In a private house      06/29/2020

Mu lemuria. Lemurian civilization. Darwin's theory and the real facts of human development

The bottom of the ocean is still poorly understood in terms of the possibility of finding various kinds of ancient artifacts there, and, above all, inscriptions and images.

Table of contents:

  • Found underwater geoglyph - Lemuria

    The bottom of the ocean is still poorly studied in terms of the possibility of finding various kinds of ancient artifacts there, and, above all, inscriptions and images. It is interesting that in the book "Shaman's Laughter" by Vladimir Serkin (M.: AST, 2010, 285 p.) there is such a dialogue: Serkin (S): Were there advanced civilizations here?- Shaman (SH): - Yes. WITH: - Why are there no traces? W: - They are at the bottom of the sea and on some northern islands. Will be found soon. WITH: - What are the traces? W: - Now, at great depths, only the remains of huge structures could be preserved. For example, airfields, tunnels, canals. Find the rest nearby. WITH: - How soon? W: - Even during the lifetime of your generation. (Entry dated January 1, 2005, pp. 76-77). Let me remind you that a year ago, in January 2009, I found the first of the underwater geoglyphs, just in the north. Now we are talking about finding a new underwater geoglyph, which Leonid Shershnev was lucky to discover. This is how he formulated the problem: To study the underwater geoglyphs of the Atlantic Ocean with the help of microepigraphy for the presence of inscriptions and faces.

    Wikipedia about Lemuria. I remind you that I turn to Wikipedia not because it tells the truth (most often just the opposite), but because it takes a few seconds to get information from it and, on the other hand, gives some conventional wisdom.

    « Lemuria - mythical island(or mainland) in the Indian Ocean. The mention of Lemuria as a land in the Indian Ocean with a developed civilization is found in the mythology of different peoples. The origin of the name is as follows. Many animals and plants are distributed only on the southern extremities of the continents of the Southern Hemisphere separated by oceans. In the 19th century (before the movement of tectonic plates was discovered), scientists assumed that these species entered from one part of their modern range to another along some kind of "temporary land bridges." The first example of this kind is "Lemuria," a hypothetical landmass in the Indian Ocean invented by the zoologist F. Slater in 1864 to directly transfer lemurs from Africa to India. According to C. Darwin, the supporters of this direction got a taste and began to bake such temporary bridges like pancakes. Subsequently, this name served for unscientific speculation.».

    In other words, mythology gave the name, and F. Slater suggested localization and, judging by the tone of this note, the author of Wikipedia considered such an assumption “scientific”, as opposed to similar hypotheses of other researchers, whose assumptions were called “unscientific speculations” (as we see, the line between "science" and "pseudoscience" is very subtle).

    Indian mythologyThe Mahabharata, Matsya Purana and other ancient texts speak of the city of Tripura, inhabited by the enemies of the gods, demons-asuras, which "plunged into the waters of the ocean and disappeared from the eyes of the gods." This may have been the basis for the Dravidian myths of Dvaraka, a city swallowed up by the sea seven days after Krishna's death. Dvaraka must have been located in what is now the state of Bombay. These myths, in turn, gave the Tamil medieval commentators the occasion to create the legend of the "Southern Continent", which had the first poetic academy (sanga) headed by Shiva. This poetic academy lasted, according to legend, 4400 years».

    Note that there is no name "Lemuria" here, and the age of 4.4 thousand years is too small for assumptions about the existence of a whole continent. So Indian mythology did not give a name, in contrast to the default thoughts from the definition above.

    However, on one of the sites there is such information: Life in Lemuria cannot be called calm. Strong earthquakes shook its soil, numerous volcanoes spewed lava flows and destroyed ancient monsters. In these harsh conditions, the first people, the Lemurians, were formed. They were dark-skinned, but with European features, they looked a bit like Ethiopians. When a single continent split into parts that became Africa and Asia, the first people spread to other lands, bringing the light of knowledge to the wild tribes. However, not all of Lemuria immediately disappeared into the depths of the ocean; for a very long time, a huge island remained in the Indian Ocean, which was called by different names: then Lanka (now it is ancient name moved to the island of Ceylon - Sri Lanka), then Meluhha (as the Sumerians called all countries in the Indian region last hour: the island drowned. Some of the Lemurians escaped on neighboring islands, in particular on the Andaman Islands. In the last century, they were photographed there by the traveler Dobson. For past centuries, the Lemurians lost their former knowledge and became wild.

    The last remaining Lemurians are the Toda tribe of the Blue Mountains in South India. Todd has large, expressive, greenish eyes, a "Roman" nose, tall stature, rather fair skin, thin lips, brown or reddish hair. This people, living high in the mountains, have preserved legends about seven great kingdoms beyond the sea, which were commanded by one "lord of the ships." The priests of Tod still remember their native language, which is called "Kvorzha". They call the sun and moon by the same names as in Sumer, Utu and Sin. Perhaps the ancestors of Toda in ancient times sailed on ships to the valley of the Tigris and Euphrates rivers to tell the Sumerians who lived there how to worship the gods and what names they should be called».

    Mythology of Madagascar. « Madagascar in the hypothesis of Lemuria occupies a separate place. The indigenous inhabitants of the island - the Malagasy - have preserved the richest traditions of oral poetry, which tells the history of the island. According to local myths, the island used to extend far to the east, and a semblance of a global flood is also mentioned.

    Despite the proximity to Africa, most of the plants and animals living in Madagascar are endemic, and their number is so large that it is quite possible to consider the island as part of a continent. In addition, the Malagasy themselves do not belong to the Negroid race.».

    Note that in this mythology, judging by this passage from Wikipedia, there is no name for Lemuria, as well as no mention of lemurs. However, on one of the other Internet sites there is such information: “ One of the peoples of Madagascar considers lemurs the descendants of a tribe cursed by the gods. Other locals deify them and bury them with royal honors.

    More than 35 species of these animals live on the island. All of them vary in color and size. Scientists have unearthed the remains of an extinct giant lemur, megalapadis. He was as tall as an adult, walked on two legs, and had huge round eyes.

    Madagascan peasants claim that the giant lemur has not disappeared, but is still roaming the dense forests. Many heard the sounds of his voice, reminiscent of cries for help. Some scientists believe that the ancestors modern man are not primates, but lemurs that lived on the seashore. The rhythm of the ebb and flow contributed to the formation of the rudiments of the mind».

    European mythology. « Despite the fact that there are versions that Egyptian, Roman and Phoenician expeditions circled Africa from the south, Europeans began to swim constantly to India only in the 15th century. In Europe, the legends of Lemuria were rarely taken seriously, unlike the Unknown Southern Land with which it was often identified. Later Europeans mentioned Lemuria as a counterbalance to Atlantis (or vice versa, as an addition). Already in the twentieth century, when it became known about the absence of a sunken mainland between Madagascar and Hindustan, some supporters of the existence of Lemuria hurried to “transfer” the disappeared land to the Pacific Ocean, but this version did not gain wide popularity among the public, since Pacifida already “was” there».

    The myth of Lemuria by Helena Blavatsky. « Helena Blavatsky offered her own version of the origin of the mythical Lemuria. She suggested that the inhabitants of Lemuria were the "root race" of mankind. Philosopher Rudolf Steiner argued that the secret repository of the history of the universe, the Akashic Records, also referred to the inhabitants of Lemuria as the ancestors of humans.

    In 1926, James Churchward, Colonel of the Bengal Lancers, claimed that an Indian monk showed him ancient tablets that mentioned the continent of Mu (Lemuria), which stretched for 6,000 km from the northern tip of the Hawaiian Islands to Easter Island. According to Churchward, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, and high waves destroyed Lemuria about 12,000 years ago. Small islands were scattered across the Pacific Ocean, and all peoples descended from the surviving Lemurians (see Pacifida).

    Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine clearly and repeatedly points to the continent of Lemuria (Mu), which was destroyed long before Atlantis by fire, not water. The last island - the remnant of Atlantis was indeed destroyed by a flood 12 thousand years ago, and most of it long before that as a result of a change in the face of the Earth, including various numerous earthquakes. The reason for these changes was the increase in the diameter of the Earth.

    “Lemuria, as we called the Mainland of the Third Race, was then a gigantic country. It covered the entire region from the foothills of the Himalayas, which separated it from the inland sea, which rolled its waves through what we know as present-day Tibet, Mongolia and the great desert of Shamo ( Gobi); from Chittagong west to Hardwar and east to Assam. From there [from the inland sea] it [Lemuria] spread southward through what we now know as South India, Ceylon and Sumatra; then, enveloping on its way , as it moved south, Madagascar on the right side and Tasmania on the left, it descended a few degrees short of the Antarctic Circle; and from Australia, which at that time was an inland region on the Main Continent, it went far into the Pacific Ocean beyond Rapa Nui (Teapi or Easter Island), now lying at 26 ° south latitude and 110 ° west longitude ... Sweden and Norway were an integral part of Ancient Lemuria, as well as Atlantis from Europe, just as precisely but, like Eastern and Western Siberia, and Kamchatka belonged to it from the side of Asia.(The Secret Doctrine of H. P. Blavatsky).

    Thus, according to Blavatsky, Lemuria occupied at least three oceans.

    Localization of the mainland "Lemuria"

    (Living Ethics in Germany,, 08.09.07.) " Lemuria is described in The Secret Doctrine as "a huge Continent that once reigned and towered over the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans." All descriptions of this continent are rather episodic and approximate, therefore only dotted lines can be drawn on the map, which will indicate the approximate contours of Lemuria. Let's start with a description of the Indian-Pacific region of this giant continent. In the Asian part of Lemuria there was a huge inland sea. In The Secret Doctrine, this region is described in the following words: "Lemuria, as we called the Continent of the Third Race, was then a gigantic country. It covered the whole region from the foot of the Himalayas, which separated it from the inland sea, which rolled its waves through what we we know how present-day Tibet, Mongolia and the great desert of Shamo (Gobi); from Chittagong in a western direction to Hardwar and in an eastern direction to Assam.

    In order to plot the outlines of the inland sea on a map, it is worth making inquiries about the geographical names indicated. They will be as follows: Chittagong - a city in Bangladesh, lies on the banks of the Karnaphuli River, near the Bay of Bengal of the Indian Ocean. Hardwar (Hardwar or Haridwar) - a city in northern India, the state of Uttranchal, lies downstream of the Ganges River, 20 km from the city of Rishikesh. Assam is an Indian state in the northeast of India, the capital of the state is the city of Dispur.

