Toilet      07/02/2020

Useful properties of tea - how to drink tea correctly. Useful properties of tea Tea is a healing drink

In the writings of ancient Chinese philosophers, tea is mentioned under a variety of names: “tse”, “tou”, “chung”, “ming”, and also “cha”, which translates as “young leaf” (the fact is that to prepare the most delicious drink, you need to take the youngest and freshest leaves of the tea bush). The word "tsai" came from Mongolia, which later began to sound more familiar to the Russian ear - "tea".

Such a seemingly simple word "tea" contains more than one concept, and it is unlikely that it will be possible to immediately, without hesitation, give it an unambiguous and capacious definition. In fact, tea is both a plant from the genus Camellia, and the collected leaves of this plant, and the product obtained as a result of processing these leaves, and, of course, a drink made from this product. And in all these states, tea has a different chemical composition.

The fact is that in the process of processing, many substances contained in fresh green leaves change their qualities or lose them altogether, and others appear in their place. For example, during fermentation, the bitter taste of tannin completely disappears, and the tea leaf is enriched with aromatic compounds with floral and fruity odors. But, of course, when they talk about the chemical composition of tea, as a rule, they mean its final incarnation - a drink.

Since ancient times, people have discovered the healing properties of tea, discovering that it drives away sleep and gives vigor. There is one ancient Chinese legend that confirms this fact no worse than real historical events.

According to this legend, a Buddhist monk, performing the rite, could not stand it and fell asleep, and waking up, in despair he cut off his eyelids and threw them on the ground. At this place, the first tea bush grew, from the leaves of which the Chinese prepared a drink that gives extraordinary vigor (by the way, the meanings of the words "vigor" and "tea" in Chinese almost identical, since they are denoted by one hieroglyph). Since then, all the monks began to use tea during the performance of religious rituals.

Of course, the tonic effect is one of the main reasons why tea is so loved and appreciated. This effect is achieved primarily due to caffeine, which is contained in tea leaves in a higher concentration than anywhere else (4-5%). Even coffee beans contain less of the substance. But in combination with tea tannin, it acts much softer, and therefore does not harmful influence on the body.

Many have noticed that tea, among other things, also stimulates creative activity. For example, Leo Tolstoy spoke about the “energy drink” as follows: “I had to drink a lot of tea, because without it I could not work. Tea releases those possibilities that are dormant in the depths of my soul.

Thanks to caffeine, tea has a positive effect on the brain, increases mental alertness, and even improves the creative process. But at the same time, unlike coffee or alcohol, tea does not cause oppression and depression following excitement, so you can drink it in almost any amount.

Toning is not the only useful property of tea. It is known that in ancient times, philosophers and alchemists considered this drink one of the main components of the magical elixir of immortality. And, as it turned out, not without reason. Certainly, eternal life tea does not give, but it can be effectively used for the treatment and prevention of many diseases. In some countries, tea was originally used not as a drink, but as a universal remedy. The fact is that it contains a huge amount of vitamins and other substances useful for the body.

The healing properties of tea were discovered in 2737-2697. BC e. According to one of the legends, this discovery belongs to the great Second Emperor Shen Nun, who went down in history under the name of the Divine Healer. Around the 3rd century n. e. in a letter from one of the Chinese aristocrats, tea was mentioned as a substitute for wine.

Among the vitamins contained in tea, in the first place is vitamin A, or carotene, which is extremely beneficial for vision and is used to prevent and treat many eye diseases. This drink is no less rich in B vitamins, which have a beneficial effect on the nervous and endocrine systems, as well as on appearance and skin condition. In a considerable amount, tea contains vitamin P, which contributes to the accumulation in the body and better absorption of vitamin C (which is also part of the tea infusion). But the main function of this vitamin is that it strengthens the walls of blood vessels, thereby preventing minor hemorrhages.

One of the main components of tea is tannin, a tannin containing catechins. Tea tannin is quite special in its chemical properties, it differs greatly from that obtained by artificial means and is much more useful.

It is tannin that affects the taste and aroma of the drink, ultimately determining its quality and giving the tea a tart, slightly bitter taste. To the greatest extent, southern teas (Indian and Ceylon) have these qualities, since they contain a higher content of tannin.

