Shower      04/11/2019

Planting crocuses of different flowering periods in open ground. Crocus flowers planting and care in the open field distillation at home photos of species and varieties

Crocuses, one of the first spring flowers are starting to color the world bright colors, after the dreary gray-white tones of winter. When and how to plant crocuses you will receive a million tips, verbally and in print. Believe me, they will be right, because everyone plants them in their own way.

Crocus when to plant bulbs

Crocuses like to soak up the sun, so choose a well-lit area for planting. It is not forbidden to plant under trees with a thin crown, until the foliage blossoms, the crocuses will have time to bloom. In shady places, he lacks strength and light, you will not wait for the opening of these delicate buds.

In the area where you will plant the bulbs, add nutritious soil to the grooves made for planting flowers, mix. Believe that crocuses will gratefully respond to care. The soil should be nutritious, loose and moderately moist, these are ideal conditions for saffron.

We plant varieties of spring flowering in the fall

Varieties of flowers blooming in spring are planted from August, preferably at the end, until mid-October, the most fertile time for rooting. And varieties autumn term flowering, it is better to plant in the ground at the end of summer.

Please note! Crocuses can not stand the introduction of fresh manure into the soil. This is a direct road for the destruction of landings.

Spring beauties love moist soil, but stagnant water is contraindicated, it leads to rotting of the plant roots. In this case, drainage of the area where they grow should be arranged. Adding sand, expanded clay, ash, compost to the soil will completely fix this problem, by the way, it will greatly facilitate it.

Crocuses in one area can grow 3-5 years. Try to plant planting material less often, do not be afraid that the landing site will look bare. In a year, everything will change, the bulbs will form the children and young seedlings will grow in the free space.

Crocuses reproduce well in natural conditions. And getting a beautiful clearing of spring first-born, you will additionally get young healthy bulbs.

How to plant crocuses in autumn

Varieties of spring-blooming crocuses are planted in the ground in autumn. When purchasing bulbs of a new variety, pay attention to appearance. Rotten, dried up, soft, deformed specimens should not be taken, this is already garbage and do not waste your money. It is better to buy expensively 1 full-fledged onion than to buy 5 pieces of who knows what. You can also bring infection to the site.

Before planting in a flower bed, be sure to disinfect them in a disinfectant solution:

  1. Fundazol.
  2. Maxim.
  3. Vitaros.
  4. Potassium permanganate.
  5. Soon.

Warn! You know perfectly well that it is better to prevent a disease than to try long and hard to cure plants. Almost all etching solutions are prepared in the same way, 2 ml is taken per liter of water. drug, this is the advice of the practitioner. No one has canceled the instructions for use yet. Just in case, take a look at it.

If you do not have a special solution in the country, then potassium permanganate will help out, make a pale pink solution, hold the rhizomes for 30 minutes and plant.

In the volume of the resulting solution, 1 kg can be processed. onions prepared for this. 30 minutes optimal time for disinfection of planting material. After processing, it is not necessary to rinse it, you can immediately start planting.

Pre-balance the composition of the soil, it is not necessary to carry out analyzes on the composition of the soil, just estimate by eye what we lack.

Perhaps the site has sandy soil and lacks nutrients. During digging, add leaf humus, rotted manure, peat, all in a 7-liter bucket per 1 sq. m.

Correct! Make heavy clay soil light and fluffy in your power, though you have to work hard, it's worth it, then you'll see for yourself. When digging, add to it coarse sand, lime, rotted manure, a little superphosphate, peat. Now check out the layout for 1 square. m.:

  • 1-2 buckets of sand;
  • 1 bucket of manure;
  • 0.5 buckets of peat;
  • 0.5 kg. lime;
  • 40 gr. superphosphate.

Please note that superphosphate should not be applied to the soil until 30 days after the application of lime; it is contraindicated to apply these 2 ingredients together.

If you have sandy or loamy soil on your site, then crocuses will grow like paradise, this is their favorite soil, do not add any fertilizer to it, all you need is a thorough digging of the earth by 20-25 cm and its moisture.

How deep to plant crocus bulbs

When creating a voluminous flower bed, plant crocuses at a distance of 5 cm from each other. Actually experienced growers bulbs are planted in containers in a flower bed, so they do not “scatter” throughout the site and the view of the clearing with flowers is well-groomed.

The required planting depth is 3 times the height of the bulb, which is 10-11 cm. It is possible to violate the planting rule for small bulbs, it is better to plant at a depth of 6 cm.

If you live in Siberia or the Urals, then planting crocuses, when a constant temperature of -10ºС is set in the region; it is worth covering with spruce branches or fallen leaves. Frosts there are crackling.

Think! Autumn planting of flowers ends in October. Later, planting bulbs in the ground does not make sense. Is it worth buying and then destroying with 100% certainty planting material.

