In a private house      06/13/2019

Taiberi blackberry, planting and care. Spring protection of garden plants from pests and diseases

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​As practice shows, in regions with snow, harsh winter and hot summer crops are more stable.​

Naturally, the replacement shoot develops vertically, and it will not work to bend it down in the fall without breaking it. Therefore, when the branch reaches a length of 30-50 cm, gently tilt it along the row and fix it with a hook stuck into the ground. Then you can leave the shoot as it is, or pinch the growth point. Then 3-4 shorter branches will form. After harvesting, the fruiting shoots are cut out.

The third year neither grows nor dies ((((I moved it to another place in the fall ---- I'll see

Berries with an average weight of 3.5-4.0 g, obtusely shaped, uniform, red, with slight pubescence, sweet and sour taste, tender, without aroma. They contain sugar 8.9%, acid 8.9%, vitamin C 24.2 mg%.​


Grapes - a useful plant

- a hybrid whose bush has powerful creeping shoots with straight spikes. According to its description, the Silvan raspberry is similar to the Tayberry variety, but its clusters contain twice as many berries. Ripening is early, from July, but extended until mid-August.

The berries are dark cherry, black when fully ripe, weighing up to 12 g. Productivity - up to 5 kg per bush.


For the most part, blackberries and raspberry-blackberry hybrids do not have enough winter hardiness for the North-West. In order for the lashes of blackberries and raspberry-blackberry hybrids not to freeze out, they need to be laid on the ground for the winter and covered with spruce branches, rags or padding polyester.

The variety forms spreading bushes with arcuate stems, reaching a height of 1.5-2 m and requiring a garter. Another plus is the complete absence of root shoots. This plant blooms in middle lane already in mid-June and blooms up to a month and a half. During this period, plants are distinguished by increased decorativeness: brushes, consisting of 15-20 large pale pink seven-petal flowers, stand out very well against the background of greenery. And during the fruiting period, the plants are also spectacular and very decorative. The ripening period of berries in the variety is extended - from mid-August to the very frosts, however, such a late ripening of berries is also a valuable property of the plant. The very first berries are large, reach a mass of 10 g, elongated, shiny and very sweet. From one bush you can collect up to 10 kg of berries.​

Garden blackberries, due to their deep root system, are more drought-resistant than raspberries. However, many gardeners try to plant it in damp, often flooded places. This is a gross mistake! Under such conditions, the plant may die due to the maturation of the roots. Seedlings are especially affected by waterlogging.

Blackberries are usually planted in rows, with a distance of 1.6-1.75 m between plants. For thornless varieties, reduce it to 1.5 m. The height of the trellis is adjusted to fit your height. But the lower wire is pulled no lower than 0.5-0.7 m from the ground so that the hanging fruiting brushes do not touch the soil.

From the practice of gardener Elena Litvyakova:

I also bought in the nursery that year a seedling only 15 cm tall, I don’t know how it will overwinter

​High winter-hardy variety, resistance to pests and diseases at the level of standard varieties.​

Raspberry variety early term maturation, technical purpose, tasting assessment of fresh berries 3.5 points.​

Ezhemalina: description of raspberry-blackberry hybrids

Early harvest berries are bright red in color, edible, of high quality. Berries harvested at a later date have a black glossy color, oval, larger, weighing up to 10-12 g. Silvan is one of the best hybrids in terms of taste. The berries are very large, 10-14 g, collected in brushes of 6-12 pcs. The ripened berry is black, glossy, with a pleasant aroma and sweet taste. Productivity - 4 kg from a bush. When harvested at full maturity, the berries have a pronounced aroma and a sweet taste with a pleasant sourness. Bushes of the Silvana hybrid in the conditions of the southern region without shelter can freeze slightly.

Initially, the hybrid was prickly. But in Lately when breeding culture, not only new prickly, but also thornless clones were revealed. The new thornless clones do not have a powerful bush, and they also give a smaller yield compared to the thorny forms.​

- one of the most famous raspberry bean hybrids, bred in the USA. Ezhemalina Loganberry is a creeping bush of medium power. Run with spikes. But among the prickly clones there are also thornless ones. One of them is Thornless Loganberry, the shoots and leaves of which have velvety pubescence. The color of the shoots is gray-green, sometimes slightly reddish. back side silver leaf. There are few replacement shoots in this variety of blackberry, but with the age of the bush there are more of them. The bush does not give offspring, but when digging, the root system is damaged and thornless offspring may appear in a thornless variety.

