Well      07/02/2020

How much to take ascorbic acid. Ascorbic acid KVZ: instructions for use. Types of medicines

How much per day you can use Ascorbic Acid dragee 50mg "Yellow vitamins"

  1. 2 times a day, preferably in the morning and evening
  2. Depends on what you are going to use vitamin C for.
    1. If for the purpose of treatment at the onset of the disease, then 1.25 g (half a bag of 2.5 g) 1-3 times a day, dissolving in 40 degree water and a tablespoon of honey. This is 25-75 yellow pieces per day. There is no overdose from vitamin C in a healthy body (in the worst case, diarrhea). It helps me a lot without any side effects. Of course, constantly drinking in such doses is pointless, and it can be harmful.

    2. If for the purpose of prevention, then the exact dosage can be obtained by screening the blood for vitamins and micro / macro elements. The doctor will prescribe the required dose of underestimated elements and vitamins. Then re-screening is carried out and dosages are adjusted. According to the mind, it is done this way, and not "drink 2-3 a day as it is written on the package." Vitamin C is drunk with sweets after meals, so it is better absorbed.

    PS: for those who think that vitamin C, for example, in onions and in powder is somehow different, then I will disappoint you - there is no difference in them (including in terms of digestibility). These are typical misconceptions.

  3. If you want to get oxalate kidney stones, gastritis and something else like that, then you can do it to the maximum, and if there is no such desire, then it is better to eat oranges, drink rosehip infusion, etc. Perhaps this is better for health.
  4. No more than 10 per day
  5. Basically, as much as you want. Only there is little sense in more than 2 pieces. In general, the combined drug Askorutin is better.
  6. Personally, I eat three of them! You can do it all at once, or little by little! I eat one in the morning, a second in the evening, and a third before bed
  7. Pack of 200 dragees ?
    They are low dose!
    Within 3-4 days, 20 per day.
  8. Sun it bered can pack at once
  9. Better than 5 apples a day, 5 glasses of water a day, 5 tangerines a day - tangerines can be replaced with any other fruit in an amount of at least 200g. Replace sugar with honey (choose not from a supermarket, look for a supplier), eat poppy seeds, sesame seeds, walnuts, buckwheat, cottage cheese. And no chemistry is needed, no need to support a modern pharmaceutical conglomerate). Dragees will not bring any benefit anymore.
  10. For prophylaxis for an adult - 1-2 tablets 3 times a day. For therapeutic purposes up to 1 gram per day (20 pieces).
  11. Ascorbic acid is prescribed orally after meals. Medicinal doses for adults: 1-2 tablets when taken 3-5 times a day; for children older than 3 years, 1-2 tablets when taken 2-3 times a day.
    For the purpose of prevention, Ascorbic acid is prescribed for adults in a daily dose of 2 tablets.
    For the prevention of hypovitaminosis, children from 3 to 14 years of age are prescribed 1 tablet 1 time per day.
  12. PO 1-2 pcs per day
  13. The daily requirement for an adult is about 70-100 mg, for boys aged 14-17 80 mg.
  14. Vitamins need to be looked for in products, and these are excreted in transit from the body - there is no sense.

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, familiar to many of us since childhood, is a substance that is actively involved in almost all biochemical processes of the human body. It must be consumed daily with food or in synthetic form for prevention and during illness for a speedy recovery. Vitamin C is found in many fruits and berries, including rose hips, pomegranates, and currants. In the form of dragees, powders, in ampoules and tablets, the vitamin is sold in pharmacies.

Why is ascorbic acid needed?

For the first time in its pure form, ascorbic acid was discovered by the chemist Zilva at the beginning of the last century, who synthesized it from lemon juice. According to its main characteristics, it is a white crystalline substance, sour in taste and rapidly decomposing in water.

An organic compound (C 6 H 8 O 6), or vitamin C, is found in many plants in varying amounts. With its help, many oxidative and reduction processes occur, and with a lack of vitamin in the human body, hypovitaminosis may develop, which entails other disorders. It is needed to produce lymphocytes that destroy infected cells and maintain the function of white blood cells (leukocytes). The ability of the body to cope with infections depends on their readiness.

Vitamin C must be constantly supplied to the human body.

The consumption of ascorbic acid is especially relevant in the following cases:

  • poisoning chemicals when they are inhaled;
  • development of hypovitaminosis;
  • a growing organism, since the absence of a useful substance can lead to pathology of the skeletal structure;
  • during pregnancy;
  • with active smoking, as tobacco removes it from the body.

Beneficial features

When using vitamin complexes, many people do not fully realize how useful ascorbic acid is, and often neglect it, preferring more expensive drugs.

The beneficial properties of ascorbic acid include the following:

  • It helps to increase the endurance of the body.
  • Performs a protective function in colds, participating in collagen biosynthesis and in the production of lymphocytes that destroy infected cells.
  • Vitamin C contributes to the regulation of carbohydrate metabolism and blood clotting.
  • Acceleration of the process of wound healing and bone fusion.
  • The participation of vitamin C in the synthesis of collagen protein promotes the growth of muscle, bone, and cartilage cells.
  • As an antioxidant, it removes toxins from the body by regulating redox processes. Including promotes the removal of heavy metals (copper, lead) from the body.
  • Restoration of exocrine function of the pancreas, thyroid glands.
  • Regulation of hematopoietic processes, normalization of capillary permeability.
  • Reduction of intoxication of the body with frequent use of alcohol and smoking.
  • Serves as a general tonic for various diseases.
  • It has a positive effect on mental performance, mental state, helps to cope with stress.
  • Promotes the activation of enzymes in the liver, increasing the ability to cleanse the body.
  • Normalizes cholesterol levels.
  • Helps to maintain firmness and elasticity of the skin, protecting against premature aging.
  • Participates in synthesis.

Vitamin C is included in the complex therapy in the treatment of many diseases. It is very important to give it in tablets to children, since a lack of vitamin C in a growing body can affect changes in the skeletal structure.

Warnings and indications for use

How much and how to take ascorbic acid? The daily norm is 100 mg. The synthetic form of the vitamin should be taken after meals.

By itself, vitamin C is not dangerous, but if it is abused, an allergic reaction is possible - the appearance of itching, a small rash and other phenomena. If there are problems with the gastrointestinal tract, then vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, consumed in large quantities, can lead to a number of complications. An overdose of ascorbic acid can cause abdominal pain, diarrhea, indigestion.

Contraindications to taking ascorbic acid are diabetes mellitus and thrombophlebitis: it has an identical composition with glucose, and this can provoke an increase in blood sugar levels. Caution should be exercised in its use by those who have kidney failure, anemia, leukemia, progressive malignant tumors. Given that ascorbic acid has contraindications, the intake and daily dose should be determined by the doctor.

Speaking about the benefits of using vitamin C, we must not forget that its excess in the body can lead to the appearance of:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • heartburn;
  • bloating and spasm;
  • headache;
  • insomnia;
  • the formation of kidney stones.

In large doses, ascorbic acid will work not for good, but for harm. Uncontrolled use can contribute to the appearance and accelerate the development of atherosclerosis, in children - to injure the renal tubules, provoking the development of nephrolithiasis. Therefore, you need to know what daily rate is suitable for each person. The dosage of the norm differs for adults and children, which is why specialist advice is needed.


To consume vitamin C per day, according to experts, you can at least 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women. More accurate dosages of the substance per day for people engaged in physically hard work, professional sports, during pregnancy or breastfeeding are established by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the body.

Daily doses for younger patients are as follows: adolescents take 65-75 mg, children - about 35-50 mg. It will be convenient to use with a content of 25 mg of vitamin in 1 pc. The recommended maximum daily dose is 2000 mg, but some modern scientists advise increasing the daily dosage to 3000 mg in order to prevent cancer.

This useful vitamin is, and therefore does not accumulate in the body and is excreted in the urine. So drink it, eat it or taken as tablets daily is recommended. He useful as recommended by doctors dosage people of all ages, with the exception of certain conditions. If an adult or child ate fruits and vegetables rich in ascorbic acid regularly in a healthy state, then at the first symptoms of respiratory diseases, it is necessary to increase their number and supplement the intake of synthetic forms of vitamin C.

Our body needs vitamins to function properly. Including very important, it is also "ascorbic acid". In our article, we will talk about its benefits, the causes of deficiency and excess, and also give the daily requirement depending on age.

Ascorbic acid(colloquially - ascorbic acid) belongs to the group, is a powerful antioxidant, regulates redox processes, takes an active part in the production of collagen and procollagen, is necessary for the metabolic processes of folic acid, etc.

Thanks to its influence, the blood coagulability index is regulated, the condition of the capillaries is normalized. In addition, it has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects.

Important! Vitamin C should not be consumed on an empty stomach, as it increases acidity, which can cause gastrointestinal problems.

Ascorbic acid protects the body from negative influences and stress. In addition, it helps to strengthen reparative processes and increase resistance to various infections.

Due to its water solubility, it cannot accumulate in the body, so you need to constantly replenish its supply.

Daily intake

Depending on age, the human body requires a different amount of ascorbic acid. Consider the daily dosage.

For babies

The daily allowance for infants under the age of 5 months is 30 mg. From six months, you can increase the dosage to 35 mg per day.

For girls and boys aged 1 to 3 years daily dosage is 40 mg, from 4 years to 10 years of age the norm can be increased to 45 mg, and from 10 to 11 years old child 50 mg can be given per day.

For boys and girls

For both boys and girls, the daily norm of ascorbic acid is 60 mg.

For adults

For adults, the daily dose of ascorbic acid is 90 mg for men and 75 mg for women.

For the elderly

The daily norm of ascorbic acid for people over 50 years old is 100 mg.

During illness, immunity weakens, so the human body needs an increased dosage. It is recommended to use 500-1000 mg every day, depending on the condition of the patient.

For pregnant

During pregnancy, the daily dose increases, since not only the woman, but also the fetus needs ascorbic acid. Every day it is recommended to take 200-400 mg of ascorbic acid. During lactation, the norm should also be increased.

For athletes

Since athletes are exposed to great physical exertion, the daily dose for them is much higher than for ordinary person, and is 200-300 mg.

We bring to your attention a list of products with the highest content of ascorbic acid (per 100 g of product):

  • - 450-600 mg;
  • red pepper - 180-250 mg;
  • blackcurrant - 180-200 mg;
  • green pepper - 130-150 mg;
  • - 100-120 mg;
  • - 80-90 mg;
  • - 70 mg;
  • - 50-60 mg;
  • - 50-60 mg;
  • - 45 mg;
  • - 40-45 mg;
  • - 30-40 mg;
  • - 15-20 mg.

How is the vitamin preserved during cooking

Consider the example of potatoes, fresh cabbage and sauerkraut, what are the losses of vitamin C with different types of processing.


  • when cooking in uniforms, if immersed in cold water - 25%;
  • during normal cooking, if immersed in cold water - 35%;
  • during normal cooking, if immersed in boiling water - 75%;
  • if boiled in soup - 50%;
  • if stewing - 80%;
  • if you make puree - 72-88%.

fresh cabbage:

  • if cooked in soup - 20-50%;
  • if you extinguish - 70%.
  • if cooked - 50%;
  • if stewing - 20-65%.

Unfortunately, it is not always possible to obtain the norm of ascorbic acid necessary for the body from products. In this case, special preparations come to the rescue, which can be purchased at the pharmacy.

