Shower      06/16/2019

Clematis "Nelly Moser": description of the variety, photos and reviews. Description of clematis Nellie Moser, planting and care rules Clematis hybrid Nellie Moser pruning group

A deciduous vine that grows on a support with the help of tendril leaves. This shrub vine can reach a height of 2-2.5 m. The leaves are arranged oppositely, trifoliate or pinnate, the leaf petioles turn with tactile irritation towards the support, then become lignified and fixed. The flowers are distinguished by their stunning delicate light pink-purple color. The main distinctive feature of clematis "Nelly Moser" is the presence of large star-shaped flowers with a diameter of 14-18 cm of bright red-purple stripes on the petals. The anthers have the same color. First, flowers appear on last year's shoots, later they bloom on new shoots. Group: Early large-flowered. It blooms very profusely on the shoots of last year from May to June, and re-blooms on the shoots of the current year in August-September. Pruning group 2 (weak). Clematis are light-loving plants. If there is not enough light, not only will there not be a good flowering, you may not even see it at all. Therefore, they are best planted in sunny or slightly shaded areas during the midday hours. The root system is superficial, sensitive to high temperatures, so the root collar should be in the shade. When planting in groups, each plant should receive enough light, and the distance between the bushes should be at least 1 meter. The wind is a terrible enemy of clematis not only in summer, but also in winter: it breaks and confuses shoots and damages flowers. Where snow blows away in winter, clematis should not be planted. best idea. And in the lowlands where it accumulates cold air, clematis feel uncomfortable. Clematis are very demanding on moisture: during growth, they need abundant watering. But, wet, wetlands with high standing groundwater not suitable, even if the water stagnates only for a short time. Waterlogging of the soil is dangerous not only in summer, but also in early spring on time and after the snow melts. Clematis prefer fertile sandy loam or loamy soil, rich in humus, loose, slightly alkaline to slightly acidic. Supports are of great importance for the normal development, abundant and long flowering of clematis. It is important that they are not only practical and convenient for the plant, but also beautiful. With proper shelter, clematis bushes can tolerate frosts down to 40-45°, however, the main danger in winter and early spring is not frost, but waterlogging of the soil. In addition, after frequent thaws during the day and frosts at night, layers of ice can form above the soil, which can break the roots and destroy the center of the tillering, so it is important to completely prevent water from entering the soil surface and the base of the bush in winter. Cover the bushes when the air temperature is constant at minus 5 – 7 °C, in dry weather. It is best to carry out an air-dry shelter to prevent the root system from getting wet and damping off. The bushes of the Jacqueman, Vititsella and Integrifolia groups, trimmed to one or two pairs of buds (10-15 cm) or to ground level, are covered with dry soil or weathered peat, and a formation is formed above the plant. a mound with a diameter of 60-80 cm. Each plant takes about 3-4 buckets. Together with snow, such a shelter will reliably protect the clematis root system from freezing. You can also sprinkle short-cut, hilled clematis with a layer of leaves. The top is covered with a wooden box, on which a waterproof material is laid (roofing felt, roofing felt, plastic film) and sprinkle it on top with a layer of 20-25 cm of soil or peat. If you need to preserve the clematis shoots left after pruning under cover, they are carefully removed from the support and rolled into a ring. Leaves (brushwood, foam plastic) are laid on the ground in a layer of 5 - 7 cm, rolled shoots are placed on it, covered with the same material and covered with a wooden box (vine cuttings). If there are several bushes, they will be provided with a common shelter using wooden shields, under which bricks are placed. The top of the box (shield) is covered with roofing felt or thick film and the edges are pressed with stones so that the structure does not blow away in the wind. If the frosts are too severe or there is not enough snow, additional snow is added to the bushes. Dry leaves, spruce branches, and brushwood can be used as insulation. But all these materials tend to cake under a thick layer of snow, as a result of which the amount of air space decreases and the likelihood of freezing increases. To prevent this, when covering clematis, it is recommended to build a kind of rigid frames from wooden boxes, shields or simply from the remains of pruned vines rolled into a large ball. Moreover, in comfortable conditions of air-dry shelters, mice often like to spend the winter and spoil plants, so to protect against them, poisoned baits are left under the bushes. In spring, the shelter is removed gradually, part of the peat is left until the night frosts have passed.