But removing prickly lashes from the trellis is not a pleasant and not safe occupation. Therefore, it is possible to build a removable trellis, which, together with the lashes, will be laid on the ground for the winter. The trellis can be made from wooden posts or pipes of small diameter. The trellis is installed in pipes dug to a depth of 30-40 cm (the diameter of the pipes must be greater than the diameter of the trellis columns!), So, for two bushes, three pipes driven in at a distance of 2 m from each other are enough. It is easy to remove such a trellis from the pipes in the fall and lay it together with the bush on the ground, and then cover the bush.

Varieties of raspberries Loganberry and Boysenberry

In addition to good taste and nutrients - sugars, organic acids, biologically active substances, iron, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus and others - Loganberry fruits also have medicinal properties. They are used both fresh and for making jams, jellies, compotes, juices, they make excellent platters with apples or strawberries. Raspberry-blackberry hybrids are considered one of the most promising areas for breeding these plants. From blackberries, new varieties inherit high yields, unpretentiousness to soil and cultivation conditions, and from raspberries - its crown winter hardiness and relative thornless stems.

Soils are preferably water-intensive, up to loamy, but not swampy. Blackberry is demanding for watering, especially during the period of ripening of berries and the growth of replacement shoots. In the conditions of the middle zone, 10-20 liters of water are spent per week on an adult bush. With a lack of rainfall and good drainage, watering rates can be slightly increased. Blackberries also grow on the sands. But at the same time, it requires intensive watering, and the soil itself is well-filled with organic matter. The best shelter for the laid shoots is snow, providing a constant temperature and humidity. But if it is not there yet, and the frosts are about to hit, a non-woven covering material, cardboard, polyethylene film, various organics. Under such shelters, the blackberry vine does not die. In regions where winters are damp and mild, and there is almost no snow, film shelter can kill the vine.

Perm. It grows for 5 years with a variable harvest (up to 3 liters per bush). I put it on the ground for the winter, I raise it in the spring.

Raspberry-blackberry hybrids are a spreading shrub with arcuate shoots up to 2 m long or more, which must be tied to a trellis, because under the weight of berries they can touch the soil. They are very decorative during flowering, because their large pale pink flowers, similar to chamomile, are collected in huge brushes of 15-20 pieces. The bush is medium tall, semi spreading. Shoots of medium size, spiny, with a dense arrangement of leaves and medium ability to shoot. Escapes are unbreakable. Easily bend to the ground. Spikes are located throughout the shoot, thin, soft.

Cumberland black


Ezhemalina Taiberry (with photo and description)

Look at the photo of the loganberry tree:"Garden Affairs" No. 1 (45), 2011

The Loganberry variety is very easy to propagate by rooting the tops of annual shoots, woody and green cuttings. Subsequently, new hybrid plants- Boysen's blackberry, Young's blackberry, which, without using much ingenuity, were called according to the same principle.

Raspberry-blackberry hybrids sylvan and Cumberland

Since blackberries can grow and bear fruit well in one place for up to 15 years, when planting, they mix the excavated soil with several buckets of humus, 1/2 tablespoon of ash and a small amount double superphosphate. Every 2-3 years, update the mulch from humus. The acidity of the soil for blackberries should be in the range of 5.5-6.5 pH. Varieties of Thornfree, Black Satin, Smootstem can withstand frost up to 22-23 ° C. Thornfree freezes at -25°C, and freezes to snow cover at -28°C. It is believed that Thornless Evergreen can withstand -29 ° C, however, if the bushes were heavily loaded with crops, they can freeze already at - 25 ° C. The most frost-resistant (up to -30 ° C) is Chester Thornless blackberry. All of the listed varieties do not have thorns and do not produce offspring, unless the root system is damaged by deep digging.

Tired. Berries taste so-so, nothing special. I decided that it only occupies a precious place in the sun (2 bushes on a trellis), in the spring I want to uproot and plant grapes in its place.

But even more beautiful are the bushes, hung with garlands of large black, shiny berries that ripen from late August until frost. They are sweet, with a hint of blackberry. Separation of dry berries. Transportable, after removal they do not "flow" up to 5 days. And this is also important. Their yield is much higher than that of raspberries. The berries are medium and small (1.8-2.7 g), obtuse in shape, purple. The drupes are medium, uniform, loosely linked. The pulp is sweet and sour.

