Well      06/17/2019

Arrangement of a garden in the country, depending on the shape of the site. Landscape design of a garden plot - how to arrange a beautiful garden and vegetable garden in the country

I never thought that a summer cottage or a garden plot is only a garden and a vegetable garden, that is, only a place for fruit trees, berry bushes and vegetables. But it is very interesting to create a design garden plot with your own hands. A photo gallery of pictures of fellow gardeners, which you will see below, was collected gradually. First, I saved my favorite design ideas on my computer. And then the idea came to arrange all this as a separate page on the site - suddenly it will be useful to others. Look at the examples of landscape design of summer cottages in the photo.

But, nevertheless, so far, little has been thought about the design of her dacha. The design of the garden plot all the time put off "for later." I planted potatoes, tomatoes, cucumbers, there were few flowers ...

But then I saw this photo (below) in one of the albums of our group in Odnoklassniki and gasped - how beautiful! Realized that garden design do-it-yourself task is quite achievable. Moreover, garden design or country design for the poor can be simple, but very beautiful, even sophisticated.

With the advent of her granddaughter, she realized that the dacha should also be a place for joint recreation. The first steps towards this were refreshing the appearance country house, laying new concrete garden path and installation of a mini sports complex -. But while it is “not ripe” to submit to your court a photo of your summer cottage. There is no system - after all, there was no design plan as such either ... And the dream of having beautiful garden new country cottage area remained… Photo more experienced gardeners- a great help on the way to a dream ...

Successful layout of the garden plot (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory):

What can be done when there are no special skills of a landscape designer? Special literature suggests that the design of a garden plot, any, should begin with a plan. First, it matures in the head, and then begins to materialize.

Of course, perfect option. But, if you already have a finished plot, this is not a reason to abandon the design of the garden plot.

In general, of course, a garden, a vegetable garden, their design should be associated with something pleasant. I always wanted to have my own house, so that there would be a patio around the house, so that during the rest I could admire flowers, plants, that is, to have an aesthetically designed area next to the house. And already in the back of the yard, let there be dill, parsley and other garden delights.

But ... I don’t have a house, I only have a dacha. It is located 10-15 minutes walk from my house, so I go there almost daily. Dacha for me is an outlet, a place where I relax, even working in the garden. I think that any summer resident acquires a plot not only for the implementation of the family food program, but also for recreation.

Home area in early spring

I'm sure that not only I want to be in the country or in the yard own house, the cottage was a place where you would want to sit comfortably, relax, experience the pleasure of what you see. So that you can say - "the eye is resting."

A house, a vegetable garden, a garden… Everyone is free to place everything that will help them enjoy themselves on their acres. Here, everyone is his own master, choosing the design, style of decorating his dacha, a plot near the house. Everything that you place, plant, in one way or another will reflect your inner world whether you like it or not.

Successful design of an artificial reservoir

For example, I really liked the ideas of my Internet acquaintances fellow countrymen on the design of the garden part of the plot and the flower garden. Now let me introduce you to what they came up with! Perhaps you will take something in your piggy bank ...

One of them came to the Kuban relatively recently. But I love her garden design.

Photo by Anna Pasechnik from Art. Settlements of the Krasnodar Territory)

And how do you like this option of high beds?

Everything is ready - planting soon!

In the Kuban, the indigenous people did not make high beds before. At least not during my childhood and youth. And in middle lane, northern regions - this is a common practice. Sometimes this is due to poor soil or a cold climate, when a raised bed helps to keep good, nutritious soil in one place, accumulate and save heat. Physically, it is easier to process, plant, sow, since you don’t have to bend so low to such a bed, planting seedlings, pulling out weeds.

By the way, a high bed is easier to keep without weeds. If it is done according to all the rules, there will be few or even none at all.

I can’t definitely advise everyone who lives in the Kuban to make raised beds, because, firstly, I don’t have such experience myself, and, secondly, something tells me that in the Kuban it was not in vain that they didn’t make raised beds before .