  • "Vitamin C Nycomed";
  • "Asvitol";
  • "Vitrum plus vitamin C";
  • Upsavit Vitamin C.

In addition, in any pharmacy you can buy the well-known ascorbic acid in tablets packaged in the form of a large candy. Most often, one tablet contains 25 mg of ascorbic acid. The advantage of this drug lies in the interesting packaging and pleasant taste. They come in strawberry, raspberry, orange and other flavors that kids really like.

Did you know? The body of many animals, for example, cats, is able to independently synthesize vitamin C from glucose, unlike the human body, which has lost this ability and is forced to receive ascorbic acid either with food intake or with the use of drugs.

Possible problems: the danger of an overabundance of vitamin C

Do not think that the more you use ascorbic acid, the better. An excess of ascorbic acid can be harmful.

The WHO Committee introduced special concepts of "unconditionally acceptable daily dose of vitamin C" and "conditionally acceptable dose of vitamin C". The first is calculated at the rate of 2.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight, and the second - 7.5 mg per 1 kg of body weight.

Exceeding the conditionally permissible dose is the reason that occurs in such situations:

  • in winter and spring, in order to protect themselves from diseases, people often unnecessarily exceed the dosage;
  • the use of a large number of products containing ascorbic acid;
  • the use of too large doses for the treatment of diseases.


The main symptoms include:

  • diarrhea
  • nausea;
  • dizziness;
  • allergic reactions on the skin;
  • stomach irritation;
  • decrease in concentration;
  • damage to tooth enamel;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • deterioration in the functioning of the pancreas.

In addition to possible similar effects, with extreme caution, ascorbic acid should be taken by people suffering from diabetes having increased blood clotting and a tendency to form blood clots.

What to do

There are two types of overdose: chronic and single. In chronic it is recommended to drink a lot of water. Thanks to the incoming water, the kidneys can quickly remove the substance from the body.

Important! Young children should be given ascorbic acid gradually, starting with very small doses, as it can cause allergic reactions.

The second type is a one-time overdose. Most often occurs if the permissible dose is exceeded by 20 or more times. In this case, it is necessary to proceed with certain measures as soon as possible so that the acid does not have time to be absorbed, namely:

Perform a stomach cleanse. To do this, induce vomiting and drink large amounts of water. This will help prevent dehydration, the stomach will be flushed out, and the acid will not enter the bloodstream. Take activated charcoal.

If you realize that you have consumed too much ascorbic acid, you must temporarily exclude foods containing it from the diet.

What are the dangers of vitamin C deficiency?

The lack of ascorbic acid in the body can also lead to negative consequences.

The main causes of hypovitaminosis include:

  • malnutrition- insufficient amount of vegetables and fruits in the menu, their use after heat treatment;
  • the presence of gastrointestinal diseases- as a result of this, the absorption of acid in the intestine is disturbed;
  • metabolic disease, thyroid disorders- at the same time, vitamins are intensively excreted from the body;
  • periods, when the body needs ascorbic acid more than usual- pregnancy, lactation, the presence of infections, stress.


Among the main symptoms of hypovitaminosis are the following:

  • a feeling of fatigue quickly sets in;
  • performance is significantly reduced;
  • frequent colds;
  • headache;
  • throughout the day there is a strong irritability;
  • sleep problems are noted;
  • the skin became pale;
  • often aching muscles;
  • in defeat skin increased bleeding.

Did you know? Nowadays, all animals, plants and people need vitamin C. There is only one exception - yeast: they need a completely different form of ascorbic acid.

What to do

To replenish the concentration of vitamin C in the body, use the following recommendations:

  • include more fruits and vegetables in your diet;
  • give up bad habits - smoking and drinking alcohol;
  • avoid stress and hypothermia;
  • sleep at least 8 hours;
  • take 100-200 mg of vitamin C daily.

In order not to harm your health, you should be especially careful about the dosage of ascorbic acid. You should not exceed the recommended rate, and if you have any diseases, you should consult with your doctor about whether you can take this or that dose.

In addition, in no case should you engage in self-diagnosis and prescribe ascorbic acid to yourself without the knowledge of a doctor. Remember that taking too much or too little can seriously harm your health.

Useful vitamins

In addition to ascorbic acid, there are other useful vitamins. Let's consider them.

Vitamin A

This vitamin belongs to the group. It is necessary for the maintenance of normal vision, for the health of bones, skin, hair and the proper functioning of the immune system. The daily norm for an adult is 900 micrograms for men and 700 micrograms for women.

This vitamin promotes absorption in the body and is necessary for the proper development of teeth and bone tissue. In addition, it is necessary for the normal functioning nervous system. The daily norm for an adult is 5 mcg.

Vitamin E

Due to its presence in the body, tissue regeneration occurs much faster, blood circulation improves. It is also used in the treatment of many female diseases, improves the condition of the skin and hair. The daily dose for adult women is 8ME, for men - 10E.

So, ascorbic acid, like other vitamins, is very important for the normal functioning of the body. However, care must be taken not to allow a deficiency or excess of these substances. They can only be beneficial when used in moderation.

Many studies prove that vitamin C is one of the most important trace elements that are involved in most life processes in the human body. It is found in many products, but its main carrier is ascorbic acid, dosage and correct reception which are very important for the regulation of acid balance in the body.

Ascorbic acid: benefits, who needs it?

Ascorbic acid is essential for the treatment of colds and. There are certain symptoms of its lack in the human body. These include blanching of the skin, weakened immune defenses, prolonged wound healing, bleeding gums and dental diseases (shaky teeth, frequent), a feeling of general malaise, insomnia, and much more.

Under the influence of ascorbic acid, the following processes are observed in the human body:

  • hemoglobin increases, blood composition improves;
  • the cardiovascular system is strengthened;
  • the condition of nails, skin, hair and the whole organism as a whole improves;
  • a rejuvenating effect is observed.

It is important to remember that if the correct dosages are not observed, ascorbic acid can be harmful and even dangerous to humans. Even such a completely safe drug should be prescribed only by a doctor, under certain indications. He must prescribe a certain dosage, the duration of the course of therapy.

Video "Vitamin C for children and adults"

An informational video describing the drug, as well as recommendations for taking ascorbic acid for children and adults.

Ascorbic acid for colds: dosage and amount of vitamin C needed

Before taking any drug, you should read its instructions in detail, ascorbic acid is no exception. There are three uses for vitamin C:

  • in tablet form;
  • intravenously;
  • intramuscularly.

Regardless of the form of release of the drug, the dosage of ascorbic acid per day for each individual patient should be prescribed exclusively by a qualified physician.

As a rule, for children and adults with colds or for the purpose of prevention, ascorbic acid is prescribed in tablets or in the form of dragees. This is the most convenient way to use it. The daily dose of the drug is calculated depending on the age category of the person, his height and weight. Most often, it is recommended to take vitamins after meals.

The required dosage per day depends on many factors. During the period of prevention, it averages from 0.05 g to 100 mg. With regular physical, mental and emotional stress, in the presence of infectious viral diseases and during the period, the therapeutic daily dose of ascorbic acid should be increased to 500-1500 mg.

Ascorbic acid: dosage for adults

  1. In the form of tablets. The recommended dose for preventive maintenance of immunity is 0.05-0.1 g, 2 times a day. In the treatment of viral diseases, the dosage is doubled - 1 tab. 3 times a day.
  2. In the form of a dragee. To replenish the general state of this acidic element in the body, 1 tablet with a dosage of 0.05 is enough, no more than 1-2 times a day. For the purpose of therapeutic use, up to 5 doses are allowed.
  3. In powder form. For prevention, the powder dissolved in water is taken from 50-100 ml per day after meals, for treatment - from 300-500 ml. One liter of water requires 1000 mg of powder.
  4. In ampoules. With intramuscular or intravenous administration of the drug, sodium ascorbate is used in the form of a five percent solution. For preventive purposes, this form is not used. The therapeutic dose for the patient is 1-5 ml up to three times a day.

Dosage of ascorbic acid during pregnancy

The appointment of ascorbic acid for pregnant women occurs only at the discretion of the gynecologist. Self-administration of vitamins is unacceptable, since their imbalance and the risk of overdose are dangerous for the baby, especially during the first trimester. An excessive concentration of ascorbic acid in the body can provoke ascorbic disease, scurvy and other dangerous complications in a child.

Given all the warnings, it is allowed to take ascorbic acid only if necessary. This trace element in the correct dosage is needed for the implementation of many processes that affect the development and normal growth of the fetus. In addition, ascorbic acid is prescribed to prevent bleeding that is possible during childbirth. The maximum daily dose for pregnant women is no more than 60 mg during the second and third trimester.

Rules for taking vitamin C for pregnant women

  1. In the form of tablets. If contraindications are completely absent, then the maximum intake should be 2-4 tablets per day, with a dosage of 25 mg. In the first trimester - no more than 60 mg per day.
  2. In the form of a dragee. Appointed in the second trimester. The daily dose is 1-2 tablets containing 50 mg of acid in each.
  3. In powder form. During pregnancy, no more than 60 mg per day is allowed, during the feeding period - no more than 80 mg. The powder dissolves in a strict dosage: 1 g of powder is allowed per 1 liter.
  4. In ampoules. Most often, they try to avoid prescribing this form of the drug. If necessary, an injection of a five percent solution, with a dosage of 1-1.5 ml, is done once a day.

In no case do not self-medicate, all appointments of ascorbic acid during pregnancy should be carried out only by a qualified specialist.

Dosage of ascorbic acid for children

Preparations with ascorbic acid are not recommended for children under one year of age. Tablets with a dosage of 25 mg are allowed to be used from the age of three, and dragees in which the dosage is 50 mg - from the age of five. However, pediatricians often prescribe this medication at a younger age for the purpose of prevention and treatment. It is strictly forbidden to do this on your own, so as not to harm the baby.

The permissible dosage for children is 50-100 mg, twice or thrice a day. At first, it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the child's body to this vitamin, since allergic reactions are not excluded.

Dosages of ascorbic acid and glucose

Ascorbic acid and glucose are the most powerful natural antioxidant, without which various biochemical processes do not fully proceed. It has a positive effect on the liver and kidneys, removes toxic substances from them. It also has an antihistamine and anti-inflammatory effect, improves blood circulation and iron absorption, and accelerates metabolism.

Most often, the paired appointment of ascorbic acid and glucose is done in order to increase the protective function of the body and normalize the hormonal production of the thyroid and adrenal glands.

The dosage of drugs is calculated by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of a particular patient.

For prevention and treatment, children are prescribed a dosage of 50 and 100 mg per day, adults - 100 and 150 mg. Preventive and therapeutic course lasts no more than two weeks.

Ascorbic acid overdose: symptoms and consequences

Everything should be in moderation! Especially when it comes to health. Excess in the body of various nutrients is no less dangerous than their lack. Therefore, when taking ascorbic acid, it is very important not to overdose it, since this is fraught with consequences for the body in the form of intoxication.

When eating natural foods high in vitamin C, the use of artificial preparations should be abandoned for a while. So, citrus fruits (oranges, tangerines, lemons), greens (parsley, dill, spinach), berries (red and black currants, gooseberries) are rich in vitamin C.

The manifestation of the following symptoms should signal a possible overdose of ascorbic acid:

  • the occurrence of nausea, dizziness and general weakness;
  • manifestation of irritability and nervousness;
  • lack of sleep and sleep disturbance;
  • appearance, disorder of the stool;
  • vomiting, stomach pain;
  • appearance.

