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Enhances metabolism. How to speed up your metabolism in simple ways. Metabolism is the conversion of food into energy

It is known that for successful weight loss and maintaining harmony, it is necessary that the metabolism in the body is normal.

Violation metabolism in the human body, this is a common problem for residents of large cities, due to a violation of the daily routine and an inactive lifestyle.

No matter how strange it may sound, but it is the maintenance of an active lifestyle that will favorably affect the improvement of metabolism. And we are not talking about a mandatory visit to the gym.

Just walk more and do a warm-up in the morning. Stretching and warm-up exercises help the body cheer up after sleep and allow you to disperse the blood, which is very beneficial for the digestive system. Add to this a run or a long walk on the weekends and after a couple of months of this lifestyle, you will notice improvements.

But there are cases of serious deterioration in health, when the metabolism needs to be not only improved, but restored. If you need to restore your metabolism, then you need to talk not just about an active lifestyle, but about special exercises. Performing active physical exercises in the evenings is a guarantee of strengthening not only the muscles, but also the body as a whole.
It is in the evening that the body needs to work hard, especially if during the day you did not move much, and he did not receive the necessary portion of activity.

Confused by the sheer number of workout programs? For you - a proven set of exercises to improve metabolism from Denise Austin, America's #1 fitness expert.

Exercising in the evenings will also help to cope with stress and insomnia.

How to improve metabolism and lose weight without dieting

How to restore metabolism

Metabolism can slow down for many reasons, among them - age, sedentary lifestyle and certain diseases. But regardless of the reason, it is very unpleasant to constantly feel a breakdown, and besides, eat a normal number of calories for your growth and still gain weight. A slow metabolism in the long run can lead to many of the problems associated with obesity, including an increased risk of heart disease and diabetes. Fortunately, there are ways to restore your metabolism, make it work faster and therefore burn more calories.

One of the best ways are physical exercise. You need both aerobic exercise to help you burn more calories in a shorter amount of time, and strength training to stimulate muscle growth, which will naturally boost your metabolism. Since muscle, even at rest, burns more calories than adipose tissue, it is obvious that the more muscle tissue you have, the faster your body will burn calories. It is believed that each kilogram of muscle tissue burns 35 kilocalories daily, and the same amount of adipose tissue burns only two kilocalories.

Don't give up on strength training for one more reason. Although you will burn more calories in half an hour of aerobic exercise than in half an hour of strength training, the latter "accelerates" the metabolism so that it will work faster than usual for several hours after you leave the gym.

Finally, a large amount of muscle tissue will allow you to eat more without gaining weight. This does not mean that you can not deny yourself anything, but developed muscles still make it much easier to control weight.

Some women are afraid to “build up their muscles” too much and lose their femininity, but experts say these are unfounded fears. Women don't have the hormones needed to build big muscles, so you don't have to worry about strength training. Women who are seriously involved in bodybuilding, as a rule, take special supplements and hormonal drugs, and if you are not going to do this, then the mountains of muscles do not threaten you.

Eat more, burn calories faster

Of course, the most coveted diet advice that any woman would like to receive is this: eat more to lose weight more effectively. But in fact, the advice to eat more means more frequent meals, due to which the metabolism will constantly work at a high speed and, therefore, the calorie consumption will increase.

If too many hours pass between meals, this leads to a slow metabolism.- the body slows down metabolic processes in order to save energy. Moreover, if after several hours of fasting, when the metabolism has slowed down significantly, you eat a large portion of food, the body will try to save as many calories as possible as a reserve in case of a new hunger strike.

Those who from time to time do not have time to eat anything between breakfast and dinner have nothing to fear. However, if such irregular eating has become the norm, it will soon make it difficult for you to lose and maintain weight.

A study in which athletes took part showed that eating three light snacks during the day (along with the main meals), the energy value of each of which was 250 kcal, provides more efficient production and use of energy by the body, compared with the usual three meals a day . In addition, it turned out that thanks to snacks, the volume of main dishes consumed by athletes decreased. The subjects' metabolic rate increased which, along with a reduction in calorie intake, resulted in a reduction in body fat.

Foods that burn fat

Few people have ever heard of foods that speed up metabolism and help burn fat. A variety of articles now and then talk about supermodels who generously season their food with red pepper, and about movie stars who claim that it helps them to keep a beautiful figure. green tea. But do these products really have the claimed effect?

