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Is radish with honey useful? Black radish juice: preparation, indications for use and contraindications. Black radish: benefits and harms. Black radish juice: how to drink

Black radish with honey folk remedy for the treatment of cough in adults and children. The secreted juice in combination with honey has an anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral effect. After all, both of these products are well-known remedies used in traditional medicine.

This home remedy is used for dry cough in children and adults. It improves sputum discharge, kills microbes, improves immunity.

It is used not only for the treatment of cough. Drink at:

kidney stones;



Some liver diseases;


Helps with worms.

What is useful radish with honey

Black radish grows in almost every summer resident and gardener. This, at first glance, an inconspicuous vegetable, has many useful and medicinal properties. In addition to vitamins, minerals and other useful substances, it contains essential oils, glycosides, which have a detrimental effect on pathogenic microflora.

Honey is popularly called natural healer created by nature itself. Its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, immunostimulating, tonic properties are difficult to assess for human health.

Black radish juice with honey has an antimicrobial effect, thanks to black radish phytoncides, improves sputum discharge from the bronchi and lungs. The presence of a large number of vitamins, including vitamin C, strengthens the body, helps to recover from illness faster.

How to make black radish with honey recipes

There are several recipes for the preparation of this folk remedy. Make juice with sugar.

traditional recipe

Take a large black radish weighing about 400-500 grams. Rinse it well with a brush to remove all dirt.

Cut a lid at the top with a knife, where the tops grew. Set it aside for now.

With a sharp knife, cut an indentation inside the rare.

Pour two to three teaspoons of natural honey there.

Any honey will do. But it is best to use May or lime when coughing.

The cut hole does not need to be completely filled with honey. About 1/3-1/2 of the volume should remain on top so that there is room for the juice to stand out.

Cover with the lid that was cut off earlier. Leave for 8 to 12 hours. When the juice stands out, drain into a clean, dry jar.

Best done in the evening. Then in the morning you can already start treatment.

One radish is allowed to be used 2-3 times.

Second recipe

This recipe is faster. Moreover, it is economical.

Black radish (any size) thoroughly washed and peeled. Grate. Fold the pulp into cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice.

Add honey to the resulting juice. The amount depends on how much juice was squeezed out. It is better to be guided by your taste. But it shouldn't be too sweet.

Stir with a spoon until all the honey is completely dissolved and you can start treatment.

Of course, you can squeeze the juice in a juicer. By the way, the cake that remains after pressing can also be used by mixing with honey to taste.

Third recipe

This method is used when there is no large radish. And in a small root crop you won’t get much juice.

To prepare the prepared fruit, cut into slices or slices. Less is better. Juice will begin to flow faster.

Place in a clean bowl and pour over honey. Leave for 10-12 hours.

Also, the radish can simply be grated on a coarse grater or chopped in a blender. But not quite puree.

Black radish juice recipe with sugar

Some people are allergic to honey. In this case, the medicine is prepared with sugar. Make it exactly the same as with honey.

But there is another way.

Cut the washed and peeled radish into pieces. Sprinkle with sugar to taste and mix.

Transfer everything to a clay pot or heat-resistant glass saucepan and place in the oven. Bake at 100-120 degrees for about two hours.

When the radish is ready, drain the juice into a clean glass jar. Squeeze the juice from the remaining radish through cheesecloth.

Take juice with sugar, as well as with honey.

How to take black radish juice with honey

dry cough;


As a general tonic;

Colds and flu.

Adults use a tablespoon half an hour after meals three, four times a day.

Children dose less. Although they like this tasty medicine and almost all children agree to such treatment with pleasure, they give one teaspoon three, four a day.

For very young children, start with a few drops and gradually, if they are not allergic, increase to one teaspoon. Children under one year of age are not allowed to do this.

The duration of treatment is from 7 to 10 days.


This folk remedy has practically no contraindications. Some people may have individual intolerance to these products or allergies. In this case, it is necessary to refuse treatment.

Do not use with peptic ulcer of the stomach or duodenum in the acute stage. Radish phytoncides can irritate the mucous membrane of the stomach and intestines, aggravate the course of the disease.

Also, it should not be carried out while taking pharmaceutical medicines for coughing or suppressing it.