Plant crocuses before winter

In general, flower growers with experience do not advise planting bulbs later than mid-October. You can, of course, take the risk of planting crocuses before winter, but, according to experienced gardeners, it is better to take care of acquiring the varieties you need early than to risk hard-to-find specimens later.

No one argues that saffron unpretentious plants. It also happened that the planted bulbs in early November bloomed in early spring. So the winter then turned out to be warm without bitter frosts. As the old people rightly say, once at a time it doesn’t happen. Planting crocuses in the last month of autumn is still risky.

Planting crocuses in spring

In the spring, varieties of the autumn flowering period are planted, or those that you could not plant in the fall, so you have to do it in the spring. Just spring varieties this year they will not be able to please with delicate flowers.

For spring planting, choose a fine day in April and plant flower bulbs in a sunny meadow on a garden bed prepared in advance in autumn. Varieties of autumn flowering in autumn will give you fragrant and bright flowers, and will cheer you up, at this time almost all the flowers have faded.

Ask! At this time, the garden becomes sad, and a bright fragrant flower bed will bloom a dull autumn landscape. So plant flowers in the spring, as soon as the first thaws appear on the site and the ground thaws a little.

Agricultural technicians advise planting saffron in early April, but you should be guided by the weather conditions in your region. When to plant autumn varieties saffron, ask local gardeners for advice. They will tell you when to do it.

Varieties of autumn flowering crocuses

Currently, more than 300 species of crocuses have been registered. In nature, there are only 2 colors of flower petals, it is yellow and Blue colour. There is a golden one, but scientists are inclined to believe that this is a hybrid. Consider some popular varieties, they are most common in Russia:

  1. Crocus lovely - has the most large flower, dark purple in color with purple veins, has a pleasant aroma, the leaves are narrow, their length is 20-30 cm. They grow from the ground and die off in July. The most popular variety, blooms in autumn. Based on it, several hybrids have been created.
  2. Crocus Zonatus - dense flowers Pink colour, yellow core, blooms in mid-autumn, has a sweetish aroma.
  3. Crocus longiflora - Blooms in the last month of autumn.

Planting crocuses at home in a pot

For the soul! Now you can buy fresh flowers all year round, at any time of the day and the assortment is stunning. Looking into a flower shop, you are lost to society for two hours. Well, this is of course about women, although men are also fond of flowers.

There are many flowers, the choice is huge, but I want to give flowers grown for my soulmate or for a loved one. with my own hands. Let it be banal, but agree very touching.

Planting crocuses for distillation usually begins in winter. Timing the result of your work by March 8, for the anniversary. Or by the day of the first meeting with your beloved, you remember him all your life. You should immediately warn that this is not such a simple matter.

First you need to stock up onions. It is better to purchase varieties specially bred for distillation. After flowering and withering of the ground part, they are dug up and stored all summer at a temperature of + 20ºС. In a closet where there are no drafts, the air is clean and dry. In September, the storage temperature is lowered to + 15ºС.

Planting in pots is advised to start in October, or when it is more convenient for you. Before planting, stock up on a mixture of earth for forcing flowers. It consists of 2 parts of leaf, 2 parts of soddy land and 1 part of coarse sand, add a little bit of bone meal. Very crocuses love nutritious soil.

Compact the soil poured into the pot a little, pour complex fertilizer for bulbous. Place the bulbs 2.5 cm apart. Still, it is better to plant in a rectangular container, it will be much more compact. Sprinkle with earth on top, 2.5 cm of a layer of soil is enough. Do not water, wait until sprouts appear. This moment is also preceded by some tricks.

Wait for a miracle! When planting saffron in containers, do not cover seedlings with foil. Now put the containers in the refrigerator for 2 months, wait, the first sprouts will appear there. As they germinate, take out the containers, arrange them on the windowsill, the growth temperature is + 12ºС, do not forget to water, saffrons love moist soil.

Strictly observe temperature regime, at +21ºС, saffron will fade very quickly. Create a shadow for the sprouts by making paper caps, this is necessary to stretch the peduncles, so the flowers will look more elegant.

After you remove the caps, the flowers need to be provided with good lighting, you know that crocuses love the sun. Illumination by a fluorescent lamp will not be superfluous.

Place the flowers in the refrigerator for a couple of days before flowering, this will improve the brightness of the color of the flowers. Except good lighting, you also need good nutrition so that the flowers are strong and the flower stalks do not bend, allowing you to admire your article. Recommended forcing varieties:

  1. K. golden-colored.
  2. K. spring.
  3. K. is wonderful.

And these are varieties of multi-colored hybrids:

  • white flowers - Jeanne d Arc;
  • silver lilac - Vanguard;
  • white-purple - Lady-killer;
  • pink - Toscana.

Lovely flowers with a delicate aroma, original colors, this is a chic gift for your girlfriend or mom.

Planting crocuses and hyacinths

Hyacinths are considered difficult to grow. A very erroneous opinion. It is difficult to grow planting material for flowers, and amateurs should not even undertake it. Let specialists do the breeding, it's their job.

