Mixer      06/17/2019

Beautiful beds in the garden with their own hands. Beds for the lazy: photos, ideas, ways to implement them. How to make high beds in the country with your own hands

Probably, every owner of a summer cottage wants his garden to bring not only a harvest, but also aesthetic pleasure. At first glance, it seems that such concepts as a vegetable garden and landscape design have nothing in common.

However, if you move away from the traditional forms of arranging beds and do it yourself interesting layout garden, then as a result, the plot in the country in its beauty will not be inferior to the garden. This does not require special costs and effort. All you need is the materials at hand, skillful hands and creative thinking. Examples of beautiful beds can be viewed in the photo gallery below.

Layout of beds for a beautiful garden

To have an idea of ​​the scale of work on arranging the beds, you should determine the place for them and draw a diagram or drawing.

In this case, it will immediately be seen how much material is needed for their arrangement.

The layout of the garden is carried out in accordance with some recommendations:

The shape of the beds can be any. It all depends on your imagination! They don't have to be correct form. They can be made rectangular or square, in the form of a trapezoid or in the form of some animals and objects.

You can arrange the beds with your own hands in accordance with the natural forms of the relief. This will give the garden not only an aesthetic effect, but also allow you to use garden soil with greater benefit. In the photo you can see how original and beautiful the beds of an unusual shape look in the landscape design.

If the garden is planned to be arranged along the fence, then interesting solution can become located next to the tracks narrow beds in the form of rabatki. You can plant fluffy greens on them one by one, and plant undersized flowers below.

At the corners of the site, you can create triangular beds and plant vegetables or greens on them in a tier. That is, place tall crops closer to the fence and gradually lower the height.

Nice garden in the center

In the country, where the garden will be located in a place viewed from all sides, the center of the composition can be spectacular round garden. To create it with your own hands, you first need to markup:

When planting vegetables or green crops on a round bed, it is necessary to take into account similar conditions for their cultivation and a favorable neighborhood.

Beets will look best in such a flower bed, carrots, cabbage and various greens. Do not plant zucchini, cucumbers and other weaving crops on it. They grow to the sides and look ugly among the slender rows.

Do-it-yourself high beds for the lazy

A beautiful garden can be created with the help of high beds, fencing them decorative borders. The cultivation of the land and care of plantings on such structures is minimized, and the harvest exceeds all expectations.

Cleanings, kitchen waste, etc. are placed in them as the first layer. Then everything is covered with a layer of chopped grass or foliage, which is covered with earth.

The resulting "pie" will gradually decompose, releasing a large number of heat. Therefore, even on cold days, root crops and plant roots will feel comfortable.

To decorate the sides on high beds, you can use:

  • painted boards;
  • ready-made plastic fences;
  • empty bottles;
  • old plastic boxes;
  • large stones that are held together with concrete mortar;
  • paving stones or bricks;
  • a decorative fence woven from willow or vine;
  • cut into strips and painted slate.

To make the landscape look complete, do-it-yourself beds should ennoble paths. They can be sown lawn grass or lined with geotextiles, covered with colored sawdust, bark or decorative gravel.

French beds

Often in summer cottages you can see symmetrical beds regular geometric shape. They are called French and are most often made in the form of a rectangle, which is divided into four squares with the help of stony paths.

In the middle of such a garden, a composition or sculpture is placed. The French garden, as you can see in the photo, is distinguished by the clarity of the lines, beauty and absolute harmony. Build it on your own suburban area If you wish, you can do it yourself:

  1. French beds can be made flush with the rest of the plots or raised to the desired height. The second option will be more difficult to perform, but it will look prettier. Yes, and care for high beds is much easier.
  2. As borders, you can use metal, wood or stone.
  3. It is best to locate the garden in a well-lit area with fertile soil.
  4. The dimensions of the tracks depend on the irrigation system, which can be either manual or automatic. Their width is usually from 60 to 80 cm.

