In a private house      06/12/2019

How to store garlic in winter. Ways to store garlic Timely Harvesting - Successfully Storing Winter Garlic

Garlic is one of those vegetable crops that require special storage conditions. Otherwise, it will begin to germinate and deteriorate. One of the main conditions for its preservation until spring is the correct and timely harvesting. It is time to remove the garlic if the leaves turn yellow at the bottom and begin to dry, and the scales of the head pulled out for testing are dry and thin. If the bulbs began to disintegrate, then you were late with the cleaning. Such garlic is unlikely to "live" until spring.

Garlic ripening time middle lane Russia falls in mid-July - the first decade of August. Harvesting is carried out on a warm, dry day. Each bulb is dug carefully, trying not to damage. The stems are not broken. The dug garlic is laid out under a canopy for 5 days, and then hung in a dry, ventilated place until it dries well. Then the roots and stem are cut off from the garlic at a height of 8-10 cm.

An ideal place to store garlic is a dry, ventilated basement or cellar with a constant temperature of 0 to 5C and an air humidity of 70-80%. Therefore, for owners of private houses with a cellar or basement, it will not be difficult to keep garlic until spring.

But what about the residents of city apartments?

Often housewives try to store garlic on the balcony. Needless to say, it's not the best The best decision. Temperature fluctuations have a bad effect on garlic bulbs. At temperatures below 0, the garlic will simply freeze and, upon subsequent thawing, the heads will rot. When the weather is warm, the garlic begins to sprout. Garlic is no less demanding on air humidity. Optimal Humidity for its safety - 70-80%. If the humidity is less than 70%, the garlic will dry out, and high humidity may cause it to sprout or rot.

So, how to keep garlic until spring?

1. Storage in the kitchen

Garlic is placed in a regular grid and hung on the wall. Previously, the roots of the heads of garlic are cauterized with a candle. This is done so that it does not germinate in heat. You can store garlic in the usual kitchen drawer by putting in a paper bag. But you need to keep in mind that with this method, garlic can be stored for a maximum of up to the end of winter.

2. Storage in a salt box

The bottom of the box is covered with coarse table salt. Garlic is laid on the salt. If the box is shallow, the garlic should be placed in one row. Several layers of garlic can be placed in a deep box, sprinkling each layer with salt. The box is placed in a dark place. Since salt is an excellent preservative and, in addition, retains moisture well, garlic can be stored this way until the summer.

3. Storage in paraffin

Paraffin must be melted in a steam bath and cooled slightly. Each head of garlic is dipped into the resulting liquid paraffin, holding it by the cut stem. The "shell" of paraffin will perfectly protect the garlic heads from external influences. Garlic processed in this way can be stored in open form until spring without fear that it will deteriorate or lose its taste or aroma.

4. Storage in vegetable oil

Boil vegetable oil, add a few drops of iodine to it and treat dry garlic heads with the resulting composition. Dried garlic is placed in boxes, baskets or other containers made from natural raw materials. A film of vegetable oil will protect the heads of garlic from drying out and spoiling until spring.

It just so happened in Rus' that garlic is not only a seasoning, but also a medicine, and there is a special attitude towards it. Of course, it is easier to buy it in a store or on the market. But there is one. Firstly, you are confident in the quality of garlic grown by yourself. Secondly, the price of garlic is not so small. Thirdly, growing garlic is not such a difficult process. And it just so happened that most gardeners successfully grow it themselves. Garlic is one of the most common crops in our household plots. But grown garlic must be stored until the next harvest. How to store garlic -

The ideal option is the cultivation of both spring (spring) garlic and winter garlic. Winter is easily stored without any tricks in a dry, cold room until about the New Year. Spring has a longer shelf life. It is easily stored until spring and beyond. But in our area, most gardeners prefer the cultivation of winter garlic.

It would not be superfluous to recall that garlic is stored longer, which was removed in time, dried in the shade, cut correctly and healthy heads were selected. In our region, they are cut as follows: the roots are removed with a knife, scissors or secateurs, and the stem is cut at a distance of 1.5-3 cm from the head.