Create beauty! In mid-September, bulbs of hyacinths and crocuses begin to be planted in middle lane Russia, at the beginning of the month in the northern regions of the country. In the South, they are planted in late October, early November.

For all bulbs, including hyacinths, the rule must be strictly observed, the planting material must have time to take root. Otherwise, the landings will freeze.

Crocuses, when planting bulbs in the fall, calculate for yourself, keep in mind that the bulbs take root for two weeks. So adjust the landing dates with forecasts of weather forecasters.

When planning a beautifully flowering flower bed of several types of bulbous, knowledgeable flower growers are advised to remove all the soil from it to the depth of planting. Then the species of all plants are placed along the bottom of the hole in the order convenient for you or in the form of some kind of pattern. Plants should be placed more densely. Then you will get just a gorgeous flower bed.

Crocuses love nutritious and loose soil, but hyacinths do not care, they take food from the bulb. After flowering, they are simply dug up and thrown away. For planting hyacinths for the next year, new bulbs are purchased. The only thing these flowers do not tolerate is the proximity to the roots of groundwater.

Planting depth of hyacinths, 3 bulb heights, the larger the bulb, the deeper the planting. On light soils, you can deepen the planting by 3 centimeters, and on heavy soils it is better to raise it by 3 cm.

Stock up! In the spring, it is often difficult to find the planting material of the variety you need, as always in the spring everything is bought up in an instant. You have to stock up in advance, in the fall the assortment is much richer. Now the main task save it until landing.

We bought the varieties of hyacinths you need, now you need to create the appropriate conditions for them:

  1. Requires a cool and well ventilated area.
  2. Remove hyacinths from plastic bags and transfer to wooden boxes in one row.

The fact is that bulbs emit gas during storage, and no matter what the root of the bulb suffocates, you need to ventilate them well. Hyacinth bulbs do not like moist air and quickly rot if stored in a humid environment. Ventilation is vital.

When to plant crocuses in the suburbs

In the Moscow region, crocuses are planted in the ground in October, the air temperature should not be higher than + 5ºС. With more high temperature bulb heads planted in the soil may start to grow. The released arrow will die when the temperature drops below zero. The bulb that has not yet taken root, weakened by the premature growth of the peduncle, will freeze.

In the Moscow region, saffron do not need shelter for the winter. But if weather forecasters promise a cold winter with severe frosts, then when you install a constant sub-zero temperature mulch plantings with peat.

Reproduction of crocuses

Need a lot! There are two ways of reproduction in saffron, it can be propagated by seeds and bulbs.

bulb crocuses

One bulb forms 5 basal babies, that is, it forms small bulbs on the roots. Therefore, plantings grow rapidly, and they have to be planted every 3-4 years. Otherwise, due to crowding, they begin to shrink, strongly thickened plantings may begin to degenerate.

It is necessary to dig up corms in June-July. After that, they are sorted by size, placed in wooden or cardboard boxes and stored in a well-ventilated utility block or warehouse with a temperature of + 17- + 20ºС.

For rapid reproduction and obtaining large bulbs with good market data, an annual transplant of crocus nests is necessary.

Crocuses from seeds

Seed propagation of saffron is also possible, but you have to wait a long time for flowering, crocuses grown from seeds will bloom only for 3-4 years. Usually breeders use this method of reproduction to create new varieties.

When and how to plant iris crocuses, you will find a lot of useful literature on simple agricultural technology this plant. Saffrons are so beautiful when, on a clearing thawed after winter, surrounded by snow islands, it blooms its delicate flowers and you freeze at the sight of such beauty ...

Crocuses are perennial nodule plants. They are also called saffron. They are distinguished by very delicate and sophisticated flowering. This is a small flower, the height of which reaches 10 cm. Crocuses come in various shades - white, lilac, yellow, pink. There are also variegated varieties, for example, lilac with white patches. The inflorescence itself has a bell-shaped funnel shape. From one tuber grows from one to three flowers.

Crocuses are considered early flowers, but there are varieties that begin to bloom in autumn. Varieties that are autumn-flowering need special care. Many flower growers are interested in the question of how to plant crocuses in the fall? When are crocuses planted?

What varieties are suitable for autumn planting?

In addition to the question of when to plant crocuses, another important issue is the choice of variety. Not every species is suitable for autumn planting. It is best to buy bulbs from trusted flower growers and in flower shops than on the market.

  • Spring. Inflorescence lilac, sometimes reverse side petals have purple veins;
  • Two-flowered. The shade of the inflorescences is from white to bluish with a purple tint, sometimes there are purple streaks on the petals;
  • Crimean. The inflorescence is white with a lilac tint, the "throat" is bright yellow;
  • Crocus Adama. The shade of the petals can be from light lavender to intense purple;
  • Golden. The shade of the petals is golden yellow, most often found on the rocky slopes of Asia Minor and the Balkans;
  • Yellow. The flowers are bright orange, the leaves are very thin, dark green. This variety has one distinctive feature from other species - the corm is wrapped in a membranous sheath that protrudes from the ground, giving the flower the appearance of a small bouquet.