All this may indicate a high concentration of vitamin C in the body. If you have any symptoms or feel unwell, you should definitely consult a doctor. To avoid overdose, it is important to adhere to the established individual daily allowance, balancing the intake of ascorbic acid with natural products that contain it in large quantities.

Video "Symptoms of a lack of vitamin C, and how to replenish it?"

Video broadcast detailing the symptoms of vitamin C deficiency in the body, as well as ways to replenish its reserves with food.

Few people know about the benefits of nicotinic or succinic acids. But even small children have heard about vitamin C, or about “ascorbic acid”.

It is no coincidence that ascorbic acid enjoys the widest popularity. To a large extent, due to the active promotion of its antioxidant properties, the ability to strengthen the immune system and serve as a prevention of colds.

Approximately on such a list useful properties usually the knowledge of the ordinary consumer about ascorbic acid ends. And the fact that its improper use is fraught with backfire, even fewer ordinary people are aware of it.

Let us dwell on the properties of vitamin C and try to figure out why the body needs it. Exactly how much, in what doses and how it is necessary and how you can use ascorbic acid in order to get the least harm from this and as much benefit as possible. Including - to protect yourself from the devastating effects of urbanization and poor ecology and prevent premature aging.

Proper intake of ascorbic acid can significantly improve health and even serve as a prevention of cancer: cancer of the esophagus, bladder, intestines.

Lack of vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, provokes frequent colds, infectious diseases. It can cause a state of depression, emotional imbalance. Poor and prolonged wound healing, fatigue can also indicate a lack of ascorbic acid. In young children, its deficiency can provoke improper formation of the bones of the skeleton. With a strong deficiency, the development of such a serious illness as scurvy is possible.

Our body cannot produce ascorbic acid on its own, so there are only two ways to meet its needs for this vitamin:

  1. Make sure you get your daily dose through food.
  2. Use pharmaceutical preparations of ascorbic acid.

Daily doses of ascorbic acid

The usual daily dose, due to the body's need for vitamin C, is from 0.05 g to 100 mg. But it increases significantly with increased stress, hard physical labor, mental stress, emotional disorders, infectious diseases, pain, during pregnancy.

For the purpose of prevention for internal use:

The dose for adults is from 50 to 100 mg per day (1-2 tablets of 0.05 g each).

With a deficiency of vitamin C in children, they are usually prescribed 0.05-0.1 g (1-2 tablets) for a single dose. It is recommended to repeat it two or three times.

Maximum doses of ascorbic acid

For adults: single dose - no more than 200 mg, daily - no more than 500 mg.

For children under 6 months - 30 mg per day. No more than 35 mg per day - a dose for babies aged 6 months to a year. From the age of one to three years, the dosage of the vitamin rises to 40 mg. From 4 years to 10 years of age - 45 mg; and 50 mg for children 11 to 14 years of age.

The use of ascorbic acid during pregnancy

In the II-III trimesters, a pregnant woman should receive at least about 60 mg of ascorbic acid per day.

During pregnancy and during lactation, a woman needs sufficiently large doses of ascorbic acid - up to 300 mg (6 tablets) can be taken per day.

Overdose and its consequences

When taking excessively high doses of ascorbic acid for a long period - more than 1 g per day - side effects may occur:

  • Headache;
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastritis;
  • Malfunctions of the pancreas;
  • Kidney damage;
  • Decreased capillary permeability, increased blood clotting;
  • The threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • allergic reactions;
  • Increased excitability of the central nervous system;
  • Violation of metabolic processes;
  • Other disorders.

If any unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking ascorbic acid.

Taking too high doses during pregnancy can pose a threat to the health of the child. And in a pregnant woman - to provoke a miscarriage.

That dose of the vitamin, which does not have time to be absorbed by the body, is excreted by the kidneys in its pure form. And that overburdens them. One of the most terrible consequences is the formation of stones.

If any unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking ascorbic acid. It is necessary during treatment with ascorbic acid to control blood pressure and the state of the pancreas.

Ascorbic acid preparations are taken after meals.

Everyone needs vitamin C, especially pregnant and breastfeeding women and the elderly. In heavy smokers and alcohol abusers, the need for it also increases due to irrational spending.

Vitamin C is vital for good health. But its reserves are not reserved in the body. They must be replenished daily. As an alternative to pharmaceutical preparations, there is a wonderful natural remedy for the prevention of hypovitaminosis - an infusion of rose hips. A glass of vitamin drink a day - and your body is ready to repel unpleasant attacks!


Once upon a time, ascorbic acid was considered a cure for almost all diseases.

However, even now, among the mass of popular vitamins, many prefer the good old budget ascorbic acid.

There are several forms of release: in pills, tablets, ampoules...

Ascorbic acid in a dragee is the closest thing for me, probably thanks to memories from childhood

Price about 30 rub.

Dragees are in a plastic jar with a screw cap. Unfortunately, there is no protection from children!

The dragee is bright yellow in color with a sweet and sour taste and aroma, familiar to many from childhood.

I have always loved the transition from sweet to sour.


For prevention: adults 0.05-0.1 g (1-2 tablets) / day, children from 5 years old - 0.05 g (1 tablet) / day.
For treatment: adults 0.05-0.1 g (1-2 tablets) 3-5 times / day, children from 5 years old - 0.05-0.1 g (1-2 tablets) 2-3 times / day.
During pregnancy and lactation - 0.3 g (6 tablets) / day for 10-15 days, then 0.1 g (2 tablets) / day.


Prevention and treatment of hypo-and avitaminosis C;

States of increased need for ascorbic acid;

The period of artificial feeding and intensive growth;

Unbalanced diet;

Increased mental and physical stress;

The period of convalescence after serious illness;


burn disease;

Fever against the background of acute respiratory diseases, acute respiratory viral infections;

Long-term chronic infections;

Nicotine addiction;

stressful state;

Postoperative period, pregnancy (multiple, on the background of nicotine or drug addiction);

Chronic intoxication with iron preparations (as part of complex therapy with deferoxamine);

Idiopathic methemoglobinemia.



Tendency to thrombosis;


Sucrase/isomaltase deficiency, fructose intolerance,

glucose-galactose malabsorption;

Increased sensitivity.

Children can take ascorbic acid only from the age of 5!


ascorbic acid 50 mg


✔ Ascorbic acid is famous for its general strengthening actions. Vitamin C is recommended to be taken as a preventive measure during periods of colds.

Most vitamin C is found in the following foods:

rose hip;

green parsley;

black currant;

sea ​​​​buckthorn;

red bell pepper;

citrus fruits (oranges, lemons, tangerines);

But the dose of vitamin C obtained from foods is not always sufficient, especially in the autumn-winter periods.

Here the pharmacy version of ascorbic acid comes to our aid.

To cope with a viral attack, you need to take an antioxidant, and the simplest of them is vitamin C.

Such a vitamin C regimen at the first sign of a cold:

  • For the first 2 days, take 2g of vitamin C per day
  • Next 2 days 1g vitamin C
  • Next 3 days 500mg vitamin C

BUT! I was afraid to take such a shock dose because of the danger of an overdose, so I reduced the daily amount of the vitamin.

My vitamin C regimen at the first sign of a cold:

  • The first 2 days, 10 pieces of dragee (500 mg) in 2 doses
  • The next 2 days, 5 pieces of dragee (250 mg) in 2 doses
  • The next 3 days, 2 pcs of dragees (100 mg) in 2 doses

Vitamin C should be taken as soon as you feel a slight malaise.

So that there is no irritation of the stomach, since it is an acid, it is necessary to drink jelly or kefir, or use it with food !!!

In no case do I claim to follow this scheme, there are many side effects from an overdose of ascorbic acid!

I'm just sharing my experience.

Five months have passed since the last acute respiratory disease in September. I'm very afraid to jinx it, but for me it's a long period of cold-free existence.

And once again: for such a large dose of ascorbic acid, there are contraindications!!!

As a preventive measure, it is enough to take 1-2 tablets (50-100g).

✔ Vitamin C - powerful antioxidant. Older people (and not only) are often prescribed Vitamin C to cleanse and strengthen blood vessels. The doctor prescribed courses of vitamin C for my mother almost for life, in the preparation Ascorutin, where vitamin C and vitamin P interact effectively with each other.

✔ Also, do not forget that vitamin C is effective tool restoration and whitening of the skin.

Ascorbic acid can be added to masks, probably everyone knows peeling with ascorbic acid, which is desirable to carry out in the autumn-winter periods, no more than once a week.

To do this, use ascorbic acid in ampoules.

I have sensitive skin, I already got burned once with badyagi peeling, so I mostly use the light version- ascorbic acid lotion .

To do this, it is necessary to dilute the solution of ascorbic acid with mineral or ordinary water 1: 1.

You can wipe your face with this lotion once a day in the evening before going to bed.

At first I only wiped my face, then applied the solution for 5 minutes, then gradually increased the time, but no more than 20 minutes.

The main thing is not to forget to wash off the acid and be sure to moisturize the skin!

Therefore, it is necessary to apply a cream after the procedure.

Later, after letting the skin get used to it, I tried to apply undiluted ascorbic acid (aka acid peeling) with fear, fortunately, I did not feel any discomfort in the form of tingling. Only some time after washing off, I felt some warmth and slight reddening of the skin, almost imperceptible.

Therefore, for those who are afraid to apply ascorbic acid in its pure form, I advise you to start with a diluted lotion.

After using an acid peel, you must use sunscreen than with SPF 15 to avoid age spots. Peels are recommended from October to March.

Within a week after acid peeling, it is advisable not to use scrubs and alcohol-containing products.

Warning: if the skin has wounds, sores, ascorbic acid products are not recommended. And also in the presence of spider veins on the face.

Thanks to the course of acid peeling, the complexion improves, the skin relief is evened out.

✔And more note! Diuretics and contraceptives negatively affect the content of vitamin C in the body, as well as nicotine, alcohol. Therefore, people subject to such influence should slightly increase the daily rate of ascorbic acid.

In continuation of our conversation about collagen, I hasten to write what is the norm of vitamin C for adults, how much to drink with amino acids, and why high dosages are no longer in fashion!

Why do we call vitamin C the most useful friend? Because he will never leave in trouble!

Vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of collagen, which is important for beautiful skin and its elasticity. It maintains combat readiness by activating adrenaline if danger suddenly arises. That is, it works as our guard, which will help to escape or join the battle!))

Other Important Functions of Vitamin C: detoxifying and antioxidant, it cleanses the body of toxins and neutralizes free radicals. It also helps with iron absorption.

Vitamin C is especially important for smokers, since it protects the body from oxidative stress and cells from destruction, it removes the decay products of cigarette smoke.

Important! For reducing wrinkles and improving complexion, vitamin C is more effective when applied to the skin than when taken orally, as it works faster and more effectively.

Vitamin C is also popular for immune support during flu season and acute respiratory infections, the dosage for this is 250 - 1000 mg / day, but it is best to take it during the entire cold season!

The norm of vitamin C for adults

  • 90 mg/day for adult men and 75 mg/day for adult women
  • additional 35 mg/day recommended for smokers
  • 85 mg/day for pregnant women and 120 mg/day for lactating women

And now attention! These dosages are based on healthy diet And more than sufficient for normal collagen synthesis!

