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How to decorate a chipboard door. How to restore old doors or new life for door panels. For decoration you will need

Most often, wooden doors are installed in the bathrooms - from solid wood, from fiberboard or from plastic. Operation in conditions high humidity adversely affects the appearance of the door leaf: the surface warps, the paint layer deteriorates. In this regard, many are interested in the question of how to restore the door in the bathroom. About everything - in order.

Any restoration work begins with cleaning old surface. A wooden door (from an array) is no exception. You will need:

  • paint remover;
  • building hair dryer;
  • spatula (scraper);
  • an old iron and a piece of thick cotton fabric;
  • wood putty, putty;
  • sandpaper;
  • door hinges, handles, lock;
  • set of brushes;
  • screwdrivers, chisel, hammer, knife and other metalwork tools;
  • electric drill;
  • screwdriver;
  • wooden glazing beads.

Layers of old paint must be removed

All this must be done at the initial stage of work, which is started after removing the doors from the hinges.

Restoration of the door begins after it is removed from the hinges.

In some cases, one cannot do without a crowbar, which is used as a lever, supporting the canvas from below. Glass inserts (if any) must be removed by removing the glazing beads.

Old hinges can be dismantled with a screwdriver

How to remove old paint

There are many ways to get rid of old paint.

  • In the event that you have to remove a thin layer of coating, it is more advisable to use a "wash" - an acid-based chemical agent. This is the most gentle way. After reading the instructions on the label, the product is applied with a brush to old paint and wait for the appointed time. After the paintwork has swollen, it should be carefully scraped off with a spatula. You can use a beekeeper's scraper for this.

Paint remover from the door

It is necessary to protect hands and eyes: acid can seriously damage the skin and mucous membranes.

  • A thicker layer of paint will have to be removed with more effort. A building hair dryer is used: the heated paintwork swells, after which it is also cleaned off with a scraper. This effective method, but due to careless work with a spatula and a hairdryer, the wood may be damaged.

Removing paint with a hair dryer

  • If it is not possible to use a hair dryer, the old “old-fashioned” method will help: a moistened coarse cotton fabric is spread on the canvas and pressed with a heated old iron. After a few seconds, the iron and rag are removed, the paint is cleaned off. This method is far from the best: it is difficult to clean uneven surfaces. In addition, the soleplate of the iron and the rag quickly become dirty.

How to restore a solid wood door leaf

Fragments of the old paintwork remaining after cleaning the canvas can be removed with sandpaper. At first, they act with coarse-grained sandpaper and then gradually move to "zero". Grinding is performed along the fibers so that transverse lines do not form.

Sanding the cleaned door leaf grinder

It is required to inspect the door leaf for defects. If there are any, you need to get rid of them. Small cracks are eliminated with acrylic putty. Large chips are more difficult to repair. In some cases, it is required to cut out a fragment of the canvas, and then make an overlay from wood of the same grade. It must be carefully sized and secured with glue. Small gaps are also sealed with putty. The next stage is application new paint. You should choose the right color: it should be in harmony with the elements of the rest of the bathroom decoration. Among stains and paints, you need to choose moisture-resistant ones: they will last longer. You can apply the coating with a brush, roller, but best of all - with a spray gun. If necessary, apply several layers. After such restoration, the door will look like new.

Do-it-yourself door painting

How to update the bathroom door from fiberboard

How to update the bathroom door if it is made of fiberboard? Such material is not very resistant to high humidity. It should be noted that some of the above technologies cannot be applied. In particular, the use of a soldering iron is not allowed. Coarse sanding paper can damage the surface. In this case, you will have to use an iron with a cotton rag or a wash of old paint. The scraper is used carefully so that the sharp edges do not damage the outer coating, which is a maximum of 4 mm thick.

After the means for removing old paint with a spatula, the door leaf is cleaned

After careful sanding with a “zero”, you need to re-apply paint. But The best way restore the doors - paste over them with veneer. In this way, you can create the illusion of an expensive material. The price of oak veneer is about 1.5 USD per 1 m². Do not forget about the door frame: it should also be updated. Most likely, it will not be possible to replace it, since there is a risk of damage to ceramic tiles.

Restoration of plastic doors

Plastic doors look presentable, but over time, dirt penetrates the micropores and the canvas loses its original appearance. You can update it in the following ways:

  • paste over with a vinyl film imitating natural wood or marble;
  • paint with polyurethane paint;
  • cover with veneer.

In any case, the door leaf must first be cleaned and degreased. Do it with conventional means. household chemicals. You can paint with paint, to which a hardener is added, and then filtered. In the process of work, a spray gun is used: in this way the coating is applied in an even layer. On average, for complete drying of one layer under conditions room temperature need 9-10 hours. Complete crystallization of the paint occurs only after 7 days.

