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Clematis - how to plant to get a lush and abundant flowering? How to plant clematis. Growing, care, reproduction How to plant clematis

To decorate the summer cottage with pretty flowers that have a long flowering period and can trail upwards, you can opt for clematis. We will talk about how to grow clematis below.

Selecting a landing site

Clematis flowers when planted in open ground require right choice places, because otherwise it will be difficult to achieve bright flowering from them. It is important to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Clematis stems and flowers are very fond of sunlight, so you should not plant them on the north side of the house. However, their root system does not like high temperatures.
  2. Clematis is a weaving flower, the vines of which, during growth, cling to objects that are convenient for them. If the plant is planted on open area, blown by the winds, then it will not be able to stay on a support. The wind is also dangerous for flowers, which will instantly fly around.

    It is important to protect clematis from water when growing and caring, since if it is in excess, the root system of the flower may begin to rot. For this reason, try to prevent water from the sewer from pouring onto its roots, and plant the flower about 50 cm from the walls of buildings. If your area is too high ground water, around the flower garden with clematis, it is necessary to dig trenches into which excess moisture will recede.

Planting clematis: when and how to plant a flower

There are several ways to plant clematis. If it is necessary to propagate flower seedlings with a closed root system, then planting clematis will be possible in summer, spring, and autumn. If you have purchased a seedling, but it is too cold outside for planting in open ground, the plant can be placed on the windowsill in the apartment or in the greenhouse where it will grow.

Important!In autumn, clematis with closed roots must be planted before the end of October (if the month is cold, then at its beginning). This will allow the plant to adapt to new conditions as much as possible and make it easier to endure the winter period. To protect from frost, be sure to cover the seedlings with fallen leaves or other insulation.

As for when it is possible to plant clematis with an open root system, then such a plant will be ready for transplantation only from April to May (it is better not to hold out until the end of the month). If the buds of the plant are swollen, the flower may not take root after transplantation. Even if the plant takes root, then its life rhythms shift, and by winter the vine will remain not strong enough to survive the frosts.

Having decided on the landing site, you can immediately install a support for weaving vines, especially if you work in spring or summer. After that, you need to start preparing the hole for the flower.

Important!In one place, clematis can grow for about 25 years, so even during planting it is worth taking care of sufficient fertilization of the land in the flower bed.

  1. Dig a large landing pit - 60x60x60 cm. If you plant several plants, it will be easier to prepare a trench.
  2. For drainage, lay no more than 15 cm of gravel, expanded clay or broken bricks at the bottom of the pit.

  3. Engage in the preparation of the soil, which will need to be filled into the hole. Clematis take root better in nutritious and breathable soils, so mix the earth from the dug hole, sand, manure and peat in equal proportions. Pour additionally into the pit about a liter wood ash and 100 g complex fertilizer for garden flowers.
  4. After preparing the soil, pour half of it into the hole and plant a flower. It is especially convenient to do this if the earth is poured in the form of a hill, on top of which it will be possible to plant a seedling and straighten its root system. After that, we completely fill the pit with earth, not forgetting to sprinkle the root collar to prevent it from rotting.

    The size of the cutting will determine how deep you plant it in the soil. If the cutting is very large and has grown quite strongly, then it should be lowered by 12-20 cm, while small cuttings - by 6-12 cm.

    This will promote the growth of a strong root system and stem, and will also protect the roots from freezing in winter. When planting plants in a row between the bushes, it is worth leaving a space of 1-1.5 meters.

    How to care for clematis

    How to care for clematis important role plays the age of the plant. When caring for a young flower, it is necessary to cut off almost all of its buds. This is done so that all life force plants were not spent on flowering, but on the formation of the root system and stem. Also, on a young plant, it is important to pinch all the shoots, which will contribute to the formation of more of them. Do not forget to tie up all the resulting vines so that the clematis bush is even more beautiful.

    How to water clematis

    Clematis do not like the abundance of moisture, so they need to be watered moderately. Young plants - once a week, but in dry weather, watering should be increased up to once every 5 days. Adult plants need watering no more than 1 time in 10 days.

