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How to find out the size of the door with a box. Door frames of interior doors: dimensions and installation. Dimensions of double-leaf specimens

What is a door frame known to everyone. This is a component of any entrance or interior unit to which the sash is attached. The strength and durability of the door depends on the quality of this product, therefore, when choosing, one should not only take into account the dimensions of the opening into which the door jamb will be installed, but also the material from which it is made, the thickness of the timber. Since there is no single state standard size for the door, the task of optimal selection gets a little more complicated. Most door manufacturers offer their products in complete set, which greatly simplifies the situation. But let's assume that's not the case for you...

Door frames are purchased and installed when the isolation of one room in the apartment from another will be carried out using swing-type structures. For interior and interior products, types of molded door frames are frames made from types of wood that are distinguished by minimal fluctuations in their overall dimensions depending on the relative humidity air in the room. Most often it is wooden frame from larch or linden. Pine is considered less suitable material. It is not recommended to order or purchase door jambs from alder, hornbeam, beech, oak (the latter option will cost too much, and other types of wood may warp under the influence of excess or insufficient moisture in the air). Separate mention should be made of the execution of these products from steel or from impact-resistant and water-resistant plastic. They have limited use: it is either a box for front door, or (plastic) - for the bathroom or bathroom.

The choice of dimensions and design depends on:

  1. Designs - double, single, one and a half.
  2. Overall dimensions (length, depth, height).
  3. Estimated place under the opening.
  4. The presence or absence of a threshold.

Design features

The frame for a door without a threshold has a U-shaped design, which includes two vertical posts. The height of these elements is the same, and they are connected to each other by means of a crossbar. Such products are quite flexible in their installation, since they can be used in a set with a sash of various heights (for example, upon individual order). Plus, they're cheaper. The structures of the second type also have their advantages - with a rectangular frame, where a threshold is already provided. This option is more preferable in a practical sense, since it reduces the complexity of installation and installation work. If the door jamb is designed to open a bathroom or toilet, it must have a threshold, as it protects against possible leaks and unpleasant odors.

The door jamb is supplied with architraves and extensions. The first allow you to ennoble the finished doorway, and the latter will be needed when the thickness of the wall in the room differs markedly from the depth of the box.

door wooden box classified according to the following parameters:

  • by type of platbands: simple or telescopic;
  • by configuration: with or without additional elements;
  • according to the design of the racks: with or without a sealing profile;
  • according to the method of installing fittings - invoice or embedded.

A door jamb with telescopic architraves is considered more convenient, since it involves easy reinstallation when performing repair work. It is more difficult to dismantle a structure with platbands nailed or glued.

How to choose the right product size

Standard sizes door structures domestic production (the same is also adopted in Italy, Spain and Finland) is characterized by the following parameters:

  1. Width door leaf, mm - 550,600,700,800,900.
  2. Height, mm - 1900.2000, 2100.
  3. The thickness of the door frame, mm - 20 ... 75.

Such a significant range of thickness is explained by the peculiarities of the walls in the rooms. For example, for walls made of drywall or brick, products with a depth of 75 mm are considered ideal: they are easier to install, and with a slight difference, additional elements can always be used.

  1. If the single door you like is made in France, then you should know: 690, 790, 890 mm are considered standard widths there.
  2. Doors less than 600 mm wide may not be functional for bathrooms and kitchens if you periodically need to enter the overall household appliances(fridge, washing machine etc.).

If it is necessary to determine the dimensions of door frames for existing doors, the following should be taken into account:

  • color scheme of the door;
  • finishing method (veneer and its texture);
  • whether the door is equipped with an automatic, retractable threshold or not;
  • is the door equipped hydraulic device for automatic closing.

Size selection sequence

The initial data are the dimensions of the opening, and the place where it is supposed to be equipped. The box should usually be around the perimeter no more than 20–25 mm larger than the corresponding size of the sash. If the floors in the room have not yet been laid, then be sure to take into account the height of the screed and the type of coating. Additional restrictions are also possible: for example, if the room will have water or infrared heated floors.

The width of the door frame should be linked to the height of the ceilings: sometimes the features of the bearing coating in a house or apartment make it impossible to install a door frame with the required dimensions. A special case– when the product is installed in a room with plasterboard partitions. If you are not the first owner of a home, then it would be good to find out from the previous owner the layout of the metal bearing profiles on which the drywall boards were installed. Otherwise, an unpleasant surprise may await you in the form of unforeseen work to reinstall part of the wall of the room.

