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Sytin's moods are a meditation on rejuvenation and healing. Features and technique of reciting mantras of rejuvenation and beauty Meditation rejuvenation program at the cellular level

Maintaining physical, mental and sexual activity until old age is the dream of every person. Take a look at the Tibetan monks, whose age is difficult to decipher. Tight and slender bodies are the result of many days of hard training, abstinence from food, prayers and recitation of special rejuvenation mantras. Sacred texts help in revealing the internal reserves of the body and prolong the active phase of life.

In this article

The meaning of the mantra of rejuvenation in the East

Body and spirit are interconnected. A flimsy, devoid of physical load backbone will not bear the burden of spiritual aspirations. A person who is mired in bad habits and inclinations does not have enough strength to break away from the Earth and look up to the sky.

Texts of rejuvenation mantras are short and long. With the help of sacred chants, people turn to the supreme deities with a request to send down strength, health and longevity. They create vibrations top level, which tune the body to receive pure information from space, nourish with strength and fill with vital energy.

The collective performance of the mantra puts the worshipers into a trance. According to the impact on the psyche, it is similar to a state of altered consciousness. Imbued with a common idea and joy, people become one. An energy portal opens, which feeds those gathered in the temple.

Home practice does not imply such an effect, but regular reading of mantras has a beneficial effect on the human biofield, eliminates negative impact environment.

It is impossible to stop the process of withering. But it is in our power to grow old beautifully.

The culture of reciting the mantra for rejuvenation requires the adept to observe the following rules. If you think about it, they are in many ways similar to the recommendations given to patients by doctors:

  • try to move more. Walk when time permits, or go for short runs in the morning and evening;
  • be outdoors more often. In particular, this applies to residents of cities who spend 8 hours of working time indoors;
  • drink more water. The liquid displaces toxins from the body;
  • Drink green instead of coffee and black tea. It is a natural antioxidant, has tonic properties, quenches thirst;
  • observe the sleep and rest regimen. Tune in to your body's natural rhythms. Listen to what your body dictates. If you are a night owl, then do not try to forcibly alter the daily rhythms. Choose the type of activity that will be optimal for you.

Mantras of beauty and youth

Buddhist monks - an example of a healthy lifestyle

The first mantra is easy to read and remember. Repeat it at least 8 times a day:


The following mantra will energize, give confidence, give beauty and help you lose weight:


And this mantra, in terms of protective properties, is similar to the one that protects from possible troubles. The mantra that gives youth and health is comparable in strength to Mahamrityunjay.


Yoga and Tibetan masters recommend reading another mantra for weight loss for those who want to lose weight:


Sacred words will not work on their own. The pronunciation of this mantra requires perseverance on the part of the student. Limit junk food, practice chanting regularly, believe in the power of the mantra.

The video contains a powerful mantra to help maintain youthfulness and beauty of the face and body, as well as lose weight:

Recite the following rejuvenation mantra 7 times a day:


Practice the rejuvenation mantra every day. Observe this condition strictly. If there are no exact instructions on how many times to repeat the text, stick to general rule: Recite the mantras 108 times. Don't learn everything at once. Stop at one and bring the skill to perfection.

Special rejuvenating rituals with the help of mantras

Ritual actions for beauty and prolongation of youth do not require professional training or the purchase of miraculous medicines. It is based on the properties of ordinary water, which we used to drink every day.

Water will quench thirst, restore the skin, give strength after a hard day.

Water is a symbol of life on Earth

How to prepare mantra-charged water

For cooking you will need pure water. If you take it from the tap, it is better to defend the day.

City water contains many impurities that are used for filtration and purification. It is advisable to use spring.

  1. Fill up the container. Take a glass decanter or earthenware jug. Do not use plastic containers to store charged water.
  2. Recite the rejuvenating mantra over the vessel. If you set yourself the goal of losing weight, then read the sacred text intended for weight loss. If you want to get healthy, say the words suitable for this occasion.
  3. It is not necessary to read the text yourself. You can turn on the recording of your favorite artist.
  4. Another option involves the joint performance of mantras with the singer to musical accompaniment.

Charged water becomes alive. It is used for drinking, cooking and as a cosmetic product. Wash your face with magic liquid in the morning and evening to keep your skin in good shape. Drink 7 sips of structured water on an empty stomach if you want to lose weight.

The video contains the Tibetan mantra of rejuvenation, which is used to structure water.