Any culture can be planted on French beds. To make them bright, you can plant them along their edge. beautiful undersized flowers or several varieties of lettuce.

Vertical beds for a small garden

On small household plots home craftsmen build vertical beds with their own hands. However, it should be borne in mind that not every culture can grow in such conditions.

Will grow well on vertical structures spices, onions, salads, strawberries. In conditions of constant watering, zucchini and even cucumbers can be grown in them.

Pretty easy to do it yourself wooden fence or an ugly outbuilding with a green wall. For this you will need:

  • Nail plastic boxes on a vertical surface, fill them with earth and land vegetable crops.
  • Screw the plastic bottles, pre-cut a hole in them from above and fill half with soil.

It will look very nice in such containers and grow well remontant strawberry. She gives a lot of whiskers hanging down, decorated with flowers and berries.

Beds from car tires

From tires, a garden bed with your own hands can be arranged in the form of a pyramid. The tires need to be painted first. To car tires did not get very hot in the sun, they are recommended paint in light colors.

When constructing a pyramid, the lower tier is first installed and immediately covered with soil. The second tier is installed and covered with earth, then the third, etc. Seeds are sown in free spaces with earth. Radishes and greens will grow best in them.

Arch of weaving vegetables

To decorate a beautiful garden with your own hands, you can create decorative arch on which cucumbers or other trailing vegetables will grow (see photo). If there is no suitable building for this in the country house, then the arch or pergola can be welded from thin pipes.

Plastic containers are placed next to the arched structure, in which vegetables are planted. Each bush should be planted in a separate container. As the plants grow, their whip will need tie to a building.

Caring for cucumbers planted in containers is very simple. They require only watering and fertilizing. In this case, spraying against fungal diseases and weed control is not required.

To give the garden a personality, you can use some tips from experienced gardeners:

  1. On a site with a slope, beds in the form of terraces or tiers will effectively look. Growing only one crop on each tier, as a result, you can get a picture similar to the gardens of Babylon.
  2. Various undersized crops can be used as fences. Skillfully selected planted plants will please with a combination of various shades and colors. Such bosquet beds can be from rectangular to zigzag shapes.
  3. A pyramidal bed can be created from boxes of various sizes by planting them on a pipe dug into the ground. Having previously made holes in the pipe and pouring water into it, you can get an irrigation system.
  4. Small vegetables, strawberries and herbs can be grown in hanging bags or halves plastic pipes. You can plant plants in them in early spring, and after warming, take it outside and hang it almost anywhere on the site.
  5. Tapestries, which can be various options. Planted near them climbing plants or tall tomato bushes. Tomatoes on a trellis will get the most sunlight and enjoy a bountiful harvest.
  6. Flowers can decorate not only flower beds and the area around the house. With the right perennial flowers, you can easily create beautiful beds.
  7. When choosing plants for beds, do not be afraid to experiment. For example, climbing plants and tied tomatoes can be supplemented with overall watermelons and zucchini that contrast in color and shape.

By connecting your imagination, looking at photo examples, and spending a little effort, you can turn an ordinary summer cottage into a beautiful, harmonious, well-groomed and unique garden. At such a dacha, you can fully enjoy a well-deserved rest and the fruits of your labors.

To make right beds with your own hands, you can study the positive experience accumulated by gardeners and begin your summer cottage experiment. We will need to invest time and energy, but the high yield and minimal maintenance of the garden are worth it! A modern garden can be comfortable and beautiful, and working in it can be enjoyable. Sounds like a dream? To make this dream a reality, you only need desire and a little effort.

How to make the right beds with your own hands

We will tell you a simple and effective method make fruitful beds with your own hands, which has been tested by many years of practice. This method has become widely known thanks to the experience of Igor Lyadov. The principle is quite simple: high beds should be narrow (60-100 cm) and long. It is important that the bed is extended along the north-south line - this will provide maximum light and heat to the plants growing on it.