In accordance with the parameters of the opening, the standard domestic dimensions of the door frame are taken into account as follows:

  1. To the known width of the sash, the double value of the thickness of the beam is added, while it should be borne in mind that the cross-sectional profile of the box has an L-shaped shape.
  2. The protruding part of the seal is taken into account, with a thickness of 300 mm and a height of 25–30 mm, as well as a supporting surface for the timber. The exact difference in height dimensions is determined by the thickness of the doors themselves.
  3. Next, add a 20-25 mm gap for mounting the box, and compare the result with the existing dimensions of the opening.

It is better to subsequently expand the opening a little, than then artificially narrow it with extensions, additional wooden planks and other structures, which will ultimately reduce the strength of the structure and will contribute to the leakage of heat through the inevitable leaks.

Similarly, but taking into account the threshold, the dimensions of the product in height are taken into account.

Advice. When measuring, it is necessary, in order to avoid distortions, to use a laser or at least a conventional level.

Installation difficulties with a large difference between the door jamb and the opening

The greatest problems with the installation of the door frame arise when the opening differs sharply from the depth of the product (more than 10%). In such cases, it is necessary to install slopes, or, which is less rational, to cut the timber longitudinally with an artificial decrease in its thickness (no more than 10–15 mm!). Such an operation will require a certain skill and the use of high-quality tools.

The installation of extensions justifies itself in cases where the opening does not have exact dimensions in height and width (concrete and brick surfaces it does not apply). Then measurements are made at least at three points, and the average value is taken into account. It is better to purchase plastic extensions: they are more plastic, and easier to adhere to the main surface. The color and texture of the surface of the additional elements must fully correspond to the material of construction.

Small (up to 20–25 mm) gaps between the opening and the frame are easily closed by installing wide architraves. The range of such products in specialized supermarkets is large, so choosing the right size will not be too difficult.

Important! You should not purchase those types of door frames that are made by a combination of wood elements with MDF, multilayer plywood, etc. The difference in the physical and mechanical properties of materials can most likely lead to warping of the product, and as a result, to difficulties with high-quality closing.

Standard sizes of interior doors you need to know for correct installation doors in the opening. To date, no general standards have been established for compliance by their manufacturers. But there are building standards on the basis of which openings are made. From such indicators, the characteristics of the door will be determined.

Marking of door products

With product labeling, everything is quite complicated. Of course, there are specific standardized designation guidelines, but in some cases the general standards may change due to the abundance of manufacturers. It often happens that structures made using identical methods and outwardly similar designs can be named and marked differently.

The dimensions of the door directly depend on the size of the opening.

First, let's deal with the GOST 6629-88 standard, which applies to the manufacture of wooden interior doors for residential and public facilities. Based on the standard, the following marking is applied to products:

  1. Product type: P - panel, D - team;
  2. Type of panel: O - glazed, U - reinforced with continuous filling, K - swinging with glass;
  3. The width of the door structure with a box (dm). Additionally, the following symbols are indicated: P - product with a threshold, H - with a surfacing, L - left-hand;
  4. Height (dm);
  5. The name of the state standard.

In addition to complying with GOSTs, official model names, factory unique codes can be used.

Structures are classified according to several criteria:

  • By placement in the object - there are internal (interroom) and external (input);
  • According to the material, products made of metal, wood, glass and combined options are distinguished;
  • According to the filling of the deaf panel, there are glazed and deaf systems;
  • According to the number of panels, one-, one-and-a-half and two-field options are distinguished.

Fig.1. Sash opening method

Standard sizes of swing interior doors

Considering the dimensions internal doors with a box, the height, width and weight of the parts should be taken into account. First, an opening is examined into which a box with a canvas will be inserted. Therefore, the initial characteristics are slightly increased. To adjust the main dimensions, you can use bars, bricks or drywall sheets.