    If you follow the mountain ranges and intuition, then the inland sea can be roughly outlined as follows, as shown in the map below.».

    Rice. 1. Inland Sea in Asia according to Blavatsky

    « After the outlines of the inland sea have been mapped, one can move on to determining the contours of Lemuria in a south and southeast direction from this inland sea: “From there [from the inland sea] it [Lemuria] spread south through what is now known to us as the South India, Ceylon, and Sumatra; then, enveloping on its course, as it went south, Madagascar on the right side and Tasmania on the left, it descended a few degrees short of the Antarctic Circle; and from Australia, which at that time was an inland region on the Main Continent, it extended far into the Pacific Ocean beyond Rapa Nui (Teapi or Easter Island), now lying at 26 degrees south latitude and 110 degrees west longitude. The following geographic areas need to be identified on the map:

    Ceylon is an island country of Sri Lanka in the Indian Ocean, off the southern coast of India. Sumatra (Sumatra or Sumatera) is an island in the Malay Archipelago, in Indonesia. Madagascar is an island in the Indian Ocean east of Africa. Tasmania is an island off the southeast coast of Australia. Easter Island, Rapa Nui, (Polynesian Rapa Nui; Spanish Isla de Pascua, English Easter Island, German Osterinsel) is an island of volcanic origin in the eastern Pacific Ocean. If you put the indicated areas on the map, and follow the ocean ridges as indicators of the contours of Lemuria, which has sunk to the bottom of the oceans, you will get approximately the following map».

    Rice. 2. Outlines of Lemuria according to Blavatsky

    « This map clearly shows the western outline of the Indian-ocean region of Lemuria, passing through Madagascar. But the eastern outlines are lost over the horizon, because. they lie in the pacific ocean».

    Pacific Lemuria. « Now let's move on to the consideration of the Pacific region of Lemuria. The only thing that is indicated about this region is that Lemuria went far to the East beyond Easter Island, and that the ruins of the cyclopean buildings found today in Peru belong to the late sub-races of the Third (Lemurian) Root Race. Easter Island was the inland land of Lemuria, which was first inhabited by the early Lemurians: "Easter Island, for example, belongs to the earliest civilization of the Third Race. A sudden volcanic eruption and upheaval of the ocean floor during the Champlain era of the north polar flood raised this small relic of the Archaic Ages - after how she was sunk with the rest - intact, with all her statues and volcano, and left as a witness to the existence of Lemuria. And during the time of the Fourth Root Race, the Atlanteans settled on Easter Island: "Easter Island, therefore, was also captured by some Atlanteans, who, fleeing from the cataclysm that happened in their country, settled on this remnant of Lemuria, but only to die on it when it was subsequently destroyed by volcanic eruption and lava."

    Without discussing now to which civilization the stone statues of Easter Island belong, it is only worth noting that this island was the inner land of Lemuria, which extended its possessions to the Peruvian Andes: "Nevertheless, we see that the Lemurians, in their sixth sub-race, build their first rock cities of stone and lava One of these vast cities of primitive appearance was built entirely of lava, about thirty miles west of where Easter Island now stretches in a narrow strip of barren soil, which was subsequently completely destroyed by a whole series of volcanic eruptions. The oldest remains of the ruins of the Cyclopean structures were all the product of the last sub-races of the Lemurians; and therefore the occultist does not express surprise when he learns that the stone remains found by Captain Cook on a small piece of Earth called Easter Island were "very similar to the walls the Temple of Pachacamac, or the ruins of Tia Huanaco in Peru," also that they were of a Cyclopean character." Thus, the eastern end of Lemuria becomes clear - it lies on the eastern slope of the central Andes. Probably, the connection of this high-mountain massif with the oceanic (now flooded) part of Lemuria took place along the oceanic ridge called "Nazca" (eng. Nazca Ridge), which lies perpendicular to the central Andes.

    To determine the northern outskirts of the Pacific part of Lemuria, one must take into account that the mainland included Siberia, Kamchatka, the Bering Strait: "... Sweden and Norway were an integral part of Ancient Lemuria, as well as Atlantis from Europe, just as Eastern and Western Siberia, and Kamchatka belonged to it from the side of Asia. And another quote: "... the final transformation of the Third Race took place. It began in those northern regions that have just been described as including the Bering Strait, and what was then dry land in Central Asia." It is also known that tribes that once belonged to the Lemurian race remained in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe continental mountainous China: "... the Tasmanians, part of the Australians and the mountain tribe in China, whose men and women are completely covered with hair. They were the last descendants in a straight line of later Lemurians." Given that the inland sea of ​​Lemuria, which stretched over today's Tibet, should be surrounded by mainland land, then we can safely include all of China in Lemuria».

    Polynesia. « Now the question is about the islands of Polynesia - were they part of Lemuria, or not? The "Secret Doctrine" quotes the words of the French scholar Louis Jacolliot from his book "History of the Virgins: Peoples and Lost Continents" (French "L" Histoire des Vierges: les Peuples et les Continents Disparus ") as a reinforcement of evidence for the existence of the Lemurian mainland (underlining site revisions):

    "Louis Jacolliot says: "As for the Polynesian continent, which disappeared during the last geological cataclysms, its existence rests on such evidence that we can no longer doubt if we want to be logical

    The three peaks of this mainland are the Sandwich Islands. New Zealand, Easter Island - far apart, from fifteen to eighteen hundred geographical leagues, and a group of intermediate islands: Viti (Fiji), Samoa, Tonga, Futuna (Foutouha), Uwea (Oueeha), Marquesas, Tahiti, Pumutu (Pomatou), the Gambiers, are also separated from these extreme points by a distance of seven or eight hundred to a thousand geographic leagues.

    All navigators agree, saying that the extreme and central group could never communicate with each other, in view of their present geographical location, and considering the meager means they had at hand. It is physically impossible to swim such a distance in a pirogue... without a compass and travel for months without provisions.

    On the other hand, the natives of the Sandwich Islands, Viti and New Zealand and the central group, Samoa, Tahiti and others, never knew each other, never heard of each other before the arrival of Europeans. And yet, each of these tribes claimed that their island once formed part of the land of a huge stretch, stretching westward from Asia. And when they were put face to face, it turned out that they spoke the same language, had the same customs, the same mores and the same religious beliefs. And to the question - "Where is the cradle of your Race?" In response, they all just held out their hand towards the setting sun.

    To determine the exact position of the indicated geographical names (underlined text in Russian translation), it is best to refer to the original "The Secret Doctrine", where this text is as follows: "On the other hand, the aborigines of the Sandwich Islands, of Viti, of New Zealand, of the central groups, of Samoa, Tahiti, etc., had never known each other, had never heard of each other, before the arrival of the Europeans. formed part of an immense stretch of land which extended towards the West on the side of Asia". Having inquired about the underlined geographical names, we have the following information:

    Sandwich Islands - the old name for the Hawaiian Islands (English Hawaii Islands), which was given to these islands by the English captain James Cook in honor of the English Lord Sandwich after his discovery of these islands on January 18, 1778. This archipelago lies in the central part Pacific Ocean, the largest in Polynesia. It consists of 24 islands stretched from the west-north-west. to the E.-S.-E. more than 3600 km.

    Viti is the old name for a large group of small islands in Fiji. Fiji, German Fidschi]. The largest island today is called "Viti Levu". The Fiji Islands are located in the southwestern Pacific Ocean, east of Australia and north of New Zealand. New Zealand (eng. New Zealand), a group of large islands in the South Pacific Ocean, lying to the northeast of Australia. Samoa - 14 small islands of volcanic origin in the Pacific Ocean, in Polynesia. Thus, it becomes clear that the whole of Polynesia, including all the small islands of the Pacific Ocean up to Easter Island (Rapa Nui), was part of the single mainland of Lemuria. If you map all of the above geographical names, and also take into account the eastern borders of Lemuria, extending to the Central Andes of South America, then you can outline the Pacific part of Lemuria, following the map of the Pacific floor».

    Northern and Atlantic Lemuria. « Let's move on to the northern and Atlantic part of Lemuria. In The Secret Doctrine, the following is written on this subject: “The theory of the existence of Northern Lemuria should not cause any embarrassment. The continuation of this great Continent in the northern part of the Atlantic Ocean does not in the least contradict the opinions so widespread regarding the location of the lost Atlantis, for one opinion confirms the other It should be noted that Lemuria, which served as the cradle of the Third Root Race, not only covered a vast area in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, but extended in the form of a horseshoe beyond Madagascar around South Africa (then only an insignificant part in the process of formation [most likely these are the African Atlas Mountains - site editor's note]), across the Atlantic Ocean to Norway. fresh water in England, called Wildon - regarded by geologists as the source of the former great river - is the course of the main river that drained northern Lemuria in the Secondary Age.

    Wealdon is a district in the county of East Sussex, southern England, the main town of Crowborough. According to geologists who excavated in this place, there really was a prehistoric lake in this area, which experts call "The Wealden Lake" (Wildon Lake). Thus it is clear that southern England was part of the Lemurian mainland. To further define the outlines of the western part of this horseshoe-shaped part of Lemuria, one must remember that "... Sweden and Norway were an integral part of Ancient Lemuria," as well as the fact that Greenland, Svalbard, the Dover Strait (La Manche) were also there: " Science speaks of an "ancient Continent" stretching from Svalbard down to the Strait of Dover. The Secret Teaching asserts that in the earliest geological periods these regions were part of a continent that had the shape of a horseshoe, one end of which, the eastern, lay much more north than the North Cornwall, and included Greenland..."

    Greenland is a large Arctic island lying between Baffin Bay and the Atlantic Ocean. North Cornwall is the northwestern peninsula of the island of Great Britain. Svalbard is a polar archipelago in the Arctic Ocean. The Strait of Dover is the narrowest part of the English Channel, separating the island of Great Britain from the European part of the Eurasian continent. The outline of the western semicircle of the horseshoe (the left side of the lotus petals) becomes clear.

