In a private house      06/12/2019

Door lock without a key. Crossbar or rack type. If the key is broken

Lockpick from an aluminum can

To open the lock in this way, you will need an empty can of beer or cola. It is easy to cut and form a special shape of a trefoil from it, the middle tongue of which opens the lock. A Here another demonstration of this method.

Lockpick from paper clips and hairpins

This is the most famous and, one might say, classical method breaking the lock. We have seen many times in the movies how an attacker takes out a paper clip and begins to diligently pick at the keyhole. This video shows how it's actually done. And here's another one option this method, which uses a pen cap clip and a hair clip.

Knife pick

The third video shows a very simple way to open small locks with a knife. Obviously, this method won't always work, but it's still worth a try. Especially when it comes to Chinese products used on bags and suitcases.

Carefully open the lock without a key, without damaging either the door or the lock itself, this is a whole art that people have been learning for years and do not stop doing it, just like, in general, manufacturers do not stop improving locks, protecting them from unauthorized opening . It is for this reason that the question of how to open doors without a key, or rather solving it with your own hands, can be called a dubious event - without skills and experience in this matter, you can only make it worse, especially when it comes to opening front doors. Be that as it may, in this article, together with the site site, we will consider this issue in as much detail as possible - we will study some ways that will allow you to open door lock keyless.

How to open a door without a key photo

How to open a door without a key: open the lock of interior doors

Interior doors, or rather their locks and latches, can be said to be the simplest in terms of opening without a key - locks for interior interior doors are usually not made complicated, and it will not be difficult even for an inexperienced bear cub to open them. The main thing is to know how to do it and what "levers" to press.

Naturally, all these manipulations must be performed carefully so as not to damage either the door frame or the canvas - if you squeeze something out with a crowbar, then you need to put something under it. In most cases, interior doors and their lining are not very durable and they are easily injured by metal objects, which are usually used to solve the question of how to open an interior lock without a key? Naturally, all these methods are by no means suitable for opening the lock without a key - this is generally a separate issue, and you can see about it in this video.

How to open a door lock without a key: front doors

If a broken lock in interior doors- this, as they say, is half the trouble, then the front door that does not open is already a real disaster! Everyone tries to solve this problem on their own, and the first thing that comes to mind is to enter the apartment through the window. well when it is a private house or the first floor of an apartment building - what if you live on the second floor and above? "Mountaineering" without training and skills is a very risky undertaking. First you need to make sure that there are no other options. Or just the whole arsenal of methods has been tried, and nothing helps to solve the question of how to open iron door keyless?

  1. The simplest situation is when the key is broken in the keyhole. In no case do we rush and do not try to pull out the chip with our hands. The most important thing is not to shove it deep. Instead, we knock on the doors of a neighbor (one, then another, and, if necessary, a third) and ask for rent pliers, wire cutters, an old-style jigsaw file. In general, with all this, we first try to grab the broken edge of the key and carefully pull it out, and if it doesn’t help, then we try to gently pick up the chip with a jigsaw file and pull it out of the keyhole a little. In general, we direct all our efforts to remove the chip - this must be done very carefully so as not to damage the secret.