Canvas dimensions

If you do not use non-standard approaches, where the dimensions of the opening for interior doors are tied to individual wishes, then the bulk of manufacturers are based on standard indicators. The ratios of the indicators of the opening and door systems (panels and boxes) based on SNiP are indicated in the table:

Panel indicators, cmOpening characteristics, cm
Width heightwidthheight
1 60*200 68-71 205-207
2 70*200 78-81 205-207
3 80*200 88-91 205-207
4 90*200 98-101 205-207
5 60*190 68-71 195-197
6 55*190 63-66 195-197
7 60+60*200 128-131 205-207

According to the DIN standard, the ratio will be as follows:

Door parameters, cmOpening characteristics, cm
Width heightwidthheight
1 60*200 70-74 206-208
2 70*200 80-84 206-208
3 80*200 90-94 206-208
4 90*200 100-104 206-208
5 60+60*200 134-140 206-208

If we consider the parameters of any sliding and hinged door, each person provides for the width that he will use every day. But the state standard offers a door width of 70 cm for kitchens, 60 cm for bathrooms and 80 cm for residential facilities. The market offers designs for bedrooms 90 cm wide, and 55 cm for bathrooms.

Rice. 2. Characteristics of indoor canvas

It is worth mentioning the double-leaf designs that allow you to emphasize the status of any room. Basically, they consist of the same type (60 cm each) or different canvases (60 and 80 cm wide). Of the narrowed options, manufacturers offer designs with sash widths of 40 and 80 or 40 and 40 centimeters.

The more common width of the canvases is 35 - 40 cm, but the figure may vary up or down (based on the material used and the type of product). For example, the thickness of a sliding sash can be 2 cm, and wooden sheets can reach up to 50 cm.

In terms of height, manufacturers offer products of 190 and 200 cm, but there are also European standards - 210 cm. To order, buyers can purchase products of greater height (up to the ceiling or 2.3 m). Often designers adhere to foreign standards.

Rice. 3. Main characteristics of doors

Box dimensions

Available for sale ready-made options(with box and accessories). This is a U-shaped design, which is placed around the perimeter of the opening. The system allows you to securely fix the panel.

The total height and width of the canvas with the box increases by 10-15 cm, but a gap should be left between the wall and the mounting latch, so the parameters of the cloth should be less than the characteristics of the frame (to protect against abrasion). The thickness of the panel is compared with the size of the wall and the box. Properly mounted doors will be comfortable, look organic in the room, meet the standards used.

Based on the characteristics of the panel, for interior structures, the indicators of the standard dimensions of the door frame interior door may differ. Therefore, it is advisable to purchase designs along with cashing, frame and fittings.

For the manufacture of the box, bars of different parameters are used. The width of the material can reach 1.5-4.0 cm, but optimal indicator equal to 3.0-3.5 cm. Subject to the standards, it turns out robust design, which serves long time.

Rice. 4. Door frame dimensions

The thickness of the box and the wall must match, but this figure should not exceed the width of the opening. For wooden walls the criterion is 10 cm, and for a brick - 7.5 cm. Therefore, a box whose dimensions exceed the parameters of the wall cannot be firmly fixed. Otherwise, special extensions can be applied.

At manual assembly boxes determine the parameters uprights it is necessary in accordance with the height of the panel, the thickness of the horizontal bar, the size of the gap and the threshold. The parameters of the horizontal strip are calculated according to the width of the door.

Opening dimensions

When creating partitions and walls, you can determine the width of the opening according to the standard, which indicates the parameters of products with a frame and fittings. In this case, the width of the panel is formed with a double indicator of the frame and a two-sided gap. As a rule, it is equal to 1.5 cm. For example, 90.0 + 3.0 * 2 + 1.5 * 2 = 99.0 cm.

The height of the opening is also calculated: without a threshold, it will be equal to 200 + 3 + 1.5 + 0.5 = 205 (0.5 is the distance between the panel and the floor for air exchange, can increase up to 1 cm, and for a house with liquefied gas- up to 1.5-2 cm). In the presence of a threshold, the height of the opening is determined by adding the size of the opening and the parameters of the canvas, the width of the mounting seam and the box.

Rice. 5. Measurement of openings

The thicker the canvas, the better?

Thick canvases well emphasize the design of the living room, made in the Baroque, Renaissance or Empire style, and movable partitions and thin screens will complement the openings of dressing rooms and pantries. With an increase in the thickness of the door, its mass increases, which increases the requirements for hinged fittings. It may be necessary to install additional loops, which will increase the cost of the structure.. Therefore, the canvas should be chosen according to its massiveness and other characteristics according to expediency, optimality.

There are many products on the market with a sash thickness of 30-40 cm. But there are thinner ones in the range sliding partitions from MDF (about 2 cm). Recently, tempered glass designs with a thickness of 8 mm or more have become popular.