First, a box is made of boards, logs, slate or any other material.

Cardboard is placed at the bottom of the box - this partially prevents the growth of weeds.

Then the cardboard is covered with a small layer of sand.

Then the bed is filled organic fertilizers(compost, manure) and covered with earth. The earth can be taken directly from the passages between the beds.

The passages themselves can be improved so that weeds do not grow on them and you do not have to spend time weeding them. It all starts with lining with cardboard or newspapers.

Only now a layer of sawdust 2-3 cm thick is poured onto the newspapers.

Such regular beds last for many years and allow you to grow amazing crops. You just need to regularly replenish them with compost or other organic fertilizers.

Beautiful beds with your own hands: plants, fences, paths

Certainly, good harvest on the beds, - the most important thing. But if it's important to you that your garden look modern and beautiful, then here are a few ideas for you.

Use different combinations of plants in the beds, combining the colors of the leaves and fruits to create interesting compositions.

Garden fences serve not just utilitarian practical purposes, and make it easier for you to further maintain the beds and plant plants; garden fences divide the garden into zones and create a neat structure landscape design. For fencing, you can use almost any material that you have at hand.

By raising the beds above ground level, you will make it easier for yourself to care for plants and give your garden an attractive look.

Paths between beds are also very important. In order for them to be comfortable and beautiful, do not forget to protect the aisles from weeds. The easiest way is to lay agrofibre on the track substrate.

If you reach a certain level in the design of the garden, then your summer cottage will change beyond recognition, and at first glance it will even be difficult to say whether it is a garden or a flower garden.

Garden beds: 100 useful photos

For some of us, the garden is still not the most inspiring place in the country. And indeed: there is nothing more tiring than the monotonous rows of cabbage, beets and tomatoes, which constantly require weeding, watering, or pest control chemicals. However, we believe that things can be very different! And we invite you to get acquainted with the photo beautiful vegetable gardens in the country.

It may seem to you that arranging beautiful beds requires too much effort and time. Of course, it is simply unthinkable to equip thirty acres in this way with the help of one or two people. But, firstly, not always and not everyone has such a large garden, and secondly, even if you have almost industrial plantings, you can apply these methods to part of the garden.

I heard on TV about the use of boards for arranging beautiful and comfortable beds. Unfortunately, this amount of material is not available. Tell me, is it possible to replace them with something and how to make beds in the garden without boards?

Before each gardener with the advent of spring, the question arises of how to equip the beds so that the crops have all the conditions for development and fruiting. Besides correct location beds greatly facilitate their care.

IN Lately gaining popularity high beds, made using a frame of boards. However, not everyone has the opportunity to build them due to lack or shortage wood material. Do not despair, because there are many more ways to make beds in the garden without the use of boards.

Most often, a garden is planned using the following beds:

  • standard;
  • narrow;
  • high.

Standard beds

Such beds are located at the same height as the garden, do not protrude above the soil and do not go deep into it. The location of the beds, their width and length depend only on the preferences of the gardener. The distance between the rows is usually made no more than 50 cm in order to gain access to plants for care. To mark the beds, pull the rope or use a special garden marker.

Standard beds are good to do on flat areas that are evenly lit by the sun.

narrow beds

For arranging narrow beds, only suitable Smooth surface plot with good lighting. Their feature is a rather large row spacing (up to 1 m), despite the fact that the width of the beds themselves is only 45 cm. Narrow beds rise slightly above the soil surface (by 20 cm).

In the place where it is planned to break the beds, they dig up the earth and apply fertilizers (the aisles themselves are not fertilized):

  • dolomite flour;
  • mineral complex.

This type of beds is also called beds according to the Mittlider method - the scientist who invented it. To increase the yield on high beds, he recommended regularly watering them and applying commercially manufactured top dressings, excluding compost and manure.