    On the above map of the mainland Lemuria, the African Atlas Mountains are indicated. This is done on the basis of the following quotation from The Secret Doctrine: "In the days of Lemuria, when the African continent was not yet uplifted, Atlas was an inaccessible island. It is the only western relic belonging to the continent on which the Third Race was born, developed and fell (this does not mean that Atlas is the locality where the race fell, for this happened in Northern and Central Asia, but that Atlas was part of this Continent), survived as, independent, for present-day Australia is part of the Eastern Continent. According to Esoteric tradition, the proud Atlas plunged one third of its size into the depths of the waters, while the other two parts of it remained as a legacy of Atlantis. Geographic reference: The Atlas Mountains are located in the northwest of Africa (Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia); length about 2000 km., height up to 4165 m (mountain Toubkal); consists of the Tel Atlas, High Atlas, Middle Atlas, Sahara Atlas».

    Africa. « Regarding Africa and the Atlas Mountains, the following quote also says: "... Africa, as the Continent, was never part of Lemuria or Atlantis, as we agreed to call the Third and Fourth Continents.<…>... the stretch between the Atlas and Madagascar was occupied by waters until the earliest period of Atlantis, after the disappearance of Lemuria, when Africa rose from the bottom of the ocean, and the Atlas half sank. at the bottom of the oceans.

    Now, following from the northwestern outskirts of Lemuria, it is necessary to go down along the left semicircle of the horseshoe down to the south. This path will run along the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean: “A more striking confirmation of our position could not be given than the fact that a high mountain range in the Atlantic Ocean basin, 9000 feet high, and which extends two or three thousand miles in a southerly direction from a point near the British Isles, dips first towards South America, then changes direction almost at right angles to continue in a southeasterly direction towards the African coast, from where it continues south to Tristan d'Acuña. This ridge is a remnant of the Atlantic continent, and if it were possible to trace it further, then the reality of the existence of a connection point under water, in the form of a horseshoe, with an older continent in the Pacific Ocean, would be established "».

    Modern data on the ocean floor. « Today, one hundred years after the writing of the "Secret Doctrine", the contours of the bottom of the world's oceans are well studied. On the adjacent map, you can see in detail the topography of the bottom of the world's oceans, including the Mid-Atlantic Ridge, which is referred to in the above quotation from the "Secret Doctrine". As can be seen from this map, this reef runs along the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean from north to south, making an almost horizontal meander in the equatorial region between North America and Africa, which it goes around in a horseshoe shape to connect with the same mountain deep-sea ridge in the Indian Ocean. The latter, in turn, goes around Australia and continues its run along the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. That is, the above words of E.P. Blavatsky can be considered prophetic.

    For complete clarity on the issue of localization of the lower (southern) part of the Lemurian "horseshoe", you need to find out the position of the island of Tristan D "Acuña. The modern Russian spelling of this island is Tristan da Cunha (Portuguese Tristao da Cunha, English Tristan da Cunha). It is included in a group of islands that today belong to England and are called the St. Helena Islands. It was on these islands that Napoleon was imprisoned in exile from 1816 to 1821. Tristan da Cunha was discovered in 1506 sailors led by Admiral Tristan da Cunha (the island is named after him). The islands are located within 37 ° 6 "south latitude and 12 ° 1" west longitude. Having marked this island on the map and following the deep-sea ridges passing along the bottom of the Atlantic and enveloping Africa, we will find out the localization of the southwestern region of Lemuria.

    Now it remains to find out the outlines of the right part of the Lemurian "horseshoe" or the right part of this "lotus" lying on the territory of today's Siberia and Kamchatka: "... Sweden and Norway were an integral part of Ancient Lemuria, as well as Atlantis from Europe, just as accurately , as Eastern and Western Siberia, and Kamchatka belonged to it from the side of Asia. But the eastern borders of Lemuria extended not only to Kamchatka, but even to the Bering Strait: "...the final transformation of the Third Race took place. It began in those northern regions that have just been described as including the Bering Strait." Now you can combine the already known geographical points in the Pacific Ocean - the Sandwich Islands (Hawaii) - with the Bering Strait, and then, passing through Eastern Siberia, outline Western Siberia along the border of the Urals, and from the southern Urals it will descend to western India, passing between the Aral and Caspian Seas, which is absolutely necessary to do, so that the inland sea (over Tibet) is surrounded by the mainland of Lemuria, and does not become a bay of the ancient ocean. If you put all these points on the map, then you can outline the contours of the right side of the northern Lemurian "horseshoe".

    So, the contours of the giant continent of Lemuria are certain. For clarity, you can put the outlines of Lemuria on the general map of today's world. To do this, it is best to use the already indicated map of the oceans, because. it is along the bottom of the ocean that most of the borders of Lemuria pass. It is worth repeating that the exact boundaries of Lemuria are not indicated anywhere in the Teaching. Therefore, when determining the shores of Lemuria, one has to be guided by the general descriptions of the contours of this continent, given in the "Secret Doctrine", which was discussed above. When determining the more "accurate" boundaries of Lemuria, one can only be guided by the map of the deep-water bottom of the world ocean and one's own intuition, which should not lead beyond the general contours of Lemuria indicated above. This is how the following world map of Lemuria was made. This map is by no means an exact map of the ancient Lemurian continent, but only an approximate projection of it.

    It must be remembered that the shell of the planet is in slow but constant motion - some parts rise, others fall. Even in our historical time, it is known about the existence of oceanic islands that existed a couple of centuries ago, but today they have sunk below the level of the oceans. There are also many finds of maritime archeology, which shed light on sunken cities in the coastal continental zone, for example, off the coast of Greece and Egypt. If we draw this logical line back into the history of the Earth millions of years ago, then the concept of sinking and lifting huge territories will not seem so implausible. It is only necessary to expand the horizon of vision, not limiting the scope of the existence of mankind to several tens of millennia.

    Surely, future studies of marine archeology, as well as other branches of science, including esoteric methods not yet accepted as psychometry, will help clarify the map of Lemuria, and the very existence of giant Lemurians. Future generations of people will be more spiritual and less biased than the current materially oriented civilization. And this means that the truth about the true origin of man will triumph, and the masses of people will accept the concept of Theosophy about the evolution of monads, races, continents, planetary chains, the cosmos ... When this happens, then new, hidden evidence will be revealed that will shed light on true evolution our planet. Both later and now, material facts were given and are being given, confirming the doctrine of Theosophy about the existence of Lemuria, but humanity stubbornly does not want to notice them. It remains only to hope that humanity of the near future will nevertheless open its spiritual eyes and face the truth, no matter how harsh it is!»

    Scientific research

    « Unlike the search for Atlantis, almost no expeditions were sent to study Lemuria, which is not surprising. The few studies have not found any trace of the existence of a large island or continent.". Such information about the myth about Lemuria is common in various writings and on the Internet at various sites. And this is quite justified. Nothing specific is said about Lemuria (except for the article cited above), so its existence can be assumed almost everywhere.

    Usually, an alleged map of the disappeared mainland is attached to the description of the myth. Although a fairly detailed map in Fig. 2, however, the map of the Pleistocene ecumene is very interesting and, although simplified, but complete.

    Rice. 3. Simplified map of the Pleistocene ecumene

    We draw the attention of readers to the fact that the Pleistocene civilization, judging by this map, was located at the bottom of modern seas, which, apparently, were taken as a normal horizon, while all modern continents seemed to be plateaus and, probably, were not so suitable for human life.

    Authors' actions articles. Since the goal of most of our work is to identify geoglyphs or other inscriptions on objects, the same tactic manifested itself in this case. After Valery Alekseevich Chudinov's article "Sidorov about Atlantis" dated 12/12/09, Leonid Vasilyevich Shershnev began to investigate in detail the place where the word "Atlantis" was marked on the map attached to that article.

    Rice. 4. A section of the Atlantic where the inscription "Atlantis" has been preserved

    To our surprise, L.V. Shershnev discovered an inscription about 1000 km long. and a value comparable to Portugal: " LEMURIUS. YARA RUSS. LIGHTHOUSE". Naturally, I had to check the find many times and in more detail, in different approximations. As a result, information was opened on a vast territory. She confirmed the discovery of the geoglyph, it is LEMURIUS!

    In order for the reader himself to check the existence of the inscription, in fig. 4, the corresponding fragment is marked with a white frame, the inscription on which is read in fig. 5. Moreover, at the beginning, on the fragment circled with a black frame at the right end, a convex letter A is visible; then, if the reader's eye moves to the left, he will find the letter And, also convex. And further, moving the eye more and more to the left, the reader will find the rest of the letters of the word LEMURIUS, whose contrast will be lower and lower. This is probably due to the fact that the left letters were covered with marine sediments more than the right ones.

    Rice. 5. Fragments on which the entire inscription is read

    Three other fragments are circled in white frames, on which letters are read - black (deep depressions) form the words YARA, blue (hills) make up the words RUS and MAYAK.

    Further L.V. Shershnev outlines the same letters, but less clearly, and the relief of the first word is a double contour, as it should be (the letters are convex), and the hollows of the second word (YARA) are a single contour, which is also true. But the words Rus' and MAYAK should also be outlined with a double contour, but here the thickness of the letters is small, and such a stroke is already very difficult to technically perform. It should also be taken into account that everywhere the contrast of the letters is very low, so that one has to work at the limit of the resolving power of the eye.

    However, although its stroke is slightly less precise than my letter selection, it is much more descriptive, fig. 6.

    Rice. 6. The same inscription tied to the area

    Identification of other geoglyphs in neighboring areas. Then L.V. Shershnev continued to search for new inscriptions in the areas adjacent to this area, and it turned out that there are a lot of these inscriptions in this area, and besides, there are also images.

    The discovered inscriptions were repeated, and the lycons supplemented and confirmed the revealed information. The following words were read: GOD YAR. YARA GOD MARA. YARA KIND OF THE TEMPLE LIGHTHOUSE. LEMURIUS YARA. YARA RUSI. YARA PARADISE(the tick in the letter Y is made in the form of the rune "God") . THE WORLD OF YARA. FACE OF MARY - MASK OF YAR ROD". We draw the attention of readers to how large the image of the face of Mary and the signatures under it are.

    Rice. 7. Identification of additional inscriptions in neighboring areas

    Let's take a closer look at this region. We see that the later Atlantis (after the flooding of which the island of Madeira remained) is located a little to the south and east of this inscription. The MAYAK inscription itself, which was revealed earlier than others, is located to the east of the hill, which in Fig. 6 can be understood as LIK YAR, which shows a male face in profile with the corresponding inscription. The head of the depicted man is wearing a triangular hat with a high top. This "cap" is formed by mountains, and the "head" itself is the center of the region.