Our land is fertile - there is no need to import soil from afar. And then, it's hot here. The land in high beds, if it is not regularly watered, will dry faster and be easier to gain high temperature from the sun, that is, we have high beds, if they are in an open area, it is necessary to shade with something. It should be a shade from an artificial "shade" (curtains, canopies, awnings, fences) or a natural one - a shadow from trees, a shadow from several rows of tall corn or sunflowers.

Here, for example, as in the picture below. A canopy will be stretched over a bed with tomatoes. And although there are no raised beds in this photo, the need now to shelter plants from the scorching sun arises among all Kuban gardeners.

The beauty of garden beds

But this is my opinion - the opinion of a person who has not experienced in practice what high beds are, and my theoretical conclusions "cannot be sewn into the case." If you have experience, please share it in the comments.

In any case, high beds in the Kuban are no longer a rarity. You can’t dismiss this experience, on the contrary, you need to take a closer look - what if rational grain is in all of this.

Under certain conditions, high beds can exist and make life easier for gardeners in the Kuban. And what these conditions are, I think, we will decide everything collectively - by trial and error. Time will show!…

I spied on such an idea - to plant raspberries in a bed isolated with slate, it is also raised.

A high bed for raspberries (photo by Elena Polovnikova from the village of Pavlovskaya, Krasnodar Territory)

Well, that might be a good idea! Raspberries have such a feature that owners of small plots may not like - it grows in all directions, where it is necessary and not necessary. And such a fence will not allow her to arbitrarily!

The fact that high beds can decorate, streamline the garden, bring their own touch to the design of the garden or vegetable garden, I think no one doubts.

And this is what traditional beds look like! I think it's beautiful too! This is also a design - each has its own personality.

Tomato Paradise
Beautiful pea beds
Garden classics - carrots and onions
Elegant bed of lettuce lettuce geometry

And the flower beds! There is generally room for imagination! This is not only a place for flowers - it is a state of mind, this is perhaps the main decoration of the house, plot.

DIY garden flower beds - there is nothing complicated about it. Look what good layout flower garden at my other online friend!

Beauty is in the clarity of the lines of the flower garden - good at any time of the year (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory)

But, really, nothing complicated! But that's the beauty of it! The flower garden pleases the eye in different seasons! Have you noticed that I have only exclamation marks? ... Admire! But “wind on the mustache” - don’t forget too!

The magnificent beginning of summer (photo by Anna Nepetrovskaya from Novokubansk, Krasnodar Territory)
"Young" alpine slide - it will be beautiful!
Successful design Alpine slide
A shady corner of the garden (photo by Valery))) - KUBAN RUSS)
Yucca in the center of an alpine hill And the fence doesn't seem so boring anymore...
triangular flower bed
Making a path in the garden
"Carnation" stream (photo by Elena Nadtochy from the city of Yeysk, Krasnodar Territory)
A flower bed in the center of a shady courtyard (photo by Lidia Martynova from Belorechensk, Krasnodar Territory) Hosts and geyhers decorate the area behind the house, where the sun rarely hits (photo by Nadezhda Abramovich, Krasnodar Territory)
Roses are the main decoration of the fence (photo by Olga Shestakova from Temryuk, Krasnodar Territory)

Good luck to you! We are waiting for new gardeners and gardeners in our groups VKontakte, Odnoklassniki and Google+! We are waiting for new photos! Your garden design ideas are interesting not only for you! The photo gallery needs to be updated!

Many people think that outwardly the garden looks boring and uninteresting with its straight beds. But let me prove you otherwise. Look at the photo of the original DIY garden.

In today's article, we will talk about impressive ideas, decorating methods, recommendations for creating unique vegetable gardens, and some instructive lessons.

Lazy beds - a modern option

Do you want to get rid of boring and pesky garden chores? You should immediately learn the technology of creating modern beds, called lazy. They do not require constant weeding and provide you with time for a country holiday.

In addition, this option of beds is convenient and helps to increase productivity.

Country residents are well aware of the growing processes various plants, and not always the final result justifies the expectations and costs. So, seedlings may not take root and die, or not produce a crop. A lazy beds can help resolve these issues.