- the most proven and winter-hardy variety of blackberry (black) raspberries. Gardeners rank it among the black raspberries and black raspberries. It has a very high resistance to diseases, does not litter the garden, as it does not give shoots. Maturity is average. Bush 1.5-2 m high with thick shoots, curved arched, hairless, strongly spiny with a thick wax coating.

- modern popular raspberry- blackberry hybrid. It has long powerful creeping shoots of burgundy color. Tyberry has small thorns on the shoots. Resistant to diseases and pests, does not need preventive treatments. Tayberry Ezhemalina is a very productive variety. Grows well and bears fruit on all types of soil, responsive to application a large number well-rotted compost. In the spring, after removing overwintered leaves by pruning, it is necessary to correctly distribute the shoots on the trellis so that they do not shade each other. Tyberry begins to bloom in July; before flowering, it is advisable to feed the bushes with a solution of organic or microbiological fertilizer. Hanging brush, with 4-6 berries.​

The berries of this variety are red-crimson in color, strongly elongated, cone-shaped, up to 4 cm long and 2 cm in diameter. The average weight of the berries reaches 8 g. There is no waxy coating. Taste with a raspberry tint, pleasant. The ripening period is early, coinciding with the ripening of ordinary raspberries. There are 5-6 berries in a brush, the yield is up to 6 kg per bush.

If raspberries and blackberries are familiar to all gardeners, then very few people know about the raspberry-blackberry hybrid. These shrubs have not yet become widespread on our household plots- and completely in vain. Pleasant taste, high yield, decorative plants - isn't there a reason to start cultivating this crop?

Raspberries / fruit seedlings/ Seeds wholesale / LLC "Siberian Varietal Seeds" (Novosibirsk)

Raspberry VERA

When planting plants on permanent place they try to keep a distance between plants of 1 m, and between rows of 1.5-2 m. Naturally, best results are achieved on a trellis, its optimal height is 1.5 m. Immediately after planting, the seedlings are shortened to a height of 25 cm, be sure to water and mulch the bite circles. In the future, they monitor the plant, remove the fruiting shoots, and in the fall the bushes bend down to the ground and cover with spruce branches or fallen leaves.

But Russia did not lag behind the West, and already at the very beginning of the 20th century, Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin created the first and still significant raspberry-blackberry varieties: Progress, Commerce and Productive.

The soil under the bushes that do not give offspring is not dug up, but covered with a layer of mulch of 6-10 cm. Husk, sawdust, mushroom compost, straw chopping are suitable for this, but best option- humus.

The fact that the blackberry is spreading over the site is a persistent delusion.

Raspberry VOLNITSA

About 10 years ago I received a Tayberry bush as a gift, in the same year I managed to try a couple of my berries. All positive emotions ended there .... The next year there were a lot of wasps - they got the whole poor harvest, but I was glad that my bush gave a good increase (I plan to cook jam in buckets next year !!!) My patience 3 years were enough, then the same amount was spent on the fight against an outlandish berry, no, no, and yes, it will jump out !! ! The berry looks interesting, but the taste is nonsense, it takes up a lot of space ... But the thorns are excellent!

Do you want to buy seeds in bulk?

The yield of the raspberry variety Vera is high (89-129 kg / ha).

Read also:


Pay attention to the photo:

Watch the video "Ezhemalina Loganberry" to better imagine what this plant looks like:

You can find a description of the varieties of blackberry, as well as photographs of these shrubs and their fruits on this page.

Who planted Tayberry's raspberry-blackberry hybrid? Is it worth planting, does it winter well?

Irina Shabalina


Not competing, but rather keeping up with the times, the American breeder L. Burbank at the same time brought out his varieties Primus and Phenomenal. Pretty productive varieties were obtained in England. The most famous, perhaps, to this day is the Tayberry variety obtained there.

Misha Walk

Another huge plus of this culture is the almost complete absence of pests and diseases. Viral infections, although discovered by American researchers, do not have symptoms and do not lead to a decrease in yield. When the berries come into contact with the soil, the lower brushes may appear gray rot. Most often, pests and diseases (raspberry gall midge and anthracnose) affect raspberry-blackberry hybrids.

Valentina Timofeeva

The absence of offspring is the main plus of most varieties. With the right agricultural technology, garden blackberries can grow in one place for a long time, giving only replacement shoots and not clogging the plantation. And for reproduction, it is enough to dig the top of the replacement shoot.