Storing winter garlic until spring

When we choose garlic from the ground, I hang it in the country to dry, cut off both the leaves and the roots. Then I take an enameled pan and start laying the garlic in layers. Sprinkle each layer with regular wheat flour. Last upper layer dust well with flour. I close the pan with a lid and put it on the cabinet in the kitchen, where it is dry. Garlic is stored until spring, as if it had been removed from the garden yesterday. If my experience is useful to someone, I will only be glad. Now for many years I have not had any problems storing garlic.

What other storage options for winter (winter) garlic

Eat different ways store winter garlic, some of them will now be discussed in more detail.

  • In late autumn, the heads need to be packed in polyethylene bags, tied and wrapped in several newspapers to make two or three layers. This bundle needs to be buried on the site. When it is late autumn, the place where the garlic is buried should be covered with tomato tops. With this method of storage, garlic can only be used in the spring.
  • The second method that is used to store garlic is to put the garlic in wooden box with holes in the walls, but first you need to pour salt into this box, a small layer. Arrange the garlic cloves in a row and sprinkle with salt. Then again put a row of heads of garlic and again cover with salt, so do to the top of the box. In such a box, garlic will remain juicy and fresh until spring.
  • There is another way to store garlic is to store garlic in oil (sunflower). Garlic cloves must be peeled off and poured into a three-liter jar, pour oil over it and close the jar with a plastic lid with holes, this is necessary so that the garlic does not “suffocate”. In such a jar of oil, and in the refrigerator, garlic will not deteriorate for a long time and will always be ready for use. And the oil acquires a pleasant smell of garlic, and it can be used for cooking.
  • If you store garlic in the kitchen, at a temperature of eighteen to twenty-five degrees, then it should not be stored in plastic bags, as the garlic "suffocates", rots, rots in them. It is best to store garlic in fabric bags, the fabric should be dense and natural. They should also have onion skins. It is good to store the garlic in the transplanted dry sawdust or ash.

How to store spring garlic

Spring garlic is stored longer than winter garlic, so it is advisable to store it for long-term storage.

Store garlic in a dark ventilated area. Temperature - the lower, the better, but not minus. However, spring garlic tolerates short-term slight frosts easily.

I will bring the old folk way garlic storage. So, she keeps garlic and onions very simply: she scatters the heads in a not too thick layer on the mountain (ie, in the attic) of her house. If the temperature drops below -10 degrees, she covers the garlic and onions with old blankets. That's all. So she keeps onions and spring garlic until spring.

Choose the way you like to store garlic.

Good luck!

Taken here-/

Garlic is a must have in any home. It is used not only as a seasoning for various dishes but also as a prophylactic and therapeutic agent for many diseases. If you have a garden or country cottage area, you probably grow garlic "in reserve". However, over time, it begins to turn yellow, dry out, grow moldy or germinate, not even living up to the middle of winter. Why does garlic spoil, how to avoid it and save the product?

The need to create certain conditions for storage

Like any plant whose fruits are subject to long-term storage, garlic requires certain conditions. Their non-observance significantly reduces the shelf life of the product. You risk losing your entire crop if you don't provide the right temperature, humidity, and light. Even garlic must be harvested according to certain rules so that it does not deteriorate too quickly.

High requirements for storage conditions are due to the content in garlic a large number aromatic oils.

Compliance with the rules of storage will help you save the harvest of garlic for as long as possible.

If you do not comply with the storage conditions, you run the risk of encountering the following problems:

  1. High humidity will lead to the defeat of fungal diseases - green mold, black rot.
  2. At high temperatures and low humidity, the heads will dry out quickly. Such a product becomes unusable: it does not have a specific taste and aroma, only an unpleasant smell.
  3. Impact direct sun rays activates the process of photosynthesis, which is why garlic cloves will begin to sprout, preparing to give life to a new crop. Not the most suitable option if you planned to keep the product at least until spring.