The peculiarity of these beds is that the seedlings grow independently, and their yield increases by several orders of magnitude. The secret of this technique is very simple: the beds should not be disturbed by weeding or loosening the earth, this is possible only during their preparatory period and during the planting period.

Undoubtedly, by regularly weeding the ground, you will eradicate all weeds and loosen the soil, but because of this, the soil itself will begin to dry out and will not moisten the plants enough.

Lazy beds are not difficult to make, you just need to do everything in stages:

First, you should decide on the dimensions of the sides, especially with the height, which depends on their location. According to the selected sizes, prepare boards for them, fasten them with self-tapping screws and wooden bars at the corners of the sides. To do this, use clamps.

When you have finished assembling the bed box, turn it over and install it in a predetermined place that is well lit.

Prepare holes, the depth of which should be 12-15 cm, so that the corner wooden blocks fit them perfectly. Install the box securely. Use a level to make sure the bed is set correctly.

WITH inside attach a PVC pipe to the sides in order to later attach a film or mesh hoops to it. Lightly tamp the bottom, cover it first with metal mesh to protect against rodents, then with geotextile material.

Pour the soil into the box, strengthen the watering hoses. Plant your seedlings. If you need to cover the bed, fix the arcs for the film. The bed is ready!

Don't forget to provide a watering system. You don't have to buy an expensive one. It is not recommended to water often, but it is enough that the plants are fully moistened before the next watering.

Save time and your energy will help gardening equipment which is correctly selected. In this regard, it is worth buying only quality tools to make work easier and more comfortable. Store inventory in a designated storage area.

As the planting season begins, dig up the ground to prepare it for planting seedlings or seeds.

After completing the planting process, do not disturb the soil, the mulch will do everything for you. Your business is to regularly provide watering.


As you can see, this version of the beds is really for the lazy, but the most hardworking summer residents have taken note of it and put it into action.

Excellent yield in raised beds

The erection of a frame structure and the watering system of high beds is a very laborious process, but then you will be completely satisfied with the yield and weather conditions.

The sun's rays have a great effect on high beds in terms of illumination and warming up of the soil, as a result of which planting can be started from April.

Rodent protection in the form of a metal mesh is also laid at the bottom of the beds. With a frame width of 1.5 m, it will be easy for you to take care of the plants either on one side or on the other. You can also make a two-lane bed and cover it with a film on top, get a greenhouse version of the bed.

Harvest on such beds usually ripens early. Their only downside is that they often need to be watered plantings, since water is not stored in the soil.


Despite the laboriousness in the construction of beds, this is quickly compensated for by good results and has a very attractive appearance.

Smart beds are the best

Smart or warm beds differ little from lazy ones. The only difference is in the use of fertilizers, which tend to increase yields with minimal effort.

As a ground smart beds they do not use the earth, but compost with sawdust, leaves, straw, which nourishes the plants even more. A layer of soil is poured on top of the compost and after one month, planting begins.

The height of the beds is approximately 1 m. Stones, logs or bricks can be used to fence them, which will make the garden more interesting. Remember to provide the beds with internal watering.

If you do not mind the time and money for a large number of fertilizer, then this method is for you. But we assure you that you will not be at a loss, and you will be pleased not only with chic beds and garden design in general, but also with early yields.


Economy version of high beds

Fencing beds with wattle is the most economical option in terms of finances. In addition, such design idea for the garden will perfectly decorate your site. Such beds are suitable for growing both flowers and vegetables.

Step-by-step instructions for building a garden bed:

  • Cover the ground inside the wattle fence with geotextile or cardboard to useful material did not seep into the soil when watering. Although cardboard is not durable, it will eventually become organic matter.
  • Top with garden weeds or freshly cut grass from the lawn.
  • Cover everything with a layer of dry straw.
  • Sprinkle compost or dead leaves over the straw.
  • At the end - a layer of black soil.
  • The best period for these beds is autumn time when the necessary components abound. For natural heating of the soil, it is worth taking care of a layer of manure, which will release heat.

A beautiful garden may well become an ornament to the landscape of the entire site. How to make a unique view of the garden with your own hands?

