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Petrov Cross is a poisonous plant that heals. Petrov cross plant medicinal properties

different therapeutic effect

Petrov cross - unusual plant, popularly known by many names: king-grass, broomrape, dodder, borovets and so on. Due to the fact that modern pharmacology does not use it as a medicinal material, the exact composition of the herb has not yet been studied. But traditional medicine ascribes many healing properties to this plant and successfully uses it to treat a number of diseases. Petrov cross grows in the temperate climate zone.

In height, the plant can reach 25–30 cm. Its stem is densely dotted with fleshy hollow scales, which are modified chlorophyll-free pale leaves. The flowers, the shade of which varies from pale pink to deep purple, are collected in inflorescences and are a dense spike-shaped brush.

Fastening the Peter's cross to the roots of a tree or shrub

Grass spends most of its life underground. On the surface, it begins to appear only on the 10th year of the life cycle for the purpose of reproduction and no longer than two months. During this short period of time, the petrov cross blooms, waits for pollination and matures. Young shoots dry up after several hundred small seeds fall from the fruit to the ground. The next appearance of the plant above the ground will occur no earlier than in 10 months.

The root of the Peter's cross often branches at a right angle, thus resembling a cross. Due to the structural features of the rhizome, the grass received such a Russian-language name.

How to take sage for conception: medicinal properties and plant contraindications

2 Useful properties

The medicinal properties of this plant, as well as its chemical composition, are not well understood. No official clinical trials have been made even on animals. But despite this, traditional medicine has found wide application for it. It is believed that the petrov cross affects the human body as follows:

  • Due to the alkylating substances contained in the composition, the grass is endowed with a cytostatic property, which allows it to be used to combat oncology. The plant is used as an antitumor agent in the treatment of cancer of the liver, ovaries and uterus.
  • The choleretic property of Peter's cross makes it an effective medicinal component for diseases of the gallbladder and ducts.
  • The herb effectively copes with the removal of excess fluid from the body, which is actively used by people with ascites, edema and dropsy.
  • IN traditional medicine plant-based remedies are taken for liver ailments such as hepatosis, cirrhosis and hepatitis.
  • Peter's cross will also cope with diseases of the reproductive system. It will help women with infertility, uterine fibroids, and also improve its tone. For men, the herb is indicated for prostatitis and prostate adenoma.

But before using alternative medicine recipes, it would be prudent to seek the advice of a doctor. The specialist will answer the questions of interest to the person and discuss the need to use plant products in each particular case.

Momordica: medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of the plant

3 Recipes and application

The dried plant can be purchased at the pharmacy

In the description of popular recipes, the root part of the Peter's cross is used both fresh and dry. The latter can be purchased at the pharmacy chain. When self-harvesting the ingredient, it should be collected in the spring during the flowering period. The roots are carefully dug out, trying not to damage. The plant is cleaned from the ground and dried in a well-ventilated area.

Store finished raw materials in a place protected from sunlight. It is customary to make a decoction and alcohol tinctures from the grass. To enhance the medicinal properties of the plant, additional ingredients can be added to the recipes: spurge, hemlock or aconite.

God's tree: medicinal properties of the plant, use and contraindications

3.1 Decoction of Peter's Cross

A drink created according to this recipe will help to cope with ailments for people who different reasons you can not use alcohol-containing products. In addition, it does not require much time to execute.

How to cook:

  1. 1. In a container, pour 1 tablespoon of crushed plant root with 200 ml of boiling water.
  2. 2. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat.
  3. 3. The drink should be allowed to brew for 20 minutes, then strain through cheesecloth.

The finished product is advised to use 100 ml twice a day. The recommended course of treatment is 1 month, after which you should definitely take a break.

3.2 Alcohol tincture

For creating alcohol tincture it is permissible to use alcohol or vodka. The cooking method is as follows:

  1. 1. Place the crushed root part of the Peter's cross in a liter jar, filling it halfway.
  2. 2. Pour vodka over the plant and cover with a tight lid.
  3. 3. The remedy should be infused in a dark place for 3 weeks.