Raised beds (without the use of boards)

To arrange high beds, a frame 90 cm high and 120 cm wide is pre-mounted, which is filled with nutrient soil. Raised beds may vary in size. The basis of the frame, in addition to the boards, are.

Gardening in Russia is famous for the fact that people are constantly adopting various low-cost ways to increase productivity. The so-called warm beds have earned high popularity. Their device is designed in such a way that early heating of the soil occurs with natural (from rotting organic matter) or artificial (with the help of an energy carrier) heat.

In simple terms, a warm bed is a kind of compost pit that has drainage at the bottom and planting soil at the top. There are three options for compost beds for their placement relative to ground level:

  • raised above the surface;
  • buried;
  • mixed design (the base is at a depth, the top tower is located above ground level.

In any case, the filling of the beds will look like a layer cake, in which each layer is some kind of organic material.

Such beds are formed either in early spring, or late autumn. Going into the winter with pre-prepared beds is very rational, because before freezing in the bowels of the structure, the process of decomposition of organic matter will already begin, and in the spring it will continue with renewed vigor.

Contents of organic warm beds

Approximate content of raised beds from bottom to top:

  • protection against rodents - mice and moles (use a metal or plastic mesh);

  • drainage layer (plant branches, large branches, logs, remains of old stumps and other bulk material);
  • insulating fabric (geotextile) or a layer of old newspapers and cardboard on top of it;

IMPORTANT. The insulating layer prevents the drainage layer from being flooded with water, and also prevents the germination of weeds.

  • sawdust, bark, chopped branches;
  • unripe organics - old foliage and various plant remains;
  • rotted compost;
  • garden soil or specially brought fertile soil.

IMPORTANT. The thickness of the top layer must be made such that the roots have enough space and they do not grow into the layer of unripened organic matter. Study in advance the specifics of those plants that you plan to plant on this bed.

Depending on the design, some layers can be eliminated. For example:

  • if the bed lies on the ground without deepening, then a drainage layer of bulk material is not needed. No need for cardboard - just cover the bottom of the bed protective coating from rodents, and then with a waterproof technical fabric so that irrigation water does not quickly go into the soil;

  • if the bed is of a mixed type (buried with elevation) - make sure that the ground level is somewhere between a layer of cardboard and unripe organic matter.

There are no strict rules. the main task for a beginner constructor of warm beds is to understand the whole principle of work:

  • layer sequence;
  • organization of the process of decay;
  • rodent protection;
  • thickness of each filler layer.

Most of the questions are related to how thick each layer should be. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to pay attention to key points:

  • top fertile soil with compost 15-25 cm (depending on the length of the roots going deep into the soil);
  • unripe organic matter (old leaves, etc.) with a layer about 12-15 cm thick;
  • a layer of old branches, sawdust- about 10-13 cm;
  • the lower drainage layer is from 5 to 10 cm.


There are different versions of beds that give natural warmth from the inside. The choice of design depends on how much you are willing to spend time and effort on the result. Remember that any garden design is considered simultaneously as:

  • opportunity to increase yields;
  • means of facilitating further garden work, improve convenience;
  • aesthetic organization of plantations and plantings on the site.

Technologically the easiest option. What are the advantages of a warm bed of this type:

  • they are much easier to care for;
  • there is no need for hard work on digging the earth to a depth;

IMPORTANT. They are ideal in conditions when the soil is excessively swampy (inside the contour of a warm bed, an optimal environment is created due to the selection of fillers, and the bottom is covered with insulating material).