Strengthening the effect of mantras

To enhance the effect of mantras, combine them with Viparita karai, Sarvangasana, Halasana, Karna Pidasana, Grivasana and Simhasana asanas. Asanas set up proper breathing: the lungs increase and more oxygen enters the blood. Due to this, natural renewal and regeneration of skin cells occurs.

Mantras for beauty and rejuvenation are read on rising moon. Sing mantras for weight loss in the second half of the lunar cycle. This is due to the natural rhythms of the planet. When the night luminary grows, nature and life are poured with it. The waning month takes away everything superfluous, including weight.

Frozen and thawed water has useful properties. It is recommended to drink it to strengthen the immune system and get rid of fat deposits on the waist and hips.

Meditations for rejuvenation

They affect the human mind, forcing the body to resist the first signs of approaching old age. Reading a rejuvenating mantra is as effective as fashionable cosmetic procedures. Moreover, there are no contraindications, unlike plastic surgery or medication.

By reading mantras, we program the body for youth and longevity, we are charged with cosmic energy, we free our consciousness from harmful installations.

The most effective, according to students practicing yoga, is "fire meditation."

Its essence lies in the fact that you imagine yourself next to the mouth of an active volcano:

  • take a deep breath of hot air escaping from the crater;
  • fire gradually spreads through the body and penetrates into every cell;
  • blood boils, rushes to the face. Vessels expand. The body is seized with heat: a huge fire flares up inside;
  • the practice is considered successful when the student manages to blush for real, as if he had been near a burning flame for a long time.

Meditation is a special state in which a person who repeats mantras plunges. Depending on the goal, it can be a feeling of overwhelming joy and love for the world, a sudden insight and awakening of extrasensory abilities.

Do not expect an instant result: only long practices of the rejuvenation mantra and purposeful work will help you achieve the desired effect. Tibetan and Indian mantras help fight diseases and inspire self-confidence. Bad mood, depression and apathy go away when a person sings sacred texts.

A little about the author:

Evgeny Tukubaev The right words and your faith are the keys to success in a perfect ritual. I will provide you with the information, but its implementation directly depends on you. But do not worry, a little practice and you will succeed!

A few decades ago, meditations and mantras for the majority of the Russian-speaking population of the planet seemed to be unnecessary exotic rituals, and the person practicing them was perceived as nothing more than an eccentric. Today, such a pastime is “in trend”. Can mantras and meditation work wonders or are they a fashionable hobby that is not of practical use, what is the mechanism of the impact of these rituals on our psyche and health, is it effective to use them to enhance attractiveness and longevity, and the algorithm for their application - about this article.

What is a mantra

In Eastern religions, mantras are Sanskrit words that carry a sacred (sacred, ritual) meaning. Believers claim that the mantra is a message to the Universe, from a person to God. Such a message may contain gratitude, a request, or other inspiring information. In our tradition, the closest equivalent to this word would be prayer. However, this prayer is pronounced in the original language. It is believed that combinations of sounds in the ancient language, Sanskrit, have a special energy power, a special sound that directly connects the prayer with the Almighty.

Mantras exist in the traditions of Hinduism, Buddhism, Jainism, Sikhism. Belief in the miraculous effect of certain combinations of sounds and words on a person and the surrounding space is found in the Japanese tradition, and in Zoroastrianism, Taoism, Christianity and many other cultures. Conspiracies, spells for diseases used by sorcerers and healers in the Slavic lands are nothing more than the mantras of our people that have come down from ancient times.

According to the ideas of adherents of various religious movements, the sounds of mantras harmoniously affect both the person himself and the space around.

The interpretation of the word "mantra" from Sanskrit has three options:

  • a tool for working with the psyche;
  • liberation of the mind;
  • magic spell.

All three interpretations accurately reflect the essence of any mantra, which, if used correctly, affects a person in this way:

  • cleanses from negative energy;
  • heals from diseases, heavy thoughts;
  • helps to find peace and tranquility;
  • reveals creative abilities;
  • promotes self-knowledge, self-development.

Individual organs of a person and his whole body as a whole feel vibrations from sound coming from outside. Thanks to this physical response, mantras affect a person, his body and psyche. Science has proven the beneficial effects and safety of this method for health. So, scientists came to the conclusion that, for example, the sounds E, U, N, and B improve the functioning of the brain, the syllables PA and AI improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system, the sound I can cure a runny nose, and the word OM normalizes blood pressure, etc. That is, different combinations of sounds affect the human body in different ways. And also his state of mind.