Aerosol cans can be used to paint the door leaf

Vinyl film can be used for decoration: patterns and patterns are created using different colors. This technique is best used if the canvas is flat, without panels. It is recommended to process the canvas first soapy water. This will help avoid the formation soap bubbles and correctly dock adjacent elements. If you need to paste over the entire surface at once, you will need the help of a partner.

Before painting, a new lock is inserted into the door, handles are attached, and then the canvas is hung on new hinges.

Installing a new lock on a restored door

In the event that the necessary experience is not available, it is better not to take on such work. Otherwise, the door leaf will be damaged. It is better to turn to professionals for help: through their efforts, the door will again look like new.

Video: how to update doors using stickers

For equipment doorways bathrooms use products made of solid wood, chipboard or plastic. Operation of these products in high humidity conditions adversely affects appearance canvases. It is not easy to dismantle the old structure and install a new one, given the current cost of a quality door. Therefore, many have a question, how to finish inner door in the bathroom.

Preparing the door leaf for restoration

Before proceeding to the restoration, it is recommended to familiarize yourself with the stages of this work.

There are many ways to update the surface of the door leaf, but regardless of the choice, first of all, you will need to prepare a list of tools:

  • Building hair dryer;
  • Plane;
  • Putty knife;
  • polished machine;
  • Sandpaper.

The first stage of work is to process and clean the canvas from the old coating.

Important! Removal of the old coating will be required regardless of what type of finish is planned in the future.

Restoration work begins with the removal of the door from its hinges.

Removing the canvas from the hinges

The removed sash is laid on a previously prepared surface. The place for the restoration of the product is chosen so that it is well lit and ventilated.

All elements are removed from the door so that a bare canvas remains. If there are glass inserts, they must also be carefully removed. After cleaning the canvas from unnecessary elements, they begin to remove the old coating.

You can remove old paint in a variety of ways:

  • If the canvas has a thin layer of paint, it is advisable to use a special wash, which is a chemical agent that contains acid. This method is considered the most gentle. A wash with a brush is applied to the door covering and wait a certain time indicated in the instructions for use. Soon the old coating will swell, after which it is removed with a spatula.

chemical solution applied to old paint with a brush or roller

Important! When applied chemical agent to clean the surface of the canvas, keep hands and eyes away from the product.

  • When many layers of paint have already been applied to the canvas, a lot of effort will have to be made. In such cases, a special hair dryer is used. Under the influence of hot air, the coating will swell, after which it is also removed with a spatula. This method is quite effective, but sometimes, due to imprudent work, the surface of the door can be damaged.

Removing old paint with a spatula using a building hair dryer
  • If there is no building hair dryer, you can use another method. Put a damp hard cotton cloth on the door leaf and press down with a heated iron. After two minutes, remove the rag and iron, and clean off the paint with a spatula. This procedure is quite laborious, and with its help it is difficult to clean uneven places on the canvas from paint. At the same time, the fabric and the surface of the iron quickly get dirty, which will also have to be cleaned.

Door leaf renewal

The particles of the old coating remaining after cleaning are removed with sandpaper. First you need to walk along the door leaf with coarse-grained sandpaper, gradually moving to the “zero”.

Important! Grinding work is carried out along the fibers to avoid the formation of transverse lines.

Sanding with a grinder

After grinding, the canvas is inspected for the presence of various defects. Small cracks are eliminated with putty. Large indentations are more difficult to eliminate. In most cases, to eliminate large defects in the canvas, you will have to cut out the damaged fragment and prepare an overlay from wood. It is adjusted in size and attached to the canvas with glue. Putty is also used to eliminate minor gaps resulting from gluing.

WITH lacquered door all manipulations with the removal of the old top layer are identical. Only one point differs - the choice of putty must be approached with special responsibility. Since the varnish is transparent, any flaws will be visible under it. The color of the canvas can be changed with varnish or stain.

Important! Internal laminated or veneered structures must not be painted. For their restoration, completely different methods are used.

Designs of this kind can be updated with a special wax pencil.

Wax pencil, photo

The pencil is first heated, after which all scratches and cracks are treated. The main thing is to choose the right tone of the pencil for the color of the door. If the material is chosen correctly, in this case, all processed errors will become almost imperceptible.

Choice of decor

The second stage is the direct choice of the type of decoration that will be applied next.


The easiest way to update an old door is to paint it. But, given the features of the bathroom, you need to choose the right paint. It must be resistant to excessive humidity, temperature changes and not be afraid of frequent cleaning.

Painting MDF doors, photo

What paint is suitable for the bathroom door

The range of paint is small, these are alkyd or acrylic compounds.

Advantages of alkyd paint:

  • Ideal for painting canvases made of MDF and chipboard;
  • available;
  • Protects well from moisture;
  • Not afraid of frequent washing;
  • Has an extensive color palette.

