Water pipes      06/23/2020

Scheme of installation of wall-mounted gas boilers. How to properly install a gas wall-mounted boiler. Installing a heating boiler in a private house: important rules, installation instructions How to install a floor boiler

Although there is today a large number of alternative sources heat, gas equipment is still in demand in this area. Gas boilers are able to supply the room with the necessary heat. At the same time, they can be installed both in an apartment and in a private house. In this article, we will consider the requirements for this process, and you will also learn that installing a gas boiler with your own hands is possible.

  • If the boiler has a power of up to 150 kW, then its installation is possible in any non-residential premises of the house, for example, a bathroom, a bathroom, a kitchen.
  • Boiler power from 150 kW and more is limited in the choice of location. A place for installation on the basement or first floor is allowed.
  • If the installation site is a kitchen, then 1 kW of its power should account for 0.2 m 3.
  • In the event of a gas leak, there should be a device in the room to shut off the gas supply.
  • After installing the gas boiler, all major components should be provided with sufficient access for maintenance.
  • As for the walls of the room, they must have a fire resistance level of up to 45 minutes.
  • There are also requirements for the cross section of the grille for ventilation. Calculations are taken for 1 kW of power 8 cm 2.

Separate requirements are also imposed on the chimney system:

  • The chimney diameter must correspond to the specified parameter in the boiler data sheet.
  • The pipe should be 0.5 m higher than the ridge.
  • The chimney should not exceed 25.
  • Up to 3 folds are allowed.
  • To clean the chimney, there must be special openings.
  • The chimney diameter must be equal to or greater than the chimney opening.

When installing the boiler in the kitchen, it is important to ensure the following conditions:

  • At a height not less than 800 mm from the floor.
  • There must be free space under the boiler.
  • It is recommended to lay a metal sheet under the boiler on the floor.

Before installing the boiler, you should have the necessary documentation that allows you to do this. In particular, a gas supply project is being created for your apartment or house. These documents are developed by the gas supplying organization. In the course of obtaining this documentation, you may be required to provide a package of documents that includes the fact that you are the owner of this living space.

The floor boiler has a fairly large weight. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to prepare the surface where the wall-mounted boiler will stand. This includes the following:

  • The screed is poured onto the floor. The floor should be treated with non-combustible material. Make sure the surface is perfectly flat.
  • It is also desirable to cover the walls with non-combustible material. Otherwise, it is impossible to move the boiler close to the wall. It will be necessary to maintain a distance of up to 10 cm.

When all preparations are completed, the installation of auxiliary equipment is carried out. This includes:

  • Expansion tank.
  • Collector.
  • Hydrogun.
  • Boiler, etc.

Installation is much easier when there is a project on which all installation locations are indicated. On it, mark the walls, and then make holes for fasteners. Also installed equipment already at this stage, it is recommended to connect to the pipeline going to radiators or to underfloor heating.

If the boiler is already installed, it may be difficult to connect the equipment to the pipes. For this reason, it is better to carry out all these works before installing the boiler.

As for the installation of a floor-standing boiler in the house, first of all, it is necessary to screw the shackles and adapters onto it, which are connected to the pipeline. Adapters can be of different diameters. For example, if the system is with natural circulation, then thick pipes are brought to the boiler. If forced circulation, then the pipes and, accordingly, the adapters will be of small diameter.

Having moved the boiler to the prepared place, it should be connected to the chimney. Next, connect the security group and connect to the rest of the harness.

If you have ever hung cabinets, shelves and similar items, then it will not be difficult for you to install a wall-mounted boiler. The wall must be level and solid. In most cases, the boilers in the apartment are mounted on a mounting plate. It should be fixed to the wall at the desired height. Depending on the wall finish, it may be necessary to fix non-combustible material up to 3 mm thick on it. Also take into account the fact that the boiler should be hung at a distance of at least 20 cm from other equipment.

Modern wall-mounted boilers have a lower connection to the heating and water supply system. Therefore, after fixing the boiler to the wall, the boiler is tied.

Connection to the gas pipeline

After installing the boiler, it is also necessary to connect the gas pipeline. This stage of work should be done carefully, because you should not “joking” with gas. The connection includes the installation of a filter and a valve, which, if necessary, can shut off the gas supply. Next, a special gas hose. But in no case should a rubber hose be installed. After a while, it will crack. Paronite gaskets are used to seal the threads. After tightening the hose nut, be sure to check it for a gas cut.

So, we have reviewed with you the basic rules for installing a floor and wall-mounted gas boiler. You can share your experience about the work done in the comments to this article. You can also see installation diagrams in the corresponding section.


In this video, you will learn about the intricacies of installing a wall and floor boiler:

Installing a wall-mounted gas boiler involves several logical steps. At the first stage, the purchase and delivery of the boiler, purchase required material You need a tool to install and assemble.

Material for installing a wall-mounted gas boiler

Installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler begins in the store. Of course, this is not the installation itself, but preparation for it. When buying or ordering a wall-mounted gas boiler, you need to find out or inspect whether the boiler is equipped with fasteners. Usually these are hooks and power dowels. If this fastener is not included with the boiler, it must be purchased.

It should be noted that "reputable" manufacturers of boilers complete the boiler with special installation patterns, according to which marking and drilling of holes for fixing the boiler is carried out.

Note: Let me remind you that when choosing a wall-mounted gas boiler and buying it, you must definitely be interested and require a certificate of conformity for the selected boiler model. Without this certificate, legalization (obtaining permission to connect) will be very problematic.

Gas wall hung boiler installation tool

For work, you need to prepare the following tool:

  • Electric drill or hammer drill. A drill is needed to drill holes for fasteners of a gas boiler.
  • Building level, more than 1 meter long.

Building level plays important role, in the installation, namely, a gas boiler, and especially a condensing gas boiler. Any roll of a condensing gas boiler will lead to its failure in the shortest possible time. Not bad, replace the building level with a laser level, this will improve the accuracy of the installation.

Preparing the wall for the installation of a gas boiler

The room where the wall-mounted gas boiler will stand must meet a whole list of requirements for the furnace room. Often, wall-mounted gas boilers are placed in the kitchen and the place in the kitchen must be prepared for the installation of the boiler.

In addition to ventilation, ventilation and other rules, Special attention you need to give the wall on which the boiler will be placed.

  1. The wall for hanging the gas boiler must be strong. The material or construction of the wall must be suitable for the installation of a load-bearing fixture on which the boiler will hang.
  2. If the wall for hanging the boiler is made of plasterboard, then in advance in the frame of the plasterboard structure, it is necessary to provide and lay firmly fixed wooden bars at the mounting location.
  3. If the material of the wall or its finish is potentially combustible, a non-combustible gasket from 3 mm thick and more sizes boiler 10-15 cm.
  4. According to the norms, a wall-mounted gas boiler should be 40-45 mm from the wall. Therefore, the gas boiler is not mounted on the wall, but on bars previously fixed to the wall.