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Amateur gardeners are increasingly resorting to decorating their plots with vertical gardening. Among the diversity decorative vines you can also see clematis Nelly Moser - hybrid variety, which is part of the large-flowered group of Lanuginosis.

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    Description of the vine

    Clematis are quite winter-hardy plants, so they are increasingly gaining the love of gardeners. But the popularity of plants from the Lanuginosa group depends not only on the ability to resist cold weather: 3-meter vines are dotted with beautiful flowers reaching 20 cm in diameter.

    In the Nelly Moser variety, they are colored purple or pink color, A distinctive feature is a rich purple stripe in the center of each petal. The number of components on a star-shaped flower ranges from 4-8.

    This representative of clematis begins to bloom in the first days of June and pleases with its beauty until frost. At the same time, last year's shoots bloom first, and a little later, new vines.

    Usually, vines are planted near high supports so that they weave along trellises, pergolas, fences, and gazebos. The vines are helped to gain a foothold at a new height by tendrils growing directly on the green leaves, which have an oval-trifoliate shape.

    Growing conditions

    As much as the variety is frost-resistant, it does not like heat. Therefore, you need to choose planting sites for clematis that are shaded (at least the root collar should be in the shade). Due to intense heat and direct sunlight on the plant, the flowers can not only turn pale, but also decrease in size.

    We should not forget about the moisture-loving nature of the crop, but it is better to choose a planting site with deep groundwater - the plant will get sick from stagnant moisture. In the hot season, 1 watering for 10 days is enough (with the obligatory application of fertilizers).

    In terms of soil, the Nelly Moser variety is not demanding, but it is better to ensure comfort by planting the plant in loose, fertile soil with a slightly alkaline or neutral composition. If the site has slightly different soil, then suitable conditions must be created in landing pit(its size is 0.6x0.6 m).

    Before planting clematis in the ground, a layer of expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the hole, followed by a soil mixture consisting of peat, compost, sand and wood ash. Having also added fertilizers (lime - 200 g and superphosphate - 10 g), the soil is mixed well. Before lowering the plant into the hole, its roots are soaked in cool water for about 2 hours. They are buried about 10 cm into the ground, with the neck located just below the soil level.

    In order for the bush to always be lush, in the first year of planting clematis, it is better to refuse flowering, allowing the roots to strengthen well. Decorative vines are given with the help of periodic pruning:

    1. 1 The first time this is done at the time of planting the plant in open ground.
    2. 2 Throughout the summer pinch shoots from the lower buds.
    3. 3 In subsequent years, to ensure lush flowering, in the spring, part of the shoots should be removed.

    Pruning is also necessary when preparing clematis for winter. Do this before frost sets in. After removing the grass and fallen leaves around the bush, it is covered with boards. You can use another material that will prevent condensation from forming.

    Reproduction of the variety

    You can propagate clematis yourself using one of the methods you like, described below.

    1. 1 Cuttings. Planting material in this case is obtained by pruning shoots during the budding period, and the cuttings must have internodes (at least one). The survival rate will depend on the correctness of pruning: the bottom cut is made at an angle. Before planting the cuttings in the substrate, the leaves on them are cut in half. It is best to carry out rooting in damp sand. Atmospheric humidity should also be observed. To do this, you can use special spraying using a fogging installation. First, the cuttings take root in a warm place, and after rooting they are taken to the greenhouse, where they will develop until next year. Only then are they planted in open ground in a prepared place.
    2. 2 Layers. Reproduction by layering is a lengthy process, but it is also often used. New bushes are formed in the process of hilling the soil around an already established vine. It is necessary to sprinkle the outer shoot so that 2 or 3 ovaries remain underground. The root system of sprinkled leaves will begin to form only after a couple of years. When sprouts with full-fledged leaves appear, the cuttings can be torn away from the mother bush. Some gardeners also use another method: they dig a groove near an adult vine, into which they place 1-2 shoots completely. First they are sprinkled with peat, then with earth, and the groove is covered with dry leaves.
    3. 3 Dividing the bush. To use this type of propagation, the young bush will have to be dug out of the ground. Having shaken off the roots, they begin to divide. It can be divided into several parts, but in such a way that each of the divisions has a sufficient number of root cuttings and shoots with buds. Each part of the divided bush is immediately planted in prepared holes. If a group planting is intended, then the distance between individuals must be maintained about half a meter. IN given year you need to try to prevent the planted bushes from blooming.