In the process of processing tea leaves, the amount of tannin is reduced, but at the same time, aromatic compounds are formed that give the tea the smell of orange, lemon, rose, etc.

The range of useful properties of tannin is very wide. Firstly, it produces an action similar to vitamin P. In addition, it has a strong antibacterial property, and a concentrated tea infusion can destroy even such dangerous microbes as dysentery bacillus. Because of this, tea is very good for the functioning of the digestive tract.

Since the 800s. tea began to gain popularity in Japan. At first, it was perceived among the Japanese as a ritual potion of priests and monks. Several decades passed before the Japanese discovered the healing properties of tea and began to take it as a medicine.

Essential oils are present in small amounts. They not only saturate the drink with a variety of floral and fruity aromas (although most of them are lost during processing), but also prevent many kidney diseases. For example, it is known that the Chinese, who are the best in the world in the technology of preparing a drink, are the least affected by urolithiasis.

In addition, the composition of tea includes proteins, carbohydrates, amino acids, pectins, minerals and many trace elements necessary for life. The concentration of these substances is highest in green tea, because it does not undergo heat treatment and fermentation for as long as other varieties, and therefore retains more beneficial properties.

Thus, we can say that tea has a positive effect on all body systems, and as a result of an improvement in the general physical condition, both moral satisfaction and peace of mind often come. Probably, it was not in vain that it was customary to drink tea during the performance of Buddhist religious rites: a strong infusion not only drove away sleep, but also helped to get rid of unnecessary thoughts and focus on the main thing. Probably connected with this is the tradition of accompanying complex and delicate diplomatic negotiations with a cup of tea.

But still, you should not abuse the drink, not paying attention to the proportions and rules of brewing, because if used incorrectly, tea can become harmful. For example, the consequences of improper storage of tea can be very dangerous: it is able to absorb vapors of various toxic substances which sometimes leads to poisoning.

In addition, it was noticed that too strong tea has the opposite properties: it does not cause cheerfulness, but, on the contrary, drowsiness. Some even try to achieve a drug-like effect from this drink (although it would be a big mistake to believe that tea contains drugs).

A weak infusion is also not useful: when cold, it simply tints the water without having any effect on the body, and when hot, it can cause a burn of the mucous membrane (while it is almost impossible to burn yourself with strong tea due to its special properties).

Therefore, for health and pleasure, it is not enough just to drink tea; it is necessary to do it competently, with knowledge of the matter. First of all, you need to know how to brew tea correctly and, of course, have an idea about its varieties and varieties, of which there are many.

It is hot and fragrant, it invigorates us or calms us down - the favorite drink of mankind has been pleasing us for almost 5,000 years. long time in Europe they only drank green tea, before the Dutch brought black tea from China in the 17th century - and they did not lose! The British were delighted with this drink and began to trade it. On land plots their colonies in India, Sri Lanka and East Africa, they set up tea plantations, where mainly black tea was grown.

Unlike England, black tea reached European countries only at the end of the 19th century. In Russia, the first mention of tea dates back to the beginning of the 17th century, when it was presented as a gift to the Moscow ambassador from the Mongol Khan. Then tea began to gradually spread in Russia, but it was not cheap, because it was delivered by land from China through Siberia and only the nobility could afford it. In the middle of the 19th century after the construction railway it became much cheaper and began to spread among the general population.

Black tea is a favorite among all types of tea. Almost 75% of the total harvest is processed into black tea. And if the leaves and buds of green tea are well dried and packaged, then black tea undergoes fermentation. What does it mean? Tea leaves after drying for 14 - 18 hours are placed in special machines- rollers, where the process of oxidation (fermentation) of tea takes place under the action of enzymes that are found in tea leaves. As a result, the tea leaves darken and the tea acquires the appropriate color and aroma. Then they are dried in special ovens under high temperature for fastening.

Health benefits of black tea.