    To the northwest of the face of Yar there is a large region called MARA and with the face of Mary. It is possible that this part of Lemuria was not flooded in the first place, but survived until the Lower Paleolithic, and at that time this site was inhabited and signed. To the south of it is the region of Yara Roda; the very reference to Rod, perhaps, tells us that this site survived until the Middle Paleolithic, when it was inhabited and signed. Finally, the area south of the face of the Yar was called the TEMPLE OF YAR, and it probably existed until the melting of the glacier at the end of the Upper Paleolithic.

    Thus, there were several regions inhabited at different times.

    Reading along the meridian. Now we will explore the area located between the Azores and about. Madeira. This is approximately 1000 km. West of the Moroccan coast of the Atlantic Ocean. The photograph shows a square area measuring 150 by 120 km. The photo is rotated 90 degrees. Madeira Island is located to the northeast, 650 km. Azores - 700 km. north. On fig. 8 you can see this region before our reading of the inscriptions.

    Rice. 8. Site near Madeira Island in meridian location

    Now you can try to read very low-contrast inscriptions. The geoglyph, the size of a modern metropolis, has the inscriptions: " LEMURIUS YARA. LIGHTHOUSE OF THE MATI GOD. GLORY YAR. YAR TEMPLE, THE FACE OF YAR 6435 YEARS» These inscriptions confirm the presence of Yar's face. At the same time, the numbers on the underwater geoglyph were discovered for the first time. It is not yet clear what they might mean.

    Additional research revealed inscriptions supplementing and duplicating this information. These new inscriptions are placed in fig. 9; they are on a flat area covered by ocean sediments.

    Rice. 9. Reading the inscriptions on the ocean floor

    If you continue to peer into this fragment, you can find just above the inscriptions the image of another face of Yar and the inscription: “ AS YAR. 6435 (years) YARA TO THE WORLD. GOD YAR IS 6435". Thus, the mysterious figures are confirmed, although their detection is on the verge of the resolution of the human eye.

    Here, on the right, there are two faces. The left one, zoomorphic, is a full-face lion's muzzle. The signature consists of two letters, where the left one adjoins the lower jaw, and the right one is located to the right of the mouth. The inscription reads: YAR. The second image shows a bearded man turned ¾ to the left. According to iconography, this is ROD. The corresponding inscription is located below at the level of the beard. Between them, but below, you can see a woman's face full face. Judging by the iconography, this is MARA, although the corresponding signature is not visible on the image. Thus, before us is a trinity of Slavic deities.

    Rice. 10. Reading additional inscriptions

    L.V. Shershnev proposed a special drawing with the identification of digital inscriptions. Commenting on Fig. 11, he writes: Another test confirmed this figure: 6435 YEARS. The inscription is huge, about 250 km long.". In addition, he found another duplicate inscription of the same content, but lower. True, this did not make the inscription any clearer.

    Another riddle was added - why were the inscriptions deployed not in latitudinal, but in longitudinal execution? And finally - is this largest inscription visible to the naked eye? V.A. Chudinov doubted this, which forced him to move on to the next image of this region.

    Rice. 11. The largest inscription

    On fig. 12 shows the very fragment of the region where the largest inscription was found. Are any signs immediately visible here, offhand? Yes, they are visible. One sign, resembling the Latin letter S or the number 5, is actually visible, and it is shown below. Similarly, the letter T can be distinguished on the right. These signs are formed by mountain ranges, on which individual peaks are visible. The remaining letters are clearly not visible.

    At the same time, if you strain your eyesight very much, you can also distinguish other signs, which, however, do not look quite the way L.V. shows. Shershnev. In other words, the slope of the sign, its size, line thickness, location on the line are not taken into account by it, which was noted when comparing Fig. 5 and fig. 6. Thus, he does not give the inscription a SCHEME, but a SCHEME of the inscription, conveying its content, but not the features of the graphics. This type of epigraphic activity also has the right to exist, because it has greater clarity, although less accuracy.

    I especially want to emphasize that in a number of areas of science visualization usually manifests itself at a higher level of development of this area of ​​knowledge. So, the long version of the periodic table, more accurate, is known only to specialists, while the less accurate short version has entered the practice of teaching. We observe the same process in everyday life. So, in the 50s of the twentieth century, maps of Moscow with metro lines printed on them were hung inside subway cars. The binding to the terrain was ideal, but the concepts of "ring" and "radius" somehow did not fit with the curved, serpentine lines of the Moscow subway. Then they switched from maps of the area to station layouts, where the radii and rings became geometrically correct. They are easier to navigate, they are better remembered. Therefore, for popular science literature, inscription schemes are preferable, although they are not very accurate.

    So, in fig. 12 you can see the drawing of both explicit and implicit signs.

    Fig.12. Draw explicit and implicit signs of the largest inscription


    So, the first study of underwater geoglyphs of the Atlantic Ocean covered an area of ​​2000/2000 km. west from the Iberian Peninsula and the west coast of Africa towards America. It was possible to reveal the faces of the Gods of Spring Rus': Rod, Yar Rod, Mary Yar.


    If they are correct, then it follows from them that the current bottom of the Atlantic Ocean in the Pleistocene was not occupied by water, but was an inhabited part of the land, where not only plants and animals were located, but also a person settled. In other words, the ecumene in those days stretched along the ocean floor, while the current continents seemed to the inhabitants of that era to be quite high plateaus. Some of them, adjacent to the ocean floor, may also have been inhabited, but not at a great distance.

    If you look at fig. 3, it can be assumed that not only the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean was inhabited, but also the bottom parts of all other oceans. In other words, the terrestrial "seas" were dry, as the lunar seas are today. They were simply lowered areas of land. The water was concentrated on a hill, in the region of present-day Mongolia, China and Tibet, in a certain natural bowl, fig. 1, forming, in the language of physics, a metastable system, that is, a system with unstable equilibrium. It is possible that it broke through from time to time, large masses of water flooded part of the ocean floor, overflowed rivers and large reservoirs flowing along the bottom, but then all this partially fell into numerous oceanic depressions, partially evaporated. In these lowlands, lying below the continents, protected from the winds, the temperature should have been kept above the continental, so that the evaporation processes here should have been more intense. However, after each water breakthrough, the level ground water, and, consequently, the level of rivers and reservoirs should have gradually decreased. So if now on the continents there is a widespread process of shallowing of rivers and drying up of streams, then on the ocean floor there was a directly opposite process: watering the land, the emergence of new streams and rivers, and the expansion of existing reservoirs.

    These processes of continuous transgression led to the fact that people were gradually forced to move to ever higher areas of the ocean floor, so that by the end of the Upper Paleolithic, only Hyperborea and Atlantis remained from the old ecumene, which also practically sank after the flood. The current maps, realizing scenarios of sea level rise after the melting of the glaciers of Antarctica, already show the flooding of part of the continents and islands, which will especially adversely affect the Netherlands, Japan, and the USA. In other words, transgression, apparently, is a constant, albeit uneven, feature of the development of the geographic envelope of the Earth. So the continents themselves, in terms of geological time, may have been inhabited by humans recently.

    It is possible that this was exactly what happened just after the last, Wurm glaciation, when people gradually began to move from the shelf zone of the continents to the continents themselves. This does not mean that they were not there before the glaciation, but only after the melting of the glaciers they no longer found a place on the ocean floor. Perhaps that is why archaeologists find so few Mesolithic sites - the continents were fully mastered by people only in the Neolithic, when the shelf zone was already flooded with water. This, by the way, could serve as the basis for the current point of view of historians on the Paleolithic as a time of complete savagery of people - the sites of communities engaged in exploration of the continents were rare, and the inventory was rather primitive. Approximately the same opinion could be formed by an archaeologist of the future, considering the “parking lot” of oil workers working on the drilling rigs of our time. The drilling rigs themselves will be dismantled after the well is closed, the wellbore will be clogged with earth, so that the root cause of the presence of people in this area will be unknown to archaeologists. But rusted metal parts of beds, wretched utensils, pieces of rubber boots and fragments of overalls can be preserved. From all this, a picture of the existence of man at the level of savagery will be formed.

    Another general point of the study, which I would like to pay special attention to, is the preparation by historians of maps of ancient states or tribes based on modern geomorphology of the area. It is known that even 2000 years ago the Volga flowed into the Black Sea, and the Hyrcanian Sea was many times larger than the current Caspian Sea, which is its miserable relic. However, at school we are offered under the name "kart ancient world» image of modern relief and modern hydrographic grid. Evolutionary geography does not fit in with historiography.

    Another thing is that it is very difficult to build such maps. It is possible that Lemuria, which in the first approximation covered the entire bottom of the World Ocean, actually had areas of lesser population or completely empty; Numerous rivers flowed through it, the location of which we do not know. Artificial satellites of the Earth allowed us to look through the water column and see not only geological formations at the bottom, but also artifacts, traces of human activity. However, it now appears that loose oceanic sediments form the next line of visibility, covering depressions, riverbeds and reservoirs, and lowlands. Now, at the next stage of research, some geophysical research should be carried out (with the help of echo sounders or georadar), which could provide a map of the area without a cover of loose sediments.

    All mid-ocean ridges are covered with a network of transverse faults associated with the expansion of the Earth's oceanic crust. Almost two million years ago, they probably also existed (although their width could be somewhat less), but they belonged to mountain ranges on which people most likely did not settle. Moreover, on the map in Fig. 2 clearly shows that the outlines of the continents (at that time plateaus) were different. So, South America spread much further to the east, and in the south it joined Antarctica; the mainland of North America was twice the size of the current one, did not have a thin bridge with the South (here the land stretched for thousands of kilometers), and in the north it merged with the northern lands. Africa was wider, including Arabia, part of Europe and Asia; The Mediterranean Sea was entirely inland, and the Scandinavian Peninsula, like Britain, was a shelf and did not belong to continental Europe. Siberia belonged to the oceanic crust. In other words, the map of the world was essentially different.

    Thus, it is very difficult to interpret the information received from the underwater geoglyphs of the Atlantic. Judging by the size, this is indeed a sunken (from the point of view of modern science - sunken) "mainland" of Lemuria, although in reality it is an ocean floor inhabited by man and not yet filled with water.