    Seed propagation

    This method is practically not used for reproduction large-flowered clematis, as they lose their varietal characteristics. But if for someone it does not matter, then you can either buy planting material or assemble it yourself. Nelly Moser's seeds will appear about 2-3 months after flowering.

    With this method of reproduction, 2 options can be used:

    1. 1 In the seedling method, the seeds are pre-stratified in river sand. Then they are sown in seedling boxes with soil, which are stored either in a greenhouse or in a room on a windowsill. The procedure is carried out in April, but planting in open ground is carried out only next year in the spring, after the risk of frost has disappeared.
    2. 2 You can also sow in open ground after warm weather sets in. Before this, the seeds are soaked in water (not cold) for 3 days - this will ensure better germination. You can additionally treat the seeds with one of the growth accelerators. Shoots should be expected within 1.5-2 months.

    As mentioned above, this type of propagation will affect the grade, so as a result, the color of the clematis flowers may change slightly. This may also affect their size.

    Diseases and pests

    Clematis are very susceptible to all kinds of diseases. In order not to lose the plant, you need to follow the rules of care and take control measures in a timely manner:

    1. 1 Wilt (withering) is considered the most serious. The disease is provoked by a fungus at the time of budding throughout active growth creepers. In a fairly short period, the shoots wither and dry out quickly. Measures: the bush will have to be completely dug up and burned, and in the spring the soil will have to be treated with iron or copper sulfate. Nothing should be planted in this place yet, since in the summer one more disinfectant treatment with a copper chloride suspension is necessary.
    2. 2 Does not ignore clematis and gray rot. It leaves marks in the form of brown spots on the vines and leaves. They reproduce quite quickly by spores, so treatment must be carried out immediately. Measures: the vine is completely sprayed with a foundation solution. The drug should also be added to water for irrigation.
    3. 3 Powdery mildew (it is also a fungal species) is characterized by a coating white, manifested on flowers and foliage. The growth of the bush and its flowering immediately stops. Treatment method: spraying is carried out with a solution soda ash or copper sulfate diluted with soapy water.
    4. 4 Ascochyta blight is characterized by the appearance of brown spots in the center and edge of the leaves (hence the other name spotting). In the future, they seem to burn through the structure through and through, leaving holes. The leaves begin to dry and become brittle. In this regard, photosynthesis is suspended, which affects both growth and flowering. Measures: all sheets affected by spotting should be removed. The bush itself is processed with diluted copper sulphate.
    5. 5 With rust, you can observe convex red spots on the leaves and branches - accumulations of a spore fungus. The disease acts gradually, eventually leading to the wilting of the bush. Therefore, actions begin already when the first spots are detected. Treatment method: all affected areas must be completely removed and destroyed, and the vine itself must be treated with Bordeaux mixture (2%).

    Do not bypass the plant side and pests. Spider mites and aphids can be controlled with insecticidal preparations. Slugs and snails that eat young shoots should be lured away by placing cabbage leaves next to the bush. Traces of the movement of pests are sprinkled with wood ash.


    Having decided to decorate your plot with the exquisitely delicate Nelly Moser variety, you will have to show maximum diligence, warmth and attention to clematis. He will definitely thank you with a lush fragrance, fabulously decorating the garden plot with his flowers.

    Clematis is very beautiful plant which is actively used for vertical gardening gazebos, wall decor and shelters.

    The Greek name "clematis" means "vine" or "liana".

    Clinging to the support, the nelly moser plant weaves along it, braiding it beautifully. There are about 300 species of this plant in all corners of the planet.

    In our country, gardeners especially like Nelly Moser, part of the Patens group. This is a bush vine reaching more than 2 meters in height. The main advantage of the variety are large star-shaped delicate flowers.


    • Nelli Moser is a perennial, deciduous shrub liana 2-2.5 m in height.
    • The plant clings to the support with its tendril leaves.
    • The dark green stem of clematis is fleshy and strong.
    • The stem has simple paired leaves that are also dark green in color.
    • The main advantage of the plant is its very beautiful two-color flowers: light pink or purple with pink bright stripes in the middle of the petals and purple stamens.
    • Nellie Moser blooms in May-June until frost.
    • In early June it will bloom on last year's shoots, and in the second half of summer - on young ones, that is, there is a second wave of flowering.
    • Clematis does not tolerate heat well; it likes to bloom in partial shade.
    • In case of shortage sunlight flowering is weak.