Hanging a gas boiler on the wall

  • Mark the installation level of the gas boiler. Height from the floor from 800 to 1600 mm.
  • On a wooden wall, fix a non-combustible material (asbestos) and a piece of sheet metal(galvanized sheet).
  • Other types of walls, for an aesthetic installation of the boiler, veneer with ceramic tiles.
  • If the boiler is not equipped with a special bracket, install bars at the level of the gas boiler mounting in order to achieve the indentation of the boiler from the wall.
  • Mark the places for fixing the gas boiler. Usually, the packaging or instructions contain the exact dimensions of the boiler mounting points or an installation template. It is important to maintain the exact horizontal level of the gas boiler.

Important! The condensing gas boiler should hang with a slight slope, "away from you", that is, the distance from the boiler to the wall above should be less than the distance to the wall below.

Important to remember! Whatever material the heating system in the house (apartment) is made of, the boiler is connected only with metal pipes.

Preparing the gas boiler for hanging

Before the shed of the gas boiler:

  • The boiler is taken out of the package;
  • The marking plate on the boiler body is checked against the certificate and invoices;
  • The bracket included in the boiler kit, or other selected fasteners, is screwed to the mounting place on the wall;
  • All factory plugs are removed from the boiler;
  • It is MANDATORY to flush the system of internal pipes.
  • The gas boiler is hung in place.

After hanging, the horizontal position of the boiler is verified, if necessary, an adjustment is made. All! Hanging, or rather, the installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler is completed. The next step is to connect the gas boiler to the system.

You have purchased a new gas boiler for a private house and it's time to take its place in the furnace. To do this, you can hire a specialized company or contact the appropriate service. But the installation cost in this case will significantly hit the wallet, while it is possible to reduce the cost of the process. Yes, only licensed organizations have the right to perform some operations, but this is only half the work, you can handle the rest on your own. Here we will talk about how a gas boiler is installed in a private house from start to finish.

Where to begin?

Since the installation of new gas-using equipment requires compliance with certain rules, it is worth ordering all work that requires a license from the gas service:

  • Issuance of specifications.
  • Development of project documentation.
  • Production of works on connection to the natural gas pipeline.

You can do the rest of the steps yourself. First you need to get technical conditions for the installation of gas equipment in the gas service. Familiarize yourself with them or make a copy and immediately order project documentation from them. When it is ready, it will need to be coordinated with the gas service. As you might guess, this procedure is a pure formality, after its completion, a team will come to your home and install the gas boiler in terms of its connection to the fuel line, about which an appropriate act will be drawn up.

All that remains for you to do is to complete the piping and connection to the heating system, laying electrical networks. Here it will be possible to save money, either by doing everything with your own hands, or with the help of familiar plumbers. The last stage is the finalization of documents.

It's only short description one of the possible algorithms for solving the problem, but in fact, not everything is so simple, because gas boilers must be installed in compliance with regulatory requirements, it does not hurt to get acquainted with them at the stage of choosing a heat generator.

Boiler Installation Requirements

First of all, it is necessary to take into account all the requirements for the room where the heat source is supposed to be placed. The options are:

  • kitchen;
  • a room inside the house, adjacent to one of the outer walls and having windows;
  • a room in the basement or basement;
  • in an outdoor building.

In the kitchen, installation standards allow you to place a floor or wall-mounted unit with a heating capacity of up to 60 kW. Equipment with indicators from 60 to 150 kW can be placed in a separate room on any floor, and from 150 to 350 kW - only on the first or ground floor, in the basement or outbuilding. At the same time, it is important to observe the dimensions of a separate room or attached part, they cannot be smaller than prescribed in the regulations. The minimum standard height of such a room is 2.5 m for any power within the specified limits.

Note. The values ​​of thermal power prescribed in the regulations and affecting the installation conditions of the boiler are the total power of all units in the boiler room, including those working for the needs of hot water supply.

For heat generators with a capacity of up to 150 kW, in accordance with the standards, the smallest volume of the room for installing a gas boiler is 15 m3, in addition, 0.2 m3 is added to this volume for each kW of water heating equipment. If the total indicator of all units exceeds 150 kW, then the dimensions of the room are not standardized. But there are rules for the installation and safe operation of boilers, according to which it is necessary to maintain technological gaps between the units and the walls of the room, they are accepted for reasons of ease of maintenance and access to all systems in the boiler room. The dimensions of the passages in accordance with the rules are observed as follows:

  • From the protruding part of the gas burner to the wall on the front side of the heat generator - at least 1 m.
  • If the operating instructions for the unit say that you need to service it from the side or from the back, then you will have to maintain a passage width of 1.5 m, but when there is no such entry, but you need to provide access to other equipment or fittings, then it is enough to make a clearance of 700 mm. In other cases, installation requirements are put forward in the documents for the product from the manufacturer.
  • If it is planned to put 2 heat sources in the furnace, then you should not place them opposite each other, since you will have to provide a clearance between the protruding parts of the burners of at least 2 m.
  • Nothing should be laid through the passages at a height lower than 2 m.

For a kitchen where it is allowed to place not too powerful heating equipment (up to 60 kW), not the most stringent requirements for the installation of gas boilers are imposed. It is only necessary to comply with the volume standard given above, and also ensure air exchange in the amount of 3 times in 1 hour. Additionally, it is required to supply fresh air for fuel combustion, its consumption for each unit is indicated in technical specifications. This standard applies to all types of boilers.

Note. For heat generators with closed camera the installation standards for gas boilers do not force the air mixture to be supplied to combustion, since they take air directly from the street through a coaxial chimney, which will be discussed below.

The regulatory documents propose to organize ventilation for the boiler in the kitchen using an exhaust shaft and an inlet grate built into the front door. The cross section of this grid is also normalized; its area cannot be less than 0.025 m2. In the same way, it is possible to arrange air exchange in separate furnaces. Difficulties with the supply of fresh air may arise in the basement or basement, it is possible that a special supply fan will be required to meet the specifications.

In boiler rooms located on the first, ground floor or in an annex, window openings with a glazing area of ​​at least 0.03 m2 per each cubic meter of room volume are needed. Requirements for the fire resistance of walls, a separate foundation and entrance doors are also put forward for the attached premises. In addition, the extension cannot be built on the front facade of the building, and during the construction it is necessary to step back from the nearest window or door 1 m horizontally.

It should be noted that the requirements for a gas boiler located in wooden house, are identical to the standards for buildings made of other materials, that is, the rules for constructing boiler rooms are the same for all buildings.