One-and-a-half and double doors

Double swing doors with two leaves will look effective in the design. The width of the products depends on the model and parameters of the passage of the living room. The parameters for such doors are sometimes taken with an increase of 1.5-2.

The standard dimensions for double systems with a box are 120-150 cm. This allows you to install full-fledged double-leaf structures. The width of the double doors is 1-1.4 m.

At minimum sizes double doors can be offered with one fixed sash in ½ or 1/3 standard widths (e.g. one and a half options). The other part of the canvas will be complete. With the optimal width of the opening, the same sashes are placed, which increases the aesthetics and patency of people.

Doors with hidden frame

Compared to standard designs, doors with an inner frame have great advantages.

Fig.6. Scheme of a door with a hidden box

The dimensions of the opening must comply with the specifications of the manufacturer of door systems: vertically must be flat wall, height tolerance of 1 mm is allowed, and wall thickness should not be more than 8 cm. The ideal gap width is 1.7-2 cm ± 1 cm (the gap at the bottom of the web 4 is considered optimal).

Doors to order

The factories offer a wide range of interior doors with frames and fittings, including non-standard options. But there are cases of non-compliance of manufactured products with the existing opening. At the same time, you can adjust by increasing or reducing the height and width to the required indicator. An alternative solution is to order a structure with non-standard dimensions.

The cost of manufacturing custom-made doors will be higher in comparison with the purchase finished products. But it will allow you to realize interesting ideas. For example, you can put compartment doors.

How to measure an opening

If the door has a threshold, the length of the opening can be calculated by summing the height of the threshold with the parameters of the panel, the box and the mounting seam.

Rice. 7. Measuring the width of the opening Fig.8. Determination of indicators with and without a threshold

According to the standards, it is not difficult to find out the width of the panel. For a 90 cm opening, a canvas 80 cm wide is suitable. This can be calculated as follows: 90-15 * 2-30 * 2 \u003d 81 cm, and the extra centimeters will be masked by platbands.

When determining the dimensions, it is better to take into account the gap that will remain between the panel and the box. But this indicator is 1-2 millimeters, therefore, with approximate calculations, it can be ignored.

Interior doors are designed to separate two interior spaces. Depending on which rooms they delimit, they distinguish the parameters of the openings, the material of the door, the methods of opening, the presence decorative elements and geometric parameters of the canvas. The standard size of the box in each case may be different.

Door block dimensions

Domestic door blocks can be 60-90 cm wide (depending on whether single-leaf or double-leaf doors), and 1.9-2 m high. Such norms, taking into account the box, are fixed by Soviet GOSTs for standard buildings.

European parameters of a single-leaf door: height - up to 2.3 m: width 60-90 cm (to the bathroom - 55 cm). For a double-leaf door - the width is 1-1.8 m. At the same time, if the door has the same leaves, the width of the canvases will be 0.7 m, with different dimensions - 0.6 and 0.8 m.

The box can come as a set or be a set of bars that must be assembled immediately before installing the door. In thickness, it can be 1.5-4.5 cm, which means that the width of the opening should be twice the width of the canvas. The same rule applies to height, subject to the presence or absence of a threshold.

The standard dimensions of interior doors with a frame according to Euro standards are often indicated in modules (one module is equal to 10 cm). If M21 is written on the marking, the door height is 2.1 m. What options can be found on the modern market are shown in the table in the photo.

If you take measurements yourself, you must take into account the requirements of SNiPs: the door must open in such a way as not to block access to other rooms or passages. In addition, it is necessary to think in advance what material the door will be made of (plastic, MDF, wood). In some cases, it is more expedient to expand the opening itself and order doors for non-standard sizes with a different opening radius, for example, if the canvas covers furniture or the entrance to a nearby room. Here more profitable installation telescopic door.

How to determine the right size

With the help of a plumb line or level, the verticality of the slopes is determined, measuring them from both sides, and drawing a horizontal line, find the width. The height is measured from the highest point on the floor to the horizontal line drawn from the corner of the opening.

The depth of the opening is measured along both walls and from above. On all slopes, measurements are taken at the top, bottom and in the middle. With unremoved old door, determine the thickness of the box and the parameters of its protrusion beyond the wall.

Standard and custom sizes

The regulated heights of the interior canvas: 190-200 cm. They are used for openings of 194-203 cm and 204-211 cm. A door of 190 cm is produced with a width of 55 or 60 cm. For canvases of 20 cm - 60, 70, 80, 90 cm and double doors, with a width of 120, 140, 150 cm. The width of one leaf is 60 cm, the second can be the same or 80, 90 cm. Conditional dimensions in the table Further.