    How to open a lock without a key with a paper clip

  2. The question of how to open the door of a house without a key is much more difficult to solve and to a greater extent it all depends on the type of lock - if a high-quality locking mechanism has a lot of degrees of protection, then you can not even think about opening the lock yourself. There is only one outcome - without special skills, you will not only not open the lock, but you will probably ruin it. In general, in such a situation it is better to turn to professionals. If we talk about simpler, as they say, mundane designs of castles, then among the one hundred percent methods, two options can be distinguished. Firstly, this is the drilling of a secret, after which it can be opened with any flat object. And, secondly, the elementary knocking out of the lock - just take it and hit the cylinder with a hammer with force. We beat so that the internal rotary cracker breaks - in most locks you don’t even have to put a lot of effort into this. The cracker breaks along with the screw holding the lock cylinder - after that, you just have to remove the cylinder and open the lock with a knitting needle or strong wire bent into the letter "G". In general, the castle cannot be restored, but you will get into an apartment or a house, and this is already good.
  3. How to open a lock without a key with a paperclip or hairpin. By and large, the operation is dubious, especially if we talk about a person who has never dealt with opening locks before - you can spend an eternity on this business and achieve nothing for one simple reason. Your type of lock cannot be opened at all in this way - not every locking mechanism can be opened with a paper clip or hair clip. And yes, it takes skill.
  4. Alternatively, you can get a universal master key, but in this case, in order to solve the question of how to open a mortise lock without a key, you will need a certain amount of skill. In general, this is a delicate matter and has a lot of nuances - you can’t do without special preparation, knowledge of locks and other so-called “little things”.

    How to open an iron door without a key photo

In general, you need to look at the place - the circumstances themselves will tell you how to be and what to do. For example, in some cases, when the lock is closed for one turn, you can try to disengage it from door frame using a crowbar or crowbar. You can also try to disassemble the lock - first remove it, thereby gaining access to the core. The doors can also be opened by cutting off the hinges - this option is possible if the hinges are not hidden, and there are no burglar-proof pins in the doors. Among other things, you can resort to extreme measures - simply put, put physical effort on the doors and knock them out. This number works great with doors, but not with them, and even more so - breaking them out without a press will not work unequivocally.

In conclusion, the topic of how to open the door without a key, let me remind you once again that it is better not to do such things on your own. There are organizations that provide professional assistance in this matter - you just need to call and wait for the arrival of a person who will do everything quickly, and most importantly, carefully, causing a minimum of damage to your doors.

You have a lock, but no key (say, you broke it, lost it, or the door suddenly slammed shut). What to do? How to open a lock without a key? Is there a way out of this situation? It turns out there is, and not just one. This article contains answers to such burning questions at times. We will talk about the tool that is used to open the locking mechanisms. And you will learn how to open locks without keys.

Just do not think that after reading this material, you will become a professional cracker. I will not reveal to you the secrets of this ancient "profession", but will only tell you about publicly available methods and methods. Why? Yes, because people comprehend such a subtle science all their lives, they completely give themselves to it. And it's not just a hack. I'm talking about a completely legal specialty (take at least employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations). So, I will give you only the initial push, and you, if you want, can achieve the desired results. Knowledge of how to open locks without keys brings good profit. Such specialists can easily find work in emergency door opening services and even in the special services of their country.

So, back to the main question. How to open locks without keys? To begin with, consider the pin devices of the English type. What tools can be used to open it and at the same time keep the mechanism working? First of all, we need classic master keys. What are they? These are stretchers and cuporillas. Such tools are easy to find in the free market, especially they are flooded Chinese market but you can also make your own. It is convenient to make cupolas from a hacksaw blade, grinding it on sandpaper. The mentioned master keys come in a variety of forms, it is recommended to make up to ten various types"spouts". Stretches are best made from springy material. The photo shows the types of cormorants and stretches.

So, the tool is ready, you can get to work. We insert the stretch in and slightly press it, trying to turn it, and with a corkscrew we sort out the lock pins. This is a very painstaking work that requires endurance, perseverance and high sensitivity of the hands.

Now let's look at how to open the "Secrets" of hinged locking mechanisms are various kinds. The most common core Finnish, English types. The inconvenience of opening a padlock lies in the impossibility of fixing it. The easiest way is to cut it off with a turbine and not waste time, but if you are still serious, then we will analyze possible options. I must say right away that the opening of the Finnish Abloy is a waste of time. Firstly, it requires a special tool, and secondly, serious practice.

A beginner cannot do this kind of work. A special type of Finnish secret is "double-sided". Locks of this type are of low quality, silumin cores. When you try to hack it, it becomes unusable, all that remains is to throw it away.