    With the help of beautifully flowering clematis, you can create great landscaping country cottage area, building, terrace, etc. Nelly Moser has attractive flowering and excellent shoot formation, making it a picturesque hedge.

    Place and time of landing. When planting clematis bushes, a distance of at least 1 m is maintained between them. Planting is done where there is sufficient sun in the morning and shade at noon, for example, on the eastern side.

    Since the root system is superficial and sensitive to heat, it suffers from overheating. So, the root neck should be in the shade. The landing site must be protected from the wind. Strong winds can confuse and break fragile plant shoots and damage flowers.

    No need to plant a flower in the lowlands, especially if snow is blown there in winter. Due to excessive soil moisture levels, fungal diseases roots that will kill the plant. It is not recommended to plant flowers under buildings from whose roofs water flows during rain and moisture accumulates below.

    When choosing the time for planting, the climate of the region is taken into account: in the north and central regions, planting or replanting is best done in late April - early May, although early autumn is also a suitable period. In the southern regions, it is recommended to plant clematis in early October, when the rhizome is actively taking root.

    Soil preparation

    Clematis grows actively in fertile sandy or loamy soil saturated with humus. The soil must be loose, slightly alkaline or slightly acidic reaction. In the middle zone, where poor soils usually predominate, special pits are prepared. Minimum size the pit is 60x60x60 cm, a drainage layer of 10-15 cm is placed at the bottom, it consists of the following substances:

    A pre-prepared fertile layer is laid on top of the drainage:

    • two buckets of peat;
    • 2-3 buckets of compost or manure humus;
    • 100g superphosphate;
    • bucket of sand;
    • 0.5l wood ash;
    • 200g complex fertilizer.

    The holes are prepared a month before planting so that the soil has time to settle.

    It is important to observe the planting depth: the root collar should be buried 10-12 cm into the soil. Thanks to this, a strong bush will be formed with abundant flowering for many years, and will contribute to frost resistance and protect the roots from excess moisture.

    Landing algorithm:

    • The soil is raked out in the middle of the hole and the depth of the bush is measured.
    • A mound of earth is formed in the hole where the roots spread out.
    • The soil around the root is well watered.
    • The bush is sprinkled with sand, the rest of the soil is added to the edge of the hole, and compacted near the rhizome.

    If the bush is planted level with the surface of the earth, without deepening, the roots will suffer due to excess moisture, the flower will not bush and will produce only a few stems.

    A strong support is installed in the center of the pit, which can be served by stretched ropes that will protect the shoots from gusts of wind. Those that stretch upward are tied to a support and directed in the desired direction, creating a flower carpet. After planting, the bush is watered abundantly, and shaded for a while from the sun. The plant is recommended to be mulched with peat.

    Nellie Moser requires regular, abundant watering, loosening of the soil, and periodic feeding.

    Watering. Watering should be done weekly. Do not forget that excess moisture can damage the root system. It is better to water the plant in the morning so that the water has time to dry and be absorbed into the soil before nightfall.

    Top dressing. Clematis needs regular feeding. The first - organic - is produced during the growing season and rapid growth.

    Here comes the infusion bird droppings or mullein (1 l / 10 l of water for an adult bush). The second feeding is carried out during budding. Tutu is already needed mineral fertilizers with a small amount of nitrogen (60-80g) or you need potassium fertilizer without chlorine and phosphorus (50:50). This mineral fertilizer will help to form numerous flowers and ensure abundant flowering. The third feeding is done after flowering; the composition of the fertilizer should be the same as for the second feeding. During the flowering period, feeding stops.

    Trimming. Nelly Moser is included in the second group of pruning (spring flowering on old overwintered shoots, summer flowering on young shoots).

    It is done like this:

    • The first pruning of last year's shoots is carried out in June, when they fade. The part of the shoot that has bloomed can also be pruned down to the base in order to thin out the bush.
    • The second pruning is carried out in the fall - young shoots are shortened by 30-50cm. Broken and dry branches are removed.