Blackberry garden is increasingly found on summer cottages in various regions of Russia. There are two large groups: directly garden blackberry and raspberry-blackberry hybrids. The first has fairly large shiny black berries. In hybrids, they are also rather big, but often of a different color and with a more interesting raspberry-blackberry aroma. Yes, they mature earlier. But, unfortunately, in the conditions of the middle lane, hybrids are inferior in yield to blackberries. Although the growing process requires the same effort. Many blackberry varieties (Thornless, Evergreen, Black Satin, Smootstem) are only slightly inferior to some raspberry-blackberry hybrids in quality of berries. But there is a significant difference in productivity. You can remove from one adult bush from 10 to 25 kg of fruit. At the stage of technical maturity, they are quite firm, sweet and sour, pleasant to the taste. Withstand transportation. Overripe berries are insipidly sweet, fragrant, but only suitable for local consumption or processing.​
I also have and I don’t feel enthusiastic either. Barbed. spines are small, solid, even leaf petioles. Shoots are long, requires a trellis. The growth does not give me - the tops take root. The berry is large, dark red. Sweet and sour, with some kind of peculiar aftertaste - I personally do not like it - as if doused with perfume. There is a clone variety of Buckingham Tyberry --- the same as Tyberry, only without thorns. The photo shows Tayberry berries, only a little underripe.


Raspberry variety of medium ripening, universal purpose, non-repairable. Tasting score 4.0 points.​

Blackberry garden, All about blackberries and its hybrids

All about berries: Interesting Facts and photo

Tayberry raspberry has dark red berries, elongated. Their taste is similar to that of raspberries with a candy flavor. Productivity - 5 kg from a bush. Ripening begins in mid-August, stretched for 3-4 weeks. Young shoots are directed in the opposite direction from the fruit-bearing ones and pinched to develop side branches. For the winter, fruiting shoots are cut out, and young ones require additional shelter.

Boysenberry (Boysenberry)

Raspberry-blackberry hybrids are known among gardeners under the names of blackberry or loganberry. Today they are still insufficiently distributed, in a word, they can not be found in every garden. But they must be acquired and cultivated.

Blackberry garden in winter.

A modern mid-season variety. A powerful shrub reaching a height of 1.5 m, with beautiful leaves. Ripe elongated berries, more like blackberries, ripen in August. Tayberry fruits are large, over 5 g, sweet and sour, with a hint of blackberry, reddish at the beginning and almost black at full maturity. Fruiting is annual, from the end of August until frost. The yield is very high, often exceeding 10 kg per bush of delicious berries suitable for all types of processing. The variety is less winter-hardy than raspberries, but differs from it in much greater drought resistance and yield.

Some of you must have heard that there is a hybrid of raspberries and strawberries. Someone even managed to try the fruits of this plant, indeed, unusual in appearance. So, have breeders really reached such heights in science that they have learned to cross shrubs with herbaceous plants? But no, it's still impossible.

Raspberry + strawberry = hybrid?

The fact is that someone out of ignorance, and someone in order to earn more money by selling outlandish seedlings, gives out a variety of raspberries that is unfamiliar in our country as a hybrid of two such dissimilar plants. It has many interesting names:

  • rosalin or rose leaf;
  • zemmaline;
  • Tibetan;
  • strawberry;
  • seductive;
  • blackberry;
  • raspberries.

The berries of such an unusual raspberry are large, bright, very decorative. They have a fresh strawberry aroma, and taste sour, reminiscent of blackberries with pleasant and fresh pineapple notes.

plant description

So, rosolin is a semi-shrub native to East Asia. In nature, it is found in mixed forests and on mountain slopes. Under natural conditions, its height reaches 3 meters. However, the raspberries that grow in gardens are somewhat more modest in size - no more than 1.5 m in height.

The plant is unusually decorative, so it is often used more to decorate home gardens than as fruit crop. Tibetan raspberries are also good for hedges, not only pleasing the eyes of happy owners, but also protecting the territory from uninvited guests with fluffy prickly branches.


The leaves outwardly have some resemblance to the leaves of a rose, hence the botanical name of the shrub - rose-leaved raspberry. They are bright green with yellowish veins, as if corrugated and collected 5-7 on petioles. In addition, small teeth along the edges give the leaves a special tenderness, charm and beauty.


Flowers large enough up to 5 cm in diameter, solitary, white, consist of five petals. The flowering of the shrub begins in July and continues until autumn, and the flowers constantly open next to the ripening berries.