Previously, it was believed that, unlike green tea, black tea is less useful. But modern scientists have come to the conclusion that this is not so. Despite the similar composition, black tea contains a large number of polyphenols that contribute to longevity. Black tea also contains many useful substances that strengthen our body. New research by British scientists has shown that black tea is as good for health as green tea. Regular consumption of black tea significantly reduces the risk of diseases such as osteoporosis, oncology and diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Separately, the following components of black tea can be distinguished:

Polyphenols are important components. More recently, scientists have come to the conclusion that they contribute to longevity. They affect lifespan because they bind to the ends of chromosomes called telomeres. Telomeres usually gradually shorten and lead to cell death. But polyphenols, by binding to telomeres, stabilize them and prevent their rapid shortening, as a result of which the life of the cell is extended, and at the same time the life of a person. There are more of them in black tea than in green tea.

alkaloidscaffeine. 125 ml of tea contains 20-50 mg of caffeine. Coffee contains 50-130 mg of caffeine in 1 cup, which is about the same as tea. But in tea, it has a different chemical structure and affects the body for a longer time than coffee. He excites our nervous system and in moderately drunk quantities has an invigorating and tonic effect.

Methylxanthines theophylline and theobromine. They have a vasodilating and diuretic effect.

Essential oils- responsible for the taste of tea. There are few of them in tea - 0.08%, but they are responsible for taste sensations.

Tannins(resins), enzymes, carbohydrates, B vitamins, pectin, proteins.

As seen above, black tea has a large number of nutrients that have the same effect. useful action and on the body:

- Stabilize blood pressure due to vasodilating properties,

- It has an invigorating effect due to the effect on the nervous system of caffeine, thus also helping with low blood pressure,

- As mentioned above, prolongs life and promotes longevity,

- Strengthens our teeth due to the fluoride it contains,

- Has a diuretic effect, thus removing toxic substances from the body (for example, with alcohol or drug intoxication),

- Helps reduce blood cholesterol due to pectin, thereby fighting atherosclerosis,

- Stabilizes metabolic processes,

- Improves the work of the gastrointestinal tract,

- Has a detrimental effect on microorganisms,

- Black tea along with lemon strengthens the immune system.

Black tea may not always be beneficial.

Despite the solid positive qualities of black tea, under certain circumstances it can be harmful to the body. And let the risk of harm is not so great, but it still exists. This mainly happens with excessive consumption of black tea, and in addition it is also very strong, but there are cases of individual intolerance (perhaps due to the essential oils or proteins contained in it).

How can a negative effect manifest itself? It appears as follows:

- Overexcitation of the nervous system, which can be manifested by increased blood pressure, tachycardia, increased anxiety, headache, insomnia,

- It can have an irritating effect on the gastric mucosa, thus provoke an increase in acidity and lead to an exacerbation of gastritis or peptic ulcer stomach or 12 - duodenal ulcer, heartburn,

- Allergic reactions - urticaria, Quincke's edema (very rare).

Pregnant and breastfeeding mothers should not consume tea in large quantities (no more than 2 - 3 cups per day), and it is also necessary to give it to children with caution.

The rate of black tea for each person is different, so in order to understand whether you should continue to drink tea, answer yourself the question: Does tea bring you pleasure?

Proper storage of black tea and its use improves mood!

In order for black tea not to lose its beneficial properties, it must be stored properly - keep it in a dry, cool and airtight place, for example, in a vessel made of ceramic, glass or metal. In this form, it can be stored for up to 18 months and not lose its beneficial properties.

The Chinese are rightfully considered connoisseurs of tea drinking and can rightfully give advice on how best to drink tea for the benefit of the body.

Where does the morning start? Millions of people around the world start their day with a cup of fragrant tea. But is tea good for our body?

Useful properties of tea

Tart, fresh or, on the contrary, deep and velvety, black or green, hot or cold - the taste of this drink can be as different as nature is rich in shades of colors. When brewing tea, we do not think why in some countries there are still entire tea traditions, and the process, which takes us several minutes, turns into a real ritual there. In those countries where tea is grown, no one cares Is tea in bags healthy?, because in this form they simply do not exist.


Neither scientists who are trying to thoroughly study its composition, nor ordinary consumers, who are not very interested in the composition, do not doubt the beneficial properties of tea. But if the former are more concerned about the “cause”, i.e., thanks to what elements tea has a high degree of usefulness, then all the rest are content with the “effect”, namely positive qualities characteristic of this drink.