Opening hinged type done according to the method described above or by the bump method. The essence of "bump" is to hit. This requires a key that matches the profile of the keyhole. We insert it about three quarters into the lock and apply a light blow, after which we try to turn it. You can also use a vibration pick, but this is not always convenient.

So we looked at a few elementary methods of how to open locks without keys. Practice and you will succeed. Become a professional in this field, and you can enter the competition held by manufacturers of elite locking devices. You will be given the opportunity to hack the latest in this industry. I am not kidding! If you become a winner, a huge cash prize awaits you. Such competitions are held in order to identify weaknesses in Well and, of course, to advertise products (in the event that no one succeeds in opening the mechanism). If the lock is open, then the master will receive fame. Good luck with this difficult task!

03.09.2016 79038

In the life of every person there are problems, the solution of which requires a non-standard approach. Situations of this kind include the loss or damage of the key that unlocks front door and, as a result, the inability to get into a private house or apartment.

Faced with such a problem, you do not need to panic and try to enter the room by any means. First you need to familiarize yourself with several ways in which you can.

Types of locks

There are several types of locks, each of which can be unlocked in one way or another and open the door, while spending a minimum of effort, time and without causing damage to the canvas.

  • Mounted. Locks of this type are used when installing premises: a barn or garage, and not as a lock for the front door of a house. They are characterized by simplicity and conciseness.
  • Overhead. Locking systems of this type are installed on the external entrance door if there is also an internal one. They don't guarantee reliable protection, easy to use, have an unpresentable appearance.
  • Mortise. Such locks are convenient during operation, provide reliable safety of property and do not spoil the aesthetic appearance entrance door. Their only drawback is that during installation, the integrity of the canvas is violated, which subsequently leads to the appearance of cracks and other shortcomings.
  • Inserts. Systems of this kind are reliable and guarantee high level burglary protection. They are installed in the door leaf directly at the factory, which ensures quality and a presentable appearance.

Tools needed when opening a door without a key

The choice of tool, the use of which is necessary in order to open the door, directly depends on which direction the canvas opens: inward or outward. In addition, some of the tools are interchangeable, if one is missing, another is used. In the set of a beginner "bear cub" there should be a number of the following devices:

  • Pliers.
  • Hairpin (really universal tool, featured in the movie door-breaking scenes).
  • The so-called Bulgarian.
  • Drill.
  • Jigsaw file.
  • A set of screwdrivers, or one flat.
  • Universal door pick, which can currently be purchased at any hardware store.

How to open the door when the key is lost

If you lose the key, you can open the front door using the following methods:

  1. Suitable for a hairpin. For this decorative element women's hairstyles should be carefully broken into two equal parts, which are used independently of each other. One of the halves is used as a lever to turn the mechanism, while the second part of the pin drowns the pins. To carry out such an operation requires certain skills and a sufficient amount of time. The main advantage of this method is the absence of damage to the locking mechanism and the door leaf.
  2. The method mentioned above can also be applied using one or two paper clips. Opening the lock with a paperclip is a simple task. One staple, or a separate part, should be used as rotary mechanism, the second - like a lever. In this case, the same manipulations are carried out that are needed in order to open the lock with a hairpin.
  3. If the door stands with cylinder mechanism, you can open it in the following way: drill a hole in the cylinder using a thin drill and, inserting a wire of a suitable size into it, turn it to rotate the cylinder.
  4. If you need to open a lock equipped with a tongue, you should use a knife or a small screwdriver to work. The selected tool must be carefully inserted into the gap between the canvas and the jamb and, having hooked the tongue, open the door.
  5. type is possible using a similar method. To do this, pull the door as far as possible and, picking up the levers with a tool suitable for this purpose, move it away.
  6. If the door leaf is old, or if the door lock has been used for a long time, you can simply break the lock, completely destroying it. To do this, apply several blows with a hammer or a small sledgehammer directly in the center of the structure.