Strawberry raspberry berries are juicy, bright red, sometimes the size of Walnut. Grow upwards. In shape, they resemble strawberries and, since they do not hide in foliage, they are very noticeable from afar.

In a word, "raspberry-strawberry hybrid" is a low shrub with a rounded crown and beautiful leaves, long time strewn with flowers and berries, which allows him to play an important role in landscape design, decorating lawns, rock gardens and coniferous plantings.


Unusual raspberries have another similarity with rose bushes, though not the most pleasant - these are large sharp thorns. The plant is very prickly, so the work on its planting and processing should be carried out exclusively in tight gloves. Moreover, even dry branches can scratch, which is why it is better to burn them at the stake as soon as possible.

Planting and reproduction

Seductive raspberries are planted on the south side of the garden in the sunniest areas. In areas with hot, dry summers, it tolerates partial shade quite well. It can be placed in separate bushes or rows, placing it in holes or small trenches, respectively, when planting. At the same time, a distance of 0.7–0.9 m must be observed between the bushes, and at least 1.5 m between the rows.

Strawberry raspberries can grow on almost any soil, but prefers fertile and fairly loose. Therefore, in each landing pit it is recommended to make 1 bucket of peat and 0.5 buckets of manure humus. It is also important after planting abundant watering.

Advice. Plant raspberries in autumn period before the onset of persistent frosts (second half of September - October). It is at this time that the plant is likely to take root in a new place and will not get sick. At the first significant cooling, spud the plant, covering the roots 30 cm with earth.

Rosalin is propagated by root offspring, of which many grow during the season. The presence of abundant root shoots makes it necessary to choose a place for the shrub where raspberries will not interfere with other plants, or limit the growth space accessible ways(for example, a dug-in slate barrier).

To plant in a new place, the basal process only needs to be carefully dug out with a sharp bayonet shovel along with a large clod of earth.

How to care for Tibetan raspberries?

Rose-leaved raspberry is unpretentious, however, it needs elementary care. In summer, in dry weather, the shrub should be watered regularly, and in the heat it should be done daily, and preferably at night. In addition, it is recommended to mulch the soil to prevent drying out, especially for single plantings of raspberries. As a mulch, it is better to choose peat chips, compost or humus.

Despite the fact that the Tibetan raspberry is moisture-loving, it does not tolerate strong waterlogging and prolonged stagnation of water. It should not be planted in the lowlands, where spring meltwater collects or puddles form for a long time after rain.

The root system of strawberry raspberries is located close to the soil surface, so loosening should be done with extreme caution. The same goes for weed removal. tear them out better with hands so as not to damage the roots of rosalin, and thereby destroy the plant.

Shrub dressing is usually carried out in the spring, scattering 4-5 tablespoons of the universal mineral fertilizer without chlorine.

The harvest is collected as the berries ripen. They are very juicy, have a unique sweet and sour taste, smell of strawberries. They are used fresh, and are also well suited for jams, jams, jelly and compotes. They rarely cause allergies. They do not tolerate transportation well, so they practically do not go on sale.

By winter, the shoots of Tibetan raspberries die off completely. Therefore, after the end of fruiting, the entire aerial part of the shrub is cut off flush with the ground, and the roots are sprinkled. Raspberries need shelter only in especially severe and little snowy winters. But it tolerates moderate frosts well.

So, we figured out that the existence of a hybrid of raspberries and strawberries is just a beautiful myth invented by enterprising sellers. planting materials. Nevertheless, the plant is real. It doesn't really matter what name it has. The main thing is that the unusual shrub has many wonderful qualities, and he has found his loyal fans among numerous gardeners and landscape designers. Perhaps one day you will be among the admirers.

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Wild blackberries form continuous thickets along the banks of rivers in central Russia. There are a lot of greens in blackberry thickets, but they are usually few in number. And the taste of this one, as they say, is "an amateur" ...

In early October, I started lowering the plants. What was my surprise when I easily twisted the blackberry vine into a ring (about one meter in diameter) and then safely lowered it to the ground - it turned out to be so flexible. I put a heavy board on top and threw on the covering material.
We already had once a sad experience when spring sun adults have been burned. It is for this reason that light material was thrown over the garden blackberry and then securely attached to it (with clothespins, right behind the branches) so that it would not be blown away by the wind.