Which doors to choose are standardized by GOST. The living room needs a double door. The width is 60 cm of one leaf or 40 and 80 cm, which gives a total of 1.2 m. The height is 2 m with an opening depth of 7-20 cm.

In the living room, you can install a door with dimensions of 80x200 cm, with the same opening depth. To the kitchen: 70x200 cm, and for the bathroom - 55x190 cm or 60x200 cm, wall thickness - 5-7 cm.

If you need a door of non-standard sizes, you will have to make an individual order. For the price, it will be 25-40% more expensive. An increase in cost can also be expected with extraordinary design solutions(stained-glass windows, forging, bas-reliefs).

Before purchasing a door, it is simply necessary to measure the size of the opening. The fact is that GOSTs of past times adopted standard height at 2 m. But modern manufacturers are guided by new parameters of 2.1, 2.2 and 2.3 m. However, not all new buildings are built according to these standards. It is important to remember that if the door is larger than the opening, the situation is fixable, but if it is smaller, nothing can be done.

If the dwelling has high ceilings, interior doors should also be higher than standard sizes. Here, the cost of an individual order cannot be avoided. Therefore, the dimensions of future canvases with a box and the mechanism for their opening must be calculated at the stage of rough repair work. And which model to install, choose the owners, based on the comfort of opening.

To determine the height of the opening, it is necessary to decide whether the doors will be installed without a threshold elevation or with it.

As an example, let's take the following parameters: height - 2 m, width - 0.8 m, box thickness - 0.03 m.

Calculation of the opening width: 0.8 + 2x0.03 + 2x0.015 \u003d 0.89 m. Here 0.015 m - indicate the approximate size of the gap that is needed to align the box with respect to the slopes.

In the absence of a threshold, the width calculations are as follows: 200+3+1.5+1=205.5 cm (2.055 m). In this case, 1 cm will be needed for the clearance left under the door. If there is a threshold, 1 cm is added to its height. The parameters that are needed for the door: 0.89x2.055 m.

door material

Plastic is the lightest - up to 5 kg. Such a door will not be able to cause serious injury when opened if another person is behind it. It will not cause trouble in operation for people with disabilities or children. Suitable for indoor common use: bathrooms, kitchen, utility room, as well as for a nursery or bedroom.

A glass interior door can weigh up to 19-23 kg. It is usually installed at the entrance to the living room or delimit the space in the kitchen on working area and a dining room.

Wooden doors are the heaviest - 26-45 kg. Such models are suitable for offices, libraries. With stained glass inserts - for the living room or dining room.

When choosing what the door will be made of and what dimensions it will be, you need to know the characteristics of the partition: what it is made of and whether it is load-bearing.

When designing any room Special attention given to the doorway. Installable canvas and box complete the room appearance. The order of selection and subsequent installation greatly simplifies the standard dimensions. We offer you to get acquainted with the existing standard sizes and find out recommendations for choosing the right option.

Read in the article

The main functions and purpose of interior doors

Door designs rarely change. Owners prefer to design openings with high-quality beautiful products, able to serve for a long time, effectively performing the following functions:

  1. Protective. Right installed system able to become a reliable barrier on the way bad smell, noise or light. In the latter case, the installation of deaf canvases is preferable.
  2. Aesthetic. beautiful can be stylish element, giving completeness to the created interior.
  3. Zoning. In the presence of interior design division into certain zones is more logical.
  4. Creating a secluded atmosphere. That is why in any apartment, interior doors are primarily installed in the bathroom, toilet and bedroom.

Regulatory requirements for the dimensions of interior doors - GOST

In the manufacture of standard products, manufacturers are guided by the requirements of GOST. The sizes are focused on satisfaction of mass demand of buyers. Living in apartment building can be purchased already ready product able to fit into a standard opening. Its parameters will depend on the purpose of the room: in living rooms it is traditionally made wider than .

The standard door height can be 1900 or 2000 mm. The width of the canvases in this case will be in the first case 550 or 600 mm, in the second - 600 ÷ 900 mm in increments of 100 mm for single-leaf models and 1200, 1400, 1500 mm for double-leaf models. This is less than the input systems.

Attention! Standard size items cost less than custom made items.