Although this folk remedy has been tested by time, it should not be used without consulting a doctor. After all, a cough can be caused by another reason, and not just a cold. This is especially true for children.

Pregnant women can be treated, but with caution. Essential oils radishes can increase the tone of the uterus, which ultimately can cause a miscarriage. Therefore, before taking it, be sure to consult a doctor who observes pregnancy.


Black radish with honey is an excellent folk remedy that helps get rid of a lingering cough. Of course, the taste of this drug can hardly be called exquisite, but the abundance healing properties radish and honey negates this inconvenience.

Radish with cough honey - to whom, why

A huge plus of this "medicine" is its low cost. Honey is expensive, but you need very little of it. But the radish is worth a penny. All together, it certainly comes out cheaper than drugs that doctors usually prescribe to eliminate “residual effects” after suffering bronchitis or a protracted ARVI. Before being treated with black radish with honey, consult with your doctor and be sure to study the list of contraindications.

Contraindications to treatment with radish juice

There are few of them, but you need to know - the following diseases are excluded by the use of radish with honey:

  • gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcer;
  • pancreatitis, cholecystopancreatitis;
  • heart failure, ischemic heart disease;
  • allergic to one component of the product or both.

How to cook black radish with cough honey

To prepare a remedy from black radish and honey, you need to use one black radish and 4 teaspoons of honey.

Take a whole strong root crop and wash it well under the tap, then dry it.

With a sharp knife, cut off the top of the radish, but do not throw it away, it will come in handy as a “lid”.

Using a sharp knife and a teaspoon, make an indentation in the radish, such that you can pour a few tablespoons of honey into it. To do this is easy enough.

Pour a few teaspoons of liquid honey into the recess. If the honey is thick, then it can be melted in a water or steam bath.

Cover the recess with honey with a radish cap, leave it in this form for 10-12 hours. During this time, the radish will secrete juice, which will mix with honey. This syrup should be taken by children 3-4 times a day before meals, 1 teaspoon, and for adults, 2 teaspoons 5 times a day before meals.

The remaining radish, which we cut out from the root crop, needs to be cut into small cubes.

Put the chopped radish in a bowl or jar.

Add 2-3 tablespoons of honey to the jar and stir. After 1 hour, the radish will give juice, it will be possible to transfer the contents of the jar to cheesecloth and squeeze out this liquid. The procedure can be repeated, and radish juice with honey should also be given 1 teaspoon three times a day before meals.

I store this medicine for no more than 3 days, after which I throw out the radish, pour out the juice and repeat the procedure. I continue the treatment with freshly prepared juice. It itself does not taste very pleasant, but honey makes the healing process bearable.

Radish as a powerful medicine has long been known. It is difficult to determine its origin exactly, but history knows that many ailments were healed by this wonderful root vegetable back in Ancient Egypt. From there, the fruits came to the Greeks and immediately fell in love with the great doctors of this ancient state. Legends say that it was valued at its weight in gold, for the plant they gave as many coins as it weighed itself. The radish came to Russia from Asia, where it grows wild.

Adults are advised to take radish for a variety of diseases. But we will talk about the use of the plant in the treatment of children.

Useful and medicinal properties

White, black, green, brown, pink, purple. Radish can be so different. Each type of culture can be used for food, including for treatment. It has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, quickly relieves swelling, destroys pathogenic bacteria no worse than an expensive pharmacy antibiotic.

By the way, honey significantly enhances beneficial features plants. And it also helps to get radish juice, which can hardly be called juicy. Black radish has the strongest medicinal effect. The mildest effect is provided by white and green radish.

And now a video on how to make cough syrup from black radish and honey.

Harm and contraindications

In most cases, radish treatment for children is not contraindicated, but it requires compliance with certain important rules. Black radish, as we have already found out, is the most powerful, but it is for this reason that green or white radish is more often recommended for children. They are no less useful, they just act much softer.