Use some tips:

  • if necessary, use a trellis for climbing plants;
  • use multi-colored and different-shaped cultures of garden plants.
  • frame the beds in an original way, this will not only increase the yield, but also improve the appearance.
  • Decorate the garden with flowers, preferably perennials.
  • divide the beds with beautiful paths or paths in the form of pebbles or pebbles.
  • count on big harvest, then English is either french styles for you.


Having built a scarecrow in the garden, you will not only scare away the birds, but also decorate it.

And it is not at all necessary that the scarecrow should be scary and untidy. Your version of the scarecrow can be mischievous, fun and colorful.

It can be built not only in the form of a person, but also in various other images, using all kinds of materials at hand.

By installing such a guard in the garden, you can not worry about the safety of the crop!

DIY garden photo

A garden and a vegetable garden are zones that serve as decoration for a private plot. There are many interesting ideas that will help turn even a simple plot in the village into a vacation spot that you could only dream of. This is not so difficult to do if you know the basic rules.


Most residents of the post-Soviet space, hearing the phrase "summer cottage", represent not a nice place for recreation, but an abandoned area with cucumber and tomato beds, which take a long time to work on to put them in order.

There are too many in today's world beautiful ideas, which you want to realize, so instead of building a neglected garden bed with a barn, it is better to decorate the site next to country house neat green spaces, orchards or flower beds. If you rationally think over the space, then everything will fit in one area at once.

A thoughtful plot outside the city is a combination of practicality and beautiful appearance. Such landscape design garden and the plot adjacent to the house will allow you to turn private territory to a place where you will always want to return.


The first stage, which is undesirable to exclude, is the planning of the future project. If you correctly think over the location of all zones and draw a project on paper, then even on 2 acres you can plant all the most beautiful flowers and the most delicious berries.

Do not mix garden and vegetable garden. Under them, it is worth highlighting separate places, placing, for example, beds in the sun, flowers - where it will be convenient to admire them, and trees - in the corner of the yard or under the windows.

You can divide the zones both visually and using partitions, paths or low fences. Everything depends only on your wishes.


To make your site look truly beautiful, you need to choose one style and stick to the rules dictated by it.


One of the most unusual styles for modern sites is eastern. His popularity is growing due to the constant interest in the culture of Japan and China. In these countries, much attention is paid to the art of decorating the territory. The Japanese often have rock gardens and gravel ponds in their courtyards.

In general, pebbles and crushed stone are almost the main materials that are used to decorate plots in oriental style. So, if pebbles are a fairly expensive material, then getting the right amount of crushed stone is not difficult. You can even choose the right dimensions and the color of the stone. More massive cobblestones are suitable for decorating the territory or decorating borders.

A small pond will fit into this style. Its dimensions can be quite small, the main thing is that the water flows peacefully, and does not beat up with a tight stream.

You also need to think about drainage system so that the water does not destroy the soil.

To design a summer cottage in an oriental style, it is also important to choose right plants. Suitable, for example, boxwood or bamboo. Some talented owners even manage to make low bamboo fences.


This style is known to many under such names as rural or country. Now it is popular because many residents of the city lack simplicity and rustic comfort, and they strive to get it at least in the country. Country style simple and natural. Plots of this type seem a little neglected at first glance.

If you are fed up with half-empty courtyards with balanced rows of plants and narrow paths, then you can decorate the area next to your house in country style.

It is characterized by the use of the simplest plants, the design of beds and the decoration of the garden with old utensils and unnecessary things. The materials for decorating a summer cottage in this traditional style are chosen the simplest: wood and stone. Sometimes this short list is replenished with a vine, from which chairs or partitions are woven.


If you built a cottage in Art Nouveau style, then you should surround it suitable plants and decor. Exist various options site design in modern style. When making paths and terraces, stone or concrete slabs can be used instead of gravel and sawdust.

A clear geometry and thoughtfulness of every detail are welcome. Even flower beds should be square or round, on the same level.