Useful substances in tea

  1. The basis of the foundations of tea is tannins. The quality of tea directly depends on the content of tannin in it;
  2. The source of tea aroma is essential oils;
  3. Alkaloids, namely theine (caffeine), which tends not to accumulate in the human body;
  4. Proteins, the content of which is about 25%;
  5. Amino acids;
  6. Vitamins. The composition of tea contains all known vitamins, especially vitamin P and C, the entire group of vitamins B;
  7. Minerals;
  8. organic acids;
  9. pectin substances.

What is useful in it? Everyone has long known that in terms of the amount of caffeine (it is this stimulant that helps us wake up in the morning), tea, or rather, some of its varieties, is significantly superior to coffee. It is thanks to this substance that tea gives a feeling of cheerfulness, improves mental and physical potential. In addition, caffeine molecules are involved in metabolic processes, i.e., they contribute to the transformation of fats into energy. It is worth noting that a freshly brewed cup of tea can remove headache due to the vasodilating properties of the substances that make up the tea.

Chinese civilization is not in vain considered one of the most ancient. Their traditions are borrowed by all peoples, their wisdom is applicable to the modern world. Perhaps it makes sense to adopt their tea ritual and learn to enjoy every sip of fresh tea, not rushing and not overtaking time, but rejoicing in every minute and listening to the taste of the “fire of life”.

Who is tea bad for?

  1. First of all, these are children. younger age. Due to the presence in the composition of substances that stimulate the nervous system, it is not recommended to drink tea in its pure form for children under 6 years of age.
  2. Elderly people, especially those with problems with the cardiovascular system. At this age, it is desirable to limit the total amount of fluid in order to avoid excessive stress on the body.
  3. People with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Enzymes contained in tea can affect the increase in stomach acidity. For this category, it is especially important to know whether Hibiscus tea with its inherent sour taste is useful. Hibiscus flowers or Sudanese rose not only have healing properties green tea, but also quenches thirst well. However, this tea is contraindicated for those who have a history of gastritis, ulcers and urolithiasis.
  4. Pregnant and lactating women. Due to the presence of caffeine in the composition, it is advisable not to drink strong tea, at the same time, a pinch of dry tea leaves will help get rid of nausea with toxicosis.

How much tea can you drink a day

Given that a few centuries ago, tea was consumed exclusively in medicinal purposes, we can conclude that even for such a seemingly harmless drink, there should be restrictions. Russian and British scientists agree that one should limit oneself to four cups of black tea per day (about 1 liter). Regarding other types of opinions, opinions differ somewhat: Chinese doctors recommend drinking at least a liter of green or white tea per day, the British advise reducing the number of cups to 3. In this regard, it is appropriate to ask the question: is green tea useful if its consumption needs to be limited?

The answer is unequivocal - of course, it is useful. The same caffeine in green tea contains much more than in black. Accordingly, the degree of influence of the constituent substances on the human body increases. Green tea is a powerful source of antioxidants, which are known to be actively involved in the fight against cancer cells. In addition, green tea is able to lower blood sugar levels, destroy viruses, regulate blood pressure and act as an antiseptic.

How to choose healthy and tasty tea

You can endlessly sing about the virtues of tea and praise its wonderful properties, but there are nuances that can devalue all these qualities and even cause harm. First of all, it must be remembered that tea categorically refuses to coexist with metal: as a result, an unpleasant drink is obtained, rusty in taste and color. That is why in China, the country thanks to which tea "came into the world", huge funds are spent on the production of tea utensils from the finest porcelain.

Another important point when choosing tea right sort. Connoisseurs of this wonderful drink are advised to pay attention to the appearance of dry tea leaves. A good tea should have a rich, even color of the leaves with a glossy effect, the tea leaves should be resilient, strong and juicy, of the same size. Tea should not contain impurities of other herbs and varieties. Properly dried, high-quality fresh tea should not have any foreign odors and follow one rule: it should smell good. In connection with the foregoing, the question arises: is tea in bags useful, and what exactly is poured inside?

The current opinion that only secondary raw materials are used for tea bags is nothing more than a myth. An ordinary tea leaf is packaged in bags, subjected to mechanical processing, i.e., heavily crushed. Paper bags are made from a mixture of cellulose and hemp, which are completely harmless and odorless and tasteless.

