Well      04/22/2019

Roses fertilizer and top dressing. Complex fertilizers for roses - a guarantee of growth and flowering

Feeding roses. What to pay attention to?


The main thing in caring for roses is feeding roses. Feeding is necessary for normal development and abundant flowering roses. Then their buds will be large, and the bushes will be strong and healthy all season long. The greatest effect is given by the combined use of organic and mineral top dressing of roses.

Mineral fertilizers act faster, and organic slower. Organic is especially useful. When it is applied, the plant not only receives nutrition, organic matter improves the structure of the soil.

In the year of planting, root dressing is not needed for roses. Of course, this is provided that the pit was well filled during landing. But foliar top dressing on leaves will be very useful. In the fall, it is worth feeding the planted plants with potassium so that the shoots ripen and the roses prepare for the winter (potassium sulfate or potassium magnesia, 1 tablespoon per bucket of water).

The first dressing of roses.

The first time we feed roses after them spring pruning, at the beginning of growth. As a rule, depending on the weather, this is the end of April, the beginning of May. Feed options may vary. On sale there is also a large selection of special fertilizers for roses, different companies. It's not hard to choose.

We feed with nitrogen fertilizers, ammonium nitrate or urea (1 tablespoon per bucket of water).
We use old, inexpensive, proven fertilizers: azophoska, superphosphate, potassium nitrate or potassium magnesia.
It is most effective and convenient to use complex fertilizers. In the spring, for example, "Kemira" (spring) is suitable. We bring it or in liquid form 1 tbsp. spoon per 10 liters of water or dry.
You can use at this time a specialized mineral-organic fertilizer "Gloria for Roses".
Dry dressing of roses is possible only after abundant watering. Fertilizer cannot be poured into the center of the bush, it is necessary to retreat 10-15 cm. We scatter it in the same amount around the bush, close it up and water it again.
For top dressing, you can use Greenworld mineral fertilizer in granules or a special complete fertilizer for roses from Bayer. Her Toprose fertilizer contains nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. (It is enough for them to feed the roses twice a season. In the spring and after the first flowering, when the roses gain strength before the next one).
A week after fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, we introduce organic matter into the ground. You can do this in different ways.

We mulch the plant with rotted manure. Around the bush we bring half a bucket of rotted manure, loosen it and water it.
Cooking liquid fertilizer from fresh manure. We dilute 1 kg of manure in a bucket of water and insist for a couple of weeks. The resulting mixture is diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 5 and watered the plant.
As a top dressing, you can even use a banana peel, burying it in the ground near the bush.
The second dressing of roses during the budding period.

When the buds begin to tie on the roses (in early June), we fertilize the roses again.

Potassium nitrate. The color of the roses will become brighter, the buds will bloom more slowly and last longer.
A solution of 100 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfate per ten-liter bucket of water.
Immediately after that, we water the roses with fermented grass *, infusion of mullein or chicken droppings, that is, we introduce organic matter.

* Herbal infusion is best prepared from nettle, but you can use any other herb. With chopped green mass, tamping, we fill the bucket by two-thirds. Add 100 g of superphosphate or urea and 1 cup of ash. Fill with water and put in the sun for a week to speed up fermentation. Then, we dilute 1 liter of infusion in 10 liters of water and feed the plant.

A good effect is the mulching of the soil with rotted manure or compost with a layer of about 5 cm. Remember that the mulch should not touch the shoots. There should be free space around the bushes.

At this time, foliar feeding of roses with infusion of ash, mullein and trace elements gives a good effect, double superphosphate and potassium nitrate (more details below).

The third dressing of roses before flowering.

Before flowering (in mid-June), it is necessary to fertilize the roses with one of the following compositions.

Potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate or potassium magnesia (1 tbsp per 10 l bucket of water). Three
Potassium sulfate and fertilizer "Agricola Rosa" 1 tbsp. spoon, 2 tbsp. spoons of nitrophoska per 10 liters of water. Under the bush 3 liters of solution.
Sodium humate (0.5 teaspoon per 40 liters of water) a couple of liters under a bush.
Attention! During flowering, roses do not feed!

The fourth dressing of roses is the flowering field.