The tincture is consumed in 30 drops, after diluting it with 50 ml of water. The procedure is performed 3 times a day for half an hour before meals. The course of treatment should not exceed 30 days.

4 Contraindications

The plant has contraindications for taking. From drinking medicines on the basis of the Peter's cross, it is better to refuse the following persons:

  • pregnant women and nursing mothers;
  • people with individual intolerance to the components of the herb;
  • children under the age of 8 years.

It should be remembered about important feature plants. Despite its active use in folk recipes, petrov cross is a poisonous representative of the flora. In small quantities, it can be used as a healing ingredient, but the indicated dosages must be strictly followed. Their excess can cause intoxication of the body and adversely affect the functioning of the circulatory system.

Uterine cancer is a terrible diagnosis, which for many becomes a sentence. Its treatment is very difficult and rarely successful, especially in the last stages. In search of salvation, people seize every opportunity and hope for a miracle. Such a chance for salvation is the grass of the Peter Cross, which has already been attributed magical properties.

miraculous plant

Note! The plant Petrov Cross is very poisonous, therefore it is suitable for the treatment of uterine cancer. It should only be used after consultation with herbalists. It is desirable to select doses individually.

The herb is widely used in medicinal purposes: with liver diseases, problems in gynecology, kidneys, gallbladder, oncology.

Useful properties of the plant Petrov cross:

  1. Promotes the removal of fluid from the body. Effective in cirrhosis and obesity.
  2. Prevents infertility. The herb regulates the ovulation of the egg and promotes its fertilization, removes the increased tone during pregnancy.
  3. Detrimental effect on tumor cells. It is widely used in the treatment of uterine cancer, as it has substances that can destroy malignant neoplasms and prevent their spread. It helps especially when oncology is in its early stages.

Interesting! All parts of this plant are used for medicinal purposes. It is mainly stored and distributed in the form of dry packs, which are available in many pharmacies.

There are already legends among the people about the miraculous effect of the herb Petrov Cross. It is especially important in the treatment of uterine cancer. You can make decoctions and infusions from hare peas.

Simple ways and recipes for using a medicinal plant

  • Herbal decoction. Grind 1-2 teaspoons of herbs, pour boiled water (300-400 ml). Boil for about 7 minutes, stirring, strain and infuse for about 1 hour. Drink in the morning and in the evening for half a glass. The decoction helps with kidney failure and liver problems
  • The recipe for alcohol tincture will help out in the treatment of cancer. Mix crushed dry plant (50 g) with vodka (0.5 l), leave for 1 month in a cold dark place. Take half an hour before eating - dissolve 20-25 drops of infused liquid in 50 ml of water;
  • Healing root decoction. good recipe for ovulation and reducing the tone of the cervix. 1 st. l. finely chop the root and boil in 250–300 ml of water without opening the lid. Strain after 20 minutes. Take the prepared liquid twice a day for half a glass. Treated for a month.

Remember! Peter's cross is not a panacea for all diseases, but a good chance for recovery. More efficiency it will be if other herbs of similar action (hemlock, celandine, fly agaric and others) are added to this or that recipe. Any chance of healing must be seized.

Diabetics - hypoglycemic tea for diabetes

Syn .: scalefish, king-grass, lurker, seven-year-old, three-notched rook, mouse grass, boletus, calyx latreya, nest

The plant is poisonous!

flower formula

The formula of the flower of the Peter's cross: CH1L (3) T4P (2).

In medicine

Petrov cross is not a pharmacopoeial plant and is used only by folk medicine. Decoctions and infusions from Peter's Cross are used in the treatment of infertility, have antitumor, bile and diuretic effects, stimulate the liver, kidneys, and heart.

Contraindications and side effects

Peter's cross - strongly poisonous plant. It should not be consumed without the recommendation of a doctor or an experienced herbalist, as acute poisoning is possible. Doctors know that not only the individual intolerance of the plant is a contraindication to the use of the Peter's Cross, but also pregnancy, breastfeeding, they never prescribe it to children.

In other areas

Petrov cross scaly is an early spring melliferous plant whose flowering lasts up to 25 days.