The second year of growing garden blackberries

And now the second spring has come for our garden blackberries.
Overwintered plants emerged from under the snow completely green. All the leaves left on the blackberry shoots from autumn were alive - this again led us to bewilderment.
The branches of the garden blackberry after wintering remained the same flexible. Therefore, tying them up, lifting them to a support, was easy.

Looking at both purchased seedlings of garden blackberries, we were at first perplexed. Outwardly, they did not differ from each other; and it looked like they were the same breed...
It should be especially noted that, unlike wild blackberries, both of our garden blackberries do not have sharp thorns, which makes it very easy to care for this crop.

The overwintered garden blackberry was safely tied to metal supports, and our observations of this crop continued.

As the sun warmed more and more, last year's blackberry leaves began to dry out, and from each bud under the dried leaf, young shoots began to grow rapidly.
Imagine a blackberry vine four meters long, having 5-7 lateral branches of 2-3 meters each, and throughout these shoots through a short distance (about 15 cm), fruit-bearing shoots 20-30 cm long began to grow. A mass of growing garden blackberry bushes increased catastrophically! It is good that the supports for growing blackberries were installed reliable.

Flowering and fruiting garden blackberries

The fruit sprouts on the horizontal branches of the garden brambles rose vertically upwards and stood as straight as candles!

In early June, garden blackberries began to bloom.
The varietal blackberry blossomed first. The raspberry-blackberry hybrid was about a week behind (although the description should have been the other way around).
Both of our plants produced attractive flowers pale pink, about 3 cm in diameter.

The blooming of the garden brambles was abundant and long, and we were looking forward to the first harvest.

The Black Satin varietal blackberry was the first to ripen. It is difficult even to find words to convey the look of a garden blackberry bush with ripening berries!
Its branches, looking at the sky during flowering, began to turn to the ground. Blackberry clusters were very elegant, and black shiny berries were large and ... sour. Only after the blackened berries of the varietal blackberry hung on the plant for about a week did they become more and more sweet. Looking at these luxurious berries, I could not believe that their taste did not match the attractive appearance.

The raspberry-blackberry hybrid "Silvan" bloomed later, and its berries began to ripen later than the varietal blackberry (in mid-August).
In appearance, the berries of this hybrid were very similar to the Black Satin varietal blackberry, but here an unexpected joy awaited us. Ripe berries of the raspberry-blackberry hybrid turned out to be absolutely sweet! And since the ripening of its berries, to our pleasure, is extended, we had the opportunity to feast on them until the end of September.

Feature of garden blackberry jam

I made jam from garden blackberries.

Nevertheless, the boiled garden blackberries turned out to be very interesting!
For one kilogram of blackberries, I put 1 kg of granulated sugar. If you cook jam from in such a proportion with sugar, then it turns out to be completely sour. And the blackberry jam turned out to be too sweet, with a very interesting aftertaste.
True, we must pay tribute to the fact that many of those who have tried blackberries found them quite edible.

Those gardeners who like to make all kinds of delicacy preparations from their own berries should say that the cultivated blackberry, like the wild gray-gray, has many healing properties, and its berries have a very original flavor.

Garden blackberry in garden design

For the time being, we decided to leave both garden blackberry bushes in our garden.

In varietal blackberries, with our limited space, we will regularly thin out the growing bush, otherwise it will form an unimaginably lot of greenery. And next year, all flowering branches will intertwine, and numerous blackberries will grow moldy in the depths of the bush. And we do not need such a huge number of berries!
Garden blackberries are beautiful throughout the season. This ornamental plant can be used for vertical gardening gazebos or to decorate an unsightly structure in the garden.

It is important that both of our garden blackberry plants do not give root shoots and form few replacement shoots. This is very good sign plants for the gardener. There is no need to constantly monitor what is somewhere in the bush or another ornamental plant an unnecessary blackberry shoot will come out.

Blackberry cuttings

At garden blackberry bushes, fruit twigs break off very easily, like at, fruit twigs. This is not upsetting, since blackberries have too many of them.

Several branches of garden blackberries that had broken off after a strong wind, we tried to root them, having previously pinched the emerging flower buds.

The rooting of garden blackberry cuttings went without problems, and by autumn our young seedlings managed to form a powerful root system.
We hope they have a safe winter and look forward to a new spring...

Lyubov Vasilievna Teslenko (Udmurtia, Votkinsk)

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Raspberries are one of the most popular berries among the people, in addition to growing in gardens, this berry can be found in forest clearings and edges. The closest relative of raspberries, blackberries are also popular and are very similar to raspberries. Have you heard of jellyfish and do you know what it is?