Any sound affects a person in one way or another.

The healing effect of mantras is possible if they are pronounced in the right state of consciousness. It is important to achieve such a state and read the mantras correctly so that the lesson does not become a waste of time and, moreover, does not harm. After all, if used incorrectly, distorting the original text of the mantra, they can have a negative impact on the human body and psyche, cause headaches, and worsen health.

In my opinion, human health and the psyche are not the best areas for experimentation. Therefore, without an experienced mentor nearby, it is better to use ready-made audio recordings of mantras, at least for the first time. Luckily, there are plenty of them on the World Wide Web. So you protect yourself from possible side effects. In any case, mantras for beauty, health and longevity are much safer than various beauty injections, plastic surgeries and others. modern methods rejuvenation. In addition, which is important, they do not require material investments at all.

Rules for reading mantras

To achieve the effect of reading mantras, the following recommendations must be observed:

  • Read the text of the mantra in the original language. Of course, it is not a problem to find translations of each mantra. However, translation is necessary in order to understand the meaning of "magic spells". It must be understood that translations convey the meaning of statements in a very relative way.
  • To say mantras at a certain pace, at a certain height, with vibration. Each mantra has its own vibration and pitch. To start before you master correct pronunciation, it is better to pronounce mantras under the guidance of an experienced friend or look for their audio recording on the Internet. After about two weeks of regular practice, your voice timbre will change, acquire a special color and vibration. This is evidence that you have achieved the desired sound.
  • The stress should be on the last syllable.
  • You cannot break a syllable with inhalation or exhalation.
  • Each syllable must be clearly pronounced, but pronounce it together, in a singsong voice, do not break the sounds, close the lips at the end of the syllable (you can pull it out with a tube).
  • Be clear about what each mantra is about. If, for example, the mantra is an appeal to heavenly bodies, one should visualize the necessary phenomena (the rays of the sun, the light of the moon). If you are asking for health, then imagine yourself like that.
  • Maintain a moderate pace of speech, a calm state. A mantra uttered in a hurry will remain a simple set of sounds.
  • You can pronounce the mantra both silently and out loud (in a whisper or at the top of your voice). It is more effective, especially for those who have just begun to practice, to read the mantras aloud. It is believed that only very experienced practitioners can read mantras silently.
  • The mantra should be recited a certain number of times. They usually start with 7 pronunciations. Gradually increase the number of repetitions to a multiple of seven (14, 28, 56, 108 times). The last figure is ritual, it, according to esotericists, means the code of the Universe. By repeating the mantra every day 108 times, you can achieve amazing results. More repetitions are ineffective. Practitioners, in order not to lose count, use the rosary, classic version which contains 108 beads.
  • Mantras should be practiced regularly, preferably daily.
  • Do not be distracted by extraneous matters, attention should be directed to sounds. You should make sure that there is peace and quiet around.
  • If possible, it is good to read mantras in comfortable clothes. light colors(white, yellow).
  • The best time to chant mantras is early in the morning or in the evening before going to bed. It's great if there is an opportunity to practice in the fresh air, in the bosom of nature. If this is not possible, then you should try to sit facing the window, looking at the sun (at the sky).
  • The mantra should be chanted from a comfortable position. Optimum - in the lotus position.
  • Before starting the ritual, you need to relax, observe your breathing for a few minutes so that it is even and calm. Breathe through the nose.
  • There is an opinion that if you want to get rid of something, you need to read the mantra on a waning moon, and if you want to get a new one, on a growing one.

A popular body position for reciting mantras and meditation is the lotus position.

“In war, all means are good,” one of my acquaintances decided when she became seriously ill. Moreover, the doctors did not quite clearly understand how to treat her. She delved into the study of literature on self-development, yoga and began to practice meditation and chanting mantras. I don’t know if this helped or her absolute faith in recovery, or maybe both, but she was cured ... I heard a lot of such stories. And only one conclusion can be drawn from here: our great desire to restore health, rejuvenate, or radically change our lives is feasible if we sincerely want this and make every conceivable and unimaginable effort to achieve the goal. “According to your faith, let it be rewarded to you,” as the Bible says.