The duration of storage of garlic directly depends on the correct and timely harvesting. When determining the timing, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarities of the vegetation of this crop, its growth and development.

Choose a dry and warm day for cleaning. But do not delay, you need to do everything quickly and in a timely manner. Any delay may result in a deterioration in the quality of the product.

How to properly remove garlic

Storage conditions

There are 2 ways to store garlic:

  1. Cold: humidity 70-80%, temperature from +2 to +4°C. Under such conditions, it is recommended to store winter garlic. These include the following varieties:
    • Hermann;
    • Alcor;
    • Dubkovsky;
    • Lyubasha;
    • Healer;
    • Zubrenok;
  2. Warm: humidity 50–70%, temperature from +16 to +20°C. Used for spring varieties.
    • Abrek;
    • Aleisky;
    • Gulliver;
    • Yelenovsky;
    • Sochi-56.

Do not forget that winter garlic is not well suited for long-term storage. Due to the smaller number of covering scales, its heads begin to dry out faster.

Vozdushka - ripened garlic seeds

Air is garlic seeds that form at the top of the arrow after flowering. They are also called bulbs. Storage conditions depend on what type of garlic you grew.

Effective Ways

The most common way to store garlic at home, known to our ancestors, is braiding. You have probably seen such bundles not only in historical films and paintings, but also in your grandmother's house.

Timely harvested, well-dried garlic is braided according to the principle of a braid or wreath, after which it is hung in a cool room

If you decide to store garlic in this way, you need to master the technology of weaving. It is simple, but the first time you have to try. Remove all leaves, leaving the false stem and head. Start weaving from the bottom, adding new bulbs one by one, up to 15 pieces. Make a loop at the end of the braid so that you can hang the bundle.

This method is good if you live in a private house. For an apartment, other methods are more suitable.

  1. Choose shallow baskets, cardboard boxes or crates. Fold in them well-dried heads of garlic. Place the filled container in a cool, dry place, away from heating appliances. Sort the garlic from time to time and remove the spoiled heads. This method is simple, but not effective enough: it is unlikely that you will be able to control the level of humidity and temperature in such conditions. The garlic may dry out or become moldy.

    Shallow baskets and boxes are very convenient, but do not provide long-term preservation of garlic.

  2. Linen bags and nylon stockings are great for storing garlic. Fold the prepared heads in them and put them in a dry, dark place. If the air humidity in the room is low, you can sprinkle the garlic with onion peel, if it is high, the bag or stocking should be treated with a saturated saline solution (dipped in salt water and dried). This method is the most common, many housewives confirm its effectiveness.
  3. Storage of garlic in nets in which vegetables and fruits are sold. This is enough convenient option, correctly dried bulbs, folded into such nets and hung in a dark place with a suitable level of temperature and humidity, do not deteriorate for about 3 months.

    In a city apartment, a small amount of garlic can be stored in vegetable or fruit nets.

  4. Place well-dried unpeeled garlic heads in sterilized dry jars or other deep dishes. Place them in rows, sprinkling each with flour. Close tightly with lids and place in a dark place. However, not all housewives like this method, many say that flour does not protect garlic well enough from drying out and mold.

    You can store garlic in a deep bowl, sprinkling each row with flour

  5. An effective, although not very common, way to store garlic is dry salting. Fold the whole unpeeled heads into any suitable container (jars, boxes), sprinkling with a large amount of coarse salt, the lower and upper layers of which should be at least 2-3 centimeters. Close the container with a tight lid and place in a cool dark place. Salt will protect the garlic from moisture, limit the access of oxygen and serve as an excellent antiseptic.

    Garlic keeps well in jars filled with table salt.

  6. You probably know that garlic sold in stores is covered with a layer of paraffin. This provides the product long-term storage. You can apply this method at home if you are not very big harvest. Melt the paraffin in a water bath and dip the heads into it one by one. Wait 2-3 hours and then put the garlic in cardboard boxes. This method is quite effective, but laborious.