Boiler installation works

When suitable premises project documentation has been selected and completed for it, you can proceed with your own installation of the heat generator in place. To do this, you need a connection diagram for a gas boiler in a private house, which must be present in the project. It shows the installation site, the distance to all enclosing structures and the technical requirements for the work.

Often, the installation of floor gas boilers requires a foundation. In many cases, it is not needed, for example, when a high-quality screed is installed in the room, and the weight of the unit does not exceed 50 kg. If the mass of the equipment is greater than this value, then you will have to prepare the base. To do this, it is necessary to destroy the existing screed, pour a pillow of crushed stone and carefully compact it. Then tie a mesh of reinforcement of a periodic profile with a diameter of 8 to 12 mm, lay it on a finished base and pour concrete.

In order to withstand the installation technology of gas boilers, the dimensions of the foundation in terms of plan should exceed the dimensions of the equipment by 50 mm, and in height it should be made protruding 50-100 mm above the level of the screed. Complete solidification concrete slab will take you at least 2 weeks, this must be taken into account when planning work.

Further, a fireproof gasket made of asbestos or metal is placed on top of the foundation and a heat generator is placed on it, adjusting the legs of the unit in such a way as to maintain a clear horizontal. After that, using the installation diagram of the gas boiler, it is connected to all engineering networks except for the fuel line. This connection, as mentioned above, is carried out by a licensed organization.

To install a wall-mounted gas boiler in a private house, you need not a foundation, but solid foundation in the form of an outer wall that is able to withstand the weight of the unit. First of all, markings are made on it, showing where the heat generator itself will be suspended and where the chimney will come out. Then, using a perforator, a hole is drilled in this place. through hole into which a metal sleeve is inserted.

There are no particular difficulties in hanging a wall-mounted gas boiler. If the action takes place in the kitchen in an apartment or house, it is necessary to take measures to protect the furniture from debris and then proceed to the fastening process. Difficulties can arise when installing heavy units, whose power reaches 120 kW, here you can not do without an assistant.

Note. When the wall-mounted boiler is attached to a wall consisting of combustible material, a special bracket must be made to allow a clearance of 45 mm between the wall surface and the rear panel of the heater. Also, a sheet of non-combustible material should be attached to the wall, which plays the role of a protective screen.

Lastly, the gas boiler is tied and the chimney is installed. Here it is necessary to compactly place taps and other fittings under the body of the heat generator so that everything looks neat and at the same time it is possible to disassemble or change any element. Therefore, when in a house the heating circuit is made of polypropylene pipes, then it is better to use bronze taps and a sump, and plastic pipes connect through threaded adapters. In this regard, the installation of a double-circuit gas boiler is somewhat more difficult, where it will be necessary to lay pipes for hot water supply and correctly connect them to the corresponding pipes.

Chimney Requirements

In essence, the requirements for chimneys of floor and wall-mounted gas boilers are identical, the difference may be in the design of the flue itself. It depends on the device of the heat source:

  • Heat generators with an open combustion chamber take air from the room and emit combustion products through a traditional chimney with natural draft.
  • Units equipped with a closed chamber draw air from the street forcibly, with the help of a fan through a double-walled pipe, which simultaneously serves as a flue (coaxial chimney).

A traditional chimney for a gas boiler is arranged in the thickness of the wall or suspended from the outside of the building. The cross section of the outlet pipe from the unit determines the diameter of the entire chimney, it must be the same size, or better, 20-50 mm larger. horizontal section, connecting the boiler to the chimney, ideally is 1 m long, the maximum allowable length is 2 m.

Below the tie-in, a door is required for cleaning and internal inspection, and the blind end of the vertical pipe is equipped with a condensate drain system. When installing the chimney of a gas boiler, it must be remembered that it is not allowed to cover the outlet of the pipe with umbrellas, deflectors, weather vanes, and so on. In accordance with the regulations, only a constriction nozzle can be supplied.

Unlike traditional exhaust channels for combustion products, it is much easier to install a double-walled chimney for heat generators with a closed chamber. Having done in outer wall a hole of the required diameter and having built a metal sleeve into it, a coaxial chimney is installed, which is a horizontal double-walled pipe of a certain length. The only condition that must be observed is a slight slope towards the exit of smoke. It is done so that the condensate that forms in the air path does not flow into the boiler.


So, doing the installation and piping of the boiler with your own hands is a difficult task, but quite feasible. It will take a lot of time and patience to complete all the documentation, but the installation work itself will take a maximum of 3-4 days, or even less. It is important to prepare well and purchase in advance all the missing elements of the strapping scheme, as well as fasteners.

Autonomous heating, organized with the help of equipment using natural or liquefied gas- the most cost-effective option. Most of the instructions state that only certified companies should install gas equipment. But here they are a little cunning. The equipment is connected only by specialists of gas companies, and installation and installation of equipment can be done on their own, but after obtaining a permit for the operation and installation of gas appliances. Such a permit is usually issued by the local branch of the gas company that serves the region.

Installing the boiler and heating system on your own will significantly reduce costs, and the quality of work is usually higher, because the owner does everything, slowly, for himself. Of course, installing a boiler and installing heating is not an easy technical task, but with strict adherence to the rules and requirements for installing equipment, it is quite within the power of a person who has certain knowledge and experience in performing installation work.

Installation work to create a heating circuit in a house or apartment begins after all approvals are completed and the relevant documents are received. The list of these documents is small, but their execution takes a lot of time.

Before starting the installation of a gas boiler, you must have the following documents:

If, for example, a Thermona gas boiler is purchased, then the following documents must be included in the documentation set:

You should be careful when buying and carefully check the availability of relevant documents. Without them, coordination in Gorgaz can become much more complicated. You can read about how to legally connect individual heating in an apartment.

The project is approved, what to do next?

Most consumers using gas equipment are sure that only certified specialists have the right to install gas equipment. This is one of the deepest delusions. Specialists of gas services are engaged only in wiring and connecting gas pipelines. Therefore, the installation of gas or solid fuel heating boilers, plumbing, connecting the electrical network to the equipment and other installation work do not require special permission.

It is important to know and comply with the requirements of regulatory documents for the arrangement of the boiler room, chimney and boiler room.
If selected self-installation gas boiler creation price heating system will be significantly lower.

Basic requirements for boiler rooms

If it is decided to install a gas boiler on your own, then the requirements for the arrangement of the boiler room must be strictly followed. Failure to comply with them is fraught with a fine and additional costs for the elimination of violations of the rules. If there is no room for a boiler room, then a boiler with a power of less than 60 kW can be installed in any room of the house, but most often heating boilers are installed in the kitchen, which must meet the requirements. The wall, when installing a wall-mounted boiler, must be made of non-combustible material.