Nutrition experts say that in fact, any food will speed up the metabolism, especially in the first hours after eating - at this time the digestive system works especially quickly. You also need to keep in mind that the processing of proteins requires, on average, 25% more energy than other essential nutrients (macronutrients). Thus - at least theoretically - Protein-rich foods stimulate metabolism to a greater extent than carbohydrate-rich foods of the same calorie content. However, scientific methods have not yet been proven that any products have the ability to significantly speed up the metabolism.

Some studies have shown that red peppers and very spicy foods can increase the metabolic rate by about 20%, and this effect lasts for about 30 minutes. However, it is unknown if this effect persists after half an hour.

One small study in Japanese women found that red pepper warms up the body and speeds up metabolism after eating. But this effect was strongest when eating red pepper along with fatty foods, which are high in calories themselves, and can minimize the effect of pepper on calorie burn rate.

Another study report noted that male athletes who added red pepper to carbohydrate-rich foods had an increase in their resting metabolic rate and during physical activity by approximately 30 minutes after eating. However, there was no evidence that this effect persisted for a long time.

Similar results have been found in green tea, which contains a substance called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a powerful antioxidant that some attribute to being as powerful a calorie-burner as red pepper. During the study, ten men were given 90 mg of epigallocatechin gallate and 50 mg of caffeine with meals. As a result, energy expenditure in the next 24 hours increased by 4% (when taking only caffeine, this effect was not observed). However, it is unclear whether such an increase in metabolic rate is sufficient to significantly contribute to weight loss.

To get such a dose of epigallocatechin gallate and caffeine from green tea, you have to drink it in a very in large numbers, and the resulting effect may be too small. Of course, drinking green tea is worth it, but not for weight loss, but as a drink that has a variety of healing effects.

The foods mentioned above may have a small effect on metabolism, but its acceleration will be insignificant compared to what is needed for weight loss.

To consistently maintain a high metabolic rate, you need a set of measures: increasing muscle mass, regular low-calorie snacks, protein meals, and as much movement as possible.

Ways to restore metabolism

  • Breakfast

Eating breakfast every day is one of the best ways to speed up your metabolism. It is best to stimulate metabolic processes in the morning with foods such as whole grain bread, cereals, fruits and dairy products. The charge of energy from such food will last you until lunch. The peak of metabolic activity occurs around noon, but for it to really work at full strength at this time, a full breakfast is necessary.

  • an apple a day

Probably everyone knows the proverb about an apple a day and a doctor without a job, and folk wisdom is not mistaken. Apples contain natural pectin - the same substance that is used as a thickener for jams and jellies. Pectin slows down the absorption of glucose, making you feel full longer. In addition, pectin stimulates the production of hormones in the body, thanks to which you do not feel hungry for longer, but you feel a surge of energy.

  • Ice water

In order for metabolic processes to work normally, it is necessary to drink enough water every day - depending on height and weight, from 1.5 to 2 liters. Dehydration very quickly leads to a breakdown. If you drink ice water, the metabolism will work even more intensively, since the body will have to heat the water up to normal temperature body. Drinking several glasses of ice water a day will help your body burn calories faster, as well as flush out toxins and other harmful substances.

  • Spices

If you add hot spices to soups, meat and vegetable dishes, the calories that enter the body with food will be burned faster. Capsaicin, essential ingredient hot peppers, has the ability to lower cholesterol levels and increase the production of fat-burning enzymes. Thanks to spices, body temperature temporarily rises, which also stimulates metabolism.

Follow these simple rules and always be in good spirits and good physical shape.

How to improve metabolism - this question is often asked by overweight people. But not only weight stability depends on metabolism, but also weight loss, so its acceleration is very important on the way to a slim figure. Slow metabolism is the reason for the formation of fat deposits and speed dial weight. There are various methods that can speed up the metabolism in the body and reduce weight. Some foods can increase the intensity of fat burning and metabolic processes, so one of the most effective methods to speed up metabolism is proper nutrition. A balanced diet is the key to ideal weight.

Many women exhaust themselves with hunger when the diet only allows them to lose a couple of kilograms, which will come back just as easily as they left. Metabolism starts the processes of burning excess fat, and with it excess weight, while normalizing all processes in the body, in particular metabolic ones. Boosting your metabolism is the most important step in losing weight. Improper nutrition, stress and poor ecology cause a slowdown in metabolism, which subsequently leads to the accumulation of fat. You can go on a diet for months and not achieve any results, or speed up your metabolism and immediately lose a couple of kilograms. Improving metabolism will allow not only to lose weight, but also to increase the tone of the body, improve well-being and mood.

What is metabolism?