Disadvantages of alkyd paint:

  • Professionals do not recommend using paint for natural wood structures.

Important! Wood has the ability to "breathe", and alkyd compounds are vapor-tight.

This kind of coating exfoliates rather quickly, as a result, cracks appear on the surface.

  • The smell of paint does not disappear for a long time.

Advantages of acrylic paint:

  • Surpasses alkyd paints in terms of service life;
  • Not afraid of temperature changes and humidity;
  • Easy to clean;
  • There is no strong smell. There are compositions and completely odorless.


  • Despite the speed of drying paint, it remains susceptible to the slightest damage within a month.

Which paint do you prefer: glossy or matte?

Concerning the choice of the type of paint among professionals, disputes have not subsided for a long time. By their own decorative properties paints are divided into the following types:

  • Matte;
  • glossy;
  • Satin;
  • Semi-gloss;
  • Semi-matte.

The matte surface is the most unstable. This type of paint is completely unsuitable for covering door panels located in bathrooms due to high humidity. Glossy paint is also not quite suitable for the bathroom, because it has an excessive shine.

Door leaf painting, photo

Important! If the gloss of the canvas does not bother, then it is quite possible to apply this type of bathroom paint. Since from a practical point of view, gloss becomes the best option. Smooth surface does not absorb dirt and is less prone to staining.

Semi-gloss and satin paints are an average and versatile option.

After determining the type of paint, you can proceed to the direct painting of the door leaf. The key rule is the wise choice of color, as the painted door must be combined with the elements of the bathroom. Apply paint in any convenient way in 2-3 layers.

Another option for door restoration is a combination of several colors. First, the canvas is covered with one color. After drying, it is processed with sandpaper, and a second shade is applied. You can create the desired texture with the help of graters. After the canvas dries, it is varnished. Finished in this way, the door will acquire a new life.

How to restore doors from chipboard

This kind of material is not resistant to high humidity, so it is recommended to approach the restoration procedure responsibly. For this kind of material, you should not use a hair dryer, sandpaper for grinding, as this is fraught with surface deformation.

To remove the top layer of paint, you will have to resort to the "grandfather" method (iron and cloth) or apply a wash. With a spatula, the paint layer is very carefully removed to avoid damaging the canvas.

Grinding is done only by "zero". After gentle manipulations, paint can be applied.

Important! The best option chipboard construction renovation - veneer gluing.

Choosing the right paint is an important, but the last step in the restoration of the structure. Equally important is accurate coloring, which is quite difficult to do without certain skills.

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Over time, even the most quality doors are falling into disrepair. The material shrinks or deforms, the coatings wear off and fade. In this case, it is necessary, or to give the old doors the new kind, restore them. And what happens even more often is that the type of doors can simply get bored or not meet your taste. In such a situation, replacing with new ones is not at all appropriate. It is better to update the doors with your own hands, think about creating a new design for her.

Stage 1: removal of the old coating and processing of the door

If there are deep scratches or crevices on the surface of the door, or the door is slightly lopsided, it is best to remove it and bring it to full order. And before any subsequent finishing, it is worth getting rid of the old coating. For such work, it is desirable to have at least basic knowledge of working with wood and a set of tools.

  • In order to update wooden door, remove it from the hinges. Dismantle all fittings (handles, locks, latches, etc.), if they are no longer suitable, it is better to replace them. At the same time, it is desirable to change all the handles and trim on the doors within the room so that they are all in the same style.
  • If there is glass in the door, then carefully remove the glazing beads and expose it. After that, you can already begin to remove the old coating. Use a blow dryer to heat up a layer of old paint, and when it begins to soften and bubble, remove it with a spatula.
  • When the last paint is removed, proceed to seal the cracks and smooth out the scratches on the surface of the wood. This can be done using special putties for wood and putty. After the materials have dried, sand the surface and sand well.
  • Cover the surface of the door with stain or drying oil. This will give the surface the desired shade or simply protect it from moisture.
  • If there were glasses, then insert them back. It is best to use new glazing beads, they cost a penny, and it is better than cleaning the old ones.

In this form, the door is ready for further decoration and decoration.

Stage 2: choosing and decorating

But how can you update old doors? To do this, choose one of the listed design options. Before any work, it is worth bringing the door to normal condition. This is either the restoration described above with the removal of old coatings, or simply a thorough cleaning and drying so that the new decorative elements are normally fixed on the surface of the door.


The easiest and most reliable way will be painting. If your door is made of solid wood or has a wood veneer paneling, then you can open it with varnish or your favorite paint color. In any case, it is best to paint the door with a brush or spray. With a brush, spend all the time along the fibers, then the paint or varnish will normally fall into all the recesses and irregularities.