The flowers of the Peter's Cross are characterized by protogyny, but there are also cleistogamous, non-opening and self-pollinating flowers. The calyx of the flower of the Peter's Cross is four-lobed, bell-shaped, consisting of a whole upper lip and a three-lobed lower lip, depending on the type of plant, it can be painted in pink, raspberry, purple, purple. The flowers of the plant are collected in inflorescences, which are a thick, drooping, spike-shaped brush. The formula of the flower of the Peter's Cross is Ch1L (3) T4P (2). The fruit of plants of the genus Petrov cross is a bivalve, single-celled, rounded box, the seeds are black, small.

The Russian-language name "Petrov Cross" was given to the plant because of the structural features of its rhizomes. They often branch out at right angles, forming a kind of crosses. The Latin “name” Lathraea, which means “hiding”, “hidden”, characterizes the predominantly underground way of life of the clan.

Peter's cross grows in the shady forests of the temperate zone of Europe and Asia. Petrov's cross scaly or common (Lathraea squamaria) prefers broad-leaved and spruce-broad-leaved forests in the territory from Pakistan to India, in Europe and the Caucasus. Petrov's cross of the Rhodope (Lathraea rhodopaea), as the name implies, chose the Rhodopes, a mountain range in Bulgaria and Greece, as its habitat, and it can also be found on another European mountain range - Rila.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

The chemical composition of plants of the genus Petrov cross has not been studied. It is assumed that the rhizomes of the plant contain alkylating substances.

Pharmacological properties

Medicinal properties of plants of the genus Petrov cross, as well as its chemical composition, are poorly understood. Official science has not conducted any clinical experiments, or even animal experiments, confirming or refuting the healing powers of the plant. However, it is speculated that due to the alkylating substances contained in Peter's Cross, it may have a cytostatic effect, allowing it to act as an antitumor agent and cope with cancer of the liver, uterus, and ovaries. The ability of the Peter's Cross to remove excess water from the body makes it a remedy for edema, dropsy, ascites, a choleretic effect leads to the fact that the plant is used in the treatment of diseases of the bile ducts and gallbladder.

Application in traditional medicine

In folk medicine, Petrov's cross has found application as a remedy for infertility, stimulating ovulation, promoting high-quality fertilization of the egg, increasing the tone of the uterus. Traditional healers believe that the plant is able to cope with prostate adenoma and prostatitis. They recommend it for fibroids and uterine cysts. In their opinion, Petrov Cross should also cope with various liver diseases - cirrhosis, hepatitis, hepatosis, lack of bone fluid and osteomyelitis. As a decongestant, Petrov Cross is effective in combating dropsy, ascites, stimulates the work of the heart, liver, and kidneys. It is also recommended to drink it for obesity. Folk healers also believe that the Petrov Cross, especially in combination with other antitumor plants, will help to defeat cancer.

The unusual root of the plant and its non-standard vegetative period brought the fame of the strongest magical amulet to the Peter's Cross. It was believed that the powder from the Peter's Cross, mixed with wax church candles, standing in front of the icons of the Savior or the Mother of God, if applied to a pectoral cross, not only protected the owner from the intrigues evil spirits, but also frightened off misfortunes, attracting happiness. The secret box - another name for the Peter's Cross - helped to find the hidden. If you look for a treasure, having stocked up on the root of the Peter's Cross, you could be sure not only of the success of the enterprise itself, but also that the dark forces guarding the treasures would not follow the happy treasure hunters. On the way, Peter's cross protected from dashing people, accidental death and any other misfortune. In Europe, where the Petrov cross with pale pink or off-white flowers is more common, the plant was compared to teeth sticking out of the ground, hence the name - toothwort - and the opinion that the herb can cope with toothache.

1. "Encyclopedia of wildlife", v.6, Moscow, OLMA Media Group, 2006 - 151 p.

2. A.B. Ippolitova "Russian manuscript herbalists of the 17th-18th centuries: a study of folklore and ethnobotany", Moscow, Indrik, 2008 - 297 p.