Safe amount of vitamin C: 500 mg

The maximum safe dosage (UL) is 2000 mg/day. But according to recent research, Daily intake of 1000 mg and above has side effects:

  • women have an increased risk of developing cataracts
  • men have an increased risk of kidney stones (calcium oxalate crystals form)
  • reduces the effectiveness of statins, antidepressants and anticoagulants
  • high doses of vitamin C affect blood test results (for sugar and cholesterol)
  • impairs muscle function during endurance training

Not very pleasant consequences of high dosages of vitamin C, agree. Moreover, these effects are not documented at 500 mg/day.

My safe dose of vitamin C is 500mg a day for this spring. And people with a tendency to form kidney stones are advised to limit to 250 mg / day of vitamin C!

Vitamin Ester C for people with high acidity

This time I settled on the American Health brand. Citrus bioflavonoids in its complexes increase the absorption of vitamin C.

Esther C form does not irritate the gastric mucosa at high dosages, which is especially important for people who have high acidity and a sensitive stomach. And as usual, give a list of options that I chose for myself:

Dosage 500 mg

  • American Health, Ester-C with Citrus Bioflavonoids, 500 mg, 120 Capsules(for 4 months of admission)
  • American Health Ester-C Powder with Citrus Bioflavonoid s (powder, convenient)
  • American Health, Ester-C with Cranberry & Immune Health Complex(for immunity)
  • American Health, Ester-C, with Probiotics, Digestion & Immune Health Complex(with probiotics)

Dosage 250 mg

Daily doses of ascorbic acid

The usual daily dose, due to the body's need for vitamin C, is from 0.05 g to 100 mg. But it increases significantly with increased stress, hard physical labor, mental stress, emotional disorders, infectious diseases, pain, during pregnancy.

The dose for adults is from 50 to 100 mg per day (1-2 tablets of 0.05 g each).

With a deficiency of vitamin C in children, they are usually prescribed 0.05-0.1 g (1-2 tablets) for a single dose. It is recommended to repeat it two or three times.

The effect of ascorbic acid on a cold

The exceptional role of the substance in the treatment regimen for acute respiratory viral infections was first mentioned by Nobel laureate Linus Pauling, who experimentally found that "lethal" doses of ascorbic acid can prevent the disease or significantly alleviate its course.

Then there were scientific studies that established exactly how vitamin C helps with colds. This active compound stimulates the synthesis of endogenous interferon, a natural antimicrobial substance that enhances the processes of phagocytosis and the cellular immune response to the penetration of the virus.

The acid also has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect: it inhibits the synthesis of prostaglandins and cytokines.

The concentration of ascorbic acid in neutrophils is 150 times higher than in blood plasma. The compound increases the ability of leukocytes to chemotaxis and the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.

Therefore, with a lack of vitamin C in the body, a decrease in immunity is observed and a person's susceptibility to various infections increases.

A normal level of ascorbic acid is also necessary to maintain a stable concentration of vitamin E in the blood (this substance is a natural activator of the immune system).

In products plant origin contains large doses of vitamin C, so they are useful for ARVI and colds.

The active substance is destroyed by slow heating, exposure to oxygen and ultraviolet radiation.

To get the maximum benefit from the products, you should follow some recommendations: add lemon to slightly cooled tea, when cooking vegetables, throw them immediately into boiling water.

Food sources of animal origin contain significantly lower amounts of the vitamin, so their use is not advisable for the treatment of colds. There are about 15-20 mg of the nutrient per 100 g of meat by-products, in seafood the concentration is even lower - 8-13 mg.

Treating a cold with vitamin C is effective if caught early.

Below are the 3 most simple means:

  • Weak black or green tea with honey and lemon. Instructions for combating colds: the drink should be taken as often as possible (up to 8-10 times a day), it is also allowed to be given to children who are not allergic to citrus fruits. You can also use a decoction of rose hips. To prepare it, you need to take 3 tablespoons of chopped berries, put them in a thermos and pour 1 liter of boiling water. The remedy should be infused for 8 hours, after which the drink is drunk half a glass 2-3 times a day.
  • Raspberry tea is an effective antipyretic that is given to adults and children. To prepare a fragrant drink, you need to pour about 100 g of fresh raspberries or 2 tbsp. spoons of jam with a glass of boiling water, and leave for 20-25 minutes.
  • Adults with a cold are recommended to take vitamin C with cognac. An alcoholic drink in small quantities enhances the absorption of ascorbic acid, and also has a diaphoretic effect. 50 g of cognac must be heated to 60 °, add a couple of teaspoons of lemon juice and a quarter of a spoon of honey. It is advisable to drink the remedy before going to bed. 2-3 tablespoons of alcohol can be added to tea with lemon.

The pharmaceutical industry offers many options for vitamin C products that are used for influenza and respiratory viral infections. The most popular dragees, effervescent tablets and powders with ascorbic acid, there are also combined preparations for oral and intramuscular administration.

Tablets and dragees

These dosage forms are intended for oral administration. They are produced with different concentrations of the active substance - from 50 mg to 500 mg. Tablets are usually small in size, easy to dose and use. The disadvantage of this form of release is the irritating effect on the gastrointestinal tract, if you drink pills on an empty stomach.

Popular drugs in tablets:

  • Vitamin C plus Kid`s formula Farmamed;
  • Multi-tabs with vitamin C;
  • Vitamin C Nycomed.

Effervescent tablets

According to the instructions, the tablet must be dissolved in a glass of water and the resulting vitamin solution should be drunk. Medicines are distinguished by higher dosages of ascorbic acid - a shock dose of vitamin C for a cold of 1000 mg. Effervescent drugs are easy to take. The disadvantage of the dosage form is that it cannot be prescribed to people with high acidity of the stomach, peptic ulcer.

Pharmacies offer the following products:

  • Upsavit vitamin C;
  • Lekovit S-Sa;
  • Vitrum-plus vitamin C.

Tablets effectively reduce body temperature, eliminate headaches and myalgia.

When prescribing combined dosage forms care should be taken not to cause signs of an overdose of one of the components.

Effective drugs against colds and SARS:

  • Rinzasip with vitamin C;
  • Paracetamol Ascorbic acid;
  • Mukaltin forte with vitamin C.

show all


Vitamin preparations in liquid form are mainly prescribed for children, as they are distinguished by good taste and ease of dosage calculation. In addition to ascorbic acid, the composition includes medicinal herbs with antimicrobial, antipyretic, antitussive effects.

The best syrups with ascorbic acid:

  • Immunal plus C;
  • Licorice root extract;
  • Elecampane with vitamin C;
  • Plantain syrup with vitamin C;
  • Althea root syrup with vitamin C;
  • Thyme with Vitamin C.

show all

In a stationary network of pharmacies, prices for ascorbic acid preparations can be overstated, which is explained by high trade margins of intermediaries. Therefore, we recommend ordering vitamin complexes with vitamin C against flu and colds on the iHerb international website.

The prices of these drugs on the iHerb marketplace are 30-50% lower than those of other sellers.

The site guarantees high quality products, since the additives come directly from manufacturers - premium pharmaceutical companies from Europe and the USA.

Delivery is carried out worldwide, residents of Russia can use the free delivery service. Each drug on the site contains a lot of reviews from real buyers, which will facilitate the choice of a vitamin supplement.

For readers of our magazine, we provide a 5% discount on the cost of the first order. In order to activate the discount, you must follow the link or enter the special promo code AGK4375 in a separate box when making purchases in the basket.

The daily requirement for vitamin C is from 45 to 90 mg, but in diseases these norms increase significantly.

Taking the medicine in high doses helps to reduce the duration of the viral infection and the severity of the main symptoms, but you should not get too carried away with ascorbic acid. For each age group, there is a recommended daily dose of vitamin C for colds.

Means are taken orally in the form of tablets, syrup or powder, and intramuscular injection is possible only in a hospital setting.

For children

It is undesirable for a child under 5 years old to give ascorbic acid in the form of synthetic medicines as it may cause allergic reactions. After five years of age, vitamin syrups with herbal extracts are used. The daily amount of the active substance should not exceed 100 mg.

In adults

For colds in adults, vitamin C is used at a dosage of 1 g per day. You need to drink tablets in the morning, because the remedy tones the body. To reduce possible side effects, the drug is taken during or after meals. If a person smokes, the rate can be increased by 1.2-1.5 times, since nicotine inhibits the absorption of the vitamin.

In the elderly

Patients over 60 who do not have serious health problems can drink the drug at 1000 mg per day. In the presence of chronic diseases in the stage of subcompensation, the amount of vitamin should be reduced to 500 mg per day. You can not drink supplements with milk and sour-milk products, as they reduce digestibility.

During pregnancy

In expectant mothers, the use of ascorbic acid is allowed only after consultation with a gynecologist. The maximum daily dose of vitamin C for a cold is 500 mg, but to avoid risk to the child, it is better to stop at a dose of 250 mg.

Side effects

The use of vitamin C in people prone to allergic diseases can cause skin rashes, runny nose and watery eyes. With severe sensitization, there is a risk of developing anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema.

Possible side effects after taking supplements:

  • from the gastrointestinal tract - nausea, heartburn, epigastric pain;
  • on the part of the blood - an increase in the level of platelets, high leukocytosis;
  • from the side of the kidneys - crystalluria, the formation of stones in the pyelocaliceal system;
  • from the nervous system - increased excitability, sleep disturbances, a feeling of heat in the face.

Ascorbic acid is a water-soluble substance, so even when using shock doses of vitamin C during a cold, unpleasant symptoms are extremely rare.

With prolonged use of the drug at a dosage of more than 1 g per day, inhibition of the enzymatic activity of the pancreas and a decrease in insulin synthesis are possible.

In patients with pathology of the urinary system, renal colic may occur.

When signs of an overdose appear, the use of vitamin drugs is immediately stopped and detoxification therapy and symptomatic treatment are prescribed. Therefore, with a cold, you need to observe doses of vitamin C in order to get only benefits for the body.

At the end of the 20th century, in numerous clinical trials, it was found that regular use of vitamin C in therapeutic dosages is effective in preventing colds - it can reduce the risk of getting sick by 50%.

Adults should take supplements at 100-200 mg per day, throughout the autumn-winter period, to support the functioning of the immune system. In children, taking vitamin complexes is possible only after consulting a pediatrician.

Overdose and its consequences

In the II-III trimesters, a pregnant woman should receive at least about 60 mg of ascorbic acid per day.

During pregnancy and during lactation, a woman needs sufficiently large doses of ascorbic acid - up to 300 mg (6 tablets) can be taken per day.

When taking excessively high doses of ascorbic acid for a long period - more than 1 g per day - side effects may occur:

  • Headache;
  • Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, gastritis;
  • Malfunctions of the pancreas;
  • Kidney damage;
  • Decreased capillary permeability, increased blood clotting;
  • The threat of termination of pregnancy;
  • allergic reactions;
  • Increased excitability of the central nervous system;
  • Violation of metabolic processes;
  • Other disorders.

If any unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking ascorbic acid.

Taking too high doses during pregnancy can pose a threat to the health of the child. And in a pregnant woman - to provoke a miscarriage.

That dose of the vitamin, which does not have time to be absorbed by the body, is excreted by the kidneys in its pure form. And that overburdens them. One of the most terrible consequences is the formation of stones.

If any unpleasant symptoms appear, you should immediately stop taking ascorbic acid. It is necessary during treatment with ascorbic acid to control blood pressure and the state of the pancreas.