    If you have any doubts about whether to water the flower, check the soil moisture. When it is dry, even at a depth of 30 cm, immediate moisturizing is required. During watering, it is important to ensure the penetration of moisture directly to the roots of the plant, which at the age of 5 can go to a depth of a meter. To do this, it is recommended to dig on four sides of clematis 4 flower pot, into which it will be necessary to pour water. Over time, it will sink to the roots.

    Loosening and mulching the soil

    In addition to moisture, clematis also require a constant supply of air, for which it is important to regularly loosen the soil. Do this every time you water and after rain. But loosening the soil near young flowers must be done very carefully, lifting only the top 2 cm.

    Mulching is very well reflected in the growth of clematis, which is often used instead of watering and loosening the soil. As a mulch for these flowers, it is recommended to use rotted manure, which can be covered with a layer of peat on top. It is especially important to use mulch in winter time, then it can also protect the roots from freezing.

    Did you know? There is a huge variety of clematis varieties. Among them you can find bushes with flat flowers, bluebells, pipes and even tulips. But the most common are star flowers.

    Fertilizer clematis is always required, especially during flowering. How larger flowers near the plant, the more often additional fertilizers will have to be applied to the ground around it - about once every 2 months. If the flowers are small, 2-3 top dressings per season will be enough. Depending on the age and size of the bush, it will need about 10 liters of nutrient solution.

    The lack of many elements in the soil can be recognized by the state of clematis:

    Plant nutrition rules

    When caring for a plant, it is very important to feed it in a timely manner. After all, an excess of minerals in the soil can also destroy the flower. That's why, to get long vines and beautiful flowers, follow these rules:

    1. Since you applied a lot of fertilizer when planting a flower, the next top dressing can be done in 2-3 years.
    2. Constantly alternate mineral fertilizers with organic ones. The latter can be applied to the soil only in a state diluted with water.
    3. Foliar top dressing will also not be superfluous. Use urea for this (3 g per liter of water). In summer, spray the leaves with a solution of potassium permanganate (boric acid can also be added). For 10-15 liters, 2 drops of the substance are enough.
    4. For the winter, the bushes are fertilized only with wood ash.

    Features of pruning clematis

    To stimulate the growth of the plant and the appearance on its vines maximum number flowers, clematis require regular pruning. In addition to shortening the shoots at the very beginning of development, this operation should be carried out annually, but taking into account the plant variety.

    Flowers on shoots of both last and current year

    Pruning of such bushes is carried out twice a year. The first time it is required in the middle of summer, when last year's shoots fade, and the second - before autumn, when fresh shoots fade. At a very thick end, last year's shoots can be cut to the ground.

    Flowers on the shoots of the current year

    The pruning procedure is carried out before sheltering the bush for the winter, while all shoots can be cut to the ground.

    Flowers on last year's shoots

    Some varieties can grow well without pruning. You can remove only those shoots on which seeds form after flowering. If there are many weak shoots on the bush, they can be shortened so that they become stronger next year.

    How to cover clematis for the winter

    Often clematis do not need a strong shelter, but still you can’t do without it. You can use mulch as a cover, as well as sprinkle fallen leaves over the bushes.

    Bushes that bloom on last year's shoots require more careful shelter. For them, you can use fir branches. But those varieties of clematis that bloom on current shoots, it is important to cut them off for the winter at a height of 10 cm, and you can cover them with sand to the same level, additionally also covering them with a 20-cm layer of peat or sawdust. You can put a film on top of the bush, only in the spring it will need to be removed in time so that the plant does not overripe.

    How to propagate clematis

    The following methods are used to propagate clematis:

    1. Cuttings. Do it in late May - early June. Cuttings are harvested from the middle part of the shoot, it is important that it also has an internode and two developed buds. The length of the lower part of the cutting should be 4 cm, the upper - 2 cm. Such cuttings take root perfectly even in open ground, the main thing is that the temperature is not lower than + 25 ° C. In more difficult conditions they can be rooted in cups.
    2. The use of offsets. To do this, choose one shoot from the bush, which is the lowest to the ground, and cover it with earth at the beginning of summer. By September, a new bush will appear from each internode. In order to plant a plant, you just need to cut the shoot with a shovel and dig out the sprouted bushes.
    3. The division of the bush. You can only divide adult bushes that have reached 6-7 years. To do this, the bush will have to be completely dug up and cut into pieces with a pruner. This must be done as carefully as possible so as not to damage the root system.
    4. Seed use. This method of reproduction is suitable only for wild varieties of clematis. 2 months before sowing (it must be scheduled for the end of April), the seeds should be poured with water for several days, then covered with sand and put in the refrigerator. You can sow flowers directly in open ground.
    With proper care, clematis will delight with lush vines and beautiful flowers throughout the summer. We hope that we answered the question of how to grow clematis.

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Clematis has always occupied a special place in the decoration of suburban areas. This creeper amazing beauty always attracted the attention of amateur gardeners. And although she is not too picky, it is still worth knowing how to plant clematis so that the plant will delight you with its lush flowering.

Selection of planting material

It is on the right choice that it depends on how long and abundantly the plants will bloom, delighting you with their appearance. Clematis are propagated in two ways: by seeds or ready-made seedlings.

How to plant clematis seeds? After all, this is the only way to get new plant varieties. The seed of the vine varies in size and duration of germination.

So, small seeds germinate much faster. They are sown in April, directly into the ground, while deepening no more than a centimeter. Shoots appear unevenly, and within 18-40 days. It is preferable to sow seed at home, in special planting boxes. You can do this as early as March.

Large seeds need stratification. Another option is soaking the seed for several days in a growth stimulator solution.

They germinate faster in a moist substrate at a temperature of about +30. The emerging seedlings need light and warmth. Young plants dive when the first main leaf appears.

After picking, the plants should be located 15-20 centimeters apart. As soon as the seedlings get stronger, they can be planted on permanent place. This operation is best done in cool weather. The optimal landing time is from May to the end of July. After planting, it is necessary to pinch the plant over a couple of second leaves. This is necessary so that the clematis begins to branch. Now you know how to plant clematis seeds.

When buying seedlings, pay attention to the following points:

  • the plant should not have mechanical damage;
  • the root system must have at least five roots;
  • an autumn plant should have at least a pair of developed shoots with buds, a spring seedling should have one;
  • it is best to purchase planting material in mid-September (in summer and spring, clematis seedlings are sold quite rarely);
  • ideally, it is better to buy a biennial plant whose root system is closed.

Selecting a landing site

How to plant clematis so that it is sure to bloom? These are photophilous plants, so shaded places are not suitable for them. Otherwise, it is hardly possible to enjoy the beauty of blossoming flowers. Where is the best place to plant clematis? A few helpful tips.

  1. You should not plant a vine in a completely open space. Strong winds, freely walking around the site, often break plants. Young, not yet strong shoots are especially affected.
  2. It is also necessary to avoid those landing sites directly at the wall of the house, where water flows from the roof during rain. But if the plant has nowhere else to plant, then it is necessary to step back from the wall at least half a meter. Then the roots of clematis will not be in constant dampness. Otherwise, the root system rots and the plant dies. For this reason, it is worth refusing to land in the lowlands. If such a place is nevertheless chosen, then it is necessary to ensure high-quality drainage of rainwater from the roots of the bush.
  3. Landing points from high level groundwater needs high drainage. Additionally, you will need to dig drainage grooves.

Soil: Requirements

Since clematis was originally a forest plant, the soil structure should be loose. Great importance is attached to its fertility, as well as drainage. The ground under it must be constantly moistened, but remember that excessive dampness in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe root system leads to the death of the vine.

How to plant clematis: preparing a planting hole

Clematis are a group of plants that can grow in one place for quite some time. Therefore, the landing pit must be prepared very carefully. For one plant area seat should be no less than 60x60 cm. If a group planting of clematis is planned, then it would be most correct to dig one trench, the width and depth of which is 60 centimeters. At the bottom of the pit, there must be a drainage layer. This is at least 15 centimeters of large rubble, fragments of bricks or expanded clay.

Clematis prefer nutritious soils with a loose structure. Roots need to "breathe". If the land does not meet the requirements of the plant, then the following measures must be taken.

