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Lily Asian terry spring pink. Lily spring pink Advantages of buying bulbs in our store

Lily Spring Pink is a beautifully flowering hybrid created from Eastern Chinese and Japanese varieties. Stems are tall and erect. Inflorescences - brushes of 20-30 buds. Blooming, the plant is covered with elegant double flowers - white with purple, raspberry or pinkish tint. The splendor of the crowns is given by 12 petals arranged in the form of two rings - one above the other.

Breeding Methods for Spring Pink Lilies

Asian hybrids can be propagated by mature bulbs separated from the nest, children, bulbs, individual bulb scales and seeds.

The best way is bulbous, it is effective both in autumn and spring.

  1. Air bulbs - bulbs appear in the axils of the leaves after flowering. By the second season after planting, healthy bulbs are formed from them.
  2. Bulbous flakes close up in closed ground from spring to autumn. By the next growing season, ready-made seed bulbs will appear on them.
  3. Seeds are collected from ripe boxes and sown in March. This method is the most time-consuming: germination is limited to 70%, some of the new plants lose their original characteristics.

Advantages of buying bulbs in our store

  1. Healthy planting material - bulbs are certified.
  2. Excellent varietal characteristics - bulbs from elite plants.
  3. Detailed advice: we guarantee the complete success of your undertaking.
  4. Economical purchase: you will receive Spring Pink lilies at the best price.

Lily Spring Pink

Product description

Lilies are perennial herbaceous, bulbous plants. Bulbs ovoid or rounded, 2-20 cm in diameter, consisting of individual juicy, open scales, more or less tightly adjacent to each other. Stems erect, densely leafy, green, dark purple or with dark brown strokes, 30-250 cm high. In some species, on the stems, in the axils of the leaves, air bulbs develop - bulbs, which are used for reproduction. Leaves sessile or petiolate, from 2-3 to 20 cm long, arranged in regular order, rarely whorled. Flowers solitary or collected 2-4 in pyramidal or umbellate inflorescences. Coloring white, red, orange, pink, lilac or yellow, for the most part with speckles, stripes or specks on inside tepals.
Location: prefer sunny, warm, slightly shaded places.
Soil: any well-drained soil, rich in nutrients, loose, sandy-clay, calcareous.
Landing: in September, at a depth of 15-20cm.
Reproduction: corms and seeds.
Use: in group plantings, mixborders, flower beds, for cutting.

Asian hybrids is the largest section, uniting more than 2000 varieties that are promising for growing everywhere. They are quite unpretentious, frost-resistant, quickly and easily multiply. The flowers are varied in shape and color. Blooms in the second half of June-July. Suitable for forcing out of season.

Spring Pink - plant height 75cm, pale pink flower with a thin dark border around the edge.

Product categories

Select category Meilland (37) Bulbous spring (2189) Amaryllis "Garden Practitioner" (19) Begonia "Garden Practitioner" (16) Dahlia "Garden Practitioner" (87) Gladiolus "Garden Practitioner" (126) Gloxinia "Garden Practitioner" (7 ) Calla lilies "Practician of the garden" (8) lilies "Practician of the garden" (306) lilies Asian hybrids (44) Asian pot lilies (4) Asian terry lilies (19) Asiatic tango lilies (17) species lilies (6) oriental hybrid lilies ( 73) Oriental pot lilies (5) Oriental double lilies (9) LA hybrid lilies (43) LO hybrid lilies (4) longiflorum lilies (9) LOO hybrid lilies (4) OA lilies hybrids (5) OT lilies hybrids (46) lilies tubular hybrids (6) novelties (12) perennials "Praktik Sada" (1199) astilbes (42) other perennials (529) irises (148) daylilies (170) herbaceous peonies (75) phloxes (109) hostas ( 126) Russian gladioli (39) "Florex" series (382) begonias (20) large package (34) showcases (43) dahlias (114) gladioli (61) gloxinia (5) various bulbs (73) garden collection(21) economy package (11) strawberry seedlings (485) in a container (cassette, P9) (128) in a package (marque, 3 pcs.) (87) in a package (box, 5 pcs.) (132) Lux Series ( 48)

Art. No. 2484244

Graceful, graceful lilies are perennial bulbous plants that overwinter in open field. In culture, they are quite unpretentious and hardy. They grow well in full sun, but they also like partial shade. They take root well and grow on soils of any origin, where there is an abundance of nutrition, moisture and oxygen. Although lilies are moisture-loving, they should not be planted near ground water. Demanding lilies and the acidity of the soil. Eastern hybrids are suitable for slightly acidic peaty soils, tubular hybrids are slightly alkaline, other species and varieties prefer neutral soils. Lilies look great in group plantings, but they need a lot of air circulation, so don't plant them too close together. Care comes down to watering and a few top dressings. complex fertilizer: at planting, during the emergence of sprouts, during budding and after flowering. The lily blooms for a long time due to the fact that its buds bloom alternately. The earliest flowering time is in Asian hybrids: from early to mid-summer. All other groups except oriental hybrids, bloom in mid-summer. Eastern hybrids have the latest flowering, and often their flowers can be seen in the first weeks of autumn. Lilies are grown in one place without a transplant for 3-5 years. During this period of bulbs different ages and magnitudes are formed nests, and beautiful flowers enhance the beauty of your garden.

Lily Spring Pink (Spring Pink). The flowers are large, double, pale pink, sometimes almost white, with purple spots and a characteristic border at the base of the petals. Stable, unpretentious.

Lilies. Suitable for any flower decoration areas. Undersized varieties and species are used for planting on borders, tall lilies are used for background decoration and in solitary plantings. They are good in groups, planted in curtains on the lawn. They look beautiful against the background of trees and shrubs and in combination with many annuals and perennials. Some undersized lilies can be used to decorate rocky areas. Using lilies when decorating flower beds different term flowering, you can admire them from June to mid-September.

Asian hybrids. The most adapted to the conditions Middle lane Russian section of lilies. Varieties of this group have the greatest diversity in color, flower structure, height and timing of flowering. They, with the exception of single varieties, have no aroma. The range of this group is very extensive.

The breeding trend in this group is to create varieties with bright single, two or three color flower colors, there are the most beautiful varieties with double flowers.

Prefer neutral or slightly acidic and well fertilized soils. They do not grow well in calcareous soils. Requires a sunny location protected from strong winds. The landing site should not be flooded with melt or storm water. Very frost-resistant and unpretentious in culture.

Lily Spring Pink is a beautifully flowering hybrid created from Eastern Chinese and Japanese varieties. Stems are tall and erect. Inflorescences - brushes of 20-30 buds. Blooming, the plant is covered with elegant double flowers - white with purple, raspberry or pinkish tint. The splendor of the crowns is given by 12 petals arranged in the form of two rings - one above the other.


Asian hybrids can be propagated by mature bulbs separated from the nest, children, bulbs, individual bulb scales and seeds.

The best way is bulbous, it is effective both in autumn and spring.

  1. Air bulbs - bulbs appear in the axils of the leaves after flowering. By the second season after planting, healthy bulbs are formed from them.
  2. Bulbous scales close up in closed ground from spring to autumn. By the next growing season, ready-made seed bulbs will appear on them.
  3. Seeds are collected from ripe boxes and sown in March. This method is the most time-consuming: germination is limited to 70%, some of the new plants lose their original characteristics.