Garden decoration

When you have decided on the style, you can proceed to the design of individual areas. The garden is exactly the area that many people neglect, although you should not do this. It is enough to arrange just a space for a garden bed to get practical benefits from your site.

Drop the stereotypes and forget about the "grandmother's" beds, where the older generation spent half of their free time. Let the garden be beautiful too.

Think about how to divide the area reserved for the beds into several separate zones. It can be divided with paths, hedges or wicker fences.

To clearly represent the end result, fix your ideas on paper. This is worth doing even if the garden is very small. Seeing the outline of the future project, you can decide which plants are best planted in the sun, and which ones can survive the absence of it.

It is most convenient to divide the garden area into several squares or rectangles.

This way you will not only make your site more beautiful, but also get access to everything that is on one square, which means that you will not need to make your way through thickets of plants and grasses, trampling them.

However, it is not necessary to follow the proven path. You can build vertical beds, plant plants in a cart or wheel. In fact, you can do everything that you do with flowers in a flower bed.

The main thing is that all living things have enough space and sun: taller plants should not obscure the shorter ones. It is also worth choosing a soil rich in vitamins and useful microelements.

In order for the garden to perform not only a practical function, but also a decorative one, it can be decorated with flowers or fruit-bearing crops with bright green tops. Even carrots, a head of cabbage or lettuce can become a real decoration of a small garden. It is worth avoiding only those cultures that do not combine externally with each other or “survive” each other.

Another interesting solution, which will definitely appeal to those who like to spend time in nature, is as follows. Next to the barbecue and the area intended for relaxation, plant a small flower bed with herbs that are used as seasonings for meat. So you will not only decorate your site, but you will always have the necessary herbs at hand.

To have access to fresh fruits even in the cold season, as well as pamper yourself with seasonal vegetables, install greenhouses at home. Even the most simple greenhouse, made of polycarbonate and improvised means, will serve you for more than one year.


A plot outside the city will not do without trees. In order not to take up space with simple decorative plantings, look for fruit or berry trees that will delight you in the summer. delicious harvest. Most trees are planted along the edges of the site or even behind the fence so that they do not take up space and do not create shade where it is not needed.

Choosing seedlings for your site is not at all difficult. Decide what weather conditions you live in, check the soil and, based on this data, select those trees that will take root for you.

Neat flower beds with bright flowers or greenery will decorate the garden. Making flower beds is only at the entrance to the garden, because in the shade the flowers will still not grow and bloom. Shade is "liked" by ferns, moss and climbing plants, so they should be placed in a cold shaded garden.

Many people prefer to equip a recreation area in the garden. This place literally breathes beauty at any time of the year, so it’s nice to relax here with your loved one, with friends, and with your family. Under the shade of trees, you can put a table with chairs. They will be reliably protected from the scorching summer sun, and in the hot season they will serve as an ideal refuge where you can read, relax or even work.

Beautiful examples

Landscape designers have a great many sources for inspiration. Even if you have never been engaged in the design of gardens and summer cottages, then you have someone to learn from.

Dacha is not only work in the garden, but also rest in a picturesque garden. Any novice gardener can create a flower garden, but it is important that the flowers really decorated the site, and did not make it unnecessarily colorful and tasteless. Flowers need not only be planted - they will have to be taken care of throughout holiday season. We choose the most successful types of plants and learn how to create flower arrangements in the country.

We design a flower garden

Before planting plants, you need to decide on the features site landscape design, choose a place for flower beds, pick up the components of the flower garden in harmony with each other.

Lawn type flower garden. Create on site blooming carpet- sow a certain section of the lawn with wildflowers. On such a glade you can hold wonderful picnics, besides, such a flower garden does not even need to be watered. Of the flowers, chamomile, cornflowers, clover, poppies and others are suitable.

Flower garden rabatka. This is a narrow (0.2-1.5 m) strip of flowers that looks great if placed along garden path or around terraces. Several types of undersized annual flowers are planted in horizontal stripes, alternating colors. You can make a simple ornament or add medium-sized plants.


flowerbeds can be various shapes- traditional round, solid square, elegant diamond-shaped or even complex figured ones. In addition to standard low flower beds, you can make raised ones - by 10-15 cm, decorating them around the perimeter with a plastic border, wood, brick, stone.