Pattern decoration. moldings

In addition to painting in a solid color, you can use paints of other shades or colors to create an image or a simple pattern on the door. Alternatively, you can paint the door in one color, and the protruding parts (moldings) in another, contrasting with the base. If the door is flat without relief and moldings, then you can either depict their emulation with a pattern, or use polyurethane or wooden carved slats. The latter are pre-painted in the desired color and glued to the surface of the door.

You can try to depict a drawing or painting on the door. About this on the example of decorating walls.

Pasting with wallpaper, paper materials or fabric

You can decorate interior doors with your own hands and more interesting ways. Now it will not be a problem to find in stores or order on the Internet murals specifically for doors. They are already preparing standard sizes door leaf.

In addition to photo wallpapers, which, by the way, are not cheap, you can use other materials for decorating doors. If the room is decorated in a certain style, then the door can be decorated to match it. For example, if this is a children's room, then you can use the pages of various educational children's publications or a variety of coloring pages. For the kitchen or dining room, you can pick up pages with images of delicious and favorite dishes and stick them on the door.

If paper material is selected, then first hold it in cold water, and then carefully apply PVA glue to the entire surface of each sheet and attach to the door. Carefully smooth the entire surface of the sheets so that no air bubbles remain under it. In the future, it will be almost impossible to get rid of them. Once the glue and material is dry, paint over the entire surface with clear varnish to protect your art from fading and moisture.

In a similar way, you can use it as a material for decoration various fabrics. The abundance and variety of fabric design will allow you to realize a variety of design ideas.

This is interesting: doors decorated with paper for the New Year

Stained glass and sandblasting

If your door has glass inserts or the entire door is glass, then stained glass design would be an excellent option. Buy stained glass paints water based not a problem now. Draw a thumbnail of the image you would like to display on the glass and divide it into parts for each individual glass or to make it easier to transfer to a large glass. Outline the entire image with dark or even black paint with a thin line. After the contours have dried, start filling in the necessary spaces with paints of other colors.

Alternatively, you can apply an image to the glass using sandblasting technology. To do this, it is better to contact a special workshop where they will perform such work.

Use of vinyl stickers

A huge variety of vinyl stickers will allow most in a simple way modify doors. To do this, it is not even necessary to get rid of the old coating or bother with disassembling and removing the door. Hidden from view with vinyl stickers small scratches and scuffs on the door leaf. Again, they can be subsequently painted in different colors.

To apply vinyl stickers, carefully peel off the base-substrate from it and attach it to the pre-cleaned surface on the door. After you have pressed evenly over the entire area of ​​the sticker and checked that everything is firmly fixed, you can remove the film that protects the outside of the sticker. If the film does not separate well in some places, then heat it up with a regular hair dryer turned on to heat the air.

Original design methods

A very exclusive option on how to update an old interior door is the use of various bulk materials for covering the entire surface. Oddly enough, buckwheat or rice is perfect for this. In the case of buckwheat, the result will be a very peculiar and beautiful result. To stick the cereal, you can use PVA glue or ordinary wallpaper paste. After complete drying of the surface, it is better to open it several times with varnish to protect it from moisture. And do not worry about the integrity and durability of such a coating. Dry cereals are not subject to rotting or deterioration, and the varnish coating will protect it from moisture and prevent it from swelling.

With a little effort and imagination, you can turn an old interior door into something stunning and more attractive, or at least change its boring look.

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    Can't decide to update. kitchen set. it is long, in glass cabinets, which are framed by golden stripes with curves at the corners. Everything is already tired, especially since the veneer began to move away. I want to tint the glass from the inside with a transparent film with patterns. I looked at some of your options, there is an impetus for the idea. Thank you!!!

    Refurbished bathroom door last year. I suffered with a building hair dryer, especially since I did not remove the door. And now it turns out there are all kinds of gels to remove the old coating. How much easier would that make the job. And now I’m on fire with photo wallpapers, as you look at what choice there is, my eyes run wide. I will definitely do my next feat with doors with photo wallpaper.

    Paint for sale, with which the effect is created - craquelure. You need two bottles to work. The first balloon creates the base, mostly white.
    The second balloon after application creates the illusion of a cracked surface. Gold or silver colors. Great option for doors.

    I made a vintage-style door for myself in the bathroom. For this, I bought specially plastic pebbles for the aquarium, shells and plants. I glued it all with a glue gun. Since I glued everything randomly, there was a lot of free space. , ordinary glass somehow looked dull on such a door. Then I cut the tile that remained from laying and also put it into use. I also added old crumbling beads. Everything that was at home in a marine theme went into business. in blue and blue tones. And everything turned out very beautiful and not pretentious. It harmonizes with the bathroom, because there are pieces of tiles, as the bath itself is supposed to be. Fantasize. In general, it’s real and not expensive.