  1. Remove ¾ of all excavated land.
  2. The remaining part is thoroughly cleaned from the roots of weeds.
  3. Make a mixture of humus, sand and peat in a ratio of 1: 1.
  4. Mix the cleaned earth with this mixture.

Depending on the composition of the main soil, you can still add the missing components. For loam, it will be sand, peat or humus. For sandy soil - black soil, peat or humus.

An additional liter of ash and complex mineral fertilizer(100g). Clematis do not grow well in acidic soils. To neutralize excess acidity, add another 100 grams of slaked lime.


How to plant clematis? After the pit is prepared in accordance with all requirements, you can plant a plant. To do this, about half of the earth mixture must be returned to the pit. Try to fill it in the form of a mound. Place a seedling of a plant on its top, and carefully distribute the roots along its slopes. Next, holding the clematis with your hand, slowly cover the roots with the remaining earthen mixture. But the root neck of the plant is best covered with sand, as it is not able to retain water. In the future, this will help protect the young vine from decay.

Here is another recommendation regarding how to properly plant clematis. Clematis are always planted with deepening. Such planting in the future will help the plant develop into a healthy and powerful bush. At the same time, the level of deepening depends on the age of the plants. Young seedlings (1-2 years old) must be buried at least 12 centimeters deep, including the lower pair of leaves. For adult plants, if transplanted, this figure reaches 20 centimeters. This method of planting is an excellent protection against freezing in especially harsh winters, from excessive overheating in summer, and also contributes to the development of new shoots.

After planting, the plant must be thoroughly watered and covered from sun rays. The ground around the clematis should be covered with mulch. Peat is perfect for this.

Distance between plants

Another question that worries beginner gardeners at this stage: “At what distance should clematis be planted?” With group landing, the required distance ranges from 1 to 1.5 meters.

Best time to land

When is the best time to plant clematis? There is no single opinion. It is believed that the most auspicious time for planting a plant - the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. At this time, the earth is still quite well warmed up, retains summer warmth. Therefore, clematis have time to take root well before the arrival of frost. As a rule, such plants tolerate wintering well. Therefore, this time period can be attributed to the period when clematis needs to be planted.

In addition, late summer planting gives another advantage: the rooted vine begins to grow actively with the onset of spring, and in the summer the plant is already blooming.

When can you plant clematis? The time of planting also depends on which seedling is planned to be planted. If we talk about when to plant clematis in the spring, then best time- the end of the season. Clematis growing in pots can be left for late summer planting.

Supports for clematis

Clematis are liana plants, so they need mandatory support. They are held using elongated leaf petioles. For the role of a support, wooden trellises are most suitable, for the manufacture of which not too thin laths are used. Optimal size- from 2 to 2.5 centimeters.

Steel supports are not recommended. The point is that metal surfaces subject to sudden temperature changes, which can affect the plant, in particular, cause the shoots to freeze.

Already at the time of planting, if the shoots are quite long, the plants need to be tied to a support. But once they get to the crossbars, the garter is no longer needed.

Installing the support at the same time as landing is simply necessary. Otherwise, already a year after planting, it will be quite problematic to disassemble the twisted shoots of clematis without pruning.

Other options

If you plan to plant clematis along the house, then the trellis is fixed at a short distance from the wall. This arrangement will provide good ventilation plants. The size of the structure depends on the variety of clematis. For hybrid slow growing plants, a 2x3 meter grid will suffice. Fast-growing species, in particular mountain clematis, can be planted by running up pergolas.

top dressing

IN spring period plants are watered with milk of lime: 200 grams of lime per 10 liters of water per 1 sq. meter. In dry summers, plants need to be watered infrequently, but plentifully. In this case, the water jet should not fall into the central part of the bush.

Top dressing is carried out four times for the whole season. It can be a fermented mullein (1:10) or a complete mineral fertilizer. You should alternate mineral and organic top dressing.

In summer, clematis is also watered with water with the addition of boric acid (1 gram) and potassium permanganate (3 grams per 10 liters). It is useful to spray the bush with a solution of urea (half a tablespoon per bucket of water).