The next top dressing for roses is needed when they have faded and we cut off the faded heads. After the first wave of flowering, the plant needs fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus and potassium for further flowering, i.e. universal, mineral fertilizer. For example, "Universal Kemira" (1 tablespoon per bucket of water).

Let's not forget organic. Pour with a solution of mullein, chicken manure or herbal infusion. Foliar feeding of roses is also useful.

Fifth dressing of roses.

At the end of July, we fertilize the roses with organic matter for the last time (see above).

After a couple of weeks, potash-phosphorus fertilizers. So we feed the roses every 2-3 weeks until the end of August.

At the end of summer, we stop feeding the roses so as not to cause the appearance of new shoots. After all, they may not have time to ripen before winter and winter well and only weaken the rose.

The sixth last dressing of roses.

In early September, we feed the plants with mineral fertilizers for the last time.

We use potassium-magnesium for this.
Complete complex fertilizer. We dilute a couple of tablespoons in 10 liters of water, pour half a bucket under the bush.
A few tips.

During conditions that are unfavorable for the rose (cold snap, drought, pruning, transplanting), spraying with Epin (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water) will help the rose recover.

Fertilizer is applied only to moist soil. After top dressing, the soil should be watered again.

When feeding roses, one must observe a sense of proportion. Increased nitrogen content causes rapid growth of the plant. The rose begins to fatten, its flowering is delayed. If you overfeed the plant with potassium, the rose will bloom later, and the underdeveloped buds will rot. It is better to underfeed a rose than to overfeed.

Do not frequently change fertilizers.

Do not use potassium chloride to fertilize roses. The chlorine contained in it acts depressingly on the development of roses.

Never use pig manure.

If your roses are growing well and blooming profusely, the soil is rich in nutrients. This means that when growing roses, you can only get by with organic top dressing. The soil will not be saline, will not be destroyed earthworms and beneficial microorganisms. It is quite possible to get by with foliar top dressing.

Foliar top dressing of roses.

Very effective for roses - foliar feeding through the leaves. We do this by spraying rose bushes with specially prepared solutions. In this form, the microelements contained in them are absorbed by the plant most quickly.

In order not to burn the leaves, in hot weather we spray the plants in the morning or even better in the evening. In cloudy but dry weather, spray during the day. The leaves must be dry before processing, they must be moistened on both sides. The solution must be fresh.

Foliar top dressing can be done only when the leaves of the plant are healthy, not affected by disease or pests.

We dissolve nitrogen and potash fertilizers, mixing thoroughly in cold water before spraying. Superphosphate must be insisted during the day.

There are many ways to feed roses every 10 days in the spring before flowering and in the summer after. During the flowering of roses, we do not do foliar top dressing! Below are the feeding options.

Take care of your pets and enjoy the beauty and aroma of blooming roses!

In addition to organic fertilizers for roses, such as compost, humus, rotted foliage, plants also need mineral supplements. They include substances indispensable for planting, providing intensive growth, development of the root system and affecting general health bushes. Titles the best fertilizers for roses, as well as information on their application, you will find below.

Mineral fertilizers for roses: intensive growth and root development

Roses have a good "appetite". Mineral and organic fertilizers for roses are essential for their optimal growth and development.

Mineral fertilizers must contain: nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium and magnesium.

Nitrogen. Nitrogen stimulates the growth of new powerful shoots with beautiful dark green foliage, so it is applied at the beginning of the season. In autumn, roses are not fed with nitrogen, otherwise young tender shoots that have grown by winter will die at the first frost. It is best to apply nitrogen fertilizers immediately after pruning roses, that is, in April - May. If necessary, top dressing with nitrogen can be repeated after the end of the first wave of flowering.

Nitrogen is intensively consumed during the growth of shoots and leaves. Its deficiency causes yellowing, their grinding, and sometimes the appearance of brown spots. Poor flowering and premature leaf fall will complete the signs of nitrogen starvation. And with an excess of nitrogen, a violent growth of shoots with elongated internodes occurs.

Phosphorus. Plants need phosphorus for the development of new roots, the formation of buds, flowers. Considering that superphosphate acts slowly, for its maximum effect it is better to apply to the soil when planting roses.