    In the bedroom, I pasted my door with wallpaper on both sides, it turned out very cool. But now I read the article and realized that there were so many other good options. googled looked at pictures with vinyl, already fell in love, we must definitely try something new to update.

    For the patina effect, I used Aqua-color water-based acrylic pastes to imitate metal surface. True, I did not use them to decorate the door, but covered the cabinet handles. It's just that there are small jars in the kit, it may not be enough for the door. But for sure there are other patinating compositions in the public domain ... Ask around, look)

    Of the methods described above, I used painting moldings and panels in contrasting shades, wallpapering. it turned out very well, because Each door matches the style of its room. I don’t think that someone will dare to decorate the doors in the room with buckwheat. But this is a personal matter for everyone. But one of my doors has not been restored yet - I really want to make it “antique” with patina. I can't find detailed technology anywhere. can someone share a secret?

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The nuances of the restoration of the old door with your own hands. Ideas and methods, photos.

A person associates his home with a place of rest. Therefore, he tries to create coziness, to choose an interior and a pleasant color scheme to fully implement it.

On the other hand, everything in our world tends to become obsolete and collapse. Our homes and theirs interior decoration are no exceptions.

Updating something around us, we awaken creative energies in ourselves, we feel creators.

Although most species internal works require special in-depth knowledge and skills to perform them, update interior doors on our own, we are quite capable.

Let's talk about the features and methods of reconstructing old doors in more detail.

How to make a new one from an old door with your own hands: options, photos, tips

photo of an old door before and after restoration using decoupage technique

It is important to prepare it before updating the old door:

  • remove the doors from the hinges and lay on a flat horizontal surface
  • fold all accessories separately or prepare for disposal if it has become unusable
  • if there are glass elements, carefully remove the glazing beads and then remove the breakable parts
  • if the door has been treated with paint, turn on the building hair dryer and gradually warm up its surface
  • arm yourself with a piece of coarse sandpaper and remove bubbles of old paint
  • replace the paper with another one with a finer abrasive and again go over the entire surface of the door
  • do the final sanding sandpaper with minimal abrasiveness
  • treat the surface of the door with a special putty for wood products
  • after complete drying, clean the doors in 3 steps with sandpaper of different abrasiveness
  • fix the result with drying oil or stain
  • then carry out those types of work that are necessary to update the appearance of the door
  • if it had glass elements, put them first and then new glazing beads for a fresh color / design

As examples, look at the options for updated doors in the photo.

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 1

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 2

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 3

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 4

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 5

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 6

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 7

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 8 embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 9 embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 10

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 11

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 12 embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 13

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 14

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 15

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 16

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 17

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 18

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 19

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 20

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 21

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 22

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 23

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 24

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 25

embodied ideas for decorating and restoring an old interior door, example 26

How and with what you can update the color of old wooden doors: ideas

girl paints an old wooden interior door with white paint

After you have completed the restoration work on the surface of the old interior door, choose a new color for it.

Among the ways that can help you in this moment, we note:

  • Painting with stain, paint or autopsy wooden surface varnished doors.
    Remember for best result brush along the fibers, then all the cracks will be filled with a dye.
  • Accents on moldings, or painting the protruding parts of the door with contrasting or similar colors. In the absence of such elements, glue them from wooden or polyurethane slats and paint.
  • Artistic painting, coloring through stencils.
    The method is suitable for creative owners who want to bring originality to their interior.
  • Pasting wallpaper, large drawings on paper, pieces of fabric. Decoupage.
    In this case, follow all the requirements for fixing the material on the surface of the door - soak it with water, glue, and process it from above with a jet of hot air.
  • Stained glass painting on glass.
    If you are good at drawing or stock up on interesting stencils, buy special stained glass paints and decorate the glass elements of your old door.
  • Sticking vinyl stickers.
    Note that this method saves you time preparing the old door. In other words, you can not even remove it from the hinges, but immediately glue the vinyl elements.

How and with what can varnished doors be updated?

a man removes the old lacquer coating from the doors for their restoration according to a new design

To carry out restoration work, remove the old varnish from the door in one or more of the following ways:

  • sandpaper
  • grinder
  • chemical solvent

The first method was discussed in the previous section. The second method will significantly speed up the process of removing the old varnish coating. And the third one has one caveat - the varnish can remain selectively on the door leaf. Therefore, be sure to polish the latter.

After removing the old layer of varnish, sanding and drying the doors, decide on their new design, for example:

  • apply new varnish or laminate,
  • paint the desired color
  • paste wallpaper / photo wallpaper or other self-adhesive tape with imitation, for example, under natural wood,
  • apply freehand painting, copying a specific drawing, or under a stencil,
  • decorate the door by gluing loose cereals - rice, buckwheat. Be sure to apply a layer of varnish on top to better fix the material.