How to strengthen the effect of the mantra

To enhance the effect of mantras, use the following recommendations:

  • Keep a positive mood and faith in success.
  • Do not tell others that you are practicing "magic spells" so that outsiders do not have a negative impact on your achievements.
  • Read mantras while in a state of meditation. How to enter a meditative state, we will tell below.
  • Visualize (draw in your mind) what you want. While reciting the mantra, you should be as realistic as possible about the result that you want to achieve by this action.
  • In addition to the main ritual, you can write down your goals and the words of the mantra on a piece of paper. Psychologists say that the most effective method- write with the left hand, which is the tool of the right hemisphere of the brain associated with the subconscious.
  • While reading the mantra, you can put a glass of water next to it. The liquid will be charged with the necessary energy. Water then needs to be drunk or frozen and wiped with ice cubes on the face.
  • The practice of reading mantras should be combined with other activities of spiritual development and self-improvement. Yoga classes, reading literature on self-development, communication with advanced people are perfect. It is important to give up bad habits, establish a normal daily routine and eat right.

Visualization is the main key to fulfilling desires, and mantras and meditation are a tool

If a person’s mind is busy repeating mantras, affirmations or other positive statements, there is no room for resentment, fears and disappointments in it, or all this negativity is gradually forced out, erased. As psychologists say, a person becomes what he thinks about. Therefore, mantras can become a lifesaver for those who have a black streak in their lives, or when a person plunges into apathy or despondency.

Mantras for gaining health, beauty, longevity and youth

In ancient times, mantras, according to the statements of Indian yogis, were obtained as a result of long meditations. Mantras were not invented by anyone on purpose, they appeared as a revelation, as a sound correspondence of the information surrounding us. The idea was later picked up Tibetan monks who even began to compose mantras themselves, which, in their opinion, have a healing effect. In the twentieth century, mantra writers appeared in a modern way. We are talking about the so-called moods and affirmations - statements in the native language, understandable and accessible, carrying positive information to the subconscious.

Table: yoga mantras for healing, rejuvenation and attractiveness

MantraThe meaning of the mantra and recommendations for its use
OhmUniversal mantra, considered the most powerful. It heals both the physical and subtle bodies (mental, emotional, etc.) of a person, purifies space, water, food, everything around. This mantra energizes what it is aimed at. In addition, it enhances the effect of other statements, therefore it is repeated in other mantras.
Before you sing it, you should close your eyes and imagine yourself in the center of the Universe, surrounded by stars and outer space. Then open your eyes, exhale and say “aummm”.
HrimThis mantra fills the body with health, vitality, spiritual enlightenment. It cleanses the body and mind of all kinds of impurities, calms and eliminates fears. Copes with any kind of intoxication (poisoning).
OM SRI NAMAH SVAYAMantra of purification from negativity, diseases.
OM RAVAE NAMAHThis saying strengthens health, prolonging years of life.
OM BRAM BRIM BRAHUM SAH BUDHAYE NAMAHMantra gives excellent health and longevity.
OM SRI SARASVATYA NAMAHMantra of health, energy, strength. Helps to remove negativity from the body.
OM TARE TUTARE TOURE MAMA AYU PUNYA JYANA PUSHTIM KURU SOHAA powerful mantra for healing and healing the body.
OM AMARANI JIVANTIE SOHAThis mantra also heals, heals.
OM DRUM SOHA OM AMRITA AYU DADE SOHAThe saying helps to overcome all obstacles on the way to a long, happy life.
OM SRI KALI NAMAH FORAMThe mantra to the goddess Kali strengthens the body and gives stable health.
OM CHANDRAYA NAMAHAppeal to the Moon for the beauty and attractiveness of a woman.
OM NAMO BHAGAVATE RUKMINI VALLABHAYA SVAHAA healing mantra for women who want to enhance their charm and beauty. She fills with femininity, attractiveness and inner radiance.
OM RAM SHRIM AIM SARVADYAYI SVAHAWomen's mantra is an appeal to the goddess of wisdom, creativity and beauty Saraswati, who brings vitality and immortality.
RA MA DA SA SA SAY SO HANGA mantra that transforms the imbalance and unhealthiness of the body into harmony and health. It works on different levels: mental, spiritual, emotional and physical.

Video: mantra of health and longevity

Video: mantra for healing from diseases

Video: mantra of beauty and youth

Tibetan mantras (beauty and youth, for weight loss)

It is difficult to find a person who has not heard about Tibetan medicine. Tibetan mantras are one of the elements of this miraculous field of knowledge. Tibetan monks use mantras daily in the process of meditation. Physicians also use them. Moreover, they invented some of the mantras themselves, analyzing the effect of sounds on the body, responding to the modern needs of mankind. Only fans of Tibetan medicine warn that the practice of mantras does not negate a healthy lifestyle, rational nutrition and no bad habits. Usually Tibetan healers recommend mantras and meditation, along with other healing methods. Sometimes the mantras of Tibet are voiced using a special bowl. These sounds affect general state, on the mood.

