyzers are widely used in industrial plants, boiler rooms and even in home apartments.

Household sensors are able to detect methane, propane and carbon monoxide in the air.

That is why the determining sensor can be divided into industrial and household. Industrial options have more complex structure. The kit includes a control panel and the device itself. The household gas trap is simpler in structure and use.

Useful article for you: choose a voltage stabilizer for a gas boiler

Carbon monoxide is the most dangerous. Unlike other components, it cannot be recognized by smell or color. It quickly combines with hemoglobin and enters the bloodstream. Carbon monoxide can quickly lead to death.

Functions of gas alarms:

  • Notification with light and sound about the problem;
  • Has a hole for connecting additional communications: annunciators, fans;
  • Can be connected to solenoid valve and turn off the gas supply;
  • Can work autonomously.

Different models from different manufacturers have a unique device. The purchase should be made based on your own needs. But in general, the devices are universal in their functions.

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The principle of operation of gas leakage sensors

Principle of operation different types slightly different. Conventionally, all signaling devices are divided into wired and wireless. This speaks to the source of their nutrition. But behind the leak detection technique, there is another classification of sensors.

Types of gas detectors:

  • Semiconductor;
  • catalytic;
  • infrared.

The principle of operation of the catalytic device is to change the platinum coil as carbon monoxide passes through the device. Another coil with a measuring device is used to detect the temperature increase. There is a direct relationship between resistance and the amount of carbon monoxide particles.

To prevent the coil from reacting to environmental factors, different ends chains are thermally matched balls covered with glass. They act as a compensator.

Semiconductor devices are a bit similar to catalytic devices in terms of the principle of operation. Recognizing element coated with a thin film of metal oxide. When carbon monoxide touches the film, it absorbs the substance and changes the resistance to an inverse proportion. This option great for the home, but rarely used in industry. It is believed that the signaling is not accurate enough. In addition, the device has a slow response.

Infrared sensors are widely used for industrial buildings. They are quite accurate, do not squeak unnecessarily, use little energy and quickly respond to a possible leak. They work under the influence of solar energy.

Types of carbon monoxide sensors

There are 2 main types of gas alarms: industrial and household. Industrial sensors are more complex in design, because it is necessary to control a large area. Several devices and a common control panel are provided.

The home sensor is easier to install and use. It should not show the quantity, but signal a clear problem. To do this, the device begins to emit a special signal and light.

Types of sensors for determining gases:

  • Methane;
  • Propane;
  • Carbon monoxide.

But there are also combined devices that control several concentrations at once. For a room with gas appliances, it is the combined types that should be installed. If in the house stove heating, then one sensor with leakage detection is also suitable carbon monoxide.

Sensors begin to react if 0.1-1% methane, 0.46-0.05% propane and 0.005-0.01% carbon monoxide are detected in the air.

When buying an alarm, you must consider the power of the system. Also take into account the devices with which it will interact. The optimal indicator is 220 watts.

Acquisition of a gas contamination sensor and a shut-off valve for the boiler room

The shut-off valve is a device that is installed at the inlet of the gas pipeline. It works when an electrical impulse is applied to its coil. At this time, it must cut off the supply of natural gas to all devices.

Distinctive features of the shut-off valve:

  • Nominal gauge. It can be from 15 to 25 mm for domestic needs.
  • Power supply. For home use best option is 220 watts.
  • Permissible pressure. For gas pipelines low pressure optimal indicator- 500 Mbar.
  • There are different types of valves. It happens normal in the open state and closed.

Normally open is also called impulsive. It is a manually operated element. During operation, its coil does not receive an electrical impulse. When the gas sensor acts on the coil, a small voltage is supplied from the device. This triggers the sensor and shuts off the gas supply.

It is the type of valve that is the decisive characteristic for operation in combination with a gas contamination sensor.

A normally closed device also applies to manual cocking devices. But in order to start its work, it is necessary to apply an impulse to its coil. When the alarm is triggered, the voltage on the coil is extinguished and gas is cut off.