How and with what can veneer doors be updated?

photo of renovated old veneer doors

One of the most common problems with veneer doors is bulging of the leaf in some areas. Therefore, first prepare it, carry out restoration activities before updating.

To eliminate the problem of swelling of the canvas will help:

  • Iron.
    Heat it on medium and iron the swollen surface of the door, folded on a horizontal stand.
  • Wet rag.
    Moisten a cloth flap with water and spread it on the problematic surface of the door. After a quarter of an hour, remove and wait for drying.
  • PVA glue.
    Draw it into a syringe and gently insert it under the swollen surface of the door. Smooth the area with a dry cloth.

To eliminate cracks and chips on the old door of the material in question, stock up on strips of veneer of a similar color.

  • Cut out the strips corresponding to the parameters of the repaired surface.
  • Cut off the excess with a scalpel after applying to the place of the chip / crack. At the same time, keep in mind that the fibers of the patch should be perpendicular to the restored door.
  • Treat the door leaf with a special putty and wait for it to dry completely.
  • Use double-sided adhesive tape to secure the veneer pieces.
  • Sand the joints.

When your old door has only minor scratches and chips, wax them:

  • liquid
  • pencil

In the first case, put a couple of drops into the rift and immediately walk with a dry rag to remove excess. Before doing this, be sure to clean the door of dust and dirt, and also grind the surface.

In the second, tear off a piece from the wax pencil, knead it in your palms and stick it on the problem area. Wipe off the mark with a rag. Do this only on a previously cleaned and prepared door.

Update prepared old door veneer will help you:

  • dye

If you masked chips and scratches on the door with wax, then remember that varnish and paint will not cover them. Or linger on it for a short time, and then crumble.

How and with what can panel doors be updated?

old panel doors after paint renovation, decor options

Paneled doors in the interior look interesting. However, it is not always convenient to process their frayed surface. We will not go into details. Let's take a look at restoration options.

Successful solutions:

  • painting in several colors with highlighting protruding places
  • wallpapering in segments, adhesive tapes along the contour, on panels
  • decoupage of individual segments
  • varnishing

The cardinal method is the analysis of door panels and their replacement with laminated hardboard. To do this, you sheathe the door frame with it and carefully select the color when gluing its ends.

If there is glass in the door, decorate it with special paints or imitate a stained glass window. Stencils for decoration are also suitable.

How and with what it is possible to update the doors covered with paint?

man painting old previously painted interior doors

Your first task is to remove the old paint from the doors and prepare them for restoration work. Their sequence:

  • decide on the location of the door in space - either lay it on horizontal supports, or remove it from the hinges and leave it vertically,
  • go over the entire surface with a spatula and remove a layer of old paint,
  • sand with sanding paper
  • treat with a special primer for wooden surfaces,
  • let dry and sand again

Seal the areas of the door that you do not plan to paint or varnish.

How and with what can paper doors be updated?

updated paper doors in the interior

Renew paper doors with lightweight materials that will not weigh them down and provoke leaf breaks. For example:

  • self-adhesive film
  • decoupage
  • gluing individual elements, for example, paintings, three-dimensional drawings
  • painting with paints
  • stencils

How and with what you can update an old door frame: ideas, photos

man measuring the level door frame in the process of restoration

The restoration of the door frame should be remembered when you are updating the old door leaf. Of course, fiddling with the first one is less convenient, since it will not work to remove it.

The door frame processing technology is similar to those discussed above for doors. Choose carefully the shades of paint and stain, as well as the color of the self-adhesive tape, wallpaper, so that this area on the wall is in harmony with the updated door leaf.

Below are a number of interesting door frames after restoration with their own hands.

updated door frames to match the interior and doors, example 1

self-adhesive door frame decor elements, example 2

self-adhesive door frame decor elements, example 3

How and how to glue the door beautifully?

beautifully glued interior door after renovation

Among the common ways to decorate an old door is to glue a new coating in whole or in fragments.

For this you will need:

  • textile
  • leather and its substitutes
  • photo wallpaper
  • metal rivets, beads
  • patchwork
  • cut fragments of a picture, for example, maps of the world

To stick this or that material, select an effective adhesive, for example, PVA glue, special for wallpaper, adhesive tape, double-sided self-adhesive tape.

How beautiful to wallpaper the door?

the old door after the renovation is pasted over with wallpaper

The main thing is to follow the technology of wallpapering.

  • First, prepare the door leaf for the update. The technique was presented in the first section of the article.
  • Decide on the color and texture of the wallpaper.
  • Apply special wallpaper glue to the surface of the door and attach the paper decor element.
  • Smooth the result with a dry rag.
  • Trim the protruding edges with a utility knife.
  • Wait until the wallpaper on the door is completely dry.