The beauty of the plant depends on the correct pruning. During the first procedure, it is necessary to shorten all existing shoots after planting. This is necessary for the full formation of the root system, as well as the ground part of clematis.

The lower pair of buds, which must be left, throws out young shoots. They need to be pinched in the summer.

To lengthen the flowering period, some of the shoots are shortened in spring. Then, in early summer, some vines can be cut back to the first buds, then they will release young shoots with new buds.

Plant low flowers at the base of the creeper. Marigolds or others are perfect flowering plants of a similar type. This must be done so that the soil at the base of the clematis is in the shade and the root system of the plant does not overheat.

All buds that appear on the vine in the first year of growth must be removed. This procedure contributes to a better development of the root system of the plant.

If clematis grows as a single shoot after planting, then you should pinch its top. This will help the plant side shoots. As soon as they grow to the required length, you need to repeat the pinching procedure, but already on the side branches.

We hope that our information has helped you find answers to your questions and now you know how to plant clematis and further care for this amazing plant.

Having taken possession of the clematis planted in a container, you can take your time with landing in open ground, because these plants can be planted in spring, autumn and even summer! So why not choose the warmest weather for this, wait until the return frosts have passed, arranging the plant on the windowsill.

If you got the seedling with open roots, then it is best to plant it in the period from April to mah, or even earlier - it all depends on your climate zone. It is easier to navigate by the kidneys - you need to have time until the moment when they begin to swell.

Don't be late with deadlines because late boarding can turn into a violation of the life rhythm of this plant, and the first year will be a tangible test for him.

How to plant clematis in spring - choosing a place

Places under the drains from the roof are not suitable either, because the roots of clematis will simply rot from constant moisture. Therefore, lowlands where water collects after rains are not suitable. In areas with a high level of groundwater, high drainage should also be organized and grooves should be dug to remove excess moisture.

Prepare the plant and support, for example, a chain-link mesh, which should be placed in advance so as not to damage the roots later.

Clematis - planting and care in spring

What clematis is good for is the ability to grow in one place up to 20-25 years. But to provide them with nutrients, the planting hole should be prepared thoroughly. A trench is dug for a group planting, a hole of the same height, width and depth is 60 * 60 * 60 cm for a single plant. Drainage from broken bricks or expanded clay is laid out at the bottom, with a layer of 10-15 cm.

If you have heavy soil on your site, you will have to work hard to form the type of soil appropriate for clematis - breathable, structural, nutritious. To do this, three-quarters of the earth is removed from the pit, the rest is mixed in equal proportions with rotted manure, peat and sand.

Perhaps you will be missing only one component. To this mixture, add wood ash (a liter jar) and one hundred grams of complex fertilizer. If the soil is acidic, add some slaked lime to the soil as well.

Planting clematis in spring - the main stage

We fill the pit with the prepared mixture about half, forming a mound. You expose clematis to the top of the mound, spreading its roots along the "slopes". Gently holding the plant, fill the remaining soil to the roots. So that the root neck does not rot, it is better to sprinkle it with sand, which does not retain moisture. How more plant, the more it needs to be deepened - biennial seedlings deepen in such a way that the lower pair of leaves is underground, transplanting older clematis bushes in the spring requires even better hiding the lower part in the ground.

It is for this reason that clematis should be planted correctly, since they are able to live for more than one year in one place.

Planting clematis in spring

The most favorable seasons for planting clematis are autumn and spring. Seedlings can go much worse during the engraftment period in the first year if the planting of the flower is delayed.

This happens due to a failure in the life cycle of the plant, since clematis has an early vegetation. This means that you need to plant on time in the spring.

If planted in autumn period clematis, then you can be sure that it will take root quite well. You should only know that by the onset of winter cold, the flower must be given a good root. Thus, the topic of timing becomes relevant again.

As soon as the buds begin to swell or have not even begun to grow, from about April or early May, you can safely plant clematis.

For proper disembarkation plants should be made wide and deep enough pits for planting - 60cm each.

After in landing pit add fertile upper layer and fertilizers such as: 2-3 handfuls of ash, 50g of superphosphate, humus from 5 to 8 kg. In acidic soil, add 50g of slaked lime.