The main characteristics and requirements for the room for installing a gas boiler:

The chimney is the most important element of the system

Before starting the installation of heating, it is necessary to install a chimney for a gas boiler, the quality factor of which determines the safe and efficient operation of the equipment.

Modern boilers are equipped with sensors that automatically turn off the gas in case of poor draft in the chimney.

There are certain rules for arranging chimneys that must be observed without fail. Failure to comply with the rules or a malfunction not detected in a timely manner can lead to tragedy.

Regulatory documents define the basic requirements for a chimney:

  • the diameter of the chimney must correspond to the diameter specified in the instructions;
  • to create good traction, the upper end of the chimney is displayed 0.5 meters above the roof;
  • considered best chimneys made of steel pipes;
  • the pipe between the boiler and the chimney must not exceed 25 cm;
  • the number of turns or bends of the chimney is not more than 3.

Installing a floor boiler

There are certain rules for installing a gas boiler, and Gorgaz representatives will be especially picky when installing the boiler on their own. In case of non-compliance with any standards, they can impose a fine and force them to eliminate violations. It should only be remembered that self-assembly floor or installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler with your own hands is not a violation.

Many organizations take advantage of people's poor knowledge of regulations. If they place an order for the installation of a gas boiler, the price of the work can reach half the cost of the equipment. Therefore, if all requirements are met, then Gorgaz employees are required to connect and make the first start-up of the boiler.

The floor gas boiler is most often used for large houses with several floors. Already when buying a boiler, you need to pay attention and choose a boiler with a direction of outlet of the nozzles that exactly matches the project. For example, Thermon gas boilers are available with several options for the location of outlet pipes. Then a solid base is prepared, although it is possible to install the boiler on a sheet of galvanized steel. This sheet should protrude beyond the dimensions by more than 30 centimeters.

It is important, for normal operation, to level the boiler.

After installing the boiler in place, the chimney is connected and checked for draft. To increase the service life of the boiler, it is necessary to provide for the installation of a cleaning filter. It is installed in reverse. Before you install a gas boiler, you need to pressurize. If everything is normal, the boiler and the heating circuit are connected, the system is filled with water, the power supply is connected and an application is made to Gorgaz for connection to the gas main.

Connecting a wall-mounted boiler

If not required high power to heat the house ideal option is the installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler, the standards are basically the same, although there are minor differences. Boilers of this type are installed on the walls of rooms that are suitable according to the standards. The distance between gas appliances is at least 20 cm, and the distance between the wall and the boiler is 30–50 centimeters. It is necessary to bring the water supply, to power the boiler, and the electrical network.

Before installing the boiler, it is advisable to flush running water boiler heat exchanger to remove possible pollution and foreign particles. Mounting strips are located at a height of 0.8 - 1.6 m from the floor. The boiler is connected to the gas pipeline with a metal pipe or a corrugated flexible stainless steel hose. Such adapters are specially designed for connecting gas equipment.

One of the most popular heating boilers is the Thermona gas boiler, which is produced by the Czech company Thermona. The company produces floor, wall, condensing and electric boilers various series and models. The range of products is extremely large. The catalog contains gas and electric, solid fuel and condensing boilers.

Features of installing boilers in apartment buildings

To create an autonomous heating system, it is necessary to install a gas boiler in an apartment building; the requirements for it are almost the same. For autonomous systems apartment buildings turbocharged boilers with a closed combustion chamber are selected. References to SNiP, which prohibits the installation of boiler houses in multi-storey buildings, do not stand up to scrutiny.

SNiP was developed in the last century. If the relevant technical requirements for the installation of modern gas equipment are met, boilers for autonomous heating can be installed. After all, modern isolated combustion chambers of boilers provide safety and comfort in the home.

If permission has been obtained to create an autonomous heating system in an apartment building, then the most rational decision there will be installation of a double-circuit gas boiler in the apartment to ensure hot water. The apartment was connected to central heating, which means that when installing a separate heating, you will need to disconnect from it and mount a closed autonomous system. This means that it will be necessary to install heating radiators, connect them with pipelines, which are connected to the installed boiler.

Before connecting the circuit to the boiler, it is necessary, and without fail, to produce or fluid pressure. For new system The pressure must be 2 times the working pressure. In principle, the connection of a gas boiler to the heating system does not matter, the scheme is carried out after testing, but only licensed gas service employees can connect to the gas main and start the boiler.

The first time, after starting autonomous heating, you need to follow up and make sure that the boiler and its automation are working correctly.
When the set coolant temperature is reached, the boiler should automatically turn off. If this did not happen, then asking why the gas boiler does not turn off does not make sense. A serious malfunction has occurred. Either the control unit is out of order, or the sensor is faulty. In this case, you need to call specialists who have the right to repair gas boilers.

The most demanded energy carrier for individual heating is a gas: when burned, enough heat is released for efficient operation of the system and it is relatively cheap. There are two options for installing a boiler operating on this fuel: floor and wall. The latter is more common, because it is suitable for gas appliances with a power of up to 42 kW (enough for heating 450 m2), but if required great performance- they are mounted on the floor. Benefits wall mounting are: price, compactness, ergonomics, no need for a separate room. The work is entrusted to specialists or the installation of the boiler is carried out with their own hands, subject to the fulfillment of certain building codes and the mandatory subsequent registration of gas equipment.

The housing contains: gas burner, heat exchanger, expansion tank, circulation pump and control system. This scheme allows the device to work with maximum efficiency without the purchase and installation of additional parts. When choosing a wall-mounted gas boiler, its future functions and performance (1 kW per 10 m2 of heated area) are taken into account. If it will be used only for heating, then a single-circuit model is sufficient; if there is a need for hot water supply, one should stop at a double-circuit one.

Another difference concerns the method of installing the chimney (for the exit of combustion products) - there are wall-mounted boilers with a closed or open firebox. In the first case, flue gases are forced out, in the second - due to natural draft. Depending on choice desired option the technology for mounting the outlet pipes is radically different. For boilers with a closed combustion chamber, a coaxial chimney is included in the scheme: plastic cylinders inserted into each other; oxygen for combustion enters through one of them. The organization of natural draft implies the installation of a chimney, taking into account all the rules (height - at least 1 m from the outlet, diameter - from 15 mm, mandatory insulation), such work is difficult to carry out independently without proper skills.