    Shelter for the winter. Preparation for winter begins when the soil freezes 3-5 cm. For the winter, the vine is protected from frost. The bushes are sprinkled with peat or dry sand, the remaining shoots are folded into loops and covered with spruce branches or special nonwoven fabric, secured with pins. Proper shelter will provide comfortable conditions wintering.

    Pests and diseases

    Clematis suffer from fungal and viral diseases. The most dangerous disease is caused by a fungus - wilt. It occurs suddenly during the period of budding and vigorous growth. The shoots soon wither and dry out. The infected flower is dug up and burned. Next spring, the soil is treated with a solution of iron or copper sulfate for prevention, and in the summer - with a suspension of copper oxychloride.

    In addition to wilt, the plant can be affected by powdery mildew, rust and gray rot.

    Gray rot is signaled brown spots on the leaves and shoots of the plant. Infection occurs quickly, and you need to hurry with treating the bush. The infected bush is sprayed and watered with a solution of foundationol.

    Signs of rust are the presence of red bulges on the leaves and shoots, where fungal spores are located. Due to rust, the foliage gradually fades. At the first signs of the disease, infected shoots and leaves are removed, and the bush is sprayed with 2% Bordeaux mixture.

    Ascochyta or leaf spot appears as brown spots in the center and on the edges of the leaves. Because of this, the leaves become dry and brittle, and holes appear on them. Due to the disease, photosynthesis slows down, the plant does not develop and flowering slows down. Infected leaves are removed, the bush is treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

    Powdery mildew – white coating on flowers and leaves. The plant stops growing and blooming. For prevention, the bush is sprayed with a solution of the following composition:

    • soap – 300g;
    • copper sulfate– 30 g;
    • 10 liters of water or soda ash solution.

    Pests of clematis: aphids, spider mites, which are controlled with insecticides. Snails and slugs that eat young shoots also cause harm. To destroy pests, cabbage leaves are used as bait; their places of movement are sprinkled with ash.



    • dividing the bush;
    • pinning shoots in spring;
    • propagation by autumn layering.

    The division of the bush. The method is suitable for adult plants no older than 6-7 years. Older bushes have a developed root system, which can break off when separated. To divide a bush, it is dug up, freed from the ground, cut with a sharp blade or pruning shears so that each plant has buds on the horse's neck.

    Pinning last year's shoots. In pots with loose, fertile soil. The shoot is pinned at the site where the node forms. The pots are buried in the ground in advance.

    As the young shoots grow, the soil is covered with a mound. By autumn, strong seedlings grow from shoots pinned in spring.

    Reproduction by autumn layering. Takes place around October. All flowers and leaves are cut from the shoots until a well-developed bud begins to take root. Long shoots can be rolled into a ring and placed in grooves prepared in the soil. The groove is covered with a layer of peat, which perfectly retains moisture and allows air to pass through. Cover the cuttings well with dry leaves or hay. IN spring period Water the planting site well. In autumn, young shoots can be planted in a new place.

    With Climatis Nelly Moser on your site you will get many large beautiful flowers with long flowering twice a year. A flexible plant will decorate any corner of the garden. Clematis looks against the background coniferous trees, blooming lilac and viburnum.


    Clematis is an incredibly beautiful plant that is actively used by summer residents and gardeners for vertical gardening of gazebos, shelter and decoration of the walls of houses and outbuildings. Translated from Greek, “clematis” is translated as “liana” or “vine”. The beauty of the flower is that, clinging to the support, it weaves upward along it, beautifully entwining it. A bright waterfall of large, spectacular flowers falls from a height, causing delight and admiration in everyone.

    Clematis from the ranunculaceae family. In nature, there are up to 300 plant species that can be found in all corners of the world. A huge number of its varieties and species are grown in our country. Gardeners especially liked such a clematis variety as Nellie Moser, which belongs to the Patens group. Clematis Nelly Moser is a shrubby vine that reaches a height of over two meters. The main advantage of the variety is large star-shaped flowers of a soft pink-lilac color.

    Clematis Nellie Moser, description

    Clematis variety Nellie Moser is a perennial shrubby deciduous vine from 2 to 2.5 meters high, which entwines a support, clinging to it with leaves - tendrils. The stem of the plant is strong, fleshy, dark green in color. On the stem there are paired simple leaves the same color. The main advantage of the flower is its stunningly beautiful two-color flowers: light pink or purple with bright pink stripes in the middle of the petals and purple stamens.