How to open the lock if the key is broken

If used for a long period of time, the latter may break when turning in the keyhole. This is because over time, the metal from which this part is made wears out, becomes covered with scratches and cracks that violate the integrity of the key.

In order, or if the key in the lock does not turn, it is necessary to carry out the following steps in a certain sequence:

  1. First you need to remove the key fragment, while trying to open the front door. If the chip protrudes above the keyhole, you should try to pull out the key with ordinary pliers, while turning to open the mechanism. If successful, you can not only pull out the broken key, but also open the lock without damage.
  2. If it is not possible to pick up a chip, use a thin jigsaw file for this purpose. This tool must be inserted into the lower or upper part of the lock, while turning the teeth so that they are directed directly at the key. Next, gently hook the chip and pull it out.
  3. If, after removing the fragment, the lock is left without a key, you can use the opening methods described above. It is also possible that in the event of a breakdown of this element of the locking system, mechanical damage castle. In this case, the mechanism of constipation should be removed.
  4. To remove the lock, carefully unscrew the plate that closes the mechanism, and then remove the locking elements with a wire or a paper clip. This method is applicable only if the lock is of the English type.
  5. If locks of any other type are damaged, only one way to open the lock without a key is applicable - damage to the device by using a hammer or sledgehammer.

How to open a padlock without a key

The padlock stands apart in a number of other locking systems. Despite the simplicity of design, it provides a high level of protection against burglary and subsequent entry into the premises.

If the key of such a mechanism is lost, you can open the padlock without a key using the following methods:

  • The basis of the locking system of a padlock is a spring. First you need to try to insert a strong wire into the well by pressing directly on the lock spring. Further, in the center of this spring, you need to place a second wire or paper clip and, using tools like a key, unlock the mechanism. It is also possible to open the lock with a hairpin.
  • If the method above did not work and the lock does not open, you can get rid of it with a hammer, sledgehammer or crowbar. Using these simple devices, you should knock down the lock, opening access to the locked room.

How to protect yourself from loss or breakage of the key

From the occurrence of problems of this kind, no one is immune. Therefore, you should pay attention to some aspects that will help to avoid a situation where access to the premises is limited due to the loss of the key to the front door lock, or its breakdown.

  • The service life of locking mechanisms has a certain time frame, after which the structure must be replaced. You can determine the degree of deterioration of the device using a visual assessment. If the lock body and the key itself are covered with scratches, cracks, and the teeth are worn out, it should be replaced immediately in order to avoid failure of the locking mechanisms.
  • You can also install a lock of a special design, developed relatively recently. A mechanism of this kind does not need keys and is not equipped with a keyhole.

You can also prepare yourself in advance for the fact that one day the key that unlocks the front door will be lost or broken. To do this, it is necessary to prepare in advance a set of tools necessary to open the locking mechanism, which will help to open the door at the right time and store it outside the house, in the garage, utility room driveway or car.

With such a “safety kit”, the time spent searching for the necessary devices will be reduced and it will be much easier to get into the apartment.

If such a situation arises, you can do the following:

  • To prevent damage to the locking mechanism and door leaf, you should call a locksmith who can open the lock quickly and accurately, using master keys and other necessary tools.
  • In the event that time is limited and does not endure waiting for a locksmith, you can use the services of companies that specialize directly in opening locks of any type. The master will quickly and accurately solve the unforeseen problem that has arisen. Services of this type are expensive.

Summarizing the above, it should also be noted that in an effort to get into a locked apartment, you should not use methods that can be harmful to health. These include attempts to enter the premises through a neighbor's balcony, through a window, or using a fire escape. An acceptable option in this case would be the loss of time spent on searching the right tools and opening the locking mechanism.

Any lock can be opened. On the one hand, this is bad: even the most expensive locking device does not protect your home or office by 100%. On the other hand, this is good: knowing how to open a door lock without a key, we will quickly cope with difficult situation like a slammed door or lost keys.