On the soil, which is scattered in advance in the form of a mound, it is necessary to spread the clematis roots evenly.

As one option, the mound can be made of sand, and at the end of planting, the root neck is also covered with sand. Thanks to such manipulations, rotting of the plant will be prevented.

If the vine is old, the root neck is deepened by 10-12 cm, if it is young, then the root neck should be deepened by about 5-11 cm.

Thus, new shoots will not only form, but will also serve as a protection against overheating in summer, and from freezing in winter.

When planting clematis, it is necessary to adhere to a distance between seedlings of 1-1.5 m. Immediately after the planting process, the plants should be watered abundantly with water, and then mulched.

Highlights of planting clematis

1. Plant transplant tolerance is excellent, which allows you to plant them on a simple bed to grow and strengthen, and after a year or two, plant them in permanent places.

2. Clematis seedlings are disinfected before planting in a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

3. After planting, it is imperative to put a support and tie clematis (it can be temporary).

The support should be no more than 2 cm in diameter. In general, in the process of growth, the vine needs a two- or even three-fold garter of shoots that have grown.

This is necessary so that the plant does not suffer from diseases and to reduce the risk of mechanical damage.

4. Observed active growth only one stem in large-leaved clematis species in the first year of planting. And in the year when the plant is planted, the top should be pinched, so they will begin to grow lateral processes. The pinching procedure itself can be done again.

5. Clematis is very fond of light, but not overheating of the root system. That is why it is very good to plant flowers such as marigolds, peonies, phlox and others near it.

6. Since the liana plant is at risk of overheating and drying out of the soil, then in the spring, after loosening and the first watering, it is necessary to mulch with humus in the northern places, sawdust in the southern regions or peat. And in order to close the shoots at the bottom and avoid overheating, it will be enough to “knock out” the letnik.

7. If the plant is planned to be planted against the wall, then best side will be the southwest or south side of the building. Distance for good growth plants should be at least 50 cm from the wall. In no case should water from the roof fall on it.

Where you should not plant a liana plant called clematis:

  • in places where there are drafts;
  • where is deep penumbra or absolute shadow;
  • in a lowland, namely in those places where moisture accumulation and its stagnation are likely;
  • Close to buildings, it is also not advised to plant clematis.

How to care for clematis in spring

If you grow clematis correctly, then you need to remember about frequent and abundant watering for several years after planting.

After three years, it will be enough to water several times a week, 2-3 buckets of water under a bush.

Luxurious and beautiful flowering is the result of proper watering.

To keep the moisture in the right amount, you should mulch and loosen the ground near the clematis. For the mulching procedure, you can use rotted sawdust, peat or humus.

During the first year of growth, the liana plant actively develops roots and, in total, about 3 shoots are added.

Therefore, in order to develop many dozens of clematis shoots and obtain a lush shrub with more than one hundred charming flowers, you need to properly and carefully take care of the plant for about 5-6 years. For this, flowers that grow in a single quantity are best cut off.

Already starting from the 3rd year of growth, clematis is gaining strength, many shoots begin to appear on it. The timing of clematis flowering can be well controlled through procedures such as pinching and pruning.

Then the flowering will be completely different and longer, unlike plants without pinching and pruning.

Top dressing clematis

Clematis are very sensitive to feeding. Therefore, they need fertilizer preferably once a week. For top dressing, a complete mineral fertilizer is used - for 10 liters of water, 30 g of fertilizer, based on a volume of 2 sq.m. soil.

In addition to mineral top dressing, 1 cup of wood ash per one individual plant is also suitable. Another one of the very good fertilizer mullein (dung) is considered.

When the cold comes it is necessary to cover the root system of the plant, but upon the onset of spring, it is not worth rushing to open clematis.

Such a precaution is connected with the fact that the vine is still afraid of intermittent frosts and the sun, which shines brightly, which can lead to kidney damage.

As soon as the spring frosts depart, you can safely remove the shelter from the plant.

After should be fertilized nitrogen fertilizer. One of good options there will be urea - for 10 liters of water 40 gr. If the soil under clematis is acidic, then the best remedy for irrigation there will be milk of lime in proportion to 1 sq.m of soil - for 10 liters of water 200 g of slaked lime.

