Toilet      06/14/2019

How long does a grasshopper live. Grass or grass hair toy. Grass, ornamental lawn

A beautiful, funny and unusual gift for your child - an original set for growing plants, which is called a herb. This is a toy, a favorite cartoon character, a real living flowerpot. A small animal with green spiky hair will make anyone smile. You can buy a herbalist in our store by choosing one of the sets in the catalog.

Travyanchik - an original gift and a great activity for the baby

Today, you can order a herbalist in any specialized online store, they are available at retail outlets with fresh flowers, in souvenir shops. And they came up with it, as often happens, quite by accident. The owner of a fresh flower shop had prepared seeds hidden in an old nylon sock. The seeds were scrambled to one point, because her daughter played with her sock, like a ball. This "ball" accidentally fell into the water, the girl, afraid that her mother would scold her, put her sock in the sun to dry.

What was her surprise when green sprouts appeared on the soft ball! The girl was delighted, drew eyes and a smile on the ball. So the first grass appeared - a "green" toy.

Now they are made differently, thinking through every detail. After all, most often such souvenirs are given to children. That is why they are made only from natural materials They are child safe and easy to care for. These attractive flowerpots-animals give only positive emotions, make everyone smile. You can give such a souvenir not only to a child, but also to a friend, relatives or friends. Even in a boring office, among documents, such a cheerful live friend will look creative, remind his owner of who gave him.

And it’s worth giving a little grass to a baby! This is a great way to introduce him to the natural world, show him how ordinary seeds turn into green grass, and also teach him how to take care of plants and properly care for flowers. After all, if young shoots are not watered on time, they will simply dry out and a cheerful funny friend will lose his hair!

Cute grassy animals on your windowsill

This is a simple and pleasant gift, but it is still important that it is made with high quality, because otherwise the seeds simply will not germinate. You can buy herbs from us that will delight your baby, and you will be pleased with theirs. impeccable design and quality.
  • The herbs are handcrafted with craftsmanship, inspiration and attention to detail.
  • High-quality acrylic paints are used, which are not washed out in water, all lines remain clear, and the product itself is colorful.
  • Each plant growing kit is unique.
  • The range of products is very wide: herbs of any model are presented - for children, for friends and even for your boss.
  • The materials used in the manufacture of products are completely safe and environmentally friendly.
Cute animal flowerpots look exotic and fun. They will decorate any interior, give it warmth and sunny mood. You just need to water the herb on time! The kit includes prepared seeds, a beautiful gift box and care instructions. In order for the seeds to germinate faster, the herb must be lowered into the water. room temperature for a few minutes, and then put in a well-lit place. You can create a flowerpot a small greenhouse - put on a plastic bag and do not remove it for 4-5 days. So the seeds will germinate even faster.

On our site you can pick up unusual, bright and useful gifts for your children. Our herbs will bring a sea of ​​positive and smiles to your home!

A grasshopper is a funny and unusual souvenir, from the top of which bright lawn grass provocatively makes its way, forming a kind of hair. To make the herbalist look cute - you need to organize a grassy toy proper care and create all conditions for the normal growth of vegetation.

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Grass or eco-gum, eco-ludes, eco-lovers (photo) are toys that are traditionally made from cloth stuffed with sawdust and lawn grass seeds. If such a toy is regularly watered and fertilized, then the seeds placed in sawdust will quickly sprout, and the toy will have a pretty green hair. Ecoludik can be a wonderful decoration for a child's room and a gift for an inquisitive kid.

How to grow a herb?

Before choosing a certain place in the children's room for the eco-gum, the grass toy should be thoroughly soaked in water so that the seeds hidden in it swell, get the right amount of moisture and prepare for the active germination process. The toy can be soaked in any container that needs to be pre-filled with water at room temperature. Soak the herb like this:

  • The eco-gum should be completely immersed in water and supported there a little, so that the toy is completely saturated with water and stops floating to the surface.
  • Grass toy must be in the water for at least 45 minutes.