I don’t know about the healing power, but Tibetan bowls have a uniquely positive effect on the mood. In the wake of yoga, my friend graduated from a course on the use of Tibetan singing bowls. She lives in another city, but when she arrives, she takes these magic tools with her. They look and sound great. And both adults and children like it.

The singing of Tibetan mantras is often accompanied by the sounds of singing bowls, which have a beneficial effect on the human body.

Mantra for rejuvenation

To achieve a real result, this mantra is recommended to be read seven times a day:


Mantra for weight loss and body beauty

In order to gain harmony and visual appeal, Tibetan monks recommend chanting the mantra SAN SIA CHII NAH PAY TUN DOU. Apply this magical attitude should be twice a day for ten minutes. Practice should begin on the waning moon.

Video: Tibetan mantra for beauty and harmony

Marta Nikolaeva's technique

Modern Russian psychologist Nikolaeva Marta has developed a method of rejuvenation using mantras. The action of the technique is based on the fact that water absorbs any information that comes to it. If this information becomes a healing Tibetan mantra, the water, having been saturated with it, will have healing power.

The structure of water changes depending on the information coming to it.

To carry out the ritual, you will need two glasses of water and an audio recording of the Tibetan rejuvenation mantra, which you can download.

Do the procedure like this:

  1. Start the ritual in the morning. Take a comfortable position. Place two glasses of water nearby. Relax. Listen to the mantra for two minutes.
  2. Drink water from one glass, imagining how the body is filled with divine light.
  3. Freeze the water from the second glass immediately.
  4. In the afternoon, transfer your frozen ice cubes to a clean container. Wait a bit for them to melt. Wipe your face, neck, shoulders, arms, legs, different areas body.
  5. Pat your body dry with a soft towel.
  6. Take cotton pads, soak them in melted water and wipe them again.
  7. Lie down, put a piece of natural tissue on your face, lie down, relaxed, for about five minutes.
  8. Accept warm shower, imagine how it fills you with light and moisture.

If during the procedure you experience discomfort - tingling, itching, do not worry, this is normal. But soon your skin will seem to be renewed, it will become smooth and tender. The promised effect of rejuvenation should come after two or three procedures.

Mantra Kailash

The Hindu mantra of beauty and youth OM CHANDRAYA NAMAH is also recommended by the founder of the esoteric school Kailash Andrey Duiko. He claims that by practicing the mantra, a woman becomes more beautiful not only internally, but also externally. The magical sound combination is best practiced during the full moon and for one week after it in the evenings. The optimal number of times is one circle of the rosary (usually 108 times).

Practicing mantras regularly, not only changes internally, but also externally

Sytin's settings

Georgy Sytin is a doctor and scientist, author of books, creator of a healing and rejuvenation technique based on faith in healing and the use of so-called moods - positive statements. Professor G. Sytin claims that with a word you can heal any disease, become more attractive and younger, and bring positive changes into your life.

Sytin's settings to achieve results must be read at least three times a day regularly. Rewriting the text on a sheet of paper will also be useful. Examples of such positive statements:

    I tune in to an energetic, cheerful young life: both now and in thirty years I will be a cheerful, indestructibly healthy, beautiful beauty.

    Throughout the body, a huge energy is in full swing, everything internal organs they work energetically, cheerfully, my gait is cheerful, fast, I walk - I fly like a bird on wings, I vividly feel my young forces.

    Every day that passes increases the duration of my future life, I live by the law: the older - the younger.

Positive statements (mantras, affirmations, moods) can be written down on paper, it is especially effective to do this with your left hand

Video: Sytin's mood for rejuvenation

Video: Sytin's mood for longevity and female beauty

Other mantras

Modern mantras are the so-called affirmations, short phrases that are repeated many times and reinforce new positive attitudes in the human subconscious. Use affirmations in Everyday life recommended by many psychologists, both foreign and domestic (L. Hay, A. Sviyash, L. Viilma, N. Pravdina and others). If desired, such verbal formulas can be compiled by yourself. Only the affirmation must meet the following criteria:

  • be formulated in the present tense, as an accomplished fact (“I am healthy”, “I attract happiness”, “I am beautiful”);
  • be positive, not without a particle ("I'm not fat" - it's impossible, you need "I'm slim");
  • be short, but bright, figurative, carrying pleasant emotions (“I am filled with youth and beauty”, “Like the sun's rays warm me with pleasure and joy”);
  • backed by a strong belief that it works.

