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Geichera and tiarella (photo) name of varieties and species, description. Geuchera, geucherella and tiarella in the garden for a colorful palette. Heuchera landing. Heuchera care How to properly and when to remove old leaves

Throughout the summer, these winter-hardy, evergreen perennial herbaceous plants form inflorescences of tiny, pink, bell-shaped flowers above the beautiful leaves. The leaves are green, rounded, lobed, up to 12 cm in diameter, at a young age with brown spots, late autumn become bronze. Plants have an elegant spreading form of growth. This includes all artificially obtained hybrids of geyhera and tiarella.

N. alba "Bridget Bloom" (G. white)

Flowers are pearly pink. The leaves are bright green and form a rosette at the base of the plant. The height and diameter of the plant is 40x30 cm.


The variety has darker pink flowers.


N. tiarelloides (G. tiarello-shaped)

The flowers are bright pink, formed on red-brown stems. The leaves are pale green, form embossed rosettes. The plant spreads, forming creeping shoots. The height and diameter of the plant is 40x50 cm.


The plants are planted in autumn or spring in any well-drained but moisture-retaining soil, preferably in full sun or partial shade, although they tolerate full shade.

Water the plants well in dry weather to preserve the foliage, if this is not done, the plants will recover after the next heavy rain.

In the spring, to ensure strong growth, feed the plants with well-rotted compost.


In spring and autumn, plants are divided and transplanted.

Pests and diseases

Usually not affected.

  • ✓ Tiarella, Geykhera and geykherella - description and photo
  • ✓ Heuchera
  • ✓ Tiarella - varieties and types
  • ✓ Geyherella and tiarella: planting and care
  • ✓ Geichera and tiarella: photos of varieties

Tiarella, Geykhera and geykherella - description and photo


All three genera are perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plants, mostly growing in North America, and belong to the saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae). Genus Heuchera (Heuchera) was named after the German physician and botanist Johann Heinrich von Geicher.

There are more than 50 species. Stony slopes with poor soil gave life to the blood-red geuchera (Heuchera sanguinea), cultivated in its original form since 1822. It is famous for its drought resistance, frost resistance, compact leaf rosette up to 25 cm high of green rounded leaves that turn red in autumn, and dense paniculate inflorescences with cinnabar red or deep pink flowers, for which it received the nickname "purple bell".

The result of crosses with other species was Heuchera brizoides (Heuchera brizoides) with larger bush sizes and a long flowering period.

Pay for abundant flowering the instability of the stems to bad weather became large flowers for geyhera. Varieties were obtained with white (Silberregen), salmon (Weserlachs), graceful pink inflorescences (Gracillima), with scarlet (Feuerregen Robusta and late flowering Rakete with high up to 70 cm) inflorescences.

You can choose Splish Splash with variegated leaves. Another mountain species revered by breeders is Heuchera cylindrical.

The species got its name from cylindrical shape peduncles. The large, bell-shaped flowers are greenish, but varietal plants can bloom in beige, pink, and bright coral. The leaves are medium-sized with a silvery pattern and contrasting venation, have rounded outlines with blunt denticles. The most famous varieties are Green Ivory, Hyperion. Forest species grow in clearings, but do not like the hot midday sun, preferring the moist fertile soil of flower beds and compositions with shrubs. giving openwork penumbra.

See also: Geyher - growing, planting, care and varieties of geyher

First of all, this American Heuchera (Heuchera americana), on the basis of which magnificent interspecific hybrids (Heuchera americana) are obtained. Of interest in a species plant and some varieties are only bushes, ordinary-looking flowers are usually not waited for, cutting off flower stalks at the time of appearance, so that growth does not stop and the rosette of leaves does not fall apart.

Often the reverse side of the leaf blade has a dark purple color. Interestingly, the most popular Green Spice variety, which is the hallmark of this species, is just devoid of a dark leaf substrate.

An original feature is a specific raspberry border, which should appear in stressful conditions for the plant. winter time along the edge of the leaves. In our climate, if it happens, then in the spring, especially at the time of return frosts. Pay attention to the variety Ring of Fire: the photo just shows this border that disappears in summer. Large wintering leathery glossy leaves of emerald green color with burgundy veining in autumn acquire raspberry tones, occupying the central part of the leaf blades. No less popular with breeders hairy geykhera (Heucheravillosa).