Phosphorus is consumed throughout the growing season. Its deficiency delays flowering, and its excess ages the plants.

Potassium. Potassium plays a big role in the health of roses. Its deficiency reduces plant resistance. This element is applied under roses in the form of potassium sulfate in early July. From potash fertilizers for roses, choose fertilizers containing magnesium - another important element for roses (potassium magnesium or potassium magnesia). Yellow leaves with green veins - a sign of a lack of magnesium.

Fertilizing with mineral fertilizers for roses must be alternated with organic fertilizing.

Organic rose fertilizers do not contain mineral salts. They consist of rotted animal waste or plant origin. The action of such fertilizers is based not only on the supply of nutrients to plants, but also on the activation of biological processes in the soil and thereby enriching it with humus. Organic fertilizers must first interact with soil microorganisms and be brought into a form that can be better absorbed by plants. Therefore, unlike mineral fertilizers, which are usually absorbed very quickly, organic fertilizers take time to assimilate.

Organic Rose Fertilizers: A Source of Nutrients

Organic fertilizers are applied in larger quantities than mineral fertilizers (up to one bucket per bush). But this source of nutrients lasts longer.

A good organic fertilizer is not only humus, but also rotted and leafy soil from old forest belts, where they are removed for fertilizer. upper layer soil up to 10 - 15 cm thick. This layer is light and very nutritious, it consists of perennial leaf litter.

During the summer, roses need foliar top dressing with solutions of mineral fertilizers (Kemira Lux, Mortar, Aquarin, Potassium Humate and other water-soluble compounds in turn).

Such fertilizers contain nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium and trace elements: boron, copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc, etc. These substances give not only good growth and development of roses, but also increase their resistance to diseases and damage.

Foliar top dressing by spraying is carried out in the morning after the dew has dried or in the evening with a solution at a concentration of 1 g per 1 liter of water.

Special fertilizers for roses with names

How to feed roses to ensure their intensive growth?

"Fertile Lake"- liquid complex organomineral fertilizer for roses, containing nitrogen - 1.5%, phosphorus - 1.8%, potassium - 2.3%, humate - 0.15%, trace elements: magnesium, copper, sulfur, iron, boron, manganese , molybdenum.

This fertilizer is specially designed to feed everyone. A set of nutrients ensures full development, abundant flowering, high decorativeness of flowers, and the presence of humate contributes to the most complete absorption of nutrients by the plant.

For application, dilute 10 ml (2 teaspoons) of fertilizer in 1 liter of water or 100 ml in 10 liters of water. The consumption rates of the working solution are generally accepted and depend on the type and size of the vegetative mass of plants.

Garden flowers are fed with this special fertilizer for roses once every 2 weeks from early spring to the end of August. If the soil was fertilized in autumn, then in early spring feeding may not be carried out.

Indoor roses in the spring-summer period are fed 1 time in 10-15 days, during budding and flowering - 1 time in 7-10 days, during a period of relative rest - 1 time per month.

Proper foliar feeding of roses is carried out with the consumption rates of the working solution from 250 ml to 500 ml and depends on the size of the vegetative mass. A combination of both types of top dressing is effective. Plants should be watered the day before or after feeding. clean water.

Remember! Transplanted plants are fed no earlier than 2 weeks later.

What else to fertilize roses in the garden and on the windowsill?

"Agricola-Aqua"- concentrated liquid complex fertilizer, contains nitrogen - 4%, phosphorus - 5%, cadium - 6%, sodium humate - 0.8%, as well as trace elements: boron, copper, zinc, manganese, iron, molybdenum. All macro- and microelements, humic acids are in balanced amounts.

Fertilizer is intended for top dressing various kinds room and garden roses. Stimulates the active growth of plants, flowering, gives the flowers a bright color.

For root dressing, 5 ml of the drug is dissolved with stirring in 1 liter of water and the plants are watered with this solution. Top dressing is repeated after 7-10 days.

When foliar top dressing, 5 ml of the drug is dissolved in 2 liters of water and the plants are sprayed with this solution. This dressing is repeated after 10-14 days.

What fertilizers to feed roses: "Pocon" and "Gloria"

What kind of fertilizer to feed roses growing in open and closed ground?