Practicing positive affirmations regularly, a person will not only change himself, but also people close to him will begin to change, falling under the influence of his energy. The very place where mantras are sung or moods are pronounced will be filled with the vibrations that are embedded in the sounds being uttered, and will become a place of power.

According to the research of Japanese scientists, all life around reacts to the spoken sounds. So, experiments with plants proved that from swear words, swearing, as well as heavy loud music, a person’s green friends fade, or even die altogether. On the contrary, from affectionate words filled with love and tenderness, as well as from spiritual chants, all living things are filled with strength and flourish.

Words and sounds affect both a person and everything around

Mantras and meditation: what unites them and what is the difference

Mantras and meditation are not the same thing, but they go hand in hand. By repeating the mantra many times, fully concentrating on it, a person enters a meditative state that opens the way to the subconscious. It is in this state that the mantra becomes effective.

Of course, meditation can exist without chanting a mantra. It all depends on the goal she pursues. In any case, having achieved complete relaxation in the process of meditation, a person gets rid of unnecessary blocks, frees the mind from unnecessary information. side effect such an action is the normalization of metabolic processes in the body, the establishment of the endocrine system, the strengthening of immunity and the development of stress resistance, the healing of psychosomatic diseases.

Reading mantras and meditation complement each other, make both processes more effective.

Rules for Effective Meditation

  1. Choose a specific time of the day to meditate daily. It is better if this is the time immediately after waking up or before going to bed.
  2. Avoid eating before practice. It is better to meditate on an empty stomach or not earlier than two hours after eating.
  3. Meditate for pleasure. Perhaps, the first days of ten to fifteen minutes will be enough, otherwise you may never want to repeat the meditation that has dragged on for an hour.
  4. Choose a comfortable body position. No tension should be felt, the back should be straight. The following meditative asanas are suitable: Sukhasana, Vajrasana, Padmasana (lotus position).
  5. Find a calm, quiet place to study, fresh air in the room is required, no drafts.
  6. Relax, do not delve into intrusive thoughts, sweep them away. To relax the body, one can first imagine how each part of the body alternately tenses up, becomes heavy, and then fills with coolness and lightness.
  7. Direct your attention to your breath or to some imaginary image (waterfall, sunrise, ocean shore, etc.). You can concentrate on sounds (audio recording of sounds of nature or mantra).

The Best Asanas for Meditation

Padmasana (lotus pose) is the most common asana for meditation, reciting mantras Sukhasana (tailor's pose) is also perfect for relaxation Vajrasana (diamond pose) - possible variant asanas for meditation and mantra recitation

Meditations for youth, health and beauty

Any meditation has a beneficial effect on the human body and psyche. However, there are special techniques that help rejuvenate and improve the body.

Meditation "Healing source"

The order of the meditation is as follows:

  1. Take a comfortable position, relax. Take a few deep breaths in and out.
  2. Imagine that you are at a healing spring that starts high in the mountains and gently descends into the valley. It gives everyone youth, longevity, beauty and vitality.
  3. Bend over to the water, express gratitude to this source of life-giving power and youth. Scoop up the healing liquid with your palms, enjoy its taste, aroma, wash your face and hands.
  4. Immerse yourself completely in this water, wash your whole body. Imagine yourself the way you want to be.
  5. During meditation, one should visualize pleasant pictures of nature.

    Meditation "Turn back time"

    The following meditation will help to gain longevity, beauty and youth:

    1. Lie down, relax your whole body, watch your breath.
    2. Think about the fact that days, months, years fly by, but this has nothing to do with you. You are still young and beautiful.
    3. Imagine that inside your body imagine your own clock, which you yourself can wind up at your own discretion. Instead of numbers on them - years.
    4. Find the number that corresponds to the age you want (for example, five to ten years younger than you are now). Set mentally arrows on it.
    5. Confidently repeat to yourself several times: “From now on, my body is tuned to the fact that I am ... years old. My body is recovering, rejuvenating, all metabolic processes are normalizing.”
    6. If your goal is to be healthy, young and beautiful, then it does not matter what you use - Hindu or Buddhist mantras, affirmations and attitudes of modern researchers, psychologists and healers, meditation or prayer. All this will have an effect. The main thing is a positive attitude, inexhaustible faith, pure intentions and thoughts, love and acceptance of yourself and the people around you as they are. However, what is good for one person may be completely meaningless for another. If consciousness resists this or that information, replace it with another, closer and more understandable to you.