In any case, it is not recommended to give radish to children under three years of age, since the juice of the plant acts quite aggressively on the mucous membranes. On the Internet today you can find information that green and white radish can be given to children under one year old. Actually, it's not worth the risk. There are other restrictions on the use of the plant:

  • Radish is contraindicated in children with a diagnosis of gastritis confirmed by doctors.
  • Do not treat with this root vegetable and children who have problems with the pancreas, duodenum, ulcers of any organ in the digestive system.
  • Doctors do not advise radish and children with thyroid diseases.
  • Do not give the plant medicinal purposes children with heart disease, including congenital malformations of this organ.

If a child can take radish, then it is important to remember that too frequent consumption of a vegetable can cause the development of a depressive state.

Allergic reactions to the root crop develop infrequently, but are quite possible. Much more often, children are allergic to honey, which is often combined with radish. Therefore, parents will need to be attentive to the child in the process of such treatment and be ready to immediately stop alternative therapy if there is more harm from it than good.

Video recipe for the treatment of bronchitis and cough radish.

It is advisable to discuss this possibility with the attending pediatrician before using this plant for the treatment of a child. Doctors treat this vegetable well, traditional medicine fully recognizes the powerful effect of radish, which can only be said about a few remedies. traditional medicine. For this reason, rejection on the part of the doctor should not arise, unless, of course, he finds direct contraindications to the use of the plant in your child.

Operating principle

The principle of operation of this unique natural medicine can be understood if you know what exactly is part of the root crop. And he is rich and diverse. First of all, these are natural antibacterial substances, among which the undisputed leader is a special enzyme - lysozyme, which is considered the worst enemy of most known bacteria.

Phytoncides and carotenes reduce cholesterol levels, normalize blood circulation and provide anti-inflammatory and anti-edematous effects. Vitamin C ( ascorbic acid), A, PP and whole line B vitamins make a root vegetable good medicine to improve metabolic processes in the body. And incredible high level iron, potassium, magnesium help to defeat a variety of infectious diseases due to the fact that they increase immunity.

How to give?

Usually, radish is used for medicinal purposes in the form of juice, which can be obtained from the root crop with the most different ways. The most popular is to grate and squeeze out the pulp. Sometimes the radish pulp is passed through a meat grinder and then the resulting mass is squeezed through several layers of gauze.

For internal use for colds and coughs, radish juice is mixed with honey or milk and allowed to drink. Pure, undiluted juice is applied externally, they are rubbed chest with severe bronchitis. Such procedures, combined with wrapping after wiping, contribute to the rapid discharge of sputum with a dry unproductive cough.

Radish juice - good foundation drops in the nose with sinusitis, it perfectly cleanses the sinuses of bacteria, pus and mucus. And the juice of the root vegetable, added to the solution for gargling, is an excellent remedy for sore throats.

Radish can be given stewed or baked with sugar as food, but only for children after a year. Prepared in this way, with obligatory preliminary soaking, it will not have any irritating effect on the mucous membranes of the digestive tract and will be useful for digestion and strengthening the immune system.

Recipes and uses

With black radish

This type of plant is very effective in treating cough. The root crop will need to be washed, cut off the “top” of the plant, and through it make a recess in the radish. You need to put honey in it so that the beekeeping product fills no more than half of the space.

From above, the “stuffed” radish should be closed with its previously cut part and let it brew for at least 4-6 hours. The juice that is released in the process will be a medicine.

Baby cough syrup can be made at home by peeling the root crop and grating it. A blender will do too. The gruel should be squeezed through 2-3 layers of gauze, add two teaspoons of honey to the resulting juice. Once the honey is completely dissolved, everything should be carefully moved.

The syrup is given to children aged 3-4 years and older 2-3 times a day for a teaspoon to drink. Children after 7 years can double the dose. Store the finished drug in the refrigerator for no more than three days.

To prepare a radish compress, one root crop needs to be peeled, chopped, and then passed through a fine grater. The resulting mass should be spread in a small layer with a spoon over a strip of gauze, covered with another layer of material and applied to the back or chest, excluding the heart area, after lubricating the skin with baby cream or vaseline oil so that there are no skin burns. The procedure with such a compress should not exceed 10 minutes, then the gruel is removed, the skin is wiped with water and covered with a warm knitted scarf.