Requirements for the premises and installation conditions

When choosing the location of a wall-mounted gas boiler, they are guided by the following recommendations:

  • A prepared channel for the removal of combustion products is installed away from window or door openings.
  • Minimum room volume - from 7.5 to 15 m3, depending on the boiler power, ceiling height - 2 m, door width - 80 cm, distance to the adjacent wall - 10, to the floor - 80, to the ceiling - 50, to other objects - 20 cm.
  • The presence of natural light (at least 0.03 m2 of window surface per 1 m3 of space).
  • Installation of a gas analyzer in rooms where people are constantly present.
  • Free access to gas equipment.
  • Mounting area: 8 cm2 per 1 kW of boiler power.
  • Fire resistance of walls - from 0.75 hours.
  • Room temperature - from +5 to 35 °C, humidity - not higher than 80%.
  • For safe combustion of gases, an influx of fresh air of at least 30 m3 / h is required, and it must come not only from the street, but also from other rooms of the house (that is, the furnace cannot be completely isolated, a gap or other ventilation must be left in the upper zone).

It is not recommended to install a wall-mounted boiler in the bathroom, and double-circuit models are prohibited in the kitchen. According to the instructions of the manufacturers and SNiP II-35-76 "Boiler installations" - gas heating devices with a power of over 150 kW are mounted exclusively on the first or basement floor, but they cannot be installed in the basement of apartment buildings. If the walls of the room are made of flammable material, then a non-combustible gasket with a thickness of at least 3 mm is placed between them and the boiler. The surface for future fasteners must be flat, reliable and durable.

Basic installation steps

Installation technology implies the following sequence:

  • Preparatory work.
  • Placement of fixtures and direct installation of the boiler.
  • Connection to the water supply, gas and electricity networks (in that order).
  • Chimney connection.
  • Filling the system with water, checking, test run.

Preparing for installation

First of all, a gasification project is approved and implemented: gas is supplied, a ball valve, a meter and a trap are installed (it is strictly forbidden to do these works yourself, only certified specialists have access). For power supply, a separate wiring is laid with the obligatory inclusion of a voltage stabilizer in the circuit to protect the automation, it is also envisaged to provide the wall-mounted boiler with grounding. The presence of all the required components is checked, the instructions are studied again. Before the start, the gas boiler, pipeline and radiators are flushed from debris and foreign particles. These actions are relevant both when commissioning a new system and when replacing a heating device.

Fixing and connecting the boiler

The kit includes a special bracket and clamps, you need to take into account that the latter are not always suitable for the material of the walls, sometimes they are purchased separately. The choice of these parts is extremely important when installing a wall-mounted gas boiler, they must withstand a load in excess of the weight of the entire equipment. Fasteners are placed parallel to the floor, as evenly as possible, otherwise the automation will fail. The boiler is hung on the wall, the level is checked, and only if there are no distortions is it connected to the heating main. It is planned to dismantle the unit and drain the coolant using appropriate shut-off valves.

Connecting communications and chimney

Wall-mounted gas double-circuit boilers are connected directly to the water supply; to protect against debris, a corner strainer is mounted in the return of the heating circuit. Before connecting to the nozzles, all plugs must be removed. Water is tested for hardness, if it exceeds 2.5 mmol / l, a device is required to soften it. It is easier with gas: outside specialists carry out all the work, the task of the owner is to provide free access to the equipment. The design uses a three-core wire with a plug; when connecting, it is important not to confuse the phase and zero, otherwise nothing will work.

The chimney is discharged above the roof ridge; for wall-mounted gas boilers, the usual cylindrical shape is recommended, the material is metal, stainless steel is best. The scheme is as simple as possible: no more than three knees or turns, a hatch for cleaning soot is provided in front of the entrance. The shorter the connecting pipe, the better, the ideal length is up to 25 cm. When natural draft is organized, it goes up with a slight slope towards the boiler.

Filling with heating medium and checking

The wall-mounted gas boiler is disconnected from the mains, then the lower valve opens and the system is slowly filled with water, after reaching 0.8–1.2 bar it closes. Air locks are unacceptable, the excess is removed through the vents on the radiators. The tightness and the possibility of fuel leakage are checked and then everything is connected to the power supply again. It is forbidden to carry out the first launch on your own, as well as when supplying gas, admission is allowed only if you have the appropriate certificate. When pre-switched on, the elements of the wall-mounted boiler are checked for maximum loads.

Installation service cost

The process is quite laborious and expensive, installation is cheaper to do it yourself. The services of specialists in installing a wall-mounted double-circuit gas boiler are estimated at an average of 12,000 rubles, a single-circuit one - 2,000 less. The price usually includes work on the placement of fixtures, connection to the gas main, heating and water supply system, chimney, inspection and start-up. Many firms offer their assistance in obtaining permits, but you need to clarify whether this is part of the estimate or paid separately.

How to install a wall-mounted gas boiler ()? Usually hanging is carried out on a mounting plate. The plank is attached to the wall at the calculated height, over a non-combustible lining with a thickness of about three millimeters. Leave at least 20 centimeters to other equipment located in the same room.

Usually, for wall models, the connection to the circuits is lower. The installation of the strapping is done immediately after the installation of the wall-mounted boiler. The connection to the gas main is carried out by a specialist. In this area, you can only use metal pipes (not propylene, not rubber), as well as paronite gaskets. The connection is rigid.

To install a gas wall-mounted boiler with your own hands, you will need materials:

  • pipes (optimally - metal-plastic);
  • fastener elements;
  • building level;
  • non-combustible sheet for laying on the wall;
  • tools - screwdrivers, drill, wrenches;
  • metal strips for hanging the boiler;
  • threaded couplings;
  • tow, glue.

The area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room for installation is at least 4 squares, the ceiling is at least 2 meters, an opening window is required. The width of the door is not less than 80 centimeters. A pallet is formed from metal strips, a sheet of metal is installed on it. The width is slightly larger than the base of the boiler.

The side strips are attached to the pallet, fixed to the wall according to preliminary markings. Control the verticality and horizontality of the mounting system with a level. Drill holes for fixing the boiler, hang the stand and the boiler itself.

The next step is connecting to the water supply. Shut off the water, connect the boiler with a threaded coupling to the pipeline, seal the connection with tow or a special cord. Start connecting from the end. The supply is connected from above, the return - from below. Next - connecting the boiler to the chimney and to the gas supply.

A few things to keep in mind when installing:

  • debris must not get into the fan compartment (if any);
  • the chimney pipe should not come into contact with the wall (indentation - two centimeters), height - at least two meters from the floor;
  • the horizontal section of the chimney is mounted with a slight slope for the free flow of condensate, a condensate trap is placed under the connection;
  • for volatile automation, you need to allocate your own wiring line.

Video about installing a gas boiler.

Existing norms and rules require that the installation of a gas boiler, like any other gas equipment, be carried out by certified specialists from enterprises that have a special license for such activities. But the prices for their services are so high that they sometimes amount to almost half of the cost of the device. In the meantime, a certificate is needed not for installation, but only for work carried out on the gas pipeline itself. Doing it yourself is perfectly acceptable. Moreover, connecting electricity (if your device is volatile) and coolant, plumbing and other work do not require specialized skills and knowledge.