An excellent home valve is a normally open device with a power supply of 220 watts. So turning off the power will not cause it to trip. This makes it possible to use independent gas appliances. This can save on electricity.

Difficulties in synchronous operation of the sensor and the valve may arise when, when turned on, the analyzer starts checking the status of its outputs. The alarm will apply voltage to the valve and cause it to operate. That is why the analyzer in the boiler room needs to be familiarized in detail with the principle of its operation.

Installing a gas sensor with a valve

The good news is that all work on installing the device can be done. It is necessary to choose the right installation site, based on the instructions and conduct power supply to it. Auxiliary devices should be connected according to the diagram, which is indicated in the instructions.

The gasification projects include all necessary information by the location of the instruments. The gas service will also be able to help in this matter, based on the standards. The gas trap should be installed on a vertical surface where there is an increased risk of gas leakage. At the same time, it is important to observe a distance of 4 m from gas appliances.

Rules for the correct placement of the gas analyzer:

  1. from ovens and gas burners a distance of 1 m must be observed;
  2. Do not install the device in places where condensation, ash, dust and grease are abundant;
  3. It is not recommended to install near ventilation and open windows;
  4. Do not place the gas analyzer near combustible materials, paint;
  5. If the chimney is not insulated, then it is better not to install a measuring device nearby.

Each type of measurement has its own optimum clamping height. Each gas has its own places of accumulation. Some gases settle at the bottom, others rise up.

Combined sensors are installed at a height of 30 cm from the floor and 50 cm from the ceiling. Methane and propane sensors are mounted as follows: 50 cm from the ceiling and floor, respectively. For carbon monoxide analyzers optimal height considered 1.8 m from the floor and 30 cm from the ceiling.

To install the gas analyzer on the wall, you do not even need to open the case. It is enough to fix the device on nails using a special hole. The next step is to install the valve. The cutter should only be installed by specialized organizations with the appropriate license. The analyzer is connected to the valve according to the scheme indicated in the passport.

Checking the performance of a household gas analyzer

Every year it is necessary to carry out a metrological check of the device. It is not recommended to carry out this event with your own hands. This may damage the instrument.

If you find a clear problem, contact the gas service yourself.

You can only monitor the external cleanliness of the gas trap yourself. The device is usually guaranteed for 2 years. But on average, the device can last 8 years.

Gas separator brands:

  • STG-1;
  • SZ-2;
  • SOU-1.

The above options refer to the domestic manufacturer. There are also imported models on the market. But when buying domestic appliances, it is easier to carry out repairs.

What is a gas alarm (video)

A self-contained gas trap is needed not only for industrial facilities, but also in residential buildings. Convenient system control helps to determine the minimum leakage from gas boilers and other appliances. To install the device, you do not need to have special skills, you can do everything yourself.

Gas analysis is required in a variety of areas where it is important to have an understanding of the composition and characteristics of combustible air mixtures. At home, gas analyzers, or detectors, are more often used to detect leaks. Moreover, the target environment can be not only a domestic gas pipeline. This may be an air conditioning system with freon, and a boiler plant with harmful emissions. A modern gas analyzer is presented in different versions, which differ in the principle of operation, control system, performance characteristics and other parameters.

Features of household gas analyzers

Models for home use different small size, modest performance and simplified management. If professional devices involve stationary operation, then household appliance provides the ability to move. Its functionality is designed to search for leaks with the examination of gas vapors at different points. At the same time, in the segment of home devices, there are different levels of functional content. For example, a household gas analyzer from the budget category works with the simplest system notification, which can be represented by light or sound indication. That is, if the apartment has an excess of gas vapor concentration relative to the standard value, the detector will give an appropriate signal, but without additional information. More complex household models are equipped with a display that reflects data with detailed characteristics of the medium under study.