    The flowering time of the variety is May-June and it lasts until the onset of frost. In early June, the liana blooms on the shoots of the previous year, and in the second half of summer it blooms on young shoots - the second wave of its flowering begins. Does not tolerate heat well, prefers partial shade. But, with a lack of sunlight, it may bloom poorly.

    Planting clematis Nellie Moser

    Beautifully flowering clematis are wonderful for landscaping country house, buildings, terraces and creating a bright spot that decorates the site. The Nelly Moser variety is not only attractive for its flowering, but also has excellent shoot formation, so it can become a beautiful hedge on the site.

    Choosing a place and time for landing

    When planting bushes, it is necessary to maintain a distance between them of at least one meter. The plant is planted in a place where there is sufficient sunlight in the morning and shade at noon, for example on the east side of the house. Since the root system of the vine is superficial and very sensitive to heat and suffers from overheating, the root collar should be in the shade. The place chosen for planting must be protected from winds. Clematis shoots are fragile; strong winds can cause them to become tangled and break, damaging the flowers. When planting a plant, you should avoid places in lowlands, especially if snow blows there in winter. Excess moisture soil leads to fungal diseases of the rhizome and subsequent death of the plant. It is also not recommended to plant clematis under buildings, from the roofs of which water flows and moisture collects during rains.

    When choosing a time for planting, it is necessary to take into account the climatic characteristics of the region. So, for the northern and central regions best time The plant will be planted or replanted in late April or early May; early autumn is also suitable. In the southern regions, it is better to plant in early October, during the active rooting of the rhizome.

    Soil selection and preparation

    Clematis grow actively in fertile sandy or loamy soil rich in humus. The soil should be loose, slightly alkaline or slightly acidic. For middle zone Where, as a rule, poor soils predominate, special pits are prepared for planting. Its minimum size is 60x60x60 cm; a drainage layer of 10-15 cm must be laid at the bottom of the pit: pebbles, gravel, broken brick and some coarse river sand. A pre-prepared fertile layer is laid on top of the drainage, which consists of:

    • 2-3 buckets of manure humus or compost;
    • 2 buckets of peat;
    • 1 bucket of sand;
    • 100 g superphosphate;
    • 200 g of complex fertilizer;
    • 0.5 liters of wood ash.

    The holes are prepared in advance, a month before planting the bushes, to allow the soil to settle.

    An important and one of the main conditions for planting a vine is the planting depth: the root collar of the vine should be buried 10-12 cm into the ground. This will contribute to the formation of a strong bush with abundant flowering for many years, as well as frost resistance and protection of the root from excess moisture.

    How to plant

    1. In the middle of the hole, scrape away the earth, testing the depth of the bush.
    2. In the hole, form a mound of earth in which the roots spread out to the sides and down.
    3. The soil around the root must be well watered and well moistened.
    4. The bush is sprinkled with sand, then the rest of the soil is added to the edge of the hole and carefully compacted near the rhizome.

    If you plant the bush level with the ground, without deepening, the root system of clematis will suffer from excess moisture, the plant will not bush, but will produce only a few stems.

    Don’t forget to install a strong support in the center of the hole; stretched ropes are not suitable, as they will not protect the shoots from gusts of wind. The shoots, which will eventually stretch upward, must be tied to a support and directed in the desired direction, creating a beautiful flower carpet.
    After planting, the bush is watered abundantly and shaded for a while. sun rays. It is recommended to mulch the plant with peat.

    Nelly Moser clematis, care

    Clematis Nelly Moser requires abundant and regular watering, loosening the soil and needs periodic feeding.


    It is necessary to water the plant every week, paying attention to soil moisture. Excess moisture will harm the root system. It is better to water in the morning so that the water dries and is absorbed into the soil before night.

    Top dressing

    Clematis needs regular feeding.

    The first feeding during the growing season and rapid growth should be organic. An infusion of mullein or bird droppings (1 liter of organic matter per 10 liters of water per adult bush) is excellent. The time for the second feeding is when the plant is budding. During this period, mineral fertilizers with a small nitrogen content (60-80 grams) or potassium without chlorine are applied along with phosphorus (50:50). This mineral fertilizing promotes the formation of numerous flowers and their abundant flowering. And the third feeding is needed after flowering; the composition of the fertilizer is the same as in the second feeding. During flowering, fertilizing should be stopped.