Good to know

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Despite this, the plant is widely used in folk medicine. His healing properties known since ancient times, when the rhizome was used to prepare various decoctions for internal use and rubbing. Mystical properties were also attributed to the plant, for example, the ability to protect from evil spirits and life's adversities.

Traditional medicine does not recognize petrov root because of its poisonousness. Exceeding the dosage of a plant prepared in any form can provoke severe intoxication of the body, disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system. In the correct concentration available in the composition toxic substances really help in solving health problems.

Medicinal properties of Maryina root. The use of drugs based on it

2 Benefits for the body and contraindications

Traditional healers often recommend taking a decoction of the root for the treatment of gynecological diseases. The course of such therapy allows you to quickly stop the inflammatory processes that develop in the genitourinary system, reduces the likelihood of malignant tumors. The plant tones the muscles of the uterus, regulates the processes of ovulation of eggs, and promotes their fertilization. Therefore, the herb is often used to treat female infertility.

Petrov Cross is a strong choleretic agent that prevents stagnation and regulates the amount of bile secreted. According to unverified data, the herb has the properties to start the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues on cellular level. In particular, it helps to restore liver cells, which leads to an improvement in the health of patients suffering from cirrhosis.

Alkating substances help slow down the growth of benign tumors, reduce the risk of their degeneration into malignant tumors. In the treatment of cancer, decoctions of the root are often used in combination with traditional therapy to reduce the number of metastases, prevent the spread of pathology to neighboring areas, and start the processes of self-destruction of diseased cells.

Important! You can’t use petr’s root to fight cancer on your own! All alternative methods of treatment must be agreed with the attending physician.

When choosing petrov root for the treatment of diseases, you need to remember that the plant is poisonous, so for some people it is forbidden in any form. Contraindications for admission:

  • pregnancy at any time;
  • individual intolerance;
  • children under the age of 8 years.

3 Applications

In folk medicine, petrov root is used in natural and dried form. The plant is harvested in the spring, when the flowering period begins. The roots are dug out only by hand, so as not to damage the useful part. The collected raw materials are cleaned from the ground, dried in natural conditions, using dry, well-ventilated rooms. It is recommended to avoid direct sunlight.

For medicinal purposes, the following recipes are used:

  • A tablespoon of chopped root is poured into a glass hot water. Bring to a boil over low heat, let it brew for 20 minutes. After that, the resulting broth is filtered through cheesecloth, cooled to room temperature. Take the remedy twice a day for 1/2 cup.
  • The root can be used to make a tincture. To do this, the root part is crushed, filling half a liter jar with raw materials. The plant component is poured with alcohol, infused in a dark place for 21 days. The finished tincture is diluted with water in a ratio of 30 drops per 50 milliliters. Take before every meal.

The duration of the treatment course is 30-40 days. To enhance the effect, petrov root is recommended to be combined with such medicinal plants like hemlock, aconite, spurge.

Many years ago when I was 10 years old. My grandmother, the famous herbalist Efrosinya, and I, in the Carpathian forest, in a village called Dobrogostiv, collected spring primrose and wandered into the forest thicket. And suddenly a clearing opened before us, covered with amazing colors unusual light lilac color and completely without green leaves, with unusual flowers in the form of bells strung on a column of the same color.

This amazing plant, grandmother called a secret or Petrov Cross. She said that for medicinal purposes they use a root that goes several meters underground and looks like a scaly cross, which is why this plant was called Petrov Cross.

We tried to dig out the roots with our hands, but nothing worked. Grandmother offered to return to the house where we lived, for a shovel. But when we returned to the clearing with a shovel, we could no longer find the flowers. Petrov Cross disappeared. Here's a secret for you. My grandmother was not at a loss and began to pray fervently Apostle Peter and I'm with her.

We still found Petrov Cross and dug out the roots. Roots were white color, under the purple inflorescence. Amazing cruciform, scaly roots have extraordinary healing properties.

At Peter's Cross rich sacred history. The name of the plant reminds us of the holy apostle Peter. According to the biblical story, the inverted cross is known as a symbol of the crucifixion of the holy Apostle Peter. When Peter met the Lord, he was a simple, poor, illiterate fisherman named Simon. After baptism, taking the name Peter, inflamed with faith, he followed the Lord, leaving home, property, and family.