How to correctly measure the opening for an interior door

Before giving preference specific model, you should make sure that the width and height of the doorway will allow its installation. To do this, the geometric parameters of the box are initially measured and the resulting values ​​​​are added to the values ​​\u200b\u200bof mounting gaps, which are 1.5 ÷ 2 cm in all directions. If it will be carried out before the main decoration of the room, the thickness of the future should be taken into account.

For interior systems, you can purchase canvases of both the same and different widths. The ratio is chosen arbitrarily. So, for a doorway 120 cm wide, you can order canvases of 60 cm or 40 and 80 cm each. The width of a narrow sash can be 35 cm. As a rule, it is fixed during operation and only the larger one is used.

When choosing hinged construction not only dimensions, but also the direction of opening should be taken into account. There should be enough free space to open the sash. Otherwise, instead of the left-hand blade, it will be possible to order a right-hand one.

Marking of door products

Despite the existence of standardized symbols, most manufacturers often use their own unique codes, which greatly complicates the identification process. Often, almost identical designs manufactured at different enterprises have a different name and marking.

GOST 6629-88 regulates the designation requirements for those mounted in residential premises or public buildings. In accordance with this document, manufacturers can use the following markings, consistently including in the designation:

Marked characteristic Marking Decryption
Product typePcloth
Canvas typeTOSwinging with glass
AtReinforced with solid core
Width with box (dm) with additional indication of features
Pwith a nut
Hwith an influx
Height (dm)Numerical value in decimeters

Standard sizes of swing interior doors

When choosing a suitable model, its dimensions are important. Dimensions of interior double doors slightly different from the dimensions of single-leaf. We invite you to familiarize yourself with standard parameters to make it easier to make a choice.

Canvas dimensions

To purchase a canvas, you need to know the size of the doorway. The standard prescribes the manufacture of products with the following parameters:

Height, mm Width, mm
2000 600
190 600

Door frame dimensions

The door frame is a U-shaped structure, installed along the perimeter of the opening. The dimensions of the door frame should be related to the parameters of the sash and the opening in which it will be mounted. When choosing, one should take into account not only the mounting gap between the leaf and the box, but also the gap that is left between the wall and the mounting latch. Taking into account these parameters, the width of the door frame is selected.

Bars are used to make the box different size. Their width can be 1.5 ÷ 4.5 cm, although 3 ÷ 3.5 cm is considered optimal. In this case, a properly installed structure has a sufficient margin of safety and reliability. The thickness of the box corresponds to the thickness of the wall. IN wooden buildings it is 10 cm, in brick - 7.5 cm.

Door opening dimensions

If the wall is still under construction, the dimensions doorways determined by the standard. The parameters of door structures with a frame and fittings are taken into account. To the width of the sash, it is necessary to add a double gap and the thickness of the box. The standard value is 100 cm.

To determine the height of the opening, in addition to the mounting gaps, I add the distance to the height of the panel, which should be left for sufficient air exchange. Typically, this gap is 1 cm, but in houses with liquefied gas, it can increase to 1.5 ÷ 2 cm. As a result, the standard height will be 205 ÷ 210 cm.

Web thickness

Manufacturers offer models with various linear parameters. The most widely used doors are 35 or 40 mm thick. This is the size of interior doors with a "Standard" box. Less common are canvases with a transverse size of 36 and 38 mm. If solid wood was used to make the door, given parameter can reach 45 mm. The sash thickness is at least 20 mm.

Interior doors of non-standard sizes

If set standard item It is not possible, you should pay attention to interior doors of non-standard sizes. This good opportunity add uniqueness and style to the interior of the room and decorate it properly. When designing, be sure to consider the installation location. Especially if the canvas will have big sizes and weight, and drywall was used to make the wall. When designing, remember that:

  • it is undesirable to reduce the height of the sash;
  • it is permissible to increase the height of the canvas;
  • the width of the canvas should be related to the dimensions of the opening. With a significant increase in the transverse dimension, additional supports should be provided.

The main types and range of door structures

Manufacturers offer a wide range of doors that differ in cost and design. The price largely depends on the characteristics of the material used to manufacture a particular product. The choice may be made in favor of budget options and exclusive products made from expensive materials.

The most popular are interior doors made of wood,

  • metal and glass, are able to harmoniously fit into the interior, decorated in modern style;

    • , fiberboard, MDF they are able to imitate well expensive analogues made of wood, but at the same time they have a lower cost.