Metabolism or metabolism is the processes that take place in the body in the process of converting food into energy. This is an important process as it regulates calorie intake and burning. daily enter the human body useful material especially proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They are building material and source of energy. To recycle, break down and turn these elements into necessary material, internal processes are used, which are called metabolism.

Metabolism is the whole complex of actions that occur in the body from the beginning of food intake to the release of energy from its processing. During metabolism, nutrients are quickly converted into energy necessary for the full functioning of the body. If metabolic processes are slowed down for some reason, the body begins to accumulate nutrients "in reserve", forming body fat. Metabolism is a static process, because even in sleep the body continues to work and expend energy.

How to drink peroxide to cleanse the body

Metabolism has 2 stages:

  • catabolism- decomposition of complex elements into constituent, simpler units in order to use them to support life processes.
  • Anabolism– synthesis of new structures in tissues. On this stage muscle growth, fat burning and weight loss.

2 stages of metabolism

The speed of metabolic processes significantly affects the body. Metabolism controls not only the weight of a person, but also the synthesis of hormones. If nutrients are not absorbed, hormones and enough calories cannot be formed in the body. The fundamental factors influencing metabolic processes are:

  • genetic predisposition. Some people naturally have a fast metabolism, while others need to constantly speed it up.
  • Individual number of calories for energy expenditure. If a person consumes more calories than he needs per day, then the excess accumulates in the body in the form of a reserve supply.
  • Paul. As a rule, men have more muscles and less body fat, so they burn calories faster than women.
  • age. This factor is very significant for metabolism. With age, metabolic processes slow down, which is the reason for the formation of excess weight.
  • physical activity. Playing sports is very important for accelerating the metabolism, since physical activity triggers the processes of burning calories and turning them into energy.
  • Nutrition. For the processing of substances and the transportation of nutrients, the body spends up to 10% of the energy reserve.

The body has a tendency to accumulate fats in order to subsequently expend them in the absence of another source of energy.

Nutrition is a fundamental factor in accelerating metabolism, so diet will be an effective method to improve metabolic processes.

But a diet is not a concept that implies starvation and a complete rejection of food, the main thing here is to eat those foods that help improve metabolism.

How to know the metabolic rate?

There is a universal formula that allows you to calculate the metabolism and its rate, which is necessary to burn calories. Men and women have different metabolisms, which is why men consume more calories than women. Computing required amount calories, you can calculate their daily intake. If you exceed the number of calories, then their excess will accumulate in the body in the form of body fat. The standard formula for calculating calories is:
(weight) + (height) + (age) x1.2

Daily Calorie Calculation

The result is the same number of calories that are necessary for the normal functioning of the body.

About ointments for psoriasis

Rules for accelerating metabolism

There are simple rules that will help speed up the metabolism and normalize the processes occurring in the body. You can speed up your metabolism in simple ways:

  1. Always have breakfast. Breakfast is a basic meal that gives the body energy for the whole day. Also, breakfast starts metabolic processes and promotes the absorption of nutrients. For breakfast, it is better to give preference to protein or carbohydrate foods, it is better to make breakfast complex and include as many plant foods as possible.
  2. To drink a lot of water. Water is the source of life and starts the metabolism. Water transports nutrients throughout the body, enriches cells and promotes fat burning. To start your metabolism, you need to drink 1 glass on an empty stomach. This will activate internal processes and cheer up, during the day you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water, not including drinks.
  3. Eat fractionally. Frequent eating in small portions has long established itself as effective method saturate the body and improve metabolism. You need to eat in small portions 5-6 times a day. It is better to divide the food into 3 main meals and 2-3 snacks.
  4. Complete sleep. When a person sleeps, his body still works and spends energy, so a good sleep will allow you to replenish your strength. You need to sleep at least 8 hours a day, while you need to eat no later than 2 hours before bedtime.
  5. Alternate calories. Long-term consumption of one amount of calories can lower metabolism and slow down the process of losing weight. It is important to alternate calories in order to start metabolic processes. This means that once a week you need to allow yourself to eat high-calorie foods. This will eliminate the risk of developing stress and help you lose weight.
  6. There are a lot of protein foods. Protein is responsible for speeding up metabolic processes, so its lack in the diet can cause a slowdown in metabolism and stop losing weight. Protein food is also responsible for muscle growth, so its consumption will normalize metabolic processes.
  7. Exercise. Physical activity is very important for weight loss, so to speed up the metabolism, you must definitely play sports. It can be yoga, cardio training or fitness, the main thing is to warm up the muscles and start burning fat.
  8. Eliminate bad habits. Alcohol, smoking and the consumption of junk food adversely affect health and prevent weight loss, so they must be completely eliminated to start metabolic processes.
  9. A set of muscle mass. Fat does not take part in burning calories, while 100 grams of muscle can burn up to 100 kcal. per day.
  10. Eliminate stress and negative thinking. positive attitude is very important in losing weight, so if you do not have motivation and confidence in success, you will not be able to change your weight.