"Pocon"- highly effective fertilizer for roses of all types: simple, bush and climbing, planted in pots, in open ground, as well as in vases or containers. Promotes fast and long (within 2 weeks) intake of nutrients.

Guaranteed Ingredients: nitrogen - 6% (2.6% in nitrate, 2.1% in ammonia form and 2.7% in the form of urea), phosphoric acid- 5%, potassium oxide - 5%, trace elements: boron - 0.02%, copper - 0.004%, iron - 0.04%, manganese - 0.02%, molybdenum - 0.002%, zinc - 0.004%; All nutrients are water soluble.

Before use, tilt the bottle upside down and return to its original position. Open the lid, tilt the vial again and dissolve the solution measured by the dispenser (about 10 ml) in 1/2 l a little warm water. Feed plants regularly: 2 times a month during growth and flowering. During dormancy, indoor roses should be watered with a fertilizer solution once a month.

"Gloria"- fertilizer for and, contains a balanced composition of nutrients and trace elements that are easily absorbed by plants. Regular use of fertilizers stimulates the growth of leaves and stems, an increase in the number and size of flowers, the development of the root system accelerates the onset of flowering and its duration. For the prevention of diseases of roses, foliar top dressing is most effective.

Before feeding under the root of the plant, it is necessary to pour clean water. Then dissolve 2 caps of fertilizer (13 ml) in 1 liter of warm water and water the plants in the usual way.

With the foliar method, top dressing should be done in the morning or evening hours, while avoiding direct sunlight on the leaves to avoid burns. Dilute 2 caps (13 ml) in 1 liter of warm water and evenly moisten the plant with the resulting solution using a sprayer.

Feed roses as the phases of growth and development change (plant growth, beginning of flowering, etc.).

Transplanted plants are fertilized no earlier than 2 weeks after transplantation.

The frequency of feeding plants in the room: in spring - 2 times a month, in winter - 1 time in 2 months, in summer - 4 times a month, in autumn - 1 time per month.

The better to feed roses: phosphorus fertilizer from the Wonder Garden series

What is the best way to feed roses for quick rooting of cuttings?

"Rose"- phosphorus fertilizer for roses based on "Biohumus" from the "Garden of Miracles" series. It has a complete set of essential nutrients, g/l, not less than: nitrogen - 5.0; phosphorus - 5.0; potassium - 5.0; humic substances - 1.0, as well as macronutrients.

When applying fertilizer for indoor plants(root dressing) 2 caps (8 - 10 ml) are taken per 1 liter of water and from March to September the plants are watered with a fertilizer solution 1 time in 10-15 days, from October to February - 1 time in 3-4 weeks. IN open field 10 liters of solution for 5 -7m2 plantings.

For foliar (by leaf) top dressing, soaking seeds, rooting cuttings, take 1 cap (4-5 ml) per liter of water. Seeds and cuttings are soaked for a day. The cuttings are installed vertically in the solution.

Alternate fertilizing with mineral fertilizers with organic. Good results gives watering roses in the garden and greenhouse infusion of mullein.

For 100 liters of water, take a bucket of fresh (no more than daily) mullein, stir and let the mixture brew and ferment for 5-10 days (the duration of the fermentation period depends on the ambient temperature). With the cessation of the appearance of bubbles, the fermented strong infusion is diluted with water at the rate of 1 liter of infusion per 10 liters of irrigation water.

Before applying liquid fertilizer, the soil is well watered with clean water - about 10 liters per 1 m2. After that, liquid fertilizer is evenly poured around the bush. When it is absorbed, the soil is loosened and mulched.

Proper feeding of roses with nitrogen-potassium fertilizer

"Ambulance for roses"- special soil and fertilizer for roses and other flower plants. It is made on the basis of natural components: peat, humus, natural structuring, deoxidizing and fertilizing materials.

This nitrogen-potassium fertilizer for roses contains a complete balanced set of nutrients, microelements and growth stimulants, as well as nitrogen - 150 mg, phosphorus - 150 mg and potassium - 500 mg per 1 liter of soil, pH slightly acidic - 5.5-6 ,5.

The soil is completely ready for cultivation, replanting and top dressing.