If you are growing an ecolude in the cold season, it is better to make a small greenhouse for a toy. A greenhouse is easily constructed from a regular package. The herb itself is placed on a plate, and the plate is placed in a bag, and the bag itself is tied at the top. Put the greenhouse to any source of heat (for example, to a battery) and the herb will germinate in 1-2 days. As soon as you see shoots, take the toy out of the bag and put it on the window.

It is best to grow ecoludic on the windowsill, which receives the rays of the sun. However, the toy can be placed both on a shelf and on a bedside table - the main thing is that the place is well lit. Do not place the grass toy next to heaters and radiators; tender blades of grass will dry out from excessive heat.

How to care for a grass toy?

Eco-zippers need daily watering, which must be uniform. Once every 7 days, give the grasshopper a full bath. To do this, the souvenir is lowered into warm water for about a quarter of an hour. If there is insufficient humidity in the room, regularly spray the herb with water.

Travyanchikov can and should be cut, making funny little men a variety of hairstyles. However, it is advisable to make the first haircut only 14 days after the first shoots appear on the top of the toy. Do not be discouraged if the haircut fails, you can repeat the experiment with creating a hairstyle for an eco-man in a few weeks.

If for some reason the herb does not germinate, you may have purchased a toy with low-quality seeds or an expired one. To prevent such a misunderstanding - when buying a souvenir, carefully look at the date of manufacture. The shelf life of herbs is no more than 2 years.

If your eco-gum has begun to dry out, an extraordinary bath will help. This procedure usually helps to revive the herb and achieve active growth green hair. Let's finish the story funny toy interesting video about how to make a herbalist with your own hands.

We will make the next weed ourselves!)

How to make a weed

Taken from here.

What is a herbalist
Tryavyanchiki , or as they are also called, ecomen, in Lately regain their lost popularity. They first appeared in Soviet times and decorated many kitchens. A grasshopper is a small fabric figurine in the form of a man or an animal, which, after watering, grows a small forelock of grass. By regularly watering your “pet”, you can get a real green corner in the house that does not require special care. Ready-made herbs are in the assortment of many stores, but it is much more interesting to offer children to make it with their own hands.

To create an eco-man, you need to prepare the following materials:
basis for grass;
grass seeds;
needle and thread;
plate or tray.

As a basis, you can use any materials at hand - an old sock, gauze, a wide bandage or a nylon stocking. Grass seeds should be selected according to your own preferences. So, for example, if you want to make a herb that will please the eye with greenery for several years, you can buy perennial seeds lawn grass.

If you have pets, you can put the seeds of a special grass into the herbalist for them. This delicacy will appeal to cats, dogs, guinea pigs and even parrots. Seeds of such grass are sold in pet stores. If you can’t find grass seeds, you can put any cereals into the herbalist - rye, wheat, oats or barley. Preliminarily, it is desirable to sort out the grains from the husks and straws. Sawdust can be purchased at any pet store - they will serve as the main filler for the toy. To create one person, you need only a few handfuls of sawdust, you should consider this when buying.
If desired, in needlework stores you can buy eyes and other details that will revive the eco-man.

Step-by-step instructions for making a herbalist

1. The stocking or sock should be cut with scissors in such a way that a small sleeve up to 10-15 centimeters long is obtained. If gauze or bandage is used, they must be sewn together to form a similar sleeve. Immediately you need to cut a few thin strips of matter - they will come in handy as ties. The strongest ties are obtained from nylon tights.

2. One end of the stocking should be tied up with a previously prepared tie. After that, the workpiece must be turned inside out to get a kind of bag with a knot inward.

3. If the herbalist will be a vertically located toy, first of all, seeds should be poured to the bottom of the bag, and after sawdust. The main thing is that the seeds are at the top of the craft. If the herbalist will be located horizontally (for example, you can make a hedgehog or a turtle out of a stocking), then first you should pour sawdust into the bag and only then pour the seeds on one side, which will be at the top. It is advisable to pre-soak the seeds for 5-6 hours.