But it must be remembered that special and rather strict requirements are imposed on the premises in which the installation of gas boilers is carried out by the inspection bodies.

Failure to comply with such regulations and norms can lead not only to substantial fines. If you edit with errors, then the result may be an accident, the victims of which will be people. Gas is an extremely explosive and flammable substance. Therefore, it is necessary to behave with him extremely carefully, observing all safety standards.

Requirements for the room for the installation of equipment

All requirements are spelled out in special regulatory documents, which you must familiarize yourself with before proceeding with the installation of equipment. The basic rules for installing gas boilers regulate the following points:

  1. In any room of the house, with the exception of a bathroom, residential and bathrooms, a single-circuit boiler can be installed if its power does not exceed 60 kW.
  2. In kitchens, the installation of two-circuit equipment is prohibited. But even when installing a single-circuit device, the standards for the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room change. The volume of the kitchen should be calculated based on 0.2 m³ per 1 kW of boiler power.
  3. If the power of the wall-mounted gas boiler does not exceed 150 kW, it can be mounted on any floor of the building. If it is necessary to connect several devices, whose total power is in the range from 150 kW to 350 kW, or one device of the same power, only rooms on the ground or basement floor of a residential building are allocated for the boiler room.
  4. The boiler room must be provided with free and comfortable access for personnel servicing gas boilers and auxiliary equipment. For unauthorized persons, access should be limited.
  5. The norms and rules for the installation of gas equipment prescribe the presence of a source of natural light in the room. The window area should be calculated based on the fact that 0.03 m² of the window opening area should fall on 1 m³ of the boiler room volume;
  6. The room must be ventilated. Moreover, the ventilation grill should be located at the bottom. front door or in a wall partition that separates the boiler room from the next room. The width of the ventilation duct is calculated based on the fact that for 1 kW of gas boiler power there should be 8 cm² of the area of ​​​​the ventilation grill;
  7. Before installing wall-mounted gas boilers, the room must be equipped with a gas analyzer and a valve that will automatically shut off the valve supply in the event of an accident or leakage;
  8. The premises in which the installation of gas boilers is carried out must comply with the following characteristics:
  • ceiling height cannot be less than 2.5 m;
  • the total volume of the room should not be less than 15 m³;
  • the width of the front door must be at least 80 cm;
  • the fire resistance of walls and their coatings must be at least 0.75 hours.

When installing the boiler, all these requirements must be strictly observed.

Installation of a chimney for heating equipment

One of the most important elements safe work wall-mounted gas boilers is a chimney. Its incorrect installation or a malfunction not noticed in time has led to tragedy more than once. But the vast majority of modern heating systems are equipped with automation, which shuts off the gas supply as soon as the draft force in the chimney weakens.

Connecting gas boilers to chimneys also has its own safety rules. In order to avoid possible problems and troubles, it is wiser to entrust this work to professionals.

Basic requirements for a chimney device:

  1. The diameter of the chimney exhaust pipe cannot be less than that specified in the equipment manual.
  2. The cross section of the chimney must not be smaller than the cross section of the flue outlet of wall-mounted boilers.
  3. The outlet of the chimney must rise above the roof ridge by at least 0.5 m.
  4. For the installation of gas boilers, chimneys with cylindrical shape. It is best if the pipe is made of black or of stainless steel, and has a specially provided opening for cleaning;
  5. Modern rules for installing gas equipment prohibit more than three turns and bends in the chimney pipe, and the shoulder connecting the chimney to the main equipment should not exceed 25 cm in length.

When choosing and purchasing the necessary components, you need to remember these requirements.

Features of installing wall equipment

Before proceeding with the installation of the boiler with your own hands, you need to obtain a number of approvals and permits.

First of all, it is necessary to draw up and sign an agreement on the supply of natural gas to the building. Next, you need to get a project for gasification of housing construction and installation of the necessary equipment. All these documents must be drawn up and approved by the specialists of the gas supply company.

When choosing a gas boiler, you need to check the complete set of the device, including the necessary fasteners. It is wiser to give preference to those devices that are equipped with everything necessary for installation, so that you do not have to buy the missing parts later.

When purchasing heating equipment, be sure to make sure that it has a certificate. Otherwise, serious complications may arise when you register the boiler. Carefully compare not only the characteristics of the device. Everything described in accompanying documents, must also be indicated on the inside of the appliance door. The serial numbers of wall-mounted boilers must match the numbers written in their warranty cards.

Inspect the equipment again upon delivery. If you notice defects on it, then it is wiser to refuse to accept such a device.

Self-installation of wall equipment

Proper installation of the wall gas device requires pre-training. Walls for placing wall-mounted boilers must be made of non-combustible materials, such as concrete or brick. If the floors in the house are wooden, then it is necessary to mount a heat-resistant pillow from a special coating. The thickness of such insulation cannot be less than 3 mm, while the equipment itself must be mounted on external brackets so that the distance between the boiler and the wall is at least 4.5 cm.

To install the boiler you will need the following materials and tools:

  • adjustable gas and wrenches;
  • screwdrivers (cross and flat);
  • pliers;
  • perforator and a set of drills for it (depending on the material of the walls);
  • FUM tape;
  • gas lubricant.

Before starting installation work, it is necessary to thoroughly rinse all internal channels and tubes of the equipment. To do this, remove the transport plugs and pass water through the device under slight pressure. The fact is that during the assembly of the gas boiler, dust and small debris could get into it, which are best removed before proceeding with the installation.

To fix the gas boiler on the wall, special mounting strips are usually used, which are mounted at a height of 80-160 cm from the floor. The equipment itself is already hung on them. Be sure to check the correct location of the boiler using the building level. Skews can lead to incorrect operation of the device.

Remember that the heater must be installed at a distance of at least 20 cm from any electrical appliances and other gas appliances. There must be no open flame source, radiators, flammable products or materials in its immediate vicinity. Neglecting safety rules can lead to disastrous consequences.

Installation of wall equipment

In order to prevent the heat exchanger of the gas boiler from becoming clogged, a filter must be installed on its pipe. All equipment needs regular cleaning. The most convenient is a system that does not require draining water. Therefore, on both sides of the filter is installed shut-off valves, allowing you to service the boiler without any problems.

Next, you need to assemble and connect the chimney to the boiler. Be sure to check for traction, even if such a step is not provided for by the instructions. This does not need to be done if your device belongs to modern chimneyless boilers. In them, combustion products are removed small fan. Such forced ventilation does not require draft, but you need to check the operation of the fan itself.

On last step a gas pipeline is connected to the boiler. To carry out these works, it is necessary to resort to the help of specialists from a service or gas supply company. The fact is that existing rules they allow gas to be supplied to the device only with the help of a special metal pipe through a characteristic overhang (the so-called American). It is better not to perform such installation on your own.