  • it is easy to create clear geometric shapes (important for lovers of the delights of landscape design);

  • it is much easier to protect plant roots from mice and moles.

buried beds

Most difficult option in terms of labor costs. However, the result is more solid:

  • under the ground level, organic matter does not freeze as much as in raised beds, so the process of heat release begins much earlier in the spring;
  • digging a trench once and filling it with organic materials, you don’t have to worry about repeated work for several years (shelf life is about 3-4 years without the need to change the internal contents);
  • saving time and effort on the side frame of the beds, because. you can do without it (if the surface of the beds is flush with the level of the surrounding ground).

mixed type

This option is considered optimal:

  • the buried part plays a long-term role (it is not necessary to dig it up every spring);
  • the elevation of the upper fertile part allows you to process the bed with less effort;

IMPORTANT. Working in a sitting position is relevant for older people. Often they suffer from atherosclerosis and other vascular diseases, in which the head down position is contraindicated.

  • the recommended height of the part protruding above the surface is approximately 55-70 cm;

  • the towering part will have to be decorated with side walls, that is, an aesthetically attractive view will be obtained - the garden or vegetable garden will look more stylish, pleasing to the eye with landscape design.


Very important aspect- from what to make the contour of the beds. Although there are a wide variety of materials on the market, they have different properties:

  • aesthetic appearance;
  • financial high cost/cheapness;
  • fragility / durability;
  • temperature response;
  • safety from an environmental point of view.

IMPORTANT. Never use glass. The risk of a battle is great, and it is simply unrealistic to remove small fragments from the soil.

The final decision is always yours, and let it be balanced. Short review Materials to be used:

DIY garden bed

In this article, we will consider a mixed type construction:

  • deepened by the base;
  • having an above-ground part;
  • wooden side frame.

Such instructions will help you better understand the general scheme and details of working with various materials.

Preparation for work

Tools and material:

  • carpentry (saw, drill, level, screwdriver, measuring tape, corner);
  • garden (shovel, rake, pitchfork, garden cart for transportation of compost and other filler materials, earth drill);
  • edged board 2-2.5 cm thick, 17-20 cm wide;
  • bar 4x4 cm for stakes;
  • metal or plastic mesh from rodents.

Bed sizes:

  • in width, it is important that it is convenient to work with the bed when growing plants. It is optimal if the bed is no wider than 1.0-1.3 m. In narrow places of the site (for example, near the fence), you can make beds 70 cm wide. Even with one-sided access, plantings will receive necessary care and care of the gardener.
  • the length is arbitrary - as far as the configuration of your garden plot allows.

  • as mentioned above, the ground part of the beds is recommended with a height of 50-75 cm;
  • however this recommendation is optional. Especially considering the fact that the thickness of the inner layers varies. Therefore, the bed can also be placed inside a lower contour (20-35 cm).

IMPORTANT. Plan ahead, so it will be easier for you to implement your plans without wasting time on rework and refinement.

Frame manufacturing

Please note that the sides of the beds will have to be made from a double board, that is, one board should be placed vertically above the other so that the height of the walls is sufficient. Thus, you have to do the following:

  • prepare stakes from a bar 4x4 cm, 75-80 cm long;

IMPORTANT. How many stakes will be required? With a bed length of 2-2.5 meters, 6 pieces are enough. With a bed length of 3.5-4 meters, 8 pieces are enough.

  • make two-level boards by connecting two boards together (use cutting boards, loosened with a hatchet into planks);

  • keep in mind that the screws should not go beyond drilled wood(when buying self-tapping screws, remember that the thickness of the board is 2.5 cm, and it must be multiplied by two, since the connecting strips will be the same thickness).

This completes the preparation. It will be necessary to install the frame directly into the trench - in the same place to make fastening at the corners of the structure. Measuring angle and level will help you to maintain accuracy.

Trench and its filling

Step by step:

  • make a marking of the beds or beds (basting with the help of a peg and a stretched cord will allow you to dig a trench of an even geometric shape);

  • it is desirable to dig a trench so that its depth is about 40-45 cm;

  • lay down a net from rodents (it is sold in construction stores, ask for reinforcing mesh or chain-link);
  • create a drainage layer (see details above) - coarse, long-ripening organic matter;
  • cover with old newspapers, cardboard;

  • install side walls;
  • drill holes for support stakes;

  • at the corners of the structure, connect the boards and stakes with self-tapping screws;
  • use a corner and a level so that the structure “sits” in the ground exactly both horizontally and perpendicular to the connecting corners;
  • continue to fill the raised part of the beds;
  • add dry grass, foliage and other unripe organics;

  • further - humus, manure or compost;
  • the final layer is high-quality garden soil.