  • Creates favorable comfortable conditions plant growth, contributes to their survival after planting and transplanting.
  • Provides plant resistance to stress and diseases, increases their immunity, eliminates the negative effects of low-quality soil mixtures, fertilizers, protective equipment, etc. on plants.
  • When feeding roses with nitrogen-potassium fertilizers, the decorative properties plants, the roots are reliably protected from drying out and waterlogging.
  • Suppresses the development of harmful and promotes the vital activity of beneficial soil microflora.

Application rate as top dressing: 1-2 teaspoons per liter of plant container. It is distributed evenly over the soil surface and gently loosened, then watered. The frequency of top dressing is 1-2 times a month, depending on the condition of the plant.

One of the most important conditions for quick breeding of flowers - the high quality of the seedlings you have chosen for planting, because a healthy rose requires a lot less care . So pay attention to the shoots and root system, which should be clean and not damaged. Flower seedlings can be sold in various forms:

  • Plants with an earthy clod, which are packed in thick paper, while the plant, together with the paper, is immediately planted in the ground - the packaging will “melt” by itself;
  • Seedlings with “bare” roots are also good, which will allow you to immediately see their condition.
  • Flowers in a container are planted even in autumn, avoiding only landing in the winter cold.

After winter, it is very important to remove the shelter that we left in time in order to protect the flowers from frost. You can’t rush to fully open the bushes, but being late in this matter can lead to problems. So, opening roses too early, you can put them under a lot of stress, because the fragile ones will easily suffer from frost, and it is very difficult to restore them. And if you open them too late, the bark on the bushes will high temperature and dampness.

Therefore, professional gardeners recommend opening flowers when the average daily temperature exceeds +10 ° C. The stems do not need to be cut right away, it is better to wait a couple of weeks for the rose to sprout from the buds. Thanks to this, you will be able to see which of the kidneys died without enduring the winter, and which remained healthy. After pruning, we loosen the soil with a chopper so that air enters the root system, but it is not necessary to water the plant yet - after winter there is enough moisture.

The best way to fight is to use drugs Prestige or Medvetoks, which are dug into the soil to a depth of 5 cm around the flowers. Rose aphids are also dangerous, eating the tips of new shoots, which leads to a general weakening of the plant. The best way to deal with it is to use soap solution if the damage from aphids is insignificant, an insecticide also helps Actellik(20 drops of the mixture are diluted in a liter of water).

Great help (as preventive measure) and a hot shower with which we will water the rose bushes, the main thing is that the water temperature does not exceed +65 ° C, otherwise we will simply burn the plants.

In order for roses to be beautiful and healthy, they need various nutrients. At the same time, you must make them in a balanced and in right time- that's the only way to get it desired effect. Most often, organic matter is used for this, including manure and compost. Fertilizers in spring and summer also include the use of mineral fertilizers that affect their rapid growth.

Usually fertilizers for roses are laid in the spring in a pit or trench for planting. But over time, the soil is depleted, trace elements are washed out with watering, so plants require periodic top dressing. The most effective is the simultaneous feeding of several types of fertilizers, the quantitative composition of which is selected based on the structure of the soil, climatic conditions and the condition of the plants.

Gardeners divide all fertilizers into the following types:

  • organic;
  • mineral;
  • foliar.

To provide good conditions for the development of rose bushes not only in spring and autumn, it is recommended to apply organic and mineral fertilizers together. Organic matter decomposes slowly, but improves soil structure. Minerals serve as fast food for plants and organic microorganisms, but an excess of mineral fertilizers contributes to the petrification of the soil and the formation of salts, which inhibits the development of the root system.

Organic fertilizer for roses

To feed roses, you can use everything except fresh manure. Fresh manure can burn the roots of plants, so it is advisable to use it at the stage of complete decay or half-life. Peat or vegetable compost is used for sprinkling under a bush; infusions are used to add nutrients with water:

  • chicken infusion - obtained by diluting chicken manure with water in a ratio of 1:20 if the manure is fresh and 1:10 if the manure is old. Insist in the shade for 5 days, diluted for irrigation with water 1: 3;
  • cow infusion - prepared similarly in a ratio of 1:10 from cow manure, infused for 5-7 days, diluted for irrigation 1:2;
  • green fertilizer is used if there is no manure or litter, it is obtained from a mixture of weeds until insemination, the leaves and stems of which are finely chopped into pieces, tamped in a plastic container and filled with water. After 10 days of fermentation, the finished infusion is diluted with water 1:10 for irrigation.