With white radish

One root crop must be washed, peeled and grated. Squeeze out the slurry with gauze and add a little honey to the juice. It is necessary to insist such a remedy for about 5 hours, then such a syrup can be given in small portions (no more than a teaspoon at a time) to a child with cough, whooping cough, bronchitis. Do not store white radish syrup for more than a day.

Plant white color you can also bake in the oven, pre-cut into small cubes. It is not necessary to use honey in this recipe, so this method of preparation is suitable for children with allergies to bee products. Instead of honey, the radish is sprinkled with sugar, and when baked, the root crop will give a large number of sweet syrup. Such a syrup, chilled after straining, can be given to a child in a tablespoon three times a day.

With green radish

This type of root crop is great for helping a child cope with a severe cold. The plant must be washed and peeled, cut into small cubes. The resulting pieces can be folded into a jar or other glass containers, more tightly crush with a spoon and add a couple of tbsp. spoons of honey.

Infuse for two hours under the lid, then mix the contents of the jar thoroughly, close again and leave for at least 8 hours. It is better to prepare such a drug at night so that the medicine is ready in the morning.

Syrups obtained from the green variety can be given to the child more often than similar preparations from black root vegetables. One teaspoon up to 6-7 times a day.

  1. If you decide to start an alternative treatment, give the root crop for the first time before noon so that you have time to observe the child and see if he has allergic reactions to the use of this plant. The most common manifestations of "rejection" by the body of such a drug are a rash and upset stool.
  2. For the preparation of medicines that are planned to be used externally (for compresses for viral sinusitis, for example), it is better to take black root crops. They contain maximum amount natural antibiotic substances.
  3. You can prepare nasal drops for a runny nose or sinusitis from both black radish and white variety. Juice after pressing should be diluted 1:3 with aloe juice to avoid burns of the mucosa. The concentration means one part radish juice and three parts aloe juice.
  4. In all cases when treatment through instillation is planned, it is necessary to consult a doctor. The inept and unauthorized use of such a powerful agent, as well as exceeding the permissible concentration of the resulting solution, can cause swelling of the nasopharynx, larynx, and a severe allergic reaction.
  5. Experienced traditional healers do not recommend buying radishes in supermarkets. It is better if the root crop is grown by you on your own, on your own plot or in the country, in last resort, a plant can always be bought on the green market from summer residents or farmers.
  6. To enhance the effect of the prepared radish remedy, in addition to honey, it is advisable to add cinnamon and cabbage juice to the cough syrup.
  7. In order for the radish to give as much juice as possible, do not forget to lower the tail of the root crop into the water.
  8. Syrups can be diluted with juices and water to make it easier for the child to drink such medicine. Usually, there is no resistance from children when taking it; in combination with honey or sugar, the radish loses its inherent bitterness and astringency. But children, as we know, are different, and therefore we will not exclude the option of refusing to drink such a drug.
  9. You can not make compresses on the sinuses if the sinusitis is of bacterial origin. Warming up (and the plant has this property) will only aggravate the situation and contribute to a more intensive reproduction of pathogens.
  10. The course of treatment with radish should in no case exceed one week.

Black radish with honey has long been used in folk medicine to treat coughs, bronchitis and other respiratory diseases. This tasty syrup, which young children are happy to consume, is very easy to prepare. But these are not all the properties of black radish with honey, and it is used not only as home remedy From cough. How else to use black radish with honey, for what diseases, what properties and benefits it has, you will learn from this article.

Radish in Russia is a traditional agricultural crop that is grown everywhere. This round or slightly elongated root crop with black skin and white, slightly bitter, cruciferous pulp is loved and used for medicinal purposes not only here, but all over the world.

What is useful black radish

There are many varieties of this vegetable. There are white and green radishes. Radishes with daikon also belong to this family. But most of all, it is black radish that is used. Such love is more secured by her chemical composition, which contains:

Vitamins: C, A, K, E, group B;

Minerals: calcium, potassium, sodium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, zinc and others;


Essential oils;

organic acids;




Vitamin C is stored in it almost until the new harvest. This fact is important for the prevention of spring beriberi, serves as a prevention of scurvy or, as it is also called, sailors' disease.

Vitamin C is one of the main vitamins. Black radish with honey is especially useful in winter, when this vitamin is not enough and it is cold outside.