Ascorbic acid preparations are taken after meals.

Everyone needs vitamin C, especially pregnant and breastfeeding women and the elderly. In heavy smokers and alcohol abusers, the need for it also increases due to irrational spending.

Vitamin C is vital for good health. But its reserves are not reserved in the body. They must be replenished daily. As an alternative to pharmaceutical preparations, there is a wonderful natural remedy for the prevention of hypovitaminosis - an infusion of rose hips. A glass of vitamin drink a day - and your body is ready to repel unpleasant attacks!

Since ascorbic acid is directly involved in almost all vital processes of the body, its benefits can be fully appreciated when there is a shortage of it.

Namely, symptoms such as pale skin, constant fatigue, poor sleep and appetite, frequent colds, decreased immunity and pain in the limbs, in most cases indicate that the body lacks acid in the required volumes.

Regular intake of vitamin C contributes to:

  1. strengthening the immune system;
  2. normalization of cholesterol levels;
  3. prevention of diseases of the respiratory system;
  4. increase hemoglobin and improve blood composition;
  5. strengthening the cardiovascular system;
  6. improving the general condition of the body, including skin, hair and nails;
  7. body rejuvenation.

IMPORTANT! Ascorbic acid is part of almost all drugs that contribute to the rapid recovery of the body. However, it can even be harmful if used incorrectly, without adhering to certain dosages.

Before using ascorbic acid, you need to familiarize yourself with some of the nuances. Vitamin C can be used in three varieties: tablet form, intramuscularly or intravenously.

IMPORTANT! The daily maximum dosage for each vitamin variety must be prescribed by a qualified physician.

As a rule, the daily dose of ascorbic acid required for a person ranges from 0.05 g to 100 mg. However, it should increase with increasing physical activity, during colds (infectious) diseases, during pregnancy, emotional and mental stress. The therapeutic dose of vitamin per day is from 500 mg to 1500 mg.

Ascorbic acid dosage for adults:

  • In tablets. For the prevention and general maintenance of ascorbic acid in the body, it is prescribed to adults at 0.05 g - 0.1 g twice a day. During treatment, the dose of vitamin C is almost doubled - 1 tablet 3 times a day.
  • In dragee. The maximum possible dose of ascorbic dragees for adults is 1-2 pieces of 0.05 g each. For medicinal purposes, the number of dragees can be increased to 5 per day.
  • In powder form. For prophylactic purposes, vitamin C in powder is taken: from 50 ml to 100 ml per day, during treatment: from 300 ml to 500 ml. At the same time, 1000 mg of the powder is dissolved in 1 liter of pure water and taken after eating.
  • in ampoules. In the case of intramuscular (intravenous) use, a 5% solution of vitamin (sodium ascorbate) is used. The therapeutic dose is 1-5 ml from one to three times a day. As a rule, for the prevention of deficiency, tablet forms of ascorbic acid are used or in the form of dragees.

Ascorbic acid is one of the first drugs prescribed to pregnant women. It affects many processes associated with the normal growth and development of the baby, and is also an excellent prevention of possible bleeding during childbirth. The maximum allowable dose for women in an "interesting" position in the second and third semesters is 60 mg.

IMPORTANT! An overdose of the drug during pregnancy (especially in the first trimester) has a very bad effect on the health of the baby and can lead to the development of ascorbic disease, scurvy and, in rare cases, abortion.

How to take vitamin C for pregnant women:

  • In tablets. If there are no contraindications, then pregnant women should take 2 to 4 tablets per day (1 tablet - 25 mg). In the first months, the daily intake of the vitamin should not exceed 60 mg.
  • In dragee. During pregnancy, it is recommended, starting from the second semester, to take 1-2 tablets of vitamin C, where one tablet contains 50 mg of acid.
  • In powder form. During the period of gestation and lactation, no more than 60 ml and 80 ml of vitamin C solution should be consumed, respectively. It is necessary to prepare the solution, strictly following the instructions: dissolve 2.5 g of the powder in 2.5 liters of clean boiled water. Drink after meals.
  • in ampoules. For injections, a 5% acid solution is used. Pregnant women are prescribed 1-1.5 ml of a 5% solution once a day (1 ml of the solution contains 50 mg of ascorbic acid).

IMPORTANT! During pregnancy, the need to take ascorbic acid, the dosage and duration of use is prescribed exclusively by a doctor!

In tablets. Therapeutic dose for children from 3 to 7 years - 2-4 tablets (50-100 mg) per day, for children aged 7 to 10 years - 4 tablets (100 mg) per day, for children from 10 to 14 years - 4-6 tablets (100-150 mg) per day. Askorbinka should not be given to children under 3 years of age.

For prevention, vitamin C should be consumed by children from 3 to 14 years old, 1 tablet per day. - In dragee. The recommended occupational dose for children over 5 years old is 1 tablet per day, with medical therapy- 2-3 tablets per day. - In powder form.

For prophylactic purposes, children over 6 years of age are recommended to use the drug after meals, in the form of a ready-made solution up to 50 ml per day. The therapeutic dose is up to 10 ml per day.

In ampoules, children are prescribed: at the age of up to 6 months - 0.4-0.6 ml of a 5% solution, 6-12 months -0.7 ml of a 5% solution, 1-3 years -0.8 ml of a 5% solution, 4-10 years - 0.9 ml of a 5% solution, 11-14 years -1 ml of a 5% solution, over 15 years - 1.2-2 ml of a 5% solution once a day.

Vitamin C is given to cats or dogs in three ways: intramuscularly, intravenously, or injected under the skin. Apply a 5% solution of "ascorbic acid" in ampoules or in powder. The dosage is prescribed exclusively by a veterinarian, taking into account the weight of the animal and its condition. As a rule, the dose is 0.1-0.2 ml per 1 kg of body weight. In powder, animals are prescribed from 50 to 200 mg of weight per 1 kg of weight. Powdered vitamin C is given mixed with feed.

Usually, ascorbic acid paired with glucose is prescribed to increase the protective functions of the body, for the proper production of adrenal and thyroid hormones. The dose of the drug is prescribed by the doctor, based on the age, weight of the person, his condition and the complexity of the disease. For preventive purposes, adults and children from 14 years old are recommended to take from 50 to 100 mg per day, children under 14 years old - up to 50 mg per day.

It should be noted that an overdose of ascorbic acid is no less dangerous than its lack. And all because, due to its large accumulation, intoxication of the body occurs, or simply poisoning.

IMPORTANT! The dosage of vitamin C must be reduced or completely eliminated when adding a large amount of citrus fruits to your daily diet - tangerine, orange, grapefruit, greens - parsley, dill, spinach, berries - red and black currants, gooseberries.

You should be alert for symptoms such as:

  • nausea, frequent dizziness, general weakness of the body;
  • irritability and increased nervousness;
  • bad sleep;
  • bowel problems: pain, cramps, disorders;
  • vomiting, stomach cramps;
  • skin rashes.

because they may indicate an excess of vitamin C in your body. In order to prevent an overdose of the vitamin, it is very important to establish for yourself an individual daily intake of the drug and balance the intake of ascorbic acid with products containing it in large volumes.

Is ascorbic acid poisoning possible? Can pregnant women take it? What benefits and harms can this substance bring? We will talk about this and other features in detail in our article.

Ascorbic acid, or simply "ascorbic acid", is widely known to us as a simple and easily accessible source of vitamin C. It is released without a prescription and is considered absolutely harmless. But is it?

It turns out that it doesn't. Moreover, the consequences are very serious. What happens if you take a lot of ascorbic acid? Are the concepts compatible: ascorbic acid and overdose? We will receive a positive answer.

What is ascorbic acid?

Ascorbic acid is called organic compound With chemical formula C6H8O6, which is one of the most essential substances for the human body.
With sufficient use of it, bone and connective tissue work normally.

Vitamin C is antioxidant, performs the biological functions of a reducing agent and coenzyme of many metabolic processes.

Under natural conditions, a greater amount of ascorbic acid is found in vegetables and fruits.

Reference! Synthetically, the drug is obtained from glucose. Some stages of production undergo fermentation. It is synthesized by plants from galactose and glucose, as well as by many animals from galactose.

If to describe physical properties ascorbic acid, it looks like a white powder of sour taste with a crystalline structure of molecules.

This powder is easily soluble in water and alcohol. The temperature at which ascorbic acid can melt is 190 - 192 ° C.

The drug acts as a powerful antioxidant, while it is also used to normalize acid-reduction processes.

Doctors prescribe it for:

  • infectious diseases,
  • intoxication,
  • acute radiation sickness,
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and liver,
  • helminthiasis,
  • cholecystitis,
  • ulcers
  • burns
  • physical and mental fatigue,
  • to fill the body with useful elements during pregnancy.

In the autumn-winter period, ascorbic acid is recommended for all people.

At these times of the year, there is an acute shortage of vitamin C in food, and the body simply needs to make up for its deficiency through preparations containing this vitamin.

Balanced diet

Purely theoretically, the human body is able to receive all the necessary substances only through food

  • Proteins provide the growth of children and the construction of muscle tissue in adults.
  • Adipose tissue, splitting, releases a sufficient amount of energy.
  • Carbohydrates are well absorbed by the body, some are included in the metabolism an hour after eating.
  • A balanced diet contains a sufficient amount of macro- and microelements. We use almost the entire periodic table, with the exception of heavy metals.
  • Vitamins are rich in food of both plant and animal origin.

Due to the busy schedule, there may be problems with the regularity of eating. This will quickly affect the figure and general condition - a sharp weight loss and a constant feeling of overwork will not be a joy.

But even if there are three times a day and in sufficient quantities, it is impossible to say with certainty that beriberi will not occur. After all, not only the quantity of food is important, but also its quality, along with variety.

What happens if you eat a lot of vitamin C?

With an overdose of ascorbic acid, a person may become ill. His condition will depend on quantities the drug taken.

An overabundance of the vitamin by the body will be felt approximately two hours after its use.

A person with a small overdose may feel a general weakness and anxiety, he may feel dizzy and have an increased heart rate.

If a person has a nauseating feeling and even opens vomit, then the poisoning is quite serious.

After copious vomit, the patient increases gas formation in the intestines and suffers from flatulence.

Against this background, it is difficult for the victim to sleep, he sleep is disturbed and irritability appears.

On the skin with an overdose, you can notice allergic rashes urticaria type.

Since vitamin C is perfectly excreted in the urine, many people with a good functioning of the genitourinary system and strong immunity may not experience any serious reactions when using an excessive amount of the drug.

For people whose body condition is weakened, even a slight excess of doses of the drug can greatly harm their well-being.

Help with overdose

If ascorbic acid poisoning occurs, urgently call ambulance and while she is driving, provide first aid to the victim. A person’s life sometimes depends on timely first aid, so pay attention to the symptoms of poisoning in time. As a first aid, doctors advise doing the following:

  1. Rinse the stomach: drink at least a liter of water and provoke vomiting, the procedure can be repeated. Thus, the substance that has entered the stomach is removed and its absorption by the body is not allowed.
  2. Cleanse the intestines: they clean it with a well-known enema, boiled water is used as a cleaning agent, it is impossible to add medicines or herbs to it. Children are given children's pears ranging in size from 100 to 500 ml. It is necessary to wash the intestines until the washing water becomes clean.
  3. Give sorbents - preparations that neutralize the poisons we have used or substances that have become poisons. The most common sorbent is activated carbon, in addition to it, sorbex, atoxyl, smecta and others are suitable.
  4. Give a drink: since ascorbic acid dissolves well and is excreted from the body through the kidneys, this process can be accelerated and our body can be prevented from absorbing excess vitamin C. To do this, let us drink 2-3 liters of liquid, such as water, tea or rosehip broth.