IMPORTANT. In fertile areas, before starting trenching, carefully remove the top layer of earth, set it aside. This is the turf you use for planting.

After all the steps, do not forget to water the bed with water to create a humid environment. Under such conditions, the process of decay inside will begin. Do not try to moisten each layer with water as the trench fills. There is no hurry, let everything go at a moderate speed. There is still time before planting, and the contents of the garden bed should just rot and be loose, and not rot in a viscous slurry.

Video - Do-it-yourself warm beds

Warm beds with artificial heating

The concept is that:

  • water pipes made of cross-linked polyethylene are laid on the drainage layer;
  • the pipe structure is connected to the electrical cable;
  • heating is controlled by the user (turning on and off the heat supply - as needed, depending on the temperature of the soil).

IMPORTANT. Artificial heating is optimally suited for covered (tented) beds and greenhouses - the heat generated by the pipes is stored inside the system, and is not dispersed in the open air.

The order and list of fillers may vary. In any case, the most important layers should remain:

  • lower drainage (it is laid directly on natural soil);
  • additional insulation (prevents cooling of the “layer cake” from below, from the ground);
  • sand (occupies the location of the heating pipes) - plays the role of fine-grained drainage, helps to retain heat, promotes the passage of irrigation water to go down).

Only after all these components is a fertile layer of earth placed at the top.

  • in summer cottages it is advisable to use an electric cable (after all, cottage heating, as a rule, temporary and low-power);
  • in capital private houses, you can connect directly to the heating (do not forget to make a shut-off valve in case the house is heated, but the garden bed does not need to be heated at this time).

What type of heating is allowed? It can be of any type:

  • gas;
  • electrical;
  • steam;
  • water;
  • furnace.

Operating procedure

It's actually quite simple:

  • prepare layers (large drainage, synthetic insulation, sand);
  • lay water pipes. Scheme - closed circuit (provide circulation warm water round);

  • add some more sand on top;

  • the final layer is directly fertile soil. Use good-quality garden soil, as well as additional black soil. Keep in mind that the soil when heated should nourish the plants well;

  • connect the greenhouse piping to the heat source.

For lack of experience with electricity, invite more knowing person. If electric installation work you understand, the whole process will be elementary for you, and the design will turn out to be durable, efficient and reliable.

For many owners land plots beds are no longer only a means of obtaining food, but also an object for implementation creative ideas. From our review you will learn how to make beautiful beds in the country with your own hands, photos of the most interesting ideas are presented on the site.

Let's deal with the arrangement of beds in the country. With your hands you can create beautiful designs. are small areas that are visually separated from the rest of the area and are used for planting various crops. Since many plants do not get along well with each other, such zoning allows each crop to provide certain growing conditions. You can separate cultures based on compatibility or appearance cultures to create an original design.

In the video below you can see the features of the design of landings. Such information will be especially useful for beginners.

Did you know that the comfort of plants depends on the size and configuration of the beds. This is, first of all, soil moisture and air exchange.

In addition, an important issue is how to properly arrange the beds on the site. Photos of layouts and landings can be used to create your own project.

There are some principles that need to be considered when planning the area for planting:

  • it makes sense to build raised beds on black soil so as not to acquire additional soil;

  • high structures can be used in decorative purposes in addition, they have little protection against some pests;

  • in regions with cold climatic conditions, warm ridges can be built;

  • if the area is lowland or clayey, then choose high structures;
  • it is more convenient to carry out weeding on landings, the height of which is from 40 to 60 cm;
  • the width should not exceed 120 cm, as this will cause difficulties in processing the site;

  • make passes between the beds of at least 30 cm. For complex structures the gap can be increased to 60 cm;
  • the best location of landings from south to north. In this case, the plants will be evenly lit by the sun;
  • you can place plants near the walls of different buildings, but on the south side. This will provide shelter from the wind.