    Since the Nelly Moser variety belongs to the second group of pruning (spring flowering occurs on old overwintered shoots, and in summer - on young shoots), it is carried out according to the following principle:

    • The first pruning of last year's shoots is done in June, when they fade. You can trim both the part of the shoot that has faded and to the base to thin out the bush a little.
    • The second pruning is done in the fall - young shoots are shortened to a length of 30-50 cm. Dry and broken branches are completely removed.

    Some gardeners advise not to trim young shoots, but to roll them into a ring and carefully cover them for the winter.

    Shelter for the winter

    Preparing clematis for winter begins when the soil freezes 3-5 cm. For wintering, the vine needs to be protected from frost. The bushes are sprinkled with dry sand or peat, the remaining shoots are folded into loops and covered with spruce branches or non-woven covering material, secured with pins. Proper shelter provides the vine with comfortable conditions for wintering.

    Diseases and pests

    Clematis are susceptible to viral and fungal diseases. The most dangerous for perennial plant is a disease caused by a fungus - wilt, which suddenly occurs during budding and active growth. The shoots quickly wither and dry out. The infected bush should be dug up and burned. Next spring, for prevention, the soil should be treated with solutions of copper or iron sulfate, and in the summer - a suspension of copper oxychloride.

    In addition to wilt, the plant is susceptible to infection powdery mildew, rust and gray rot.

    Gray rot appears as brown spots on shoots and leaves. Infection occurs quickly, so treatment of the bush must be carried out as soon as possible. The infected bush is sprayed and watered with a foundation solution.

    Rust is manifested by the presence of red bulges on the shoots and leaves, which contain fungal spores. Rust causes the foliage to gradually wither. Having noticed the first signs of the disease, you should remove the infected leaves and shoots and spray the bush with 2% Bordeaux mixture.

    Leaf spotting (ascochyta blight) appears in spots Brown on the edges and in the center of the leaves, causing them to become brittle, dry, and holes form on them. The disease slows down the process of photosynthesis, preventing the plant from developing and slows down flowering. Infected leaves must be removed and the plant treated with a solution of copper sulfate.

    Powdery mildew is a white coating on leaves and flowers. The plant stops growing and flowering. As a preventive measure, it is necessary to spray the bush with a solution: copper sulfate - 30 g, soap - 300 g, water 10 l or a solution of soda ash.

    Among the pests of clematis there are: attacks on the plant by aphids, spider mite, to combat which any insecticides are used. And also snails and slugs that eat young shoots. To destroy pests, bait is used - cabbage leaves, and the places where they move are sprinkled with ash.

    Reproduction of clematis Nellie Moser

    You can propagate clematis in the following ways:

    • Dividing the bush.
    • Pinning shoots in spring.
    • Reproduction by autumn layering.

    Bush dividing method

    Acceptable only for adult plants no older than 6-7 years. In older bushes, the developed root system may break off when divided. To divide a bush, you need to dig it up, free it from the ground and cut it with a sharp knife or pruning shears so that each plant has buds on the root collar.

    Pinning last year's shoots

    Occurs in pots with loose fertile soil. The shoot must be pinned at the site where the knot forms. The pots are buried in the soil in advance. As young shoots grow, soil is added in the form of a tubercle. By autumn, good, strong seedlings grow from shoots pinned in spring.

    Reproduction of clematis by autumn layering

    Produced around October. It is necessary to cut off all the leaves and flowers from the shoots to a well-developed bud that will take root. Long shoots can be rolled into a ring and placed in prepared grooves in the ground. There should be a layer of peat in the groove, as it perfectly retains moisture and allows air to pass through. Cover the cuttings well with dry foliage or hay. Water the planting site well in the spring. In autumn, young shoots are ready for planting in a new place.

    You will not regret planting a Climatis Nelli Moser in your garden. Many large, incredibly beautiful flowers with long-lasting blooms twice a year, its flexibility, allow you to decorate any corner of your garden and make it cozy and attractive. Liana can decorate the walls of a house, a terrace, a gazebo, fences, and even entwine pillars and trees. Clematis looks beautiful against the backdrop of blooming lilacs, viburnum and conifers.