Simple but effective diet will help you quickly get rid of extra pounds at home. The diet includes the following foods:

  • cereals and cereals;
  • dairy products;
  • coffee or cocoa beans;
  • hot spices, except salt;
  • all types of cabbage;
  • vegetables;
  • fruits;
  • chilli;
  • Fish and seafood;
  • lean meat;
  • eggs;
  • fruit drinks.

A metabolism-boosting diet should be accompanied by physical activity to ensure calorie burning. Sometimes there is rapid weight loss, and then it seems that the weight is frozen and does not change. To do this, try alternating and eat fatty pork, flour or sweet once a week. It must be eaten in small quantities so as not to spoil the result already obtained.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Exhausting the body with a constant restriction in nutrition, taking various drugs to improve the figure, women do not know that the acceleration of metabolism for weight loss contributes to harmony much more, and the effect of the result will remain for a long time if certain rules of behavior are observed. How to start the metabolism for weight loss - this question is asked by everyone who is tired of fat folds on the sides. What is this mysterious metabolism, and what factors contribute to its increase?

What is metabolism

A person could not exist even a day without a constant metabolism in the body. The word "Metabolism" comes from the Greek "metabole", which means change, change. The process of eating food ends with the release of energy necessary for the normal functioning of all human organs. In the body, complex processes take place in the cells for the breakdown and assimilation of complex sugars and lipids - these building blocks that make up the daily energy supply of a person.

metabolic rate

Any organism is a separate, special system with its own individual settings, so each person has his own metabolic rate. The problem of accumulating extra pounds is associated with a low level of metabolic processes. Permanent diets can contribute to an even greater slowdown in metabolism, because the body will store lipids "for future use in hungry times", and the effect of losing weight will become short-lived.

Nutritionists identify several reasons that can reduce or increase the rate of lipid burning in the human body:

  • genetic conditioning of metabolism;
  • the ratio of the number of calories burned and consumed;
  • gender differences play a very significant role - in men, metabolic metabolism proceeds with more speed than in women;
  • the relationship between the number of years lived and the way of life.

Increased Metabolism

There are people who are envied by women who do not know how to speed up the metabolism for weight loss - they can eat whatever they want and not gain weight at the same time! How do they do it? The answer is simple: they have a high metabolism, all incoming calories are burned in the body's furnace, without turning into lipid reserves in problem areas - the abdomen, sides or thighs. A high level of metabolic processes is typical for young people pumping up muscles on simulators - after all, to obtain muscle tissue, you need to spend much more kilojoules than for fat.

slow metabolism

Over the years, the metabolic rate in the body decreases, it does not spend calories as actively as before. On average, the rate of metabolic reactions decreases by 3% per year, and by the age of 40, women who have never noticed excess weight before suddenly discover with sadness that a slow metabolism has led to extra pounds. Attempts to accelerate metabolic processes to the maximum with the help of various drugs and diets do not lead to weight loss, and the scales show more and more disappointing numbers.

What speeds up metabolism

To understand how to increase metabolism for weight loss, you need to know the basic principles of the body in the implementation of metabolic processes. If a person eats with restrictions, which is typical for all diets, then the rate of metabolic reactions decreases in order to save the energy needed for the normal functioning of the brain and internal organs. Improving metabolism for weight loss can be adjusted by observing certain rules of behavior:

  • be sure to have breakfast with food rich in complex carbohydrates;
  • avoid starvation;
  • supply the body with a sufficient amount of water, because it is an accelerator of metabolic processes and helps to unwind metabolism;
  • paradoxically, but for weight loss, you sometimes need to arrange days of eating high-calorie foods;
  • often go to the bath, sauna or pool, as calories are well burned there, which contributes to weight loss;
  • play sports, preferably with power loads;
  • Accelerating metabolism for weight loss is possible if you quit smoking and take alcohol-containing drinks.