    Our Assumptions. How to interpret the very word LEMURIAS? One of possible solutions, this is such an understanding: eL (s) MU Riya - the Sacred Land of MU or MURA (MARA) Let's add here the words that came from reading the geoglyphs: YARA GOGO MARA. THE FACE OF MARY - THE MASK OF YAR ROD. LEMURIUS YARA. LIGHTHOUSE. MATI GOD. YARA RAY. Now let's recall the sacred names for the root combinations of the letters LMR: OUM - AMEN, MAHA, MAKOZH, MOTHER, MARA, MARIA, MERU, PEACE, MASK, MASKOV, the sacred mountain and the river on Seydozero - ElMoRayok, ELLohim, ALLAH, ALLELUJA. Even the letter U can mean creation, discovery (HOUM - mantra). However, all this is still very preliminary thoughts.

    In general, without affecting the disclosure of each of the above names in this article, we can offer such an explanation for the name Lemuria - PARADISE EARTH, the Earth that gave birth to God Yar (Mother Yar). This assumption is also supported by the size of the inscription and the icons of Mary Yar (Virgin Mary). Lik occupies approximately an area of ​​1200 km by 800 km. And the combination of the words TEMPLE OF YAR KIND indicates that this is a sacred place of the born God Yar. The words MARA and X(A)RAM can be read from right to left and vice versa).

    Attempt to interpret the date. Faces and inscriptions indicate the year 6435 from what? Perhaps from the appearance of the god Yar to the world! That is, from the date of the discovery of Mir Yar (creation of the world?), In 6345, these geoglyphs were created.

    One of us, V. A. Chudinov, in the article "Underwater geoglyph of the Light of the World" dated March 3, 2009 on the site, has already described one huge underwater geoglyph in Antarctica. There he suggested that the era of Mara was more powerful, preceding the era of Yar. Now this study speaks in favor of the existence of a giant "continent" (the ocean floor on which plants, animals and people lived) MU with an inland sea and the combination of two eras (Yara and Mary) at the same time. Moreover, the incarnation of God Yar, according to the data received, took place 6435 years before some very important event. It is possible that before the creation of these lycons, imprinted on the land of the continents, and, possibly, before the displacement of the North Pole, after which the melting of the glacier on the continents began, which led to the final watering of the ocean floor.

    If the latter assumption is correct, then, in this case, the Yar era began 12.5 + 6.3 = 18.8 thousand years ago and has not only not ended yet, but has not even completed one precessional revolution.

    One more observation. The sacred arrangement of the faces relative to the North Pole differs by almost 90 degrees. notice, that last change 15 degrees, according to scientists, happened more than 12,000 years ago. Therefore, even earlier, the Sulfur Pole could be even further south.

    Conclusion. A year ago, when we began research on geoglyphs, we did not expect that their number on Earth was not in the tens, or even hundreds, but probably in the thousands. We looked at dozens of places with the help of the Google Earth program, which already gave a lot of information. Some have been published, some are being reviewed, but most have not yet been researched. But even from the small, meager information that we have received, we can already draw a preliminary conclusion that our planet Earth consists of the faces of the Gods and inscriptions belonging to the Civilization of Rus'!

    Returning to this article, it can be noted that with the help of microepigraphy, we received an independent confirmation of the information set forth by E. Blavatsky in The Secret Doctrine about the existence of the legendary continent - Lemuria. Lemuria, Paradise Earth - Found! And also about the existence of Paradise on Earth, as the place of incarnation (birth) of God Yar, i.e. the beginning of the next creation of the world. The date calculation time, using numbers, also occurs for the first time. This allows us to conclude that both the Russian language and numbers belong to the Civilization of Rus' from the very beginning, from the moment of the emergence of life on Earth. And the ancestors of mankind were Rus!

    This civilization created the present face of the Earth in some way in its own image. The scale of such an act of Creation does not fit in our heads, neither in time categories, nor in the forces expended, nor in the very meaning of such Creation. But it is! And it needs to be studied.

    Not everyone understands that the Earth is alive. In Rus', our ancestors knew about it and called it - Mother Earth, Holy Rus'! Now people have learned a lot about how to get material benefits from it. But we are like babies, who are breastfed by their mother, and children study it with all their senses only to empty it, gnaw it, blow it up, and finally kill it. Thinking that the Earth is an inanimate object, and therefore, you can do everything! This is wrong! And it won't work. The process of life on Earth was not created and controlled by us.

    Studying our planet from photographs from space from different heights, we add to all known forms of life: the Earth itself as inner part lithospheres, continents, mountain systems, plains, fiery, water and air systems of life. Noosphere layer 10 km. above the earth and 10 km under water - this is not all the existing life on planet Earth. This is just what we can see.

    Such reflections come to mind when studying the geoglyphs of the Earth. The study of rocks and stones with the help of microepigraphy gave a more accurate description: Mother Earth is the Mask of Yar, the Incarnate God-Son. We have met such an inscription more than once, on the globe (power), which Orel-Yar holds in its left paw. This study only confirmed this assumption.

    However, this article only begins the study of Lemuria. Naturally, there is still a huge mass of inscriptions and faces waiting to be read and interpreted.

Matter and people of the Third Race

At the time when the Third Race lived, that is, 18 million years ago, the distribution of land and water on the globe was completely different than it is now.Most of the current land was then under water. Neither Africa, nor the Americas, nor Europe existed at that time - they were all at the bottom of the ocean. Also, little existed from present-day Asia: the Himalayan regions were covered by seas, but beyond them stretched the countries now called Greenland, Eastern and Western Siberia, etc.
A gigantic continent stretched along the equator, covering much of what is now the Pacific Ocean as well as the Indian Ocean. This continent covered the entire region from the foothills of the Himalayas, which separated it from the inland sea, which rolled its waves through what we know as present-day Tibet, Mongolia and the great desert of Shamo (Gobi); from Chittagon in a westerly direction to Hardwar and to eastern Assam. From there it spread south through what we now know as South India, Ceylon and Sumatra; then, enveloping Madagascar on the right side and Tasmania on the left as it went south, it descended a few degrees short of the Antarctic Circle, and from Australia, which at that time was an inland region on the Main Continent, it went far into Pacific Ocean beyond Rapa Nui (Easter Island). In addition, part of the mainland extended around South Africa into the Atlantic Ocean, curving northward from Norway.
This continent of the Third Root Race is now called Lemuria.
The earliest humanity was a race of giants. The first Lemurians were 18 meters tall. With each subsequent sub-race, their height gradually decreased, and after several million years it reached six meters.
The size of the Lemurians is evidenced by the statues erected by them to the size of their bodies. Most of the giant statues discovered on Easter Island, part of the flooded mainland of Lemuria, were between 6 and 9 meters high. The remains on Easter Island are the most striking and eloquent monuments of primitive giants. They are as great as they are mysterious. It is enough to examine the heads of these colossal statues, which have remained intact, in order to recognize at first glance the features of the type and character attributed to the giants of the Third Race. They seem to be poured from the same mold, although they differ in features; they have a certain sensual type.
The Lemurians were people of strange superhuman physical strength, which gave them the ability to defend themselves and keep at a distance the giant monsters of the Mesozoic and Cenozoic periods. Fantastic and terrible animals coexisted with man and attacked him, just as man attacked them. Surrounded in Nature by such terrible creatures, man could only survive because he himself was a colossal giant.

Lemurian civilization

When the Third Race separated and fell into sin, giving birth to human animals, the animals became ferocious; Then people began to destroy each other. Before that time there was no sin, there was no taking of life.
After the separation, the bliss of the first races came to an end. The eternal spring began to change constantly, and the seasons followed. People could no longer live in the First Country (Eden of the first races), which turned into a white frozen corpse. The cold forced people to build shelters and invent clothing. Then people prayed to the higher Fathers (Gods). "Wise Serpents" and "Dragons of Light" also came to the Forerunner of the Illuminated (Buddhas). They descended and began to live among people, instructing them in sciences and arts.
At the dawn of his consciousness, the man of the Third Race had no beliefs that could be called religion. That is, he knew nothing of any system of belief or outward worship. But if we take this term in its sense as something that unites the masses in one form of reverence expressed by those whom we feel superior to ourselves, in a feeling of reverence - like a feeling expressed by a child in relation to a beloved father - then even the earliest Lemurians from the very beginning of their rational life they had a religion, and a very beautiful one. Did they not have their bright Gods around them, even among themselves? Did not their childhood flow around those who gave them birth and who surrounded them with their cares and called them to a conscious, intelligent life?It was the "Golden Age" of those ancient times, the Age when "Gods walked the Earth and freely communicated with mortals". When this Age ended, the Gods withdrew, that is, they became invisible.
The gods have been from the beginning of time Rulers of mankind,incarnated as the Kings of the Divine Dynasties. They gave the first impetus to civilization and directed the minds that endowed mankind with inventions and improvements in all the arts and sciences. They appeared as Benefactors of the people.
Fire, produced by friction, was the first secret of Nature, the first and main property of matter, which was revealed to man. Fruits and cereals, hitherto unknown on Earth, were brought by the Lords of Wisdom from other planets for the use of those whom They ruled. Thus, wheat is not a product of the Earth - it has never been found in the wild.
With the advent of the Divine Dynasties, the beginning of the first civilizations was laid. And then, as now in some regions of the Earth, mankind preferred to lead a patriarchal life, while in others the savage was barely beginning to learn how to build a hearth for fire and protect himself from the elements; his brothers, with the help of the Divine Mind that animated them, built cities and practiced the arts and sciences. However, while their shepherd brothers were born with miraculous powers, the "builders", in spite of civilization, could now master their powers only gradually. Civilization has always developed the physical and intellectual side at the expense of the mental, spiritual. The mastery and control of one's own psychic nature were inborn among early mankind and as natural as walking and thinking.
The civilized peoples of the Third Race, under the guidance of their Divine Rulers, built vast cities, planted the arts and sciences, and knew astronomy, architecture, and mathematics to perfection.The Lemurians built their huge rock-like cities from rare soils and metals, from lava eruptions, from the white marble of the mountains and black underground stone. The first large cities were built in that part of the mainland, which is now known as the island of Madagascar.
The oldest remains of the ruins of the Cyclopean structures were all the work of the hands of the last sub-races of the Lemurians; stone remains on Passovers were also of a cyclopean nature. This island belongs to the earliest civilization of the Third Race. A sudden volcanic eruption and upheaval of the ocean floor lifted this little relic of the Archaic Ages - after being sunk along with the rest - intact, with all its statues and the volcano, and left as a witness to the existence of Lemuria. Amazing giant statues are bright and eloquent witnesses of the lost mainland with a civilized heritage on it.