      Whatever mantra or meditation technique you choose, it is important to remember that only the power of your mind can make these tools for working with the subconscious mind work. Unconditional faith, diligence and awareness will help mantras and meditations to create real miracles with your life.

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Meditation not only has a positive effect on the body, but also increases self-confidence. To always be on top, use effective meditation on youth and beauty.

Meditations were invented several centuries ago. They help get rid of negative thoughts, give up bad habits, attract well-being, find your purpose. Working with the energy field makes it possible to create protection around you from any evil, believe in yourself and start new life full of great moments.

How to Meditate on Youth and Attractiveness

So that confidence does not leave you, use meditation, which will rejuvenate the body and bring it to life. You need to devote several days to doing meditation to consolidate the effect.

During meditation, it is important to be in a state of inner balance. Remain alone, take a comfortable position and drive away all extraneous thoughts. To relax more quickly, you can turn on soothing music and light incense. As soon as you feel that fears are leaving, and a sweet feeling of solitude and comfort comes in your soul, lie on your back.

Breathe slowly and imagine how beautiful and young you are. Think about the fact that time flies at a tremendous speed, but it does not concern you. You are still beautiful and attractive. You are not disturbed by other people's thoughts and conversations, you are confident in yourself and therefore feel great.

Awaken inner time. It lives in each of us, but obeys only people with a strong spirit. Learn to manage it to slow down the aging process. Imagine what's inside of you big clock. The arrows on them indicate not the time, but the years you have lived. Find the number you would like to return to. The flowering of strength and your beauty this year will be the starting point for rejuvenation.

Once you install right time, in which you feel great, begin to mentally pronounce:

“I feel light and comfortable, I feel safe. My body is filled with strength, beauty and youth.”

Repeat this text as many times as needed. You need to be confident, feel the way you say. After a few minutes say:

“My intention makes time turn back. For me, nothing is impossible, my words are the reality in which I want to be.

Meditate once a day for as long as you need. After a few days, you will be surprised to note that the process of rejuvenation and attractiveness has begun.

Don't let yourself think that you won't succeed. Be confident in yourself, and then you will be able to attract into your life whatever you want. Remember that positive thinking and the rejection of bad habits will give you an incentive to develop, awaken internal reserves with which you can get what you want. Happiness to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

How to stop aging? Is it possible to rejuvenate the body without cosmetic procedures? Read carefully!

This meditation¹ will help tune the body to health, beauty, best years life and suspend inner time.

Body rejuvenation. Secret technique!

1. You need to lie down, relax deeply, think about how much you want to feel younger.

2. Then you need to mentally tune in to the fact that months, years are flying around, but have nothing to do with you (it is important to try to see or feel it).

3. Inside the body there is its own internal time, it is completely different and will obey only you, you can control it. This time can be slowed down or even stopped (your internal time in the body).

3. Now you need to imagine inside yourself a large clock, you can wall. Instead of numbers and minutes, there are years, from 0 to 200.

4. It is necessary to mentally find the figure that you would like to look like (recommended 5-10 years younger than the actual age at the moment).

5. The large arrow must be mentally translated to 0, and the small one to the number of the desired age. You have just set a new age for your body!

6. After that, it is mentally necessary to firmly and with faith pronounce the intention: "My body is easily, comfortably and safely rearranged for my age ... years."

Repeat the text 3 times.

7. Then you need to lie still for a few minutes, and then say another intention: "I declare my intention to awaken my entire body to restore and normalize all metabolic processes and rejuvenate it up to .. years."

Alexander Light

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ Meditation is a kind of mental exercise used as part of a spiritual-religious or health-improving practice, or a special mental state resulting from these exercises (

Sytin's moods - meditation on healing and rejuvenation will not only improve the appearance, but also allow you to renew yourself from the inside. It has been scientifically proven that meditation practice not only promotes balance nervous system. It turns out that meditation affects the rejuvenation and healing of a woman in the same way as it does mental peace.

Cosmetic products, procedures, "beauty injections", plastic surgery give effect, but external. Meditation not only improves appearance, but also renews from within.