Landing in open ground

Planting crocuses in the fall begins with the choice of location and soil. Before planting a plant, the ground must be prepared. To begin with, it is fertilized with compost and manure, and then carefully loosened.

Crocuses do not tolerate excess moisture and stagnant water, therefore, if they are planted on loamy soil in the fall, then you need to add sand in it.

most suitable soil for planting crocuses in the fall in the ground is sandy loose soil. In addition, the soil must be well-drained, because stagnant water can lead to rotting of the rhizome. 10-15 days before planting crocuses, it is recommended to dig up the ground. Application of mineral and organic fertilizers autumn planting not required.

If you plant flowers on a site in partial shade, then the inflorescences will be very small, so it is better to choose well-lit areas.

Planting crocuses in the fall should be carried out without flowers. If flowering specimens were planted, then they will be able to gain strength only a year after planting.

Another important issue to study is when to plant crocuses. So that they bloom in spring, they need to be planted in October-November.

How to plant crocuses:

  • First you need to prepare the soil.
  • Then the bulb is lowered to a depth of 10 cm into the soil.
  • The distance between each bulb should be at least 4 cm.
  • After that, they need to be sprinkled with earth.
  • If the selected variety is not resistant to frost, then the soil must be mulched.
  • If you plant the bulbs at different depths, then, in this way, you can extend the flowering period.
  • After the bulbs have been planted, they must be watered and covered with spruce or pine litter.

There is another way to grow crocus - this is planting seeds. Seeds in this case are called daughter corms. They are formed from the buds of the mother plant, which sit in the sinus of the scales. After mother plant dies, the daughters form a "nest" and begin to grow independently.

You can plant saffron in this way once every three years to separate the young bulbs from the rotten mother bulb. If there are more than ten of them, then they begin to interfere with each other's growth, and the flowers become smaller. In this case, landing is carried out extremely carefully. It is important not to damage the tender bulbs.

Crocus transplants can be done once every five years, but it's best to repot them every year after flowering to get rid of diseased and rotten bulbs.

forcing crocuses

Thanks to distillation, it is possible to ensure that saffron begins to bloom very early. To do this, you need to choose only the healthiest bulbs. Around mid-September, they are planted in containers. The soil where they will be planted should be slightly moist. Then the containers must be covered with a film, making several holes in it for air to enter.

Containers with saffron should be placed in a cool and dark room. In January, the first shoots begin to appear. After they have appeared, the container must be placed in a room where the air temperature will be about +15 degrees. The container must be covered with newspapers or a paper bag and do not forget to water the sprouts. IN warm room the container is brought in only after the first buds appear. In spring, such crocuses can be planted in open ground.

Saffron in the country does not need careful care. It includes:

  • Watering;
  • Application of fertilizers;
  • Protection from pests and diseases;
  • Soil loosening.
  1. 1. Watering.

Crocuses in the country do not need regular watering, and do not tolerate when moisture stagnates in the soil. If an excess of moisture appears in autumn or spring, then it needs to be loosened. Abundant watering is necessary only during the flowering period - in spring and autumn. In the event that little snow fell in winter, and there was little rain in autumn, then saffron needs additional watering.

If in the latitude where saffron is grown, winters are snowless, then with the appearance of the first sprouts, it must be watered. In this case, weed the soil immediately before watering. During watering, it is recommended to ensure that water does not fall on the leaves, otherwise they will begin to turn yellow. The lack of moisture saffron is also able to endure, but, in this case, the stems and inflorescences will be smaller. In the summer it can not be watered. Or do it only in hot weather.

  1. 2. Fertilization.

The application of mineral and organic fertilizers is the main thing in caring for a flower. Saffron nutrition has a number distinctive features. First, the introduction of fresh organic fertilizers is not allowed. This can lead to various diseases.

It is best to give preference to peat, completely decomposed manure or a variety of mineral supplements.

With the onset of spring, when the active growth of the flower begins, it is necessary to scatter fertilizers over the snow. When the growing season begins, you can start to make urea. A large number of nitrogen in the soil will provoke active leaf growth, which can cause the appearance of fungal diseases in wet weather. Therefore, it is necessary to make urea in a limited amount. After half a month, you need to apply fertilizers that are rich in phosphorus and potassium, which will help to cause abundant flowering, and also provoke the formation of healthy and strong bulbs.

  1. 3. Pest and disease control.

Sometimes you can see that there are small holes in the bulbs. They appear due to the larvae of the click beetle. The larva is covered with a hard yellow shell.

To get rid of the click beetle at the end of April, you can scatter last year's rotted grass, hay or straw around the site. Moisten it and cover with planks. After the bugs gather there, the trap must be collected and burned. Slugs can also be found on plants. They need to be collected by hand.