Two approaches to opening locks without a key: pick or pick

(albeit not everyone) in two ways:

  • knock out (in the case of padlocks, loops are usually knocked out);
  • open the mechanism or remove part of the parts of the lock mechanism.

If we want to keep the mechanism and the door intact, then there can be no talk of knocking out, cutting off the arms and other things. For each type of lock there is a whole set of methods that allow you to open them with minimal damage. To figure out how to open a door lock without a key, you need to at least roughly imagine the types of locks that are in our apartments, houses and offices.
Types of locks
The main types of locks and locking devices:

  • semicircular or disk locks (the secret consists of a pack of disks);
  • suvaldnye (the secret is a curly plate connected to crossbars);
  • English (secret - a cylinder with pins located inside);
  • magnetic.

According to the installation method, mortise locks are distinguished - they are more difficult to open - and overhead locks, as well as padlocks.

The latter, with a rather primitive mechanism, are easy to open without a key: the lock is open from all sides, there is also access to the mechanism. If you do not take into account the sawing of the shackle and the destruction of the locking mechanism with a self-tapping screw, there are still at least two ways:

  • wrapping the shackle with tin tape (for example, from a tin can), deepening the wrapped tape between the shackle and the body and jerking;
  • paperclip with L-shaped tips (with a paperclip, it is easy to turn a simple lock mechanism by releasing the tab holding the shackle).

Open semi-circular lock without key

Half round locks or half round key locks are more difficult to open than cheap padlocks with a tongue. Simple Ways openings are always associated with damage to the lock. For example, knocking out a larva: a small part that slightly protrudes beyond the plane of the body. But after that, the castle cannot be restored.

How to open a disc lock without a key (disk is another name for semicircular locks, they are also Finnish) without damaging the mechanism? A gentle way is to open with a screwdriver, which is driven into the gap between the cylinder and the lining that covers the handle. There are also successful attempts to use a classic tool - a screwdriver bent at an angle of 40-45 degrees: with its help, it is usually possible to turn the discs into the desired position, after which the lock opens with a simple turn.

How to open a lever lock without a key

The lever lock opening / locking mechanism is a group of plates with recesses and grooves of different shapes. To open the lock, you will need at least two homemade “tools”: a prepared single-slotted screwdriver and a piece of strong wire. The screwdriver is bent in such a way that a classic roll is obtained.

_Swertysh- this is in many cases the main answer to the question "how to open the door lock without a key." It is made from a large screwdriver, the slot of which is bent at an angle and partially ground off._

The second tool is a thick, strong wire bent by a hook: with its help, the plates are sequentially outlived.

If the lever lock is not too strong, it is possible to cope only with a roll: the plates literally break, the mechanism becomes unusable and the lock opens easily.

How to open an English lock without a key

An English or cylinder lock is not very strong. Therefore, the most common method of opening it has always been knocking out or drilling a cylinder. But if the mechanism needs to be preserved, a method is used that is suitable for opening lever locks: a flat homemade master key with an L-shaped tip and a bent piece of thick springy wire. With its help, the mechanism turns, but only after the master key has moved all parts of the secret.

How to open a mortise lock without a key and invoice: is there a difference

As a rule, the methods describing how to open a padlock without a key are associated with its complete dismantling: the gaps between the crossbars and the jamb are often sufficient to carefully remove the entire lock.

Mortise locks are more difficult to open - due to the fact that access to the mechanism is difficult: it is possible only through a well and, less often, through a gap between the larva and the body.

There are no difficulties when working with magnetic locks: a home-made magnetic master key (in fact, just an electromagnet) will help to open the lock in seconds.

As for the locks on the interior doors: everything is even simpler. The easiest way, before opening the internal lock without a key, is to try to dismantle the door itself by removing it from the hinges or use the service of our company.