Installation of outdoor equipment

It has its own characteristics, but there should not be any serious problems with their installation. The main difficulty lies in the fact that such equipment, as a rule, is not only more powerful than wall-mounted counterparts, but also has significant weight.

A solid base is mounted under the floor boiler, as it has a significant weight. At the same time, it is not necessary to pour a concrete screed. Just enough galvanized iron. The sheet should be slightly wider than the base of the boiler. The largest margin is left on the front side - at least 30 cm.

When the boiler is completely ready for further operation, it is connected to the power supply network. If the device is non-volatile, then it must be equipped with an automatic system that prevents overheating.

It must be remembered that only gas service specialists have the right to start gas supply to the system. They are obliged to check the quality of the installation of the equipment and its compliance with existing rules and regulations. Only after signing the system acceptance certificate can the gas valve be opened.

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It is not uncommon that many private houses do not have centralized heating and water supply. For this reason, the owners themselves have to resolve such issues. Wall-mounted gas boilers can come to the rescue. How to correctly install a wall-mounted gas boiler with your own hands? How much does it cost to install a gas boiler?

Today they are presented on the market in a huge number and variety of brands. With their choice of problems should not arise. However, it is worth deciding how to mount the boiler - on your own Or with the help of qualified professionals? The latter option is not bad, but you have to spend extra money as payment to employees.

The room in which the boiler will be located must have a window for ventilation. The door to the room should open outwards. The room must have an area of ​​​​more than four square meters. The ceiling should be at a mark of two meters or more. As for the doorway, its width must be at least 800 millimeters. A prerequisite for a boiler room is the presence of a working ventilation duct. Often wall-mounted boilers are located in utility rooms, kitchens or pantries.

Another important condition is pasting the wall where the unit will hang with non-combustible materials. This action will eliminate the possibility of a fire, which can be caused by sparks on combustible materials. Modern non-combustible products will harmoniously fit into the design of the room without spoiling the interior.

When buying a boiler, you need to get an official certificate, because in the absence of this documentation, registration of heating equipment will become almost impossible. Also, the certificate will allow you to connect the equipment to the gas supply system.

Even when choosing a place for the unit, you need to consider installing an exhaust hood for a gas boiler. Old chimneys can be used, and if they are not available, new chimney pipes will need to be installed. Most often, the exhaust system for combustion products comes with the boiler itself.

Compliance with such rules for installing a gas boiler is vital.

Some tips for installing boilers

One of the most important steps in the installation of gas heating boilers is their connection to the gas supply system. In order for the regulatory authorities to give permission for it, it is necessary to carry out the installation and installation of the gas boiler strictly in accordance with the recommendations and requirements that the technical passport has. Otherwise, you will have to redo something, if not everything.

When installing the gas boiler "Navien » , as well as the installation of the Immergaz gas boiler, it is important to check whether its power corresponds to the power of the entire heating system. When connecting the boiler to an old heating system, it is imperative to clean and flush all pipes, which will eliminate the possibility of clogging in the near future.

In advance, it is necessary to think over the entire installation scheme of a wall-mounted gas boiler. It should provide for water treatment to supply the system. The inlet to the unit must be equipped with a cleaning and metal-catching magnetic filter.

One of the worst enemies of a gas boiler, and of the entire heating system, is corrosion. Therefore, in order to avoid its occurrence, it is better to start installing a closed circuit, which will prevent air from freely entering the system.

Installation rules

  1. The wall-mounted gas boiler must be attached to a load-bearing or main wall.
  2. During the installation of the Ariston gas boiler, you need to ensure that the hood and chimney are proportionate.
  3. The unit must be easily accessible so that timely maintenance can be carried out and the replacement of parts freely in case of breakage.
  4. If the boiler is installed inside the cabinet, it is necessary to provide a five-centimeter indent from the cabinet partition above the equipment. This free space will make the nodes in the upper part accessible, so that any maintenance work will become possible.

Do-it-yourself installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler - video

Boiler installation technology

Before directly installing gas equipment, you need to deal with the chimney hole.

It will be much more convenient to install if you use a special cardboard template. With its help, marks are easily and effortlessly made for all fasteners and the chimney. When the place for the boiler is finally chosen, the template should be attached to the wall. It must have points of fastening lines and places where the wires will connect. These important marks should be transferred to the wall with a marker or colored pencil. The template can then be removed.

The next step is to drill holes for the dowels. To do this, choose a drill that has the desired diameter. Each dowel must be selected according to the material and thickness of the wall. After the holes are ready, metal corners are attached to the wall.

Then you need to remove top cover unit. Now you can safely hook the equipment to hanging corners on the wall. Before installing the brackets, make sure that all chimney fittings are the right size exactly according to the instructions, otherwise there will be problems later. The bracket to which the gas boiler is attached must itself be very securely fixed to the wall. This is the most important point.

It is important to remember that, depending on the type of wall, there are various ways mounts. There are different types of mounting installations, each of which is designed to install a certain type of unit and type of load.

During installation, it is important to ensure that debris does not get inside the fan. The branch pipe, through which combustion products will be removed, must recede from the wall surface by at least two centimeters.

Boiler mounting tools

Before installing the wall-mounted unit, you should acquire in advance:

  • screwdrivers,
  • fasteners,
  • glue,
  • tow,
  • wrenches,
  • drill,
  • gloves
  • threaded socket,
  • non-combustible finishing material.

First you need to turn off the water supply using the valve. After that, you can connect the boiler and the pipeline using a threaded coupling. To achieve the most dense fixation, it is imperative to use tow. Connect the unit first from the end side. Innings hot water connects to the top pipe of the unit, and the return to the bottom pipe.

The junction box of the unit must be connected to the power supply cable, and a safety contact outlet must be provided from the switch.

Thanks to the cable, power is supplied to a powerful boiler, and therefore each fuse must not exceed three Amperes in power, or the fuse must have a rating less than the current rating required for the boiler to be used efficiently. At the end of this type of work, you need to connect the gas equipment to a reliable ground.

As you can see, installing a gas boiler on your own is quite feasible in the shortest possible time without extra costs time, effort and resources. Do-it-yourself installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler on the video can be studied in more detail. For example, the most frequent questions were regarding the installation of the Danko gas boiler, which is gaining popularity.

The cost of installing a gas boiler is much lower than the price of calling specialists. In addition, the work is carried out quickly, and the skills gained during installation will still be useful in the future.

A gas boiler is a universal device for heating a liquid used as a heat carrier in autonomous systems heating an apartment or a private house. Since explosive gas is used to operate the boiler, its connection must ensure maximum safety for the residents of the house. Therefore, the installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler and all work on its connection to the heating and gas mains must be carried out in strict accordance with building codes and regulations.