Healthy tea recipes

Tea drinking is a long tradition that has not lost its relevance even today. Any feast always ends with tea, office workers prefer tea to other drinks, guests always come "for tea", they also drink sick people during a cold. However, not everyone knows that tea can be drunk not only in its pure form, but also with the addition of other ingredients, such as lemon and ginger. At the same time, tea not only retains its beneficial properties, but also becomes a source of directed influence on a specific problem.

Is ginger tea healthy? Almost every housewife uses ginger in one form or another. This fairly well-known spice has long and firmly settled in recipes both main and dessert dishes. Scientists have long proven that ginger helps to speed up metabolic processes in the body and break down fats, thereby helping a person to cope with excess weight.

The recipe for making ginger tea is simple: a teaspoon of grated ginger root is poured into a glass of freshly brewed green tea. To reduce the harsh taste, you can add a teaspoon of honey. This drink should not be drunk before going to bed, as ginger has an exciting effect on the nervous system.

You can talk about the benefits of lemon for hours. In addition to citric and malic acid, it contains vitamin C, which is very valuable for the body, and is an antioxidant. Is tea with lemon as useful as they say? There is no exaggeration in this statement. Drinking a glass of green tea with lemon daily can help the body eliminate toxins and uric acid, which destroys tissues and internal organs. To do this, just add a teaspoon of lemon juice to a cup of green tea. This recipe is good for the whole body as lemon has antiseptic properties necessary to fight pathogenic bacteria.

In Rus', tea appeared relatively recently, at the time of its appearance it was expensive. The people mainly consumed kvass, boiled jelly from berries and drank decoctions from dried herbs. In the winter cold, sbiten was in use, it was consumed hot and carried by merchants through the streets of cities, similar to the way they now carry tea and coffee in the markets.

Only over time, with cheaper delivery and the appearance of the first tea plantations in the Mediterranean countries, including Georgia, the cost of tea was reduced to reasonable limits. Tea has become widespread.

What is the secret of the popularity of tea, you ask?

Dried, it takes up little space, as when dried, the tea leaves curl, become compact and easy to transport.
In the simplicity of preparation, all that hot water Yes, a pinch of tea leaves and the drink is ready.
Tea contains a set of trace elements and vitamins, as well as caffeine, tannins and tannins.
In small quantities, two or three cups a day, tea will not hurt, but tea should not be abused, it raises blood pressure and speeds up the heartbeat with all the subsequent reactions of the body.
Tea also speeds up the metabolism in the body.

What tea to use a matter of taste, the main thing is that it be natural without chemical flavors, and not packaged, since tea in bags contains tea dust, and not natural tea, as many people think, however, the choice is yours.

In addition to the widespread black and green, there are also red, yellow and other varieties of more exotic types of tea.

After purchase, tea should be poured into a glass, tightly closed container and stored separately from other pungent-smelling products, as the tea may pick up an extraneous odor.

What is the best way to brew tea?

There are a great many recipes for making tea, but it is best to brew tea in a mug from which it is they will drink directly, and after brewing, cover with a lid so that the aroma does not disappear.

True, not everyone likes this method, because of the tea leaves remaining in the drink, but tea is useful just to chew.
If the method of brewing tea in a mug does not suit you, then you can brew tea in porcelain or glass teapots. It is not recommended to brew tea in metal utensils, although in my practice there have been people who do not accept brewing tea in any other utensil, except for metal, where it is convenient for you.

In order to get more tart tea it should be brewed with boiling water, and if you want to stretch the pleasure, then green tea should be brewed in moderation hot water degrees 70-80C, then tea can be drunk several times. Green tea also needs to be allowed to infuse for a long time up to 20 minutes. With black tea, the opposite is true, you should drink it immediately and not let it stop, since tea with a film that has appeared should not be consumed. If you drink strong tea, be sure to add milk, it will bring down the bitterness and improve the taste.

Black tea recipe.

We take a dry, clean, preheated teapot, do not heat it up much, you can spoil the taste, and then pour one teaspoon of tea into a cup of water, plus one teaspoon, pour half boiling water into the teapot.