What slows down metabolism

The use or absence of certain foods in the diet can reduce the metabolic rate. To increase metabolism for weight loss, you need to completely abandon pastries and sweets, which are high in fats and carbohydrates. In addition, slow down the exchange of complex sugars and lipids in the body lack of sleep, lack of calcium in the diet, vitamins B and D, constant exhausting travel or flights.

Products that speed up the metabolism

Acceleration of metabolism for weight loss can be obtained by eating the following products to speed up metabolism:

  • drinks based on cocoa beans - coffee, cocoa with skim milk;
  • hot spices or seasonings added to food contribute to weight loss;
  • all whole grains - oats, sprouted wheat, whole grain breads;
  • fermented milk or any products that contain a lot of Ca, since this element enhances metabolic processes, allowing you to achieve a lasting effect of losing weight;
  • vegetables and fruits, in which there are a lot of plant fibers - cabbage, cucumbers, apples, all citrus fruits;
  • drinking green tea or pure boiled cold water will help burn fat.

Diet to speed up metabolism

Weight loss with the acceleration of metabolic processes can be achieved by observing a certain diet. A diet to speed up metabolism is, in fact, eating healthy food with a high content of vitamins, fiber and trace elements, which affects appetite, reducing it. You need to eat little by little, literally one or two pieces, but often. Losing weight will be facilitated by the alternation of unloading and "load" days, when you can eat your favorite high-calorie foods.

Drugs to speed up metabolism

Pharmacies and shops specializing in sports nutrition, offer many medications that increase the metabolic rate. Often there are two groups of such funds:

  • anabolics;
  • hormonal drugs.

Anabolic drugs to speed up the metabolism are Anavar, Danabor and Oxandrolone. The main active substances in these drugs are male testosterone or amphetamine. They are taken by people who want to quickly increase muscle relief and achieve sports success. However, it is impossible to drink these medicines all the time, especially for women, because their hormonal levels can be catastrophically disturbed, digestion worsens, and their appearance will acquire characteristic male features.

Hormonal agents that help accelerate metabolism for weight loss are based on a high concentration of L-thyroxine secreted by the adrenal glands. The intake of these biostimulants increases the rate of exchange of complex sugars and lipids in the body. However, after the abolition of such drugs in people, there is a tendency to obesity, interruptions in the work of the hormonal and endocrine systems.

Vitamins for metabolism

Together with a properly organized diet, some vitamins will contribute to weight loss to speed up metabolism. These are almost all B vitamins, since they accelerate metabolic processes, and their lack in the body will lead not only to overweight, but also to poor muscle tone, constant feeling of fatigue, bad mood.

Herbs for metabolism and weight loss

Some recipes traditional medicine help speed up the weight loss process. These include herbs that speed up metabolism, infusions and teas based on them. You can purchase ready-made preparations, or prepare herbal decoctions at home that speed up metabolic metabolism. The recipe for one of them is as follows: you need to mix blackcurrant fruits and dry oregano leaves for 1.tbsp, add 3 tbsp to them. blackberries and pour 200 g of water. Put the mixture on fire, boil. Infuse the decoction for an hour and a half, take it within one day.

Metabolism Boost Exercises

Physical exercises will help speed up the metabolic process, burn extra calories and lose weight, the main thing is to do them regularly, and not from time to time, and be sure to use cardio loads along with strength training when doing them. Exercise of this kind will help build muscle tissue, which consumes many more kilojoules to maintain than to provide energy to fat layers. If the state of health does not make it possible to intensively engage in sports, then you can get by with unhurried long walks in the park.

How to increase metabolism in a woman's body

There is no single magic remedy to speed up metabolism and lose weight. To start and speed up the metabolism of complex sugars and lipids in the body, you need to adhere to comprehensive measures - eat right, eat foods rich in fiber, minerals and polyunsaturated fatty acids, pay attention to sports. If a woman has set as her goal to lose weight by increasing the metabolic rate of complex sugars and lipids, then any alcohol should be abandoned, since the body perceives it as an additional source of calories.

Pouring cold water or a contrast shower will help to establish metabolic metabolism during internal organs promoting weight loss and lipid burning. Massage, especially after the sauna, when the whole body is relaxed, will benefit the body, toning, invigorating it, helping to increase metabolism. Having regular sex burns calories, helping you lose weight.

How to increase metabolism after 40 years

Menopause and menopause contribute to a change in hormonal levels, the metabolic process begins to slow down, the woman suddenly realizes that the previous measures for losing weight do not affect the weight that is slowly gaining. How to speed up metabolism for weight loss, how to behave in order to lose excess fat and get rid of extra pounds? Nutritionists recommend determining the amount of energy intake for your age, height and weight, and then, during the day, count calories in foods and check if their amount matches the optimal one.