Despite the fact that there are many meditation techniques, they all affect the body in the same way:

The easiest practice

This rejuvenation meditation is simple and effective:

  • Turn on any relaxing music that usually restores your strength. Take a comfortable position. It is still recommended to sit.
  • Tune in so that you can breathe freely, very relaxed. Inhalation should be accompanied by a slow retraction of the abdomen, exhalation - a slight rounding of it.
  • The eyes must be closed. However, if there is a strong craving to fall asleep, you can open them. In this case, it is recommended to stop looking at something that is associated with peace.
  • Imagine a healing spring located in the mountains and descending into the valley. Imagine in bright colors and the smallest details, how you wash yourself with water from it. Then mentally bathe, feel the healing.

What is thetahealing?

According to those who practice this technique, it affects the levels of both energy and DNA. A similar theta meditation for skin rejuvenation is practiced by Eva Efremova, whose video can be found on the Internet.

The basis of this technique is the connection with an energy source. A person gets rid of the limits that limit him, from negative thoughts. But many diseases, including the deterioration of the skin, are associated with negativity, the healing of which is necessary.

Theta is the name for the waves that form in the brain while in a trance state. Practitioners of this technique claim that a person, being in meditation, acquires integrity, joy. And he begins to believe that at his age it is not at all necessary to look like many of his peers.

Meditation with a clock

This cell rejuvenation meditation is designed for a course of two weeks. Any person can cope with it:

  • First of all, you should take a comfortable lying position, relax, tune in to rejuvenation and healing. Imagine that years pass, but it does not concern you. Tune in to the fact that time is within and can be controlled;
  • Now you should imagine that there is a clock inside. But instead of the usual numbers, they contain years;
  • Imagine how many years you would like to look younger. For starters, you can set the bar at 5-10 years - this advice is given by meditation master Elena Gamayun. In this case, the large hand of the clock is set at 0, and the small hand is set at the desired age;
  • Next, you mentally need to say that the body is easily and safely rebuilt for the desired age. Speak the installation clearly, while trying to visualize it. Repeat three times;
  • After that, you just need to lie down for a while. In the end, you can once again mentally voice the intention to look a few years younger. And be sure to look for joy in the world around you - this, according to the psychotherapist Alexander Ivanitsky, helps to feel younger.

Inner Smile Meditation

This meditation is perfect for restoring the body, getting rid of stress, rejuvenation:

Meditation "womb energy"

It not only gives energy, but also helps to improve hormonal levels:

  • You need to get comfortable, focus on the lower body. You should breathe deeply, while inhaling, straining the uterus. As you exhale, imagine that energy fills this area, that hormones begin to be produced in full force.
  • You need to repeat this algorithm until a feeling of pulsation appears. As soon as it appears, imagine that the energy in the form of light grows and envelops the entire body, and then the room.
  • Once you have been in this state for a while, begin to return to your usual state. Energy should disappear gradually. Take a deep breath, feel rejuvenated and open your eyes.

Meditation at the cellular level

There is an opinion that it is useless to be treated and rejuvenated if the human core is not put in order. Such is the conviction, including the master Sytin. To bring yourself in order, we recommend that you go through the following meditation:

  • Take a lying position, bend your knees. Place your hands in the lower abdomen with palms down. Close your eyes and drive unnecessary thoughts out of your head.
  • Now feel how your whole body is filled with warmth. This light extends to the room, illuminating it with a delicate pink hue.
  • When inhaling, imagine that the light penetrates into you, while exhaling - that all the negativity leaves. Bargaining with a girlfriend in order to sign up for expensive psychology courses is all in the past. You can get rid of resentment and pain by focusing on yourself and good imagination.
  • Now imagine that you are lying in a garden with flowers, birds and sunlight. Feel these aromas, breathe them in as deeply as possible. Slowly open your eyes, roll over onto your stomach and slowly stand up.

Sytin's settings

This is a healing technique created by Dr. Georgy Sytin. Recognized official medicine. In his texts, the professor uses simple and figurative formulations, overwhelming doubts, verbal formulas and positive statements. Just listening to these texts can generate nerve impulses that carry positive information to the cells of the whole organism.

Meditation for rejuvenation and healing will serve as a pleasant addition to the usual self-care. Just 15-20 minutes daily is a small price to pay for harmony and youth. To achieve happiness and youth, it is important to actively make efforts for this - this is what one of the masters Satya Yeo Than teaches.