    If each head of garlic is covered with a thin layer of melted paraffin, the bulbs will not dry out, while the shelf life will increase significantly.

  7. Many people prefer to store garlic in the refrigerator, putting it in plastic bags with holes made in them. This good way, but only if you have a few heads and plan to use them in the next 3 months.
  8. Garlic can be stored in freezer in the form of whole heads or cloves, not peeled. A prerequisite is the temperature is not lower than -2 degrees. Otherwise, the product will freeze and lose its taste qualities.

    This is interesting! Try the following storage method: chop the peeled garlic cloves with a press, mix with a little salt and spices, put them in ice molds. Freeze the mass and store the resulting cubes in the freezer. They can always fill the first and second courses.

  9. When preparing the garlic for storage, cut off the roots, leaving about 10 mm. Burn the bottom of the head on an open fire (for example, on a gas stove), then put the crop in boxes and hide it in a dark, cool place. This method has been known for a long time, it provides long-term preservation.
  10. You can wrap each head of garlic in cling film (in 2 layers) and put it in cardboard boxes or glass jars, sprinkling with small sawdust.

    Wrap the garlic tightly in cling film and store in the refrigerator.

  11. If you have special lids for vacuum canning, then put the clean, dried heads in sterilized jars, cover with such lids and pump out the air. Garlic canned in this way can be stored in the refrigerator: it will not lose its taste and healing properties for a long time.

    Vacuum canning devices help you keep garlic as long as possible

The above methods are quite effective, but you may not want to have drawers and jars take up a lot of space in your kitchen. There are also non-traditional methods that will not only ensure long-term preservation, but also make the product always ready for use.

With vegetable oil

You will need:

  • glass jars, pre-sterilized and dried;
  • capron caps;
  • garlic cloves, peeled;
  • vegetable oil (sunflower, corn or olive).
  1. Make sure that the garlic cloves are clean, strong, without signs of damage.
  2. Pack them tightly in jars and fill to the top with vegetable oil.
  3. Close the lids, put in the refrigerator.

Thus, the product will be stored for up to 3 months.

During storage, the oil will be saturated with garlic aroma, which will make it an excellent dressing for salads, main courses and soups. If you add herbs and spices, you will get a complete sauce.

Garlic in vegetable oil with spices will be a complete addition to your dishes

How to store garlic in vegetable oil - video

homemade garlic powder

Garlic powder will keep even better. It is quite easy to prepare it.

  1. Peel the garlic cloves, cut into thin plates.
  2. Dry them in an electric dryer at temperatures up to 60 degrees.
  3. Grind dry plates in a mortar or blender with the addition of a small amount of salt.

Cut the garlic into thin slices, dry and chop

You can store garlic powder in any tightly closed container. It does not take up much space and does not lose its properties during the year. In addition, later you will significantly save time when cooking, because the garlic does not need to be washed, peeled and chopped. True, this method has a significant drawback: the product loses its beneficial features. But if you are interested in taste, this is what you need.

What to do if the garlic began to deteriorate

Many signs may indicate that garlic has begun to disappear, in particular:

  • bad smell;
  • wrinkling of cloves or whole heads;
  • falling through the slices inside when you press it with your finger;
  • drying heads of garlic;
  • the appearance of mold.

The most common problem is drying out of the heads of garlic. This is due to the evaporation of moisture. If you are unable to provide more suitable premises for storage, waxing will help you. The hardened paraffin will retain moisture in the cloves, and the carbon dioxide that is formed in the head from the respiration of the stem will destroy harmful microorganisms and thereby protect the garlic from diseases.

To avoid mold during storage, be sure to dry the garlic in the sun after harvesting.

During storage, mold can form on the bulb, and in some cases even black moldy rot. This happens if the heads of garlic have been damaged or frozen. Heat and humidity significantly accelerate the development of diseases. To avoid this, be sure to dry the garlic in the open sun after harvesting: ultraviolet has a detrimental effect on fungus, mold and bacteria.