Decorate as you wish:

  • molding
  • designer chips, for example, small shells and a cut net, glued on top and covered with paint

Apart from ordinary wallpaper popular:

  • photo wallpapers with the image of three-dimensional objects / paintings
  • decoupage
  • self-adhesive tapes

How to update an outdated metal front door?

old metal front door after renovation

Metal doors also tend to become morally and physically obsolete. Having set out to update them, keep in mind that the approach and methods will be different for the external and internal parts of the front door.

So, inner part will update the following solutions:

  • drawing with a stencil
  • art painting
  • full door mirror
  • leatherette upholstery
  • self-adhesive film
  • laminate

And for the outside of the door are suitable:

  • MDF panels
  • laminate

To fix any material on the surface metal door you will need an adhesive liquid, such as liquid nails when working with wood flooring.

How to beautifully decorate an old door for a nursery: ideas, photos

do-it-yourself door in the children's room

Children's room is an area of ​​creativity, leisure and intellectual work of the child. Consult with him before you begin to update the door to the nursery.

Better yet, involve the child in the process.

For inspiration, let's add a row ready-made solutions decorating the door to the children's room.

options for decorating doors to a nursery after updating them, example 1

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 2

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 3

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 4

options for decorating doors to a nursery after updating them, example 5 options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 6

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 7

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 8

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 9

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 10

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 11

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 12

options for decorating doors to the nursery after updating them, example 13

How to beautifully decorate an old kitchen door yourself: ideas, photos

updating the old kitchen door mosaic

In order for the door to the kitchen to change after restoration, choose the concept of its decor. It can be:

  • painting
  • varnishing
  • decoupage
  • gluing wallpaper and any adhesive surfaces
  • art painting and stencils
  • stained glass elements
  • mosaic and gluing loose, small elements

Implemented ideas with updated doors to the kitchen, see below.

embodied ideas for the restoration of an old kitchen door in the interior, option 1

embodied ideas for the restoration of an old kitchen door in the interior, option 2

embodied ideas for the restoration of an old kitchen door in the interior, option 3

embodied ideas for the restoration of an old kitchen door in the interior, option 4

embodied ideas for the restoration of an old kitchen door in the interior, option 5

embodied ideas for the restoration of an old kitchen door in the interior, option 6

embodied ideas for the restoration of an old kitchen door in the interior, option 7

How to beautifully decorate an old bathroom door: ideas, photos

options for updated doors to the bathroom in the interior

The bathroom is a special place in any home. Here we restore beauty and relax after working days. I want the door to it to have its own style.

If you are currently updating it, consider these ideas:

  • drawing through a stencil
  • self-adhesive film
  • imitation of stained glass and paneled elements
  • combination of colors when staining fragments
  • mirror interior
  • photo wallpaper

For more details, see the implemented ideas for decorating the bathroom door in the pictures below.

bathroom door design options after do-it-yourself renovation, example 1

bathroom door design options after do-it-yourself renovation, example 11

bathroom door design options after do-it-yourself renovation, example 12

So, we examined the features of the restoration of the old door in the house on our own. We got ideas from looking at photos of finished ideas. We learned how to properly prepare the surface of the door for renovation.

If you feel potential but don't have the courage to swing at the big door, start with the elements. doll house. Your child will appreciate creative solutions for decorating doors, and you will have the courage to realize your desires to update them in your home.

Video: how and how to update old interior doors?

Replacing old doors with new ones is quite expensive, since interior doors to the toilet and bathroom are mostly made in the same style, that is, if you change, then everything at once.

Therefore, we offer 4 master classes on how to update wooden doors with your own hands with photos and detailed instructions. And not just to paint, but to embody interesting design solutions!

The simplest and easiest update method is to make beautiful geometric door stickers. To do this, you need a self-adhesive film, preferably contrasting with the color of the door.

  1. Make a preliminary marking of the pattern on the surface with a pencil.
  2. Apply the film and press and rub the air under the film with a rag.
  3. This method does not require removing the door leaf from the hinges; it can also be done in a vertical position.

ATTENTION: Just please do not completely cover the doors with a film under the structure of the tree! It looks awful and old fashioned! It is better to take a plain film and geometry.

You can paste over the doors with a one-color film for drawing with chalk, it is not cheap, but it looks spectacular. And change the inscriptions every day!

Painting wooden doors

Also, this method is not laborious and requires a minimum of costs! You can paint interior doors in absolutely any color! Here we will detail how to do this. But painting requires necessarily removing the doors from the hinge.