4. Sawdust should be slightly moistened - so they are better compacted and form a good shape. After filling, the upper edge is also tightly tied. It is very important to make strong knots - so that in the future the contents do not spill out.

5. At this stage, you need to turn on the fantasy and come up with his herbalist appearance. So, depending on the location of the seeds, you can make a hedgehog, a frog, a tiger cub, a bear, a dog or a caterpillar. In order to make the head, legs or segments of the body, you need to bandage the filled bag in a certain place. Ideas for creativity can be gleaned from other people's work or invent something of your own, it is not necessary to make an existing animal, it can turn out to be an alien or some kind of miracle Yudo. With the help of ties, you can form not only the head, but also the nose, ears, horns or tail. In the process of creating a toy, periodically check it for stability.

6. In order for the herb to come to life, he needs to glue his eyes and mouth. As a peephole, you can use both blanks from shops for creativity, and the most ordinary buttons. Also, eyes can be made from cardboard or felt by cutting out a light oval for the eye itself and a dark one for the pupil.

7. You can add brightness to crafts if you paint its surface acrylic paints. Gouache and watercolor are not suitable for this, as they get your hands dirty and are washed off after getting water. Acrylic is resistant to water, and the toy will remain beautiful for a long time.

8. At the final stage, you need to thoroughly soak the herb with water. In order for the grass to germinate, the toy must be kept in a container of water for at least 2-3 hours. Well, if the water is slightly warmed up. If you intend to create several herbalists, you can conduct a small experiment. So, one figure needs to be soaked with ordinary water, and the second with an aqueous solution of a plant growth stimulant. Then it remains to observe the growth of grass on crafts with the child and draw the appropriate conclusions.

Grass care

The finished toy must be installed on a plate or a special tray - this is necessary so that it does not drip onto surrounding objects, but lingers in the stand. Further, the eco-man needs to be placed in some bright place (for example, a window sill or a balcony) and wait for the moment when the first sprouts appear from it.

Periodically, you need to monitor the moisture level of the fabric enveloping the herb. From time to time it is necessary to moisten it with water from a watering can or from a spray bottle. Children will be happy to take care of their new pet and watch the result of their labors. The first sprouts of grass will appear on the surface of the toy in 2 days.

If the age and level of perseverance of the child allows, you can make a diary of observations. So, in a notebook or an ordinary sheet, you need to draw the fields of the table and mark three times a day how much the stems grow. As the grass grows, the child can also take photos of their craft. When the grass grows strongly and begins to disintegrate in different directions, you can captivate the child with a grass cut. With scissors or just with your hands, you need to remove the tips of the sprouts, leaving up to 2/3 of their length. So you can experiment with various types haircuts - half-box, mohawk and everything that fantasy allows. By dividing the blades of grass into two parts and tying each with a bow, you can make a grass girl. By the way, the haircut has a positive effect on the toy - the removal of long stems gives the grass new strength, and over time, the appearance of the grass will only improve. If there are pets in the house, they can do the “haircut” on their own - such grass is very useful for them, it contains many vitamins that are inaccessible to animals living in the apartment. If you have to leave the herb alone for several days, in order to prevent it from drying out, after watering the toy should be wrapped plastic bag. It will help reduce evaporation and conserve valuable moisture.

A grasshopper is a souvenir toy, inside of which there are sawdust and seeds. With systematic watering, real lawn grass begins to grow from it. If the herb is made in the form of a cheerful muzzle or a funny animal, the grass looks like hair or wool. If you entrust the care of a toy to a child, he will become more careful about nature. It is not difficult to buy such a souvenir. However, by connecting children, you can make it yourself. So, we will tell you how to make a herbalist with your own hands. However, in order for everything to work out for you, you should also learn about how to care for the herbalist.