The presence of calcium, phosphorus is good for bones. This may be especially interesting for people who are lactose intolerant and cannot get this element from milk and dairy products.

In addition, calcium protects blood vessels and reduces the risk of strokes. It is also necessary for nerve cells. Its deficiency in the body can cause fatigue, convulsions, palpitations, constipation, dizziness.

Sodium is one of the components of the blood, improves blood circulation and maintains optimal blood pressure.

Phosphorus performs many important functions in the body. It is one of the main constituent elements of the skeletal system, is involved in the production of collagen. Phospholipids are essential for the normal functioning of cell membranes and cellular nutrition.

Black radish contains a number of enzymes that, along with fiber, improve digestion and the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

Black radish with honey

Everyone knows about the benefits of honey for the human body. They don't call him "Doctor" for nothing. This amazing product, given to us by nature itself, has many useful and healing properties. It is used not only for colds and coughs.

Black radish with honey:

Dissolves and removes toxins from the body, stimulates the cleansing processes of almost all organs: in the gallbladder and bladder, kidneys, bronchi;

Stimulates and normalizes digestion, improves appetite;

Reduces puffiness;

Together with black radish phytoncides, honey inhibits the growth of microorganisms, helping to fight various viruses and bacteria;

Due to bactericidal properties, the intestinal microflora improves, the growth of pathogenic microflora is inhibited;

Increased resistance to infections;

The level of bad cholesterol decreases, which has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, serves as a prevention of atherosclerosis;

Black radish juice with honey is not only a cough remedy. It can be used to prevent colds and viral diseases, it will help cleanse the body, increase the body's defenses.

Many people wonder why it is necessary to make radish with honey, what is the use of such a combination?

Anyone who has cooked vegetable salads or sprinkled fresh berries and fruits with sugar has probably noticed that as soon as salt or sugar is added, vegetables, berries and fruits begin to release juice. In the same way, the radish begins to intensively secrete juice when honey is added. Extracting juice is much easier than using a juicer. Yes, and it stands out more.

Yes, they make juice with sugar. Such recipes are especially often used to treat young children who are allergic to honey.

But honey itself has many healing and beneficial properties. The combination of radish juice with honey is a killer remedy that works in many ways. It is an excellent natural antiseptic. After all, both radish and honey contain substances that, in their properties and action, resemble antibiotics.

And the taste plays an important role: the syrup turns out to be softer and more pleasant than just drinking radish juice and eating honey.

How to cook black radish with honey

Most often, radishes with honey are prepared to treat coughs. This product has been proven over many years of practice.

Now making such juice is much easier than our grandmothers did. To prepare a healing syrup, it is enough to wash the radish, peel and chop in a vegetable cutter or blender. Add honey to the resulting mixture and leave for several hours to extract the juice. This method of preparation takes little time and is simple.

Once upon a time, radish juice with honey was made as follows. In the prepared black radish root (it was not peeled), the middle was cut out. It turned out something like a pot. Honey was added to this recess and covered with a “lid” cut from a radish. If the root crop is large, then a tablespoon. In a small one - one or two teaspoons. Left for 10-12 hours and then drained the released juice.

The same root crop can be used two or three times, depending on the size and how much inner pulp is removed.

If more than one person in the family fell ill, but several at once, then you can prepare a larger amount of syrup as follows.

Grate or grind with a blender two, three root crops. Put the pulp in a jar or enameled (glass, ceramic) saucepan. Add honey (100 grams or more, depending on the amount of grated pulp). Cover with a lid and leave in the room for 8-12 hours. Then carefully drain the syrup and refrigerate.


From coughing with influenza and acute respiratory infections, rare juice helps. It is mixed with honey. But there are two types of cough, and the recipes will also be different. Let's try to understand the features of traditional medicine and take into account all the nuances and contraindications.

If sputum is constantly coughed up during coughing, such a cough is called wet. A warm drink will help in the fight against it, and medicines in this case are prepared on the basis of honey and milk. Other remedies help with dry cough - radish juice, but not in its pure form, but also mixed with honey. As you can see, honey in all cases will be a mandatory component. If you have an allergy, it can be replaced with sugar, but the recipe will become more complicated. Well, black radish with cough honey helps in both cases, only recipes, as well as varieties of honey, will be different.