- this variety is one of the best among the raspberries. This hybrid of raspberries and blackberries is quite new variety, whose berries have an amazing aroma and taste that surpasses both raspberries and blackberries. Initially, this hybrid was prickly, with a powerful bush. Thornless plants are now being bred, but the size and yield of these species are smaller than those of thorny crops. Boysenberry begins to bear fruit at the end of July, continues until the end of August. Berries as they ripen change color from a thick cherry to an inky hue. The berries are glossy, large up to 12 g. Up to 5 kg of berries can be collected from one bush.

Did you know? Raspberries - medicinal plant and one of the most delicious medicines. Our distant ancestors used medicinal purposes not only berries, but also stems, leaves and flowers of raspberries. Today, only the lazy one does not know about the benefits of raspberry jam and the incomparable taste of tea from raspberry sticks.


Ezhemalin variety Darrowit is a bush up to three meters tall, with strong, upright, prickly stems. The variety has decorative leaves in the form of fingers. The berries are small - up to 4 g in weight, when ripe, almost black, glossy, elongated. The variety is tall and the shoots are long, therefore, so that under the weight of leaves and berries, and the yield of the variety is high, the stems do not break, they need a garter. By palatability Darrow is inferior to Boysenberry, because the taste is somewhat sour. But Darrow has excellent winter hardiness, withstanding temperatures down to -34 degrees. This allows it to grow in regions with cold weather conditions. The yield of the hybrid is pleasing: from one bush you can collect up to 10 kg of berries.

Important! For planting raspberries, you need to choose a site protected from drafts, illuminated, with a deep level of occurrence ground water, with drained and nutritious soil.

Ezhemalina Loganberry, as stated in the description of the variety, is one of the most famous raspberry-blackberry hybrids bred in the USA. The hybrid is distinguished by a creeping bush, shoots come with and without thorns. In the Thornless Loganberry variety, the stems and petioles of the foliage, as well as the foliage itself, are pubescent with a soft pile. The foliage of the hybrid is grayish-green, with a silvery lower part of the plate. The bush is not particularly branched, but as it grows, the number of side shoots increases. Ripening times are the same as those of raspberries. The berries are cone-shaped, up to 4 cm long and about 2 cm in diameter, the weight of the berry is up to 8 g. The taste is more like the sweetness of raspberries than blackberries, the color of the berries is also light - crimson. Variety brushes carry up to six berries, up to 6 kg can be collected from one bush.

Tayberry raspberry cultivardiffers in long, creeping burgundy shoots, with small thorns. Flowering begins in July, and the ripening of berries - in the second half of August. On hanging racemes - up to six almost burgundy, elongated berries. The taste of berries is similar to raspberry, and the pleasant aroma resembles lollipops. The Tayberry raspberry variety has good yields - 5 kg from one bush.

The main advantage of the variety is disease resistance. In addition, the variety grows on all types of soil. The shoots of the variety need a garter to the trellis, while you need to properly position them: the stems should not obscure each other. The hybrid responds well to the introduction of organic matter in early spring.

Attention! In regions with cold climates creeping varieties raspberries need to be prepared for the winter. Remove the stems from the supports, lay on the ground and cover. As a covering material, you can use straw, foliage, peat, spruce branches.


Ezhemalina varieties Texas described as a crop suitable for growing in regions with frosty winters. The plant bears fruit and not bad even in cold summer conditions. The minus of the variety is the abundance of thorns and not too sweet taste. The advantage is the yield of the variety - up to 6 kg of berries per bush and high productivity - up to 15 years. This hybrid of blackberries and raspberries has a bush with creeping shoots, the length of which is up to 4 m. Large leaves are green at the top and whitish at the bottom. The bush blooms with fragrant large flowers, by the way, there are even thorns on the pedicel. Berries, ripening, from scarlet become rich burgundy. The taste of berries is sweet and sour.

Interesting! In ancient times, blackberries were considered magical plant, many pagan religions and cults of Europe used blackberries in their rituals. In everyday life, blackberries, or rather their juice, were used to dye fabrics.

A hybrid of blackberries and raspberries absorbed best qualities both berries. Ezhemalin due to its rich composition has undoubted health benefits. The composition of the berry contains such micro- and macroelements as magnesium, zinc, calcium, copper, iron, potassium, in addition, vitamins B, K, PP and E. Regular consumption of berries will saturate the body with almost all the substances it needs.