Thousands of people came to faith through his preaching. Thanks to his faith, he, preaching Christian commandments, healed hopeless patients. He patiently endured persecution, beatings, reviling of the Jews, suffered, but continued to wander and preach the law of God. And only on the eve of the arrest and execution of Jesus Christ, Peter was broken and began to doubt his faith.

In the revelations of the Lord, Peter's cowardice and weakness were foretold and were forgiven for Peter's deep repentance and humility. The Lord forgave him and honored him with a miracle - to see the risen Christ. The Holy Apostle Peter sincerely atoned for his sin until the end of his life. When Emperor Nero ordered Peter to be crucified, he considered himself unworthy to be crucified like Jesus Christ and asked to be executed with his head down. On July 12, Christians celebrate the feast in honor of the apostles Peter and Paul - the end of Peter's Lent.

Its tincture is very useful. How to make a tincture Petrov Cross?

Fill 1 liter jar 2/3 with fresh roots and pour 50-60% alcohol. Insist 2 weeks in a dark place. Shake daily for 3 weeks.

Take 2-3 times a day, 30 drops per 50 ml. water

Take with hemlock , Euphorbia Pallas , aconite , lumbago and other anticancer drugs.

The king-grass is known under many other names: Peter's cross, seven-year-old, borovets, dig, cockerel, scales, lurker. Many people know about this wonderful plant. It is poisonous, but not devoid of those healing properties that nature endowed it with.

What is the peculiarity of the plant Petrov cross?

Exist different types this plant. In Russia, the petrov cross grows ordinary or scaly. There are also Balkan, purple, Japanese. The only difference is where the king-grass grows, and what color of flowers it has.

Petrov cross in medicine

It is necessary to use this plant for treatment with extreme caution due to its toxicity. In no case should you set the dosage yourself, this can turn into dire consequences. Only after consulting with doctors or experienced herbalists, you can be treated with king-grass.

Most often, such a decoction is prepared: pour a tablespoon of the roots of the king-grass with a glass of boiling water. Boil for 15-20 minutes, tightly closing the lid. Drink half a glass of decoction twice a day. There are many recipes for making decoctions and tinctures from Peter's Cross. But it is better to consult with doctors how to properly brew the herb, and what dose of medicine to take per day. Do not forget that the plant is poisonous.

The chemical composition of the king-grass has not been fully studied. But contraindications are already precisely known to physicians. This medicine should never be prescribed to pregnant women and children. This is due to the fact that all the properties of the plant are not yet understood. Some have an individual intolerance to the plant. Such people should also not take medicines from the Peter's cross. But these cases are very rare. King Grass is definitely one of the useful plants. After all , physicians have recognized its ability to fight cancer cells . And this is important!

Despite this, the plant is widely used in folk medicine. Its healing properties have been known since ancient times, when the rhizome was used to prepare various decoctions for internal use and rubbing. Mystical properties were also attributed to the plant, for example, the ability to protect against evil spirits and life's adversities.

Traditional medicine does not recognize petrov root because of its poisonousness. Exceeding the dosage of a plant prepared in any form can provoke severe intoxication of the body, disturbances in the functioning of the circulatory system. In the right concentration, the toxic substances present in the composition really help in solving health problems.

Traditional healers often recommend taking a decoction of the root for the treatment of gynecological diseases. The course of such therapy allows you to quickly stop the inflammatory processes that develop in the genitourinary system, reduces the likelihood of malignant tumors. The plant tones the muscles of the uterus, regulates the processes of ovulation of eggs, and promotes their fertilization. Therefore, the herb is often used to treat female infertility.

Petrov Cross is a strong choleretic agent that prevents stagnation and regulates the amount of bile secreted. According to unverified data, the herb has the ability to start the processes of regeneration of damaged tissues at the cellular level. In particular, it helps to restore liver cells, which leads to an improvement in the health of patients suffering from cirrhosis.