Can I install the boiler myself?

Activities for the installation of a gas heating system always begin with the development of a project that is agreed with representatives of local supervisory services. The project indicates all the necessary parameters of the boiler, determines the place of its installation and describes the scheme of operation of the entire system.

Only after the approval of the project, a certain part of the installation work can be carried out independently.

However, it must be borne in mind that not all manufacturers allow independent installation of their boilers:

  • Firms Ariston, Bosch, Viessmann and some others oblige buyers to carry out installation only by certified installers;
  • More loyal suppliers, such as Electrolux, BAXI, Ferroli, do not prohibit unauthorized installation of a wall-mounted boiler, but they still require the involvement of specialists with permission to connect electrical and gas equipment.

Thus, if you plan to mount the boiler yourself, make sure that this is allowed by the manufacturer before buying it.

Requirements for the installation site of the boiler

It is better to install a mounted boiler in a separate room, which is called a furnace or boiler room. The requirements for such a room depend on the type of boiler being installed, or rather, on the type of its combustion chamber.

Open combustion chamber

The scheme of operation of such a device is identical to a conventional stove, which takes air from the room and removes exhaust gases through the chimney using natural draft. Such boilers require a certain amount of air in the room, otherwise the gas will not burn completely, forming toxic substances that are hazardous to health. In addition, when installing a wall-mounted boiler, it is necessary to provide a window to the street with an area of ​​at least 0.5 square meters. m., as well as a place for maintenance. The walls of the room must be treated with fire-resistant materials.

The volume of the boiler room depends on the total capacity of the connected heating devices: 8 cubic meters. m. with a boiler power of up to 30 kW, 13-14 cubic meters. m. for 30–60 kW and 15 or more cubic meters. m. for capacities up to 200 kW.

Closed combustion chamber

These boilers come with a special coaxial chimney. It is a double pipe, the outer part of which serves to take air from the street, and the inner part to remove combustion products. The installation of such systems requires a mandatory connection to the electrical network to power the fan, which circulates air through a closed chimney.

Boilers with a closed combustion chamber are more environmentally friendly and safe, so they can be located directly in the living area (kitchen, bathroom, pantry, etc.). The requirements for the parameters of the chimney in this case are not standardized, since the removal of gas waste is fully monitored by automation.

In urban apartments it is allowed to install only heating boilers with a closed combustion chamber.

The process of installing a wall-mounted boiler

Installation and connection of a wall-mounted boiler is an important and critical part of the implementation of the entire heating system. The order and specifics of work depends on the type of combustion chamber and the number of circuits used (only heating or heating plus water supply).

Since the use of single-circuit boilers with a closed chamber is now more common, the entire installation process will be described specifically for such a modification. Where necessary, notes will be made about the features of the installation of a particular type of gas boiler.

wall mount

The gas mounted boiler must be mounted on a special bracket, which is necessarily included in the delivery. For the correct installation of the bracket, the fasteners that lie inside the box are not always suitable. They may have to be selected separately, taking into account the material of the wall on which the boiler is supposed to be hung.

In case of difficulty, it is better to contact specialists in any construction market. The wall bracket must support the weight of the boiler and all attachments and ensure it is even, without distortions, position.

Parts of the walls located directly behind the heating unit must be protected with non-combustible material. The height of the suspension of the lower part of the gas boiler is at least 800 mm, the distance from the wall to the rear surface of the boiler is 5 cm.

Connection of main heating pipes

The number of pipes that need to be connected to the boiler depends on the type of heating system (one-pipe or two-pipe). In any case, before making connections, it is necessary to remove the protective plugs from the boiler nozzles.

Particular attention must be paid to the quality of water, especially its hardness. If this parameter does not meet the manufacturer's requirements, it is advisable to use special cleaning equipment, such as polyphosphate dispensers. Otherwise, the wall-mounted boiler can quickly fail.

Gas connection

The connection of the heating boiler to the gas pipeline must only be carried out by an authorized specialist. In the process of work, you will need to install:

  • Ball gas valve. It is placed directly at the entrance to the wall-mounted boiler;
  • Gas meter and leakage sensor. They cut into the line to the boiler and serve to account for gas consumption and ensure safety;
  • Thermal shut-off valve. Its presence is prescribed by the rules fire safety. When the temperature near the wall-mounted boiler rises to a certain value (for example, in case of fire), this valve automatically shuts off the gas supply.

Electrical connection

These works are not necessary for all boilers. For atmospheric units with an open chamber, the presence of electricity is not necessary. Boilers with closed chambers have a fan for removing gas waste and an automation system to which power must be connected. Usually a three-wire switching circuit (with grounding) is used.

It is highly desirable to connect the mounted boiler to the mains through a voltage stabilizer. This will help to avoid sudden power surges and extend the life of expensive gas equipment.

Conclusion to the chimney pipe

For atmospheric gas boilers, a prerequisite is the connection to an individual chimney. The wall-mounted boiler is connected to the chimney using iron pipe required section, resistant to high temperatures, the effects of combustion products and mechanical wear.

Before making connections, it is advisable to make sure that the chimney is not clogged with installation debris and soot residues. To install the pipe section from the boiler to the chimney, the following rules must be observed:

  • The vertical section at the outlet of the gas boiler must have a length of at least two diameters before turning;
  • Further, the pipe is tilted towards the boiler;
  • The chimney connection must be as short as possible.

For boilers with a closed chamber, the removal of combustion products is much easier. Such boilers can be connected to collective chimneys or use coaxial pipegoing outside through the wall. If you are installing a wall-mounted boiler with a closed chamber, then there is no need to monitor the height of the gas pipe: the built-in fan will create the necessary draft in it.

Filling the system with water

Before carrying out a test run, the heating system must be filled with water. To do this, open the valve, which is usually located at the bottom of the mounted boiler. Water must be pumped in until a pressure of about 2 atmospheres is reached.

It is desirable to carry out this process as slowly as possible in order to ensure the removal of the air present inside.

At the same time, the entire heating system circuit must be checked for leaks.

First start

For the first start-up of a wall-mounted boiler, it is necessary to invite a certified specialist. As a rule, trained employees are in most companies selling boilers and equipment for heating systems. He will perform all the settings and check the operating modes of the system.

During the commissioning process, it is better to ask him all the available questions on the management and features of the use of heating system devices. If everything works fine, you can sign the act of commissioning and enjoy the warmth and comfort in the house.

To summarize: the installation of a wall-mounted gas boiler is a rather complicated and painstaking engineering operation that requires experience in construction, installation and plumbing work and the mandatory presence of specialists at some of its stages. However, by performing independently those stages that the technical process allows, you can not only save a lot on the services of the installation team, but also get a feeling of deep satisfaction from a well-done serious work.