An ordinary wooden arch or a modest gazebo can be decorated and enlivened with vines. Choose girlish grapes, clematis, tree-like kampsis, climbing rose or weaving annuals - decorative beans or peas.


This is a wide (up to 4 m) strip of flowers, where plants of different heights are used. For such a flower garden you need a background, it will look good mixborder near brick wall or wooden fence. Appearance such a flower garden changes during the season - at first some plants bloom, then they fade and are replaced by others. Such a flower garden may consist of perennial, annual plants or their combinations.

Perennial flowers for giving

Advice! Creating a balanced and thoughtful mixborder takes a lot of time, so the use of perennial flowers in this case is quite rational. Perennials can also be successfully chosen as filling flower beds or rabatok.

Tall. Pay attention to the stem-rose - this is a plant about 1.5 meters tall with inflorescences resembling peonies. Their color ranges from pale pink to deep burgundy. Tricyrtis Purpool Beauty looks like a lily or orchid, it blooms from early July to mid-autumn. Spotted briar is interesting because it changes the shade of its purple flowers during the season. Basil, willow sunflower, hybrid gelenium, and long-leaved veronica can become no less spectacular.

medium height. These are plants with a height of 30-80 cm, which are suitable for many types of flower beds. Easy to care for and incredibly gentle varieties of daylily, and yarrow will delight you lush bloom throughout the summer season. Rhodiola rosea is an original plant with succulent leaves that will become the highlight of your garden. Use late-flowering varieties of peony, panicled phlox, astilba, cornflower, double monard.

Undersized. Able to complement a mixborder or create an elegant flower bed pansies- unpretentious charming plant. Dwarf forms of phlox, gentian, soft cuff, large-flowered flax, panicled gypsophila, oak sage, geranium, Potentilla - bright and beautiful perennial flowers that can be safely planted in the country.

Caring for garden flowers

Growing garden flowers is not difficult, but it's worth reading a few basic tips.

  • Remove wilted plants and plant parts regularly. When watering or weeding a flower bed, pull out and cut off everything that has already faded. Withered flowers turn into buds or fruits that require strength to ripen, which slows down the appearance of other flowers on the plant. And outwardly, your flower garden will look more aesthetically pleasing without “dead” flowers.

Reading time ≈ 7 minutes

A beautiful garden is able to transform and decorate a summer cottage beyond recognition. Can create original design gardens with beds on the territory of a private house, having studied examples from photos of modern courtyards and landscaped landscapes. There are several ways to design, the main thing is to successfully plan the location of structures and decor.

Stylishly decorated summer cottage with green spaces

Competent planning

Everyone wants the yard to be comfortable and cozy, and the surrounding area attractively ennobled. It is worth starting the design with competent planning and creating a scheme.

What is important to consider:

Designers highlight some of the most popular landscape design options:

Landscape style

It is very important to choose uniform style, in which the landscape of the territory of the garden and vegetable garden adjacent to the cottage will be decorated. The green zone should not only be comfortable and homely, but also carry a certain idea with it.

Popular styles:

Techniques for decorating beds

When the territory of the dacha is decorated with a colorful hat of foliage, greenery and flowers, it is more pleasant and comfortable to be on it. A beautiful and neat framing of the beds looks attractive at any time of the year, so it should be given special attention.

Modern summer residents have taken the fashion to decorate the garden - these are tall structures that make it easier to care for the soil and plants. The advantages of such structures:

  1. They warm up well in the sun.
  2. They are easy to care for.
  3. Easier to endure wintering.
  4. They look neat and are not washed out by the rain.
  5. Match with any style.
  6. Better protected from rodents and weeds.

Smart beds with wooden fences square shape

Designer Tips:

If you seriously approach the design of a garden with beds of your own private house, having studied examples from photos of modern courtyards and stylish landscapes, you can create a real oasis in your country house. It is only necessary to correctly choose the landscaping option, style and harmoniously arrange all the elements.