To increase the nutritional value of organic solutions, wood ash and superphosphate are added, based on the conditions of use, 1000g or 500g, respectively, per 50 liters of water.

Mineral fertilizers for roses

Mineral fertilizers include chemicals that have a beneficial effect on the growth and development of all plant systems:

  • nitrogenous - ammonium nitrate - are necessary for the active growth of shoots, deciduous mass. An excess of nitrogen leads to a delay in flowering and a decrease in the number of inflorescences;
  • phosphoric -, double superphosphate, ammophos - provide violent flowering and ripening of young shoots in the fall before the onset of persistent frosts;
  • potash - potassium chloride, potassium sulfate, potassium magnesia, potassium sulfate - increase the frost resistance of bushes, improve the color of flowers, stimulate the movement of juices from one plant system to another, help roses retain moisture in stems and leaves.

It is considered the most versatile, which combines the properties of phosphate and potash fertilizers.

Foliar top dressing of roses

Foliar top dressing or top dressing on leaves can be carried out in autumn, summer and spring using both organic and mineral fertilizers. But with foliar top dressing, solutions and infusions should be diluted with water twice as much as when watering under the root. Organic infusions (chicken, cow and herbal) must be filtered to prevent small particles from getting on the leaves and clogging the sprayer.

  • urea 30g per 10l of water;
  • sodium humate - dissolve 10g in 3l of water and then dilute 20 times;
  • superphosphate - 50g per 1 liter hot water, after complete dissolution, it is diluted in 10 liters of water;
  • - 500 ml is poured with a liter of water, after insisting, diluted in 10 liters of water and filtered.

Foliar top dressing is carried out in warm, dry weather with freshly prepared solutions. In the evening, drops of nutrient solution remain on the leaves for a long time, but heavy dew can interfere with the whole process. Foliar top dressings do not affect the structure of the soil and are quickly absorbed by plants.

Completely soluble plant fertilizers for roses have appeared on sale, which contain a complete set of trace elements.

Rose fertilizer in spring

In spring, roses are processed as early as possible, before the active growth of buds and shoots begins, when the ambient temperature is positive. Fertilization in the spring is carried out in several ways:

  • dropping organic fertilizers around the rose bush - 0.5 buckets of rotted manure;
  • application of mineral fertilizers in a dry way (applied only to moist soil, followed by watering) 1 tablespoon of ammonium nitrate or urea is scattered under a bush;
  • mulching with organic matter (rotted manure or garden compost) - performs top dressing of plants and protection of the soil from drying out.

City flower growers can use ready-made complex fertilizers for roses, which are offered in sufficient quantities by the distribution network. Before flowering, the amount decreases and the dose of potash and phosphorus increases, which are applied with aqueous solutions with irrigation or along the leaf.

Young rose bushes planted last spring do not make sense to fertilize with organic matter, since a sufficient amount of it has been introduced into the planting pits.

How to fertilize roses in autumn?

Abundant flowering inevitably leads to a weakening of the bush, so in the fall it is necessary before frost and sub-zero temperatures make up for the loss of nutrients with competent top dressing so that the plant remains strong for the winter with good immunity:

  • watering accelerates the ripening of shoots in the fall and stops their growth - 25 g of superphosphate and 10 g of potassium sulfate are taken per 10 liters of water;
  • from September, exclude nitrogen fertilizing, which contribute to an increase in leaf mass and the growth of young shoots;
  • in autumn, with the onset of frost, you can sprinkle the ground under the rose bushes with rotted manure, mulch or ripened compost, then in the spring the first top dressing can be carried out later.

Mineral fertilizers for roses in the fall are applied under a bush in the form of a solution or on a leaf. If the autumn is rainy, watering should be stopped, and granulated should be scattered under the bushes. Excess water pushes the plant to actively build up shoots, which is completely undesirable for the winter.