    Interior doors of standard sizes with a frame

    Manufacturers offer turnkey solutions, you just have to choose suitable option. Standard interior doors sizes with a frame can be completed with different sizes. The choice is made depending on the stylistic design of a particular room and financial capabilities. Do not save on fittings, so as not to reduce the service life of the mounted structure.

    Thus, the dimensions with the box can vary significantly. Before buying the model you like, you should correctly measure the opening. Share in the comments what doors you have at home, and why you chose this particular model.

    It is known that furniture comes in standard and non-standard sizes. In the first case, it is easy to find suitable items and easily repair them. And their price is more affordable, since production does not require equipment setup. In the second case, it is much more difficult to choose a product with suitable parameters, and custom-made will cost more.

    The thickness of the door frame of the interior door refers precisely to such parameters.

    The emergence of the standard

    The emergence of a standard for any product is associated with several factors. For kitchen furniture, these are, for example, ergonomics and dimensions of kitchen appliances, for bookcase– book sizes that are quite standardized. Doorways are also made based on certain rules:

    • the width of the opening cannot be less than 60 cm. Otherwise, it will be practically impossible to use it;
    • the same parameter for a single-leaf design cannot be more than 120 cm, since in this case the canvas will have excessive mass;
    • height, as a rule, is limited to 2100 cm, and it is found even lower, since houses with very low ceilings were built in the USSR;
    • the material of the wall practically does not affect the thickness of the box, but the thickness of the canvas matters;
    • taken into account when developing the frame material web. As a rule, the frame and the canvas are made from the same material, so that the weight match is observed here. But when replacing a product, this feature must be taken into account.

    Dimensional parameters

    A store or custom build will usually offer the model along with the box. Moreover, when choosing dimensions, attention is drawn precisely to the overall dimensions. They measure the dimensions of the entire block, add 1.5 cm each and get the opening parameters that are needed to install the door.

    If we are not talking about a main wall with a very large thickness, then adjusting the dimensions of the opening to the dimensions of the leaf in the frame is easier and, ultimately, cheaper than ordering a product under the opening.

    On average, the box adds 70 mm to the canvas around the perimeter. The standard dimensions of the box correlate with the parameters of the sash itself as follows.

    Dimensions of interior door frames: width, height and thickness.

    Interior door door frame
    Height, mm Width, mm Height, mm Width, mm
    2000 600 2071 671
    2000 700 2071 770
    2000 800 2071 870
    2000 900 2071 970
    2000 1202 2071 1272
    2300 900 2371 970
    2300 1402 2371 1472
    2300 1802 2371 1872

    The last 2 options suggest the presence of 2 valves, at least a narrow inactive one and a wide active one.

    • What thickness of the interior door frame is suitable depends on the size of the wall. The thickness of the opening wall in most buildings is 75 mm. Respectively, standard thickness interior door frame is 75 mm. A value of 95 mm is very rare, and even less common is 65 mm.

    If the wall differs in very atypical dimensions, then they resort to special techniques. For example, with a large value, the opening is blocked with the help of an expander - a slope or an extension. And if the wall is too narrow, then even cutting the frame is allowed, so long as it can hold the canvas. In the photo - the design of the opening with slopes.

    It is much more convenient to consider the parameters of the kit, and not the canvas, due to the fact that in finished block there are gaps for free opening of the sash and for the installation of fittings. If the frame is selected separately, the gaps must be taken into account independently, and their size depends on the material of the canvas.


    It's best if all door block made from the same material. Firstly, the same material reacts to changes in temperature and moisture in the same way. Secondly, the material wears out in approximately the same way, which does not cause aesthetic dissonance.

    This parameter does not affect the dimensions of the interior door frame in terms of thickness, however, if it is necessary to use expanders, it becomes important.

    • Solid wood is expensive and beautiful material, which is always popular. However, the array noticeably reacts to dampness.

    • MDF is the most popular material. Its size constancy compares favorably with wood: under the influence of temperature or dampness, the canvas does not change. MDF may have different coverage, which both increases the cost and reduces the cost of the product:
      • veneer - cut natural wood. This option cannot be distinguished from the array, and its resistance to dampness is higher;
      • eco-veneer is a multi-layer plastic that accurately reproduces the color and texture of wood. Ecoveneer has a very high wear resistance, so it is recommended to use it in public places;
      • melamine film - a common coating for the material, reproduces the color, but not the structure of the wood.