Video: how to speed up metabolism for weight loss

The main experts of Russia in the field of dietetics authoritatively and reasonably tell how to behave, how many times a day you can eat, what foods to include in the diet in order to restart and normalize metabolic processes for weight loss. This is especially true for people over the age of 40, when the metabolism slows down, the accumulation of excess fat in problem areas begins.

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Acceleration of metabolism for weight loss - foods and drugs to improve metabolism

You can’t speed up your metabolism - you can learn to spend more calories

People are ready to invent any fantastic stories, just not to count calories. Metabolism - in a simplified form, is primarily the consumption and expenditure of calories by you.

There are no magicians with a very fast or very slow metabolism.

There is such a misconception that different people digest food in different ways: one ate a bun and it was deposited in fat, the other burned out in his “fast metabolism” (aka metabolism).

Leading Russian-speaking fitness expert Sergey Strukov (like many scientists before him). Yes, different people digest different foods to varying degrees, but firstly, each one digests them better, others worse, and the average temperature in the hospital must be calculated, and secondly, the difference is so insignificant that it should be discussed seriously and taken into account. The calculations just don't make sense.

To put it simply: there are no people with a high and low (or slow and fast) metabolic rate (it is about the same and depends on lifestyle, weight, genetics, etc.), there are people who consume and spend more or less calories.

You can’t speed up your metabolism (metabolism) - you can just burn more calories

Before proceeding to the main part of the material, we note that metabolism is such a thing that we cannot influence, because the rate of metabolic processes depends mainly on the amount of production of thyroid hormones by our thyroid gland, and also, as already noted, by gender, age, etc.

The methods below are just some of the tools that will help you increase your energy (calorie) expenditure. That is, when reading metabolism (metabolism), you need to understand that it simply means ways to spend extra calories.

1. Do strength training

Your body burns calories all the time, even when you're lying on the couch. But more calories are burned by those of us who have more muscle due to their metabolic activity. Each extra kilogram of muscle, simply due to its existence, burns you an extra 13 kcal / day. This is not as much as it seems, but still, even at rest, the extra 10 kg of muscle on the body (for example, instead of 10 kg of fat) will burn you an extra hundred kcal per day. And when muscles work, they also give you an extra boost in calorie expenditure.

In fact, researchers at the University of Maryland once again have proven that strength training increases calorie expenditure after training, at rest. They are also supported by scientists from Greece, who have found that intense strength training can burn your calories up to 48 hours after a workout - and this is not only about the volume of muscles and the cost of their existence at rest, but about the additional energy expenditure of the body after training. .

2. Do high-intensity interval cardio (HIIT)

Scientists prove that intense exercise "burns out" your calories after a workout. Depending on the type of load after a workout, the body spends an additional 5-15% on average of the calories burned during the workout itself. Moreover, the more intensively you practiced, the most of calorie expenditure will occur after training, during recovery. For example, in 10-12 seconds when running 100 meters, the athlete manages to consume only a small fraction of the necessary oxygen and consumes the bulk of it (and spends calories) after the race. A similar analogy can be drawn with cardio and strength training.

Back in 1996, experts from the Baylor College of Medicine in their experiment found that high-intensity interval cardio burns more calories over a 24-hour period than long-term cardio at a moderate pace.

In 2007, researchers from the University of Florida supported their colleagues by reporting at the annual meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine that, compared with long-term cardio at a moderate pace, high-intensity interval cardio allows you to spend 10% more during the 24 hours after the end of training.

Bottom line: High-intensity interval cardio, for example, burns more calories by post-workout burnout compared to low-intensity cardio. Similarly, strength training “burns out” calories already during recovery.

3. Eat enough protein

From point No. 1 it follows that when doing strength training in order to increase muscle (we know that the more muscles, the more calories our body spends due to their energy “voracity”), it is necessary to consume a sufficient amount of protein, which is the main building material for muscle tissue.

In addition, protein foods have a thermal effect, that is, the body spends more energy on its breakdown than on the breakdown of carbohydrates and fats.

Experts from the Department of Nutrition at the Boston Harvard School in their review emphasize the importance of consuming enough protein precisely because of the additional thermal effect that protein food provides. This position is shared by the Dutch experts from the University of Maastricht. They note that high protein intake improves the metabolic profile.

Conclusion: our body burns more calories to digest protein foods.