Room rose fertilizer

All roses are fertilized in the same way, but room roses require enhanced nutrition, since the volume of nutrient soil is limited in size. flower pot. It is recommended to start fertilizing the plant one month after transplanting into new ground and carry out top dressing every two weeks, using a complex mineral fertilizer. Many in the spring take out indoor roses to the balcony or garden, then they need care. You have to water often, as the soil in pots dries out faster. In the autumn, having introduced for the winter, it is necessary to provide the plant for the entire period optimal temperature air 12-15 o C. Stop feeding and reduce watering to once every two weeks. Then with the advent of spring, the rose will delight active growth and profuse flowering.

How to fertilize the Chinese rose?

The Chinese rose (hibiscus) is very popular among lovers of indoor floriculture, as caring for it is simple and easy as for any room rose. To get a luxurious crown and bright flowers, you need to provide proper care and effective nutrition plant. Chinese rose need to be fed, alternating organic fertilizers with mineral, once a week during the entire period of active vegetation and flowering. The best option is the use of ready-made complex water-soluble formulations for flowering ornamental plants. When fertilizing Chinese, it is necessary to give preference to mixtures that include iron and copper chelate, which are necessary for full development and abundant flowering.

Rose Nutrition Deficiency Signs

An experienced florist can always determine by appearance roses, what trace elements or chemical substances not enough for her normal growth and choose the right ones. There are several external signs:

  • if the leaves turn yellow, the shoots turn pale and the plant loses leaf mass - this is a sign of nitrogen starvation. You can use a solution of urea with watering under a bush or on a leaf, the result will be noticeable in two days;
  • if the leaves turn brown along the edge of the plate and dry out - this indicates a lack of potassium, you can use a potassium magnesia solution or infusion wood ash for watering;
  • if the leaf plate turns yellow between the veins that remain green - this is a lack of iron or manganese, foliar top dressing should be carried out by spraying with a solution containing manganese or iron chelate.

Excess nutrients and excessive fertilization leads to the appearance of white spots on the leaves and inhibition of the growth of the bush.

So don't get too carried away chemical solutions. In order for roses to grow strong and delight with abundant flowering, you need to choose resistant varieties, correctly determine the place of cultivation, adhere to the rules of planting, watering and feeding.

The main thing in caring for roses is feeding roses. Top dressing is necessary for the normal development and abundant flowering of roses. Then their buds will be large, and the bushes will be strong and healthy all season long. The greatest effect is given by the combined use of organic and mineral top dressing of roses.

Mineral fertilizers act faster, and organic slower. Organic is especially useful. When it is applied, the plant not only receives nutrition, organic matter improves the structure of the soil.

In the year of planting, root dressing is not needed for roses. Of course, this is provided that the pit was well filled during landing. But foliar top dressing on leaves will be very useful. In the fall, it is worth feeding the planted plants with potassium so that the shoots ripen and the roses prepare for the winter (potassium sulfate or potassium magnesia, 1 tablespoon per bucket of water).

Complex fertilizers for feeding roses

The first dressing of roses.

The first time we feed roses after their spring pruning, at the beginning of growth. As a rule, depending on the weather, this is the end of April, the beginning of May. Feed options may vary. On sale there is also a large selection of special fertilizers for roses, different companies. It's not hard to choose.

  • Dry dressing of roses is possible only after abundant watering. Fertilizer cannot be poured into the center of the bush, it is necessary to retreat 10-15 cm. We scatter it in the same amount around the bush, close it up and water it again.
  • For top dressing, you can use Greenworld mineral fertilizer in granules or a special complete fertilizer for roses from Bayer. Her Toprose fertilizer contains nitrogen, potassium, magnesium and phosphorus. (It is enough for them to feed the roses twice a season. In the spring and after the first flowering, when the roses gain strength before the next one).

A week after fertilizing with mineral fertilizers, we introduce organic matter into the ground. You can do this in different ways.

  • We mulch the plant with rotted manure. Around the bush we bring half a bucket of rotted manure, loosen it and water it.
  • We prepare liquid fertilizer from fresh manure. We dilute 1 kg of manure in a bucket of water and insist for a couple of weeks. The resulting mixture is diluted in water in a ratio of 1: 5 and watered the plant.
  • As a top dressing, you can even use a banana peel, burying it in the ground near the bush.