We treat dry cough and wet

One remedy will help from a wet cough: rub the pulp of the radish on a grater and squeeze the juice through gauze. It is mixed with warm boiled milk in a ratio of 1 to 2.

Buckwheat honey - dark and liquid

A teaspoon of honey, preferably buckwheat, is added to the mixture, and the medicine is taken three times a day after meals. The dosage is one tablespoon, and for children the volume is reduced to a teaspoon.

Buckwheat honey belongs to the dark elite varieties. Two other varieties, linden and acacia, are also elite, only they are light.

Now consider how to cure a dry cough. Black radish juice with honey is mixed in a ratio of 2 to 1. The proportion is given by weight.

Linden variety

The finished mixture is taken before meals, and it must be stored in the refrigerator. The dosage will be the same - a tablespoon at a time. Recommended varieties: linden, also honey from white acacia or yellow.

Here are two different recipes, and in both cases we use black radish with honey:

  1. In the first case, the cough medicine is taken in a warm form, and it is prepared before use;
  2. With a dry cough, a preparation is prepared only from radish and honey. There are no "warm" components.

In the second case, you can store the drug in the refrigerator. By the way, when coughing with sputum and without it, the remedy is taken differently.

No. ppIngredientsCooking processHealing effect
First recipeTo prepare the medicine, you need one glass of bee product, three teaspoons of apple cider vinegar.The ingredients must be mixed in glass jar and leave to stand. You need to consume 2-3 teaspoons a few hours before bedtime.Such a remedy can strengthen and boost the human immune system.
Second recipeIt is necessary to take a glass of fresh and natural honey, 30 ml of sorrel juice, 40 ml of filtered water.All this is thoroughly mixed, taken 3 times a day, preferably half an hour before meals.An effective medical drug for the treatment of anemia at home
Third recipeYou will need honey, aloe juice in equal proportionsmix it all up and put it in a gauze bandage. Apply gauze for several hours to the affected area of ​​the skin.Such a remedy with honey is used to treat various skin diseases.
FourthFor cooking, you will need half a kg of onion, 450 g of sugar, 60 g of liquid honey and one liter of boiled water.The onion must be finely chopped, and then squeeze the juice out of it, add honey and sugar to the juice, pour all this with water, put on the stove, cook for three hours on low heat, then cool and let the medicine brew.Such a remedy gives a good effect in the treatment of bronchitis and severe cough. It should be taken three times a day, one to two tablespoons. One should not eat honey, and especially this medicine in the treatment of young children who are prone to allergies.
Fifth recipeIt is necessary to take 200 ml of radish juice, preferably black, 150 ml of fresh honey (preferably in a liquid state).Then you need to add sweetness to the juice. All this is thoroughly mixed and left to brew in a dark room.It is recommended to use such a medicine for diseases associated with the kidneys, but not in case of inflammation. Three tablespoons are taken one hour before meals, about three to four times a day.
Sixth recipeFor this recipe, you need to take two glasses of fresh and natural bee products, one glass of beetroot juice.Mix juice with honey. Take three tablespoons four times a day.This remedy is recommended for cholecystitis. Treatment should be within three weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated, but with breaks of two to three days.

Know that radish with cough honey helps children better than adults. But the dosage for them is reduced to a teaspoon.

Do not drink the prepared broth or syrup with anything! So expectoration will go most intensively.

Another couple of folk recipes

Consider how to cook radish with honey in the classic way.

Black radish with infusion

Take one root crop, wash it, cut off the top. Then the core is cut out to fill it with honey. Two tablespoons will be enough - the volume will be filled with juice. After 12 hours, a mixture will be obtained, which is consumed three times a day before meals. Dosage - one tablespoon.

The top should be used as a lid. When the tincture is over, honey is simply added inside. Then the vegetable is left for another 12 hours ... "Refilling" takes place in the evening, and you need to take the medicine in the morning.

With what kind of cough can radish and honey diluted with its juice help? Of course, only when dry. A glass of warm milk diluted with Borjomi water helps with a wet cough, or honey is added to the milk in the amount of one teaspoon.