If in a flower bed where saffron grows, there is a specimen that has a flattened flower with gray spots, then this is the first sign of a viral disease, the carriers of which are mice, aphids and thrips. The only treatment in this case is the immediate destruction of diseased flowers before the disease spreads further.

Saffron is one of the most beautiful plants for planting in the garden. Very often, he is treated exclusively as spring flower, but it can please with its flowering and in autumn period time. He gained his popularity thanks to the graceful flowers. They can be of a wide variety of colors: white, bright yellow, blue, various shades of purple. The plant has a fairly simple way of planting. Periodic transplantation is necessary, since many daughter bulbs can be located on one mother bulb. A large number of them prevents the growth of the flower, and the inflorescence becomes much smaller.

Planting crocuses in open ground can be done both in autumn and in spring. Most gardeners prefer the autumn version, but there is an opinion that spring planting leads to brighter and more lush flowering plants. In addition, there are certain varieties that bloom only in autumn. Let's get acquainted with the features of the spring planting of crocuses in the garden, find out when to plant and all the subtleties of this process.

Keep in mind that crocuses planted in spring will bloom in autumn. And vice versa - planted in the autumn period, in early spring they will delight with flowering. Note that crocuses planted in autumn grow less capricious and fastidious. But for the spring will require more thorough care.

In order for crocuses to successfully take root and bloom then, in the spring they should be planted when the ground warms up well and dries out after the snow melts. If you hurry with planting, rotting and freezing of the bulbs is likely.

Best time in spring April: This month is suitable for most regions. But if the climate is cold, it is better to plant in May.

In autumn, crocus bulbs are planted in the ground from late August to early November. D For rooting, plants need about 4-5 weeks of warm weather (not earlier than a month before the onset of frost).

Site selection

Plant crocuses in a flower bed that gets plenty of sun. Flowers need a long light day, which contributes to their brightness and splendor. Although crocuses grow in the shade, the buds turn out to be small, not so bright.

In nature, crocuses and other snowdrops grow in places where the snow melts first. Find such a site on your site, and it is there that you break a flower bed. This choice will be optimal.

Do not make a flower bed in the lowlands, since the bulbs are likely to rot in waterlogged soil. Also make sure that the acidity of the soil is not too high: it is ideal if it is neutral. If the earth is excessively acidic, add lime or ash to the bed, peat will also come in handy.


Flowers love loose soil. If the soil contains a lot of clay, dilute it with sand. Additional nutrition in the form of suitable fertilizers will not hurt either.

In order for a bed with crocuses to please with its beauty and brightness, it is necessary to initially correctly choose planting material.

Inspect the bulbs and make sure that they do not have too long sprouts, regrown roots. If the bulb is healthy, it will feel firm and rather heavy to the touch. Loose, soft, sluggish specimens are best discarded immediately.

Inspect the planting material externally: if there are dark spots, which is indicative of decay. Damaged and deformed specimens are also best removed immediately.


Disinfectant treatment will protect the tubers from decay, fungus, and other diseases. In addition to potassium permanganate and ash, you can also use special fungicidal-based solutions: Fundazol, Maxim and others.

In order for the tubers to take root faster, you can also treat with growth stimulants: Kornevin, Epin, Heteroauxin. On average, dressing is carried out within half an hour or 20 minutes if the tubers are small. Dilute all preparations strictly according to the instructions so as not to damage the plants.

Let's go step by step through all the stages of rooting crocus in open ground spring.

  1. In the garden, dug up and loosened, they dig out small size recesses. So, if the bulb is large, the hole should be about 10-12 cm deep, for a small one 6 cm is enough.
  2. Place drainage at the bottom of the holes, even from sand. This layer will protect the bulbs from decay.
  3. Planting is done with a distance of 3 cm. This is the minimum that will provide the crocuses with a normal amount of space and nutrients. It is impossible to plant more densely, less often - you can.
  4. The tubers are slightly pressed into the ground, sprinkled on top of the earth. The bulb is placed in the hole strictly bottom down: not sideways, not top. Experienced gardeners the level of deepening is calculated based on the parameters of a particular bulb: the depth is taken three times greater than the length of the tuber.
  5. Watering is done, but not excessive.
  6. Wait for the water to saturate the soil, and then pour the earth into those holes where it is not enough.
  7. To prevent the water from evaporating too quickly, mulch the bed on top with coarse sand.


What measures to care for crocuses need to be taken - let's clarify this important issue.


If the weather is hot, water the crocus bed more often. Do not wait for the soil to dry out, moisten the flowers in a timely manner. If the weather is damp, rainy, you can skip the next watering: waterlogging is unacceptable for this flower. The bulbs are very vulnerable and quickly begin to rot from an excess of moisture. After the tuber rots, it is often not possible to save the plant.