4. Stay away from hunger strikes and emergency diets

Starvation and diets that involve extremely low calorie intake lead to even more reduction in the calorie intake (due to the body burning muscle), driving people into a vicious circle of decreasing calorie intake. With each stage of the hunger strike, their daily calorie intake becomes lower and harder to maintain.

As a result, in most cases, a person gains even more than before the starvation diet. This is called the "yo-yo" effect and is detailed in the text "The old body in a new way".

In support of the above, we present data from researchers at the University of Pennsylvania, which they received after they conducted a 24-week experiment. The study involved 13 overweight women. The group of subjects was divided into 2 subgroups, the first of which consumed a sharply limited amount of calories - 500 kcal per day, and the second - a moderately limited amount of calories - 1200 kcal per day. Already after 8 weeks, scientists noted a decrease in the rate of calorie intake at rest by 17% in the group that consumed 500 kcal per day, while in the second group the data remained practically unchanged.

Moreover, in addition to hindering the process of losing weight, a sharp restriction in calories causes significant harm to our health.

Conclusion: avoid hunger strikes and low-calorie diets.


Zozhnik’s advice: forget about the phrases “speed up / accelerate metabolism / metabolism”, “I have such a metabolism / he has such a metabolism” - they ultimately mean the very simple formula: the difference between consumed and spent calories. Yes, of course, there are medical abnormalities associated with metabolism, but this phenomenon is rare and if you suspect it in yourself, just consult a doctor and get checked.

Once again: there is no fast and slow, high or low metabolism or metabolism. There are only calories that you consume and spend, and the result is highly dependent on the difference between these values.

There are also no miracle people with a super-high metabolic rate or unfortunate people with a very low one. There are people who spend different amounts of calories (at rest with the help of muscles) or through intense or not very intense training.

As you can see: again no secrets and again we stumble upon the same formula: the difference between calories consumed and calories burned. Well, in ours, we show even with pictures that at every moment of your life you have these 4 options:

1. Eat More Calories Than You Burn + Do Nothing= get fat, put on fat.

2. Eat More Calories Than You Burn + Do Strength Training= dialing muscle mass and a little fat.

3. Eat fewer calories than you burn + do nothing= you lose weight, mainly due to muscle loss, and if you consume extremely little, you drop your calorie intake so low that then you will inevitably cease to fit into the norm and sooner or later you will fall into the first category.

4. Eat fewer calories than you burn + do strength training= lose weight by losing fat and some muscle.


o Pratley R., Nicklas.B., Strength training increases resting metabolic rate and norepinephrine levels in healthy 50- to 65-yr-old men, Department of Medicine, University of Maryland.

o Fatouros I.G., Tournis S., Intensity of resistance exercises determines adipokine and resting energy expenditure responses in overweight elderly individuals, Department of Physical Education and Sports Science, Democritus University of Thrace.

o Treuth M.S., Hunter G.R., Effects of exercise intensity on 24-h energy expenditure and substrate oxidation, Department of Pediatrics, Baylor College of Medicine.

o Halton T.L., Hu F.B., The effects of high protein diets on thermogenesis, satiety and weight loss: a critical review, Harvard School of Public Health.

o Westerterp-Plantenga M.S., The significance of protein in food intake and body weight regulation, Department of Human Biology, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

o Foster G.D., Wadden T.A., Controlled trial of the metabolic effects of a very low calorie diet: short and long term effects, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine.

Anna Mironova

Reading time: 12 minutes


Have you noticed that many girlfriends can eat any food and not get fat, while you exhaust yourself with diets and cannot lose weight. Let's see how to speed up the metabolism in the body by using. You can learn the rules of home cooking to improve metabolism from this article.

Every woman wants to be beautiful and slim. But most girls are desperately trying to lose weight and do not even suspect that metabolism plays an important part in losing weight. Metabolism is the main property of a living organism, consisting of many different processes, which are divided into 2 groups: processes of assimilation and dissimilation .