Another problem is the sprouting of heads of garlic. As soon as green leaves hatch on the cloves, the bulb begins to give them all the valuable substances and eventually dries out, losing its presentation and taste. The best way to prevent germination is to roast the bottom of the bulbs. If it was not possible to avoid trouble, we advise you to plant sprouted slices in the garden in order to grow a new crop.

Storage of garlic in the winter in the refrigerator - video

Last year, I was advised to peel the garlic, put it in a jar, add water and store in the refrigerator. Done! Ruined all the garlic, what was! Fermented, foamed all over, ungrateful! Don't do that!!!


I also had it in a cardboard box in the kitchen under the cabinet, and when the box was thrown out, it is stored normally in a “t-shirt” bag (unclosed, of course) in the pantry. Until the new garlic lies calmly, and the whole preparation is practically done with the old garlic. There was a storage record - it lay until next November, and maybe it would still lie, but we finally ate it. True, I only grow it from bulbs, maybe that's the point.

Onions and garlic are mystical vegetables, after them it smells bad from the mouth, eating them just like that, taking an onion head and simply chewing it like an apple, as well as garlic - clove by clove, like seeds, hardly anyone can, yes and whether he wants to

But, nevertheless, these vegetables are present in every our dish, every salad, and what kind of barbecue without fragrant onion rings? And of course, do not forget about the medicinal virtues of these vegetables: they are a volatile sea that can flood any bacterial fire in our body.

So, today we will try to tell you in as much detail as possible about how, under normal home conditions, you can save your own, environmentally friendly, dug from your garden or purchased on the market, onions and garlic.

To begin with: that onions, that garlic (whether it was purchased in a store, on the market, or dug up from a favorite site) should be carefully examined and cleaned from the ground, but not by scraping or removing the shells (with the exception of rotten, rotten ones), but carefully, e.g. with a soft brush or cloth. Further, it needs to be dried for about a day, a lot depends on the state of the garlic at the current moment: it may already be dry and its shells rustle and do not look and feel raw to the touch. Check the tips and bottoms of the garlic and onions: they should also be dry. Finally, inspect the heads for rot: if there are none and the garlic and onion bulbs look healthy, then they can be used for storage. The storage place must be dry and ventilated.

Onion storage

Storing onions in baskets

For these purposes, it is better to choose a real wicker basket or several of those if you are planning or you have already harvested an impressive onion crop. Baskets should not be wet, and if so, then dry them in the sun for two days, a day on one side (outer) and a day on the other (inner). If you are using the baskets for the first time, then be sure that the onion will last a long time, but if it is repeated or the third, fourth time, then they can first be processed with 2% Bordeaux mixture, spending half a liter of solution for each basket, then dry as described above, and only after that lay the onion for storage.

You can lay a lot of onions, a full basket, they usually do not get injured under their weight, so there should be no problems with storage.

Why wicker baskets - a good option? You periodically, at least once a month, just take out the basket and examine the bulbs through the cracks, through them you can see when this or that bulb suddenly begins to rot. Then the onion will have to be sorted out, and all those in contact with the rotten bulb and itself should be removed, the rest should be put back in storage.

Often onions are stored at ordinary home, room temperature under the table or in the pantry, or on a heated balcony or loggia, and it lies there almost until the new harvest, that is, for a very long time.

Advice. Organic baskets are better for storing onions than plastic ones, they can be harmful and are often used only for short-term use. For their production, low-quality materials that emit harmful substances into products.

Storing onions in boxes and crates

A good option is boxes with drainage holes on the sides, for example, boxes of crackers and similar products, which are also made so that the products stored in them do not get wet, but air circulates. IN cardboard boxes with drainage holes at home, it is advisable to store no more than a bucket of onions in one box.

At the bottom you need to put a dry newspaper, it will absorb excess moisture, if there is one, and replacing the newspaper with a new one is very simple, if you suddenly notice that the lower bulb has begun to deteriorate.