Along with watering, crocuses need regular weeding. These plants love loose soil, so after watering and raining, the hard crust on the surface must be broken. During loosening, get rid of weeds at the same time.

top dressing

Plants need additional nutrition. It is better to use potassium-phosphorus compounds that will help crocuses bloom longer and brighter.

Crocuses are known in the flower world for being absolutely intolerant of fresh organic matter. The introduction of fresh manure into the bed will destroy the plants completely. To prevent this from happening, if you use organic fertilizers, then only survived, rotted. Top dressing is not dug into the ground, but simply spread out over the surface. This measure will help protect the roots and tubers from burns.

Two top dressings are recommended annually. The first is carried out in the spring, when the plants are still sitting in the snow. Fertilizers are scattered directly on the snow. It is better to use nitrogen-containing compounds for the first feeding, but in moderation. Nitrogen will help crocuses to turn green faster and grow lush foliage. Gardeners usually use urea or ammonium nitrate as a source of nitrogen. Complex dressings such as nitroammophoska, where phosphorus is also added, are also suitable.

Important: carefully control the amount of nitrogenous fertilizers. The fact is that nitrogen increases the risk of bulb disease by a fungus, and an excess content of this mineral in the soil makes flowering less lush.

The second application is carried out after the crocuses have faded. This time, potassium-phosphate compounds are introduced: potassium monophosphate, superphosphate, etc. It is useful to feed crocuses after flowering with ashes, simply by scattering it over the garden.

Transplant and storage

The procedure is carried out after the next flowering period comes to an end. After the foliage has turned yellow and fallen off, it's time to start transplanting. Before placing the bulbs in a new bed, dry them and inspect for rot, damage.

If you plan to store tubers in the winter, do this in a dry room at a temperature of about +20 degrees. It is better not to raise the temperature higher so that premature germination of tubers does not occur. Lower temperatures can lead to rot.

Important: if the crocuses feel good, grow safely and bloom in the old garden, there is no particular need to transplant them. In this case, transplantation is carried out according to the plan once every five years.


In anticipation of winter, the bed should be protected from the cold by pouring earth on top or covering it with agrofibre. Under such protection, the flowers will safely overwinter and will delight again next season. active growth, flowering.

Why don't they bloom

Sometimes gardeners have to deal with the lack of flowers in spring-planted crocuses. Why this happens, we will find out further.

Confusion with varieties

Crocuses are divided into autumn and spring flowering. You need to plant the first in the spring, the second in the fall. By confusing planting dates, you may encounter a lack of flowering.


Sometimes the bulbs in the ground are devoured by mice and other rodents. It is clear that crocuses will hardly be able to bloom after severe damage.

Over division

If the mother bulb has given too many babies, she may not have the strength to bloom.

Wrong fit

If, during planting, the tubers were too deeply buried, this can also cause the absence of buds.

We learned how spring planting of crocuses in open ground is carried out. The most important thing is to carefully select high-quality bulbs and plant them in a well-lit place. Then the flowers will quickly sprout, begin to actively develop and retain their decorative effect for a long time.

Planting crocuses in the ground in autumn is the most common way to cultivate these wonderful flowers in the backyard. In nature, representatives of the Iris family appear on the edges of forests, open glades and hills the very first.

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    Primroses crocuses

    In early spring, when the snow is just beginning to melt from the bright sun, you can see the magnificent heads of delicate pink or lilac buds. These are crocuses, which can be planted at home.

    The plant, which is often called saffron, does not require special care. It is very unpretentious and hardy. Therefore, everyone can grow crocuses in the country. They are settling in well in their new place. Primroses are most often used in the design of alpine slides. But they look great in a separate flower bed or as part of a complex flower arrangement. It all depends on when the crocuses are planted.

    Garden decoration is not the only purpose of plants. Extracts and powder prepared from the dried parts of the culture are seasoning. Saffron is widely used in cooking as a spice. It is also known as a quality food coloring.

    Primroses have long been a raw material for the pharmaceutical industry. Their healing properties help create whole line medicines which are plant-based. The flower has found wide application in alternative medicine.

    You can plant the plant in a pot or in open ground. Ornamental culture blooms in any conditions, if you take soil preparation seriously and choose the right time. When to plant crocuses depends on the plant variety. About a hundred varieties are found in nature, the landing of each of them has its own nuances.

    The most common are those specimens that bloom in early spring. They are planted in autumn. Plants that are able to delight the eye with their buds until the onset of winter must be transferred to open ground in early August.

    Primroses can grow in one place for 5 years. Then you need a transplant of crocuses. It allows you to rejuvenate and improve the bulbs for lush flowering and further development in another area. Each planted specimen grows very quickly and produces many daughter tubers that can serve as material for the cultivation of this plant.

    What varieties are suitable for autumn planting?