The ambulance, having arrived at the call and asked what the symptoms of poisoning were, provides the following measures after examining the victim:

  • put a dropper with a solution to free the body of toxins and treat dehydration,
  • antispasmodics are administered (to subside pain in the abdomen),
  • stabilize the action of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems,
  • connect an oxygen mask.

The doctors then take the patient to the hospital for full treatment. The duration of recovery depends on the condition of the victim, the number of pills taken and the timeliness of calling for medical help.

Is it possible to eat a pack or a jar of ascorbic acid?

In childhood, it happens that because of the sweet taste of vitamins with glucose, the child cannot stop, and without adult supervision, he can easily eat the whole pack.

But if you exceed 2 gram dose drug, then the absorption into the blood of the nutrients it contains is markedly reduced.

The fact is that vitamin C dissolves perfectly in a liquid medium and at an excess concentration up to 10 g(2 cans of 100 tablets) can be excreted in the urine without problems.

Acute overdose symptoms in humans may occur after taking 20 - 30 g vitamin A.

Thus, from one can of ascorbic dragee to an adult there will be nothing serious, while a child may develop allergic skin rashes and other symptoms depending on the state of health of the baby.

Attention! Even an adult will surely get acute poisoning if he eats 4-6 cans of ascorbic acid at a time (100 tablets with 50 mg of ascorbic acid each). This dose is almost lethal and can be fatal.

Causes of Vitamin C Overdose and Poisoning

Ascorbic acid poisoning can occur for many reasons. The main factors leading to this pathological condition are listed below.

  • Failure to comply with the dosages prescribed by the doctor. Lethal dose of ascorbic acid: 20-30 grams. An overdose is dangerous to the health of adults and children.
  • Uncontrolled intake of drugs with vitamin C. Ascorbic acid is most often produced in the form of tablets that taste good, with fruity flavors. Some people buy them for the taste and eat them instead of candy.
  • The use of tablets by children. Children really like ascorbic acid, and they can eat all the pills left by adults in an accessible place at a time. In a child, poisoning develops with a small dose of vitamins.
  • Taking expired vitamins. These medicines have their own expiration date, which must be checked before taking them.

How many tablets can you eat per day?

Ascorbic dragees, as a rule, are packaged in 50 or 100 pieces per package.

Average content vitamin C in one vitamin - 50 mg or 0.05 g.

Medium daily doses The use of ascorbic acid depends on the following indicators:

For those people who smoke a lot or abuse alcohol, it is advisable to increase the allowable daily allowance. up to 2 g.

This is due to the fact that under the influence of alcoholic substances and nicotine, vitamin C is partially destroyed, and for people with bad habits, the use of a standard dose is not enough.

This is due to the fact that during such crucial periods a woman’s risk of vein diseases and skin defects (stretch marks) increases, and ascorbic acid helps stimulate the production of collagen and elastin and prevents such negative health effects.

The baby draws with mother's milk all the nutrients it needs, for this reason, a woman's body should always receive enough vitamin C for her and her baby.


The degree of poisoning can be assessed after diagnostic manipulations. The doctor will check the pulse rate, blood pressure and cleanliness of breathing. A complete blood count will show the condition of the red blood cells and the presence of oxygen.

Treatment includes the following activities:

  • A special solution is injected into the patient with a dropper to eliminate signs of intoxication and dehydration of the body.
  • An anesthetic drug will help relieve the pain symptom in the abdomen.
  • Medicines to support the heart muscle and respiratory system.
  • If the patient is unconscious, he is connected to a ventilator.

The patient is being treated in the toxicology department. If the condition is severe, he is placed in the intensive care unit. The duration of the recovery of the body after vitamin C intoxication depends on the number of tablets taken, the physical condition of the victim and when the first aid was provided.

Overdose symptoms

Symptoms of an overdose of vitamin C are similar to signs of poisoning body with drugs.

Main symptoms poisoning can be:

  • restless sleep;
  • increased feeling of anxiety;
  • causeless irritability;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea and even vomiting;
  • indigestion, which manifests itself in the form of diarrhea and increased gas formation;
  • stomach cramps.

Reference! In children, an excess of ascorbic acid in the body is expressed by an allergic rash on the skin, its redness and severe itching.

Symptoms of poisoning

An excess of vitamin in the body is accompanied by intense diarrhea. If you take more than 2 g daily, there is irritation of the mucous membranes of the digestive system. The process causes disruption of the intestines, diarrhea. A long-term disorder is the cause of dehydration, which is characterized by:

  • weakness;
  • violation of urinary function (decrease in the volume of diuresis);
  • drop in blood pressure;
  • dryness of the skin.

Taking a high dose causes a migraine headache. Other overdose symptoms include dizziness, delusional hallucinations, fainting, loss of consciousness.


The overdose usually ends poisoning organism.

A person needs to urgently wash his stomach, causing himself to vomit.

If this is not done in time, a number of unpleasant consequences:

  • a disorder in the normal functioning of the kidneys, including the pancreas;
  • gastritis manifestations and peptic ulcers;
  • the absorption of newly incoming vitamin C decreases;
  • there is a chronic intolerance to vitamin C;
  • blood clotting worsens;
  • in women, the menstrual cycle is lost;
  • in older people, blood pressure rises.

Due to a sharp decrease in the body's strength due to an overdose of the drug, the work of the body's immune system decreases in a person, he often begins to get sick with respiratory diseases.

In pregnant women In women, an excess of vitamin C in the body is manifested by severe vomiting and severe intestinal cramps.

Such a reaction is associated with an increased struggle of the body with an overdose against the background of protecting not only the expectant mother, but also her fetus.

If a woman often overeats this vitamin, then later her child may become allergic to various irritants.

Often such children cannot tolerate citrus fruits and eat fresh fruits and vegetables with caution, as they suffer from skin rashes of various kinds.

A rather unpleasant and fairly common consequence of poisoning is acute allergic reaction.

It manifests itself in the form of anaphylactic shock or in the form of Quincke's edema. Unfortunately, such a reaction of the body can lead to a fatal outcome in the future.

What is the danger of ascorbic acid poisoning

What happens if you eat a lot of ascorbic acid? The consequences for the body can be very negative. These include the pathological conditions described below.

  • Acute renal failure, in which the kidneys cannot adequately filter and purify the blood. The patient has a decrease in the amount of urine produced (anuria), edema appears throughout the body and signs of intoxication, the skin and sclera turn yellow.
  • Acute gastritis is an inflammation of the stomach lining that can lead to gastrointestinal bleeding. peptic ulcer. The patient has strong pain in the stomach, the body temperature rises.
  • Acute allergic reaction in the form of Quincke's edema or anaphylactic shock. This acute condition can be fatal.
  • Urolithiasis develops with prolonged chronic overdose of vitamin C.
  • If the mother took vitamin C uncontrollably while carrying the child, the child may be prone to allergic reactions, bronchial asthma and atopic dermatitis.

Prevention of poisoning

In order to avoid an overdose of ascorbic acid and not get poisoned, you need follow the rules its reception, which are always prescribed in the attached instructions for the drug.

It is during these periods of time that vitamin deficiency is especially acute, and the body absorbs all the nutrients with pleasure and without consequences.

Important! Packing with sweet vitamins should be kept out of the reach of children. They should use dragees only with the permission of their parents.

It must be understood that preparations based on ascorbic acid can also cause harm the body, as well as an overdose of any drugs.

Causes of poisoning

You can get poisoned with ascorbic acid for several reasons. The most common overdose factors:

  • Self-exceeding the daily norm of a vitamin (30 grams), such a situation is dangerous for the well-being of a child and an adult.

  • Uncontrolled intake of ascorbic acid, the release form - in a dragee with a pleasant fruity taste - is used by many, replacing sweets.
  • In children, an overdose occurs when the whole package of the drug is consumed without proper inspection of the parents.
  • Use of expired tablets.

The action of vitamin C and indications for the appointment

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin. It occurs naturally in most fruits, berries and vegetables. Its highest concentration is in citrus fruits, kiwi, currants and raspberries.
Ascorbic acid is essential for humans. It is not deposited (deposited) in the body, so it must be received daily in a small amount. With a balanced wholesome diet, a person has enough vitamin C, which he consumes with food.

Please note that smokers suffer from ascorbic acid deficiency. Nicotine neutralizes it and removes it from the body.

The main functions of vitamin C in the human body:

  • participation in metabolic processes;
  • antioxidant activity;
  • providing immune protection against pathogenic viruses and bacteria;
  • an important role in the production of collagen - a protein that is responsible for the elasticity and youthfulness of the skin, the functionality of cartilage and bone tissue;
  • protection of teeth from caries;
  • neutralization and removal of heavy metals from the body, for example, copper, mercury, lead;
  • stimulation of the production of hormones by the thyroid and pancreas;
  • regulation of the work of the sex hormonal glands, pelvic organs.

The main indications for taking ascorbic acid include:

  • influenza and acute respiratory viral infections;
  • smoking;
  • lack of vitamin C in the body;
  • Addison's disease;
  • nasal, internal bleeding and overdose of anticoagulants, drugs that thin the blood;
  • pathology of the liver, kidneys;
  • overdose of alcoholic beverages, treatment of a state of binge;
  • treatment of chronic bacterial infection;
  • thyroid disease;
  • periods of increased mental and physical stress, exhaustion;
  • recovery period after fractures, infectious pathologies.

Signs of Vitamin C Deficiency

  • frequent colds;
  • bleeding gums and problems with teeth;
  • joint pain;
  • dermatitis and other skin problems;
  • decreased vision;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • the appearance of bruises even with the slightest pressure on the skin;
  • fast fatigue.

The most common symptom is a decrease in the protective function of the body, which leads to the fact that a person regularly “catches” all colds and infections. This is especially evident in preschool and younger children. school age. The reason for the deficiency can be both an internal violation of the processes of assimilation of the vitamin, and an insufficient amount of its intake, which is typical for off-season periods when there are few natural vegetables and fruits in the diet.

Benefits of Vitamin C

If you follow the norm and use ascorbic acid in the right doses, then it will help maintain human health in excellent condition. The positive effects of vitamin C are as follows:

  • strengthens the immune system;
  • accelerates the biosynthesis of hemoglobin;
  • improves the structure of the skin;
  • positively affects the condition of nails and hair, gives them strength;
  • improves bone tissue;
  • strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • It is an antioxidant and protects against the effects of free radicals.

Ascorbic acid promotes the release of poisons and toxins from the body. They attach to the vitamin and are excreted in the urine.

Ascorbic acid is a useful substance that any person needs. Therefore, in some cases, doctors prescribe their patients to take vitamin C in a certain dose, which is not recommended to be exceeded.

When taking vitamin C, you need to consider the fact that it is found in some foods. The course of treatment should be supplemented with products, but they should not be consumed in large volumes.

Vitamin C is present in many fruits, berries, vegetables, herbs.

Release form

There are several forms of application, some of which are convenient to use for treatment, while others are for prevention. For example, tablets and dragees can be taken with you and used as needed, and solutions are good for subcutaneous administration in a hospital setting.