Master class on making herbs with your own hands

To create such an eco-toy, prepare a nylon sock, lawn grass seeds, sawdust, scissors, thread, acrylic paints.

This is how herbalists are made with their own hands!

How to grow a grasshopper: instructions

In order for the grass to really grow, it is important to care for the herb, correct and appropriate. Many who have a grass plant at home complain that the souvenir is not overgrown with greenery. To prevent this from happening to you, listen to our recommendations.

First, first, the herbalist made by your own hands should be lowered into a container of water: a pot or a basin. It is better to use settled water at room temperature. The duration of the herb's stay in the water should be at least two hours, and preferably about five hours.

Secondly, after "bathing" the toy must be removed and put in a place well lit. sunbeams. The southern or western window sill is optimal for such purposes. Usually, after 4-7 days, the first shoots will appear on the surface of the souvenir. From time to time, the herb should be watered. Regarding how to water the grass, this should be done systematically, at regular intervals.

A more difficult task is to grow.

Travianchik is a funny educational toy for children, a real pet with lawn grass growing on its head and back.

Grasshoppers come in a variety of forms, usually they are cute animals or fairy-tale little men that children really like. And the herbalist is excellent living decoration for the children's room.

How to care for a weed

You need to take care of the grasshopper - water and feed, cut the grass regularly, but this is not at all difficult and even accessible to kids. Having bought a herbalist in a store, you need to immerse it in warm water for 3-4 hours, and then put it in a warm and bright place. After 4 days, the grass will sprout, and after about 10-14 days, the grass can already be cut, giving your pet different hairstyles. It is better to water the herb by completely lowering it into the water for 15-20 minutes, you can add to the water liquid fertilizer. Keep in mind, the herb will delight your child for about 6 months, then you need to either throw it away or rip it up and replace the seeds.

How to make a do-it-yourself herbalist

A grasshopper is not at all difficult to make with your own hands with a child. In order to make a herbalist with children, you will need small sawdust and lawn grass seeds, as well as a sheath for a herbalist (for example, nylon tights or even a sock), decorative elements for decoration (eyes, artificial flowers, bows, ribbons - optional) , glue, scissors, nylon threads, acrylic paints and a brush (if you paint).

Most of all, a grasshopper made of nylon tights or knee-highs will look like a store-bought one. We invent a character and get to work.

1. Cut out a fragment about 25-30 cm long from the tights. We sew one end, and then pour sawdust and seeds into the resulting bag, compact it. We sew up the stuffed weed.
The herb can be of any shape, but usually a ball or cylinder is used as a blank for the character. Seeds should be located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe back and head of the future herb.

2. Using a thick nylon thread (or strips cut from tights), we form the head, paws, ears, and other elements you need. To do this, we grab a part of the grass, twist and tie.

3. You can move on to decorating. Draw eyes with acrylic paints or glue the finished eyes on waterproof glue. You can paint the whole grass, you can tie a bow around his neck or give him a flower in his paws. Anything, the main thing is the water resistance of the decor. We place the finished herbalist on plastic plate, which can also be decorated, for example, to imitate a lawn. Next, with a do-it-yourself grass weed, we act by analogy with the store: we soak, let the grass germinate in the light, cut it and rejoice. Don't forget to give the herb a name and make up a funny story about it.

How to make a grasshopper with your own hands: a simplified version

You can do it differently. Buy grass seeds for cats and plant in plastic cups with earth (or eggshells). Cups can be painted with a marker or decorated with finished elements: glue eyes, paper clothes, etc. Watering such herbs should be done in the usual way. The grass grows very quickly and is also suitable for cutting. Group the herbs on a small tray, you get a spectacular and very inexpensive decoration for the children's room (and the windowsill will not suffer when the baby waters his green friends).

Travianchik- perhaps perfect option to teach a child to take care of indoor plants. Funny, fast growing, very unpretentious. And yet, as you have seen, the herbalist is easy to make with your own hands.