Raspberry-blackberry hybrids are considered one of the most promising areas for breeding these plants. New varieties inherit high yields, unpretentiousness to soil and cultivation conditions from blackberries, and from raspberries - its crown winter hardiness and relative thornless stems.

The very first variety was a hybrid that developed naturally in the United States and was named the Logan blackberry after the one who found it in the late 19th century. Subsequently, new hybrid plants appeared - Boysen's blackberry, Young's blackberry, which, without using special ingenuity, were named according to the same principle.

But Russia did not lag behind the West, and already at the very beginning of the 20th century, Ivan Vladimirovich Michurin created the first and still significant raspberry-blackberry varieties: Progress, Commerce and Productive.

Not competing, but rather, keeping up with the times, the American breeder L. Burbank at the same time brought out his varieties Primus and Phenomenal. Pretty productive varieties were obtained in England. The most famous, perhaps, to this day is the Tayberry variety obtained there.


Loganberry is a raspberry-blackberry hybrid that combines economically useful features of both raspberries and blackberries. In Russia, this plant is little known and is found only in the areas of amateur gardeners. The positive features of the variety are: the complete absence of thorns, larger and much tastier berries, high yields, sufficient winter hardiness, and even high decorative qualities.

The variety forms sprawling bushes with arcuate stems, reaching a height of 1.5-2 m and requiring a garter. Another plus is the complete absence of root shoots. A plant of this variety blooms in the middle lane already in mid-June and blooms for up to a month and a half. During this period, plants are distinguished by increased decorativeness: brushes, consisting of 15-20 large pale pink seven-petal flowers, stand out very well against the background of greenery. And during the fruiting period, the plants are also spectacular and very decorative. The ripening period of berries in the variety is extended - from mid-August to the very frosts, however, such a late ripening of berries is also a valuable property of the plant. The very first berries are large, reach a mass of 10 g, elongated, shiny and very sweet. From one bush you can collect up to 10 kg of berries.

In addition to good taste and nutrients - sugars, organic acids, biologically active substances, iron, calcium, sulfur, phosphorus and others - Loganberry fruits also have medicinal properties. They are used both fresh and for making jam, jelly, compotes, juices, they make excellent platters with apples or strawberries.

The Loganberry variety is very easy to propagate by rooting the tops of annual shoots, woody and green cuttings.

When planting plants in a permanent place, they try to keep a distance between plants of 1 m, and between rows of 1.5-2 m. Naturally, the best results are achieved on a trellis, its optimal height is 1.5 m. Immediately after planting, the seedlings are shortened to a height of 25 cm, be sure to water and mulch the bite circles. In the future, the plant is monitored, the shoots that bear fruit are removed, and in the fall the bushes are bent to the ground and covered with spruce branches or fallen leaves.

Modern mid-season variety. A powerful shrub reaching a height of 1.5 m, with beautiful leaves. Ripe elongated berries, more like blackberries, ripen in August. Tayberry fruits are large, over 5 g, sweet and sour, with a hint of blackberry, reddish at the beginning and almost black at full maturity. Fruiting is annual, from the end of August until frost. The yield is very high, often exceeding 10 kg per bush of delicious berries suitable for all types of processing. The variety is less winter-hardy than raspberries, but differs from it in much greater drought tolerance and yield.

Most good results are obtained by growing this variety on a trellis, since the shoots of Tayberry are quite heavily loaded with fruits and hang down to the ground under their weight, from which they get dirty, become unmarketable, and the shoots can even break.

From the practice of gardener Elena Litvyakova:

For the most part, blackberries and raspberry-blackberry hybrids do not have enough winter hardiness for the North-West. In order for the lashes of blackberries and raspberry-blackberry hybrids not to freeze out, they need to be laid on the ground for the winter and covered with spruce branches, rags or padding polyester.

But removing prickly lashes from the trellis is not a pleasant and not safe occupation. Therefore, it is possible to build a removable trellis, which, together with the lashes, will be laid on the ground for the winter. The trellis can be made from wooden posts or pipes of small diameter. The trellis is installed in pipes dug to a depth of 30-40 cm (the diameter of the pipes must be greater than the diameter of the trellis columns!), So, for two bushes, three pipes driven in at a distance of 2 m from each other are enough. It is easy to remove such a trellis from the pipes in the fall and lay it together with the bush on the ground, and then cover the bush.

"Garden Affairs" No. 1 (45), 2011