End of Lemuria

The birth and death of the Root Races is always accompanied by the geological change of the globe. They are caused by changes in the tilt of the earth's axis. Old continents are swallowed up by the oceans, other lands appear, huge cities, mountain ranges rise where they did not exist before. The surface of the globe changes completely every time. This is the LAW, acting at its appointed time, in exact accordance with the Laws of Karma. The "experience of the fittest" peoples and races was affirmed by timely help; unadapted, unsuccessful ones were destroyed, being swept away from the surface of the Earth.
After the Third Race had reached its apogee, it began to decline. This was reflected in the main continent of the Race - Lemuria: it began to slowly sink. The huge mainland that reigned and towered over the Indian, Atlantic and Pacific oceans began to break up in many places into separate islands. These islands, at first huge, gradually disappeared one by one. Australia is now the largest remnant of the vast continent. The present island of Ceylon during the period of Lemuria was the northern plateau of the vast island of Lanka, on which the Third Race ended its fate.
Lemuria was destroyed by the action of volcanoes. She plunged into the waves due to earthquakes and underground fires. The cataclysm that destroyed the huge continent occurred due to underground convulsions and the opening of the ocean floor. Lemuria died about 700 thousand years before the beginning of what is now called the Tertiary period (Eocene).
The remnants of the ancient Lemurians are currently the so-called peoples of the Ethiopian type: blacks: Negroes, Bushmen, Australians.

Lemuria called a civilization that was located on an entire continent and disappeared from the face of the Earth, presumably as a result of natural disasters.

Another name for this civilization is Mu (although some researchers have Mu for the continent on the site of the modern Pacific Ocean, while Lemuria is given only the current Indian).

Hypotheses about its existence are not accepted by all scientists, however, there are many different detailed assumptions about how the Lemurians lived, why they died out and whether they died out at all.

The height of interest in the legendary civilization came in the 19th century, when scientists noticed the similarity of the flora and fauna of the southeastern regions of Asia and southeastern Africa (including Madagascar). In particular, the name of a hypothetical civilization was given by lemurs - representatives of the order of primates.

Around the same time, in the state of California (USA), eyewitnesses living in settlements near Mount Shasta began to talk about unusual creatures that live on the mountain and appeared in cities only to stock up on food.

These creatures looked like people and called themselves the last surviving representatives of a civilization that died under water. According to eyewitnesses, these strange guests appeared out of nowhere and also disappeared, as if dissolving into thin air.

Among people, the opinion was substantiated that these creatures have the ability to penetrate into other dimensions and control the laws of nature. One of the eyewitnesses claimed that he could see through binoculars a gray marble temple, standing on a mountain in the middle of the forest. But as soon as the mountain began to be carefully explored, the appearance of hypothetical Lemurians among people ceased.

The most convincing are the "Lemurian" hypotheses of Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), an American soothsayer. In his notes, the civilization of Lemuria is presented at the time of its disappearance as spiritually elevated (compared to the Atlanteans, who, according to Casey, were kept on Earth by bad karma). Because of this, the American predictor very rarely identified the descendants of the Lemurians among modern people: according to him, they had no reason to stay on Earth, since they no longer had to correct their karma.

The territorial descriptions of the country of Mu, made by Edgar Cayce, were largely confirmed by geological and archaeological research. He believed that the Pacific coast of South America was at the time of the appearance of homo sapiens (our species) the western part of Lemuria.

Map of Lemuria against the background of modern continents: red shows Lemuria, blue shows the remnants of Hyperborea (from the book by William Scott-Elliot "Lemuria - the disappeared continent").

Already in the 1990s, 60 years after Casey's assumptions, the underwater Nazca mountain range was discovered, which was once dry land and connected the coast of modern Peru with the archipelago, which is also now submerged, which corresponded to Casey's descriptions.

According to the predictor, Lemuria began to partially submerge under water 10,700 years ago, that is, at the end of the Ice Age closest to our time, when the water level of the world ocean rose sharply due to the melting of ice. But the civilization of Mu after that continued to flourish on the "wreckage" of the former giant continent. Casey considered the period of its decline to be the time before the disappearance of Atlantis.

The Russian scientist-contactee Vasily Rasputin was guided in describing Lemuria by information allegedly received by him from the Cosmos and closely intertwined with esotericism. Rasputin in his revelations operates with fairly accurate figures, which, however, have not yet been confirmed. Some territorial and chronological details can be gleaned from his descriptions: Lemuria existed in 320-170 centuries BC. e. on the territory from the modern Aegean Sea to the coast of Antarctica.

The population was 107 million. According to Rasputin, the Lemurians lacked physical and etheric bodies (which are among the bodies that humans have), which is why people could not see them, except for those people who had special energy.

If desired, the Lemurians could materialize or disappear, passing into other dimensions. In the process of evolution, this race acquired the missing physical and etheric bodies. Such a hypothesis explains the mysterious disappearances and appearances of the Lemurians at Mount Shasta. But territorially, according to Rasputin, the inhabitants of Lemuria lived mainly south of modern Madagascar. In 170 BC e. due to natural disasters, the most populated part of Lemuria was buried under the waters of the ocean, at the same time, almost all of its population died.

The surviving Lemurians, who already had physical bodies, began to be called Atlanteans and settled a new continent (Atlantis), which lasted the next 150 centuries and sank for the same reason as Lemuria.

Rasputin's hypothesis coincides with Cayce's assumptions in that the Lemurians were considered a spiritually elevated race: according to Rasputin, they were long-lived, had no material wealth, fed on cosmic energy and reproduced by self-copying (having no sexual separation). Finding a physical body, the Lemurians degraded and became ordinary people.

Another hypothesis regarding Lemuria was formed in the Theosophical Society of Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891), who was engaged in religious philosophy and the occult. Occult experiments and predictions in this case became the basis for conclusions about the disappeared civilization.

According to the conclusions of the Theosophical Society, on our planet for the entire period of its inhabited existence, in total, simultaneously or in different epochs, seven main races will live (each race has seven sub-races): supreme invisible beings; hyperborea; lemurs; Atlanteans; People; a race of human origin, which in the future will inhabit Lemuria; the last terrestrial race to fly from Earth to Mercury.

Lemurs, or the disappeared inhabitants of Lemuria, in this hypothesis are huge (4-5 m tall) ape-like creatures without a brain, but with a mental will and the ability to telepathic communication, who had three eyes (two in front and one behind) and feet that allowed them to walk in the same way back and forth. Geographically, Lemuria, according to the Theosophical Society, was located in the southern hemisphere and occupied the southern part of Africa, the Indian Ocean, Australia, part of South America and other lands.

Towards the end of their existence, lemurs evolved, creating a civilization, and became more like people. But by this time, their continent was flooded, and the lemurs themselves in the surviving territories gave rise to the Atlanteans, as well as the Papuans, Hottentots and other ethnic communities of the southern hemisphere.

An interesting hypothesis about Lemuria belongs to the Russian artist, philosopher, archaeologist and public figure Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947). According to the “myth” he compiled, which agrees in many respects with the conclusions of the Theosophical Society, Lemuria is the mainland of the Third Root Race, which developed from the Second Race, created in turn from the First Race.

Until the middle of the Third Race, people and animals were asexual and did not have a physical body (they were ethereal beings). They did not die, but dissolved, and then were reborn in a new body, which each time was denser than the previous one. Gradually their bodies condensed and became physical, all creatures evolved, there was a separation of the sexes.

Having received a physical body, people began to die, and not be reborn. At the same time (about 18 million years ago), people were endowed with mind and soul.

The mainland of the Third Race was located along the equator, in the place of most of the modern Pacific and Indian Oceans. It included the current Himalayas, South India, Ceylon, Sumatra, Madagascar, Tasmania, Australia, Siberia, China, Kamchatka, the Bering Strait, Easter Island, ending in the east along the slope of the central Andes. The Nazca Ridge (now underwater) supposedly connected the Andes with the later flooded part of Lemuria.

In the south, the border of the mainland did not reach the Antarctic Circle a little, in the west it went around South Africa from below and bent northward to modern Norway (the mainland included modern Sweden and Norway, as well as Greenland and the middle part of the Atlantic Ocean). The first representatives of the Third Race, who lived on Amuria, had a height of about 18 m, but gradually it decreased to 6 m.

This assumption of Roerich has an indirect confirmation in the statues of Easter Island, which, according to this hypothesis, was part of Lemuria. Perhaps the Lemurians erected statues in the size of their height (from 6 to 9 m), with their characteristic features of appearance.

tall and physical strength Lemurians explain the possibility of their coexistence with large animals of those eras. With the development of their civilization, the inhabitants of Lemuria began to build rock-like cities: the remains of these cities are the cyclopean ruins on the island of Madagascar and Easter Island.

The death of Lemuria, according to Roerich's hypothesis, occurred at the very end of the Secondary geological period: the mainland went under water 700 thousand years before the start of the Tertiary (Eocene) period. Western researchers of the hypothetical continent also agree with this date. Like Blavatsky, Roerich believed that the Lemurians did not disappear without a trace: their descendants are representatives of the Negroid race, Australians, Bushmen, aborigines of a number of Pacific islands.

The various information about Lemuria given above formed the basis of the research work of William Scott-Elliot, who described in detail the life and evolution of the Lemurians, the development and death of their civilization, as well as the geological and biological confirmation of the existing hypotheses about Lemuria.

Among the confirmations is the scientific fact that the modern land was previously covered by the waters of the ocean, and in place of the modern oceans, on the contrary, there were continents. This fact, together with the available data on the modern geology of the Earth, indicates the existence of a vast southern continent in early times.

One of the biggest mysteries of our time is located in the eastern part of Ponape Island, rising from the water of the "Venice" of the Pacific Ocean - Nan Madol - ninety-two (!) Man-made islands built on a coral reef and occupying an area of ​​about 130 hectares.

Studies of fossil and modern flora and fauna roughly define the land areas that were connected by the ancient continent, and are now located on different continents and islands. At various periods, the southern mainland was connected either with Australia or with the modern Malay Peninsula. So, in the Permian era, India, South Africa and Australia were supposedly parts of a single continent. It is the southern continent in the above studies that is considered the "cradle of the human race."