As the name of the species implies, in plants all parts are pubescent with fine hairs, which makes the leaves velvety to the touch. Rosettes of green or greenish-bronze leaves are among the largest. The flowers are small and inconspicuous. On the basis of the purple-leaved form of this species, the variety Palace Purple, common in Russia, was created. Maple leaves give varieties and hybrids with the participation of a guest from the Atlantic coast small-flowered geyhera (Heuchera micrantha). Species plants have purple leaf blades, and there are also leaves with gray-silver spots.

The flowers are small, creamy pink due to red anthers, collected in loose inflorescences, reaching more than half a meter in height. During rapid flowering, the border of this geyhera is covered air foam from openwork inflorescences. A prominent representative is the Bressingham Bronze variety.

Breeding work was aimed at breeding varieties with bright, beautiful and large flowers, unusual shape and multi-color pattern of leaf blades, as well as chameleon leaves that change color several times during the season HeucheraSo, Magic Color variety in spring it has leaves with a green field with a golden edging and bright red veins-veins. In summer the coloring is filled pink tones, and by autumn the leaf becomes silver with dark green edging and purple-brown veins.

Of the silver-leaved varieties, Silver Scrolls is rightfully considered the most hardy and persistent. The Mars variety is silver-smoky with a coral tint and contrasting venation, the young leaves are completely red. Dark plum with a silver pattern - Plum Pudding. The darkest one, Obsidian, does not change throughout the season and is considered black, although eggplant-purple-burgundy tones appear in the light.

The color of lime and the sun is characteristic of the varieties Electra, Champagne. Electric lime. Pink and scarlet leaves in Caramel, Creme Brulee, Kassandra. Very funny purple - with pink dots cultivar Midnight Rose. Ruffled leaves at Black Beauty (aubergine with dark greens), Purple Petticoats (raspberry purple, darkens and turns green with age), Marmalade (amber with deep pink reverse side leaves).

In flower beds, geyhers are diluted with veronica and forest sage, host and bergenia greens, silver saplings, graphic bushes of cereals. They are well planted in borders next to spireas, barberries, against the background of linear foliage of daylilies and irises. As neighbors, small plants with non-aggressive roots such as stonecrop, awl-shaped phlox, and viola are chosen. Large bushes are good in padding to delphiniums, steaps, goldenrod.


See also: Tiarella (photo) - planting and care

Tiarella - varieties and types

Of the kind Tiarella (Tiarella) most stable tiarella cordifolia (Tiarella cordifolia). This is a ground cover that takes root in the internodes of creeping shoots and quickly occupies large areas. Suitable for wet partial shade under the canopy of trees, where hostas, ferns, tradescantia will be companions.

Wintering leaves will replace the lawn in problem areas, the main thing is not to forget that you can’t walk on it. Air inflorescences - only 15 cm, but flowering is plentiful and long, from early May to mid-June.

Varieties are more expressive: Brandywine with large leaves that have a contrasting red-brown pattern that emphasizes venation and white flowers; Starbick - carved leaves with purple specks and pinkish flowers, especially in buds; Neon Ligts with large dissected leaves with a catchy contrasting pattern of dark purple, almost black, and almost snow-white flowers.

By crossing tiarella cordifolia with geykhera was obtained hybrid group geucherella (Heucherelia). Varieties have richly colored leaves, many acquire even more festive attire by autumn. They are more diverse than those of tiarella, although they are much smaller than those of geyhera. For example, golden leaves with scarlet veins at Stoplight, dark brown foliage with a lime-colored border at Solar Eclipse, fireworks of scarlet and red will delight Golden Zebra, contrasting Kimono turns pink in autumn.

Geyherella and tiarella: planting and care

Geucher, tiarella and geucherella need timely moistened, loose, permeable soil without moisture stagnation, with a neutral reaction.

Garden soil, sand, expanded clay, ash are added to heavy clay soils. Every two years in the spring, the bushes are fed by introducing compost soil with ash. Usually top dressing is combined with the removal of old and poorly overwintered leaves. Frequent watering will only harm the plants, but in the absence of rain once a week, the plants must be watered. In spring and winter, sockets are mulched and spud.