Price does not determine quality

A vitamin is a vitamin, it is formed mainly by the presence and design of the package. One 5 g tablet contains 95% granular ascorbic acid and 3% ascorbate. Everything else is excipients such as sucrose, aspartame sweetener, flavors, colors and stabilizers. Such tablets are used for chewing. They have a sour taste, are weakly colored, and are usually divided in half by a groove for ease of dosing.

An overdose of this substance disrupts the normal course of pregnancy and can cause miscarriage. It is better to include more citrus fruits and dark berries in the diet than to make up for the lack of ascorbic acid with pharmaceutical preparations.


Differs from tablets in shape - here it is oval or round.

Sodium ascorbate is absent in the composition, but the acid itself in the dragee is 5% more. The list of additives includes starch syrup, and mineral oil to create a smooth shell. Dragees are always orange, uniform in color without inclusions. They are always made orange because the edible wax can only make the shell orange.


The solution that they contain is used to introduce ascorbic acid into the body of adult children using a syringe. Ampoules contain one or two milliliters of solution, and are available in cardboard boxes of ten pieces. Instructions are necessarily inserted inside, but such solutions can only be used as directed by a doctor. The contents of the ampoules are injected into the veins or muscle tissue, while the introduction into the bloodstream acts faster than into the muscles - the drug is absorbed more efficiently.


The solution is used for injections in the same way, the concentration of the active substance in it is 5 or 10%. It is used when it is not possible to administer the medicine orally (if a person suffers from problems with the stomach or intestines and the acid can irritate the mucous membranes). The solution is always clear, almost colorless or slightly milky. This is affordable, but it can be used, especially in the form of droppers, only under medical supervision.

Did you know?
Ascorbic acid was first discovered in 1928 in America. This was done by the Hungarian emigrant chemist Albert Szent-Györgyi. He managed to prove in four years of research that the lack of this substance in the body has terrible consequences. True, in 1937 it was not he, but his colleagues who received the Nobel Prize for the discovery and study of ascorbic acid.- Walter Haworth and Paul Carrer.

First aid

Ascorbic acid is highly soluble in the aquatic environment, therefore it is quickly excreted by the renal system.

  1. At the first suspicion of an overdose, it is worth providing an abundant drinking regimen and canceling further intake of vitamins.
  2. With a single use of excessively high doses of the drug, it is necessary to remove it from the body as soon as possible, for which it is necessary to provoke vomiting and rinse the stomach.
  3. Then you need to take an adsorbent drug like activated carbon or Smecta.
  4. With abundant drinking, water-soluble ascorbic acid will be absorbed by the body in the quantities it needs, and the rest will be excreted by the kidneys in the place with urine. But you need to drink a lot of water.
  5. And in time, the adsorbent taken will absorb excess vitamin from the gastrointestinal system, neutralize them and quickly remove them from the body.

Further tactics of overdose therapy is chosen by a specialist. If the overdose is insignificant, then the patient is allowed to stay at home for treatment, and in case of serious intoxication, hospitalization may be required.



  • thrombophlebitis;
  • tendency to thrombosis;
  • diabetes;
  • conditions accompanied by high blood sugar;
  • increased blood clotting;
  • age under 3 years;
  • individual intolerance to the components that make up the drug.

A relative contraindication, in the presence of which the appointment of Ascorbic acid with glucose requires caution, is a deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase.

Destruction temperature

The breakdown of vitamin C begins at 60 - 70 degrees Celsius. But at the same time, if any acid is added to vegetables or fruits, then the breakdown of the vitamin will be significantly slowed down. But at the moment there are no exact figures to indicate in which dish or under which processing there is more destruction.

Ideal minimal processing ceramic knives with the addition of vinegar or lemon and quick consumption - this is the recipe for the safety of this nutraceutical.

Foods High in Vitamin C

Ascorbic acid is not synthesized on its own, so you need to ensure its sufficient level of intake daily with food. Vitamin C is water soluble, so it does not accumulate in the body and needs to be replenished regularly.

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The table lists the TOP 15 foods rich in ascorbic acid.

Ascorbic acid is destroyed only at very high temperatures, but still it is better to use products containing it fresh. Vitamin C dissolves in water and oxidizes under the influence of oxygen, therefore, during the cooking process, its concentration decreases slightly, however, it is not completely destroyed. When cooking, it is better to start vegetables already in boiling water or use steam processing, rather than long frying and stewing.

Why does an overdose happen?

Usually, the causes of overdose are due to the consumption of high doses of vitamin C. This usually happens with children when, through an oversight of their parents, they find a package of vitamins and eat it all. Also, hypervitaminosis occurs if you combine the intake of ascorbic acid with foods rich in vitamin C. An overdose can also provoke an independent selection of an excess dose in the autumn-winter season in order to prevent colds.

Exceeding the dose of special harm cannot bring healthy people, it all depends on how much this dosage is exceeded and how long the patient takes an increased amount of ascorbic acid. With prolonged intake of a vitamin in an amount of more than 1 g per day, the risk of developing hypervitaminosis is still high, but even with an accidental one-time excess, characteristic reactions may develop, indicating an excess of ascorbic acid.

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Askorbinka and children: precautions

These tablets and dragees look like mouth-watering sweets. Bright candy wrappers only reinforce the children's desire to feast on the fact that no more than three tablets of ascorbic acid can be consumed per day, no matter how much they are divided. Therefore, it is better to store these useful tablets in places inaccessible and unknown to children.

It is also necessary to strictly control the reception and be sure to carry out explanatory work. Tell the children that these pills are not sweets, although they taste good, and that they can only be eaten as medicine - little and carefully. Before treating a child with ascorbic acid, consult a pediatrician or therapist. He will tell you if you need to exceed the preventive dosage and how long the course of treatment should be.

Please note that daily use of this vitamin affects the results of blood tests. If you have to go to the clinic, about two days before it, stop taking the vitamin, let it be excreted from the child's body along with the liquid in a natural way.

Did you know?
When James Cook assembled his first expedition, in addition to the usual food supplies like crackers, corned beef and butter, he included sauerkraut in the crew's diet.- a valuable source of vitamin C. The royal court refused to finance dozens of barrels of sauerkraut, not understanding why a small ship would need so much extra cargo. Then Cook went to the trick and included sauerkraut in the category of medicines. The trick went unnoticed. James was able to regularly feed his crew with healthy products and returned from the voyage without losing a single sailor from scurvy. In those days, scurvy mowed down hundreds of seafarers, because Cook's expedition was considered extremely successful.
Vitamin C is irreplaceable. It is present in many bright and delicious fruits, it is obtained from berries and. Daily consumption of ascorbic acid strengthens the immune system, improves susceptibility to new knowledge, which is so important for school-age children. Ascorbic acid becomes the prevention of infectious and cancerous diseases, in moderation it is simply pleasant to use it - dragees and tablets always taste good. It is needed by both adults and children, especially in the winter-spring period, when beriberi comes on the heels and threatens to provoke a protracted ARVI.

Necessarily remember the dosage acceptable for treatment and prevention,

buy only high-quality pharmacy vitamins - then you and your family will be healthy, and the treatment of small colds will become quick and easy.

Ascorbic acid

Probably the most famous and popular healing drug. Many believe that it is impossible to "overeat".

However, in the sections of contraindications and overdose in the instructions for the drug, there are probably more points than in the secret description of potassium cyanide.

What causes an overdose?

The best way to prevent overdose is to follow the instructions for use when using drugs containing vitamin C.

Reasons leading to overdose:

  • the use of large doses of the component in the winter-spring period with low resistance to pathogenic bacteria;
  • eating fruits and vegetables high in vitamin C while using drugs with ascorbic acid;
  • the use of large doses of the drug for therapeutic purposes.

The use of ascorbic acid and content in food

Vitamin C is one of the most important substances necessary for the maintenance of biochemical processes. It will help maintain visual acuity, give vitality and mood.

Products containing high doses of the component:

  • citrus fruit;
  • rose hip;
  • bell pepper;
  • Brussels sprouts and broccoli;
  • melon;
  • tomatoes;
  • salad.

Vitamin C can be delivered to the body and herbs. Burdock, horsetail, nettle and other medicinal plants are famous for their high vitamin content.

Recently, ascorbic acid has been used to treat colds and flu. According to some experts, the loading dose for early stages disease can eliminate clinical signs. But it increases the risk of overdose. Tablets and powders containing the vitamin reduce fever and inflammation.

It is safer to take vitamin C as a preventive measure. It prevents the development of cancer of the internal organs. When used in large doses, the body can be harmed.

Overdose and its symptoms

A side effect can also be provoked when taking small doses. But the likelihood increases with increasing dosage. An overdose leads to serious consequences. An overabundance occurs with prolonged use of more than 90 mg per day.

Symptoms and consequences:

  • dizziness, nausea, abdominal pain, repeated vomiting;
  • violation of natural physiological processes;
  • the formation of stones in the internal organs, which often causes atrophy of the adrenal glands and disruption of the heart;
  • indigestion, heartburn;
  • decreased performance, fatigue, fatigue and sleep disturbance;
  • an increase in the number of oxidative reactions in the body, which leads to irreversible damage to white blood cells;
  • allergic reactions accompanied by skin itching and rashes;
  • violation of the menstrual cycle.

The lethal dose is 20-30 g. The use of large doses adversely affects the work of the pancreas. Overdose is dangerous for pregnant women with diabetes and cataracts.

Taking ascorbic acid is especially dangerous for people with increased blood clotting. An overdose of vitamin C or ascorbic acid in patients causes severe consequences.

Consequences of high doses of vitamin C

Joint intake of drugs containing aluminum can cause poisoning. Ascorbic acid reduces the percentage of digestibility of B vitamins.

If you eat a lot of pills in one day, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • stool disorder;
  • increased gas formation;
  • discomfort in the stomach.

The maximum daily dose of the component is 2000 mg per day. This dosage is given in special occasions. As a result of the intake of a large amount of ascorbic acid in the body, copper and selenium are not absorbed enough.

For prophylactic purposes, vitamin-mineral complexes containing vitamin C are more often prescribed. Their use should be combined with a balanced diet.

When used together with aspirin, the gastric mucosa is irritated. This increases the likelihood of developing peptic ulcers. The consumption of ascorbic acid increases with the loss of the urinary component. This is one of the reasons for its insufficiency.

If you take large doses for several days, the absorption of vitamin B12 is impaired. To avoid this, you need to control its content in the body.

Ascorbic acid should be administered intravenously with caution. Patients with impaired renal function, elevated glucose levels, and people on a salt-free diet require special attention.

When passing laboratory tests, you should warn the doctor that it is possible to obtain false results. It is necessary to plan the day of the research. Ascorbic acid is prescribed with caution to patients prone to blood clots.

Overdose in children and pregnant women

Deficiency is harmful in pregnancy. But an overdose leads to a violation of the development of the unborn child. At present, there is a wide range of vitamin preparations. They do not contain dyes, preservatives and other harmful food additives. This fact is important for children.

Vitamin C belongs to the group of compounds that are soluble in water. It is easily digested and excess amounts are excreted in the urine. The use of synthetic drugs can lead to serious consequences. An overdose of (vitamin C) ascorbic acid requires immediate medical attention.