Among the archaeological finds that confirm the existence of a mysterious ancient civilization, the following artifacts: the ruins of the stone port and the city of Nan Madol on Ponape Island (Caroline Islands, Pacific Ocean); statues and buildings of Easter Island; remains of buildings and statues on Pitcairn Island (2,000 km west of Easter Island); mummies and ruins of high walls in the form of a semicircle on the Gambier Islands (west of Pitcairn Island); monolithic stone arch on the island of Tongatapu (Tonga archipelago); columns on the island of Tinian (Northern Mariana Islands); cyclopean structures and remains of paved roads at the bottom of the sea near the islands of Yonaguni, Kerama and Aguni (Japanese archipelago); megalithic temples on the island of Malta.

At present, some anthropologists admit the existence of descendants of the Lemurian civilization in little-studied wooded areas, including outside the likely territory of the lost continent: a new race could force the Lemurians into more harsh habitats. However, so far only the legends of various peoples of the world serve as confirmation of this assumption.

- 7476 Lemuria called a civilization that was located on an entire continent and disappeared from the face of the Earth, presumably as a result of natural disasters.

Another name for this civilization is Mu (although some researchers have Mu - the continent on the site of the modern Pacific Ocean, while Lemuria is given only the current Indian).

Hypotheses about its existence are not accepted by all scientists, however, there are many different detailed assumptions about how the Lemurians lived, why they died out and whether they died out at all.

The height of interest in the legendary civilization came in the 19th century, when scientists noticed the similarity of the flora and fauna of the southeastern regions of Asia and southeastern Africa (including Madagascar). In particular, the name of a hypothetical civilization was given by lemurs - representatives of the order of primates.

Around the same time, in the state of California (USA), eyewitnesses living in settlements near Mount Shasta began to talk about unusual creatures that live on the mountain and appeared in cities only to stock up on food.

These creatures looked like people and called themselves the last surviving representatives of a civilization that died under water. According to eyewitnesses, these strange guests appeared out of nowhere and also disappeared, as if dissolving into thin air.

Among people, the opinion was substantiated that these creatures have the ability to penetrate into other dimensions and control the laws of nature. One of the eyewitnesses claimed that he could see through binoculars a gray marble temple, standing on a mountain in the middle of the forest. But as soon as the mountain began to be carefully explored, the appearance of hypothetical Lemurians among people ceased.

The most convincing are the "Lemurian" hypotheses of Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), an American soothsayer. In his notes, the civilization of Lemuria is presented at the time of its disappearance as spiritually elevated (compared to the Atlanteans, who, according to Casey, were kept on Earth by bad karma). Because of this, the American predictor very rarely identified the descendants of the Lemurians among modern people: according to him, they had no reason to stay on Earth, since they no longer had to correct their karma.

The territorial descriptions of the country of Mu, made by Edgar Cayce, were largely confirmed by geological and archaeological research. He believed that the Pacific coast of South America was at the time of the appearance of homo sapiens (our species) the western part of Lemuria.

Map of Lemuria against the background of modern continents: Lemuria is shown in red, the remnants of Hyperborea are shown in blue (from the book Lemuria - the Disappeared Continent by William Scott-Elliot).

Already in the 1990s, 60 years after Casey's assumptions, the underwater Nazca mountain range was discovered, which was once dry land and connected the coast of modern Peru with the archipelago, which is also now submerged, which corresponded to Casey's descriptions.

According to the predictor, Lemuria began to partially submerge under water 10,700 years ago, that is, at the end of the Ice Age closest to our time, when the water level of the world ocean rose sharply due to the melting of ice. But the civilization of Mu after that continued to flourish on the "wreckage" of the former giant continent. Casey considered the period of its decline to be the time before the disappearance of Atlantis.

The Russian scientist-contactee Vasily Rasputin was guided in describing Lemuria by information allegedly received by him from the Cosmos and closely intertwined with esotericism. Rasputin in his revelations operates with fairly accurate figures, which, however, have not yet been confirmed. Some territorial and chronological details can be gleaned from his descriptions: Lemuria existed in 320-170 centuries BC. e. on the territory from the modern Aegean Sea to the coast of Antarctica.

The population was 107 million. According to Rasputin, the Lemurians lacked physical and etheric bodies (which are among the bodies that humans have), which is why people could not see them, except for those people who had special energy.

If desired, the Lemurians could materialize or disappear, passing into other dimensions. In the process of evolution, this race acquired the missing physical and etheric bodies. Such a hypothesis explains the mysterious disappearances and appearances of the Lemurians at Mount Shasta. But territorially, according to Rasputin, the inhabitants of Lemuria lived mainly south of modern Madagascar. In 170 BC e. due to natural disasters, the most populated part of Lemuria was buried under the waters of the ocean, at the same time, almost all of its population died.

The surviving Lemurians, who already had physical bodies, began to be called Atlanteans and settled a new continent (Atlantis), which lasted the next 150 centuries and sank for the same reason as Lemuria.

Rasputin's hypothesis coincides with Cayce's assumptions in that the Lemurians were considered a spiritually elevated race: according to Rasputin, they were long-lived, had no material wealth, fed on cosmic energy and reproduced by self-copying (having no sexual separation). Finding a physical body, the Lemurians degraded and became ordinary people.

Another hypothesis regarding Lemuria was formed in the Theosophical Society of Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891), who was engaged in religious philosophy and occultism. Occult experiments and predictions in this case became the basis for conclusions about the disappeared civilization.

According to the conclusions of the Theosophical Society, on our planet for the entire period of its inhabited existence, in total, simultaneously or in different epochs, seven main races will live (in each race - seven sub-races): supreme invisible beings; hyperborea; lemurs; Atlanteans; People; a race of human origin, which in the future will inhabit Lemuria; the last terrestrial race to fly from Earth to Mercury.

Lemurs, or the disappeared inhabitants of Lemuria, in this hypothesis are huge (4-5 m tall) ape-like creatures without a brain, but with a mental will and the ability to telepathic communication, who had three eyes (two in front and one behind) and feet that allowed them to walk in the same way back and forth. Geographically, Lemuria, according to the Theosophical Society, was located in the southern hemisphere and occupied the southern part of Africa, the Indian Ocean, Australia, part of South America and other lands.

Towards the end of their existence, lemurs evolved, creating a civilization, and became more like people. But by this time, their continent was flooded, and the lemurs themselves in the surviving territories gave rise to the Atlanteans, as well as the Papuans, Hottentots and other ethnic communities of the southern hemisphere.

An interesting hypothesis about Lemuria belongs to the Russian artist, philosopher, archaeologist and public figure Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947). According to the “myth” compiled by him, which agrees in many respects with the conclusions of the Theosophical Society, Lemuria is the mainland of the Third Root Race, which developed from the Second Race, created in turn from the First Race.

Until the middle of the Third Race, people and animals were asexual and did not have a physical body (they were ethereal beings). They did not die, but dissolved, and then were reborn in a new body, which each time was denser than the previous one. Gradually their bodies condensed and became physical, all creatures evolved, there was a separation of the sexes.

Having received a physical body, people began to die, and not be reborn. At the same time (about 18 million years ago), people were endowed with mind and soul.

The mainland of the Third Race was located along the equator, in the place of most of the modern Pacific and Indian Oceans. It included the current Himalayas, South India, Ceylon, Sumatra, Madagascar, Tasmania, Australia, Siberia, China, Kamchatka, the Bering Strait, Easter Island, ending in the east along the slope of the central Andes. The Nazca Ridge (now underwater) supposedly connected the Andes with the later flooded part of Lemuria.

In the south, the mainland border did not reach the Antarctic Circle a little, in the west it went around South Africa from below and bent north to modern Norway (the mainland included modern Sweden and Norway, as well as Greenland and the middle part of the Atlantic Ocean). The first representatives of the Third Race, who lived on Amuria, had a height of about 18 m, but gradually it decreased to 6 m.

This assumption of Roerich has an indirect confirmation in the statues of Easter Island, which, according to this hypothesis, was part of Lemuria. Perhaps the Lemurians erected statues in the size of their height (from 6 to 9 m), with their characteristic features of appearance.

The high growth and physical strength of the Lemurians explains the possibility of their coexistence with large animals of those eras. With the development of their civilization, the inhabitants of Lemuria began to build rock-like cities: the remains of these cities are the cyclopean ruins on the island of Madagascar and Easter Island.

The death of Lemuria, according to Roerich's hypothesis, occurred at the very end of the Secondary geological period: the mainland went under water 700 thousand years before the start of the Tertiary (Eocene) period. Western researchers of the hypothetical continent also agree with this date. Like Blavatsky, Roerich believed that the Lemurians did not disappear without a trace: their descendants are representatives of the Negroid race, Australians, Bushmen, aborigines of a number of Pacific islands.

The various information about Lemuria given above formed the basis of the research work of William Scott-Elliot, who described in detail the life and evolution of the Lemurians, the development and death of their civilization, as well as the geological and biological confirmation of the existing hypotheses about Lemuria.

Among the confirmations is the scientific fact that the modern land was previously covered by the waters of the ocean, and in place of the modern oceans, on the contrary, there were continents. This fact, together with the available data on the modern geology of the Earth, indicates the existence of a vast southern continent in early times.

One of the biggest mysteries of our time is located in the eastern part of Ponape Island, rising from the waters of the "Venice" of the Pacific Ocean - Nan Madol - ninety-two (!) Man-made islands built on a coral reef and occupying an area of ​​about 130 hectares.

Studies of fossil and modern flora and fauna roughly define the land areas that were connected by the ancient continent, and are now located on different continents and islands. At various periods, the southern mainland was connected either with Australia or with the modern Malay Peninsula. So, in the Permian era, India, South Africa and Australia were supposedly parts of a single continent. It is the southern continent in the above studies that is considered the "cradle of the human race."

Among the archaeological finds that confirm the existence of a mysterious ancient civilization, the following artifacts: the ruins of the stone port and the city of Nan Madol on the island of Ponape (Caroline Islands, Pacific Ocean); statues and buildings of Easter Island; remains of buildings and statues on Pitcairn Island (2,000 km west of Easter Island); mummies and ruins of high walls in the form of a semicircle on the Gambier Islands (west of Pitcairn Island); monolithic stone arch on the island of Tongatapu (Tonga archipelago); columns on the island of Tinian (Northern Mariana Islands); cyclopean structures and remains of paved roads at the bottom of the sea near the islands of Yonaguni, Kerama and Aguni (Japanese archipelago); megalithic temples on the island of Malta.