Alkating substances help slow down the growth of benign tumors, reduce the risk of their degeneration into malignant tumors. In the treatment of cancer, decoctions of the root are often used in combination with traditional therapy to reduce the number of metastases, prevent the spread of pathology to neighboring areas, and start the processes of self-destruction of diseased cells.

Important! You can’t use petr’s root to fight cancer on your own! All alternative methods of treatment must be agreed with the attending physician.

When choosing petrov root for the treatment of diseases, you need to remember that the plant is poisonous, so for some people it is forbidden in any form. Contraindications for admission:

  • pregnancy at any time;
  • individual intolerance;
  • children under the age of 8 years.

Application methods

In folk medicine, petrov root is used in natural and dried form. The plant is harvested in the spring, when the flowering period begins. The roots are dug out only by hand, so as not to damage the useful part. The collected raw materials are cleaned from the ground, dried in natural conditions, using dry, well-ventilated rooms. It is recommended to avoid direct sunlight.

All parts of the herb are of medicinal value, but the cruciform root has gained particular popularity in folk medicine, thanks to which it got its name.

Peter's cross is actually able to give hope to patients with diseases that are not treatable modern methods. For many years, remedies based on the root of this plant have been able to overcome infertility and promote sustainable remission in people with cancer.

Indications for use

Tinctures and decoctions from the dried root of the plant are recommended for:

  1. Oncological diseases at any stage. Significantly increases the effectiveness of therapy while taking hemlock, aconite, Pallas milkweed, footsteps, stonecrop purple.
  2. Diseases of the liver and gallbladder:
    • hepatitis,
    • cirrhosis and liver cancer,
    • accumulation of excess fluid (dropsy, ascites, swelling),
    • damage to the gallbladder and ducts.
  3. Gynecological diseases:
    • cyst,
    • malignant tumors of the uterus and ovaries,
    • infertility (violation of the process of fertilization of the egg).
  4. Dysfunctions of the genitourinary system in men:
    • BPH,
    • prostatitis.

With a course of taking the root, an improvement in the condition is observed. musculoskeletal system, bone fluid is restored. Petrov root will be especially useful for patients suffering from chronic diseases kidneys (failure, glomerulonephritis).

Beneficial features

The root of the Peter's Cross is valued for its ability to:

  • Destroy cancer cells. The alkylating substances contained in it slow down the growth of the tumor and its metastasis. In combination with other anti-cancer agents, it can cause long-term remission.
  • Prevent the transition of neoplasms to a malignant form.
  • Activate diuresis and the movement of bile, eliminating puffiness, stagnant processes.
  • Have a hepatoprotective effect. Even with the active destruction of liver cells, the root contributes to the restoration of tissues.
  • Normalize the work of the reproductive system in men and women, increase the likelihood of conception.


Raw materials for the preparation of medicines are sold in sealed packaging. The composition is one-component: 100% dried and crushed roots of the Peter's cross.

Mode of application

Alcoholic tincture of the root of Peter's Cross allows you to keep the healing properties of the plant for a long time, so this form of administration is chosen by many patients. If there are restrictions on the use of alcohol-containing compounds, then for course treatment it is better to use decoction.

Alcohol tincture

For 500 ml of vodka or alcohol diluted to 40%, pour 50 g of dry crushed roots. Leave in a dark cool place for 30 days. Strain and take before meals 15-20 drops 2 or 3 times a day, stirring in 50 ml clean water. The tincture can also be used to wet compresses or rubbed into the skin no more than twice a day.


In boiling water (250 ml), add 1 tbsp. dried root of the Peter's Cross and keep boiling in a closed container for 20 minutes. Strain the broth and let it cool. The course of admission is limited to 1 month. During this period, take half a glass twice a day.


Root should not be used:

  • during pregnancy,
  • children up to 8 years old,
  • with manifestations of an allergic reaction.

Petrov Cross in the Russian Roots online store

You can buy dried and crushed root of the Petrov Cross and other medicinal plants in one of the Russian Roots phyto-pharmacies or on the website of the online store of the same name. Postal delivery is carried out even to the most remote regions of the country, and courier services are available for residents of Moscow and the Moscow region.

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