By the way, in this version it is impossible to look at the onions, as if through the bars of a basket, once a month you will have to sort through the entire batch and reject those that are starting to rot and all those bulbs that touched the rotting ones.

Storage boxes are usually wooden, in which apples and other products are stored. It is great if the box is new and well dried. Crate storage provides two options - if the bulbs are small and can slip through the gaps between the boards of the box, then you can line them with a plastic net to protect them from rodents, then you can control the condition of the bulbs and they will not get enough sleep.

The second option is without a grid, but you need to put a layer of cardboard on the bottom, otherwise, under its own weight, the upper bulbs will damage the lower bulbs, and they will quickly rot, and you will have to sort out all the products (in which case, replacing the cardboard with a new one is quite simple and fast).

Onion storage in nets

We see onions in nets in the markets most often, usually the weight of such a package is five or ten kilograms. Before, when I was smaller, the nets consisted of nylon, and the bow was stored there longer, now they are plastic, often blue or orange color, onions are stored worse in them.

The advantage of storing in nets is that you do not need to think about where to look for an option for placing a bow: such a net can be put or hung in a pantry or on a balcony, but if it is not nylon, but plastic, then every month you will have to check your luggage. But this option is perhaps the simplest - I bought it on the market, brought it home, hung it on a hook - and that's it.

They store and kept onions in nylon stockings, it is believed that this is almost the most The best way storage, the air is ventilated, and it’s impossible to stuff many heads into the stocking, therefore, they don’t put too much pressure on each other, dents don’t form and the onion in the stocking doesn’t start to rot, if it ever starts, it won’t be very soon, and it can lie or hang like this almost until the new harvest. In addition, if the stockings are transparent, it is very easy to observe the condition of the bulbs (if they are rotten, then immediately remove the damaged ones).

Storing onions in braids

Braids - probably, few people already know how to weave braids from onions, but before that it was almost a decoration of the house: the onions were dug out along with the green mass, dried and braided into braids, which were stored on an ordinary carnation, such a bow was also kept very well. a very long time.

What you can’t store onions in is plastic bags, especially if they are tightly tied, there is no air, moisture does not circulate and the onion deteriorates very quickly, rots.

Storage of garlic

With garlic a little more difficult than with onions. The thing is that garlic is divided into two categories: it is spring and winter. Spring garlic is more difficult to grow, however (someone may be very surprised now) it can be stored without problems (and loss of quality) for up to a year and a half, but winter garlic is stored much less, although the storage methods are essentially the same. We recommend using winter garlic for food or counting on a maximum of a couple of months of storage, and spring, of course, also use for food, but we will help you learn how to store it until the new harvest.

Preparing garlic for storage

If you want to break the garlic preservation record, be sure to cut off the entire aerial part (if you don’t want to keep it in braids, like onions) and the root system after digging or buying, then over gas stove, with the burner turned on, singe the places of both sections, then dry the heads in a dry room for a day, turning them over once a day to another barrel.

Advice. The aerial part and roots of garlic can be removed either with sharp scissors or with an ordinary sharp knife. At the same time, you should try to cut the stems not completely, but leave a couple of centimeters at the very head.

Garlic can be stored in braids, linen bags, onion skins, hanging nets, sunflower oil, flour and salt.

Storing garlic in pigtails

Perhaps people used to get sick less because each hut had a pair of onion and garlic braids. In order to braid a pigtail, of course, the garlic stalks should not be cut off, they are woven into the most banal pigtail and hung on a nail in convenient location. What are the benefits? Garlic is always at hand - he reached out and plucked it; you see what condition the heads are in and if one of them suddenly starts to deteriorate, then it needs to be cut off and thrown away; phytoncides coming from garlic kill harmful microbes and, as one grandmother said, drive out evil spirits.

What are the disadvantages - garbage, tear off the head of garlic and the “husks” from its shell will surely scatter everywhere, because they are quite dry. And if you leave, say on vacation, and one of the bulbs rots, you can meet upon arrival captured by a swarm fruit flies apartment or house.