After flowering, if there is no interest in collecting seeds, then cut off all flower stalks. Once every three to four years, planting is rejuvenated by dividing or cuttings.

These operations are also carried out in the case when it is necessary to save a beloved pet, for example, when plants become ill with root rot or when there is uncertainty about a good wintering. The bushes are divided at the end of April or at the end of August.

Each division should have at least five buds and a good root system. Cuttings are engaged before flowering in June-July. As cuttings, a small rosette is broken off with several small leaves and a growth point. Plant cuttings-sockets in partial shade, before rooting, cover with a five-liter bottle from under the water with a cut off bottom. For the winter they cover with a box and dry leaves. In the spring they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Tiarella, Geykhera and geykherella - description and photo


All three genera are perennial herbaceous rhizomatous plants, most of which grow in North America, and belong to the saxifrage family (Saxifragaceae). Genus Heuchera (Heuchera) was named after the German physician and botanist Johann Heinrich von Geicher.

There are more than 50 species. Stony slopes with poor soil gave life to the blood-red geuchera (Heuchera sanguinea), cultivated in its original form since 1822. It is famous for its drought resistance, frost resistance, compact leaf rosette up to 25 cm high of green rounded leaves that turn red in autumn, and dense paniculate inflorescences with cinnabar red or deep pink flowers, for which it received the nickname "purple bell".

The result of crosses with other species was Heuchera brizoides (Heuchera brizoides) with larger bush sizes and a long flowering period.

The price for abundant flowering with large flowers for geyhera was the instability of the stems to bad weather. Varieties were obtained with white (Silberregen), salmon (Weserlachs), graceful pink inflorescences (Gracillima), with scarlet (Feuerregen Robusta and late flowering Rakete with high up to 70 cm) inflorescences.

You can choose Splish Splash with variegated leaves. Another mountain species revered by breeders is Heuchera cylindrical.

The name of the species received for the cylindrical shape of the peduncles. The large, bell-shaped flowers are greenish, but varietal plants can bloom in beige, pink, and bright coral. The leaves are medium-sized with a silvery pattern and contrasting venation, have rounded outlines with blunt denticles. The most famous varieties are Green Ivory, Hyperion. Forest species grow in clearings, but do not like the hot midday sun, preferring the moist fertile soil of flower beds and compositions with shrubs. giving openwork penumbra.

First of all, this American Heuchera (Heuchera americana), on the basis of which magnificent interspecific hybrids (Heuchera americana) are obtained. Of interest in a species plant and some varieties are only bushes, ordinary-looking flowers are usually not waited for, cutting off flower stalks at the time of appearance, so that growth does not stop and the rosette of leaves does not fall apart.

Often the reverse side of the leaf blade has a dark purple color. Interestingly, the most popular Green Spice variety, which is the hallmark of this species, is just devoid of a dark leaf substrate.

An original feature is a specific raspberry border, which should appear in a stressful winter time for the plant along the edge of the leaves. In our climate, if it happens, then in the spring, especially at the time of return frosts. Pay attention to the variety Ring of Fire: the photo just shows this border that disappears in summer. Large wintering leathery glossy leaves of emerald green color with burgundy veining in autumn acquire raspberry tones, occupying the central part of the leaf blades. No less popular with breeders hairy geykhera (Heucheravillosa).

As the name of the species implies, in plants all parts are pubescent with fine hairs, which makes the leaves velvety to the touch. Rosettes of green or greenish-bronze leaves are among the largest. The flowers are small and inconspicuous. On the basis of the purple-leaved form of this species, the variety Palace Purple, common in Russia, was created. Maple leaves give varieties and hybrids with the participation of a guest from the Atlantic coast small-flowered geyhera (Heuchera micrantha). Species plants have purple leaf blades, and there are also leaves with gray-silver spots.

The flowers are small, creamy pink due to red anthers, collected in loose inflorescences, reaching more than half a meter in height. During rapid flowering, the border of this geyhera is covered with airy foam from openwork inflorescences. A prominent representative is the Bressingham Bronze variety.