    When planning to grow primroses on your site, the gardener must take a responsible approach to the choice of planting material. Crocuses are perennial corm plants. It is recommended to buy heads only from trusted sellers in order to ensure that the selected variety must be planted in the fall for early flowering.

    These types include:

    1. 1 Spring crocus, which grows naturally in the Alps and Pyrenees. The medium-sized buds are lilac in color with purple streaks.
    2. 2 Two-flowered crocus is usually white. On the petals you can see the characteristic lilac or brownish vertical stripes.
    3. 3 Crimean crocus has unremarkable outside petals of pale blue or white color with longitudinal gray stripes. Inner side the bud is painted in a pale lilac shade, turning into bright yellow at the base.
    4. 4 Crocus Adam can be found on the rocky slopes of Transcaucasia, in the foothills of Dagestan, as well as Iran. The flowers of this variety change their color from lilac to deep purple.
    5. 5 Crocus golden, found in Asia Minor and the Balkans, has narrow leaves and yellow flowers. Sometimes brown blotches are visible on the buds.
    6. 6 Crocus yellow has bright orange buds. This species has salient feature- a bulbous nest, covered with a special film, slightly protrudes above the ground, giving the plant the appearance of a small bouquet, neatly collected by nature itself.

    Any of these varieties can be grown on your site. Crocuses, planted correctly, will bloom in early spring.

    Tuber processing

    When choosing planting material, it must be remembered that the bulb must be whole, firm, without sprouts and damage to the skin. Its size can vary from 9 to 12 cm. It is this head that can accumulate enough substances over the winter to please the eye in spring amazing colors. The number of buds that form in the plant depends on the size of the tubers.

    Tubers are usually disinfected before planting. There are various preparations designed for this procedure. The most commonly used antiseptics are specially designed for the treatment of bulbous and other cultivated plants:

    • Fundazol;
    • Karbofos;
    • Maksim;
    • Speed;
    • Vitaros.

    These broad-spectrum fungicides reliably protect the bulbs from disease and rot, making them resistant to temperature and humidity changes. The preparations are very easy to use. They are sold, as a rule, in packaging of 2 ml. Need to dilute 1 ampoule disinfectant in 1 liter of water and soak the planting material in the resulting solution for 20 minutes.

    If not at hand special means, you can use the old and proven recipe. 5 g of potassium permanganate should be dissolved in 1 liter of water. Weak solution of potassium permanganate - good antiseptic. If you put crocus bulbs in it for half an hour, the effect will be the same as after known fungicides.

    After disinfection, flower tubers do not need to be washed. It is enough to dry them. Immediately after the procedure, the material is ready for planting.

    Site selection and preparation

    Before planting crocuses in the fall, you need to prepare the site in advance. A flower bed intended for primroses should be located on open area, which in the spring will be well warmed up by the sun's rays. If you leave the flowers in the shade, they will not die, but they will not please with an abundance of buds.

    Crocus corms grow well in sandy soils. The soil must be breathable. Moisture stagnation at the roots should not be allowed, otherwise the plant will begin to rot, which will inevitably lead to its death.

    The problem of heavy clay soil is solved very simply. The site should be dug up well with the addition of coarse river sand. This material will provide good drainage in the flower garden and prevent water stagnation. Sand or small river pebbles are brought to a depth of 20 cm.

    It is desirable to feed clay soil with organic and mineral fertilizers. From natural substances for this type of soil, compost is suitable. Well structures and enriches heavy earth useful substances crushed peat. But it is better to use it with lime to avoid severe acidification of the site. All substances are taken at a dosage of 0.5 kg per 1 m².

    Inorganic top dressings should be represented by superphosphate. 40 g of active substance per unit area of ​​​​the plot will be quite enough. Phosphorus nourishes the bulbs and promotes the development of the root system. But its compounds can be used only 30 days after lime has been introduced into the soil.

    If the land in the future flower garden is of a light sandy type, then it must be enriched with humus or compost from last year's foliage. Such soils are very poor, so it is recommended to apply at least 5-7 kg of organic fertilizers per 1 m².

    Loamy and sandy soils are ideal soil for crocuses. They do not require additional feeding. If the flower bed is located on such a site, it is enough just to dig it up by 20-25 cm.

    The flower garden should be ready 2-3 weeks before planting. During this time, the soil will settle, and mineral and organic fertilizers will be partially processed, providing the flower tubers with the necessary nutrients.

    Optimal landing time

    Perennial corm plants, which include crocuses that bloom in early spring, tolerate frost well. That is why they are usually planted in the fall. However, this does not mean at all that you can choose any time for.

    Although resistant to low temperatures, flowers can die if they do not have time to adapt to a new place. Therefore, there is an unspoken rule that requires planting crocus tubers in open ground at least 2-3 weeks before the onset of severe cold weather.

    In the northern regions of Russia, the main work in the garden is carried out until mid-September. Residents of the central regions of the country transplant flowers until the first days of October, and in the south the season can be extended even until November. This schedule is rather conditional and depends on weather conditions, which can change.