We give an exposure for a couple of minutes and add water almost under the very lid, let it brew for a minute or use it right away. In our conditions, especially in winter, you should wrap the teapot with a dry, clean, odorless towel. It is very important that the towels are clean, because tea gains smell not only during storage, but also during the brewing process. If the tea is sour, then you can add half a spoonful of granulated sugar, this will bring down the acid and make the extract more tart, and the taste of tea more saturated.

Here is another way to brew black tea, called "scalding the Chinese" if the tea contains a lot of dust or the smell leaves much to be desired, you can try the following method:
Pour tea into a cold teapot as usual and pour over with boiling water, immediately drain and immediately pour boiling water to the top, insist and use.

I recommend brewing green tea in a cold cup, from which we will drink it, fill it with not very hot water of 70-80 degrees, let it stand for a while.
If we want to get tart tea, we let it brew for a longer time, then the tea should be mixed only not with an iron teaspoon so as not to spoil the taste, but preferably with a wooden one or pouring from cup to cup by stirring. Thus, with a certain skill, you can also get rid of annoying tea leaves.

In conclusion, I would like to give a few tips.
Try not to abuse strong tea. Do not drink tea on an empty stomach. People with high blood pressure and stomach problems should not drink tea. I think common sense in the use of any drinks will not hurt anyone.

Drink tea with friends at work or at home with bagels or jam, with and without sugar, most importantly for health.

Tea has been a fairly common drink in Russia and the CIS countries for many years. Its use is closely related to the cultural traditions of different countries. The word "tea" itself means a drink obtained by brewing, boiling and infusing the leaf of the tea plant, which is pre-processed special methods. The Chinese were the first to grow and consume tea. This happened 4700 years ago. Chinese tea is considered one of the best at present. Despite the fact that there was practically no suitable territory for growing tea in the Russian Empire, tea growing appeared in the nineteenth century.

The leaves of the tea plant contain a unique chemical composition. A plucked leaf contains 75% water. Tea is rich in vitamins essential oils, caffeine and tannins. There are quite a few types of tea: Chinese, Indian, Ceylon, Japanese, Indochinese, African, Iranian, Russian (Krasnodar). A drink according to the oxidation method can be: green, black, yellow and white.

Green tea is famous for its healing properties. One of them is the ability to display harmful substances from the body. Green tea has a good effect on the cardiovascular system, lowers cholesterol, prevents the development of atherosclerosis and regulates blood sugar levels. Scientists have proven that this type of tea helps improve metabolism and promotes weight loss. Black tea is popular among athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. It gives strength for life, but it is not recommended to drink it at night, as it can cause insomnia. IN different countries there are many cultural tea traditions. All of them are unique. In China and Japan, tea drinking is relaxation and contemplation. This should definitely not happen in a hurry. The process of brewing tea takes only 2-3 minutes.

The Chinese most often drink unsweetened green tea with jasmine or citrus added. In Japan, the tea ceremony is also an important tradition for the population, in which there are many rules. In both countries, tea is drunk in small sips. The British serve the drink in a teapot, brew tea leaves for 5 minutes in boiling water. Usually tea is drunk from small cups and with the addition of milk and sugar. Sweets are sometimes served with the drink.

The British like to drink tea about 3 times a day: for breakfast, during lunch, and in the famous "five o'clock tea". In Russia they love hot, black and strong tea. Tea is drunk slowly, usually from large cups. Jam, honey and other sweets are often served at the table. Arabs drink tea from small cups with pointed edges. Most often, the preparation of tea drinking is done by men. In order to get rid of the bitterness of the tea leaf, it is first poured with a small amount of boiling water, and then the water is drained. Pieces of mint are added to the tea and big piece sugar, the drink is heated on fire. Tea drinking is considered a tradition that shows respect for guests. Arabs only use green tea because according to their belief they are forbidden to drink fermented drinks. The most unusual tea is made in Tibet. It may be similar in consistency to broth. For its preparation, strong brewed green tea, salt and oil are used. All these ingredients are whipped until smooth. This drink has a warming effect on the body. The USA is the birthplace of iced tea and tea bags. Iced tea appeared at the beginning of the twentieth century. In one of the states there was a large-scale exhibition, but hot tea was not a success due to the heat. One of the manufacturers came up with the idea of ​​cooling it so as not to lose profit from the sale of tea. Since then, iced tea has become very popular not only in the United States, but also in other countries.