Selection work was aimed at breeding varieties with bright, beautiful and large flowers, an unusual shape and a multi-colored pattern of leaf blades, as well as chameleon leaves that change color several times during the season. HeucheraSo, Magic Color variety in spring it has leaves with a green field with a golden edging and bright red veins-veins. In summer, the coloring is filled with pink tones, and by autumn the leaf becomes silver with dark green edging and purple-brown veins.

Of the silver-leaved varieties, Silver Scrolls is rightfully considered the most hardy and persistent. The Mars variety is silver-smoky with a coral tint and contrasting venation, the young leaves are completely red. Dark plum with a silver pattern - Plum Pudding. The darkest one, Obsidian, does not change throughout the season and is considered black, although eggplant-purple-burgundy tones appear in the light.

The color of lime and the sun is characteristic of the varieties Electra, Champagne. Electric lime. Pink and scarlet leaves in Caramel, Creme Brulee, Kassandra. A very funny purple - with pink flecks Midnight Rose. Ruffled leaves at Black Beauty (aubergine with dark greens), Purple Petticoats (crimson-purple, darkens and turns green with age), Marmalade (amber with dark pink undersides of the leaves).

In flower beds, geyhers are diluted with veronica and forest sage, host and bergenia greens, silver saplings, graphic bushes of cereals. They are well planted in borders next to spireas, barberries, against the background of linear foliage of daylilies and irises. As neighbors, small plants with non-aggressive roots such as stonecrop, awl-shaped phlox, and viola are chosen. Large bushes are good in padding to delphiniums, steaps, goldenrod.


Tiarella - varieties and types

Of the kind Tiarella (Tiarella) most stable tiarella cordifolia (Tiarella cordifolia). This is a ground cover that takes root in the internodes of creeping shoots and quickly occupies large areas. Suitable for wet partial shade under the canopy of trees, where hostas, ferns, tradescantia will be companions.

Wintering leaves will replace the lawn in problem areas, the main thing is not to forget that you can’t walk on it. Air inflorescences - only 15 cm, but flowering is plentiful and long, from early May to mid-June.

Varieties are more expressive: Brandywine with large leaves that have a contrasting red-brown pattern that emphasizes venation and white flowers; Starbick - carved leaves with purple specks and pinkish flowers, especially in buds; Neon Ligts with large dissected leaves with a catchy contrasting pattern of dark purple, almost black, and almost snow-white flowers.

By crossing tiarella cordifolia with geyhera, a hybrid group was obtained geucherella (Heucherelia). Varieties have richly colored leaves, many acquire even more festive attire by autumn. They are more diverse than those of tiarella, although they are much smaller than those of geyhera. For example, golden leaves with scarlet veins at Stoplight, dark brown foliage with a lime-colored border at Solar Eclipse, fireworks of scarlet and red will delight Golden Zebra, contrasting Kimono turns pink in autumn.

Geyherella and tiarella: planting and care

Geucher, tiarella and geucherella need timely moistened, loose, permeable soil without moisture stagnation, with a neutral reaction.

Garden soil, sand, expanded clay, ash are added to heavy clay soils. Every two years in the spring, the bushes are fed by introducing compost soil with ash. Usually top dressing is combined with the removal of old and poorly overwintered leaves. Frequent watering will only harm the plants, but in the absence of rain once a week, the plants must be watered. In spring and winter, sockets are mulched and spud.

After flowering, if there is no interest in collecting seeds, then cut off all flower stalks. Once every three to four years, planting is rejuvenated by dividing or cuttings.

These operations are also carried out in the case when it is necessary to save a beloved pet, for example, when plants become ill with root rot or when there is uncertainty about a good wintering. The bushes are divided at the end of April or at the end of August.

Each division should have at least five buds and a good root system. Cuttings are engaged before flowering in June-July. As cuttings, a small rosette is broken off with several small leaves and a growth point. Plant cuttings-sockets in partial shade, before rooting, cover with a five-liter bottle from under the water with a cut off bottom. For the winter they cover with a box and dry leaves. In the spring they are transplanted to a permanent place.

Let's figure out how to grow them and how to care for them.

There are some nuances that must be considered when growing geucher, geucherella and tiarella.