Think over the irrigation system, if it is not possible to stretch a hose to the plantings or, then install special containers or barrels.

Make a list of crops in advance for their proper placement. Some plants require tying, while others creep along the ground.

Only after selection right place, arranging the irrigation system and choosing plants, you can proceed to the layout of the beds.

For your information! Some cultures require special care, as well as a certain composition of the soil. It is important to choose the right soil substrate, as failure to comply with specific conditions will lead to a decrease in yield.

The principles of creating beds for summer cottages: different approaches

There are different approaches to designing beautiful beds in the country. This is a traditional and ecological method. The traditional one is more complex, in which the soil is subjected to serious human intervention.

Here are the main types of traditional farming:

  • digging the soil twice a year;
  • herbicide treatment;
  • a huge amount of fertilizer;
  • with such cultivation of beds in the soil, a small number of microorganisms.

These factors contribute to the rapid depletion of resources and low yields.

Now consider . It is based on the principle that the soil layer can regenerate itself. In this case, digging is performed only superficially, and weeding is carried out once every 1-2 weeks.

Ecological approach provides self recovery soil structure with the help of microorganisms, insects and plant roots. A large number of capillaries increases gas exchange processes. At the same time, the roots are saturated with nitrogen, which improves the quality of the soil layer.

Related article:

Let's find out how to make original beds. Interesting ideas in our review will help you create a variety of designs.

Features of planning beds in a summer cottage: photos and design methods

The site contains a large number of photos of beautiful beds in the country. You can make many designs with your own hands. Proper site planning will help you with this.

It is important to take into account the following features:

  • plant compatibility because some people can't stand the neighborhood. It is important to consider their compatibility;
  • installation of multi-level structures to provide each plant with the optimal amount of sunlight. Tall plants are recommended to be placed on the north side;
  • peculiarities. If the landings are on a slope, then during rain the soil can be washed away. In such cases, it is worth organizing special boxes for plants. In this case, the containers can be placed in the transverse direction along the slope;
  • matter crop yield indicators. This will correctly calculate required amount beds.

Before arranging the beds, you need to decide on their shapes and sizes. The shape can be rectangular, round, square or oval. It is not necessary to observe geometric proportions. The beds can have the most unusual shapes.

Special attention It is worth paying attention to planning if the site is small. In this case, you can try to build vertical beds in the country. Photos of some designs are presented on the site. Salvation for a small area will be that are filled with earth.

For your information! Often vertical beds are used for planting climbing crops.

How to make beds in the garden: photos of location options

You can see what the layout looks like, and options for placing plants in the photo. How to make beds in the garden depends on the characteristics of their location, design parameters and the specifics of plants.

The beds should be arranged taking into account the lighting in the morning and evening hours. For some cultures, direct Sun rays. Put the location of the landings on paper. The sketch will allow you to correctly calculate the required amount of materials, as well as pick up seedlings and seeds.

Remember that the terrain must be even. If this cannot be achieved, then consider recesses in the lowlands, as well as the possibility of a terraced garden.

Looks good areas where triangular, rectangular and trapezoidal configurations are combined. Multi-tiered structures look spectacular. Don't plant too big.

If the territory is small, then the placement must be carried out taking into account multi-level, vertical and high landings. These options are suitable for herbs, strawberries or strawberries.

For your information! If the site is located in an arid area, then planting should be done in the recesses. Areas located in the shade are suitable for growing greens.

Arrangement of beds in the country with their own hands: photos of original ideas

Now consider the principles of design that will help you to decorate the beds in the country with your own hands. See photos of some designs on the website.