The process of undressing the plant is best done in less sunny, better cloudy weather. It is even recommended to give them a little shade so that clematis gets used to sunlight gradually.

The main points of caring for clematis immediately after planting:

  • it is necessary to immediately shade clematis and make protection from the wind;
  • water the plant abundantly, but in no case do not flood!
  • regular weeding and loosening of the soil;
  • do not feed immediately after disembarkation!

Clematis - incredible beautiful flower and every owner suburban area wants to decorate his garden with them. Today we will talk about how to plant clematis in the spring, and discuss the legibility of this luxurious vine in terms of planting and further cultivation.

Choosing a place for planting clematis

It depends on the correct planting how clematis will grow and bloom. Therefore, certain rules must be strictly adhered to. You need to follow three points:

  • choice suitable place for a plant;
  • correct landing process;
  • caring for transplanted clematis.

You can plant clematis seedlings or grow them from seed, but choosing a location is very important.

  1. Give preference to well-lit sunny areas: in the shade, clematis is unlikely to bloom. But at the same time, remember that the root system should be shaded to avoid overheating and drying out.
  2. The wind is one of the main enemies of clematis. Do not plant the plant in a too open area, especially if you often have too windy weather, otherwise the clematis sprouts, and especially its flowers, will be damaged.
  3. Avoid places where water flows from the roof to the ground. If you still plan to plant clematis next to the building, make sure that the distance between the wall and the support is at least 50 cm. In this way, you will prevent the root system from rotting due to its frequent presence in the water.
  4. Try not to plant clematis in low-lying places: too much moisture accumulates in them, which can harm the roots of plants.
  5. If your site is located in an area where the groundwater level is very high, ensure the outflow of fluid from the plant. For example, dig several grooves through which water will flow freely. For greater reliability, they can be equipped metal pipes or mesh netting, rolled into a roll.

Remember: clematis lives for about 25 years, so you choose a place for planting it seriously and for a long time. Provide your plant the necessary conditions once, so that all the following years admire the result.

It is very important to choose right place for planting clematis

Suitable time for landing

The choice of the best period for planting clematis depends on the type of root system of the seedlings. For example, if you are going to transfer cuttings with covered roots, this can be done in spring, summer and autumn. If the seedling has already entered into force and is ready for planting before spring, grow it in a greenhouse or on a windowsill.

Seedlings with an open root system should only be transplanted in spring, in April or early May. During this period, the kidneys have not yet begun active growth and have not swelled. Don't miss this time as clematis has a very early dates growing season, and late planting will lead to a disruption in the life rhythm of the plant. Liana may not take root well in the first year and will not have time to gain enough strength to overwinter.

Spring is the best time to plant seedlings with an open root system.

Many gardeners prefer to grow clematis from seeds. In this case, the timing of sowing and, accordingly, germination, depends on the size of the seeds. Thus, clematis are divided into three groups:

  1. Small, with a seed size of 1.5 x 3 mm or 3 x 5 mm. Their germination can last from 2 weeks to 4 months. Such seeds are perfect for sowing in the ground and are stored without losing their properties for up to 4 years.
  2. Medium, seed size 3 X 5 or 5 X 6 mm. Germination lasts up to 3 years, the seeds sprout together in 1.5-6 months after planting.
  3. Large, seeds size 5 X 6 and 10 X 12 mm. The germination period of such seeds is long, sometimes more than a year. Such varieties are recommended to be grown from cuttings.

If you decide to grow clematis from large seeds, keep in mind that they need to be sown in the fall, immediately after harvest. But seedlings are likely to be unfriendly, and the germination period can be delayed up to 500 days. Therefore, it is better to start planting clematis in the spring, after preparing the seeds.

Soil preparation for seedlings

So, you have already chosen the place where the clematis will grow, and now you need to prepare the planting hole. For one seedling, the dimensions of the pit should be 60 X 60 X 60 cm. If there are many seedlings, you can simply dig a deep and wide trench. Lay a layer at the bottom of each hole broken brick, expanded clay or crushed stone, about 10-15 cm to provide drainage.