    It is also impossible to delay too much, since roots can appear very quickly on perennial bulbs. They are very fragile and break easily when planting flowers in open ground. The choice of the optimal time for transferring crocus tubers to the flower bed is one of the main components of the successful cultivation of these beautiful spring plants.

    How to plant a plant in autumn in open ground?

    The answer to the question of how to plant crocuses, each owner personal plot searches independently, depending on what flower arrangement he wants to get in the spring. When it comes to decoration Alpine slide, then the flowers must follow the general pattern in order to fit into landscape design. Usually they are planted in small groups, located at some distance from each other.

    If the gardener's goal is blooming glade, completely covered with thin green leaves and delicate lilac and white saffron buds, the crocus bulbs are distributed very densely in the soil. The landing pattern is usually selected 3x3.

    The flowering time of these ornamental plants lasts, as a rule, no more than 10 days. To keep the beauty of the flower bed as long as possible, many crocus lovers resort to a little trick. During planting, they place the bulbs at different depths, adjusting in a simple way flowering period.

    The optimal choice of distance from the surface of the earth - important condition cultivation of primroses. If the tubers are small, then they should be deepened by 5-7 cm. For large bulbs, this value can reach 12 cm. The well-known rule for planting this type of plant says that the planting depth should be 2 times the size of the tubers.

    However, unpretentious crocuses, having a powerful root system, are able to independently regulate their position in the ground, lowering if necessary or, conversely, stretching closer to the top layer of soil.

    However, you should not plant flowers too deep. In the spring, it will be difficult for them to break through the thickness of the frozen earth and snow. A small distance from the surface of the flower bed can threaten the tubers with freezing. Especially when it comes to a region with harsh climatic conditions. The danger increases during a snowless winter.

    Benefits of Special Capacity

    Primroses are placed in specially prepared holes and covered with earth. The soil must be moist. To the bottom landing pit you can put a little sand mixed with humus. The bulb is carefully placed in the hole and sprinkled with earth. Then it is recommended to cover the site to protect the flowers from the effects of winter low temperatures.

    Do not use cellophane film for these purposes. This material does not allow air to pass through, which is necessary for crocus tubers for normal development. It is better to mulch the flower garden with sawdust, wood shavings or leaves that have fallen from trees.

    Sometimes gardeners use a different method of planting perennials. Plant tubers are first placed in a special container or basket filled with prepared nutrient substrate. Then the box with the bulbs is buried in the flower bed.

    This method is almost no different from planting crocuses in the fall in open ground. But the use of a separate box allows you to quickly remove the tubers from the ground for storage in the spring and protects them from rodents.


    Many consider crocuses indoor flowers, but this is not so. This can be refuted by planting crocuses, scattered in the spring over still sleeping flower beds in a scattering of bright flowers. Simple care and feeding - all these plants need!

    Required Tools

    Crocuses are very ancient history, in which seasonings, dyes and countries from East to West intertwined with a wonderful pattern. You can delve into it when you complete the planting of these spring flowers in your area. Let's talk about this process! By the way, there are both spring-flowering and autumn varieties, respectively, and the time of their planting may be different.

    Planting crocuses in the spring is actually not very possible, because the spring varieties have time to bloom long before the start of any work on the site, and the autumn species are best planted in the summer. But it is not necessary to dig up the bulbs of these plants annually, it is enough to do this once every five years. Most varieties belong to, which also needs to be considered when planting.

    Crocuses love light soil, so if you have heavy clay soils in your area, you should add a fair amount of compost with ash. The choice of landing site is very milestone, because you need to take into account the peculiarity of crocuses to wake up with the first rays of the sun. Their bright flowers appear on thawed patches, which means that it is precisely the places where the snow melts first that you need to find. It makes sense to equip just in such areas, which will begin precisely with the flowering of saffron. Many mistakenly plant these flowers in places where snow accumulates, for example, near paths.

    But it is from the paths that we try to scatter snow on the ground around them, and this snow stays until spring, holding back the growth of flowers.

    In addition, in places where snow melts, water stagnation can form, which is very undesirable for these plants. Picking up or preparing the right soil, crocus corms should be planted in autumn after leaf fall to a depth equal to twice their height. Usually this distance is not less than 5 cm to the surface. If you are planting these flowers for the first time, it is enough to keep a distance of 10 cm, because over time the carpet of crocuses will grow and compact itself - in good conditions each corm is capable of producing annual growth. It is in tight groups that crocuses look best.

    Dig up the bulbs of these plants should be no more than once every five years. Spring-flowering varieties are dug up after the leaves turn yellow, their bulbs are dried and kept in a cool shade until autumn. late autumn they should be planted back on the plots. It should be noted that saffron corms are very fond of different kind rodents, such as squirrels, easily find the places of their recent landing. If you live near a forest, planting the bulbs in mesh baskets is an urgent precaution.