Varieties of the detector

Home analyzers of gas mixtures are presented in manual and automatic versions. In the first case, this is a simple absorption apparatus, the principle of operation of which is based on the process of absorption of gas vapors by reagents. These are inexpensive and at the same time affordable devices that demonstrate an average level of analysis accuracy. Automatic models are characterized by more wide opportunities research of target environments. In particular, a gas analyzer of this type can continuously monitor certain parameters of a mixture or its individual component. As for the principle of operation, it can be based on the principle of physical analysis, chemical reactions or physico-chemical process. With the help of an automatic detector, the user determines such indicators as the pressure and volume of the mixture, the concentration of oxides, etc.

Installation of gas analyzers

In the families of household analyzers, there are also stationary models that involve the implementation special installation. At the same time, they are also distinguished by their compact size, unpretentious maintenance and low performance. Installation of such a device is usually carried out in a place of increased risk of gas leakage. This may be the area next to the boiler or cooker. Mounting is most often carried out on the wall in such a way that the user has the possibility of direct access to the control panel of the device. The gas analyzer is fixed using a mounting profile, which is usually included in the basic kit. Using screws or self-tapping screws, it is necessary to install the carrier panel, and the device itself is already integrated into it. Depending on the type of model, it may be necessary to lay a power cable from the mains, although household low-power analyzers are more likely to run on batteries and batteries.

Nuances of operation

Work begins with the definition of the mixtures to which the device will be oriented. Modern devices allow you to configure the sensing elements to track different parameters of mixtures. The main setting refers to the determination of the upper and lower levels of the gas concentration. Special attention during operation should be given to the diagnostics of the device. Approximately once every six months, gas analyzers are calibrated, which consists in a comprehensive examination of the device with a test of its working qualities. Without fail, they are evaluated on which the error of the values ​​obtained depends. Usually, verification is performed by switching the device to the appropriate mode, after which the test mixtures are analyzed by sensors. Next, a reconciliation of the obtained indicators with the normative ones is performed. Depending on the received data on the error, it may be necessary to perform a calibration, which is most often carried out automatically.

Manufacturers and prices

Gas analyzers are not widely used metrological instruments; therefore, their development and production are mainly carried out by specialized companies. The best of them include Rothenberger, CEM, Testo and Mastech. Decent quality models from the MEGEON line are popular in the Russian segment. Detectors differ significantly in price - it depends on many parameters. A simple gas analyzer for the home with a minimum set of functions can cost about 2-3 thousand rubles. Devices with a display that are average in terms of capabilities are already estimated at 5-7 thousand. Multifunctional indicators with high-tech sensors can cost 15-20 thousand rubles.


Detectors that serve to detect leaks and spills in residential buildings are increasingly being considered as components of integrated security systems. In classical signaling circuits, such devices are introduced into a single control center for electrical engineering with the ability to program functions. This means that the gas analyzer can automatically adapt to work in specific conditions. We can say that even in a separate mode of operation, a modern automatic detector makes it possible to program. But they expand these possibilities, since the controller controls the parameters of the analyzer, guided by data from many other sensors and sensors.


We suggest you buy from a warehouse in Moscow gas alarms (gas analyzers). Our range includes signaling devices for all industries:

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For safe use gas, what's in the apartment, what's on industrial enterprise gas analyzers are necessary, and in some cases mandatory for installation.

Please check prices with our managers.

Gas emergency shutdown system

The gas contamination detector (gas analyzer) is the primary device in emergency gas shutdown systems. It is he who analyzes the environment for exceeding the established norms of gas concentration and generates control signals for solenoid gas valves. Almost any analyzer is equipped with a system of noise and light warning of danger by default.

Depending on the purpose and place of operation, gas analyzers can monitor the excess concentration of:

  • domestic gas GOST 5542 (methane, CH4)
  • carbon monoxide
  • propane
  • butane

Household gas alarms manufactured by FSUE "Almaz" SPC "Gazotron S" for installation in apartments, residential buildings already come with a controlled valve. For larger facilities, gas analyzers are most often sold separately so that you can choose the right kit for your gas facilities yourself.