General rules of nutrition to speed up metabolism - for health and harmony

  • Rule #1
    It is possible to restore metabolic processes in the body, giving up diets . For the normal functioning of the body, a person needs to eat fully. Exhausting your body with starvation diets, you are pushing your body to take emergency measures of self-defense. To survive, the body begins to accumulate fat. So, give up diets while accelerating metabolism.
  • Rule #2
    You will come to the rescue fractional nutrition . Nutritionists say that in order to speed up metabolic processes, you need to eat often, but in small portions. By increasing the volume of food, you reduce its quantity. So the stomach digests food better and does not stretch. For the stomach, the norm is food, the volume of which does not exceed 200 - 250 grams.
  • Rule #3
    To speed up metabolism need to exercise . Metabolism directly depends on the number of muscles - the more muscles, the faster the metabolism. Try to live an active life, do not be lazy and go in for sports. You can join the gym, go for a run every morning or swim in the pool.
  • Rule #4
    To speed up the metabolism, eat more protein foods . For the breakdown of proteins, the body needs 2 times more calories. By eating protein foods, you will keep your body busy, which means you will speed up your metabolism. Proteins are useful to add to dinner. Foods that contain proteins: chicken, eggs, fish, meat and cheese.
  • Rule #5
    To speed up your metabolism, you you need to drink enough clean water . Metabolic processes take place in the aquatic environment, so drinking water helps to lose weight and speed up metabolism. Water helps to remove waste, toxins and toxins from the body, normalizing digestion. Insufficient water intake provokes the accumulation of toxins in the body.
    Drink at least 2 liters of pure water a day. For best results, water should be drunk chilled. Perfectly speeds up the metabolism of green tea without sugar. Black coffee will also speed up the metabolism.
  • Rule #6
    To speed up the metabolism, need to sleep well . It is necessary to sleep at least 8 hours a day in order for metabolic processes to proceed normally. The fact is that a sleepy person is in an exhausted and tense state. Not rested overnight, the body will begin to look for energy in foods, accumulating fats and calories.
  • Rule #7
    To speed up metabolism need to use more spices : , cinnamon and pepper. Spices contribute to the rapid digestion of food. Just do not overdo it with spices, otherwise you can get gastritis or stomach ulcers. Limit your sugar intake. It helps to store fat in the body.
  • Rule #8
    To speed up the metabolic processes in the body, need to take a contrast shower (hot Cold). The alternation of cold and hot stimulates the metabolism. By the way, baths and saunas also have a positive effect on metabolic processes in the body. Heat increases cellular activity, allowing the skin to breathe freely and remove toxins from the body.
  • Rule #9
    Try not to be nervous . Stress releases fatty acids, which are redistributed through the circulatory system and deposited in the fat folds.
  • Rule #10
    If you want to speed up your metabolism, cut down on alcohol . Alcohol slows down metabolic processes. According to studies, drinking alcohol with fatty foods provokes the body to burn less fat, and save it in reserve.

In order for you not to happen, the body needs to be enriched essential vitamins:

  • Vitamin C- part of many enzymes. Thanks to him, the synthesis of proteins and antibodies occurs. Vitamin protects against unnecessary oxidation of the membrane. In the absence of a vitamin in the body, vitamin deficiency develops and metabolism slows down. Vitamin C is found in large quantities in rose hips, black currants, lemon, sauerkraut. For normal life, the body needs 100 mg of vitamin daily.
  • B vitamins- they have about 15 vitamins. Vitamin B1 is involved in the work of oxidative enzymes. If the body does not have enough of this vitamin, the accumulation of toxic compounds will begin in the muscle and nervous tissues. Vitamin B1 is found in cereals, black and white bread, buckwheat, oatmeal and green peas.
  • Vitamin B2 is part of many enzymes that affect the condition of the epithelium of the digestive canal. This vitamin is important for redox reactions that affect the function of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract. If there is a lack of vitamin B2 in the body, anemia will appear and the metabolism will decrease. This vitamin is found in dairy products, eggs, liver, kidneys and buckwheat.
  • Vitamin B12 forms enzymes responsible for the formation of blood cells in the bone marrow. Until the time when they did not know about the existence of this vitamin, there was no effective ways anemia treatment. Vitamin B12 speeds up the metabolism. It is found in animal products (liver, egg yolks) and dairy products.
  • Vitamin A necessary for the normal growth of the epithelium in the body. It is also involved in the work of enzymes. If the body lacks this vitamin, vision at dusk decreases, and the resistance of epithelial tissues to irritating factors decreases. Vitamin A has a beneficial effect on the acceleration of metabolism. It is found in cheese, butter and liver. There is no vitamin A in plants, but there is carotene (a substance that can synthesize this vitamin).
  • Vitamin D needed for normal bone development. With a lack of this vitamin, rickets and obesity can develop. A large amount of vitamin D is found in fish oil, egg white and liver.
  • Vitamin E necessary for the normal functioning of the reproductive organs. Vitamin is involved in the processes of growth and acceleration of metabolism. Vitamin E is found in large quantities in egg yolk, fish oil and liver.