Overdose in children causes various symptoms. Their manifestation is possible on the first day after the use of large doses. Therefore, for children The best way enrichment of the body components - eating natural foods containing vitamin C. If signs of excess appear, parents should be wary and stop using drugs with ascorbic acid. It is recommended to consult a doctor.

During the bearing of a child, the need for useful components increases. It is increasing day by day. With good nutrition, ascorbic acid enters the body of the expectant mother with food.

If a woman keeps proper nutrition, taking synthetic drugs may not be necessary. But after the second trimester, hemoglobin levels often drop. Because vitamin C aids iron absorption, products containing the vitamin may be required.

Overdose during pregnancy leads to serious consequences. Excess often causes congenital pathologies. There may be signs of beriberi in newborns from the first days of life. Overdose symptoms can cause miscarriage. With an excess of vitamin C, enzymes are activated. Such changes during pregnancy increase the risk of developing rebound scurvy in a child.

Restrictions and contraindications

The use of ascorbic acid, although quite harmless, has some limitations. As chemists-scientists say: "Poison is not what, but how much."

Side effect

When taking ascorbic acid, a number of side effects can be observed. For example, if you drink vitamin C before a meal or in a fairly large amount, irritation of the mucous membrane of the digestive tract may occur, as well as a violation of the digestive process. In some cases, nausea, vomiting or diarrhea may occur.

With an excess of vitamin C in the body, there is a violation of the absorption of glucose, i.e., the risk of diabetes increases. Accordingly, ascorbic acid is contraindicated for people with this disease.

In children, excessive consumption of AA contributes to the destruction of tooth enamel.

The most obvious external sign of an overdose is the appearance of a rash on the skin. Perhaps the formation of stones in the bladder.

In people who are allergic to vitamin C, an excess of it can cause a number of unpleasant consequences:

  • peeling and dry skin;
  • redness and rash on the skin in the form of small, fluid-filled bubbles, which, when opened, will bring pain;
  • urticaria;
  • skin itching;
  • eye redness;
  • runny nose.

AK deficiency

Both an excess of a vitamin and its deficiency can cause a number of abnormalities and even diseases. One of them appears with an acute deficiency of vitamin C - this is scurvy. This disease has been the enemy of many sailors since the time of the Crusades. At that time, people did not know that scurvy was just a lack of vitamin C, and a lot of sailors never made it to shore.

Fortunately, scurvy is an infrequent disease in the modern world, since it appears only when the intake of AA in the body is completely stopped. Scurvy entails characteristic destructive changes:

  • the appearance of a rash on the body indicates a decrease in the strength and elasticity of the vessels - they become brittle;
  • bleeding gums: since vitamin C is involved in the synthesis of collagen, the latter is responsible for the strength of the vessel wall;
  • in children and adolescents, bone formation is inhibited;
  • tooth loss begins;
  • immunity weakens.

Although there are many available sources of vitamin C, and in the 21st century scurvy is not terrible for a person, its lack still has an adverse effect on the body. AA deficiency can cause symptoms such as:

  • fast fatigue, lethargy;
  • susceptibility to frequent colds;
  • decrease in human performance;
  • irritability;
  • headache;
  • pain and aches in the muscles;
  • pale skin, mucous membranes;
  • insomnia, disturbed sleep rhythm;
  • increased fragility of blood vessels (blood from the nose, bruises do not go well even from minor blows, bleeding gums).

The symptoms are difficult to categorize unequivocally as a vitamin C deficiency, as they are of a general nature. For prevention, you can increase the dose of AK per day, after consulting with your doctor before doing so.

Ascorbic acid with glucose: the benefits of tablets

Use during pregnancy

During pregnancy, expectant mothers should especially carefully monitor their condition, since not only the well-being of the woman, but also the health of the fetus depends on it. Any intervention can harm the child, so medicines, nutritional supplements and vitamins must be taken with particular care.

The daily allowance of AA in a healthy pregnant woman should be about 60 mg.

Repeated excess of the norm can lead to disastrous consequences: during pregnancy, there is a risk of miscarriage, and the newborn may develop scurvy.

During breastfeeding, the daily intake of vitamin in a healthy woman increases to 80 mg. This dose is sufficient to maintain immunity in mother and child.

With any deviations in health, the daily intake of vitamin C should be prescribed by the attending physician.

Treatment of chronic hypervitaminosis

If you suspect hypervitaminosis of ascorbic acid, you should immediately stop taking it and seek help from your general practitioner or family doctor.

For the recovery period, you should stop eating fruits that contain this vitamin in large quantities. The doctor may prescribe antihistamines, sorbents.

Usually, the symptoms of hypervitaminosis disappear within a few weeks. To exclude damage to internal organs and the development of complications, the doctor prescribes a series of examinations, which consist of:

  • general urine analysis, hypervitaminosis of ascorbic acid can cause urolithiasis;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys - to detect stones;
  • blood pressure monitoring;
  • blood glucose test.

Ascorbic acid in large quantities is harmful to the body. It can cause an acute allergic reaction, skin rashes, sleep disturbances, hypertension. Vitamin C should only be taken as directed by a doctor.

This biologically active substance is involved in many metabolic processes, regulates the immune and endocrine systems. In large quantities, ascorbic acid can cause a malfunction of the whole organism.

Overeating threatens us with excess weight - everyone knows about it. However, few people realize how serious everything is in this matter - and more often than not, we allow ourselves to eat "another piece." Eating "excess" food is fraught with terrible consequences, not only for weight. Why you can’t eat a lot, and what does overeating lead to?

The more we eat, the more our stomach stretches. The walls of the stomach can stretch to unimaginable sizes - with regular overeating, the stomach can hold 5 liters of liquid / food! If you constantly eat a lot, this will lead to the fact that you will be haunted by a feeling of hunger - after all, a distended stomach will simply be impossible to fill! Hence the emergence of problems with excess weight - it seems to a person that he eats a little (“After all, I always go hungry!”), In fact, he simply cannot saturate his stomach, but he is gaining weight at a rapid pace.

Another reason why you can’t eat a lot is that it has an extremely negative effect on the functioning of the pancreas. It literally works for wear and tear, trying to process incoming fats, “plugs” often appear in it, subsequently leading to pancreatitis.

Overeating leads to the deposition of excess cholesterol in the gallbladder, which leads to the occurrence of cholelithiasis. Cholesterol enters the bloodstream, from where it goes directly to the liver - this leads to fatty infiltration of the liver, which in especially severe cases can provoke the development of cirrhosis of the liver.

Thus, overeating affects not only our appearance. Adherents of the theories “I love myself the way I am” and “All fat people are kind” should seriously think about their health.

There are a number of products that should be consumed in very limited quantities at all - and not so much because of the fear of getting extra calories, but for completely different reasons. We will tell you why you should not eat a lot of nuts, eggs and sweets.

Why can't you eat a lot of eggs?

The standard breakfast for most of us is scrambled eggs. We often use eggs in the preparation of salads, and baking is almost impossible without the participation of eggs.

However, eating eggs in large quantities is harmful. Why can't you eat a lot of eggs?

Firstly, they are allergenic products, so they should be used with caution by children (in baby food less allergenic egg yolk is recommended).

Secondly, many scientists insist that eggs contain too much cholesterol, so it is not recommended to eat more than 3 eggs per week. On the other hand, if we are not talking about fried eggs in lard, but about a boiled egg, then its harm is significantly reduced.

Thirdly, more recently, scientists have established a relationship between too frequent consumption of eggs and the development of type 2 diabetes. The thing is that the abuse of eggs leads to an increase in blood glucose.

However, eggs mostly represent another, more real, danger. Her name is salmonellosis. It is this reason why you can’t eat a lot of eggs that is decisive in various “egg” prohibitions. To minimize the risk of salmonellosis infection, you should strictly follow a number of rules: - before cooking, wash the eggs thoroughly with soap or vinegar; - boil eggs for at least 10 minutes; - it is not recommended to use raw eggs of dubious origin, if there is still a need to use a raw egg, it should be as “fresh” as possible; - Eggs with damaged shells should be discarded.

Still, you should not completely abandon the use of eggs - they contain many useful substances: vitamins A, E, B3, B12, D, calcium, choline, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine, amino acids and antioxidants. Eating 2-3 eggs a week improves mental activity, strengthens the immune system.

Why can't you eat a lot of sweets?

Another pressing issue that torments all the sweet tooth of the world. Why are such delicious sweets so unhealthy? What kind of injustice?

Sweets have a high glycemic index - an indicator of the increase in insulin levels in the blood after glucose enters it. Sweets quickly satisfy the feeling of hunger, but just as quickly and cause it.

The use of sweets in large quantities provokes an increased concentration of glucose in the blood. Excess glucose can provoke hyperglycemia, causing apathy, increased fatigue, provoking depression.

An excess of glucose, in turn, causes the production of the hormone insulin, which "carries" glucose from the blood to all tissues of the body. And this is another reason why you can not eat a lot of sweets. After all, insulin has another function - it accelerates the synthesis of proteins and fats. If the muscles are not damaged, the person does not have muscle injuries, then insulin “directs” its action to the synthesis of fat cells. And here it’s already a stone’s throw to excess body fat and the emergence of the problem of excess weight.

In addition, sweets can be psychologically addictive. It seems to a sweet tooth that without a piece of cake or a bar of chocolate, he simply cannot be a happy person. In fact, this is a myth - and in order to get rid of sweet addiction, it is worth finding something else in this life that can evoke positive emotions.

Another good reason why you can’t eat a lot of sweets is the content of various harmful additives in modern sweets: dyes, preservatives, thickeners. They have an extremely negative effect on the work of the digestive system, can lead to gastritis, pancreatitis, colitis, stomach ulcers. The abuse of sweets is bad for the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

However, eating sweets in small amounts is beneficial. And it is worth giving preference to sweets with a minimum content of harmful additives. Ideally, these should be sweets and homemade pastries.

Why can't you eat a lot of nuts?

Walnuts are considered a product rich in various useful substances. They include calcium, fluorine, zinc, copper, iron, cobalt. Walnut kernels, as well as walnut oil, are prescribed for patients with anemia, suffering from liver diseases, atherosclerosis, colitis, and hypertension. Nuts are good for pregnant women and children.

First of all, walnuts can cause severe allergies - therefore, they should not be eaten by people who are hypersensitive to vegetable proteins.

Walnut is contraindicated in a number of diseases: psoriasis, neurodermatitis, eczema - and can exacerbate them even with a slight intake of food.

To minimize the harm of walnuts - and vice versa, to enhance their positive effects - it is recommended to consume them with dried fruits and in small quantities (up to 100 g per day).

Eating large amounts of eggs, sweets and walnuts is dangerous to health. Small portions of these products, on the contrary, will only benefit. Know the measure in everything and be healthy!

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Features of the information war during the NATO aggression against Yugoslavia

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Compatibility with other components

It is not recommended to consume vitamin C while taking medications for the treatment of cancer. It is not compatible with the simultaneous use of antacids, between their use it is necessary to observe a time interval of 4 hours.

A high concentration of ascorbic acid reduces the absorption of vitamin B12.

Aspirin, as well as choleretic drugs, contribute to the accelerated removal of the vitamin from the body.

Vitamin C supplementation reduces oxidative stress in HIV and induces a downward trend in viral load. This deserves more clinical trials, especially in HIV-infected people who cannot afford new combination therapies.

(source - scientific journal "AIDS", a study by a Canadian group of scientists at the University of Toronto).