Storing garlic in bags

A linen bag - it breathes, allows air to pass through, eliminates excess moisture and therefore the garlic lies there, as if it had just been dug from the garden. One minus - you will have to pour out the contents once a month and check for rot: if there is, then carefully inspect each head, and then place the “precious garlic” back in the bag. Cons - no volatile effect in the room, and I think there can be no talk of evil spirits.

Storage of garlic sprinkled with onion peel

Sprinkled with onion peel - this is how a brother helps a brother: garlic in onion peel is perfectly protected. Of course, if the heads are dry, scorched, healthy. All that is needed is a cardboard box of a kilogram and a half with a capacity, into which onion peel is poured into the base, then a kilogram of garlic and then all this is filled with onion peel so that it fills the entire space. The box is closed, drainage holes are made in it, and the garlic is well stored. Further, once a month or more often it is simply checked: are there any diseased bulbs, that's all.

Storing garlic in a net

Exactly like onions, heads of garlic weighing 3-4 kilograms (in total weight) can be hung in a net on a hook or a heated balcony and removed from there as needed. Gardeners have noticed that in a suspended state, garlic is stored longer than when it is lying down, i.e. when one head presses on the other.

Unusual ways to store garlic

in sunflower oil. Here you have to tinker, but, firstly, this method is suitable for storing both spring and winter garlic. Whole heads, alas, or maybe, on the contrary, it’s good, it’s impossible to use, you need to divide the head into teeth and clean each one carefully. Further, it all depends on the amount of garlic you have. Of course, this method cannot be considered as such, with the help of which you can save several tens of kilograms of garlic, but a dozen heads are quite possible and they will always be at your fingertips in the form of peeled teeth splashing in oil and stored “forever”. So, we divided the head into slices, cleaned each slice, now we need to find an empty, clean, preferably pasteurized jar. Usually they take a liter jar to half fill it with refined (precisely refined) sunflower oil, and then slowly pour so much garlic into it so that the oil rises to the top of the jar, it remains to close it with a lid and put it in a regular household refrigerator. The most interesting thing is that the heads of garlic do not deteriorate and the oil, it acquires a pleasant garlic flavor and is great for different kind savory salads.

Storage of garlic in jars with flour: here you can use any size glass jars, from which it will be convenient for you to get the garlic. Banks must be clean and sterilized. This method has three storage options, either store whole heads of garlic in jars with flour, or store whole cloves or peeled cloves - as you wish and for whom as convenient. In my opinion, the best is just garlic cloves, of course, in skins. Next, you simply pour a couple of centimeters of flour onto the bottom of the jar, a layer of garlic cloves, again a couple of centimeters of flour, and so on to the top of the jar. After that, the banks need to be closed, but plastic lid(and not roll it up tightly) so that you can periodically open them and see if the flour is damp (the jar must be completely dry). Of course, this method has one drawback: - how to understand if the garlic cloves in the jar suddenly began to deteriorate? I'll have to empty the contents of the jar every month and check everything. By the way, if you want to quickly separate the teeth from the flour, then just sift it through a sieve, the teeth will remain in it.

There is another way to store garlic in combination with flour, you need to fill the jar with cloves to capacity, leaving only a couple of centimeters of free space on top. So, you need to pour enough flour so that it closes this free space, and then close the jar with a lid. Here it is easier to observe the teeth and check whether they have begun to deteriorate and whether the flour has become damp. If it starts to get damp, then as carefully as possible so that it does not get inside the jar, remove it and replace it with a new, completely dry one.

Salt. Instead of flour, you can use ordinary table salt. But you need to do it differently: first, pour table salt on the bottom of the jar, then lay the garlic and so on layer by layer, until the end of the jar. The salt should be dry, but as you know, it absorbs moisture and can dry out the garlic, so no lid is needed.

As you can see, there are many, even very, many ways to store onions and garlic, choose any and let's arrange a small vote in the comments. Whoever considers the storage method the best of the listed, write and indicate why.