First of all, consider the following parameters:

  • the optimal height of the beds varies between 40-60 cm. This option helps to ensure good watering and weeding;
  • the maximum width is 1.2 meters;
  • the passage must be at least 0.3 meters.

The width of the tracks between landings is also important. Perfectly fit into the paths half a meter wide.

For your information! Tracks covered with decorative stone, crushed stone or pebbles. Wicker garden fencing works well with fine gravel. Curb tapes are also used for fencing.

How to make a beautiful garden bed using lettuce crops

Even from lettuce you can make beautiful beds in the country with your own hands. Photos of these compositions fully confirm this.

For the design of the beds, varieties such as Zabava and Assol are used. These varieties can be combined with other vegetable crops. Lettuce feels good on the same bed with radishes, carrots, cucumbers and strawberries. Choose varieties according to maturity, such as early and late ripening.

For your information! Such crops are best grown in the shade.

Arrangement of beautiful beds in the garden: photo options using cabbage

With the help of cabbage, you can decorate the original beds in the garden with your own hands. The photos on the site show some of the ideas.

Wonderful decorative compositions are obtained from varieties of red cabbage. In addition, they are highly productive.

Amethyst is known for its unusual purple color. Cauliflower Cheddar is dyed orange. Cabbage is compatible with crops such as beets, dill, celery and onions.

How to make beautiful beds in the country: photos with examples of mixed crops

How areas with mixed plants look like, you can see in the photo. How beautiful it is to make beds in the garden depends on your layout, terrain features and fencing options. Common framing methods include live fences.

A variety of improvised materials are also used for fencing. Suitable, wood and stone.

How to do original designs you can watch the video:

If you decide to use mixed landings, then the following rules will come in handy:

  • crops of the same species are not planted side by side, as there will be many pests;
  • since tall plants shade undersized ones, consider the direction of planting, as well as where the sun rises and sets;
  • shade-tolerant crops include parsley, spinach, zucchini, rhubarb and sorrel;
  • light-loving plants include melon, watermelon, peas, beans and eggplant;
  • moderately photophilous are cabbage, carrots, beets, radishes and beans;
  • a highly branched root system can entangle thin roots.

For your information! Many herbs - seasonings have a positive effect on planting, as they repel harmful insects.

How to arrange a bed in the garden: photo ideas using lawn grass

We will help you decide on the layout of the site beautiful photos cottages with beds and lawns. With the help of a lawn, you can create natural fences for your plantings.. With the help of such a grass cover, you can create a variety of configurations on the site.

This technology has some features that you should be aware of:

  • lawn coatings spread quickly, and they also need regular. It is important to carry out weeding in a timely manner;
  • the lawn is not a protection against rodents and pests that are harmful to the crop;
  • if not, then such a frame will lose its shape over time.

The beds can be different types. The most common is. This design improves the warming of the soil, which affects the intensity of growing vegetable crops. For such a bed, you may need special frame.

Hill landings have a height of 80-90 cm, and a width of up to 200 cm. To protect this design, a small border is used. There are also beds according to the Mitlider method. In this case, the paths between plantings reach 90 cm, and narrow beds have a width of 45-50 cm. With this method, ease of care is ensured, since it is not necessary to dig up the entire territory.

The installation of the sides for the fence is carried out from different materials. It can be slate, or. Bars not only represent decoration but also prevent it from spreading. Boards are suitable for fencing beds, but before using them, treat them with antiseptic solutions. This will prevent rotting.

For small area a vertical landing orientation is suitable. In this case, you can use a stepped structure on which boxes with soil will be placed. Similar facilities are used for growing beans, peas or cucumbers. Alternatively, try arches and ladders.

Together with vegetables, you can plant flowers that will beautifully complement vegetable crops. The paths are made of gravel, tiles, stone or lawn grass.

For your information! Fences from hard materials to some extent protect against pests. The simplest option is plastic elements. There are even products with imitation of stone or wood.