Many gardeners have developed a stereotypical opinion that since these plants are semi-shaded, they must be poured “with their heads” so that they float in the water. In fact, all representatives of the genus geyher, geyherell and tiarell do not really like getting their root system wet. Therefore, the main mistake when growing these plants is to fill them with water.

If we want to admire such beauty, then either the soil must be dry enough, or we must do high beds, or it is necessary to improve the structure of the soil, to make good drainage.

The main reason for the death of geucher, geucherell and tiarell is soaking. Not even freezing.

So, the soil is hydroscopic, permeable. If the soils are clayey, heavy, we bring peat, sand into the planting hole, or use raised ridges.

Another mistake of a novice "geyherovodov" is to try to cut the foliage for the winter, like all perennials. But we must remember that there are types of plants that do not require pruning for the winter. These include bergenia, some varieties of daylilies and, in particular, geyhera.

Do not cut! In the spring, we remove the old foliage of last year, when it wilts.

Landing. When buying, these are usually small plants. The question arises, at what distance to plant from each other, how quickly does the plant gain volume? It all depends on the variety, but the average distance, if you want to get solid plantings, is 20-30 cm. This distance is quite enough for 3 years.

reproduction. Professionals advise dividing plants every 3 years, but experience shows that plants can be left undisturbed longer if they feel good and look decorative. If you have to plant plants, then choose delenki with 3-5 leaves. They tolerate transplantation well, and in a year they will delight with full-fledged plants.

Geucher and geyherella propagate in early spring or late summer. Some varieties, close to species, reproduce quickly enough by seeds.

Wintering. For the winter, you can mulch with either peat or the existing soil in which the plants grow so that the root system is covered.

top dressing. Considering that these plants are decorative and deciduous, in the spring, at the beginning of the season, it is necessary to feed them with nitrogen-containing fertilizers, preferably complex ones (for example, azophos), but do not fall asleep in moderation.

An overfed plant winters worse. Can be used general ruledo not use nitrogen fertilizers after June 15 for any plant species.

As you can see, growing geyher, geyherella and tiarella in your area is not great work, plants are quite unpretentious and easy to care for. Admire their beauty throughout the summer season!

(To enlarge the photo, click on it with the left mouse button)

Geucherella, above all, created for the original landscape design. The plant was obtained by crossing geyhera and tiarella, thanks to which, geyherella received an unusual color of the leaves.

Pale light green, almost lemon yellow leaves with blood-red streaks in the center - at varieties yellowstone falls. Plant rich burgundy varieties side by side for a luxurious, eye-catching combination. Sometimes such compositions look even more exotic than the most decorative flowering meadows.

Slightly elongated leaves of a pale green hue are painted with burgundy-brown veins. Flowers on long peduncles look slightly disheveled, adding to the laid-back charm of the planting.

Tapestry variety Heucherella Tapestry is distinguished by a bewitching pale pink hue. Against the background of bright green leaves with burgundy centers, flower stalks look simply amazing.

No less poetic name for the variety Solar Power Heucherella Solar Power - the energy of the sun - due to the golden yellow tint of leaves and flowers. The leaves are only slightly affected by specks of a crimson-red hue.

A fabulous sight is the Heucherella Bridget Bloom variety: the leaves are small, bright green, and pale pink miniature bell flowers are scattered on tall peduncles. Landing looks easy, airy, almost fabulous.

The red-leaved cultivar redstone falls can be used for ampel landings or as borders, background plantings in the garden. Peduncles long, with. The leaves are large, with gentle transitions from greenish marsh to purple-brown.

Geucherella honey rose honey rose planting and care photo in the garden

Variety Honey rose honey rose has large red leaves, looks especially impressive next to ferns and decorative lettuce. The more contrasting shades, the better!

If you plant a variety of Sunrise Falls Sunrise Falls, you can get an interesting effect: large golden leaves are decorated with crimson veins. Well, just a golden autumn that came in warm weather! Unforgettable beauty! Geucherella Sunrise Falls can be planted as a solitary plant or serve as a lawn edge.

Burnished bronze grade with a bronze tint of green-burgundy leaves, it looks simply luxurious, especially against the backdrop of pale blue flowers in the background. It is planted both in compact bushes and in a solid carpet in the shade of trees.