At present, some anthropologists admit the existence of descendants of the Lemurian civilization in little-studied wooded areas, including outside the likely territory of the lost continent: a new race could force the Lemurians into more harsh habitats. However, so far only the legends of various peoples of the world serve as confirmation of this assumption.

Lemuria is a civilization that was located on an entire continent and disappeared from the face of the Earth, presumably as a result of natural disasters.

Another name for this civilization is Mu (although some researchers have Mu - the continent on the site of the modern Pacific Ocean, while Lemuria is given only the current Indian).

Hypotheses about its existence are not accepted by all scientists, however, there are many different detailed assumptions about how the Lemurians lived, why they died out and whether they died out at all.

The height of interest in the legendary civilization came in the 19th century, when scientists noticed the similarity of the flora and fauna of the southeastern regions of Asia and southeastern Africa (including Madagascar). In particular, the name of a hypothetical civilization was given by lemurs - representatives of the order of primates.

Around the same time, in the state of California (USA), eyewitnesses living in settlements near Mount Shasta began to talk about unusual creatures that live on the mountain and appeared in cities only to stock up on food.

These creatures looked like people and called themselves the last surviving representatives of a civilization that died under water. According to eyewitnesses, these strange guests appeared out of nowhere and also disappeared, as if dissolving into thin air.

Among people, the opinion was substantiated that these creatures have the ability to penetrate into other dimensions and control the laws of nature. One of the eyewitnesses claimed that he could see through binoculars a gray marble temple, standing on a mountain in the middle of the forest. But as soon as the mountain began to be carefully explored, the appearance of hypothetical Lemurians among people ceased.

The most convincing are the "Lemurian" hypotheses of Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), an American soothsayer. In his notes, the civilization of Lemuria is presented at the time of its disappearance as spiritually elevated (compared to the Atlanteans, who, according to Casey, were kept on Earth by bad karma). Because of this, the American predictor very rarely identified the descendants of the Lemurians among modern people: according to him, they had no reason to stay on Earth, since they no longer had to correct their karma.

The territorial descriptions of the country of Mu, made by Edgar Cayce, were largely confirmed by geological and archaeological research. He believed that the Pacific coast of South America was at the time of the appearance of homo sapiens (our species) the western part of Lemuria.

Map of Lemuria against the background of modern continents: Lemuria is shown in red, the remnants of Hyperborea are shown in blue (from the book Lemuria - the Disappeared Continent by William Scott-Elliot).

Already in the 1990s, 60 years after Casey's assumptions, the underwater Nazca mountain range was discovered, which was once dry land and connected the coast of modern Peru with the archipelago, which is also now submerged, which corresponded to Casey's descriptions.

According to the predictor, Lemuria began to partially submerge under water 10,700 years ago, that is, at the end of the Ice Age closest to our time, when the water level of the world ocean rose sharply due to the melting of ice. But the civilization of Mu after that continued to flourish on the "wreckage" of the former giant continent. Casey considered the period of its decline to be the time before the disappearance of Atlantis.

The Russian scientist-contactee Vasily Rasputin was guided in describing Lemuria by information allegedly received by him from the Cosmos and closely intertwined with esotericism. Rasputin in his revelations operates with fairly accurate figures, which, however, have not yet been confirmed. Some territorial and chronological details can be gleaned from his descriptions: Lemuria existed in 320-170 centuries BC. e. on the territory from the modern Aegean Sea to the coast of Antarctica.

The population was 107 million. According to Rasputin, the Lemurians lacked physical and etheric bodies (which are among the bodies that humans have), which is why people could not see them, except for those people who had special energy.

If desired, the Lemurians could materialize or disappear, passing into other dimensions. In the process of evolution, this race acquired the missing physical and etheric bodies. Such a hypothesis explains the mysterious disappearances and appearances of the Lemurians at Mount Shasta. But territorially, according to Rasputin, the inhabitants of Lemuria lived mainly south of modern Madagascar. In 170 BC e. due to natural disasters, the most populated part of Lemuria was buried under the waters of the ocean, at the same time, almost all of its population died.

The surviving Lemurians, who already had physical bodies, began to be called Atlanteans and settled a new continent (Atlantis), which lasted the next 150 centuries and sank for the same reason as Lemuria.

Rasputin's hypothesis coincides with Cayce's assumptions in that the Lemurians were considered a spiritually elevated race: according to Rasputin, they were long-lived, had no material wealth, fed on cosmic energy and reproduced by self-copying (having no sexual separation). Finding a physical body, the Lemurians degraded and became ordinary people.

Another hypothesis regarding Lemuria was formed in the Theosophical Society of Helena Blavatsky (1831-1891), who was engaged in religious philosophy and occultism. Occult experiments and predictions in this case became the basis for conclusions about the disappeared civilization.

According to the conclusions of the Theosophical Society, on our planet for the entire period of its inhabited existence, in total, simultaneously or in different epochs, seven main races will live (in each race - seven sub-races): supreme invisible beings; hyperborea; lemurs; Atlanteans; People; a race of human origin, which in the future will inhabit Lemuria; the last terrestrial race to fly from Earth to Mercury.

Lemurs, or the disappeared inhabitants of Lemuria, in this hypothesis are huge (4-5 m tall) ape-like creatures without a brain, but with a mental will and the ability to telepathic communication, who had three eyes (two in front and one behind) and feet that allowed them to walk in the same way back and forth. Geographically, Lemuria, according to the Theosophical Society, was located in the southern hemisphere and occupied the southern part of Africa, the Indian Ocean, Australia, part of South America and other lands.

Towards the end of their existence, lemurs evolved, creating a civilization, and became more like people. But by this time, their continent was flooded, and the lemurs themselves in the surviving territories gave rise to the Atlanteans, as well as the Papuans, Hottentots and other ethnic communities of the southern hemisphere.

An interesting hypothesis about Lemuria belongs to the Russian artist, philosopher, archaeologist and public figure Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947). According to the “myth” compiled by him, which agrees in many respects with the conclusions of the Theosophical Society, Lemuria is the mainland of the Third Root Race, which developed from the Second Race, created in turn from the First Race.

Until the middle of the Third Race, people and animals were asexual and did not have a physical body (they were ethereal beings). They did not die, but dissolved, and then were reborn in a new body, which each time was denser than the previous one. Gradually their bodies condensed and became physical, all creatures evolved, there was a separation of the sexes.

Having received a physical body, people began to die, and not be reborn. At the same time (about 18 million years ago), people were endowed with mind and soul.

The mainland of the Third Race was located along the equator, in the place of most of the modern Pacific and Indian Oceans. It included the current Himalayas, South India, Ceylon, Sumatra, Madagascar, Tasmania, Australia, Siberia, China, Kamchatka, the Bering Strait, Easter Island, ending in the east along the slope of the central Andes. The Nazca Ridge (now underwater) supposedly connected the Andes with the later flooded part of Lemuria.

In the south, the mainland border did not reach the Antarctic Circle a little, in the west it went around South Africa from below and bent north to modern Norway (the mainland included modern Sweden and Norway, as well as Greenland and the middle part of the Atlantic Ocean). The first representatives of the Third Race, who lived on Amuria, had a height of about 18 m, but gradually it decreased to 6 m.

This assumption of Roerich has an indirect confirmation in the statues of Easter Island, which, according to this hypothesis, was part of Lemuria. Perhaps the Lemurians erected statues in the size of their height (from 6 to 9 m), with their characteristic features of appearance.

The high growth and physical strength of the Lemurians explains the possibility of their coexistence with large animals of those eras. With the development of their civilization, the inhabitants of Lemuria began to build rock-like cities: the remains of these cities are the cyclopean ruins on the island of Madagascar and Easter Island.

The death of Lemuria, according to Roerich's hypothesis, occurred at the very end of the Secondary geological period: the mainland went under water 700 thousand years before the start of the Tertiary (Eocene) period. Western researchers of the hypothetical continent also agree with this date. Like Blavatsky, Roerich believed that the Lemurians did not disappear without a trace: their descendants are representatives of the Negroid race, Australians, Bushmen, aborigines of a number of Pacific islands.

The various information about Lemuria given above formed the basis of the research work of William Scott-Elliot, who described in detail the life and evolution of the Lemurians, the development and death of their civilization, as well as the geological and biological confirmation of the existing hypotheses about Lemuria.

Among the confirmations is the scientific fact that the modern land was previously covered by the waters of the ocean, and in place of the modern oceans, on the contrary, there were continents. This fact, together with the available data on the modern geology of the Earth, indicates the existence of a vast southern continent in early times.

One of the biggest mysteries of our time is located in the eastern part of Ponape Island, rising from the waters of the "Venice" of the Pacific Ocean - Nan Madol - ninety-two (!) Man-made islands built on a coral reef and occupying an area of ​​about 130 hectares.

Studies of fossil and modern flora and fauna roughly define the land areas that were connected by the ancient continent, and are now located on different continents and islands. At various periods, the southern mainland was connected either with Australia or with the modern Malay Peninsula. So, in the Permian era, India, South Africa and Australia were supposedly parts of a single continent. It is the southern continent in the above studies that is considered the "cradle of the human race."

Among the archaeological finds that confirm the existence of a mysterious ancient civilization, the following artifacts: the ruins of the stone port and the city of Nan Madol on the island of Ponape (Caroline Islands, Pacific Ocean); statues and buildings of Easter Island; remains of buildings and statues on Pitcairn Island (2,000 km west of Easter Island); mummies and ruins of high walls in the form of a semicircle on the Gambier Islands (west of Pitcairn Island); monolithic stone arch on the island of Tongatapu (Tonga archipelago); columns on the island of Tinian (Northern Mariana Islands); cyclopean structures and remains of paved roads at the bottom of the sea near the islands of Yonaguni, Kerama and Aguni (Japanese archipelago); megalithic temples on the island of Malta.

At present, some anthropologists admit the existence of descendants of the Lemurian civilization in little-studied wooded areas, including outside the likely territory of the lost continent: a new race could force the Lemurians into more harsh habitats. However, so far only the legends of various peoples of the world serve as confirmation of this assumption.