Clematis prefer structured, breathable, nutritious soil, so you need to prepare the potting mix before planting. Take some earth from the hole, clear it of weeds, add peat, manure and sand. The ratio should be 1:1:1:1. Make the missing components depending on the composition of the soil on the site. Add about a liter of ash and 100 g of complex fertilizer to the prepared mixture.

Seedlings ready for planting

Fill the clematis hole about halfway with soil mixture, filling it with a small mound. Place a clematis seedling on top of the mound, gently straighten the roots, sprinkle with the remaining earth. After planting is completed, sprinkle sand on the root collar: this will prevent it from rotting and keep it later required amount liquids.

Clematis should be planted with a slight depth, so it will be possible to form a powerful healthy bush over time. The depth of planting depends on the size of the cutting: adult bushes need to be deepened by 15-20 cm, young ones by 6-12 cm. This will prevent the plant from freezing in winter and overheating in summer.

When planting several clematis in a row, keep a distance between seedlings of about 1-1.5 meters.

Preparing seeds for sowing

First of all, clematis seeds need to be stratified. To do this, prepare a soil mixture of earth, peat and sand in equal proportions, and sow seeds in it to withstand them at a temperature of 5 degrees Celsius. Such conditions can be provided either in winter under a layer of snow, or in a refrigerator.

Clematis seedlings in soil mixture

Remember: clematis seeds, especially large ones, can suffer from attacks by small rodents. Be sure to secure crops by covering them with fine mesh or clear glass.

Usually, with such a planting, seedlings appear in 10-20 days.

Stratification can also be carried out for medium seeds. At the same time, the period of their keeping in the prepared soil is reduced to 1 month. Many gardeners prefer a simpler and fast way: soak the planting material for several days. If you choose this option, then keep in mind that you need to change the water very often, approximately every 3 hours.

After soaking, the seeds must be bubbling for a week. Purchase a simple aquarium compressor to oxygenate the water in which you will soak the seeds. Such preparation will ensure the germination of seeds in 10 days, and the appearance of sprouts in 3-4 days.

Small seeds can simply be soaked without resorting to either stratification or sparging.

The most common methods of planting seeds

So, we already know that the timing of sowing clematis depends on the size of the seeds. It is also worth noting: if you want to plant a plant in the spring, then you need to go through all preparatory stages, which will start in the fall. For example, large and medium seeds are sown in jars, boxes or pots in the fall, and stored in a relatively warm place all winter.

There are several methods for planting clematis with seeds, but the most common of them have gained their popularity for their simplicity and efficiency.

  1. The Kivistik method. Seeds are sprinkled with coarse sand, covered with glass. Capacity with planting material should be stored at a temperature of 20 degrees, controlling soil moisture, until April. After the container can be moved to a film greenhouse, and as the seedlings strengthen, plant them in a permanent place.
  2. Sharonova's method. Seeds are planted in autumn in a half-liter container filled with humus. It should be stored in a shady room, covered with a film. Seedlings will appear after 3 months, after which they can be dived into boxes at a distance of 5 cm from each other.
  3. Sheveleva's method. Seeds are planted in jars, after 3 months they must be placed in the refrigerator. In the spring, you will get a sufficient number of seedlings, almost ready for landing in a permanent place.

For transplanting clematis grown from seeds, choose sandy or loamy soil with an alkaline or acidic reaction. Dive sprouts no earlier than the two-leaf stage, and be sure to maintain a distance of about 20 cm between them.

How quickly clematis seeds will sprout depends on the chosen planting method.

Such seedlings as a whole are already prepared for growth in open areas, but it is better to plant out when the weather is warm. With prolonged cold and dampness, it is better to wait a little and grow the seedlings on the windowsill and in the greenhouse. Be sure to provide them with moderate watering and protection from drafts and direct sunlight.

Video about spring planting clematis

Clematis has long earned a place of honor among the plants used for landscaping and decorating garden plots. We hope that our tips will help you turn your cottage into a beautiful one. blooming garden with your own hands. Share with us your experience in growing clematis or ask questions. Good luck!