Milk-honey mixture

Take this remedy, of course, only after eating.

By complicating the recipe, we will increase efficiency. Take after meals before bed:

  1. In a 250 ml glass, mix a raw egg, a spoonful of honey and three crushed garlic cloves;
  2. Add warm milk.

The child is unlikely to be able to drink this mixture, even if the volume is halved. Replace egg and garlic with some cocoa butter.

Garlic or cocoa butter will need to be grated. Otherwise, the solid product will remain in the milk.

List of contraindications

If you are allergic to bee products, that is, to pollen, use the product with milk and Borjomi.

Pollen in honey mixture

Another recipe is suitable for the treatment of dry cough: grated radish is sprinkled with sugar, placed in a tray with a lid and baked in the oven for 2 hours. The temperature should be 120 C. It will be necessary to be treated with the liquid that will melt. The dosage is indicated in chapter "1".

Pregnancy, also hyperacidity

in radish different varieties contain approximately the same medicinal substances. But they are contained in different quantities:

  1. The properties of black radish are such that the juice of this plant cannot be eaten if the body is weakened. The same applies to pregnancy and lactation.
  2. Green radish for coughing helps no worse than black, but its effect will be milder.

All the methods that were given above can be used during pregnancy. Only the dosage should be halved, and the radish should not be black, but green. White radish with honey has an even less pronounced effect than green radish.

green root vegetable

Make a choice.

Now - with regard to acidity, high and low. Conducted experience:

  1. If you drink warm tea with honey before eating, the acidity in the stomach decreases;
  2. Well, if the mixture is cold, then the acidity will certainly increase.

We have all the funds taken before meals, as a rule, are stored in the refrigerator. And so, with high acidity, they can not be used. That is, from a dry cough, radish with honey in this case will not help.

Acidifying agent

Here we also called one more contraindication.

Any effervescent tablet taken from cough to meal increases acidity too. medical drug in this sense it will be no better than folk remedies.

Shelf life and course of treatment

Be aware that radish treatment with honey is not always easily tolerated. The duration of the course should be small - 10 days for adults and 7 days for children. Black radish juice, which helps to cope with the disease, cannot be consumed in its pure form. And you can store it, including in the form of mixtures, in the refrigerator for three days. Do not be lazy to prepare the medicine again every 3 days.

The finished infusion, if it is inside the root crop, will be stored for the same 3 days, but already at T = 20-25 C. Then fermentation may begin.

natural medicine

In principle, this applies to any root crops. Close the container with a "lid", and there will be no problems.

Honey varietyCharacteristicBeneficial features
Lime40% fructose and 35% glucose.with a disease of the upper respiratory tract;
against infectious and inflammatory diseases;
improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.
acaciaOne of the most common types of honey. Is different high content 42% fructose, 35% glucose.calms the nervous system;
boosts immunity.
Buckwheat37% glucose and 40% fructose.restores the level of hemoglobin buckwheat honey;
normalizes pressure;
improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract;
has an antimicrobial effect.

Video with the simplest recipe

Questions and answers

If honey turns out to be candied, then radish juice with cough honey will not help in any way. Fortunately, the crystallization period for all elite varieties is a year or more. This applies to all varieties named in the text.

Honey product can be upgraded

Suppose a simpler variety was taken for cooking, for example, meadow forbs. If crystallization is already underway, thick honey can be made liquid: it is heated in a water bath to T = 50 C. Nothing else is required.

In children, in very rare cases, an allergy to radish is manifested. Only the attending physician can determine its presence. In general, the recipes given here are used at your own peril and risk. And if we talk about childhood It's better not to risk it at all.

Radish and radish

By the way, sometimes a radish is bought instead of a white radish. Her variety is watermelon. Don't make such mistakes!

And the last. Radish syrup with honey is not suitable for external use. But each individual component can be used in its own way:

  1. A layer of honey is applied to the chest. The compress is covered with cellophane and a handkerchief, held for 20 minutes, washed off.
  2. Dip a cotton or linen towel into the juice of black radish, wrap your back and chest with it. The next layer will be tracing paper, which is covered with a scarf. The compress is kept for 30 minutes, then the skin is lubricated with baby cream.