What paint do we paint:

  • Any for interior and interior woodwork, water and acrylic based- it is absolutely odorless! Alkyd paint you have nothing to do!
  • Take matte and not glossy. Glossy will emphasize all the bumps on your surface.
  • Paint in a can is dangerous because if you paint for the first time, you are unlikely to paint evenly !! Also, if you are going to paint right in the apartment, keep in mind that it “flies” in all directions. Therefore, it is better for beginners to start with regular paint and a roller.

What we paint and the technique of painting the door:

  • Solid and smooth doors - only wide roller! We paint in 2-3 layers with a very thin coating.
  • If the doors are with panels, then first we paint all the recesses with a thin brush, and then we already make a full coverage with a roller.

door with slats

A door with embossed overlay strips looks much more original and interesting than a regular flat one. Making such changes is quite simple and does not take much time. For the money, the cost is only a little more than just painting, and much cheaper than buying a new door.

Necessary materials:

  • Door
    Overlay wooden planks
    Long ruler and building corner
  • miter box
    Liquid nails or other wood glue
  • Paint (here white)
    Building level(not necessary, but it will help a lot to check how evenly you install the trim strips)

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Paint the door. First you need to repaint the old wooden door in the chosen color, in this case white. Leave to dry.

On top of the dried paint, you need to mark the attachment of overhead wooden planks. To do this, draw lines with a pencil (not pressing hard on it) and a ruler to get perpendicular lines, use a building corner.

In this case, the drawing consists of two rectangles located one above the other.

  • In the photo below you can see all the calculations that show how much to retreat: 5 "(about 13 cm) everywhere except the bottom of the door, where the distance from the edge to the line is 6" (about 15 cm).
  • You can make other indents, depending on the size of the door (for example, if you decide to update the doors of the lockers in the same way, you obviously need to retreat less).

Step 3: Cut out the planks

Now you need to cut the strips of the appropriate size (measure the length of the marked lines). If you don't have a home necessary tools, this can be done directly in hardware store for a small surcharge. If you do it yourself, then you will need not only a saw, but also a miter box to cut the ends of the slats at an angle of 45 degrees.

Step 4: Attaching the Planks

Lay all planks on the marked lines. Make sure they are all desired length and converge evenly at the corners.

  1. Now lift each plank in turn, apply glue to it and put it back in place. If suddenly excess glue has leaked out from under the bar, it can be removed with a damp paper towel.
  2. Glue must dry for about 24 hours. In order for the planks to stick evenly and securely, attach them for the drying time with adhesive tape, fixing the position and pressing down.
  3. More adhesive tape ensures secure fastening.

Note: you can glue already painted planks, or glue and then paint; you can also not paint the door at the beginning (skip step 1), but do it already with the glued strips.

Step 5: Install the door

After the glue dries, you need to carefully peel off the adhesive tape from the door, it is better to use masking tape that does not leave marks.

Now it remains to put the altered door in place and attach the handle. And everything is ready!

door with overlay panels

This master class differs from the previous one in that here we will not only fix the slats, but also fill the inside of the doors with overlay panels.

Necessary materials:

  • Plastic panels (here we make these, but you can also use wooden ones)
  • Roulette
  • Pencil
  • Building level
  • Construction adhesive
  • latex paint
  • screwdriver
  • masking tape
  • Hand saw
  • screws
  • Safety goggles and earmuffs
  • Putty for plastic
  • Putty knife
  • Sander (or sandpaper)

Step-by-step instruction:

Step 1: Fix door defects. If the door is very old and has some defects that cannot be hidden by painting (for example, the top coating has broken off in some places, or there are deep scratches), then initially you need to remove them and make the surface even.

  • To do this, apply wood putty and let it dry
  • then equalize surface grinding machine go sandpaper.

Step 2: Plan the layout of the planks

We will make the marking here the same as in the previous case, that is, we retreat 5 "(about 13 cm) everywhere except the bottom of the door, where we leave 6" (about 15 cm).

ADVICE: If there is no long ruler, the lines can be applied using the building level.

Step 3: Attaching the Panel

Apply construction adhesive to reverse side plastic panels.

Attach the panels to the door and check their position with a spirit level. The sides of the panels must be clearly parallel to the edges of the door.

Press down on the panel until it is firmly pressed against the door and firmly stuck. Secure this entire structure around the perimeter with small screws using a screwdriver.

Step 4: Attaching the Planks

Again, you can either cut the slats to right size at the store, or do it yourself using a saw and a miter box. The planks should surround the panels along the perimeter, tightly adhering to them.

Note: planks can initially be glued with building glue, and then fixed with screws.

Here is what should happen at this stage:

Step 5: Paint the door. Now it remains only to paint the door and leave to dry completely.

Now compare the door before and after repair:

The overlay relief makes the door more stylish and affects the appearance of the entire room as a whole:

Do not be afraid to change old things and give them a different look. Give them the opportunity to serve you again, but in a new guise!