We remind you that the installation of gas alarms, as well as should be carried out only by specialists with the appropriate permission !!

Inspection of premises to identify critical indicators of the gas mixture is important condition security at the facility. We can talk about production sites, and about rooms in apartments and private houses where gas communications are used. The simplest tool such an examination is a household gas analyzer, which, depending on the version, can also act as a signaling device. The device may have different performance characteristics, which should be considered when choosing.

How is a gas analyzer arranged?

Almost all models of such devices contain a converter (detector), a measuring module and a power supply in the design. As for the transducer, functionally it can be represented as a sensitive element, which determines the presence of certain components of the mixture under study, sending the corresponding signal. This sensor can work differently depending on how the chemicals are fixed.

In turn, signal processing is carried out by the measuring module. With its help, household gas analyzers for apartments not only register the presence of a certain concentration of a particular component, but also reflect specific values ​​on the display. Anyway modern models instruments allow indication with the output of several parameters of the mixture.

To maintain autonomous and constant performance, the above-mentioned power supply is provided in the design of the device. This can be a compartment with AAA batteries, and a battery. The main thing is that it allows you to use the gas analyzer even where there is no access to an outlet. There are also stationary network models for 220 V.

Types of device

Models of gas detectors are distinguished by many features - from the method of placement to the form factor and the degree of the same autonomy. But the fundamental and most important is the classification according to the principle of operation of the sensor. Based on this feature, the following types of household gas analyzers can be distinguished:

  • Thermochemical. In this case, thermal radiation is measured chemical reaction with the participation of the target component of the gas mixture. Most often, the oxidation process with air catalysts is studied.
  • Magnetic. Such models are mainly focused on the detection of oxygen and the determination of its concentration. The principle of operation of the sensor is based on the dependence of the magnetic reaction on the level of oxygen in the gas mixture. The varieties of the device include magnetomechanical and thermomechanical devices.
  • Infrared. In the course of work, the individual particles of gas vapors absorb infrared radiation. Depending on the wavelength and optical design, the analyzer can work with point determination of concentration at the molecular level different types components consisting of several atoms.

Reviews of Testo models

From the point of view of functionality, accuracy and reliability of work, this is the most attractive line of gas analyzers. Testo products are highly appreciated by both professionals and ordinary users who use the devices in the kitchen, boiler room or other areas where there is a risk of increased concentration harmful substances. For home needs, you can purchase a household gas analyzer in modification 310. The owners of this device separately emphasize the presence of a powerful battery, advanced communication capabilities (including connection to a printer for printing data), a large display and the possibility of automatic registration of parameters. The design of the device also allows it to be installed directly in a chimney or gas pipeline, monitoring the pressure indicators in the circuit.

Reviews of the CEM GD-3300 model

Manufacturer CEM is a direct competitor to Testo in the measuring instrument segment. But in this case, it is appropriate to consider an entry-level gas analyzer. The GD-3300 model primarily attracts with a low price tag of 3.5-4 thousand rubles. In terms of accuracy, it is slightly inferior to the aforementioned version, and in terms of versatility, this is one of the most the best options in your class. As the owners note, the device works effectively both with natural gas and with the determination of mixtures of butane, propane, ammonia, alcohol vapors, etc. The owners also positively characterize the functionality of the model. If you organize a connection with a control relay in the circuit, you get a full-fledged household gas analyzer with a mixture shut-off device. After detecting a leak, the device activates visual and noise alarms, in parallel sending a command to the control unit for equipment control.

Reviews about the model from Rothenberger

Also a well-known manufacturer of measuring devices focused on leak detection and subsequent signaling. One of the basic modifications of the family is R087305. This is an electronic device that is used in systems for the thermal circulation of mixtures, in air conditioners and cooling circuits. The advantages of the gas analyzer of household gas from Rothenberger include high energy efficiency and ease of use. For example, a 2.4 V battery pack allows you to use the device for 50 hours. As for the minuses, many emphasize the narrow specialization of the device and the impossibility of its use for entire groups of gaseous media.