The second dressing of roses during the budding period.

When the buds begin to tie on the roses (in early June), we fertilize the roses again.

  • Potassium nitrate. The color of the roses will become brighter, the buds will bloom more slowly and last longer.
  • Solution from 100 g of superphosphate and 30 g of potassium sulfate per ten-liter bucket of water.

Immediately after that, we water the roses with fermented grass *, infusion of mullein or chicken droppings, that is, we introduce organic matter.

* Herbal infusion is best prepared from nettle, but you can use any other herb. With chopped green mass, tamping, we fill the bucket by two-thirds. Add 100 g of superphosphate or urea and 1 cup of ash. Fill with water and put in the sun for a week to speed up fermentation. Then, we dilute 1 liter of infusion in 10 liters of water and feed the plant.

A good effect is the mulching of the soil with rotted manure or compost with a layer of about 5 cm. Remember that the mulch should not touch the shoots. There should be free space around the bushes.

At this time, foliar feeding of roses with infusion of ash, mullein and trace elements, double superphosphate and potassium nitrate give a good effect (more details below).

The third dressing of roses before flowering.

Before flowering (in mid-June), it is necessary to fertilize the roses with one of the following compositions.

Attention! During flowering, roses do not feed!

The fourth dressing of roses is the flowering field.

The next top dressing for roses is needed when they have faded and we cut off the faded heads. After the first wave of flowering, the plant needs fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus and potassium for further flowering, i.e. universal, mineral fertilizer. For example, "Universal Kemira" (1 tablespoon per bucket of water).

Let's not forget organic. Pour with a solution of mullein, chicken manure or herbal infusion. Foliar feeding of roses is also useful.

Fifth dressing of roses.

At the end of July, we fertilize the roses for the last time organic matter (see above).

After a couple of weeks, potash-phosphorus fertilizers. So we feed the roses every 2-3 weeks until the end of August.

At the end of summer, we stop feeding the roses so as not to cause the appearance of new shoots. After all, they may not have time to ripen before winter and winter well and only weaken the rose.

The sixth last dressing of roses.

In early September, we feed the plants with mineral fertilizers for the last time.

  • We use potassium-magnesium for this.
  • Complete complex fertilizer. We dilute a couple of tablespoons in 10 liters of water, pour half a bucket under the bush.

During conditions that are unfavorable for the rose (cold snap, drought, pruning, transplanting), spraying with Epin (1 ampoule per 5 liters of water) will help the rose recover.

Fertilizer is applied only to moist soil. After top dressing, the soil should be watered again.

When feeding roses, one must observe a sense of proportion. Increased nitrogen content causes rapid growth of the plant. The rose begins to fatten, its flowering is delayed. If you overfeed the plant with potassium, the rose will bloom later, and the underdeveloped buds will rot. It is better to underfeed a rose than to overfeed.

Do not frequently change fertilizers.

Do not use potassium chloride to fertilize roses. The chlorine contained in it acts depressingly on the development of roses.

Never use pig manure.

If your roses are growing well and blooming profusely, the soil is rich in nutrients. This means that when growing roses, you can only get by with organic top dressing. The soil will not be saline, earthworms and useful microorganisms will not be destroyed. It is quite possible to get by with foliar top dressing.

Foliar top dressing of roses.

Very effective for roses - foliar feeding through the leaves. We do this by spraying rose bushes with specially prepared solutions. In this form, the microelements contained in them are absorbed by the plant most quickly.

In order not to burn the leaves, in hot weather we spray the plants in the morning or even better in the evening. In cloudy but dry weather, spray during the day. The leaves must be dry before processing, they must be moistened on both sides. The solution must be fresh.

Foliar top dressing can be done only when the leaves of the plant are healthy, not affected by disease or pests.

We dissolve nitrogen and potash fertilizers by mixing thoroughly in cold water before spraying. Superphosphate must be insisted during the day.

There are many ways to feed roses every 10 days in the spring before flowering and in the summer after. During the flowering of roses, we do not do foliar top dressing! Below are the feeding options.

But as they say, it's better to see once...

Take care of your pets and enjoy the beauty and aroma of blooming roses!

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